Why the mRNA Vaccine is a Reductionist Approach for “Immunity” Antibodies and Why We Need Systems Immunology to Attain the Right Medicine, for the Right Person, at the Right Time.
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- Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – the Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator- presents a visual exposition of the current reductionist approach used with the mRNA vaccine and why we need Systems Immunology.
- When the Human Genome Project started, we knew a worm had only 20,000 genes, so we assumed humans would have about a million genes. But, we found humans also have about 20,000 genes and this created a revolution in Biology to stop thinking genes were everything.
- One of the fascinating things we found with DNA is that 95% of the sequence doesn’t code for proteins only 5% does and turns out the rest of the DNA codes for other types of ribonucleic acids, so basically we’re at a bold new frontier.
- The immune system model that is used today as the basis for developing vaccines is derived from a 100-year old, simple two compartment model of the immune system. However, the immune system is far more complex and antibodies are only one of the many factors important for orchestrating immunity.
- The mRNA vaccine “works” by focusing on only upregulating an antibody without any concern of the other aspects of the immune system that should also be modulated alongside antibody activity. Such a uni-dimensional intervention without concern for the other modulatory factors is not a Systems based approach to biology.
- The current outdated model of the Immune System needs a major update in the modern world to a Systems immunology in order to support each individual’s specific needs for developing a healthy, strong, and resilient immune system for a personalized and precision medicine where one size does not fit all.
Hi everyone. It’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and good evening everyone over in Instagram world and Facebook, YouTube, Periscope. We’re going to have a discussion today, as people are joining us, on the mRNA vaccine and some insights that I have on why it’s a reductionist approach to immunity and why we need Systems Immunology.
You’re going to learn a lot today. You’re going to learn about some biology. You’re going to learn what is transcription and translation. You’re going to learn how the immune system reacts in its normal mode. And, by the way, it’s a very reductionist form of the immune system response.
And then you’re going to learn what happens when the mRNA vaccine comes, and why I believe this is a reductionist response. So, remember what we try to do at VASHIVA here, is we want to encourage all of you not to get caught up in left/right, Republican/Democrat, pro-vax/anti-vax thinking. We want to actually give you science so you don’t get caught by many of these charlatans out there on the left and the right, the pro-vax and the anti-vax community, who’ve been around for a long time making money off of it while nothing ever gets done and we don’t ever go to the real issue of boosting immunity and supporting health.
What is Transcription? Transcription of Genes to mRNA
So, I think we can see that right? So, let me begin here by sharing with you a couple of interesting things, first of all, we’re going to talk by understanding two phenomena that occur in biology called transcription, which is when the DNA transcribes what’s called messenger RNA. And that messenger RNA leaves the nucleus to go to the ribosomes and use the messenger RNA sequence to create what’s called a protein. So, if you just step back and think about it this way, the central dogma theory biologists, by the way, had some issues with it, but that’s a whole other discussion.
Your body has genes. It has all sorts of ribonucleic acids and what happens is your body, in response to external stimuli, as well as internal stimuli, will initiate the DNA to ultimately create, let’s say, a protein. That protein interacts with other proteins, and even genes, to create a molecular machine, which has a certain function.
So simply put, let’s say one of you has blue eyes and one of you has brown eyes. Well, what actually happened was that DNA for one individual had the genes for blue eyes and the other one for brown eyes. And ultimately those genes went through the transcription process, which we’ll talk about, and then the translation process to make this thing called a protein. And that protein, it’s a little more complicated, but that protein interacts with other proteins to give one person blue eyes and the other person green eyes.
So simply put, let’s say one of you has blue eyes and one of you has Brown eyes. Well, what, what actually happened was that DNA for one individual had the genes for blue eyes and the other one for Brown eyes. And ultimately those genes went through the transcription process, which we’ll talk about. And then the translation process to make the same call the protein and that protein.
