In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, shares results from CytoSolve’s Molecular Systems Biology Analysis of how Gingko and alleviate Lung Congestion. Many “health gurus” simply are Pro- and Anti- about a particular food. This is a reductionist approach that creates confusion. They have little idea of HOW the food is processed since they lack a SYSTEMS foundation to thinking. This is part of CytoSolve® Food Is Medicine Series.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Okay, good evening everyone is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. We’ll wait for our fans on Instagram to sign in.
Can you guys check if it’s out on Twitter? We are back on Twitter recently. So we’re going to check if how it’s going on Twitter. Twitter is actually gotten the free speech has actually gone down on Twitter, since Elon Musk took over, believe it or not, and we’ll talk more about that later.
But it’s good to be back. So anyway, welcome. Today’s talk.
We’re gonna have an interesting discussion today, and it’s going to be on Ginko, Bill boa, and lung congestion, gingko biloba, and lung congestion. So that’s we’re gonna be talking about and the reason I wanted to do this talk, it’s part of our, our lung congestion series, because winter is upon us, at least in the United States, and probably in other parts of the world. And people are likely concerned about how to take care of their health.
And Ken, is everything all right on Facebook? Is it on? Can you check? Is it on Facebook? Okay. Let’s just check out people are doing but it’s interesting, because I’m not seeing that many people in my life. Huh? Sorry, interesting.
Are we on Facebook? Okay. Okay. All right.
There we are. Oh, I think I was supposed to go a little bit later. And I just started early.
Alright, so welcome, everyone. So we’re going to be doing a discussion and let me bring it up on lung on gingko biloba, so there’s many, many different compounds, many, many different foods, or herbs in nature that can be very, very good for alleviating lung congestion. And what we’re going to be talking about is a gingko biloba.
And it’s very interesting, if you look at this herb and bring a picture of it, you’ll notice the, and we’ll get closer but the, the, the leaf of the herb that’s actually used actually looks like if you took a slice of the human brain, and you cut it. And there’s this whole thing in Chinese medicine called the signature of likes. And the signature of like, says that sometimes something that looks like the body part that is for actually helps that.
So for example, if you take ginseng, ginseng looks if you look at it looks like an entire person, and it’s good for the entire body. It’s a nutritive tonic for the entire body, walnuts look like the hemisphere of the brain. And they also turn out they’re good for the brain and so on.
And there’s no one’s ever proven this. But it’s something that comes out in traditional systems of medicine. It’s called the signature of likes.
But today we’re going to talk about gingko biloba, and lung congestion. As many of you know, I have a ticker running below it says Get educated or be enslaved, truth, freedom and health, the internet, all the stuff that we do is brought to you by the truth, freedom, health movement, we have people all over the world are part of it close to 360,000 people, but we teach people the intersection of health, science, truth, and freedom, like all these components need to come together. Okay.
So let me just jump right in. And let me go right here. And let me begin by talking about, first of all, if people want to go to VA shiva.
com, you can get a deep understanding of all the different things that we do. And the movement for truth for their health is involved. The movement for truth, freedom to help can be found a truth, freedom health.
com. And our slogan is get educated or be enslaved. And I’ll play you a quick video about that.
But before I do that, this is what we’re going to cover. First of all, we’re going to cover the truth, the science, we’re going to look at the systems biology of lung congestion. What’s it what is lung congestion? How is it actually caused inside your body? Okay, what actually is involved in creating this, okay, in lung congestion, so you’re gonna understand the physics, the molecular system science of it.
And then we’re going to go and look at gingko. And by the way, we have about 10 different herbs we’re going to look at, and these are foods ginkgos, one of them, we’re going to look at his biological functions, health benefits, that’s really the science of the truth part on the freedom side, we’re going to look at sort of the background, how typically the Big Pharma guys and even the big vitamin guys, unfortunately, take a very reductionist approach, they don’t really want people to understand the positives, and the full picture of how foods are they’re always trying to take a pro or anti approach. And then we’re going to end with how gingko actually works.
We’re gonna look at the molecules and Ginko, the mechanisms of action and then clinical evidence before I go into all that I just want to play you a video. So all of you sort of get an understanding that the approach we take care really comes about by my journey to a systems approach, and which is really the effort that we recommend. We want everyone to take a systems approach versus just taking this uni dimensional.
You know, the blind man approach let me explain what that is.Welcome to be a Shiva. Vas Shiva is a product of my journey across East and West science and tradition, ancient and modern.
That brings you the science of systems so you can become a force for truth freedom health, VAs Shiva as a platform a revolutionary education, community building and weaponry for unleashing local activism. My journey to be a Shiva begins in the chaos of Bombay, where I experienced diverse religions, languages, casts, and in a small village that had no running water, no electricity from my grandmother, a poor village farmer practice sidai, an ancient system of Indian medicine. over 10,000 years old, she observed one’s face the art of Samudra collection to understand a body’s unique constitution, allowing her to deliver the right medicine to the right person at the right time.
Watching my grandmother heal others, I was inspired to study medicine, but I was also aware of the corrupt caste system of India, which denigrated a human being where my family were considered low caste untouchables were ones birth determine one’s destiny. The grit and determination of my mother and father led them to get educated and to come to America, a one in a trillion event. Their actions inspired me to work hard and Excel.
While in ninth grade, I attended New York University in a computer science program, and subsequently at the age of 14, was given a full time job as a research fellow at what is now known as Rutgers medical school in the heart of Newark, New Jersey. There I investigated the system of sleep using mathematics, computer science and biology for sudden infant death syndrome. It was there in Newark, where I invented email when I was the first to convert every feature of the physical paper base interoffice mail system including inbox, outbox, memo, carbon copy blind carbon copy attachments, into its electronic equivalent, a system which I named email, a term that I was first coined on August 30 1982, I was awarded the first US copyright for the invention of this system, recognizing me as the inventor of email.
