In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, updates us on two important events: the CDC’s upcoming meeting on October 19-20,2022 on voting on COVID-19 Vaccine schedule for kids as well as the Vaccine Safety and Immune Health Conference to be held on October 29, 2022.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr.SHIVA invites everyone to Register to Attend the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health by the International Center for Integrative Systems on Saturday, October 29, 2022.
- Dr. Shiva updates of the upcoming Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices(ACIP) Meeting being held October 19th and 20th, 2022 to Vote on the Children‘s COVID Vaccine and Immunization Schedules for ALL Children in the U.S.
- Dr.SHIVA started the International Center for Integrative Systems as a research and education institution for System Science.
- The 1st International Conference on Vaccine Safety was held in 2019, before the COVID-19 Pandemic, to further a Scientific Approach to Personalized and Precision Medicine based on the latest science of the Immune System.
- Tickets for the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health are $25 per person and all proceeds go to fund the work of the International Center for Integrative Systems.
Dr.SHIVA invites everyone to Register to Attend the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health by the International Center for Integrative Systems on Saturday, October 29, 2022
The Research and Education Center known as the International Center for Integrative Systems, on October 29th, you may want to write that date down, on Saturday, is hosting the 2nd Vaccine Safety and Immune Health Conference.
All the information we do here is intended to educate people, because we believe ultimately, education is a way that we go beyond divisiveness and beyond left and right.
Go to, go to, we’ve created an entire system of education based on a Systems Approach. And I’ll talk more about it.
That approach involves educating all of you on looking at the world beyond left and right using a Scientific Approach called The Science of Systems. And we’ve created the whole curriculum for you, we’ve created a community and the technology.
All of you can access it and communicate with others on it. But the essence of that is to educate people on the intersection between Freedom, Truth, Science and Health.
And every Thursdays at 11am, or 8pm, EST, all of you are invited, there’s no cost, go to and sign-up to come to those events, because you’ll get to meet a lot of people.
You’ll recognize that there is a very, very powerful way to think beyond left and right, think beyond pro and anti, and really solve many, many of the big pressing issues of the day.
Dr.SHIVA informs us of the upcoming Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices( ACIP) Meeting being held October 19th and 20th, 2022 to Vote on the Children’s COVID Vaccine and Immunization Schedules for ALL Children in U.S.
First of all, to educate everyone on what’s going on. What’s going on right now is the CDC has a meeting called the ACIP Meeting. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices( ACIP).
ACIP meets once a year, and you can see that they have two things that are important to see on this page. On this page, you’ll see there are two important things they have on this page, the COVID-19 on the right side, Vaccination Recommendations, and we’re gonna go into that. But importantly, they have on October 19th, which is tomorrow at 8:30am to 5:30pm.
They have their Meeting and then October 20th, 8:30am to 4pm. They vote.
Let me just bring up the Agenda draft so everyone sees what they’re actually going to be, what the schedule is. So, what the schedule is that they have in the morning, they discuss vaccines, they have different Presenters.
As you can see over here on the right side, the pneumococcal vaccine, the Chikungunya vaccine, the COVID-19 vaccine, and these are people that are gonna be discussing it. Then they’ll be Public comments, and they’ll vote on the COVID-19.
COVID vaccine in the afternoon, that one set of votes, but then in the afternoon, they have the next set of votes, particularly right here on the Immunization schedules.
So that’s going to take place at 1pm, where they have Public comments, and at 1:20, they Vote.
What’s important to understand here is that all of you can actually that anyone here can go to the webcast link and watch this. Okay.
The first thing is on October 19th and 20th. They’re having meetings on the 20th.
As you can see, per the Agenda, right here. On the second day, they’ll actually be voting right here on the Immunization schedules.
This is the IMPORTANT thing right here at 1:20pm. All right, so 1:20pm, they’ll be voting on the Immunization Schedules.
So let me make sure everyone’s clear on that. So, they have the first day, which is more informational meetings, they review all the different vaccines.
The second day, they’re going to be voting on the Immunization Schedules. What are those Immunization Schedules? All right, let’s look at that.
If you go to the site again, and you go look at the Advisory Community, there’s a link right on the top here.
On the right side, you’ll see called Clinical Considerations for use of COVID-19 Vaccines. And if you click on that, that’ll take you to a page here, which has the use of COVID-19 Vaccines in the United States, and then the INTERIM Immunization Schedule.
Why are they calling this INTERIM? Because it hasn’t been voted on yet. And that vote is what will take place.
This is the actual vaccine schedule for kids. You see the vaccine schedule for everyone.
This is a critical one particularly if you have kids. Immunization for children, six months through 17 years of age, and they lay out the mRNA vaccine and the protein subunit vaccine, but for the mRNA vaccine.
They outline for the kids if your kid is six months through five years, the product that they’re recommending is a monovalent Moderna. And they’re giving the dosage one to two, at least four to eight weeks, just one to two, and the interval is at least four weeks.
And I showed this too, an Infographic for kids who are six through 11 years old. They’re recommending the monovalent Moderna, or the bivalent Moderna.
The vaccine schedules here with the booster dose. If your child is 12 through 17, they’re recommending the monovalent Moderna and the bivalent Moderna.
This actually tells them the blue cap versus the red vial, essentially which vaccine to give. If the, if your child, so that’s one opportunity, if you want an opportunity, meaning one option Moderna.
