Nattokinase is a Potent Antithrombotic, Antihypertensive, Anti-atherosclerotic, Lipid-lowering, Antiplatelet and Neuroprotective Agent Based on CytoSolve Analysis of 183 Research Articles, Spanning 34 Years including 7 Clinical Trials.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – gives an overview on a CytoSolve® computational systems analysis on how Nattokinase affects Cardiovascular Health.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 183 research articles, 7 clinical trials, and has been studied for over 34 years.
- Nattokinase is antithrombotic, antihypertensive, anti-atherosclerotic, lipid-lowering, antiplatelet and neuroprotective.
- Nattokinase helps with infertility, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, peripheral artery disease (PAD), muscle spasms, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
How Nattokinase Affects Your Cardiovascular System. A CytoSolve Systems Biology Analysis.
Today we’re gonna be continuing our series on cardiovascular health. And we’re going to talk about nattokinase. First of all, a lot of people don’t know what nattokinase is, however you want to pronounce it either nado or NATO kinase, and we’re gonna discuss its importance in cardiovascular health.

What You Will Learn
I will be doing today on nattokinase and we’re going back to caffeine and we’re going to do a whole bunch of series on the route and also look at the digestive system. Alright, so let me bring this up. And we’re going to go right into talking about nattokinase. So let’s go here. You notice I have a picture of soybeans in the background here. And nattokinase, as you’ll find out, comes from fermented soy. Okay, that is a source of nattokinase fermented soy. It’s not just soy, but it’s fermented soy, and we’re gonna find out why..
We’re going to go over understanding what nattokinase is. What are its biological effects? What are its effects on biological function, its health benefits? What are its effects on cardiovascular health? And how much of it should you take, dosage wise and the clinical evidence. This is not a medical program? This is a program that’s based on looking at the known science and recording that using our technology site itself. First of all, on a quick chemistry note, if you ever see anything ending with -ase, that typically means it is an enzyme. It’s an enzyme, and there’s different kinds of enzymes. So what are enzymes? enzymes are those things chemically with which support a reaction, their catalyst is called. So if you have, let’s say, a reaction of two molecules coming together to create another molecule, okay, or to bind together, that’s a chemical reaction. An enzyme is something that accelerates that process. It’s a catalyst.
So enzymes are extremely important for biological function, because the enzymes make sure that energy wise, you’re reducing what’s called the reaction rate, this is sort of basic chemistry. So nattokinase is what is called a proteolytic enzyme. And it’s naturally secreted by the bacterium. So different bacteria can put out different compounds, but there’s a bacterium called Bacillus subtilis. And this bacteria puts out, creates nattokinase. Now, Bacillus subtilis is used to ferment boiled or steamed soybean beans to make notto, a traditional Japanese food. So it’s like, when you make yogurt, or many cultures, you’ll find the culture is that over many, many centuries, you learn to live long and live healthy. They started recognizing food as medicine. And they had a way of incorporating particularly these fermented products into their existence. And as we later on, start talking about the digestive system and the brain, you start realizing that there’s a gut brain access, that the gut and the brain are related, As above, so below is below.
So both things are again, systems approach, which again, I’m dedicated to teaching everyone in the world and dedicated to educating you to teach others teaches us that systems of systems are connected. So these fermented products are extremely valuable to all aspects of health. And so most cultures you’ll find in the European culture, or in Asia, Pacific culture era, Native American culture, all these cultures, traditional cultures, Indian culture, they always had fermented products because they knew these fermented products were very valuable to digestive health, all different types of health. soybeans. Now, NATO is believed to be a significant contributor to the longevity of the Japanese population. There’s a lot of studies on this showing that particularly traditional and traditional Japanese culture. Nattokinase was discovered by Dr. Hiro Yuki Sumi, during his search for natural treatment for blood clots.
This is a relatively new compound on the scene. You can see, there’s about 183 research articles, I mean, this is relative to the things that we’ve talked about before a relatively small amount, it’s been about seven clinical trials. And it’s really over the last 30 years that people really started studying. And sort of in the mid 90s, is when really a lot of research took off. So you can see not a lot of articles.
