The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Systems Scientist, engineer, educator – explains how engineers create the world and shares an analysis on several engineers while stressing the need for Systems Science curriculum.
- Werner von Braun’s engineering discipline was redundancy in safety factors. He created the liquid fueled rocket design program, the V2 rocket, the Intermediate-range Ballistic Missiles and was responsible for launching the first ever US space satellite, Explorer 1.
- William Shockley won the Nobel Prize for his invention of transistors and revolutionized the world of electronics and paved the way for what we have as a digital world.
- Stephen Timoshenko’s work developed the theories of elasticity, the strength of materials which is now taught in all Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.
- B.D. Kulkarni did 376 peer reviewed articles, 26 patents and was driven by basic, applied & interdisciplinary research. He was well known for his work on fluidized bed reactors.
- Learn the Science of Systems course by registering at and give the Foundation of Systems course to unlimited children under 18 with parental consent. Also order the book System and Revolutionfor Free and just pay shipping and handling.
CytoSolve, future, education, science, systems science, engineer, history, inventor, invent, free, book, revolution, supplement, innovate, online course, learn, all ages
Hello, everyone, good afternoon. This is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, I’ve been taking a little bit of a break to reorganize a lot of our curriculum. And we finished that. So I’m very happy to report that’s been done. Many of you know, tomorrow’s Good Friday, so a lot of very, very important events. And it’s, it’s a very, very propitious time for a lot of things.
So anyway, I thought this would be a good time to really recalibrate some of the educational work we want to do, and also to support your growth. So, today’s talk as a part of this effort is going to be, let me bring it up on Engineers Create the World, They Learn How to Think. So that’s the talk, we’re gonna have how Engineers Create the World, and the Engineer – the Engineering exercise really teaches us How to Think and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. And why do I say that?
Am I saying other fields do not teach us How to Think? Well, what I want to share is, I really want to focus on the Engineering Systems Approach, which I feel is really going to be essential for all people, wherever you are throughout the world. And again, happy Good Friday, which is almost upon us, to all of you blessings to all of you. So that’s what I want to talk about today. It’s gonna be how Engineers create the world. And They Learn How to Think.
So anyway, for those of you joining, Welcome. This is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai . So before I go into this, I want to let everyone know that as a part of the effort we’re going to be doing, I’ll be coming back to this, but I really have taken a little bit of time to go a little bit deeper, you know, every time you do something, you want to get better at doing what you’re doing, you know what you’re personally doing. So this is, some of you may have seen this, but this is if you go to This is the new registration page that we’ve created.
Foundation of Systems
And you notice it says Learn How to Think. Foundations of Systems self-paced, which is our course with no prerequisites, access a global community, and people can register. And when you go through this, you’ll see over the last year alone, over 73,252 Students, actually it’s a little more than that have signed up. We have over 4000 scholars across 56 countries. And we’ve been educating people, you know, Beyond anything Left or Right, Beyond Black or White, but really teaching people something that’s very fundamental to Engineering called the Foundations of Systems course, which many of you have taken, you can go through here, and I’ll come back to this, but the course includes, and I’ll be playing this video about My Journey to Systems.
But one of the things I want to announce today is the book System and Revolution, which really fundamentally teaches people How to Think. We’re making it completely free, you just have to cover the shipping and handling. And then we also have the Basic Membership. I’ll come back to all of this. But fundamentally, I want to talk today about why I’m very inspired to continue to educate the world on a Systems Approach.
Let’s talk about the talk I’m going to have today. I’m going to honor certain people, which I’ve been posting about some of you may know of these people, but we’re going to really honor Engineers, okay. And we’re going to honor four Engineers from all over the world from the United States, from Germany, from Russia, from India. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
Wernher von Braun
Okay, so let me jump right into this. So let me go into one of the Engineers here. And one of the Engineers that we want to talk about is the Father of Rocket Science. His name is Wernher von Braun. Some of you may know of him. Now when I talk about these people, what you’re going to notice is that engineering is an interesting field because it’s not science, science. People gather, they observe the universe. They gather data, they make hypotheses, and then they do experiments.
Then they get Gather data, they find out if the data match with their hypotheses. And they do this iterative process. The interesting piece here is that when you do this iterative process, you may be right or wrong. And it’s all by gathering up data and making predictions. And if your predictions in order to be evidence, they have to be unambiguously reproducible. We have noticed in many, many fields, where the field of science will go on for a period of time when people make predictions, and people think those are laws, and we’ll find out that’s not true.
