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The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such origial research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.

  • Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – presents a CytoSolve®Molecular Systems Analysis on Blueberries & Heart Health.
  • CytoSolve® technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 2,978 research articles, 103 clinical trials over the span of 110 years.
  • Blueberries composition includes fiber, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral phenolic compounds, and anthocyanin.
  • Blueberries are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti diabetic, anti-cancer, hepatoprotective and aid with obesity prevention. Health benefits include helping with cardiovascular disease, they lower hypertension, or alleviate hypertension, liver health, vision, cognitive function and cancer.
  • Blueberries up-regulate and release the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO), which lowers hypertension. They also lower blood glucose levels by up-regulating more insulin right through that GLP-1.
  • Blueberries also promote up-regulation of antioxidant enzymes that mitigate diabetes via down regulation of those oxidative stress molecules. And then finally, Blueberry compounds prevent atherosclerosis, by down regulating oxidative stress that causes plaque formation and hardening, hardening of the arteries.


blueberries, systems, CytoSolve, cardiovascular system, endothelial, support, understand, endothelial cells, mV25, people, nitric oxide, science, research, health, arteries, called, shiva, education, compound, anthocyanins


Hello, everyone. Good evening. Today we’re going to be talking about Blueberries, and Heart Health. And we’re also going to be talking about the science of the Cardiovascular System. So you understand what really drives heart health, we’re going to talk about some of the politics which prevents even your doctors from being able to share this with you, and what their focus is typically because of the influences of the traditional pharmaceutical model. And I’m going to end with talking about, particularly how Blueberries affect the Cardiovascular System.

Now, if you go and simply sort of Google online, you’ll notice that there’s quite a number of articles that have started to appear, talking about eating Blueberries that may improve Heart Health. So for example, here’s one in Science Daily. Here’s another one in Healthline, Blueberries may prevent heart health. Here’s one in Everyday Health, eating Blueberries may reduce your risk of heart disease. And there’s a number of articles like this, which is good news that’s coming out in more of the popular press or some of the health journals. And I think that’s a positive thing that’s going on.

What You Will Learn Today

What I want to talk about today is – we focus a lot on educating you from a systems perspective, going down at the molecular level, to understand why this is occurring, because I think that empowers people a lot more. So typically, people do what are called clinical studies, they’ll take one set of people, let’s say, who have some cardiovascular issues, and another set of people have cardiovascular issues.

One group will be the control group that doesn’t get Blueberries in this case, and another group that gets it and they’ll test some biomarkers. So that’s your typical clinical study. So they’ll say, Ah, see, Blueberries appear to be doing good. But they don’t talk about why. And nor do they educate the public at the molecular systems level.

A lot of what we do in the educational movement that we’re building, is to recognize that people are smart, and we can teach them How to Think and, and actually give them tools to think, which is a Systems Approach. And using that approach, you know, we have a little ticker running down there, where we teach people, the Foundations of Systems, we do these videos, we create books, but our goal is to really empower you to be really a Teacher and Educator. So you can Learn, Teach and Serve. But it’s really to Educate you on a Systems Approach.

So one is you see a narrative, like I can tell you, Blueberries are good, I can tell you Blueberries are bad. But if you can understand why at the Molecular Systems level, it actually makes you much more empowered for yourself, as well as to educate your friends, your community, etc. on why so we concentrate on the why most people just sort of tell you what to think we really want to tell you a way to think by looking at from a Systems Approach. So let me go back to our talk today.

It’s Blueberries and Heart Health, and Does your Doctor know? You have the opportunity with this knowledge that you’re going to learn today to actually educate your doctor, because unfortunately, it’s not the doctor’s fault. But the Medical School Educational System is very, very fast paced, it’s Reductionist. It focuses on Organ Systems Approach. And unfortunately, many of the Doctors graduate. And there as you’re going to learn, they don’t even, they’re not even encouraged to learn about nutrition. Which is unfortunate. So let’s just go right into this.


Today, we’re going to focus on the following. You’re going to learn the Science, you’re going to learn the Science of the Cardiovascular System, where we call it the truth about it, what are the REAL Issues of Cardiovascular Health, you’re going to learn sort of the attack on freedom to really discuss the overall System and how Big Pharma and the constraints on Medical Doctors, and then we’re going to talk about the REAL Health Issues and the possibilities and the mechanisms of action and the clinical evidence.

You leave away empowered with a REAL Solution. It’s very easy to say, well, the Medical Community sucks and the Big Pharma guys are horrible, but that would just be a critique, it wouldn’t give you solutions. Most of what we do here is to provide you with the REAL Problem, what the REAL Issue is, in this case, you’re gonna learn about Endothelial Dysfunction. And then we also provide you with what a saline Question is right, what the REAL Problem is with what the solution is. And that way, that way people aren’t left hanging and depressed.

The Power of Systems Science

And it’s a very different approach, a Systems Approach is a powerful approach, because you get to see the whole problem, you get to see what the real issues are. And then you get to also derive a solution. It’s an empowering approach, and it goes Beyond Left & Right. Those of you want to learn more, go to And you can read about all the different journeys that I’ve been through. And I’ll play a quick video shortly on that Journey to Systems. But part of that journey to Systems is to recognize that the areas of Truth, Science, Freedom, Politics, and taking care of your own Health are all actually interconnected.

