In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, shares his recent analysis of Putin’s speech on 9/21 that he delivered at 8am Moscow Time concerning national sovereignty and its implications to the world. Dr. SHIVA is committed to education and innovation as he believes these two elements are critical for human advancement.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a dramatic speech to the entire country today in which he announced that regions of Eastern Ukraine had decided to hold public referendums to declare independence from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.
- Western Leaders, such as President Macron of France, immediately rejected the notions of such a referendum and vowed never to recognize it.
- Dr. Shiva details the history of Russia since the Russian revolution, and how Vladimir Lenin allowed Finland to separate from the Soviet Union and become an independent nation, on the basis that national self-determination was the inherent right of any and every group of people.
- Dr. Shiva also explains the hypocrisy of how US imperialists under NATO overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine and installed the pro-NATO government that started the civil war in Ukraine.
- Though Putin is not leading any sort of working people’s movement himself in the true bottom’s-up sense, is it nevertheless the case that the West has focused a great deal of time and energy demonizing Putin just like they did to Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany prior to starting World War I.
- The Liberal Imperialist Elites of NATO are setting the stage for further escalation, for which they will blame Putin, to further justify the subjugation of working people.
- Only a truly bottom’s up movement of working people armed with knowledge of System Science, which is only being taught to the masses by the Truth Freedom Health® system, can turn the tide of brainwashing and control and build a movement to win Truth Freedom Health®.
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a dramatic speech to the entire country today in which he announced that regions of Eastern Ukraine had decided to hold public referendums to declare independence from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.
Dr.Shiva speaks on the speech Putin gave yesterday and why he thinks this is a very major speech. These four provinces in Ukraine are having a referendum. He believes they voted and this is all news happening in real time to become their own nation, to potentially even become part of Russia.
A referendum means that all the people are going to vote to become their own nation, their own Republic. The Republic of Luhansk, Republic of Donetsk, and according to the United Nations Charter, which is signed by the UN, any people have the right to national self determination.
Western Leaders, such as President Macron of France, immediately rejected the notions of such a referendum and vowed never to recognize it.
Pierre Trudeau says we won’t recognize this referendum, it’s bogus. It’s all controlled by Russia. McCrone said the same thing , so did all the Western powers, and the LM group.
Members of the National Security Council. The United Nations, are not even supporting the right of their own people that determine their rights to national self determination.
Dr. Shiva details the history of Russia since the Russian revolution, and how Vladimir Lenin allowed Finland to separate from the Soviet Union and become an independent nation, on the basis that national self-determination was the inherent right of any and every group of people.
The Soviet Union was a union of a number of different countries, Russia being one country, the Baltic states, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, and these countries which were part of this union called the Soviet Union, which came out of the 1917 Russian Revolution.
We have to appreciate and recognize that it is the Russian people who won World War ll. It wasn’t America, he apologizes, a lot of our soldiers and working people died.
But if it wasn’t for 25 million Russians that fought, and died, fighting Nazis, for what is now the eastern part of Russia. Which were these areas or the eastern part of Ukraine, Russians, Donetsk, and Luhansk.
In these places, just few generations ago, the people there remember their parents or grandparents fighting the Nazis. They shed their blood.
Many Russians, every Russian probably has one, or somebody that they know in their own families, including Putin, who fought Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.
We would be run by the Nazis today, if it wasn’t for the Russian people, and this is not taught in American books anywhere. There’s a whole history in Russia, in World War ll, where Russian people lost the most number of lives in the Battle of Stalingrad.
2 million Russians died fighting the Nazis with pots and pans out on the streets. That’s the vigor in which the Russians fought.
After the Russian Revolution 1972 Lenin wanted Finland to become its own nation. Lenin’s theory was that if you are your own people, and you want to have the rights to create your own nation, you have the right to do so.
Finland, right on the borders of Russia, within the Soviet Union, he said they believe they are different people and the people have voted so he allowed Finland to go. It’s called the policy of national self determination.
Dr. Shiva also explains the hypocrisy of how US imperialists under NATO overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine and installed the pro-NATO government that started the civil war in Ukraine.
Let’s look at the history of what took place in Europe, with NATO, with the US and with the Soviet Union in 1992-1994. In that period, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Gorbachev who was the head of the Soviet Union.
The agreement that was made then between George W. Bush Sr., Herbert Walker Bush, and Gorbachev that it was decided that the United States would never go anywhere East of Germany.