Now, engineering is very different, because engineers have to deal with truth, every microsecond. When they build something, because they’re building something, they’re making the world around us. If they make something and it doesn’t work, you can’t, they can’t sort of BS their way out of it. Which means if it doesn’t work, or a rocket blows up, a piece of software doesn’t work, that computer fries and bridge falls down, we’ll talk about this. So engineers have to look at things as they are, they can’t be a political position, left or right. They can’t be Republican or Democrat.
They can’t be, you know, black or white, meaning they can’t take positions based on that. And what we’re going to watch as we go through some of these engineers, some of them did amazing things. And some of them actually had these political positions, which some of you may disagree with, some of them I disagree with. But regardless, as engineers, we learn to separate that. And this is a little bit hard for people who don’t go through the engineering discipline. In the world of engineering.
When you’re doing engineering, you deal with reality, every microsecond. Okay, so the engineering mind is about learning How to Think – the course that I’ve put together that’s come out of my work over the last 50 years. My intention is that we’re at a point in development, that the educational systems, particularly for our young people, are teaching them What to Think, Not How to Think. And I feel the Foundations of the Systems Approach that we’ve created, will really teach people How to Think, Not What to Think. And when you Learn How to Think, you get the tools to look at the world, look at complex systems, understand what the REAL Problem is, and then figure out what the REAL Solution is.
And sometimes there isn’t a solution, sometimes you have to come up with an imperfect solution. And I believe more people will take this approach – will go Beyond this Black & White way of looking at the world, Beyond this Left & Right, Beyond Republican and Democrat or your Labor, and you know, Conservative or Left & Right. And I believe this is what’s needed, because we need to SOLVE Problems. And that’s why it’s hard for Politicians to really understand where I’m coming from, or the people who take our course are coming from, because they go Beyond Left or Right.
And they go Beyond Republican & Democrat, we look at things as they are and will in fact critique the Left & the Right, the Conservative & the Liberal. And this is important because, you know, one of our slogans at VA Shiva is – Creating the Future. The future is our children, our youth, and they deserve better than a world just divided into Left & Right.
So let’s walk through some of these and I’ll come back to this. You know, I’ll talk more about this but Wernher von Braun, he’s an interesting guy, you know, he was actually working for the Germans. And, you know, right after World War Two, some of you may know, there was a ship full of German engineers and scientists, one of them or several ships, one of them got quote unquote, hijacked and taken to Russia to build a Russian rocketry program.
And another of them got taken to the United States. So these were quote unquote ex Nazis, Engineers. Some of went to Russia summer came to the United States. Okay. So, putting aside the political issues, Wernher von Braun was really the father of rocket science, space travel and really the American lunar program, but he was of German descent, German American Aerospace Engineer, and he was relocated to the United States after World War Two as a part of Operation Paperclip and you can look this up and he worked on the US missile program and with NASA, and he was very powerful from an engineering standpoint was Wernher von Braun said that when you build large scale systems, you have to have within those systems and Engineering philosophy, you see, one of the things that we need to understand is it is philosophy, the philosophical approach you take to the world, or building or engineering that drives the Engineering Discipline itself.
So Wernher von Braun’s engineering discipline was that you should have enough safety factors, you know. And in fact, he was really one of the beginning proponents of redundancy. So imagine a spaceship or an airplane has one computer, he would say it should actually have another computer n+1 backup systems. That’s where redundant means. So knowing that things can always fail. So but you can see that he really was a father of rocket science program space travel in the American lunar program, but he came with a particular Engineering Philosophy, because these systems, rockets, space travel would never succeed, because there’s so many things that can go wrong, that you needed to have safety and redundancy.
And if you look at and by the way, when we study the Foundations of Systems where we teach people How to Think we talk about the set Complex Systems in the world, your body, be it a computer, the this microphone I’m using, be your car, all of these Systems are very Complex Systems and the Foundations of Systems course we educate people on the Universal, Universal Principles of All Systems. It’s it’s self paced, you can take as long as you want. But the fundamental one of the things we talked about is redundancy there, you know, Backup Systems, and that comes out of the Engineering Discipline.