Let’s really understand that, how that actually occurs? So, let’s go over here. First, I’m going to teach you that process. And you guys can follow if you have a pen and paper, you can do it yourself. I’m going to do this horizontally here. So, what I have here is let’s say here is the nucleus. So, imagine the cell goes to the right here and here’s sort of the cell wall. This is the wall of the cell. So, this is the outside, we’re inside the cell. This is the cytoplasm of the cell. Okay? So, the cytoplasm of the cell wall over here, and over here what we have is the nucleus. And inside the nucleus is something called DNA, which typically, you see drawn as a double-stranded helix.
The DNA is actually composed of what are called base pairs and they go like this; you’ve probably seen it. They’re these staircase-like things. But a sequence of base pairs, a piece of these base pairs’ codes for a protein. By the way, one of the things we’ve found with DNA that’s fascinating is we found that most of the sequence of the DNA, 95%, doesn’t code for proteins. Okay? mRNA, only 5% does, but what we’re looking at right now, we’re going to talk about the stuff that codes for proteins. So, what happens in the process called transcription, is that the DNA literally opens up, like this, and it keeps going obviously, it opens up, and these are one side of the DNA, and the other side of the DNA, and remember these are blueprints, this is a genetic blueprint. What you call genes that code for a particular function. And what happens here is messenger RNA, where a replica is created right here, which is a mirror of this particular sequence.
Then it folds in on itself and then this protein leaves, we are gonna put it over here, the cell for some function or it may stay in there, but what you’re seeing is a process and this process here is called translation. Alright? So, I hope everyone is following along.
What is Translation? Transcription of mRNA to Proteins
So simply put, you have your DNA here, the DNA has genes, messenger RNA, which in this transcription process gets a piece of that DNA, which is the gene and this goes to the ribosome right here. This is the ribosome, which literally reads the ticker tape of the messenger RNA, this is mRNA still, and the messenger RNA is then used to code for this protein. So just think about that. Let me come back here so you guys can see what I’m doing here. So, what you’re seeing here in this very, very amazing process, and if you’ve ever seen this it’s quite amazing. You almost think like someone designed the human cell.
I love biology, but what you see is, in this process, the body is able to make a particular protein, along with the messenger RNA. So, one messenger RNA sequence, which is a particular section of the DNA, which is for a gene, makes that particular protein.
Now, up until 2003, when the Genome Project started, what we were doing was we were sequencing strips of the DNA to try to figure out the discovery of the genes that coded for proteins. And we thought we must have about a million genes, right? Which means a million individual pieces of this mRNA which code for particular proteins. We knew a worm only had about 20,000 genes. Well, the long story is, by 2003 we only found 20,000 genes. Okay? So, this completely flipped Biology on its head, because now people are saying, wow, we only have 20,000 protein-coding genes.
It turns out the rest of the DNA codes for other types of ribonucleic acids, not just mRNA which actually is a control factor. So basically, we’re at a bold new frontier.
We don’t fully understand the genome, but we do know this, that it’s not just all about a transcription messenger RNA leading to proteins. That there’s a whole other set of things taking place. That’s why in 2007, I mean in 2003, I came back to MIT and a new field called Systems Biology. Systems Biology said we can’t take a reductionist approach, which means, you know, like the blind men looking at the pieces of the elephant, just looking at one-shot, magic bullet solutions. We need to understand all these complex interactions. And that’s why I returned back to MIT.
But anyway, the background that you need to take away is that this is called transcription and translation, but the ultimate goal of this process is mRNA, messenger RNA is used to create this protein. So, this is Process One. Now what I want to walk you through now, the second step I’m going to walk you through in this drawing session is:
What happens in the ‘Reductionist Model” of understanding immunology when, let’s say, a Coronavirus or virus comes into your cell, what happens?
Someone said they want me to repeat it again? Okay. Should I repeat it again? Alright. I’ll repeat it again. So, in the interest of, because I wanna make sure we don’t lose anyone.
So, what I did here was, I’ll show it again. Here is your DNA, right here, so DNA is a double helix and it’s got these little pieces in here which are nucleotides. Sections of these nucleotides form a gene. During this process called transcription is when messenger RNA is created, simply put, transcription helps to create messenger RNA.
