A Truth Freedom Health® Warrior writes to Dr. Shiva about their experiences from Australia.
Hello Dr Shiva,
I am sharing my Story as per below.
I attended a local meeting of thirty people in my suburb and spoke to them about the science of masks and explained important points to them. I handed out flyers and the Abstract Paper on the science of masks to them and asked them to please share this information with others in our community.
I had another two meetings with natural therapists and shared the same information on the science of masks. They each agreed to hand out the one hundred flyers and the Abstract Paper on the science of masks that I left with them.
One of the natural therapists has now joined as a Warrior Scholar.
I have also emailed and messaged to many other people both the flyer and Abstract Paper on the science of masks and have asked them to share these in their communities.
After communicating with them for a while and sending them information on other topics, three more people joined as Warrior Scholars, two Ex Nurses and a Chiropractor.
I had two more meetings with individuals and gave them the same information and also emailed them the flyers and the Abstract Paper on the science of masks to share with others.
They promised to email this information to others both locally and overseas.
Everyone that I spoke to at the five meetings responded really well and took hundreds of flyers and the Abstract Paper on the science of masks to share with others.
Prior to attending these meetings, we had a large percentage of people wearing masks in our city.
Within a few weeks there were very few people wearing masks.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Queensland, Australia