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In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, reviews his discovery from his history lawsuit which was the FIRST to expose government’s unholy alliance with big tech in 2020 and how that alliance is used in news blackouts. As an example of this, he provides a case study of Ukraine and Russia. Dr. SHIVA is committed to education and innovation as he believes these two elements are critical for human advancement.

The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.


  • As those in power behind the system of Liberal Imperialism continue to escalate towards war against Russia, a complete media blackout has been imposed against any on-the-ground news coming out of Russia or Ukraine, making it nearly impossible to get facts from people on the ground as information is being censored before it can distribute organically.
  • Those in power, who themselves are well-versed in Systems Science, which they use for Power Profit Control, are vested in controlling the flow of information to prevent any free flow of information that would allow counter-narratives to form around facts contrary to their manufactured propaganda.
  • Dr. Shiva and the Truth Freedom Health® movement first exposed the unholy alliance between private big tech corporations and national governments in Dr. Shiva’s historic 2020 lawsuit against twitter, the full text of which can be found on
  • Only a bottom’s up movement of working people, armed with the Science of Systems, can engineer the necessary infrastructure to build a movement that can defeat the systems of Power Profit Control that exploit and divide people all over the world.

As those in power behind the system of Liberal Imperialism continue to escalate towards war against Russia, a complete media blackout has been imposed against any on-the-ground news coming out of Russia or Ukraine, making it nearly impossible to get facts from people on the ground as information is being censored before it can distribute organically.

Government uses Big Tech to perform news blackouts. What this means is certain news is completely not even covered.

It is beyond censorship and the government’s unholy alliance with Big Tech creates a blackout of news. The government and Big Tech are one.

A friend of mine sent Vladimir Putin’s speech to me, you will find it’s a wonderful speech, and I recommend all of you read it. Putin actually goes through the entire history of the Soviet Union’s 1917 revolution.

He disagreed with Lenin but he agreed with certain points, where he disagreed with the Stalinist state. Then talks about the history of how Russia got split up the concept of national self determination.

With how the people in Russia, and how the portion of Ukraine, that was very much against the Neo Nazis this way, are now going to vote on a referendum. If they do, they want to become their own Republic, and want to be part of Russia.

Russia would support them. As if these people are attacked, this will become an all out war. Compare it to the New York Times doing an assessment of Putin’s speech, they don’t even give you the primary source of the speech.

What they are doing is simply saying he wants to blow up the world. Putin’s speech is actually blacked out to most of the American public. It is actually not even allowed to be seen by the American public because if they read his speech, and they read all the garbage that the American media has been blocking out of the speech and the conversion, you’ll see it’s night and day as to what is really happening.

Those in power, who themselves are well-versed in Systems Science, which they use for Power Profit Control, are vested in controlling the flow of information to prevent any free flow of information that would allow counter-narratives to form around facts contrary to their manufactured propaganda.

Government and mainstream media banding together from the 70s, 60s, 80s, and 9 out of 10 times, this was about promoting war, or promoting US imperialist interests. We didn’t never really talked about what was really going on in Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh, during the Vietnam War, the blackouts were bad. The British are excellent at doing this. They did a massive blackout and propaganda campaign during World War One and Two, in particular during World War One against Kaiser Wilhelm.

I want to point out today that in this world the government is able to block out news. Where is the actual ground news out of Ukraine? Where are actual ground reporters?

The reason we don’t get any more reporting anymore, is that all the news organizations have consolidated the four major news organizations. If you look at Viacom News Corp and the other two, all own equity in each other.

Major news organizations actually own stocks in each other. Those in power already have the war between Ukraine and Russia going on, but they want an escalation of this war, and in order to escalate this war, they have to make it good versus evil.

Putin is bad. The United States is good, NATO is good. So they’re actually blocking out news to support that narrative. The other way, the blackout of the news is done not only by Big Tech, and by the major media organizations, but also all those local newspapers. Many years ago, in New Jersey, there were many different local newspapers.

Now all those local newspapers are now owned by conglomerates, which also report up to Big Media and Big Tech. There’s no more local news.