Unfortunately, in the world, you have the people out there who just focus on health, let’s say the Yoga people are the exercise people, then you have the people who are just focused on fighting for freedom and politics. And then you have the people who are sort of the innovators and the scientists just focus on getting to the truth and doing experiments and science, our view is from a Systems Approach, we have to understand the truth in a situation, understand the politics, things that constrain the freedom of understanding that truth. And then understand what is something you can do for you, given these two things. And I think for far too long politics is discussed over here.

But it’s not made accessible to you on a personal note, so even this presentation that I’m going to do today, itself takes a Systems Approach, which, again, is aimed to be empowering, okay. And as a part of that, I’m going to play a quick video. But I want to encourage all of you to take the course Foundations of Systems. It’s a course I used to teach at MIT – I used to teach it all over the world, we used to charge a lot of money for it, you know, 1000s of dollars.

We are wanting to make this accessible to working people who don’t have that kind of money, where we’re giving a $2,500 scholarship and anyone can register to take advantage of it. But more importantly, we’re also once you go through the course, as an adult. You have the ability to give it to any youth or child for absolutely free. Okay, so you can also be a philanthropist.

Journey to Systems

But part of what motivates me is My own Journey to taking a Systems Approach. I just want to play this quick video, and then we’ll come back.

All right, everyone. So you can again, just emphasize, you can go to the Foundations of Systems go to And I encourage all of you to learn this, this is the education that’s necessary at this point in history where we can go Beyond Left & Right. And we can really start looking at things in a very honest and truthful way from a systems perspective.

The other piece is the book System and Revolution, which is a best selling book. I’ve made it absolutely free for everyone. Again, the goal is to educate people to be Systems Educators, Systems Revolutionaries. So please take advantage of that book. It’s out there for you, you just have to cover shipping and handling. So please take advantage of that. So let’s talk about what we’re going to do today.

The Cardiovascular Systems and Blueberries

What we want to do today is we want to take a Systems Approach to understanding the system of Blueberries, and cardiovascular, we’re going to begin with understanding the truth about the Cardiovascular System, then we’re going to talk about Blueberries or biological functions and health benefits. And what gets in the way of getting this knowledge out there is that there’s an attack on freedom to talk about these things in a much more global way. Most of the discourse is really about the singular Big Pharma solution.

There’s also constraints on Medical Doctors, Medical Doctors, are frankly constrained, even to speak about nutrition and diet and because of their whole educational process. But irrespective of those problems, we’re going to talk about the possibilities of Blueberries on Cardiovascular Health, we’re gonna look at the Molecular Mechanisms of action, exactly.

We’re going to look at how components and Blueberries assist the Cardiovascular System. So you understand the why, why you’re seeing those positive things in the media, from some of those health posts and journals, the clinical evidence, how much you should take, and the source and where you should get your Blueberries.

Okay, so let’s talk about the Cardiovascular System. Again, for those of you know, this will be a review. But fundamentally, this is a System, right? A System is not just any one thing, a system is composed of a set of parts, in our course, Foundations of Systems, we really educate everyone on this.

The Transport System of the Body

But first of all, the Cardiovascular System is composed of three components, the heart, and by the way, it’s sometimes good to take notes, because you’ll know a little bit better visualize the of your heart, you have the blood vessels. We’ll talk about what those multiple systems are in that. And then you have the blood that flows through those blood vessels that’s pumped by the heart.

And the blood is also itself a System. It’s composed of not just red blood cells, which carry the oxygen but also includes a white belt blood cells which support your immune system. So it’s a Complex System of Systems. The Cardiovascular System is not just one thing.


And if you look at a very detailed level at the vessels, what you will see is that the vessels consist of three subsystems, arteries, veins and capillaries.


Now, if you look over here, the arteries are the things that carry blood to the heart. Okay, so that’s the red so that blood gets oxygenated. Blood comes from the lungs goes through the left atrium, and then it gets sent down to your left atrium, it gets sent to your left ventricle, which then pumps it out to the rest of your body.

And then as your body uses it gets deoxygenated, and comes back through your right atrium. And then it goes up through your right ventricle or down into your right ventricle, and then it gets pumped back into your lungs where the deoxygenated blood gets oxygenated and the cycle repeats.

Arteries and Veins

Okay, so the important thing to understand is the arteries are the large blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood, so arteries, oxygenated arteries – oxygenated. Your aorta, for example, being one of the biggest arteries, which pumps all that oxygenated blood, the veins are the large blood vessels that carry the deoxygenated blood to the heart. So Arteries carry blood away from the heart, veins bring deoxygenated blood.


Now, the capillaries are the very, very fine blood vessels that deliver the nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and cells. And they’re all throughout your entire system. And you can see it in many ways, like the roots of a tree, right, you can see all the different ways that they separate here, for those of you just listening to the audio, you know, the arteries coming in, you know, the blood goes in oxygenated, and then the capillaries of the fine blood vessels, and then they the capillaries and go to venules, which go back to the veins.

Structure of Blood Vessels

Now, if we get even closer, let’s look at the structure of all of this vasculature this piping. And the reason I want you to understand this, remember, we’re not just here to tell you what to think. But we’re here to tell you why this stuff works. In order to understand the why of the Cardiovascular System, we have to understand the physical mechanics of what these structures are made of.

