The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such origial research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – explains the Science of Systems and how it teaches people to learn to think. He explains without Systems Thinking you could be a blind sheep.
- We live in a world of complex systems, if one does not learn what a system is and what principles all systems have, one could never be able to see the entire system and never get to the real issue or real solution.
- Reductionism is the opposite of Systems thinking, where one looks at the parts and not the whole. They do not look at the interconnections and how complex or simple those interconnections are.
- See things as they are, Beyond Left & Right, Beyond Pro & Anti. So you can see the real problem and the real solution beyond the dialectic and narrative created.
- Dr. Shiva takes a Systems Approach to the healthcare system for one of his examples. The real issue is that GPOs & PBMs are really the middleman that they increase the cost of care. The solution is to cut that so the cost of care can decrease.
systems, people, understand, world, science, elephant, parts, shiva, freedom, blind, movement, real, educate, curriculum, knowledge, created, health, truth, learn, community
Hello everyone, it’s Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. Today we’re going to have a conversation about really what is System Science? Because a number of you have been asking about it, like, what is it, I talk about it. So I thought I’d go – make it simple, but go deeper into really talking about what is System Science. But I’m going to do it in the context of asking a question, which is, it’s a little bit not really meant to be derogatory, but really meant to hopefully awaken people.
And the question is, are you a blind sheep? And you may be, many of us who are relatively politically aware, we can call other people sheep. But the reality is, we have to ask ourselves, Are we blind? You know, are you a blind sheep? And you may be and I want to do this in the context of really talking about what is System Science, and Systems Science, you’re gonna learn very shortly, we’re gonna go really deep into this using a parable that I’ve alluded to before.
But we’re gonna go a little bit deeper, to really helping people to understand that in the modern world, of where we live in a world where it seems like every issue becomes hard for people to really grapple with the real problem is what the real solution, it seems like people take sides, a left wing side, or a right wing side, or pro-side or an anti-side.
The Science of Systems
And the whole problem is never seen, or the real problem is never seen. So the opportunity with the Science of Systems is to really learn that. And in fact, what’s happened over the years is that if you look at any time, something new comes, or some body of knowledge, or some innovation seems like there’s almost a 30 to 60 year cycle, before that body of knowledge gets out there.
Now, the Science of Systems has been out there, since probably the 1900s 1920s. But my effort has been over the last 30-40 years to try to make that science accessible. And I think we’ve done that.
And but having the knowledge of the Science of Systems helps whether you’re an adult, or whether you’re a child, or whether you’re a teenager, really start looking at the world as it is. And if we can do that, we basically put politicians out of business, you put lawyers out of business, you put experts out of business, and you become the expert, and you have the tools to really see things as they are, or otherwise, as I pose a question here, we may actually be blind sheep, where we’re not seeing things as they are. And we get lost in what I call the dialectic, okay? Where we see things as Left & Right as Pro & Anti.
I hope you enjoy this conversation, because my goal is to really engage you to really recognize that the current educational system is really lagging behind where we are as a society in the world of complex systems. So let’s really look at this right. So the question is, are you a blind sheep? You may be. So this is what a sheep looks like.
And it’s bad enough being called a sheep, right? Because I don’t think any one of us wants to be a sheep. And there’s probably many of you who have called other people sheep, right? But worse than that, I think, is to be a blind sheep, right? Where you don’t even know where you’re going, or where you’re going at, you’re following something. But it’s being done even in a worse way.
So I think a blind sheep is probably worse than just a sheep. So the conversation I want to have is I use the word systems. And the question is, what is the system, right? What are systems so let’s look at some of these systems.
And we talked about this in our course, the Foundations of Systems. Let me run our banner here, because it’s to make sure we’re doing our proper advertising, which I like to do. So everyone knows what we’re actually pushing, which is to educate people.
That’s really what we want to push, if anything. But if you look at this over here, this is actually the back of a watch. And you can see the back of this watch has many, many parts to it. And the parts are all interconnected, right? So, a watch is not just any one part.
It has all these parts interconnected in the right way. And what then emerges is a system called a watch. So basically the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So a system, it’s important to remember, is not just a bunch of parts, but it’s the interconnection of those parts.