Major Achievements
Okay, we’ll talk more about this. But in Wernher von Braun’s case, you know, he was the one who created the liquid fueled rocket design program, the V2 rocket, which really devastated the world and many people are concerned it would allow Hitler to win. And he also when he came to the United States really built the IRBM, the Intermediate-range Ballistic Missiles, which was essential to the United States is preeminence from the air. And he also was responsible for launching the first ever US space satellite Explorer One.
So satellites, missiles, you know, rockets, and also the rocket design was critical to the lunar missions, right, the Saturn five launch vehicle, so Wernher von Braun, these are some of his big, big achievements. Now, when you look at a rocket, this is the V2 rocket, you can see it’s a complex system. You know, it’s not just any one piece. And this is what we need to understand in the world when I refer to a system. You know, a System is something that’s interconnected to many other parts.
The interconnections are what make a system unique. Your body is a System and we talked about this in the course, everything in and around us is a system your car is a system. And in order to make complex systems work, you better understand the inner connection. So here you can see, in the V2 there was a warhead, there was the gyroscope which really enables the rocket to understand the 3-D environment of where it’s going, and to control everything else.
Here’s the alcohol and water mixture, the liquid oxygen right. This is one of the important propellants: the hydrogen peroxide tank, hydrogen peroxide reaction chamber, the thrust frame, but you know the wings obviously, and the jet vans, the air vans and the alcohol inlets. Bottom line, this is a very complex system. When you look at this, you know human beings, Engineers create these very, very incredible Systems you see on the right side, this is Explorer 1 Satellite right to here you have the nose cone.
Here we have a temperature gauge. Here you have a micrometeorite ultrasonic microphone, the cosmic ray micrometers meteorite package, we can sense what’s going on in the external world. You have the antenna wire, the temperature gauge here, but this is what was Explorer 1 Satellite and this is look, look at the date here you’ll see it’s 1959. So, von Braun created these very, very Complex Systems. And Engineers, we learned that when you’re building Complex Systems, it’s not the number of parts, but it’s the interconnections between those parts.
Some of you have taken my course I talked about when in 1986 when the space shuttle went up, and unfortunately, it blew up that there was a thin ring that separated the solid rocket boosters called the “O” rings. And the the managers on that project, really not Engineers, pushed the Engineers and forced them to sign off on the launch, when one Engineer was the director of the program, Alan McDonnald would not sign off because he knew the interconnections, the “O” rings were never tested.
So Engineers, one of the things we learn when we Learn How to Think, from an Engineering standpoint is what are the interconnections? And this takes a world Beyond Left or Right Beyond Black & White, it forces you to think about how does this thing relate to this, and the relationships can determine failure or success, or advancement of humankind or advancement of people.
Unfortunately, many of the people today are not exposed to this Engineering Systems Approach. So they just see the world in Black and White, Left or Right. And because of this, they have a very, very narrow view of the world and they can never understand when someone in one day can be supporting a view here, which they may disagree with, but actually have a solution which goes Beyond Left to Right. Wernher von Braun, some people might say, Oh, he was a Nazi. Let’s forget everything he created.
Well, he was part of the Nazi regime came to the United States, but you cannot discount the Engineering creations he made, you have to be able to separate those to some extent. And a lot of people have a problem doing that. When it comes to judging others and looking at from an Engineering standpoint, what he did for creating Explorer 1 Satellite or the V2 rocket. These are Engineering efforts that he did. Okay, so that was Wernher von Braun, German American scientist.
William Shockley
Let me go to the next person I want to bring up. And again, William Shockley is very, very, if you look at every computer today, every you know, every iPhone that you have, or every Android phone, they all have something called transistors. It was the transistor, which created the modern information revolution that computer revolution. Transistors allowed us to use something called Boolean logic, which allowed us to create software, but it was a transistor, which was essential.
William Shockley people have called him a racist. And he may have been people call them a new Genesis, and he may have been, but nonetheless, you know, he, he understood, he made some profound discoveries that led to the modern world of computers, allowing me to do this with you right now. And let’s talk a little bit about Shockley, who was he? Well, Shockley, some people say it was a man who brought silicon to Silicon Valley. He was born in London, raised in California, he did his Bachelor’s at CalTech. And then he did his PhD from MIT. He invented transistors, while he was working at Bell Labs, Bell Labs, at one point at some really, really incredible Engineers. And he really revolutionized the world of electronics and paved the way for what we have as a digital world.