The DNA literally opens up. And one side of the DNA is used to replicate half of the DNA sequence. So, this is called messenger RNA. Okay? So, this messenger RNA is one side of the DNA sequence which codes for that particular gene, the messenger RNA then goes over to this thing called a ribosome. And the ribosome literally takes the messenger RNA instructions. Some messenger RNA goes through and out comes a polypeptide protein.
Basics of the Immune System
Now let’s go to the next part. What I want to talk about now is, so this is transcription/translation, now let’s talk about the immune response that happens. Which is the basis of the mRNA vaccine theory. So, what happens now? Well, let’s talk about what happens when a virus comes to your body. What does your body do? Let’s look at that. So again, you’re gonna learn some very quick immunology. Now, by the way, before I go into this, what I’m going to share with you is the “Fauci” model of the immune system. But let’s look at that.
The immune system, when someone sneezes on you and you have a cold, the immune system first turns on the innate system, which has macrophages and neutrophils, they are these cells that try to, they’re like the military, they come out and they try to eat up that virus and blow it up. And that’s called the innate immune system. It exists in your eyes, your nose, your throat, etc.
And then another system kicks in called the interferon system, which I’ve talked about, my Ph.D. work was on that, I’ve modeled it, and that generates interferons, which are very different than antibodies.
And then you have the adaptive immune system, which is like the Navy sharpshooters, Navy seals which look for that particular virus, which has antigens on it, and we’ll talk about this, and then it creates antibodies. But in the current model of the immune system that Fauci talks about, you’re only talking about the innate and the adaptive. They don’t even want to talk about the interferon.
And then you have the microbiome and the virome in your body, and then you have the neural system. When you take a systems approach, what you find out is when you get a pathogen, your body turns on the innate, it turns on the adaptive, it turns on the interferons, it remodels likely the microbiome and the virome and affects, let’s say, your gut-brain axis. That is what in my view is a holistic response.
However, what we today are talking about is only a reductionist response, which means I’m going to just try to get antibodies like antibodies are the goal. And if you really study biology and systems immunology, you find out it’s not just antibodies; there’s a whole host of things. So, imagine you’re an orchestra conductor, and you have all these amazing instruments, and the orchestra conductor just plays a violin all day. Think about that, all he does is play the violin. No oboe, no drums, no piano, no horn section… nothing. He’s just playing the violin. That is what is going on. So, let’s understand now how the immune system in that world is looked at.
So, let’s again, look at this, you have the nucleus here, that cell, we’re just looking at half of the cell in the interest of the paper here, and then over here is a cell wall. This is a cell wall, again. This is, by the way, the nuclear wall. And over here, let’s now draw this guy out here. This is, let’s say this quote-unquote “Coronavirus”. And you notice he’s got all these proteins on the surface. And inside of it is RNA, which is the blueprint for this virus to replicate itself.
Remember what the virus does is it wants to get into your cell to use the ribosome machinery, using its RNA to replicate itself.
I’ve talked about it in my other videos. What I want to talk about is the immune response from the innate system. So, when this virus gets in, let’s say it comes in, it comes over here and now the virus is inside your cell. So, you got this virus, it made it in. You know, if you were, by the way, taking certain nutrients, it’s not going to make it in. So, here’s the virus that got into your cell, now what does it do?
Well, your immune system, your innate immune system will try to unleash these things called macrophages. They have a cell and, think about it, they have like teeth, and this macrophage attempts to eat this guy up. And on a good day, he’ll blow him up and start throwing out body parts. And one of the body parts, maybe it could be little pieces of the spike protein, and let’s say this leaves the cell. So, the macrophage, this is the first immune system response, eats it up. It’s called Phagocytosis, which means it envelops and starts munching on it. So, this is like your military goes and attacks the enemy and starts throwing away all these body parts. These are dismembered body parts. And these are the spike proteins. This is a protein. Just remember spike protein. It’s a protein. And just remember what I talked about, that your ribosome is creating proteins for messenger RNA, but here are proteins.