So that’s the back of a watch. Okay? If you look at this diagram, what is this, some of you may know, some of you may not know, if you’ve taken the class, you probably do know what this is. But this is actually millions of parts put together. And this system is a Space Shuttle engine, right, and every part has to be in the right location.
And when all those parts are in the right location, you get something that can lift off tons of matter off the ground and break the Earth’s inertia to go into space. But if you think about it, even if one of these parts is not connected, right, it can blow up. And that’s what happened when the space shuttle Challenger blew up. There’s something called the O rings.
And they were never properly tested for cold weather and the solid rocket boosters, you know, the seams bled and the space shuttle blew up. But it’s really again about the interconnections right. So all these parts have got to be put together at the right location.
This is a system, this is a system. Does anyone know what this is? Okay, this is actually a city, okay? A city is an interconnection of many, many subsystems, right? The buildings, the roads, the parks, the alleyways, right, all of these connected together, in a way emerge, what emerges is something called the city. Many, many different interconnections, you have city planners, who build the systems, and based on how you connect the roads, you can have wealthy areas, or poor areas, etc. But this too, is a system.
Here’s another system at a more microscopic level, right? This is the cell, the cell is also a system, many parts interconnected together, and you have 300 different cells in your body. Some cells are red blood cells, other blood cells are white blood cells, other blood cells, other cells, or epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and what makes a cell different? Well, they all have a nucleus, they all have membranes, but it’s how the particular molecular pathways emerge in the systems and how they’re connected. So based on how you do the connection, you can get many different kinds of cells.
But again, this is a system, this is also a system, right? A transit system. So look at this, these are all different kinds of systems, you’d have to be a watchmaker to understand this; an aeronautical engineer, a city planner, a cell biologist, or transportation person, all different kinds of systems, another system, a healthcare system.
The Dumb ‘Blind” Way
So the question is, I want to pose to you how do you actually understand systems? Right? Do you have to be a watchmaker to understand the watch? Do you have to be an aeronautical engineer? Do you have to be a city planner? Imagine if you could really look at the system as it is, and have a way to do that. And then you could actually understand, oh, this system, this is the real problem in this system.
Here’s a real solution, which goes Beyond Left & Right. So that would be the ideal way. And that’s what I’m committed to teaching.
That’s why you have the little ticker running. So we’ve created a whole way that we train people all over the world to see things as they are, and we call it our Warrior Scholar program, you can go join it. But today, what I want to talk to you about is that we live in a world where we’re not trained to look at the world as systems yet we live in this modern 21st century where everything around us is a system; healthcare systems, election systems, immune systems, right. But if we don’t have a way to look at the systems as they are, we’re going to be misled. We’re going to be fighting among each other.
And so one way to look at systems is to really understand System Science. So some of you asked me, What is the Science of Systems Dr. Shiva? Well, the Science of Systems is a way where you can actually have the tools to really think about systems.
That’s what System Science is. The opposite of System Science, is to really look at the world from a reductionist way. And let me put that up. Reductionism. So reductionism is the opposite of a system thinking. So let’s look at what reductionism looks like.
And it’s really the blind, it’s a dumb way to look at the world. And those in power. Want, do not want us looking the world looking at the world, in a systems way, because you’re going to be able to be your own teacher, your own guru, your own solutions provider, you’re gonna see things as they are.
And there’s a way to look at the world of systems but the opposite way is to look at the world in a blind way. It’s called the reductionist way. And the best way to understand reductionism is through this very, very important story.
Reductionist Approach
And by the way, this story goes back to about 1500 BC, it actually goes back to the Indian Vedas, it goes back to, in fact, a very ancient sage – Thirumoolar, who was an Indian who talked about, y that you can be blind, and you can see the elephant, like blind men. And what he was referring to was that if you look at the elephant, it’s a very complex system, right?
It’s got a tusk, it’s got a tail, it’s got the trunk, it’s got legs, I mean, it’s a whole system, you can look at it as parts, or you can look at it as a whole system. And the blinded way of looking at the elephant goes to the story that was told many, many years later, where a king brought six blind men.
And they were all asked to see what they saw, right? Because I saw meaning in double quotes. And this story tells it Well, so here’s the actual system. So consider the elephant being like the whole system, right? The watch, or the space shuttle, or the city, or the cell, the entire system or the healthcare system, okay? But if you take a reductionist approach, what you see you become the blind sheep, and in this case, we’re looking at six blind men.
