In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reviews the recent events on Martha’s Vineyard as a “Humanitarian Crisis” has been declared after Florida Governor Ron Desantis chartered flights to fly 50 illegal immigrants from the Southern Border to the wealthy liberal haven of Martha’s Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts.
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Key Points
- With the Biden Administration effectively not allowing deportations, Governor Ron Desantis of Florida has flown a group of around 50 illegal immigrants from Florida to the ultra-wealthy Liberal Elite island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
- Despite being a naked political stunt to boost Governor Desantis’ prospects of a future Presidential run, the reaction of liberal elites in Martha’s Vineyard and across the country has exposed their own hypocrisy about claiming to be welcoming to undocumented immigrants.
- Dr. Shiva highlights the hypocrisy of one Liberal Elite in particular, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a former Harvard professor who made her ivory-tower career by falsely claiming to be Native American and exploiting the plight of indigenous peoples for her own benefit.
- Regarding the Martha’s Vineyard stunt, Elizabeth Warren tweeted “It is cruel to treat human beings like pawns in a political game. He has reached a new low,” Warren said of DeSantis. She said this despite the fact that she has used working-class and marginalized people, particularly Native Americans, as pawns throughout her entire career, claiming to be their champion while exploiting them herself and collaborating with their oppressors like Harvard University.
- Dr. Shiva highlighted additional examples where Elizabeth Warren claims to be a workers champion by opposing predatory big banks, when her regulations actually shut down thousands of small family-owned community banks, and she has actively lobbied for substantial donations for the same Wall Street Oligarchs she claims to oppose, such as the real live “Wolf of Wall Street,” whom she had dinner with on Martha’s Vineyard.
- Only a truly bottoms’-up movement with the right political theory, such as Dr. Shiva’s Truth Freedom Health® system, can fully expose these predatory Liberal Imperialists and effectively organize working people to win Truth Freedom Health®.
Because he is an opportunist who wants to run for president, Governor Ron Desantis of Florida has pulled a political stunt and has flown a group of around 50 illegal immigrants from Florida to the ultra-wealthy Liberal Elite island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
Governor Ron Desantis, a career politician and opportunist, has flown 48 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard as a political stunt for his future presidential run. He is using the migrants as a troll pawn because he wants to run for president and be Trump’s successor.
Every day, there are 2500 immigrants that come in. That number, however, has not gotten the same attention as the 48 people who have shown up on Martha’s Vineyard.
Apart from migrants, 11 percent, or close to 1,000 people of the Vineyard’s year round population, are below the poverty line.
Professors from MIT and Harvard, who talk about helping Native Americans, other minorities, and poor people, are among those who have beautiful vacation homes on the Vineyard. Half of these homes remain unoccupied until the summer months.
There is plenty of space on Martha’s Vineyard for these people to occupy, yet Elizabeth Warren has not reached out to her network of people, like Robert Wolf or the Obama’s, to put these migrants up.
The reaction of liberal elites in Martha’s Vineyard and across the country to DeSantis’s political stunt has exposed their own hypocrisy about claiming to be welcoming to immigrants. Both the left and the right use immigration as a pawn and have no interest in solving the immigration issue.
The liberal elites who put up “Black Lives Matter” signs claim to love minorities and immigrants but their actions toward this political stunt say otherwise.
Not only did Warren fail to use her senatorial power to network in an effort to help put these migrants up in their Vineyard homes, she had also made a statement that DeSantis was using these people as pawns.
Warren has also used migrants as pawns and was part of the decision to ship them off to Guantanamo military base.
Dr. Shiva highlights the hypocrisy of one Liberal Elite in particular, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a former Harvard professor who made her ivory-tower career by falsely claiming to be Native American and exploiting the plight of indigenous peoples for her own benefit.
Elizabeth Warren represents the “Liberal imperialist elite of Massachusetts” and is the epitome of hypocrisy. She has used her fake minority status to take advantage of all of the opportunities afforded to her to become a full professor at Harvard.
During his 2018 U.S Senate campaign, Dr. Shiva used the slogan, “Only a real Indian can defeat a fake Indian” because of Warren’s racist and fake Native American ancestry statement.
In response, Warren had contacted the City of Cambridge and Dr. Shiva received a formal letter from the city stating that he removes his signs or he will be subjected to charges.
As a result, he sued the City of Cambridge for the violation of the 1st Amendment and won. This win was a big victory for his campaign. Dr. Shiva’s suggestion that Warren take a DNA test, proved that she was 99.99999% fake Indian, and Fox News shared the story.
In response to the Martha’s Vineyard stunt, Elizabeth Warren put out a statement saying that DeSantis is using these people as pawns. She and others on the left claim to be their champion while collaborating with each other to exploit and use migrants as pawns. We have a Worldwide Wrestling Federation going on here.
Though Warren has accused Ron DeSantis of using migrants as pawns, she does the same thing. For instance, Warren used her fake Indian status as a pawn to get all sorts of gains.
As the sitting Senator of Massachusetts, she also shipped all these migrants to a military base, or prison essentially. It is evident that both the Republicans and the Democrats do the same thing.
The left wing Democrats give the flux of immigrants a voting bloc to manipulate elections. The right wing Republicans want the immigrants here because they can reduce the cost of labor, which Wall Street loves.
This goes to show that both Democrat and Republican, left and right, have no interest in really solving immigration. The real racism comes from liberal racists. People like Elizabeth Warren, who talk about racism and want to help immigrants.
Ultimately, their loyalty is their people on Martha’s Vineyard. They all use public sentiments to manipulate people as they need.
Elizabeth Warren claims to be a workers’ champion by opposing predatory big banks, when her regulations actually shut down thousands of small family-owned community banks. She has actively lobbied for substantial donations for the same Wall Street Oligarchs she claims to oppose, such as the real live “Wolf of Wall Street,” whom she had dinner with on Martha’s Vineyard.
As Senator in Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren said that we need to go after big banks and shut them all down. She supposedly passed laws against big banks as well. What they actually did, however, was destroy thousands of small banks.
While Warren claims to be against big banks and big corporations, a few years ago, she had attended a Martha’s Vineyard dinner hosted by a big bank executive named Robert Wolf AKA “The Wolf of Wall Street” so that he could fundraise for her.
This goes to show that Warren has no problems begging for herself from these elites. Recognize that the real hypocrisy is liberal imperialism, and Elizabeth Warren is the face of it.
Only a truly bottoms’-up movement with the right political theory, such as Dr. Shiva’s Truth Freedom Health® system can fully expose these predatory Liberal Imperialists and effectively organize working people to win Truth Freedom Health®.
Every elite in the world has walked through MIT or Harvard, especially Harvard University. Interestingly, Harvard has a history of British influence as it was set up here in the 1600s before the Revolutionary War.
This is where the elites learn all the techniques of manipulating people. In fact, many of these people learn the Science of Systems.
By learning this science at MIT or Harvard, they learn how to speak with a forked tongue, like Elizabeth Warren. While attending MIT, Dr. Shiva had also learned that science and put together a curriculum called “The Foundation of Systems” so that people can learn how the elites think and how they manipulate people.
The only way to overcome hypocrisy is by building a movement. Do not be fooled–The Republican and the Democrats are one. Massachusetts is the epicenter of the sewer that feeds the swamp.

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