The adaptive immune system, which is composed of cells called CD4+ cells. This is a T-cell. This is part of your adaptive immune system. This is part of your innate. It innervates a cell called CD8+ T-cells. And these CD8+ cells recognize this spike protein, and you know what they do? They try to kill it. They try to kill the cell. And this is called cytotoxicity. So, the CD4+ knows the cell’s infected. So, the goal of the CD8+ T-cell is to kill the cell. So, they recognize the spike protein. This CD8+ T-cell starts trying to annihilate it. It starts trying to kill it. This is called cytotoxicity. Cytotoxicity, which means killing the cell.
But the CD4+ T-cell also does something else. It calls upon what’s called a B-cell. And a B-cell creates something called antibodies… these Y-shaped structures. It creates a bunch of these antibodies. It starts putting these antibodies out. So, you see, first of all, phagocytosis takes place and dismembers. These are called antigens. The antigens are the spike proteins, which initiate your CD4+ T-cells for cytotoxicity, they try to take out the cell, but they also innervate the B-cells, which create antibodies.
The next time another virus comes to another cell, assume this is a different cell now, with its spike proteins, guess what happens? These little Y-shaped things block it. They surround it and they start blocking it. Does everyone see that? So, they start blocking it, and this is what you call the antibody response. So that’s the idea.
So again, to repeat, the virus enters, it comes into the cell, your macrophages say, wow, a virus has entered and they try to take it out. They try chomping on it and start spitting out these spike proteins. The spike proteins are recognized and your CD4+ T-cells are recruited and the CD8+ T-cells recognize the spike protein and try to knock it out. And then the T-cells also initiate these things called B-cells, which create these Y things, which are antibodies, and the next time you are ever exposed to this, the antibodies take out the virus.
So that’s what goes on. It’s really clear. You’re learning a lot of stuff here very quickly. This is the process that occurs in what are called the innate and the adaptive immune systems. Now look, what I want to let you know is we’re not even talking about the interferon system. Many other things get recruited.
We could have a whole day on this, but the immune system is complex, we’re talking about the innate and the adaptive.
How the mRNA Vaccine “Works”
Now, are you guys ready to talk about mRNA? What does mRNA do? Why was the mRNA vaccine created?
And by the way, there was a woman whose idea it was to use mRNA Therapy to create proteins that could have an effect. So, think about in one structure, imagine someone who didn’t have the gene for insulin. That means in their DNA, there was no gene for insulin. So, the idea was, imagine you could artificially create messenger RNA, so you didn’t have to go through transcription and you sent it into the cell. And then the cell used that mRNA sequence, which was the mRNA sequence for making the protein insulin. And you hijacked the ribosome machinery to make insulin. So, the idea’s quite a clever idea. Now, the Hungarian woman, I forget her name, she’s at, I think she’s at Pfizer, now Biotechnica, it took her a lot of time. People thought she was crazy and this was impossible, but she figured out a way to deliver the mRNA into the cell. A number of people were involved, but she was one of the leading researchers in this, and more than likely people say she may win the Nobel prize, but she figured out how to get the mRNA in so the mRNA could be used to generate a protein. So, what this means it’s called somebody’s Gene Therapy, which means, if you don’t have a particular gene, you could introduce it. In some ways it’s interesting. So, let’s now talk about the mRNA vaccine.
So why was the mRNA vaccine created?
Because one model of creating the traditional vaccine was, you introduced to your body the deadened form of that virus and then your body creates the antibody. Okay. Now the theory is that it could take, you know 10 years. Six to 10 years to create, you have to culture, the materials you have to attenuate the virus and you need to go through a very long arduous process. So, the idea here was, wow, so that takes us a long time to produce the attenuated vaccine.
Could we create a faster way of doing it?
And the idea was, imagine if we knew what the protein was on the spike protein. And if we reverse-engineered it to get the messenger RNA, and imagine we had your body, listen very carefully, make the spike protein. So, the making of that spike protein would excite your body to make the antibody.