So the six blind men were called in to look at this elephant, okay, which is a whole system, okay. So, one of the blind men looks at the ear, and he’s there, and he thinks the elephant is a fan, right? Because the elephant’s ears move, and he’s convinced the elephant and the elephant is the fan. He doesn’t see the whole system.
He sees it as a fan. Okay? The blind man who sees the tail thinks the elephant is a rope, okay? To him. He’s convinced that the elephant is a rope. Again, from a reductionist viewpoint, he does not see the entire elephant, he just sees the rope because that’s what he feels.
The blind man who bumps into the feet of the elephant thinks, oh, this is a tree. He thinks it’s an oak tree. The blind man who bumps into the side of the elephant, he thinks it’s a wall, okay? He’s convinced it’s a wall, because it’s big. He thinks it’s a wall, the blind man who touches the Tusk thinks, oh, it’s a spear.
And then the blind man who touches the trunk is convinced it’s a snake. So you see what I’m saying? Each one is blinded, and they’re just seeing parts of this large system, they have a blinded view of reality. And all of these guys arguing amongst each other, right? The guy who sees a trunk says this is definitely a snake, the guy who touches the trunk says it’s a spear.
And the guy argues with the other guy, who says this elephant is a tree. The other guy says, it’s a fan, a wall, a rope, you get the idea, right? So this is a non Systems Approach. And this is what the left and the right do, right.
They take every issue, and they take a left wing view or a right wing view. And then they have working people taking a Democrat position and Republican position, and people are fighting among each other. And as long as people fight, two things happen, those in power, maintain power.
And more importantly, we never really addressed the root cause issues. We don’t see the elephant. We don’t see the space shuttle, we just see pieces of it, right. So I hope everything’s clear here. So we need to see things as they are.
If you go back to what I’m talking about here, we don’t see what ends up happening. Is this what you see, okay? You don’t see the elephant. You see this, okay? So when all these blind guys get together, they’re all arguing among each other. And they don’t really see an elephant. What they see, in their view, is an oak tree, on top of which is a wall with two fans, two spears, a snake hanging off of it, and a rope.
It’s absolutely absurd, right? But this is what happens on even political issues on major issues of our time. The news doesn’t represent the whole system because they’re not systems guys. The politicians don’t study systems.
The lawyers don’t study systems. Engineers do but engineers never get a voice working. People do, plumbers understand systems, electricians understand systems, mothers understand systems, but the people leading the narratives promote this to us, right. They don’t promote the actual elephant right? What they promote to us is this. And this is where the problem is.
So how do we get beyond this? How do we see things as they are Beyond Left & Right? That’s what we want, right? If we’re serious, working people have the same interests, those who actually have to solve problems, see the same things. But those do not have to solve problems, never have to see the real issues, they just have to run for office, you know, lie to people, get one person to be on the left side, and other people don’t be on the right side. And the problems are never solved.
Seeing Things as They Are – Beyond Left & Right
And so this is a recurrent process of why nothing ever changes for working people. But if we want to see things as they are, and if we want to go Beyond Left & Right, how do we do that? Okay, well, we want to see the whole watch, not just the parts, we want to see the whole space shuttle engine, we want to see the city for what it is, not just any one part of it, we want to see the entire cell, right?
If we just focus on the nucleus, or we just focus on the membrane, you never solve the real disease, we want to see the whole system. So how do we see things as they are Beyond Left & Right? And let me give some examples, we really want to go Beyond Pro or Anti right? Isn’t that what we want?
So how do we do that? Well, if you remember, if you take something like another system, if we look at really something like the healthcare system, right, or this is another way of looking at the healthcare system is a very complex system, most people don’t have an opportunity to study the entire healthcare system. But if you take a Systems Approach, if you really have a chance, we and many of you know that that’s the approach we take in our movement. And that’s the way that I’d like to present a lot of the knowledge in many of the past videos, but I want to educate all of you how to do that.
GPO’s & PBM’s
If you take a System Approach to the healthcare system, what do you actually find? Well, you find that the real issue is that there’s people called GPOs; group purchasing organizations, and pharmacy broker managers, who are really the middleman in this whole system. And that’s a real issue, that they increase the cost. And you can go look at one of the videos I’ve talked about.