So what is that vasculature? Cardiovascular System, what is that vasculature made of, and what you notice here is the vasculature of the, be it the arteries, or the capillaries, or the veins are composed of one or more of these structures and there are three structures. The Adventitia, the Tunica media, or the tunica intima.

The, then Adventitia is the outer layer, okay, which out of the, let’s say, the veins, or the arteries, which provides and by the way, capillaries don’t have the adventitia, yeah, they only have the tunica intima, but the veins and the arteries have all three layers have the outer layer, which really gives structural support. And in the case of the tunica media, that’s a middle layer that’s composed of the elastic and musculature tissue, which regulates the internal diameter of the vessels. And you can see in the case of the artery, that the middle layers are much thicker, okay?

Versus the veins, where the Adventitia is thinner, okay? And then the tunica intima is the inner layer of the arteries and the veins, which consists of the endothelial cells. And that provides a frictionless pathway for the movement of blood. So the endothelial is the cells which cover the inside of the arteries inside of the veins. And when it comes to the capillaries, that’s all the capillaries are composed of the capillaries are only composed of the endothelial.

Think about what I’m saying when you look at the entire vasculature in your entire body. Okay, everywhere, all that blood that’s flowing through, most of it is capillaries, which are just composed of the cells called the endothelial cells. So think about that. So if you want to have good vascular function, those endothelial cells are extremely important, the endothelial cells. And the way you want to visualize the endothelial cells is, if you think about, you have a floor in your kitchen or your bathroom.

And any of the tiles on the floor, those individual tiles are the equivalent to the endothelial cells, which form the tile framework of your capillaries, right, which are those fine vessels that’s in this diagram here at all those capillaries. So in order to have really good cardiovascular function, if you want to look at it from a purely structural standpoint, you want to think about those endothelial cells need to be in good shape. Okay, so that’s the big takeaway. So the question is what supports endothelial function, right? Because these cells are all throughout your body, okay?

The better endothelial function you can have, because that’s the part that’s interconnected, that composes your whole Cardiovascular System, you’re probably going to have better Cardiovascular Health. So that’s what we want to talk about. So that’s the takeaway, right?

CytoSolve® – A Revolutionary Systems Biology for Research & Discovery

So think about it very practically. It’s the system that your vasculature is composed of. Now to study this, we use a very powerful technology that I built out of my research work at MIT called CytoSolve®. And CytoSolve® was a technology that I initially built because I recognized the entire pharmaceutical development model was archaic.

$Trillion Pharma Industry in Peril

The way they build Pharmaceuticals is – basically, you have to understand a pharmaceutical is a single compound. Chemicals that don’t occur in nature. That’s what pharmaceuticals are. It’s a single molecule compound. Sometimes I’ll combine some of those molecules called cocktails. But most of the time, it’s a single compound. And in order to discover a drug, they’ll find or they’ll play around with a single synthetic compound.

They’ll put cancer cells, that’s if you’re looking for cancer in a test tube, they’ll throw a compound in there and say, Oh, does it do anything? Nope, it doesn’t, they’ll test another compound, oh, it’s doing something in a test tube that’s called in-vitro testing or screening. If that’s positive, then they’ll go kill a bunch of animals, that’s called in-vivo testing, animal testing.

And then if all of that – you don’t kill too many animals, and they think the compound works, and you go into phase one, phase two, phase three clinical trials, the FDA has to approve that, that is a pharmaceutical development process. It’s a very expensive process, about 5 billion – up to $5,000,000,000. – 13 years. And the stuff that comes out of it may cause all sorts of side effects.

Big Pharma is Failing Big Time

When I looked at this whole process, I said, you know, this is really archaic. You know, we build airplanes, by not by not just throwing test pilots, and we use a computer. So that led to the development of CytoSolve®. Now, the current pharmaceutical model is falling apart. You can see they spend a lot of money in R&D, and they’re finding less and less new molecules. This is why the pharmaceutical industry needed vaccines.

Vaccines were their way out of this business fiasco. And if you look at the pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, and I’ve talked about this in other videos, they were tanking, they were losing, bleeding money. And just in the past year, Pfizer made, you know, $40 billion more than their revenue from the previous year, they made 80 billion total.

But in the last 10 years, Pfizer had lost 25 billion. So vaccines were what really saved the day. And you got to understand that that pharmaceutical companies have been failing, based on their drug model. So when we, you know, wanted to look at CytoSolve® really helps us look at all the research that’s out there, organize that research, as you’re seeing here.

Science on Blueberries

So right now, there’s over 2970 research articles done on Blueberries, and Hunter and three clinical trials over the last 110 years. And when you look at this research, what is a Blueberry, you’re gonna find out that Blueberries, is not a synthetic compound. A Blueberry is composed of many, many different chemicals.

So what does that mean? Pharmaceutical companies don’t, do not have the wherewithal to actually study food, they can only study a single compound, okay? They can’t study a Blueberry, they don’t have the tools. CytoSolve® provides us with the tools to do that. Because a Blueberry is a multi combination therapeutic. It’s got many, many different compounds. So that’s what the revolution would CytoSolve® is, we can actually validate food and combinations of many, many compounds.