At that time, copyright was the only way to protect software inventions. I went on to MIT where I earned four degrees across multiple systems of engineering, electrical, mechanical, design, biological, that training led me to invent many other systems for advancing humankind, eco Mal, the world’s first intelligent email management system cytosol, a computational biology system for eliminating animal testing to discover new medicines faster, cheaper and safer, and to the creation of a whole system’s methodology for certifying clean food. These innovations led me back on a Fulbright to India, where I discovered the missing link between Eastern medicine and western systems theory honoring my grandmother to develop your body, your system, a powerful tool that will help you understand how your body is a system, and how the inputs of food supplements and exercise bring your body back to its natural system, state, and systems health and integrative educational discipline that is now integrated into the BAC le platform that will enable you to learn the science of systems, the science of everything, be your body as a system, or our society and politics as a system to reveal the foundational interrelationships between truth, freedom, health, now is the time for you to be the light, learn the science of systems, build community and weaponize yourself to unleash the activism necessary to deliver truth, Freedom health, in your local community.
Welcome to VA Shiva.All right, everyone, that is truth, freedom and health. And I encourage everyone to go to truth, freedom health.
com and become more your scholars, because it’ll really enhance your life in many, many ways that I’ll be talking about later today at our orientation, but fundamentally what we talked about is the integration of freedom, truth and health. And these are systems principles. So we never discussed these without discussing the other which means we’re talking about health.
We’re going to talk about the political issues. We’re also going to talk about the scientific issues as we’ll do in this talk today. Tonight at 8pm or wherever you are ESP.
I’ll be doing an orientation. And all of you are welcome to come to that orientation, but because it’ll really give you a deep understanding of what this movement is about. And I’ll just run a ticker right there.
And you can see it right? There’s this today. Today, you can RSVP at
So I recommend all of you take advantage that and come. So let’s talk about gingko. And really talk about what it’s about from this perspective is truth, freedom and health.
Okay. So what we want to talk about is, first of all, we want to take this very systems approach, we’re going to talk about the science, the political issues, and even the health issues. So let’s begin by first talking about the science and truth relative to the system’s biology of lung congestion.
And what do I mean by that? What do I mean by the system’s biology of lung congestion? So what I want to really emphasize here is that when you look at something as the process of lung congestion, what is really going on. So if you think about, when you get congestion in your lungs, there’s certain things that trigger it. And what’s actually going on? Well, you obviously feel sick, you get mucus in your lungs, you can’t breathe, and all these phenomenon are ultimately associated with particular chemical reactions taking place inside your body.
So there’s certain molecular pathways that get turned on particular chemical reactions. And when those chemical reactions, which are not running normally get turned on, you get lung congestion. So what we do at cytosol, and I’ll talk more about cytosol, cytosol was a technology that I created out of my PhD work, it’s also the basis of a company that began called cytosol.
com, you can go there. And our goal is to eliminate the need for animal testing. And with cytosol, we’re able to actually look at all the science understand what’s going on, and then map out these mechanisms of action.
So when we look at, when we look at the system’s biology of lung congestion, let’s sort of walk through and understand what’s actually involved. So let’s teach you some of the physics here. So you, you feel like you’re learning something here, right? So the first thing is, on the left side, you see you have your normal airways, okay? And in the normal case of the airways, and we’re going to look at a cross section of the lungs here, right? And what you notice is in normal airways, if we look over here, right, this is the top part is we’re looking at normal airways, what we see is, you know, you have the smooth muscle, which are part of the airways, you have the airway wall, and a normal airway, you notice is nice and clean, the walls are pretty thin, there’s no mucus in there, okay? Right up here, as you can see it over here, okay? Now, in the case, of when you have congestion, and we’re looking at the bottom part of the lungs, you notice how thick the airway walls have become, okay? And they actually become scarred and thickened.
Okay? So first of all, unlike the normal case, the literal airway walls are thicker, and it’s wider, so much bigger than normal, you have all this mucus in there screen stuff that we’re showing here. Okay. So this is, you know, physiologically, physically how it manifests itself, okay? Beautiful, nice thin, your, your muscles are, there’s no, you know, thickening of the airways, and here, they’re thick.
And they’re wider and you have mucus. Okay? And I’m sure those of you gotten a cold, which is horrible to have you experiences. Alright.
Now what happens relative to all of this, we want to sort of take a step through, and we say, so when you have, you know, when so all of this, by the way, is a result of excess blood in specific parts of the lungs. So that’s what’s actually causing the lung congestion, excess blood in specific part of lungs, right, so more blood is going in there. And why does blood go to a place, your body is smart, it sends blood to a particular place, because it’s trying to heal an infection.
So common system, the respiratory tract infections are mucous membranes become inflamed, it’s shown here. There’s excessive mucus production with blocks at different airways. And this is what causes a difficulty in breathing.
And it’s an ideal. So when you have this, this is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, leading to secondary infection. So you get the congestion.
And then you get it’s like you’re basically created a nice home for bacteria. All right. So that’s the important piece to understand.
When you have lung congestion taking place in your body. Okay, you you the congestion occurs, mucus builds up and you start having all this unfortunate situation where blood is rushing in, and you have all this bacteria, it’s a great place for bacteria. Okay.
So that’s one of the important things to remember. Now, when we want to now what the second thing we want to do, we want to analyze gingko biloba using cytosol and we want to integrate the current research so ginkgo biloba, let’s go to That’s so. So by the way, there’s been, if you look at the literature in all the scientific literature, as of today, there’s close to 4940 research articles out there on gingko.
And 414 of those articles are clinical trials, which means they tested ginkgo on humans. And over the last close to 90 years, people have done all this research. Now, what cytosol does is the power side, so we can take all of this research, and instead of just cherry picking one or two, which is what a lot of the big pharma guys do, or people want to present their view, we take all of that research.
And we identify the molecular mechanisms related to lung congestion. And then from that, we distilled that knowledge what we’re doing here. And that’s brought to you by cytosol.