In fact, he also, not only was he an Engineer, as a Physicist, he won the Nobel Prize for his invention of transistors, but he was fundamentally an Engineer. Okay, but the interest on the personal note, before I go to that get overnighting, 90 patents, he was a prolific inventor. And his first patent was for the semiconductor transistors. I’m not going to go into the details of this, but fundamentally, a transistor, you know, could take a voltage, right, that comes in.
And it had the ability to literally put this piece of electronics into a state of a zero or a one. And this may seem very simple to or maybe not some, maybe not fully to appreciate this, but he had created a device that you could have. Electronic electronics were analog, which means they were a wave. But what Shockley did with the creation of the transistor was he was able to create an instrument, a piece of hardware that can put that electronic device into a state of zero or one. And you could connect many of these transistors up.
And you could start computing zeros and ones because fundamentally, computers are frankly dumb. They just understand zeros and ones. And in the 1900s, people have done a lot of work in what’s called Boolean mathematics. And with the invention of the transistor, Boolean mathematics found at home, because with Boolean mathematics now, we could literally start computing very, very complex things just using, you know, zeros and ones. Okay. So, the invention of the transistor was done by Shockley.
Now on the personal side, he was a strong believer in eugenics, in fact he promoted voluntary sterilization for people with IQ below 100. He considered African Americans to be an inferior race to white Americans. Now, this is a conundrum because clearly, you know, this, these bullets here say, you know, he was not a, from a human standpoint, not a good human being. But from an Engineering standpoint, we wouldn’t have all of these devices we have if it wasn’t for Shockley, we may have had them later, but he was the first one to create these.
And again, I bring this up just like Wernher von Braun is that if you have a culture, which is not able to separate this, you could have someone who someone brands as this, but then they discount what they’ve created. Right? So maybe guys like von Braun, or Shockley would never have had any opportunity to create anything. So again, it’s a conundrum, because it forces us to start thinking, a little bit beyond these very, very harsh lines, you know. All right.
Journey to Systems
So let me go to, and by the way, those of you joining, this is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. And I’m talking today about Engineers. And the fact the Engineering Education. And Engineers, by the way, many of them, you hear about celebrities, you’ll hear about politicians, you’ll hear about singers, etc. But rarely do you hear about Engineers, Engineers are the people you’ll hear about Scientists, Engineers are the people who work very quietly in the background, without fanfare, but every day they are solving problems.
If you have an iPhone today, and you have a problem, you report a bug at some Software Engineer, somewhere in the world is fixing it. If you report a bug with your car, it’s some Mechanical Engineer who’s fixing that. If you report a bug with some toy that your child has, you know, it’s some Engineer who’s solving that. But Engineers are the ones who have created the world around us.
And the Engineering Education is focused on teaching you how to look and solve problems. So as I mentioned earlier, some for those of you joining, one of the things I wanted to do is, and because of my concern, I’ve been concerned about our young people who are learning more and more in the Educational Systems about What to Think, like you must Think this, but they’re not really being taught How to Think.
Over the last 50 years, I’ve been intersecting the worlds of Eastern systems of medicine, with the systems of Engineering System Theory with the world societal and political theory and bringing it all together into one foundational knowledge, which I’ve put into a curriculum called the Foundations of Systems.
And this foundational knowledge, I’ve made accessible to everyone. Because I believe the Engineering Discipline, it may not be perfect, but the Engineering Discipline forces one or inspires one, in How to Think and Beyond Left or Right so I really believe I encourage everyone to go to and I’ll go to that before we’re over. Let me go to the next Engineer. Before I do this, let me actually play you a video, because I want to play you guys a video which I will share with you. I hope to inspire you why I became an Engineer. My Journey to Systems, so let me just play this.
So anyway, that is My Journey to Systems. And I hope all of you, if you have not taken the course, will start your Journey to Systems, because I think it’ll fundamentally enhance your lives. And one of the things I want to let everyone know is that the course value is close to $2,600. That’s the tuition, and that I used to charge for that, but many people can’t afford that. So what I’ve done is I’ve made nearly a full scholarship.