You can see people have done a lot of clinical trials. Clinical Trial is not a Systems Approach. It’s good. So they put something into someone’s body, and they look at what the output is. But the good news is a lot of clinical work has been done. The work of CytoSolve® really helps figure out why this stuff works, right. And CytoSolve® literally takes all the research, all that work that’s been done, and we extract out the molecular mechanisms. We understand the pathways relative to cardiovascular health. And then we organize that data, which is what I’m presenting to you today.

If you want to know more, go to CytoSolve®.com. And part of one of the big initiatives that we’re doing is that anyone out there wants to contribute to our research. We’re doing research in a number of areas. I can quickly take you to that site over here if you go to our website

If you go to CytoSolve® website or VASHIVA website, and you scroll down here, we have various projects. One of them is the Open Science Institute. And if you go to the Open Science Institute, you can see that we’re using science to serve research. We’re doing research that Big Pharma can’t even do and it’s the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute, which we’ve launched.

We’re doing very as research areas, one of them is Cardiovascular Health, you’re welcome to contribute to research. And so if you go here, if you’re interested in cardiovascular health, you can contribute, we’re in the midst of actually doing a spin out of actually not only some for profit companies where people can actually invest in these ventures and give us a couple of months, we’re gonna get all that set up, but you can for now contribute to the research.

I can literally click on contribute here. And if you contribute, I don’t want to take anything for nothing. But if you contribute based on what you contribute, you actually get access to the Foundations of Systems course. So you can be part of some supporting innovative research. I wanted to let you guys know about that. You go back to our point here. Alright, so that CytoSolve®.

When we look at the CytoSolve®‘s Approach, what we want you to understand is what is the endothelial those tiles that make up the surface of the capillaries in the arteries, and the veins that are all throughout you, and what actually supports endothelial function, because if you can figure out and know for yourself, hey, this is what this is why this is the difference between a healthy Cardiovascular System and a non healthy Cardiovascular System.

Now you can think for yourselves, and you guys can make decisions. So I’m just here to give you the Systems Analysis based on the Science today. But you’re gonna very quickly understand the role of nitric oxide on Endothelial Function. So let’s just jump into that.

Role of Nitric Oxide

And this was work that I was a part of, with some other great researchers at MIT, Brigham and Women, Harvard Medical School, and King’s College in London. And what we were looking at was a very important molecule called nitric oxide (NO), which occurs naturally in your body. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, which means it relaxes your blood vessels, it’s very important for maintaining blood pressure, it’s anti-atherogenic which means against arteriosclerosis. It is generated.

Nitric oxide gets generated when this chemical eNOS, which means Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase. When this helps convert, that’s what catalysis means, or create or support the creation of L-arginine. Okay. So when nitric oxide helps catalyze L-arginine into nitric oxide, so eNOS catalyzes L-arginine and creates nitric oxide.

You’re going to see how that happens. And one of the ways that happens is when you exercise when your body moves blood and the blood flow creates shear stress that triggers nitric oxide. So what do we mean by that? To keep it again, simple, we want to make this accessible.

A Mechanotransduction Event

Here’s, let’s say your capillary, or your arteries, there’s blood flow, you’re exercising, you’re running, you’re exercising, you’re doing a good walk, and you’re getting blood flow. This blood flow flows over your endothelial cells and the physical flow, you’re going to see why the results in nitric oxide production well, how does that happen?

Nitric Oxide Production in Endothelial Cells

Well, when blood flows, endothelial nitric oxide synthase eNOS converts L-arginine, which is an amino acid which you get in your food to nitric oxide as well as L-Citrulline. So, again, to put it simply put, you have – you exercise, you walk, blood starts flowing through your veins and your arteries. Your capillaries, the flow of the blood results in nitric oxide release, but that cannot occur until, unless you have L-arginine.

Which means diet is important. Right? You have to have L-arginine in your body. Your body’s a producer, you get it from the diet. And in the presence of L-arginine, eNOS, which is endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), converts that arginine to nitric oxide. And by the way that nitric oxide was really the basis of the creation of the drug Viagra. Okay, but that’s what’s going on here.

Okay, so it’s again, it’s a Complex System here, but what we’ve just learned is exercise, food, L-arginine, results in vasodilation. It’s not just the food, L-arginine. It’s not just the exercise. You got to have both here. You have to have enough eNOS to generate nitric oxide. So that’s really the takeaway Complex System. So how does this work, right, so why does this all work? So now let’s even put the microscope all the way down.

Mechanisms of NO Production

We’re looking at one of those endothelial cells, that’s what I’m is on the right side here. And what you find is at the middle Like gutter Systems level, okay? What you see is the surface of the endothelial has a little Christmas tree like structure right here, I’m pointing to right here and remove this right here.

And what this does is this Christmas tree structure is known as a glycocalyx. When blood flows, that’s what these blue lines represent the blood flows, and it starts shaking this Christmas tree, the glycocalyx, that movement results in the release of nitric oxide. But how does that occur? It occurs through a series of chemical reactions you’re seeing here, this is called a Molecular Pathway. This is a molecular system.

Okay, so blood flows over the endothelial it moves the glycocalyx. And the mechanical movement of the glycocalyx initiates the conversion of L-arginine to nitric oxide in the presence of eNOS.