Society, Saab is really that 23rd century platform for doing that. And to those of you who don’t know what cytosol is, I’ll go through that. But what we’ve done is cytosol was really our technology, we want to help the world with it.
So we’ve also, the reason we’re able to do these videos is because we contribute that to the movement for truth, freedom and health, which through your contributions, other people’s help, we’re able to do this research to the cytosol of open science project. And you can find the status of open science project, we go to VA
And you scroll down, you’ll see the sinkhole open science project. And the Open Science Institute, to be more specific, has various different research projects going on. This is coming directly from your support and funding.
So it’s science by the people for the people, we’re not waiting for some, you know, Bill Gates to fund us, because he has his agenda. This is by you science for the people by the people. And so you can go right here and you can contribute to the knowledge that we’re getting.
But this is all brought to you by cytosol. And just to give you I’m going to play a quick video, because some of you are probably wondering what is cytosol so I’ll play you this quick video that’ll give you an understanding of what is cytosol.Who would have ever thought someone like me would invent email and create cytosol to revolutionize health for personalized and precision medicine a system for delivering the right medicine for the right person at the right time.
I was born in a low caste untouchable in India’s caste system, a system of aristocracy oppression and racism. As a child I observe my grandmother a poor village farmer practice Siddha India’s oldest system of medicine to heal local villagers by observing their face to know their unique constitution to deliver a unique combination of foods healing herbs and massage the caste system and her abilities to heal inspired me to understand the interconnectedness of all life. My name is Dr.
Shiva DeRay. I’m an MIT PhD, a Fulbright scholar, a scientist, technologist and inventor my family and I left India to come to America on my seventh birthday. As a 14 year old I began working as a full time research fellow at Rutgers medical school to unravel the mysteries of sudden infant death syndrome SIDS and created the world’s first email system long before I ever heard of MIT.
As I traverse academia. Over the next three decades, I observed self serving academics never solving real problems writing grant after grant competing for tenure, while diminishing real science and real scientists pushing a reductionist science did destroy the scientific method like the blind men who never saw the whole elephant but the parts they delivered a dismembered view of reality. I observed Big Pharma use such reductionism, wasting billions year after year to fund research and test tubes killing animals and using the poor as guinea pigs for clinical testing to create products that even the FDA no longer allowed not only big pharma practices reductionism, but also the elites a big vitamin B green and big new age with gurus and Yogi’s and powered by Hollywood celebrities selling one supplement after another based on a cherry pick science all that changed in 2003 when the Human Genome Project ended, revealing that humans have the same number of genes about 20,000 as out of a worm giving rise to a systems biology we realize that one size fits all medicine was a failure we realized their medicines were killing us making today’s generations lifespan shorter than any previous generation obesity heart disease deaths from adverse reaction to drugs, confusion on what diet what supplements and who to believe is what they have delivered you.
They push natural and organic products for your beauty and wellness. While their real solution is their plastic surgeons and Botox we’ve been sold out it’s time for real science and systems science that interconnects the parts to discover truth to know what really works to get the health we need and deserve. This is why I created cytosol cytosol was about truth, freedom and health versus power, profit and control.
cytosol was a revolutionary technology integrating bioinformatics computational biology, mathematical modeling decentralization to reveal the truth cytosol computes trillions of potential combinations of biomolecular interactions to discover what actually works based on the actual science no reductionism, no cherry picking cytosol is predictive modeling has been proven accurate time and time again matching laboratory results. cytosol discovers synergistic combinations of compounds to maximize health and reduce toxicity. For example, we know curcumin from turmeric and resveratrol from red grapes alleviate inflammation, but how much should we combine current methods are hand waving at best here with cytosol.
We first modelled the control condition with no curcumin and no resveratrol to simulate high inflammation with the cytokine level at point one five micromolar Next we add just five micro moles of curcumin, the inflammation drops to point o five. Next we use five micromolar as a respiratory and the inflammation drops from point one five 2.06.
But when we combine curcumin and resveratrol have three micro molars of curcumin and two micromolar as a respiratory inflammation drops from point one five to point o three far lower nearly 200% less than just one compound alone. That’s the synergy principle of system science. We’ve all had enough of their fake and reductionist science they think will simply keep buying their marketing their celebrities and their products that can never truly heal us.
We don’t need them. Great things come when we integrate the best of things. It’s our time.
It’s time we delivered solutions for ourselves. It’s time for truth, freedom and health. It’s time for cytosol.
Welcome.All right, so those of you who are no, that’s what cytosol is. And cytosol was, like email, another invention I did.
But the goal is to really eliminate animal testing, and we can really understand what’s really going on at a systems level. So let’s go back to our presentation here on Ginko. So now that you understand cytosol, one of the things you want to understand is, you know, the, quote unquote, liberal elites who talk about fighting racism, who also support Big Pharma, one of the things cytosol is dedicated to is truly fight real racism.
And we have a great regard for these indigenous systems of medicine. So one of the goals, be it from India, or Native Americans are all different cultures, we are using cytosol to actually identify those, you know, many interesting formulations that have existed for centuries, that may actually work. And that’s one of the things cytosol is doing, we’re actually understanding those systems of medicine, that actually work.
And so that’s a very important thing for supporting indigenous medicines. The other thing is, we’re dedicated to eliminate animal testing, we need to recognize even the National Institutes of Health and the FDA recognize that 90% of the NIH animal experience are going nowhere. And by the way, want to remark that this guy, what’s his face, Elon Musk, you know, loves killing animals.
He’s doing all this neurologic neuro link testing, I think he’s killed, what couple 1000 Poor monkeys. And there’s no need for that. cytosol is a much more powerful way of doing this and actually not elevating ourselves among animals, right? That’s my view on this.
But that’s another thing side of soft work. The other thing is cytosol is completely exposing the problems with the big pharma system. This is how they develop a drug.
