In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT Ph.D, Inventor of Email, provides a CytoSolve® molecular systems analysis of the effects of Red Sage on Lung Congestion. Dr.SHIVA is committed to health, education, and innovation.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Red Sage is known as Salvia miltiorrhiza
- CytoSolve® analyzed the relevant research from 4338 research articles and 160 clinical trials on Red Sage and lung congestion
- Big Pharma is really about killing animals, spending tons of money, and the products that they produce really don’t work.
- There are 21 key molecules in Red Sage
- There are six health systems affected by Red Sage
- There are five main molecular systems in lung congestion
- There are three molecular systems that get affected by Red Sage
- How much Red Sage should you take?
Good evening, everyone. It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.
Today we’re going to continue our lung health series. And we’re going to cover a very, very important herb called Red Sage.
We’re going to understand what this herb is, what is lung congestion, what are the molecular systems of lung congestion, and how the components of Red Sage affect it.
This is brought to you by the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute. And we’re very grateful to them, because CytoSolve® contributes a lot of research directly to the public.
We take a systems approach because a systems approach is extremely important.
Unlike a reductionist approach where you only look at parts of the problem, we look at the whole problem.
Red Sage is known as Salvia miltiorrhiza
Red Sage is a deciduous perennial plant. It is a medicinal herb. It’s used to treat a wide variety of disorders in Chinese medicine.
The medicinal properties of Red Sage come from the rhizome and roots. Different herbs and medicinal property sometimes comes from the leaves, or the stem, or the flower.
There are 5 different types of compounds in red sage. There are flavonoids, terpenoids, polysaccharides, saponins and vitamins.
Lung congestion involves understanding the lung and when it’s in a non-congested state and when it’s in a congested state.
Your lungs are in your chest area and you have two lobes of the lungs. A clean lung pathway has thin airway walls that are clean with no mucus. A congested lung can have a scarred and thickened airway wall as well as mucus.
Unfortunately congested lungs can become a breeding ground for bacteria leading to secondary infections. The mucus in a congested lung opens you up to secondary infections.
CytoSolve® analyzed the relevant research from 4338 research articles and 160 clinical trials on Red Sage and lung congestion
Right now on PubMed, which is a science search engine, you’ll find there’s close to 4,338 research articles, and 160 clinical trials which tested Red Sage on humans and reported the results over a period of 69 years.
With the technology of CytoSolve®, we take all of the relevant research and analyze it relative lung congestion. No one person could do this, but this is the power of CytoSolve®.
In this case, we extract out the molecular mechanisms, which means all the chemical reactions where Red Sage affects lung congestion. Then we can understand systematically, how red Sage affects those molecular mechanisms.
Big Pharma is really about killing animals, spending tons of money, and the products that they produce really don’t work.
This is very, very different from how Big Pharma works. Big Pharma is really about killing animals, spending tons of money, and the products that they produce really don’t work.
Pharma companies only handle a single compound, which means a single synthetic molecule. They spend anywhere between five to eight years figuring out if this even works.
They do a lot of test tube testing, then they kill a bunch of animals. Then if they don’t kill too many animals, they can go to the FDA and get an allowance to start testing on humans; phase one, phase two, phase three.
Less than 20% entering Phase 1 are successful. This process is very, very wrought with error. Our CytoSolve® approach is a much more holistic approach to really finding truth.
Pharma should go out of business. They keep spending more and more money on R&D to support this very archaic medieval process. Less and less drugs are even being allowed by the FDA. This is why Pharma needed vaccines.
There are 21 key molecules in Red Sage
Our research using CytoSolve® has found 21 key molecules in Red Sage. There are 11 key phenolic acids. These are11 phenolic acids:
Caffeic acid, Isoferulic acid, Carnosol, Rosamarinic acid, Salvinal ,Dimethyl Lithospermate, Salvianolic acid A, Salvianolic acid B, Protocathechuic acid, Tanshinone I,Tanshinone IIA.
Phenolic acids are very powerful compounds. This is literally a pharmacy here of these 11 phenolic acids.
There are six Terpenoids: Miltiolactones A, Miltiolactones B, Maslinic acid, Asiatic acid, Ursolic acid, Oleanolic acid. These are another set of very powerful compounds.
There are also four other key molecules: polysaccharide SMP-U1, Baicalin, Beta-sitosterol, Vitamin E.
You have these 21 molecules, but here are the structures of some of the more powerful ones that the literature points out. Organic structures are typically where you have a carbon associated with something else.
When you see a ring structure, the points of the ring always have carbon. Even though they don’t show a “C”, that’s what it is. For example, it’s C, double bond, O H. That’s known as an acid.