But what I’m saying is, when you take a Systems Approach, you find out this is a real problem, there’s middlemen who increase the cost, and then we find out the real solution is to eliminate GPOs and PBMs.
Poor Chain of Custody, Flawed Signature Verification, No Enforcement of Laws
Another system, which I’ve talked extensively about, done research about, from my own campaign, the election systems, right, very complex systems, what you find is a real problem is we have a poor chain of custody, we have a flawed signature verification process.
And there’s actually no enforcement of laws. And the real solution is we need to ensure chain of custody from the time a ballot comes in, we need trained forensic document examiners who actually do signature verification, and we need to enforce existing laws, right? real problem, real solution.
Beyond Vaxx & Anti-Vaxx – One-Size-Fits-All
Another system, the immune system, your immune system is a very complex system. But you find out that what’s being promoted is, you know, we really need to go Beyond Vaxx & Anti-Vaxx, we need to go beyond one size fits all medicine, the real issue is the immune system is complex, we need to have the right medicine, for the right person, at the right time, we need to build community and to boost immunity.
And these are the things that our movement spoke about, you know, two, three years ago, were the ones who talked about the real problem and the real solution. And then opportunists came later. And they then tried to make money off whatever the issue was, but you know, too little too late.
So the point is, if we take a Systems Approach, and we see the whole elephant as it is, if we see the whole system, we can always identify the real problem, and the real solution. That is a power of the Science of Systems. This is why through every talk I do I keep telling you guys, please take this systems course, please take the system’s course, I’m giving you a scholarship.
It’s not to benefit me. But I realized that the only way that we can win this is to raise people’s consciousness on every one of these problems, be it you know, the problem of you know, as I talk about the immune system, or the election systems or the healthcare systems, we need to understand what the real problem is, and the real solution. We need to understand again, what the real problem is, and the real solution, again, in the immune system, the real problem, the real solution.
Now, if we can do that, and I can educate you to see things as they are Beyond Left & Right guess what, we don’t really need to be worried about who’s in office per se, because all of you will have the tools at the local level, to really for your own community for yourself to see things as they are. And that’s what the real goal is.
And I want to play a video here until we get to this, and I’ll come shortly back, because I want to really give how we get there. But this is a video I’ve played before. But this goes to the heart of the problem. So here’s what I it’s really the video that really compels all of you to really understand why we need to do this.
All right, so that video is meant to inspire you to recognize that this stuff can be applied at the political level too.
But today, what I wanted to inspire you, again, to ask the question, Are you a blind sheep, and you may be, but the way we remove our blindfold is to see things as they are Beyond Left & Right. And if each one of you can learn that, and then you can teach that and you can serve by engaging others to do that, we have a winning formula to really awaken things ultimately, remember, a great man once said that the cause of all suffering is ignorance.
And I would argue that in the modern world, that ignorance comes from a lack of understanding of systems, because we live in a world of systems, those in power, who advise those in power, about 8-10,000, people actually understand the Science of Systems.
Truth Freedom Health®
And my mission, if there is a grand mission here, is to be a catalyst to educate as many people as possible to get access to this knowledge, because that becomes a catalytic force, where you become the agent of change. So the question really is, we want to see things as they are. So how do we do that? If you go to the website, you notice we have our movement for Truth Freedom Health®.
But the key thing is that the video just said – is we want to do these, this interconnection, where, from even a political perspective, or social perspective, we interconnect the movements for freedom, or a desire to have freedom, right? So today, you typically have the people who are maybe the people who some people call quote unquote, rednecks, who want the First Amendment in the Second Amendment.
And those people are in the freedom fighter, political. Then you have the nerds, who are into innovation and science and in the truth world, right, and they’re fighting for that. And then you have the Yoga people or the people who want organic food, and no GMOs. They’re in the health world.
And those three movements, those three elements are typically separated. And the reality is, it’s never going to work for any one of those movements unless they recognize that, first you need to recognize that we do need to do real science, right.
But real science, Truth cannot emerge without freedom, open discourse, we have open exchange of information. This is why censorship is so bad, right? So freedom and truth are intimately connected. But you also recognize that without the infrastructure of your personal health, economic health, financial health, you don’t have the strength to even have the wherewithal to fight for freedom or to explore truth.
