In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, reviews Putin’s recent Annexation Speech of the four former provinces of Ukraine, and how the West is reacting and what this means to YOU.
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- Dr.SHIVA explains the details of Putin’s recent speech announcing the annexation of four Eastern Ukrainian territories into the Russian Federation.
- The four territories in Eastern Ukraine with high Russian Speaking populations, recently held public referendums in which the populations voted to separate from Ukraine and join Russia.
- The Speech that Putin shared was twisted by the Western Media, where the Western Media claimed that the referendums were shams while claiming that Western elections are never shams.
- Most people in the West are completely bamboozled by the media and are walking around not knowing what is happening.
- Only the Truth Freedom Health® movement is teaching working people the same Science of Systems that the elites use to manipulate the masses. Only with System Science can we build a bottoms up movement to achieve Truth Freedom Health®.
Dr.SHIVA explains the details of Putin’s recent speech announcing the annexation of four Eastern Ukrainian territories into the Russian Federation.
Putin’s speech was a celebration and the acknowledgement of the four provinces in Ukraine, which were part of Ukraine that decided to secede. This was not an “annexation” like what the media is using.
The United States, the UN Charter, gives everyone the right to self-determination, which came out post colonialism. Self-determination is a principle that means a set of people with a sense of nationhood have the right to create their own nation.
The four different provinces have always felt they were a distinct group with their own sense of nationhood. After they voted, the Duma, which is a congress in Russia, the Senate and the Lower House, voted to accept these nations, or these four republics, into Russia and be a part of Russia.
Unlike the leaders of Germany, Japan, and Korea, Vladimir Putin states in his speech that Russia is defying being under the thumb of the U.S. CIA.
The four territories in Eastern Ukraine with high Russian Speaking populations, recently held public referendums in which the populations voted to separate from Ukraine and join Russia.
The republics of Ukraine voted on secession, and the results came out. 87 percent of the people in Kearson, 93.11 percent of Zaporizhzhia, 99.23 percent of Donetsk, and 98.42 of the people in Luhansk wanted to secede from Ukraine. The West is saying these votes are bogus.
The Speech that Putin shared was twisted by the Western Media, where the Western Media claimed that the referendums were shams while claiming that Western elections are never shams.
When Texas, which is a part of Mexico, decided to leave Mexico in 1845, they voted to secede. Shortly thereafter, the United States Congress decided to absorb Mexico. The Atlantic Council’s headline calling Putin an imperialist is like saying the U.S. is an imperialist for bringing in Texas.
The Western media put out headlines misrepresenting Putin’s speech: The NBC News headline is, “Putin Illegally annexes 4 occupied regions, escalating war as Ukraine applies to join NATO.”
Express writes a headline, “Putin doubles down on nuclear threat in deranged ‘will of millions’ annexation speech.”
The Guardian writes a headline, “Putin’s rambling Ukraine speech leaves western diplomats scrambling.” The New York Times writes a headline, “Putin illegally annexes 4 Ukraine regions; U.S. sanctions follow.”
The Atlantic Council, an elite think tank organization funded by the United Kingdom, has been behind architecting this unholy alliance globally. They said, “Putin denounces imperialism while annexing large swathes of Ukraine.”
In their article, The Atlantic Council basically said that Putin’s crazy, we got to attack him even harder, let’s have war. The Atlantic Council understands system science and uses it to subjugate, enslave, and manipulate people.
The news media does not talk about the 2014 coup in Ukraine by Barack Obama in which the U.S. government replaced a rightfully elected President of Ukraine with a neo nazi to run it. Those people in those provinces fought to preserve their right to speak their native language, their culture, traditions, faith, and the right to live.
For eight years, Ukraine had been bombing those regions because those people did not want neo nazis running Ukraine. Now, an overwhelmingly 90 plus percent decided to secede from Ukraine to become their own republics, and Russia has decided to absorb them.
In Putin’s speech, he says, “Today we’re signing agreements on the admission…”, which is not an annexation. This is the will of millions of people. It is very important that Putin said, “And this, of course, is their inalienable right, which is enshrined in the First Article of the UN Charter.”
Again, the First Article, the United States UN Charter says that any people have the right to break away and create their own nation, United Nations. It is that concept of self-determination.
Most people in the West are completely bamboozled by the media and are walking around not knowing what is happening.
In his speech, Vladimir Putin is saying let’s negotiate, which is a direct lie to what the Atlantic Council and all other media is putting out there. He continues to say it is nonnegotiable that these people of Ukraine want to become their own nation because that is right in the UN Charter.
Putin refers to 1901, which was the time when the Soviet Union got broken up and the Western world thought this was a great time to completely destroy Russia. The Russian people have a history of actually suffering on their grounds. With respect to all those soldiers who fought in World War Two, it was the tens of millions of Russian people who died who stopped Hitler. Western elites have always wanted to come in and destroy Russia.
After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1901, a promise was made by the Defense Secretary Baker to George Herbert Walker Bush that the United States of the West, NATO, would not go one inch east of Germany. Then in 1997, Boris Yeltsin, one of the presidents of Russia, signed an agreement which basically said you can keep expanding for defensive reasons.
Putin’s statement, “The West is ready to step over everything…to plunder the world at the expense of the power of the dollar…to collect real tribute from humanity to extract the main source of unearned prosperity, the rent of hegemony” means that the West basically wants to start wars, and it uses the power of the dollar because the dollar is a reserve currency.
His reference to “Desovernisation” suggests that the United States elites want everyone to be a part of one globalist nation and to have one reserve currency.
Putin is basically saying that the U.S. breaks whatever treaties it talks about and does not value their promises. His statement, “And now it decides at its own discretion, who has a right to self determination and who does not…” is fundamentally saying that it looks like the Western world, NATO, basically gets the right to decide everything; no one else can have any sovereign rights.
He is also saying it appears that the West and NATO are saying they will decide when they’ll talk about democracy and freedom. When the four regions want to split and want their own freedom, the West says, “no, that is considered illegal and annexation.”
Putin is basically emphasizing there is one rule for them and another rule for us. Putin goes on to remind the elites in the West that they have no moral authority, have a history of subjugating people, plundering people, and slavery.
Russia is filled with natural resources and for millenia, the West has wanted to plunder Russia. In his speech, Vladimir Putin is saying that this plundering the West had done to the American Indians, it did to India and to Africa. Basically, what he’s saying was colonialism. Now he’s saying we are in neocolonialism.
Putin is saying after 1991 and after the fall of the Soviet Union, a lot of money was taken out of Russia.
Putin mentions sanctions, which the West put on him. Two pipelines that are owned by Russia were suddenly blown up.
Putin is comparing the Western media to Nazism, and they are able to do this because of the military power and the reserve currency, which are both intertwined. While Russia has the biggest reserves of natural gas, massive amounts of oil, titanium, gold, and steel, etc…, The West’s resources right now are essentially banked on the reserve currency, which is the US dollar.
After World War Two, the US was able to grow because the dollar became the reserve currency. Putin is fundamentally saying that the United States and Western economies are collapsing, they need war, and they need to plunder Russia.
Russia wants to have conservative values. Putin says, “I repeat, the dictatorship of the Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves,” which is what he observes on a global level.
Only the Truth Freedom Health® movement is teaching working people the same Science of Systems that the elites use to manipulate the masses. Only with System Science can we build a bottoms up movement to achieve Truth Freedom Health®.
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