CytoSolve In Silico Results Validation

Now, how did we find all this out? And were we able to really model it? So, how does all this occur? While using CytoSolve®, when we look at all the research that’s out there, you find out researchers all over the world have found pieces of these molecular reactions, I mean, no one researcher could find or discover all of this.

So some guys talk about these Molecular Pathways of calcium influx, or eNOS expression, or phosphorylation or NO production, you see, each one of these little diagrams, is coming from the work of a lot of hard working scientists all over the world.

What CytoSolve® does is find all those pieces and like a jigsaw puzzle, put it together. And then we can mathematically model it to predict how much eNOS, RNA concentration occurs in your blood in those arteries, and capillaries.

And this is a Mathematical Prediction using CytoSolve®. That’s what we’re doing. And so over time, CytoSolve® is a mathematical engine, our technology is predicting how much eNOS will get released by literally integrating the research of 1000s of researchers all over the world.

So what we’re doing without killing animals is taking previous work, organizing it and mathematically modeling it. Now the question many people say is, well, this is all good. Is CytoSolve® real? Well, how do we know that what you’re predicting is what actually occurs when we did the work with Harvard and MIT and Brigham and King’s College, we actually had another researcher, Andrew Koo, who actually went and did the biological experiments. And this is data from the wet lab.

So notice how beautifully our predictions match what they saw in the lab. So this shows that CytoSolve® results aren’t just garbage in, garbage out, they actually match. Okay. And same here, when you looked at the protein concentration, we match. This is a very important piece of research, because for various reasons, I’m able to share this with you, you now understand the complexity, the endothelial that we can model it.

But more importantly, this actually showed that CytoSolve® can predictably model complex things. And this was published in one of the leading journals in the world, CellPress Biophysical Journal. I was one of the authors with some great people in here from MIT and Harvard.

So anyway, I want to let you know that we’ve shown the validity of CytoSolve®. But more importantly, the mechanisms, okay. So instead, they’re from Yes, it’s really cool. Someone says, “It is cool.” Yes, it’s very cool, Christine, because we are able to use the computer to model very complex functions that pharmaceutical companies cannot do.

Now using this. As I mentioned, we started the CytoSolve® Open Science Institute, I recommend you guys go there. You can support the research eventually we are going to be spinning these entities, often to companies. And for those of you wanting not only to support, but own a piece of these companies, we’re going to make that accessible, so keep an eye out for that. And when you support our work, you actually get access to the Foundations of Systems course, you can use it. So there’s a reciprocity here. And please, I can’t overemphasize please take the Foundation Systems course. You support our work, you support yourself, and get the book.

Now, you understand the complexity of the Cardiovascular System. You’ve really learned. What is the endothelial, that it’s really important if your endothelial is working well, the glycocalyx works well. Your body releases nitric oxide, etc.

Science and Truth – The Blueberry

Okay. So now what is the Truth behind a Blueberry,right, let’s look at the Science of a Blueberry. You understand the System, the Blueberry itself is a System. It’s not just any one thing.


It’s got macronutrients fiber, protein, fat, two point grams of fiber per 100 grams of Blueberries, point seven grams of protein, and fat. So notice it’s got fiber, protein and fat. We have a lot of micronutrients. These are the macronutrients. Micronutrients, vitamins, mineral phenolic compounds, and anthocyanins. Science. So, let us also recognize the vitamins are Vitamin K, Vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium and beta carotene, a lot of beta carotene in Blueberries.

Major Phenolic Compounds

But there are some major phenolic compounds. And these are the ones that really have the active effects on the Cardiovascular System, the p-Coumaric acid, the pelargonidin-3-glycoside, the fisetin, the catechin, the quercetin, and the cinchonine. Okay, so these are some of the major phenolic compounds. Think about these are like the quote unquote the REAL Medicine they’re the quote unquote drugs, but they come in combination, but they’re naturally occurring in nature, okay.

Active Compounds

So, these are the organic chemistry, chemical structures of these. You can see the anthocyanins, the proanthocyanidin-A, proanthocyanidin-B, the quercetin, and the ellagic acid.

Biological Effects of Blueberries

So, let’s look at the biological effects of these Blueberries. Well, first of all, Blueberries are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti diabetic, anti-cancer, and hepatoprotective. They protect your liver and prevent obesity. Next time you go down the produce aisle, it probably is very valuable for you to pick up these this medicine. Blueberries are a medicine. Okay, a lot of very powerful effects.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

So what are the health benefits? Well, they protect from cardiovascular disease, they lower hypertension, or alleviate hypertension, liver health, vision health A lot of research done on Blueberries and vision health, diabetes, obesity, cognitive function and cancer.
Today, we’re focused on the Cardiovascular aspect.

And what I want to share with you is when you look at all of these compounds, with CytoSolve® we are able to understand this. And some of you may know that some just someone who said, Hey, have you used it to solve for your guy stuff we have? Because for years, for the last nearly 15 years, many companies use CytoSolve® to really figure out which combination of nutrients worked.


More recently, we said, hey, why don’t we use CytoSolve® to really go after many of the health ailments. So we did it, we looked at the area of pain and inflammation, and we modeled all those molecular pathways. And we looked at all the potential compounds in nature. And we came up with a very specific combination, mV25™, which leverages CytoSolve®, but it was our own research.