So, let’s talk about how this works. So, in this case, what we’re talking about is something a little bit different. So again, we’ll go back to the nucleus here. So, here’s the nucleus. Remember you have your DNA here, right? Which has got its DNA helix.
And in one model, this would make mRNA but that’s not what we’re talking about this time. Right? This would go through transcription. What we’re talking about here today is, imagine over here, you don’t have the virus yet. You haven’t been exposed to the coronavirus. So, what you do is you deliver through some technology where you encapsulate in a delivery system, like a fatty substance or liposome.
And in this, you put, imagine, mRNA. Remember what I shared with you earlier, over here, was the body’s creating mRNA for let’s say a particular protein. This time, when you get “vaccinated”, quote-unquote, which I’m not going to be vaccinated, my decision, but when the vaccine comes into you, this vaccine has all these particles. Lots of particles, lots and lots of particles. Well, these particles, inside if you were to look at it, it has mRNA. It literally is mRNA, a messenger RNA. This messenger RNA right here has the code to make the spike protein. So that messenger RNA, going back here, has a code to make the protein, this spike protein, these spikes on these viruses. So, it is a messenger RNA that has the code to make the protein on the spikes or the spikes on the virus. So, what happens is this comes into your cell and the liposome goes away and now you have the messenger RNA, So the cell sort of the liposome goes away and this mRNA comes in. So now you have this mRNA, so this is the mRNA that has come in. So, you’re delivering messenger RNA, right into here.
What happens?
Well, remember you have a ribosome here, right? That’s the ribosome. This messenger RNA comes in, so the sequence comes in. This is your messenger RNA sequence and it comes into the ribosome. It goes in and what happens? You are now doing translation. And what translation does is it reads off the messenger RNA and it starts making the protein.
What protein is it making?
It’s making the spike protein. It’s making spikes, a bunch of spike proteins. So, this is manufacturing the spike protein. Let me repeat that again. The messenger RNA is going through, this is your ribosome, so messenger RNA already has been delivered. You’ve used your own cellular machinery here right here to make spike proteins. So, these are the spike proteins.
And just to remind you, what did we talk about? In the normal case your body does transcription. Your body makes mRNA and you can make proteins. So, what they’ve done is they’ve hijacked your ribosome machinery or used it to send in messenger RNA, which codes for that particular spike protein. So now you have your body making spike protein.
You don’t have the virus, but your body’s making the spike protein. Well, what happens? So, these spike proteins are going out and what happens here? Your CD4+ T-cells say wow, we must have the virus. I see that spike protein. They unleash the CD8+ T-cells, which recognize this and the hope is these CD8+ T-cells try to knock this particular cell out, right? That’s, what’s interesting because they may think this got innervated, so you have some reaction, but they create this B-cell, right? They call upon this B cell, which starts creating…? What does it create? Antibodies! So now have your B cells being used to create antibodies, even though you weren’t infected, per se, from the spike protein, your body is creating spike proteins, which are causing the B cells to do this. So, if you do get infected, so here’s a real virus that comes over here, you get a real virus, these antibodies will go knock it out. This is the concept. This is the virus. Okay?
So, what you’ve done is you’ve delivered through this quote-unquote “vaccine”, mRNA. mRNA goes into your cell. mRNA uses your ribosome machinery through translation to create the spike proteins, and then the spike proteins are actually used to inspire or incite your adaptive immune system to start creating antibodies, which fight this virus.
So why is this interesting?
Well in the old model, you had to create a vaccine with a dead virus. You have to put all this stuff in, by the way they’re putting stuff into this too. That’s another discussion, but you didn’t have to culture it. Here you’re putting the mRNA in. The issue is for them is it’s bad because it’s a much lower cost and they can create this vaccine faster. So that’s why this mRNA vaccine is created now.