They take a new synthetic compound, they spend about six years doing test tube testing, then they go kill a bunch of animals, and after the six years, and they go and get approval from the FDA, if they get that approval, then they do phase one, phase two, phase three, testing and testing on 1000. Humans 10,300 1000. In the case of the vaccine, they didn’t even do this.
Okay, thanks to Donald Trump and Fauci together, they did operation warp speed. But the bottom line is, this entire system is failing, because only 20% make it out of phase one, they spent about $5,000,000,000.13 years, and they can’t really and they’re not discovering new inventions.
If you look at less and less new molecules are being discovered, even though they put more and more money into it. This is why Trump and Jared Kushner, were brought in to help Big Pharma guys push through Operation warp speed, okay. So don’t think Trump is some Trump will sell you anything, he’ll sell you.
Live golf, he’ll sell you nfts he’ll sell you anything. He’ll even sell you that he’s against election fraud, that he actually believes that working class people should have a fair day make America great. The bastard will sell you anything.
Okay. That’s what Trump is. So he has very, very little principles, except selling you something.
All right. So once you understand this, you can understand that pharma entire pharmaceutical model is screwed up. And the reason it is is because academics work like blind men.
So this is cancer. This is lung congestion. They each work on part of the puzzle, and they never really understand fully what’s going on.
And if they were to work together, they would get something like this. The last piece of the thing cytosol is doing our Open Science Institute, is we’re really breaking this incestuous Web of Science. First over there.
They have big government, the same professors who are making decisions on what paper gets published also sit on the NIH government review board. They’re also advisors to Big Four Arma. And they also said, as the department heads a big academia, they say all of these guys are the same people.
So they controlled in any area, the narrative on science, that’s what needs to be understood. A finite set of people, like a Politburo control the direction of science. And we saw recently that there was bullshit bogus research done on Alzheimer’s.
And a guide made up the data. And for 16 years, everyone chased that tail, because that generated billions of dollars of grant funding. So this is the politics of this and we disk.
So we’re not only gonna talk about the health, but we also talked about the politics of what’s going on here. Those of you want to support the cytosol Open Science Institute, you can support you can contribute, by the way, when you contribute, we like to give you back something, we’d like to give you back gifts. If you contribute 100 or more, you get all of these 15 different gifts, and you get to be on the path to being a truth freedom and health warrior, you get books, you get courses, you get videos, you get materials, you get software tools, a lot of tool, gifts, you can also if you contribute 25 to $99, you get six gifts.
And if you can’t contribute anything, that’s fine, we still give you a bunch of gifts, join us a member. Okay, so getting back to lung congestion. So you have the normal state, and you have the abnormal state.
And as we said, the abnormal state is caused when a lot of blood starts rushing into these areas, you would get difficulty breathing, you have mucous membranes, which are inflamed, and you have excessive mucus production. As we said, this is a breeding ground for bacteria. Now, I’m going to teach you a little bit of systems biology.
And don’t be afraid you’re going to learn this quickly. But think about your body as a big chemical machine, a big factory. And there are different little gears running together.
Now when you think about lung congestion, lung congestion, really, you want to think about there’s five gears, five chemical gears that are running. And these five chemical gears all need to be really Alivia alleviated if you want to bring down the congestion in your lungs. So it’s not any one thing.
Again, we say this is a systems approach. Drugs will only affect one of those things. But if you really want to bring down congestion, you want to affect all of this.
So what are those five molecular machines? Well, one of them is called the Erica dinner on Donek acid metabolism pathway. This is what causes inflammation, right? So you have inflammation in the lungs cytokine production via map K, and we’ll talk about this. This is when you have the cytokine storm taking place.
But not only is there cytokine with this map K pathway, but it’s also through NF Kappa Beta. So there’s through two cytokine production pathways that you want to be concerned about. Then there’s actually what we call mu sin, which is a technical term for mucus production.
Okay. And then finally, there’s also the other piece here, which is the smooth muscle relaxation. So what do you want to do? So this there’s a whole chemical pathways for Arkadin ionic metabolism.
There’s the cytokine map K production pathway. There’s also NF Kappa Beta. As you can see all these by the way, these are called ball and stick diagrams.
And these are these chemical reactions. I’m showing you that people have spent lifetimes putting together cytosol. We bring them all together, then there’s mucin production mucin production moles, various different pathways that are involved in the production of mucus, okay, so if you go back here to Eric hedonic metabolism.
By the way, if you eat a lot of these grants, Id seed oils, you’re gonna get Erica Donek acid metabolism. This is why it’s really important to eat healthy fats, okay, if you’re sick and you’re eating a lot of these wacky seed oils, you’re going to support the inflammation pathways, the cytokine production occurs with a whole bunch of cytokines here that produce what’s called Map K, you don’t want map K coming because that is not good. Or map K, it’s through the map K pot pathway that you get the cytokine production and same here through NF Kappa Beta.
And mucin production is a very complex set of mechanisms. Ultimately, your body over here up regulates, you know, m mu C SAIC, which is the actual protein. And then finally, you want to relax your smooth muscle.
So, this so if you were to think about it from an engineering standpoint, you want to bring down Arca Donek acid metabolism and that’s indicated by a chemical called PG E to prostaglandin. Two, so you want to bring this down. There are two particular cytokines that go via map k one is il one and il eight.
You don’t need to know all the details but these two cytokines, interleukin one and interleukin eight are in high high levels in during this pathway. Il six and eight are produced via NF Kappa Beta and mucin five is the variable that’s done here and MLC P is what you want more of that chemical when you want relaxation. The big takeaway from this graph, for all of you who want to keep it simple, is that there are 123456 chemicals that you want to bring down, lower, right? When you have lung congestion, and there’s one chemical, you actually want to bring up MRCP because this chemical relaxes your muscles, muscles, because when the muscles get tight, that’s when you start having trouble breathing, you want to relax them.
Okay? Meditation, by the way, is a good thing. We’ll talk about that. So now, having gone through that, so now you understand the mechanisms, right? There are certain molecular pathways, those five, four of them, you want to lower these chemicals.