The other option is a Pfizer BioNTech vaccine for six months and four years. Here’s the Pfizer monovalent vaccine, five through 11, they’re recommending essentially two shots.
And 12 through 17 two shots. And then there’s the third vaccine, the monovalent Novavax.
So, there’s really three choices, the Moderna mRNA, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, or the protein subunit vaccine, which is the Novavax. But notice what they’re saying: the mRNA should be used for the booster dose.
So, they want you to take if you’re going to choose this choice to take the Novavax vaccine and take the booster dose with one of these. Another way of looking at this vaccine schedule.
They have this Infographic; this is for kids. So, the vaccine that they’re saying is for six months or four years, the Moderna.
Primary and then four to eight weeks to give the next primary, or the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine primary in three to eight weeks the primary and at least eight weeks of prime. So those three shots here for ages five through 11, you can do, they’re saying the Moderna, or the Pfizer.
Primary, primary, and the bivalent mRNA booster for ages 12 years and older, the Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer BioNTech primary, primary, and the bivalent mRNA. And then they obviously have for 18 years, but this is a critical one for children.
So again, this meeting is occurring October 19th and 20th. Anyone can go through the webcast to get onto it.
That’s what I wanted to update everyone on that the CDC is meeting tomorrow, as well as they’re meeting on the 20th to vote on what vaccine that is going to be the vaccine schedule that they’re going to recommend, basically mandate for ALL U.S. Children.
The 1st International Conference on Vaccine Safety was held in 2019, before the COVID-19 Pandemic, to further a Scientific Approach to Personalized and Precision Medicine based on the latest Science of the Immune System
I also want to let everyone know that many of you know that it was this movement, the movement for Truth, Freedom and Health. Starting back in 2019, we started educating people on the idea of “What is the Immune System?”
And on how do you put protocols in for Vaccine Safety, on giving the thesis of What the REAL Immune System looks like, versus the OLD Model of the Immune System.
I also want to let everyone know; this may go back to this two Saturdays from now, not this Saturday. But the following Saturday, the International Center for Integrative Systems, which is the research and educational foundation I started many years ago, will be hosting the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety.
You can see right here to those on Vaccine Safety on Instagram, on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health. It’ll be held on Saturday, October 29th, 2022, which is this year, 10am to 2pm.
We did this back in 2019, we had about 900 people show up and we really educated people way ahead of everyone. And this is going to educate people on what vaccines are, update people on Vaccine Safety, all the papers that have been written, but most importantly teach you on Immune Health and what you can do to boost the Immune System.
Tickets for the 2nd International Conference on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health are $25 per person and all proceeds go to fund the work of the International Center for Integrative Systems
If you want to come to this event, go to There’s a little Shop up here, we have the Tickets posted here.
And when you go to the Ticket section, you’ll see the here’s the 2nd International Conference, and you click on that.
And it’s $25. And all the proceeds go to Research at the International Center for Integrative Systems.
I hope all of you take advantage of that. Because really the way out of this is for all of you to start educating A) yourselves on What is the Immune System, B) What you can do to support the Immune System.
What is this Current Research on Vaccine Safety, and we’re going to discuss all that Science. But most importantly, with this knowledge, you can also educate your Doctors, you can educate your Nurses, you can educate your Healthcare Practitioners.
And so, we recommend all of you get educated, and then get others educated or be enslaved. Because without the Scientific Knowledge, you don’t really have the tools to first of all, educate yourself and get confident on what’s really going on.
And then you can also then become an agent of change and educate Medical Doctors, many of them unfortunately, their classroom education, medical school doesn’t really teach them about the Immune System. They’re in there for four years, they gotta move in and out.
And they’re working long hours, and they don’t really have a chance to study any of this. So, we did this again, three years ago, we were way ahead of the curve.
And we’re going to be way ahead of the curve right now educating people on Vaccine Safety and Immune Health. So, again, I hope all of you take advantage of that, go to go to the Shop, and get Tickets for that.
We’re educating people all over the world on why we need to take a Systems Approach, to understand Politics, to understand our Health, to understand Science, all those things Truth, Freedom and Health.
And that 12 Part System we’ve created at Truth Freedom Health® , will first of all, give you an MIT style education, which I received and organized in about a three-hour course module on the Foundations of Systems.
You will all also get books and textbooks all included, you’ll also then get the opportunity to understand, apply those using a tool called Your Body, Your System® to understand how your body is a system.
And then we have special lectures and events. And we also have an entire community of people. So, you won’t feel alone, all over the world that will also support your education.
Then we’ve created tools, which are independent of Big Tech, so you can communicate and, and interact with people. But anyway, if you want to learn more, go to Thursday at 11am or 8pm, EDT
And contribute to Truth, Freedom and Health, go to You’ll find out that when you contribute, you don’t have to contribute anything, you get a membership at no cost, you can become a Supporter at a certain level. And if you give $100 or more, you get all the entire tool set. So please take advantage of that.
Anyway, I hope this was valuable. Again, today’s conversation, as a reminder to everyone, is to let you know that the CDC is voting on the next two days on COVID-19 Vaccine schedule for ALL U.S. Children. So go rewatch this video, but most importantly, get educated or as we keep continuing to say Get Educated or Be Enslaved. Be well everyone.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.