And sometimes if you don’t charge anything, people don’t value it. So is that sort of a tightrope to walk because I’m committed and dedicated to enabling people to learn with whatever resources I have. So we’re giving a $2,500 scholarship when people pay $100. They also get, you know, the annual membership included. We also announced that anyone who becomes a scholar, you can also become a philanthropist for people under the age of 18. We’re making the course absolutely free for anyone under the age of 18, I’m sorry, anyone or age of 18. But you have to sponsor them.
And obviously, to get parental consent. We’re working on that, because there’s some rules, obviously, around that. But the bottom line is, it’s really a $2,600 valuable course it took me many years to build. Every adult can take it for 100 bucks, and includes the first year membership. And I’ll give you talk more about that. But fundamentally, we want to make sure our young people or our future have access to this knowledge of systems.
And for them. Any one of you who’s over 18 and is an adult, you take the course, you can be a philanthropist, philanthropist. My goal is not to only let philanthropists you know – philanthropist are supposed to be billionaires, right? And we should be so thankful to the billionaires for helping us. But my view is every one of you now can become a philanthropist, you take the course. And then you can give it to as many children as you want.
You go to a school, homeschool or a private school or public school and you can say look, I’ve taken the course Dr. Shiva is offering this course to all of you, and they can all sign up. So please take advantage of that. Okay, because we need to create a world where people Learn How to Think, Not What to Think. Okay, so you are getting a $2,500 scholarship. You’re paying 100 bucks, but then you can offer it once you’ve gone through the course with as many young people as you want. I hope that’s clear.
Stephen Timoshenko
Every one of you can now become a philanthropist to help the world so people can start learning How to Think and the course of self paced. People learn this very foundational knowledge. Let’s go back to another one of my great, great heroes. His name is Timoshenko. So some of you may have heard of Timoshenko, others of you may not. I have put a post up on him. So who is Timoshenko? Well, Timoshenko is really the father of Modern Engineering Mechanics. Okay, so what is mechanics? If you take a car, that’s mechanics, if you go across a bridge, that’s mechanics, okay.
Everything we see robots are mechanical, they’re electromechanical, but fundamentally, they’re mechanical parts, right? So everything that has moving parts or structure is dynamics and mechanics. So when I took my first mechanics course in my master’s program, and my PhD program later on other courses, Timoshenko’s book is like the Bible of mechanics. So who was Timoshenko? First of all, as I said, he’s the father of modern Engineering Mechanics. every Engineering student knows about him. Unfortunately, a lot of people know about Kim Kardashian, but very few people know about Stephen Timoshenko.
And I think people should know about him. I think every child should know who is Stephen Timoshenko. But he relocated to the United States. He taught at the University of Michigan then he taught at Stanford. But he really wrote the seminal – seminal means that leading works in Engineering, Mechanics, you know, the elasticity and strength of materials. If you’re looking at the entire field of people, making physical things, you know, fiberglass, airplanes, etc.
You have to understand how much pressure you can put on something, how much force, things are underway, and that really all came up under Timoshenko’s work. So he really developed the theories of elasticity, the strength of materials, which is all part of any Mechanical Engineering Curriculum across the world, okay, across the world. And Timoshenko, in fact, is the one who is – there’s called the Timoshenko Ehrenfest beam theory again, I want to make it easily accessible to everyone.
But if you look at a beam, what is a beam? If you think about what are beams while beams are used to build structures? If you’re building a building, you have beams going across? How much force can that if you’re building a building, imagine you’re building a skyscraper? How much?
How many stories can that skyscraper have? The how much weight? Can the beams hold? Have you ever thought about that? Right? So if you’re building, you know, a very, very large, modern skyscraper, think about all the weight that is on the beams? How do you adjust the forces? Well, every software piece that’s used today to understand those forces really comes from Timoshenko Ehrenfest beam theory, you know, describes the behavior thin and thick beams, composite beams, right?
Or beams that are subject to excitation. So, when people are building structures today, that where you have an earthquake, and the earthquake can destroy, you know, complete buildings, people use Timoshenko’s theories right now, to figure out how to build structures that can take an earthquake and still be successful. But essentially, this theory and the work that Timoshenko used is used in all industrial design, and any construction, you’ve walked by any building, modern building today or any bridge, you should thank Stephen Timoshenko I thank him.