And with the smooth muscle relaxation, you want to increase MRCP. So now you’re starting to think like a systems person. What we teach in our movement is there’s not any one thing that you have to do to support your health.
It’s a combinations of things, okay? This is why food is powerful because food is a medicine. It hits multiple systems.So now I want to talk about the science and the truth about ginkgo biloba, ginkgo biloba, so let’s go, what is gingko biloba? Well, it’s native to China.
And it’s used in traditional Chinese medicine since at least documented around the 11th century. Ce II, right? And it’s medicinal benefits or attribute it to the leaves. Now, if you look at the leaves here closely, they’re fascinating.
As I said, in the signature of likes, you’ve seen pictures of your brain where they take a hemisphere, it looks very much like that. You guys see that? That’s what it looks like. And there’s this whole thing signature of likes, you know, that it supports the like, supports like, but this is a gingko leaf, you find this growing everywhere.
We haven’t growing outside here, okay. ginkgos. And you can just chew it.
In fact, you can eat it. So what does gingko contain? What gingko contains different types of compounds. Again, it’s got minerals, okay, vitamins, terpenoids, and flavonoids.
So we’re going to now look at these four sets of things that gingko has, right? And what we’re going to find out is overall, gingko is composed of these 28 different molecules. All right, 28 different molecules are involved in Ginko, 28 different molecules. Alright, so let’s go through them when it comes to the mineral composition.
By the way, all of these minerals are molecules, even though they’re individual things on the Periodic Chart, because they’re always bonded to some type of salt, like calcium carbonate, or copper sulfate. Okay? So but there’s, they’re typically bonded to other things. It’s not just manganese by itself.
So you notice the mineral composition. It’s got quite a bit of magnesium, right phosphorus and potassium. Your brain is actually composed of quite a bit of phosphorus, by the way, potassium also so these are the nine key minerals that are in Dinko.
And I’ll let you just look at that. Okay. So those are the nine key minerals in Glencoe, manganese, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, and potassium.
So the highest levels, if you were to look at milligram per 100 grams is potassium. Okay, so 510 milligrams of potassium for every 100 grams. 124 milligrams for every 100 grams of phosphorus, right? 124 milligrams of phosphorus.
And you can see that right here. All right. But gingko also contains seven different key vitamins.
It has vitamin A 550, I use, okay. By the way, we’re looking at in about 100 grams of vitamin D, 1.2 milligrams and 100 grams, vitamin B, 2.
09 milligrams vitamin B, 3.16 milligrams, vitamin B, 6.3 to eight and vitamin B 954 micrograms, that’s 10 to the minus six, and then vitamin C.
Okay, so the most the most important thing it has is vitamin C, and vitamin A in high volume. And then we go to the four terpenoids. A lot of people are smoking a lot of weed, say, Oh, I’m taking getting a lot of terpenoids.
Okay, well, gingko has four terpenoids ginkgolides A ginkgolide B ginkgolide. See, and Bill Loba lied, okay, and the highest amount is below beleid, which is, again, 1.04 milligrams per, in this case, gram, and ginkgolide, A, B, and C respectively.
Point seven 5.73 and point five, eight. Anyway, these are the terpenoids.
And then finally, it’s got flavonoids, and we’ve talked about this before. I’ll talk about our MV 25 product and B 25 consists of bioflavonoids Okay, and there There are eight bioflavonoids quercetin kaempferol I sorrow I saw Hamilton Rutan luteolin, Delphi Denden, Mir setien. And get okay.
Don’t worry about pronouncing them because they’re difficult to pronounce. But you can see this is relative to kilograms, it’s got point two kilograms point two grams of course a 10.3 grams of kaempferol point one gram of ice or Hamnet and 1.
2 grams of Brewton point five grams of luteolin point oh eight grams of Delphi Denden and 1.1 grams of Herceptin and point two grams of get. Okay.
So what I want to now talk about is, when we look at these chemicals, remember food is medicine. When you take gingko, you’re not just getting one chemical compound, which is what a pharmaceutical drug is giving you. When you eat ginkgo or you consume it, you’re getting many, many different nutrients, okay, you’re getting a ton of nutrients, not just any one nutrient, and that nutrient density, we want to focus on particular phytochemicals.
So these are the particular phytochemicals we’re going to talk about that the research shows are actually involved in alleviating lung congestion. One of them is quesiton, phenomenal chemical biloba slide, okay, we have kaempferol, we have gingko, getan, and ginkgolide. Now you notice these are if you study a topic called Organic Chemistry, these are these organic structures.
This is called the ring structure. These are stereo chemical structures. But these are the five active compounds, and there could be others.
But the current research shows these five active compounds are the ones that really have an effect on lung congestion. Okay, so let’s look at that. So but before we do that, in summary, there’s a total of 28 molecules in gingko biloba, and there they are for your review.
So just recognize when you eat this, you’re not just getting you’re not like just getting minerals, not just getting vitamins, you’re getting all of this. This is why food is medicine. All right.
So we’re laying it out for you very clearly. And by the way, you can use these videos to go educate your doctors, educate them, so they can support your advancement. Most doctors learn nothing about nutrition, unfortunately, because of the medical system, and we’ll talk about that.
All right. So there you go. Those are the critical nutrients in in gingko.
Okay, so now, what are the biological effects? So we’ve talked about these components, how do they affect your biology? So what are the health benefits of gingko biloba? What are the seven biological effects? So here they are, okay, so ginkgo has seven different biological effects. Okay. First of all, it’s anti ulcer, its anti cancer.
Its anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, anti diabetic, anti parasitic, and anti bacterial and anti ulcer. Okay. I mentioned that already.
So it’s got seven different effects. All right, very profound effects. And the health benefits are gingko.
It affects many, many things. You can use it for asthma, wound healing, diabetes, kidney disease, arterial sclerosis, cancer, hypertension, memory, skin, health, and allergies. So it’s a profound food, because it affects, you know, as you can see, it has multiple effects on these various health benefits, about 10 different health benefits.