NATO would not get other countries to join NATO, east of Germany, which means it would be impinging or threatening Russia. The United States imperialism has a history of conducting coups all over the world which did cause the immigration problem.
If you really want to stop the immigration problem, then the US elites and establishment and imperialists need to stop going and putting in dictators, brutal dictators in Ukraine, where we essentially did the same in a soft peddled way.
We financed and essentially installed a neo Nazi pro neo Nazi president. What ended up happening out of this is in eastern Ukraine in the provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk, and there’s a couple of others, that people there got very, very upset.
Though Putin is not leading any sort of working people’s movement himself in the true bottom’s-up sense, is it nevertheless the case that the West has focused a great deal of time and energy demonizing Putin just like they did to Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany prior to starting World War I.
The Liberal Imperialist Elites of NATO are setting the stage for further escalation, for which they will blame Putin, to further justify the subjugation of working people.
The Minsk two agreement is basically like here’s Ukraine and why don’t we take the people of the East states and create a sort of a republic. Give them the Ukrainian government so they could still say they didn’t split.
They’re still part of Ukraine, but they have a federal government, they get representatives in Parliament, etc. Russia said we will also support that agreement, and we won’t go anywhere to the west of Russia into that province. It didn’t happen.
The US is who dragged its feet. The United Kingdom dragged its feet, and many people are saying, please sign the Minsk two agreement. It’ll stop any escalation of war in that region, but the US did nothing.
What was really happening was through various means, including Trump, as Ukraine got weapons, and they started attacking the people in those eastern provinces. This was done in very horrible ways which none of the US media ever reported.
Russia was hoping the Minsk two agreement would get signed, they were going back to the UN, back and forth. Meanwhile, these people in those provinces in the eastern part of Russia, are being hammered away by Zelinsky.
Basically at a certain point, Russia did an operation that never called it a war to support those people.That’s what we have today, the Ukrainian Russia events. This is what really happened, and this could have been resolved back in the 90’s.
Now we’re talking about escalation to nuclear war, the use of tactical weapons and nuclear reactors blowing up. The United States has sent 15 billion to Ukraine, same with the UK, and they are essentially creating the conditions for world war three.
The US got in the UK got Finland and Sweden also to join. We have some of our finished truth for the health warriors on here, and they’ll tell you that nearly 80,000 people in Finland signed a statement not to join NATO.
You have and you have the Finnish Prime Minister, who’s just in many ways, an agent for NATO. Russia, from their standpoint, is now being surrounded by the US and NATO. This is important because Russia has massive amounts of minerals, massive amounts of oil and gas.
Now, since 1992, the promise of George Walker Bush has been completely broken. Russia is essentially fully surrounded. Ukraine is a launching pad for the next final mobilization as far as NATO sees it.
Only a truly bottom’s up movement of working people armed with knowledge of System Science, which is only being taught to the masses by the Truth Freedom Health® system, can turn the tide of brainwashing and control and build a movement to win Truth Freedom Health®.
There’s only one movement that can do that. And that is the movement that we started creating here has a physics as there’s a nuclear science to destroy the establishment. There is a way to build a revolution with a goal to train an army of Truth Freedom Health® leaders.
We don’t need followers on social media, we need leaders, but they need training because the current educational system does not teach them history. We got to train people first with understanding what a system is.
The second is understanding the interconnection betweenTruth Freedom Health®. Freedom is the ability to move freely, communicate freely, and talk freely. Without freedom, you can’t really get to truth and without truth, you make up fake problems and fake solutions, which means you destroy our health.
Without health, which is the infrastructure of us and our body. You can’t fight for freedom.
Third concept is it has to be bottoms up working people, people who work uniting. When you look at the arc of American history, it’s been when working people came up, we need to go local with every solution as a part of this movement.
We’re giving the science which is a truth, and then we tell people what they can do on the ground to go local to fight locally. Forget lawyers, forget politicians, forget celebrities, you’ve got to learn politics, and there is a science to it, they lock us down, we should be ready to shut them down.
The fourth part of this principle is a Not-So-Obvious-Establishment. So when you look at a system, there’s always something that disturbs you from getting to your goal with the biggest disturbances and not so obvious establishment.
They both mislead working people back into the establishment and without this solid understanding of political physics and theory, you’re screwed. They’re not going to lead us deliberation, it’s us.

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