Theory of Elasticity. This is one of the most important mathematical foundations that Timoshenko built and promoted really what’s called the finite element methods to understand behaviors of solid materials. So what does this mean? What do I mean by that? Well, you may see some really cool, you may see some of those computer CAD drawings, then people building a car or building or an airplane, and then they put forces on those right? Well, many of those systems use what’s called the finite element method, which lets you actually mathematically model on the computer entire buildings, that mathematical modeling would not be possible without Timoshenko’s work in the Theory of Elasticity.
So again, if you have your – in fact your vibrations on the iPhones people model, we use Timoshenko’s work. Okay, Acoustics, I mean, you can look at every field where we have motion and movement. We have to thank Stephen Timoshenko again, looking at the world as a System, Complex Systems, alright, so let’s go. Now one thing about Stephen Timoshenko was, so if you see an object, so the beam theories if this object for example, bends, right, this is called so how much can will this object bend relative to the angle like how do you calculate that Right, so if an object bends, this is the delta w, right? Over the angle.
Anyway, the bottom line is Timoshenko was able to predict all of this right? And with these predictions, we could also start really understanding very complex behavior. The next Engineer I want to talk about is an Indian Engineer. So we’ve talked about a German Engineer from an American Wernher von Braun, we’ve talked about a Ukrainian Russian Engineer, Timoshenko. We’ve talked about an Engineer in the United States Shockley. By the way, Engineers are all over the world.
B.D. Kulkarni
I could keep going on but B.D. Kulkarni, another field Chemical Engineering, he published over 376 peer reviewed articles and 26 patents, and his Engineering Philosophy was driven by basic and applied research. And one of the cool things is he was into interdisciplinary research.
And that’s one of the things I believe about how we’re going to create the future. Our kids need to be trained, not only in one narrow area, but they need to get an interdisciplinary knowledge. Even in Engineering, it’s not enough for you to study Civil Engineering or Mechanical, I was fortunate to be able to study mechanical, electrical, biological and design. Because the world now today is made up of complex systems, your body’s an electrical system. It’s a mechanical system.
It has design and is a biological system. In fact, it was only about 10 or 15 years ago that MIT created a department called biological Engineering, very different from biomedical. But as the laws of chemistry were being discovered, people recognized we needed to be able to use those laws to create things around us the world and that became the field called chemical Engineering. And BD Kulkarni was one of the leaders in that field.
So what a cool Carnegie he was a first chemical Engineer to India to pursue to receive the young scientists Medal from the Indian National Science Academy, and he was well known for his work on fluidized bed reactors and I’ll talk about this fluidized bed reactor some of you may have heard about this for many years, I did research on on materials and fluidized bed reactors fluidized bed reactors are central to probably every product that you use in your home.
So to if you’re using any pharmaceutical products, shampoos, even natural products, okay. So fluidized bed – he also pioneered the use of AI and understanding the behavior of fluidized bed reactors. So, what’s a fluidized bed reactor? So, what it is is here you have gas that comes in at the bottom and which is, you know, sending bubbles up through here. So, these are you have solid particles inside your the gas bubbles and of solid coming into fluidized bed reactors a type of reactor device that can be used to carry out a variety of multi phase chemical reactions, remember you need chemical reactions to create things, its application is in the petroleum industry and coal gasification how they convert coal to gas, water and waste treatment.
You know, if you look at when you open the tap, you know it is fluidized bed reactors which are allowing, you know the water to be for example, cleaned up – or at nuclear power plants. But it is essentially a reactor that integrates gas solid particles and liquid okay. And so Kulkarni was one of the major contributors to the creator and he really was known for creating these chemical reactors. Without these chemical reactors when you go to buy something on Amazon or Whole Foods or you go to your local convenience store.
All of those products are coming from Chemical Engineering. You see our product mV25™, the gelatin that’s used, I mean, we use vegetable gelatin to put the vitamin in is a creation that cannot be done without a Chemical Engineering process. All right. Someone says do you deliver mV25™ in the Netherlands? Yes, we do. Yes, we do. So if you want. Someone’s asking, Can I play a little video of mV25™? Yes. So, mV25™ is a product that is coming literally from our work in CytoSolve®, which is literally taking all of these chemical reactions and using the computer to model it. So let me play a quick video on what is mV25™.
