In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reviews the current three-pronged strategy of Putin & Russia to US-NATO in Ukraine and poses various possibilities on how this all ends.
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- Dr.SHIVA discusses the reality of what’s going on in Ukraine, starting with a historical analysis from the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.
- Vladimir Putin views the expansion of NATO as an existential threat to Russia.
- In 2014, the Obama Administration orchestrated a coup to depose the Russian-friendly Ukrainian government and installed a pro-NATO puppet government, sparking a civil war with ethnic Russians in the eastern part of the country.
- US Oil Companies attempted to set up operations in the eastern parts of the country that were taken from pro-Russian rebels. Putin’s invasions beat them to the punch.
- Putin has threatened to use tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield to defend the regions that Russia has annexed from Eastern Ukraine.
- Russia has mobilized hundreds of thousands of conscripts to defend the newly acquired territory.
Dr.SHIVA discusses the reality of what’s going on in Ukraine, starting with a historical analysis from the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.
NATO, which was created after World War II to really be a Western Force Alliance against the Soviet Union. It was created by the Western powers to contain Russia. Move forward about 50 years later, early 1990s, when the Soviet Union broke up, there was a decision made in agreement.
A part of that breakup or agreement between Gorbachev and Bush, was that NATO would not move one inch to the east of Germany. One could call it a sort of reassurance of “peaceful coexistence” between the former Soviet Union and US/NATO.
However, the United States, very strategically, started surrounding Russia with more and more NATO countries. So the most important thing that took place recently in the past 12 months was the Ukrainian War took place as a result of Ukraine, also thinking of going into NATO.
Vladimir Putin views the expansion of NATO as an existential threat to Russia.
The response of Vladimir Putin has sort of a very large cultural view of all of this, and is probably more well read than some of the more recent Russian or US Presidents. His view is that this expansion is truly an incursion on Russia. The way he sees Ukraine, Ukraine is sort of historically, in his view, a part of Russia.
Hypothetically, looking at it from a different perspective, imagine the position the US would be in if Mexico decided it was going to take back Texas. Or if Texas decided to no longer be a part of the United States, both of these scenarios would have serious issues for the US.
In 2014, the Obama Administration orchestrated a coup to depose the Russian-friendly Ukrainian government and installed a pro-NATO puppet government, sparking a civil war with ethnic Russians in the eastern part of the country.
in 2013, and 14, the Obama Administration’s importance for the United States monopoly dominion over US and oil. The gas dependency of Europe needs to be from the US. Russia was making Europe dependent on its oil and gas, and this was seen as a threat by the US/NATO.
In 2014, it was the US in the Department of State that executed a Coup in Ukraine. There is a pro Russian President and the United States installed, one of its own Presidents, but was an actual Coup.
The person that was put in place was an ultra right conservative, and who was very pro-Nazi, Neo Nazi. This really pissed off the people in the Eastern part of Ukraine, in the four provinces of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya.
Those four regions were upset, because the people in those regions, fathers and grandfathers had fought the Nazis. The United States has installed that Neo Nazi regime and Ukraine that resulted in the current conflict over the last eight years, and culminating in where we are today.
US Oil Companies attempted to set up operations in the eastern parts of the country that were taken from pro-Russian rebels. Putin’s invasions beat them to the punch.
Now, what’s also important to understand is that the US and NATO are really one, you know, NATO really is the United States. And for a long period in history, when you look back, and you recognize that it was the Russian people, just factually, who were the ones who stopped Hitler.
It was the Russian people who lost most lives in World War II. It was the Russian people who really should be congratulated for winning World War II. It’s a fact. And so when you have Neo Nazis on the doorsteps of Russia, you can imagine what this would do to Russian sentiment, and, and I think everyone in the world should become very sensitive to this.
So, what is Putin and Russia’s response, as the title of today’s talks is: What is the actual response? What are the three prongs? Well, first of all, if the United States and the UN had really pushed the Minsk two agreement, we wouldn’t have never entered this war.
And many experts on this, for years have been saying this agreement basically said, look, let’s take Ukraine, the ethnic Russians in that region in those four provinces, and let’s just make it a state like California.
Give those people their own state, it’s still part of Ukraine, they still feel like they have some autonomy. And Russia would not go into those areas. And Russia was actually willing to sign the Minsk II Agreement. But the United States nor the UN really pushed it.
And, and you have to understand why. Because when you look at those US oil and gas interests, a lot of those oil fields, and those are in that Eastern Province, the US oil and gas interests really don’t want to give those provinces real autonomy, they want to still use Ukraine as a proxy to dominate in those areas.
And in fact, that’s what they did. In 2014, Exxon and Mobil tried to set up fields in Crimea, Shell in Donetsk, and in fact, Chevron in Ukraine, and all of those failed because Putin was able to see what was going on.
