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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: How The Swarm Steals Your Soul: Save Yourself. Be The Hero.

In this presentation, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, discusses how The Swarm has stolen The Hero's Journey so you outsource your heroism to fake heroes, and do not give yourself the opportunity to go through your own Hero's Journey, and save yourself to become your own Hero. Full blog post:
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE™: Destroying Ignorance with Frank Licata

In this presentation, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, discusses with Frank Licata, an Electrician, and TruthFreedomHealth® Warrior-Scholar on his journey to, and on the topics of; Immigration, Socialism, Ukraine/Russia, and what must be done to Full Blog Post:
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Dr.SHIVA LIVE™: State Capitalism Vs. REAL Socialism. The SWARM’s BIG LIE

In this presentation, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, discusses the differences between State Capitalism and Socialism among others things like; Ballot Access, his Run for President, and Fake Heroes. Full Blog Post:
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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Who Is The REAL Enemy?

In this presentation, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, provides a systems analysis of who is the real enemy of the people and what we must do, and how we must do it. Full Blog Post:
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