Meaning we’ve done a lot of research up many, many companies, but this was our own discovery. And let me show you what mV25™ is, and you also understand how CytoSolve® works. And more importantly, that with this capability, we’re actually able to understand food as medicine. So let me play this for you.

Alright, so if you want to know more about mV25™, you can just go to the website, you can find the labeling and the information that it’s Clean Certified, you go right up to the shop there. And you can find it there and you can order people are asking, Where do you do this. So it’s right up there for you guys to do that. And there we go.

Attack on Freedom – Singular Big Pharma Solutions & Constraints on Medical Doctors

In our discourse, so far, we’ve covered the Cardiovascular System, we understand the components of a Blueberry. So that’s really the Science, the Truth piece, we also need to recognize, if we were to just talk about the Science piece, and we left out the Politics, it would really not be a full education from a Systems perspective. So what are the politics around what I’ve just shared? Well, there’s really an attack on Freedom in terms of the Freedom to discuss the whole nature of the Cardiovascular System, to the broad public.

If you go and really look at what’s going on, you literally have a singular solution, which is promoted by Big Pharma. And most medical doctors are constrained to really talk about diet, which is unfortunate. And what you find is that with you, there’s really what we call a reductionist narrative.

In scientific and media establishment, basically it’s not holistic, understanding, it’s centered, everything centered around cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol, there’s an emphasis on treatment, not prevention. And moreover, there’s an over reliance on drugs, statins, blood thinners, blood pressure medication. And moreover, there’s no consistent guidelines anyone gets on diet or exercise. And frankly, broadly, there’s really no discussion of alternatives.

And what you do see in 90%, of that, of the discussion of when it comes to cardiovascular diseases, you got to take Lipitor, you got to take Entresto, or you got to take Eliquis, or, you know, take an aspirin, that’s probably the closest you get to something potentially valuable, right? But it’s really about drugs, drugs, drugs, this is where most of the quote unquote, discourses is where freedoms are really constrained where not everyone gets an equal airplay. And obviously, this is done because if you can look, you’re looking at a $40 billion industry in 2016, which has now grown to almost a $65 billion industry.

If you’re talking about other stuff, you’re eating away at people’s profit and, and market share, right? So there’s a huge motive to keep the discourse on this, and really not a free discourse in other areas. So that’s the politics. On the other side, not only is Big Pharma pushing the drugs but doctors are actually constrained from even getting any education on nutrition. Most cardiovascular cardiologists, as you can see in these headlines, lack education and willingness to discuss nutrition. This study in PubMed said there’s a deficiency of nutrition education in practice.

And most cardiologists lack heart health dietary education themselves, and they in fact, neglect to tell their patients and this is really the politics. So from a freedom standpoint, there’s really an attack on freedom for the doctors to be encouraged to study diet. And the Big Pharma guys really own so much of the media airwaves, Fox, CNN and what they’re actually putting out there as a solution. So that’s the politics. Now let’s talk about the health aspect. So we talked about the science, the truth aspect of the Cardiovascular System. We’ve talked about the attack on Freedom.

Health – Effect of Blueberries on Cardiovascular System

But now let’s go to understanding the Health. What can you do? And how do Blueberries actually affect the Cardiovascular System given all this background? So we’re going to jump to the Health, Truth Freedom Health®. So the Health aspect is Blueberries have shown in a considerable amount of literature to be anti-hypertensive. That’s an important aspect in cardiovascular health, anti-diabetic, as you know, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health are related, anti-hyperglycaemic and anti-atherosclerotic effect against atherosclerosis.

So again, these are those important chemicals we talked about. And these things work together to support various aspects of endothelial function. Okay, so now we’re gonna go through and look at the health aspects of the molecules within Blueberries, why they work, why Blueberries are actually valuable. So again, that’s the education you’re welcome to go to.

And I encourage you to watch this video and educate others, share it with people, but this is why share it with your doctor. I would say most doctors, unfortunately, don’t even have the time to understand this. So, share it with your doctors and other health care practitioners. First of all, the endothelial cells produce nitric oxide from the enzyme – eNOS.

Anti-Hypertensive Effect of Blueberries

So, this is the endothelial cell surface. So eNOS helps produce nitric oxide, so it goes through uncoupled eNOS and you get nitric oxide right. Now, nitric oxide right here activates sGC. And why is sGC important right here sGC is important because it converts GTP over here to cGMP in – so this is your smooth muscle cell.

And this is – remember very, very important. This is a muscle cell, which leads to their relaxation. When you have relaxation. This promotes vasorelaxation, which promotes anti hypertension. So, it’s literally that you have tension in your vasculature. In the muscles. So when you’re relaxed, that’s why things like meditation are good, okay? Relaxation, you get the relaxation of the blood vessels. Alright, so that’s what goes on. The eNOS produces nitric oxide, which produces sGC, which causes relaxation, so that’s a good thing.

Now, when you have oxidative stress, this is not a good thing, which is stress in your system, which creates Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Look what that does. That stops eNOS right here from producing uncoupled eNOS to create nitric oxide. So if you have oxidative stress, which is going on with most people, if you’re a human being living in this world, you’re going to not have as much nitric oxide release, okay.