All right, so mV25™. By the way, there’s a bottle that up there – is really a product of Engineering, because we understood the Molecular Pathways of pain and inflammation. We mathematically modeled them, engineered them, meaning Software Engineer them on the computer and we’re able to test trillions of computations without the need to kill animals. So I hope these four Engineers, Wernher von Braun, Aerospace Engineer, Shockley, Electrical Engineer and Physicist, Timoshenko, Mechanical Engineer, and Kulkarni, Chemical Engineer, provide you have hopefully some inspiration that there’s a lot of people doing a lot of work, we will never read in any mainstream news media ever.
Systems Science Education
But these are the people who are making the world go around. And I hope that all of you take advantage of the System Science Education that we put together, because many of you are parents, many of you work hard, you’re working people, you don’t have the chance to go get these Engineering Systems Education is but over the last, you know, 40 years, 50 years, I’ve put together a curriculum I’m just going to share with you if you go to We put together so you can go to this website, we’ve just updated it, you can register for the class, again, we’re giving everyone a $2,500 scholarship. So it’s only $100 bucks Tuition.
Systems and Revolution
And you can see all the people have gone through just in the past year, it’s explosively growing all over the world. And what the course includes, let me start with here. First of all, it’s 15 Different things you get. It’s a lot of stuff It first involves videos, but you get this very important paper that I wrote Systems of Systems Engineering, how we can integrate East & West, you have access to learn the Science of Systems course you actually get a Certification, you also get the bookSystem and Revolution ebook format, plus you get three other Systems Health books.
Plus, you also get a tool that will help you understand how Your Body is a System, you’ll also get several papers, which will help you understand how everything around us including Herbs as Systems, okay. And you’ll also get access to an entire portal. We’re independent of Big Tech, you can interact with people all over the world, and then you’ll get tools to educate others. So, our model really is Learn, Teach and Serve. And by the way, as I said, I want you to learn the Science of Systems. I want you to then teach others and then I want you to be a philanthropist where you can give this to students under the age of 18. Absolutely. no cost, okay.
We really want to teach people How to Think or Educate, Inspire people How to Think. The last thing I want to let all of you now is another Big Announcement that we want to make as Easter approaches. In fact, in India right now, it’s New Year’s Tamil New Year, very, very. So you have New Year taking place. And then we have Good Friday coming up, you have Easter. So it’s a very important occasion, a lot of very important spiritual good things are going on in the world. So as a part of that, I also wanted to Thank all of you. And I wanted to let everyone know that we’re also going to make something else accessible to more and more people because, and that’s called the System and Revolution book. Okay.
And the book is right behind me too, my over here to my right over here. And the book really will teach you How to Think, because what you’re going to fundamentally learn from the book is the Science of Systems. And if you want to take the course, you’re getting a $2,500 scholarship, great. But if you don’t want to do that, just get the book, it’s FREE. All you have to do is Cover Shipping and Handling.
And we’re shipping it all over the world. Out of Boston, obviously, shipping rates vary. We’ll try to figure out if we can ship it out of different places, but get the book because it’s about a 108 page book, but it consolidates about 40 to 50 years worth of Engineering Systems across multiple Engineering fields, but it makes it accessible to anyone.
You don’t have to know math and physics, you just have to have a dedication and commitment. So, it’s absolutely FREE. So please take advantage of it. And once you go to the site, let me actually go here, people are asking if you go to the site. Let me share the screen over here. Yeah, okay. If you go to the site, you can get access to the course, and all the stuff I just shared. But if you scroll down, there’s a book, it’s absolutely FREE to get, just to cover again, shipping and handling.
That’s the only cost that I’m not able to cover, but you’re not having to pay $19.99 bucks for the book. That’s what Amazon has it, but you can go or signup, but also when you sign up, you can see you can also add to the cart, of course, you can also add to the cart at a again, we’re giving other gifts away too at a much discounted rate, Your Body, Your System®. And there’s another book if you have your kids on The Seven Secrets of Innovation.
So please take advantage of these as we launch into a New Year, as we head into Easter, and into Good Friday. Because it’s time we all learn How to Think and we educate our future kids HOW to Think, Not WHAT to Think, and I think we can make a big big difference to the world. Anyway, this is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. I hope all of you’re having a good afternoon. Be Well. Be the Light. Thank you, Be Well.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.