All right now, is gingko right for you. One of the things that we want to really mention is, if you go on YouTube, the problem is there’ll be some guy who wants to sell you gingko and you’ll say, oh, ginkgo is the best thing everyone should take it. And then someone else will say, well, ginkgo sucks, don’t do it or the doctors will say don’t do it.
Because if you’re taking blood thinning medication is going to thin your blood. And some some of that is true, but people always take this pro and anti approach. What we want to do is really be a lot more truthful about this because every person’s body is different.
And what we do from a truth freedom and health from a scientific standpoint is Jason I am here he just flew in from Florida Jason’s body is very different than Kenya is here his body, right? So one of the things we’ve created for all of you if you become a truth for him and health where you get access to a very powerful tool called your body, your system and your body your system, you can go to your body or You can pay hundreds of dollars to get it or you just get it when you become a truther and health warriors included. So what is truth What is this tool? Okay.
The truth freedom and l tool of slummy. Mike here, actually, go back to my PowerPoint. Yeah.
So if you go to truth, freedom and help you understand is truth, freedom and health takes advantage of the scientific principles. Everything in nature is composed of the force of movement trasport the What we teach in our course, storage, the things that contain things and conversion, I don’t have time to get into the details, but we teach you this in the in the systems course at your body or system at a truth freedom
In the Indian system, this was called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. So, when you look at this, what Iarrived at in my scientific research is that if you take transport, conversion and storage, you can map everyone’s body into these three fundamental forces. And with your body, your system, your answer about 30 questions, and we’ll figure out where your red.
is a red dot places you in this framework, everyone’s going to be a different location doesn’t mean you’re better. If you’re in the center, then you answer a different set of questions.
And we’ll figure out where this Ideally, the on the target where your body likes to be, okay.
And then, but most people, you know, because of different things, we don’t take care of her body, your body’s off course, that’s a black dot, that your body, your system will help you figure out how these principles work. Again, you should always talk to your doctor before starting any diet program. But your body your system will help you calculate how particular foods and supplements and things affect you even exercises.
Now, when we look at gingko, what you find is gingko, actually, so if your body is here, if this is you Gingka will stabilize the forces of motion, it stabilizes conversion, which means it eases digestion, it stabilizes the storage part, which means you’re not going to gain fat, okay, you’re not going to go crazy and suddenly start moving around like crazy. It stabilizes the very interesting arm. Not all herbs do this, but gingko stabilize according to the Eastern traditions, all of these three forces.
Now, by the way, as I mentioned, if you contribute 100 More, you get this tool plus a whole bunch of other tools to do that. So. So again, we’ve seen that gingko has a very stabilizing effect, you’ll find some herbs will increase certain aspects of you.
So you have to be careful, if you’re already high in one area, and you eat somebody like caffeine, if you’re already a very high fast moving person you caffeine, it’s going to throw you off. Okay. So, now four issues to consider when you take gingko.
And again, we always want to give you the whole truth, not saying just eat it all day long. Okay? If you have prone to skin rashes, gingko can affect that. If you are on let’s say someone’s taking a lot of blood thinning gingko actually thins it.
So or if you have you know, haemophilia, right or not hemophilia, what is it when you bleed easily? Okay, forget antike you know, your body, blood doesn’t coagulate or constipation, okay? Or seizure. So again, you should consult a medical professional, okay, but we’re letting you give, we’re not just gonna say go eat gingko Gingka. Eat it all day.
Understand that if you’re prone to any of these things, you should be aware. All right. Now, everything I reveal to you comes from our use of cytosol.
We’ve shared with you the molecular pathways of cytosol. Now we’ve shared with you the components of gingko. What I want to let you know is for many, many years, the cytosol Research Institute has been helping many, many companies figure out or even indigenous medicines, our goal is to preserve a lot of these indigenous medicines are some of you may be innovators, you may say hey, I combined this, this and this and it’s works cytosol helps us figure out why it works.
Several years ago, you can see there’s a bottle to my over my shoulder over here called env 25, we decided after 16 years of helping people, we decided that it was important to start using our own technology to find out what works so quick, quote unquote, break I’m going to take him to get some water, I want to share with you one of one of the profound discoveries we made where we looked at all these bioflavonoids in nature. And we found a combination of two very powerful bioflavonoids that has a very powerful effect on discomfort and pain and inflammation in the body. Okay.
And we discovered that which scientists have I’m very proud to say a couple of weeks ago, months ago, we published a major scientific paper in one of the leading journals, and we got our first US Patent, you see what that means we can protect our innovation, what Amazon is doing, they just watch other mixtures and they just steal everyone’s stuff. We don’t sell this product on Amazon. I want to let all of you know that if you order six of this product for Christmas, you get six free, okay, six or more you get six free so it’s really cool, but I’m going to just let you let the video speak for itself and let you understand what is mv 25.
And then we’ll come back to Ginko.Millions of people suffer every day from painful discomfort and swelling. But most pain medications come with harsh side effects and many alter tentative supplements have little scientific backing.
That’s why we at Saito solve created MV 25 MV 25 was formulated using the Saito solve computational systems biology platform, a technology for precision and personalized health invented by Dr. Shiva during his doctoral research at MIT. This formulation is the result of computing trillions of potential combinations of bio molecular interactions, derived from 1000s of peer reviewed scientific papers published across four decades by 68 research institutions to discover an optimal synergy of combines for downregulate biomarkers of discomfort and normal swelling.
I am barber and my hands would cramp up so that I couldn’t pull cards or nick or crochet. Go like that. Not have to use this when I played cards with my grandkids and I started taking that MV 25 After betta was able to hold cards in my hand.
Very, very little cramping hardly at all anymore. MV 25Hi, my name is Sandy. I’m a Taekwondo instructor, I tore my ACL during Taekwondo, I had a lot of pain and limited mobility.