The structures of these molecules determine how they get activated in your body. So based on CytoSolve® and lots of scientific research, these are the 21 molecules in Red Sage.
There are six health systems affected by Red Sage
There are four biological effects of those chemical compounds and six health systems are affected. What are those health systems?
The 6 systems that Red Sage effects are your lungs, skin, heart, brain, liver and digestion.
It has four biological effects which are at the molecular level: Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-fibrotic, Antidepressant and anxiolytic.
Anti-oxidant means it takes out these oxidizing opponents which means it’s anti- aging. Anti-inflammatory means Red Sage will calm down inflammatory events taking place.
Anti-depressant/anxiolytic means it lowers depression. Anti-fibrotic lowers scarring of the lungs which occurs in pulmonary fibrosis.
There are five main molecular systems in lung congestion
Molecular mechanisms are systems of molecular reactions. Here are the molecular mechanisms which take place when you get lung congestion:
Arachidonic Acid Metabolism, Cytokine Production via MAPK, Cytokine Production via NF-kB, Mucin Production, Smooth Muscle Cell Relaxation.
These are the five pathways that you need to affect to affect lung congestion. Four of those pathways you want to bring down certain parameters.
In the first one Arachidonic acid , PGE-2 two needs to be brought down. In Cytokine Production via MAPK, IL-1 and IL-8 needs to be brought down.
In Cytokine Production via NF Kappa-Beta, IL-6 and IL-8 needs to be brought down. And for Mucin Production, you want to bring down Mucin-5.
You’re trying to bring down these six variables in these are the four pathways. However, you want to do something positive, which is you want to increase MLCP.
MLCP lets your smooth muscles relax. You feel horrible when you get you all tight when these smooth muscles can’t relax.
Think about those pathways as molecular machines. Red Sage has different compounds which can beneficially affect those four pathways.
Red Sage has a lowering affect in four of the pathways and an increasing affect in one of the pathways. Now we’ll look at how Red Sage effects those pathways.
There are three molecular systems that get affected by Red Sage
There are three molecular systems that get affected by Red Sage. It is shown to have an anti-fibrosis effect, which means it reduces scarring. It is anti-hypersecretion so your body doesn’t put out a lot of mucus. And it has an anti-COPD effect.
Apparently seven of the twenty one components in Red Sage are very active. Tanshionine IIA is one of those.
One of the driving forces behind fibrosis is Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition. TGF-beta inhibits the expression of E-cadherin, vimentin leading to dehydration and inflammation in the epithelial cells and causing fibrosis. Tanshionine IIA from Red Sage blocks TGF-B, so it blocks fibrosis.
Another effect Tanshionine IIA has it actually initiates Nrf-2
The reactive oxygen species, these are oxidizing components, they’re the ones who upregulate inflammation in the epithelium that leads to fibrosis. What happens is Tanshionine IIA from Red sage upregulates antioxidant enzymes such as SOD and Catalase.
The antioxidant enzymes scavenge, or eat up ROS and they prevent the inflammation and fibrosis in the epithelial cells.
So two very powerful ways that Tanshionine IIA works; it blocks TGF-beta, and it initiates Nrf-2 to have this antioxidant effect, which basically blocks fibrosis.
There’s another chemical in Red Sage which stops fibrosis. Salvianolic acid B also affects this. So, if you look over here, there’s pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-1beta, and TNF-alpha which cause inflammation of the epithelium leading to fibrosis.
Salvianolic acid B which is another molecule in Red Sage, it prevents the pulmonary fibrosis by downregulating IL-1beta and TNF-alpha.
There are also coagulating factors such as TFVIIa, FXa, PAI-1 which promote the expression of thrombin and fibrin; these are fibrotic factors that lead to pulmonary fibrosis.
Like Tanshionine IIA, Salvianolic acid B effects fibrosis in 2 ways.
The second mechanism of action that Red Sage affects is Anti-mucus Hypersecretion Effect. Salvianolic acid B blocks, IL-13. IL-13 leads to Muc5AC and MUC5AB. These are what leads to mucus hypersecretion in the lung epithelial cells.
IL-13 is a not a good cytokine because it leads to hypersecretion and Salvianolic acid B stops that.
The third effect is anti-COPD. People who smoke cigarettes have COPD. Cigarette smoking leads to COPD via chronic inflammation induced by TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-1beta and MCP-1.
Cigarette smoke leads to these four cytokines, which leads to inflammation of the epithelium, which leads to the cell death of your lungs, which leads to COPD.