So Truth Freedom Health® are intimately connected, that is a systems understanding. And in the teachings that we have, you find out that element of Truth Freedom Health® the movement of information matter and energy, freedom, the conversion of ideas, into find reality, truth, the scientific method, and health, which is the infrastructure which supports all this are intimately connected. In fact, these three concepts go back to the concept of transport, conversion and storage, that comes from General Systems Theory, or in the Indian systems of medicine, vata, pitta, kapha.
Bottom line is that the curriculum that has taken me years to develop the Foundations of Systems is the, frankly, the only curriculum that I can think of in the world that brings us together. I’ve taught this all over the world, but my goal was to make this accessible. So without really pushing you guys into doing this, what I can say is that, I don’t know of any curriculum out there that does this, or any movement.
That’s why I push this so hard, because from someone who’s committed to wanting to create a better world, without this elevation of knowledge, without the understanding of systems, we’re never going to really have a significant change. So my intention was, how do you take this knowledge, make it accessible? How do you make it accessible to all of you, economically accessible, where you value it? When we were trying to give away this course, no one valued it. So we said, Okay, we can’t charge 2500-2600. When I used to charge for it out of MIT, etc.
We said, Okay, we’re gonna give you a scholarship, because then maybe you’ll value the scholarship. So for 100 bucks, we’ve made it accessible. But more recently, we said, look, it’s not only adults who need to take this, we need to make this course accessible to all people, young kids, students under the age of 18.
If you take the course here’s the incentive you take the course you learn. Then you have the opportunity to serve by being a philanthropist and giving this course to everyone. Let me repeat that. I want all of you to take this. But then once you take the course and you pass it, you can give it away to any student below the age of 18, absolutely free, you can give it to one child, you can give it to a million children.
What we’re doing now is we’re building a movement. Now, a movement of consciousness, where we’re training people, giving them the tools, so they don’t need to go to MIT, or they don’t need to get into an elite institution, I’ve made this course whether you’re a plumber, or an electrician, whether you’re a mother, whether you’re a barber, anyone without any prerequisites can learn the Science of Systems. And when we take this approach, we really can see the world the way it is, and you can be a force for significant change.
Systems and Revolution
As a part of this, what I’ve recently done is, this is a wonderful book that it took me many, many years to write. But I think we’ve sold 20-30,000 copies of this. So we said, let’s also make this book free. So anyone gets it for free. Just simply just cover shipping and handling. But it’ll give you the essential concepts.
The 5 Common Principles Across All Systems
But why do I want to do this, because the reason I want to do this is, again, if you look at these systems, right? These are all very complex systems a watch, right? The Space Shuttle engine, the city, the cell, all systems transportation systems, what you will learn is that, regardless of what kind of system you’re looking at, when you take this course, you’ll find out that all of these systems have five common principles across all of these systems.
So you don’t have to be an electrical engineer, you don’t have to be an aeronautical engineer, you don’t have to be a city planner, you’re going to learn at a very deep level, the common principles across all these systems, then you’re going to understand that there are these five common principles.
But then intelligence systems have four common principles. So you’re going to learn the nine principles of intelligence systems, a four among that are unique to intelligence systems, and the five that are unique to all systems. But what this will do is, it’s going to give you the language, the knowledge to really understand all systems in the universe, very powerful knowledge.
Learn to Think
And using this, you can see things as they are Beyond Left & Right. But most importantly, you’re going to learn to think Beyond Left & Right. Sure. So it’s going to challenge you, right? So it’s going to force you perhaps while I’m a Republican, well, maybe Republicans look at the world the wrong way, I’m a Democrat, well, maybe the Democrats will get the way. They don’t see.
They’re like the blind men, the Republicans and Democrats, they only see pieces of the elephant, they don’t see the whole. So we want to really recognise that in the 21st century, we need to learn to think, beyond left or right, because we don’t, we’re going to be in one camp or another camp and we don’t see the whole. And that’s really the essence of this.
In order to do this. What I’ve done is not only create the knowledge of the curriculum you can learn on your own, we’ve also created a community where you can meet all sorts of people all over the globe. But I’ve also created a laboratory where you can understand how your body is a system. You can get on the ground and interact with other people.