Let’s talk about the problems. Remember what is going on here is one singular goal to just create the antibody, to just create the antibody again to just create the antibody. Now there’ve been a number of reports on reactions. This by the way, because vaccines are not a pharmaceutical drug, they’re in a different category. They don’t have to go through all the regulatory framework like in the pharmaceutical industry. First they have to do test tube testing. Then they have to do testing on animals, which CytoSolve the technology I’ve built aims to eliminate that. Then they go test on humans, six to nine years, small groups of humans. It’s called phase one, phase two, phase three. With the vaccine they don’t need to go through all that testing. Pharma companies save a lot of money. Pharma companies are losing a lot of money from pharmaceuticals drugs. Yet with vaccines they don’t need to go through that arduous testing. And moreover you can’t sue vaccine companies. Thank you to the Kennedys and so that’s what you have. So you have this process for pharma companies. It’s like printing money because they don’t have to, first of all, test like a pharma drug. For them They don’t have to do all this culturing. They have engineered the mRNA to match the spike protein, and then you’re using your cellular machine.
So what are the problems I have with this?
The problems I have with this are the following, If I were to sneeze on you and I had coronavirus and I sneezed on you, what happens?
The Need for Systems Immunology
Well, just like the orchestra conductor, we’re not just playing the oboe, right? Which is just getting the immune antibody response. Many things get turned on in your body, your macrophages, neutrophils, and innate immune system. Your interferon system gets turned on interferon, alpha, beta Lambda, and gamma. All these systems get turned on and then your adaptive system antibodies get created, but it’s not just antibodies. You have interferons your regulatory molecules, and then you have likely your own gut microbiome and by virome are changing. And, and the gut brain axis is communicating to your brain. So you have a whole orchestra being turned on. Does that make sense? It’s not just any one thing, it’s a whole orchestra of events, but all we’re doing now at the MRN vaccine is just gimme that antibody.
So the difference between someone who takes a vaccine for this coronavirus versus someone who gets it naturally, I would argue there’s a significant systemic difference.
Meaning this person may just have the antibody, but maybe they’re supposed to have interferons and a whole host of other things. This person who got the natural immunity probably has other things which is modulating the immune response. This person may be losing that modulation. So let’s say part of the antibodies are supposed to actually get some shock absorbers. So if you see the virus again, you don’t overreact. Now these are issues that need to be tested. They haven’t frankly been done, but more importantly, starting in 2003, the goal of biology became a Systems approach and here it’s not Systems Biology. It’s like a magic bullet approach. We’re not trying to understand the orchestra of reactions that take place because that’s what nature has done when you actually get a virus and you go through many subsystems that get turned on and your body builds resilience.
As I talked about earlier, the interferon system. Is waiting for your body to get a virus so it can innervate with other things, other subsystems. And this is why the MDs and the Fauci’s, unfortunately do not understand the body as a system, but that’s what we’re trying to do to and teach you here at VA Shiva. We want to train you not only is the immune system, a system, but we need to move beyond a reductionist approach. In this world we need to move to what’s called Systems Immunology. We need to see the complexity of the immune system and what that leads to is the goal, is to build resilience. The goal is to build immunity. Now, everyone here is a unique being, how you build resilience may be different than the way I do it. And that’s why each person’s individual system needs to be attuned to that and that’s why one size does not fit all. Because everyone’s gone through different journeys and we need to figure out what’s right thing to do for the right person at the right time, to create the right medicine.
So let’s look to see if there’s any questions. So someone said, is this actually a vaccine?
It’s an interesting thing, if you go read some definition, they say anything that upregulates an antibody response. Something that’s injected into you. So this is registrating, generating some antibody response, but it’s not your vaccine, which is where the actually took a dead end form of the pathogen, mixed it with other things and send it in. This is something different. So they may have to expand the definition, but it’s not in the traditional sense of vaccine. It is upregulating antibodies in this case. And remember you have to get two shots of these vaccines. I think Pfizer’s is once every four weeks and the Moderna vaccine is once every two weeks.
What’s the other question we got? People are asking, is this gene therapy? Can it change your DNA?