There used to be local news reporters with their little pads that come and do interviews. That’s all gone. We don’t have any more actual reporters on the ground, writing news. It’s all been consolidated.

This is world wide as they have CIA plants in foreign countries where they write news there. Then that gets picked up by US media and then the public has said,” oh, yeah, we heard, it is reported.”

Whenever you hear it is reported, that means the government basically stuck that news in there to fit the current narrative. Putting your stuff on Facebook, doesn’t mean it’s gonna get out there.

As I mentioned, when I shared that URL, I encouraged any one of you to just try this experiment. Go and try this experiment where you can try to share this speech.

I haven’t tried it anywhere else, but if you just simply share this URL, Vladimir Putin full text of his speech. You will find out that when you post that URL, it’ll immediately be taken away.

This is a foreign leader of a major country, his speech is not even shareable on the platform. That’s what I mean by it’s way beyond censorship. It’s actually a blackout.

Dr. Shiva and the Truth Freedom Health® movement first exposed the unholy alliance between private big tech corporations and national governments in Dr. Shiva’s historic 2020 lawsuit against twitter, the full text of which can be found on

If you’re a government here, and you want to control the masses, you need to have a relationship between this new medium and Big Tech, because Big Tech is essentially a platform, a platform that many people can publish on.

It was our movement, our campaign, which exposed everything that we had discovered in our historic lawsuit. It was really exposing how government and Big Tech are one.

We found all the documents, we actually have court testimony, where we have the social media director of the Massachusetts government acknowledging that they have a VIP portal with Big Tech.

That was our historic lawsuit, which no major media company covered, except recently, This is something very, very clever, what those in power do is they wait after the fact. These major media, and these journalists when they’re actually part of the essential deception.

You have a government and they have had an unholy alliance with Big Media for many, many years, literally CIA agents working for the government. Then over here is Big Tech and our lawsuit exposed that government and Big Tech are essentially in an unholy alliance in the United States.

Our historic lawsuit, which none of that mainstream media covered, including Tucker Carlson, who does it now and CNN all these people blame Big Tech. But the government and Big Tech have always had an unholy alliance.

We unearthed all the documents, we showed how in my own lawsuit in Massachusetts, how the government of Massachusetts and Twitter Big Tech worked together to silence a United States Senate candidate, but to launder censorship.

Only a bottom’s up movement of working people, armed with the Science of Systems, can engineer the necessary infrastructure to build a movement that can defeat the systems of Power Profit Control that exploit and divide people all over the world.

We’re not interested in getting followers. We’re interested in matching the rhetoric with our actual true honest emotions. People are not like all namby pamby bullshit, diplomats.

We’re not here to be politicians and that’s not what we’re here to do. The point is, you should be very angry with the misleading by the establishment, and become a change agent to fight back.

Our movement is the only force on this planet, which has been created with the understanding of the Science of Systems. So, you have a community in which you can learn and you can build a bottoms up movement.

This is why we think in this way with our movement. One of the big things we’re gonna be doing is, we’ve already launched it as a beta site, our own bottoms up news organization, independent of Big Tech, independent of big media.

We are building a bottoms up movement to make sure that all of you get the Science of Systems so you can see the world as it is Beyond Left & Right with the need for real journalism. So we’ve created our own platforms independent of big tech but we need to have bottoms up journalism back.

The history of humankind shows that things are won when people build bottoms up movements. That’s what major advances took place, and those movements cannot be top down. We train people to understand the dynamics of those movements.

So, you don’t go down a path and get fooled over and over and over again. What we are doing is we are creating tools so you can learn the science of how to build a movement.

Connect with other people so you don’t get desperate and complacent and divided left or right. You will get out of any feelings of desperation.

We have a very clear, laser focused way of what needs to get done. Otherwise you are going to feel isolated, you’re going to feel depressed, and you’re going to feel like there’s no way out.

There is a very clear way out. There is a winning formula for us and It will take being studious, you being active, and you wanting to connect with other change agents.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.

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