So it’s a living breathing experiential environment where you learn this you can come to the videos I do and if you notice, I keep hammering away at we need to see learn the world as a system. Yeah, someone up. Great point on Michael Ryan says learn to think beyond the Hegelian dialectic, exactly.
We say that, but people don’t have the tool. So now you actually have the tools to learn how to think Beyond Left & Right. And that’s really my intention.
And if we can do that, we’re going to create a better world. And whether you want to create a better world or not, you’re going to create a world that you can really be, you know, the captain of your own destiny, you can understand things as they are, you can educate. And as we say, in our movement, we want people to learn, teach and serve.
And that’s the environment we’ve created. So I hope, all of you can see right on the bottom, go to
Become a Truth Freedom Health® warrior, become part of this community, but most importantly, learn the Science of Systems to see things as they are. And let me play this last video, which will really give you in a very short sort of an ad, which will better than I could do really tells you all the things you get. Because it’s not just the educational piece, not just the research, but it’s about building a community anyway, I hope today’s talk really teaches you what is the Science of Systems.
And this is how we, if you’re attacking people or being the sheep, just be aware that you could be a blind shape where you’re not really seeing the whole so let me play this video and I’ll come right back
I hope that video was helpful. So gives you sort of the range of things that we put together. But again, today’s talk was really to answer the question someone had asked what is the Science of Systems, and I put it in this context of, in summary, sharing the story of the six blind men looking at the elephant going through it in very detail, and why if we don’t take a Systems Approach, we will be ripped apart as a society and that does not serve everyday people.
So if you look at the issues that are going on right now, the Ukraine war, the issues with elections, the elections themselves? Who do you vote for, etc, the issue with free speech, and you go down all the major issues that are going on, if we don’t have a Systems Approach, we will not see the whole – the whole system as it is, we’ll see pieces of it.
And CNN will present one piece, Fox News will present another piece, you know, and somebody else will present another piece and some influencer on YouTube, Joe Rogan will present another piece, and all these fragmented perspectives, and never seen the whole, it does not serve you or I.
And so we live in a world, as I mentioned, it is a world of complex systems, every system around us is a complex system. This phone is a complex system, it’s not just in the old days, one little, you know, telephone wire to, you know, another system, this phone is connected to the internet it’s connected to, it has apps which communicate among each other, the cars that are emerging, the driverless cars, or cars are interconnected to systems. Everything around us is a complex system, healthcare systems, transportation systems, etc.
And if we want to really keep those people we elect to office accountable, we have to have the tools to understand systems. The problem is the Science of Systems today is only accessible to very, very few people in the hallowed halls of elite academia. And what we’ve done here is to make that concept, the course, the ability for you to learn it accessible.
And that is how we change the world, the world is not going to change, if the level of consciousness of people is here, and we’re expecting leaders at this level. Let me repeat that, again. The world is not going to change, if the state of consciousness of people is here, and we’re expecting leaders at this level, the world is going to change when we raise the consciousness of enough people. And in the modern world, that consciousness raising, the removing the veil of ignorance is only going to occur if we understand the Science of Systems because we live in a world of very complex systems.
The good news is, we’ve put that curriculum together, we’ve created a community for you. And we’ve created activities that you can do to experientially be part of that. So I hope this was valuable, that it answers the question, you know, what is the system? What is the Science of Systems and you get inspired to take advantage of this incredible platform we put together and that you become your own guru, quote, unquote, Guru, you’re able to teach others and serve.
So thank you, everyone. And also just want to remind you that we have a whole community, today, John’s doing an open house orientation. We have Heather and Crystal other people in our team, which run meetings, we do activities, so you don’t have to feel isolated part of the world that it’s becoming, particularly in the developed nations people are very, very isolated.
When I went to India, you don’t have a lot of depression or people with, frankly, depression issues over there, because you have tons of people around you. Maybe it’s a poor country. But you also always have family and friends and tons of people.
When I flew back to America, the first thing I noticed was that you’re driving down, and there’s actually no one on the streets. Everyone lives in their little holes behind their computers. And we don’t have community anymore.
One of the things we’re doing is we’re building consciousness, but we’re also building community. So please recognise it’s really, really important that community and others and that’s the way you grow, it’s mentally healing. So take advantage of this.
Please go to Become a part of this movement, which will really help elevate your consciousness and teach you the science of system so you won’t be a blind sheep. Thank you be well

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.