I’ve been taking the MV 25 for about six months now after the first week, I noticed the big difference after the second week, almost literally no pain.My name is Jeremy and I suffered from a lower back problem hurt my back at work years ago. And I could go to the chiropractor and do all kinds of different things and nothing seems to help and I decided to try MV 25.
I didn’t notice a difference immediately. But within a few days of pain went away and it’s stayed away. I’ve continued to take it and even when I do things that I shouldn’t do seems to go away a lot quicker than I ever did beforeMV 25 is certified clean 100% Non GMO Made in America and GMP certified for good manufacturing practices.
MB 25 is Saito solve optimized, which means that this formula has been engineered to maximize benefits while minimizing toxicity based on current research curated by Saito solve as the science advances. So will this formulation. This is our promise, Order online at m v 25.
Dot life, consult your doctor before taking any supplement or medication and uses directed MV 25.All right, so the reason I wanted to share that is that we’re using the cytosol Open Science Institute in the technology in two ways. One is to serve all of you we do these educational videos, so we take a lot of this research that we do, we don’t put it behind a paywall.
It’s for you. So support, you know, the movement in support for yourself. The other thing you can do is you can support your body and be 25 is a product that comes out of this research.
And so it’s science based. And we’re not just throwing a bunch of crap together, because most of the products out there people, you ask them, Why did you come up with this formulation? Oh, well, you know, Kim, whatever it Kardashian told me to do that, I don’t know, right, or some person told me to do that they don’t have really a fundamental basis. So take advantage of that, again, for Christmas, we wanted to be very generous, if you because we have most people keep ordering this.
So we saw that we never thought we would want to formulate something. But once we did this, we realize that the big vitamin companies weren’t going to do it. So we decided to do it.
So go to MB 25 dot life, but if you order six, you will actually get six for free. So you can give it to your friends and your family for New Year’s over the holiday. So take advantage of that.
And probably I should just let you know that. So if you order six, let me actually put that here. Because if I don’t do that some of you may not so order six bottles, right? And get six for free.
Okay, this is a special thing that we wanted to just let all of you know. Okay, so there you go. I just want to let you know they’re all right, here we go.
There so order six bottles and get six for free. So if later you see this, I just want to remind you of that and that’s really my gift to all of you as the holidays come and I know people are suffering in terms of money and all that. So it’s a great product.
So take advantage. It’s a order six and get six bottles for free. All right.
So let’s go back to gingko. So by the way, if you want to find out where to get the, you go to VA And you can go right here there’s a shop right here, and if you click on shop, you You’ll find it right here, you click on the shop and your order.
Again, if you order six, you get six for free. So, so we’ve, as of now we’ve talked about, thanks, again, we’ve talked about what is a Gingka. We’ve talked about what it’s composed of.
Now we want to talk about the fact that’s the science side, some of the things that get in the way of getting the facts out there. And it’s very, very important to understand that the problem that’s occurred occurred with the attack on freedom as the Big Pharma solutions and constraints on medical doctors a problem is, right now there’s a reductionist narrative in the scientific established what that means is physicians are trained to prescribe medicine but not trained in nutritional guidance. And the nutritional experts give constant conflicting advice.
If you go on YouTube, you’ll find every Tom Dick and Harry telling you eat this, eat that. And in fact, what’s happened right now, unfortunately, is that most people find it easier to do their tax returns than to actually figure out what to put in their bodies. Okay.
And you know, one time fat is good, fat is bad, right? And the problem is, you’ll never hear a medical doctor saying I spent years studying nutrition in medical school, right? You’ll never hear a doctor saying that. And most doctors will say don’t, you know, don’t ask me for nutritional advice because less than 70% of doctors receive nutrition classes in medical school, and those that do experience a measly 24 hours of class time on the subject. And then if you go and see sort of these Grifters on there, one guy, say eat kale, don’t eat kale, right.
And as I said, 52% of people find it easier to do their taxes than to really figure out what to eat. Okay, so we have a serious problem. And that’s why a systems approach is important when it comes to health.
Let’s now go look at the effects of gift Ginko Bill Bilbo on lung congestion. So now, what I want to do is now that we understand what happens in your lungs, we understand these five molecular pathways, we understand what’s in gingko. Now we’re going to put it together, okay? How does gingko affect those molecular pathways? So you’re going to leave this discussion.
Get and again, please share this with your doctors. Okay. So ginkgo biloba was shown to have four effects, it’s anti mucus, okay, hypersecretion effect, anti asthma effect, anti fibrosis effect, which is a thickening of the walls, and acute lung injury prevention effects.
Look at all those wonderful things that gingko can do. And if it does is so it really reduces the mucus reduces asthma reduces fibrosis, which is a scarring of your lungs, and it also prevents acute lung injury. All right.
So let’s go look at that. Again, to remind you, there are these five particular very powerful, naturally occurring compounds and gingko, the quercetin, the bio, Bilbo, Bilbo, alEid, right, the kaempferol, the game jet and, and the ginkgolide. So how does it do the anti mucus? Is that great how a lot of mucus we all want to get rid of it, right? So what remember the quercetin and gingko, what it does is, you see there’s this pathway here that leads to mucus secrete hypersecretion, which means you’re producing lots and lots of mucus that occurs, because you have the upregulation of PKC, which leads to EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor, which then leads to er K, which then leads to mu Mmusi, five AC, which is really responsible for creating all that mucus.
So what quercetin does it bang, it down regulates PKC. So this is a molecular pathway here, and quercetin comes in and blocks PKC. So when that happens, it stops all of this.
So this is called a pathway. And quercetin is is sort of choking PKC right up front, okay. And this is in one of your airway goblet cells.
So literally one of those cells in your airways, quercetin goes in and it affects it this way. So it’s pretty wonderful as an anti mucus hypersecretion effect.The other thing is gingko also has a anti asthma effect.