So why people have – when you don’t get NO, this is why people have, sexual issues in men, right. This is why Viagra came to release nitric oxide. But look at this. When you take anthocyanins, which come from Blueberries, it neutralizes ROS.

When you knock out ROS, this chemical reaction can be produced properly. That’s what’s good. All right, this chemical reaction can be produced properly. That’s a good thing.. the anthocyanin from Blueberries neutralized ROS, and they restored the production of NO. That’s what the good news is here. That’s what we want to take away here. So, anthocyanins are good because they stop oxidative stress. Let your body do its natural thing. So, it’s really a medicine right here – this comes from Blueberries.

Anti-Diabetic Effect of Blueberries

The next chemical we want to look at is anthocyanins and quercetin. So when you have both of these, they do something important. They stop. You know, they’re anti diabetic. Now, how do they do that? Well, first of all, endothelial dysfunction is caused by oxidative stress. And how do you get oxidative stress? Well, if you have superoxide and you have hydrogen peroxide, these are not good molecules. They lead to endothelial dysfunction. So superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, these are oxidative stress molecules that produce endothelial dysfunction, which leads to diabetes.

What stops the formation of these two superoxide and hydrogen peroxide? Well, two very important chemicals see peroxide dismutase blocks superoxide. That’s good. Catalase blocks hydrogen peroxide. That’s good. And so how do you get these? Well, if you go upstream, there’s a chemical called Nrf-2 and Nrf-2 promotes superoxide and promotes catalase. So, a lot of people in the comments are talking about Nrf-2. Some of you study this, yes Nrf-2 is very good. And Nrf-2 produces – promotes these two antioxidant enzymes.

And guess what quercetin from Blueberries and anthocyanins, some Blueberries actually support the upregulation of Nrf-2 in the endothelial cells very, very valuable. So anthocyanins and quercetin lead to the upregulation of Nrf-2, which creates superoxide dismutase and catalase which blocks these bad chemicals superoxide and hydrogen peroxide which lead to endothelial dysfunction.

So that’s why again, you’re learning why from a Systems perspective, let’s now move to another aspect of how Blueberries have an anti-diabetic effect. So hyperglycemia Okay. hyperglycemia too much sugar there leads to diabetes, right. So, how do you stop that? Hyperglycemia. Well, let’s go upstream. So there’s a very important peptide called glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) that induces insulin secretion in the pancreatic beta cells. Well, what supports that?

Well, anthocyanins from Blueberries support GLP-1, which leads to more insulin secretion, which increases glucose uptake, right. So it reduces glucose in your bloodstream, right? So this leads to lowering blood sugar and mitigation of hyperglycemia, hyperglycemia leads to diabetes. Anthocyanins from the Blueberries control the glucose blood by up regulating GLP-1, which increases insulin secretion, so in some ways, you’re almost getting a natural insulin release. Blueberries mitigate diabetes by reducing hyperglycemic conditions. There you go. Another very powerful value of the anthocyanins and Blueberries.

Anti-Atherosclerotic Effect of Blueberries

And then the final thing I want to talk about is anti-atherosclerotic effect. What this means is plaque formation, okay. Now if you go to your doctor, they’ll tell you, Oh, you know, you’ve got a lot of this bad cholesterol LDL, which is low density lipoproteins, LDL, that’s called the quote unquote bad cholesterol.

Now, what happens is, how does plaque form while the LDL gets converted to Ox-LDL and this happens when you have superoxide. When you have endothelial dysfunction, when near endothelial is not working, well, you produce these reactive oxygen species oxidative stress to be specific. And that supports the conversion of LDL to Ox-LDL, which leads to plaque formation. This pathway right here is not something you want, but guess what happens? The anthocyanins and quercetin and Blueberries block this pathway.

So they block the formation of Ox-LDL, which leads to arterial plaque formation, okay? Because Ox-LDL adheres to the endothelial cell surface, and initiates plaque formation that leads to narrowing of the arteries causing arteriosclerosis.

Really powerful these Blueberries, so if you’re looking at a way and you’re saying, Wow, I really want to stop plaque formation, we’ll look at what the anthocyanins and quercetins do. They literally block the LDL from going to the ox-LDL, which causes plaque formation.

So I hope this is helping you understand why from a Systems perspective. All right.
Now, I’ve shared everything with you from a Molecular Systems perspective.

Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach

There’s also another way that our movement, our course teaches you how to look at the body, also from an Engineering Systems perspective, and from an Eastern Medicine perspective. Again, when you take this, the Foundations of Systems course and you become part of our community, we actually give you access to a tool absolutely free Your Body, Your System. And that tool will give you an Eastern Systems perspective.

Okay, but it’s actually the same stuff. And the tool Your Body, Your System lets you understand your body as a System having three forces Transport, Conversion and Storage, I’m not going to go into the details, you can learn it when you take the course. But you’ll be given a tool where you answer a set of questions, they’ll figure out what kind of System you are, very easy for anyone to use.

Then you can understand the Red is where your System should be and everyone’s Red dot will be different. The Black dot denotes where you are today. Ideally, the Black dot should be on the Red dot, that means you’re in balance. And then the Systems will actually calculate foods for you. It’s a Personalized Systems Approach to understanding of how foods affect you.