So the question is, is this gene therapy? Can it change your DNA? If you go back to this diagram and go back to this, the interesting thing in this diagram that I want to point out is where are we seeing MRNs? We’re seeing MRN here. The issue is that all of this is getting into the cell because where do you typically find messenger RNA? Where do you find it in? This is a cytoplasm, right? Messenger RNA. If you remember back when I went here, it’s created from the nucleus out and it stays in the cytoplasm. Now there is mRNA outside, but by and large we don’t know what the effects of this messenger RNA will be to other parts out here you say, because not all of it’s going to get in. That would be a perfect engineering system. So one question should be ,how much of this is actually getting in and what ramifications will this have outside of the cell?
Now they’re asking, does it change the DNA, the actual nucleus?
What I can tell you is the MRN gets sent, Messenger RNA is used here to create, to be used by the ribosome. What we don’t know is does this form of mRNA, which is foreign many ways. Remember this mRNA was never existed in the cell. Can this mRNA initiate other biochemical reactions that we don’t know of? So the issue of whether it gets integrated back into the DNA. There’s some very interesting research showing how ribonucleic acid, can have nuclear reactions. Does this one do that? I’m not sure we need to do testing. This is why there’s a lot of uncertain questions here. You’re playing with nature at a deep level.
I want to be very conservative in what I talk about because the VAX anti-vax community has been so polarized and there’s people like Robert Kennedy Jr. and his minions on the anti-vax side, who basically talk about anti-vax all day and then they get money from Hillary Clinton, or they endorse Hillary Clinton and they say they want “safe vaccines.” They vaccinate people and they’ve been bamboozled a lot of people. So I don’t want to get involved in this anti-vax camp, nor am I in the vax camp. What I’m in is a Systems camp, where we look at this problem, we understand what the real issue is. So your are learning today the real issue is,
A: the stuff is not tested.
B: its a reductionist approach.
Cause you’re only saying I only want to turn on antibodies when nature upregulates many other things to modulate things.
Now, hopefully you have some tools to explain this to your neighbors. By the way, John and I made on a card, a little business card, which you can give to your friends. It’ll say beyond vax and anti-vax the need for personalized medicine and in a little card, we’re going to be explaining all this because what I want to move on to is making sure all of you know that, at VA Shiva, the goal here is that on any issue, no matter if it’s election integrity, immune system, digital rights. We want to focus on how you go beyond left and right, beyond vax/ anti-vax, beyond pro GMO anti-GMO. We want to use science. Fortunately we have this tool, CytoSolve going down in the systems level.
So, in closing I’ll let you know is please email me. Someone wanted me to talk about this topic, which I did. It came from you guys. So go to vashiva.com so you guys can learn and you can be part of this. One way you can be part of this is to start getting educated on a systems approach, not only to understanding the body, but to also to understanding everything in life. So I really need you guys for your own sake to start taking the systems approach and go to vashiva.com/join and we are starting to organize Truth, Freedom and Health warriors all over the world.
My goal is to have 50,000 people signed up globally, and the goal is, each one of the VA Shiva Truth Freedom Health warriors will understand the foundations of systems thinking, which is about two to three years worth of MIT control systems knowledge put together in one hour so you can understand it. The second thing is using that knowledge, you’ll understand the foundations of all systems, immune systems, your computer system, your political systems, and then you can use that knowledge.
On the political side to understand the interconnection between Truth, Freedom, and Health. Truth, Freedom and Health Is a system without freedom, we can’t practice science and get to truth. Without truth we can’t understand the real problems and real solutions. Like we did here to understand what the real issues on health are and with good strong health, we can be resilient to fight for freedom.
Be the light and let’s win this fight. Get educated or be enslaved. That’s the bottom line. Get educated or be enslaved. Go to vashiva.com/join. Please become a warrior. Do it for yourselves. We cannot afford not to be educated anymore. It’d be bumbling around following the left and the right. Be well, thank you.
It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.
Reference to Original Live Video