Putin has threatened to use tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield to defend the regions that Russia has annexed from Eastern Ukraine.
What are the three prongs? Even the Western media tries to say this, it was the people in those regions, had a vote recently on September 27, which ended 2022. And the Russians in those regions, or the Ukrainian Russians, however we want to do in those regions decided they wanted to become their own Republic.
And after they became their own Republic, before Russia formally accepted them into Russia. Those four regions are from the Russian standpoint, Russian Territory.
That’s the first response that Putin and Russia did accept those four regions, which were under attack for the last eight years into Russia. First prong of Putin’s response, Russia’s response.
The second response was that Putin made it very, very clear in his speech, I believe it on September 28, or 27, where he said that this is not a bluff, that if any incursion takes place into those four regions, he will use nuclear weapons.
And this is a serious threat. And he said, This is not a threat. And this is not a bluff, he said. Okay, so there’s a threat, but it’s not a bluff. So that’s a second part of Putin’s response.
First was accepting those four regions to become part of Russia, and saying we will protect them. And the second part of that response was the threat of nuclear weapons to Western Imperialism.
Russia has mobilized hundreds of thousands of conscripts to defend the newly acquired territory.
The third part was Putin went and brought up civilian Russians 200,000 reserves to join the Russian army. And the goal of that response is to make a massive conventional push to protect those four regions, and likely into Kyiv, the capital. So those are the three responses.
Again, let me review first: bringing those four regions into Russia, formerly, that’s done. Second response was saying, if you screw with us in those regions, to the US and NATO, we will, we will use tactical nuclear weapons.
And the third is beefing up the conventional force in Ukraine, from you know, a small military operation out of 200,000 Reservists. And the thesis is that you essentially overwhelm the Ukrainian Army backed by US and NATO, and you take over Kyiv of the capital, and you protect those three regions. So those are the responses that Putin has made.
Now, what is this? The second part of the talk here was, what does this mean, to all of us? Where does this all end? Well, it can end in a couple of different ways, and everyone should think about this.
Putin has, I in my opinion, Putin is a little bit different than Kim Jong Un, who just makes nuclear threats all day. And obviously, a nuclear threat is a powerful weapon to have a threat in and of itself.
But one possibility is that Newton’s conventional forces are 300,000. Do not succeed in, in Ukraine. So they’re not able to succeed, he has problems with his own forces. And then at that point, Putin is backed into a corner, and he may use nuclear weapons.
The other possibility that people have talked about is within Russia, there could be an overthrow of Putin, that could also take place, right. And we’ve seen that occur in other countries.
So one is, Putin feels he’s pushed to a wall, he does unleash nuclear weapons. Because these conventional forces are not able to achieve their objectives in terms of protecting those Eastern provinces, as well as taking over Kyiv and then you have a nuclear response.
The other opportunity or possibility is that perhaps the elites within Russia, do not support Putin. And they see this as not worth it. And there are some internal Coup supported by CIA and MI6, NATO people within Russia. So that’s a second way this ends, and you have Russia being taken over from within some people favorable to US and NATO, it’s a possibility.
The third, some people have talked about is that there may be and this is out there that US-NATO, Ukraine may do some dirty bomb. A dirty bomb is essentially an you know, conventional explosive device with that spreads radiation.
And it’s a False Flag that’s then used to point the fingers at Russia, that they did it and then US-NATO, Ukraine, preemptively launch a nuclear attack into Russia. There could be other possibilities.
But let’s not forget, there’s only one country in the world that ever dropped. Not one, but two nuclear weapons from another country. And that was the United States. And many historians will argue that that there was no need to drop those bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They were done essentially to threaten and keep Russia in line that the United States had nukes.
So let me be clear. When you look at this situation with US-NATO and Putin, you have to really think about it as thugs who want monopoly control. So think about a neighborhood – 100 acre neighborhood, and one thug owns 95%, 95 acres in that neighborhood, US-NATO.
And let’s say Putin owns five acres, he’s a smaller thug. And Putin wants to sell his goods and services into that 100 acre neighborhood. And the thug, the US-NATO, which has monopolized 95% doesn’t like that. That’s what this is really all about.
It’s not about Putin being good or bad, or the United States being good or bad. It’s essentially Imperial interests. Lots of money’s involved here. And everyday Working People in a shootout in that neighborhood, we are the ones who get knocked out.
Not any of these people, Putin will have bunkers, Joe Biden will have bunkers, it’s not really going to affect any one of us. I mean, all of us are the ones who are going to be affected by this.
The important thing to recognize is that madmen are really running the world. And they do not have the interests of Working People.

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