So again, it’s another reason I want all of you guys to take advantage of this tool, you’re not helping, you know, me or to sell some course, but you’re actually helping yourself, because you’re going to take this Systems Approach. And the tool, which took us many, many years to develop teaches you that Systems Approach now uses the same Systems Approach, what you learn is food is medicine. Different foods affect the amount of transport conversion storage in your body, and you can learn how to use foods out chemically to support yourself, okay?

And so when you look at, by the way, if you become a Truth Freedom Health® supporter, you get all of these, this capability also. So what is Blueberries to do? Well, Blueberries stabilize the force of transport in your body, they stabilize conversion, and they increase storage. That’s what they do, which means they help build tissue, okay? They help build infrastructure, but they stabilize digestive processes, they stabilize if you’re erratic, they help calm you down also. So that’s what you see here. How much should you take? Okay, so, again, Truth Freedom Health®.

We’ve talked about the Truth. We’ve talked about the Political aspect, but we want to deliver you from an information perspective. What should you take again, you know, the medical disclaimer is, this is not a medical show. This is a Systems Educational show, but we’re just looking at what’s out in the literature and we’ve congealed it. I mean, organized and aggregated it.

In-Vivo Evidence on Blueberry Dosaging

Cook et al says you can take about 315 milligrams a day of anthocyanins (Cook et al., 2017), which will help reduce hypertension. Now, the Blueberry extract also supports memory performance that’s from (Whyte et al., 2018) about 100 milligrams per day. Freeze dried, whole highbush Blueberries, freeze dried powder, really helps obesity control, and that’s 2% weight per weight per day. Okay, and that’s (Seymour at al., 2011). So you can again, review the video, but these are some work from the research again, share this with your doctor.

Again, one of the best ways you can support what we’re doing is please become Warriors, Scholars, become Educators. We have a path, we literally have created a path for people so we don’t just, you know, whine and just talk about the problems, Learn the Science of Systems, Educate others, Take a Systems perspective, become part of our Global Community, and then give the course to kids absolutely free. Okay, so we have a clear path.

Organic vs Conventional Blueberries

The next piece is I want to talk a little bit about organic Blueberries, okay. Remember, the organic Blueberries are preferred over conventionally grown, the conventionally grown contain a high level of pesticides. The thin skin allows the chemicals to enter the fresh fruit flesh. Organic farming produces healthier fruits. If you can’t get organic, understand the source. Maybe you know if some people sometimes your organic certification is hard to get if it’s wild Blueberries. Very good. Just make sure there’s no pesticide runoffs, but the organic route Blueberries also have more phenols, more anthocyanins, higher antioxidant activity than conventionally grown.

C.L.E.A.N. & R.A.W. Certified

And we have also created a whole certification for Certified C.L.E.A.N.™ and Certified R.A.W.™ where we have and you’ll see these certifications where we said products should be safely produced, minimally processed and bioavailability. And this was something we actually created a certification you’ll see on products out there.


So in summary, Blueberries have several health benefits including cardiovascular health, cognitive and vision health – good for the brain, the anthocyanins from Blueberries upregulate and release the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO), which lowers hypertension. So now you know why.

Blueberries lower blood glucose levels by upregulating more insulin right through that GLP-1. Blueberries also promote upregulation of antioxidant enzymes that mitigate diabetes via down regulation of those oxidative stress molecules. And then finally, Blueberry compounds prevent atherosclerosis, by down regulating oxidative stress that causes plaque formation and hardening, hardening of the arteries.

So there you go, you can’t lose with Blueberries, again, do your own research, talk to your healthcare provider. But this gives you why and you can share this knowledge with wherever you want to share it with but understand what we’ve done, the journey we’ve taken you on this doing the Science, the Truth, understanding the Politics of blocking some of the science from coming out there, and then providing some valuable health information.

By the way, we do all of this, it takes everything. I’m talking about the work of a lot of scientists, researchers. We do this as a public service. The way that you can reciprocate is you can support the movement by helping yourselves by taking the Foundations of Systems course. I want all of you to do that. It’s a reciprocal model.

Because when you take the course, the money you provide us makes a pretty nominal contribution to help us do this research. But more importantly, you’re helping yourself. And you become part of a community, which I’ll talk about a whole bunch of tools that you get. And then also I want to make the course textbook one of the course textbooks, the System and Revolution book available absolutely free.

So if you’re not ready to take the course, take a shot at this but I recommend all of you take the course because the course is not just a course. As I’m going to share with you the course, you become part of a global community and you have access to a lot of stuff. And this last quick video and I’ll come back really shares with you what all the things you get when you become a member of the Truth Freedom Health® movement and take the Foundations of Systems course. Here you go

Alright, everyone, I hope that was valuable. And we will continue this series on cardiovascular health. But please remember, we’re taking a Systems Approach in this presentation. And if there’s any particular areas, topics you want me to cover, you can post it in the comments, and we review all the comments, and we try to get back to you or you can directly message me on the platforms too.

I hope everyone has a good day. And please remember to go become a Truth Freedom Health scholar because we want all of you to learn, teach and serve and take a Systems Approach. It is really the way forward Beyond Left & Right. And the more we do that, the better solutions we’re going to be able to provide. So thank you, everyone. Have a good evening.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.

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