Salvianolic acid B blocks all of those four cytokines. Salvianolic acid B also supports VEGF signaling, which is responsible for supporting the growth of lung cells. When you get lung cell proliferation, it stops COPD. It’s really a left hook, right hook.
All of this is the molecular machinery that Red Sage molecules effect. These three very powerful effects are Anti-fibrotic, Anti-mucus secretion and Anti-COPD.
What we’ve just done here is taken a Western molecular systems approach using CytoSolve®. We like to take an East-West approach.
Dr. Shiva did many years research on Eastern systems of medicine. For his Fulbright work, he was able to unravel these traditional systems of medicine.
Now we’re going to look at this whole effect of Red Sage from a meta approach using those Eastern systems. Our TruthFreedomHealth-Warrior course discusses this and Your Body, Your System® is one of the tools that’s included in this.
You can get access to Your Body, Your System® by going to
Your Body, Your System®, is a very powerful tool that Dr. Shiva created where you will understand that everything in nature has the forces of transport, conversion and storage, or movement, conversion and storage in the Indian system.
This is called Vata, Pitta, Kapha.
Both of these worlds were intersected through Dr. Shiva’s Fulbright work. If you take transport, conversion and storage to be the vertices of a equilateral triangle, using this tool you’ll find out you can answer 30 questions to determine what kind of system you are.
The red dot denotes who you are, and then the black dot will figure out how you’re off course. Then the tool actually allows you to figure out what are the right foods and gives you a protocol for what’s right for you.
Using this system, what Red Sage does is it stabilizes transport, stabilizes conversion, and stabilizes storage. It stabilizes the storage of mucus, which is a storage phenomenon.
It stabilizes conversion so you actually are not producing too much mucus. It stabilizes transport so your body can actually move air.
How much Red Sage should you take?
What does the current science say about how much you should take? You can get the extract of these various things.
For Asthma you want to take 250 mg/kg of Ethanolic extract. (Luo et al., in 2019.)
For hypertension you want 10mg/kg daily of Red Sage. (Yank and Sun, 2010)
For chronic heart disease, you need 40 to 80 mg per day of Tanshinone IIA from Red Sage. (Zhou t al., 2021)
There are also three issues you should consider when taking Red Sage. They are itching, stomach discomfort and drowsiness. You should recognize that for some people, Red Sage causes itchiness or drowsiness or some stomach discomfort. 43:52
What version should you take? Organic is preferred over conventional because conventional farming uses a lot of pesticides.
Pesticides are linked to lung, liver, kidney and thyroid toxicity. It’s also carcinogenic, which means it causes cancer. Organic farming produces healthier plants free of pesticides.
Many of you know years ago CytoSolve worked with the biggest people in the natural products movement and we created two seals; Certified C.L.E.A.N. ™ and Certified R.A.W. ™
This goes way beyond organic and way beyond GMO/ non-GMO. It says it’s a product produced safely, it is minimally processed and bioavailability. We recommend you keep an eye for the seals for those products.
In summary, red sage has several health benefits to lung health. It prevents fibrosis, which is a scarring of the lung tissue by inhibiting TGF-beta signaling and downregulating oxidative stress.
Red Sage also downregulates mucin-5 production thereby controlling excess mucus production and lung congestion.
Red Sage ameliorates COPD by downregulating inflammation and upregulating VEGF signaling, thereby reducing destruction of the lung tissue. That’s what happens when you have COPD.
I want to thank everyone at the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute who have shared all their data so we can share this with you. Open Science Institute is brought to you by CytoSolve®.
If you go to you’ll find CytoSolve® of the Open Science Institute. There’s various projects the Open Science Institute does which is really science for the people by the people.
You’re welcome to contribute to the research there. When you contribute, you get lots and lots of gifts. As a part of the TruthFreedomHealth movement, you can be a supporter for 25 to 99 bucks, $100 or more.
You can contribute nothing, and you can get still access. That’s the power of TruthFreedomHealth coming together.
One of the things the Open Science Institute is dedicated to is fighting real racism. Our view of real racism is suppressing all these great indigenous medicines that come from people all over the world.
We support the elimination of animal testing. We’re also against the incestuous web of Science where government people and big academia people and big publishers and Big Pharma people all work together. They don’t let real knowledge come out of there.
From the truth standpoint, today you’ve learned about the systems biology of lung congestion.
What is Red Sage from the freedom perspective? you learned about how Big Pharma really contains advancement in science.
You’ve also learned from the health perspective the mechanisms of action. We’ve shared with you a lot of clinical evidence.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health® you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System® tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health® portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health® Warriors.
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