So you have these things called mast cells, and mast cells activate the promotion of asthma symptoms and how do they do that? Again, you have this er k map K signaling pathway that leads to the activation of these map cells through phosphorylation and you get mast cell activation, and this leads to asthma. So again, these pathways lead to asthma and the ginkgolide be one of those terpenoids in gingko comes in in a blocks er k one slash two phosphorylation said blocks this so all of this gets stopped. Okay? So again, this is like a cascaded pathway.
ginkgolide doesn’t affect here, but it affects right here and it blocks it. So anti Some effect due to ginkgolide B. And then finally quercetin also has an anti fibrosis effect.
If you you know, one of the, you know, I and you can, by the way, quercetin comes in the skin of most fruits, you can get quercetin about 500 milligrams, you know, I typically on some regular basis Take That’s what I protocol I do with that with zinc, because quercetin is also an ionic four it led zinc get in into your cells and it helps stop viral replication. Just a quick aside, but in this case quesiton when you get fibrosis, what is fibrosis, you know, my dear mom died of what was called lung fibrosis. And because she as a, when we first came to the United States worked in a factory where there was all these particles in the air.
And those particles affect her lung many years later, it scarred her lungs. And I had not known at the time, what was going on with my mom, ironically, but I found out there’s very, you know, there’s all these herbs that can affect but course, by the way. Glutathione is a very powerful antioxidant, you can actually reverse fibrosis.
I didn’t know that at the time, which was unfortunate. I would have put her on IV glutathione. But regardless, we look at quercetin, quercetin blocks TGF beta.
Okay, TGF beta is what induces fibrosis through the aka T mTOR pathway, which up regulates all these horrible cytokines il six il a other things called VEGF collagen one and collagen three, these are what calls causes a scarring and the fibrosis, well quercetin blocks TGF beta right up front, and so it stops the fibrotic and this occurs in the epithelial mesenchymal cells in your lungs. So gingko, the quercetin blocks TGF beta, and has this anti fibrotic effect. And then we have the prevention of acute lung injury, okay.
And now the infection of a lung can cause acute lung injuries, you’re getting all that mucus bacteria comes in, and this is the last thing you want. And so Ginko has this very powerful thing called a mental Flavor Flav on and a mental flav on from gingko prevents acute lung injury. So it’s a very interesting molecule.
Because typically when you get infection, if you follow the green here, NF Kappa Beta signaling happens, you get all this huge cytokine storm on the one hand, separate from that NRF two signaling takes place and all these antioxidant enzymes occur Okay, which then block this oxidative stress. So, what happens is the, the, the this pathway leads to this pro inflammatory cytokines, and that leads to oxidative stress. Okay, now amount of live on from Ginko prevents the lung injury by doing a two step process, it inhibits the NF Kappa Beta signaling, thereby reducing this inflammation from cytokine storm but it also up regulates right here there should be a green arrow going from here to here missing that sorry.
And it up regulates NF NRF two signaling is a very good thing. And boom, your body starts producing this very powerful antioxidants, which stop the oxidative stress, which would lead to acute lung injury. So it’s a one two punch and mental flav on stops the NF Kappa Beta signaling, and it promotes an RF to signaling.
Alright, so there you go. So at the end of the day, people ask, well, how much glucose Should I take for not only this, but for other things? How much should I take? By the way, someone’s asking, is there free shipping? Yes, if you order six or more, the first six bottles of MB 25 We charge and the remaining six, you don’t have to pay anything for Okay, so that’s uh, so to take advantage of that. And by the way, you know, not only do you get benefits from it, but all of that we plow back into the movement for truth for them and help to support everything we’re doing here on the on many levels.
So now how much ginkgo biloba should you take well for asthma, Nugent at all in the recent research has just came out said 120 to 240 milligrams per day of ginkgo extract. If you go you’ll find out, you know, they have the extract, which has these ginkgolides in it from memory to under 40 milligrams per day, that’s from 10 at all in 2015 research Gingka also effects macular degeneration 160 milligrams per day of the ginkgo extract, and for diabetes around 100. So if you look at this, it’s anywhere between 120 240 milligrams can support the lungs.
So is all gingko biloba good. We all obviously think the organic is better, because it’s preferred over the conventionally grown because conventional farming uses pesticides that are linked to liver, lung gink, kidney, thyroid toxicity. And the organic farming also produces plants free of these pesticides.
And by the way, you may want to look for Gingka with a certified clean certified raw, this is a certification that we developed. And it’s not only involves really looking at safety being minimally processed, and high bioavailability. So in summary, kinco has several health benefits.
Number one, it reduces the mucus hyper secretion symptoms, it prevents fibrosis, it reduces asthma symptoms, and it lowers acute lung injury. So there you go, you have just learned and you can review this video, pretty much the latest science in a very holistic way from the truth, freedom and health perspective, from the political perspective, from the scientific perspective, and also from the health perspective. So I hope all of you go and not only do you take advantage of the NB 25 offer we have going on, but you also all become truth, freedom and health warriors.
And that’s what I highly recommend you do, because it’s a way that you can support the movement, you can get educated, and you can go beyond left or right. Beyond, you know, just looking at health is do this or don’t do that, like I’ve shared with you here. Anyway, I hope this is valuable.
We have a very, very important, big event about to take place. And again, as I mentioned, at 830. At 830 Today, we go back to this, we’re gonna we’re going to do a live on really talking about why it’s important that credit matters.
And that is part of our truth, freedom and health event that we’re doing, which we do. It’s an open house that we do. Let me just take you to this.
I’m going to flip through these. Yep, here it is. So those of you are interested, come to our troops in an event.
It’s going it’s actually starting right now so I got to jump over to it and go to to come to it. Anyway Everyone, be the light.
Take care of your health continue to learn and join the movement for truth, freedom, health, the only movement on the planet that is integrating truth for human health and get you to act versus just sitting on your buns and not doing anything be while people like thank you

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health® you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health® in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems™ course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems™ Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health®, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System® tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health® portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health® Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved™.