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Daily Roundup Mar 12, 2024

MAR 12, 2024 VASHIVA Events Order Bumper Sticker Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE:  Why America Needs Dr.SHIVA for President in 2024 Dr.SHIVA™ SYSTEMS HEALTH® 3-DAY Workshop in Cambridge, MA mV25 – Momentum to Move Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Kentucky Police ILLEGALLY ARREST Volunteer Collecting Signatures Outside…

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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Systems Health – The Missing Link Bridging East & West

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer and Candidate for President, shares his discovery of the Ultimate Knowledge, The Science of Everything, bridging Western engineering science with ancient systems of Yoga and Medicine. Full Blog Post Here: Link to System's Health Website:
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Daily Roundup Mar 05, 2024

MAR 05, 2024 VASHIVA Events Order Bumper Sticker Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE – Hyaluronic Acid for Pet Joint Health – K9-701™: A Whole Systems Approach Dr.SHIVA™ SYSTEMS HEALTH® 3-DAY Workshop in Cambridge, MA mV25 – Momentum to Move Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE – How AI…

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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: America’s Dr.SHIVA vs. Zionist CockZuckers: Trump Biden Booby

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, and Candidate for President, explains how he will be the first president that is Anti-Zionist, and believes that all humans are equal vs the Zionist, Nazi, Brahmanism model which believes only a few should rule over the many since they are the "Chosen People". Full Blog Post Here:
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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE – The First Anti-Zionist President

In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, and Candidate for President, explains how he will be the first president that is Anti-Zionist and believes that all humans are equal vs the Zionist, Nazi, Brahmanism model which believes only a few should rule over the many since they are the "Chosen People". Full Blog Post Here:
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Daily Roundup Feb 27, 2024

FEB 27, 2024 VASHIVA Events Order Bumper Sticker Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE – How To Be A Whole Human: The Science of Truth Freedom Health®. – With Donny Spellbreaker Dr.SHIVA™ SYSTEMS HEALTH® 3-DAY Workshop in Cambridge, MA mV25 – Momentum to Move Dr.SHIVA™…

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