So from my PhD work, as many of you know, many years ago at MIT, I created a technology platform called CytoSolve. Where we can really look at instead of cherry picking which is a non systems approach. We can look at it systematically and look at what the known researchers organize that literature, as I’ll share with you here using the CytoSolve methodology. And we can sustain ourselves on our platform. It’s really a platform for doing discovery faster, cheaper and safer. We can look at a particular molecular area. So what we’re doing with CytoSolve was we’re literally looking at the particulars of an ingredient, in this case, caffeine and how it affects the complexity of a molecular system. And the molecular system we’re gonna look at is nitric oxide, as we’ve talked about the release of nitric oxide, because nitric oxide is an important biomarker, which means an indicator of cardiovascular health. It supports vasodilation, lowers blood pressure, it was the core of the discovery of viagra, for example. So that’s why we’re going to look at the effects of nitric oxide on that.
So CytoSolve really helps us do this. It is organized and inside itself comes from recognizing the entire pharmaceutical model of developing a drug, which is a single molecule drug. Typically, they tested in a test tube, and then they tested on animals. This is a research process, finding out if something works or not. And then you go to human trials, this can take up to 13 years by billion dollars. And what’s happening is, as drug companies spend more and more money on this antiquated process, they’re in fact discovering less and less new drugs, which are in fact being allowed by the FDA. So this process is broken. And that really led me to develop CytoSolve.
We’ve applied that systems approach here to understand how caffeine in particular works. For many years, we’ve helped some of the largest nutritional companies and even small companies who are putting together products, figure out if their formulations actually work, right now, if you go to Whole Foods or you go on supplements, there’s a lot of snake oil out there, it’s hard to know what actually works with CytoSolve. But we’re able to take the known science, which is varying at any point in time. We organize the science where we extract the molecular pathways and molecular reactions. Let’s say you want to look at brain health or cardiovascular health, and use a computer to organize that. And then using that we can look at how different ingredients work on the computer long before we go hurt people.
So about several years ago, we said hey, why don’t you sign us up to actually help, you know, people that we know, directly. So what we did was we looked at all the molecular pathways of pain and inflammation. And we organize all of that. And then we looked at all different kinds of natural ingredients. And we found a combination of ingredients that appear to have some very powerful effect for, you know, reducing pain and discomfort, you know, and swelling and discomfort. And this is exciting because the first time we’ve ever gone, and by doing the research, doing the analysis, doing the computation, and then actually creating a product, it’s called mV25. It’s out there. So we have more supply now coming. I know some of you are pre ordering.

So just briefly, what is mV25. It’s a very interesting product where you can notice that the branding is of a scientist myself from a system standpoint. And we’ve used the equation in math and physics called momentum, mass times velocity, its momentum to move. And you can see it’s a blend that’s been CytoSolve optimized. And if you go to the back of the label, it explains that what CytoSolve optimized means that this was formulated using the computational engine, the technology for precision and personalized medicine that came out of my doctoral research at MIT. And this formulation results from integrating 1000s of those peer reviewed journal articles over four decades in 68 research institutions, and we’ve computed trillions of potential combinations of biomolecular interactions, to discover an optimal synergy of competence.
This formula has been optimized to maximize benefits and the other pieces as Science advances, so we will. So that’s the promise that we’re making in this very revolutionary approach. So and by the way, it’s certified clean, it’s GMP and it’s made in the US. So if you want to go find it, you can go right up on the website and find it right up there.
First of all, as many of you know, I always like to look at the chemical structure of these compounds. And you can see, here’s the chemical structure of nattokinase. It’s an alkaline serine protease. And it’s made up of 275 amino acid residues, and its molecular weight is about 28 kDa. It cleaves – cuts – proteins at the serine residue. So this is again, a protease, which means it’s an enzyme, which facilitates chemical reaction by cleaving, which means cutting proteins at the serine residue.
So what are the biological effects of NATO kinase? What are the biological effects? Well, first of all, it’s antithrombotic, which is very, very important for thrombosis. Very important for cardiovascular health. Anti hypertensive, again, very good for cardiovascular health, and anti-arteriosclerotic. Very good for cardiovascular health, lipid lowering, anti platelet, which means anticoagulant and it also protects the brain. And this is all coming from the research that we’ve done still in CytoSolve. So those are the biological benefits.
What are the health benefits? Well, it has multiple health benefits, as you can see here, I want to resolve the ones that are in the literature from the science side that’s been done across those papers that we talked about earlier. In fertility, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, peripheral artery, peripheral artery disease, muscle spasms, CFT, angina, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, a lot of things involving heart disease, involving blood, varicose veins, endometriosis, hemorrhoids, etc. So a multiple number of health benefits.
Cardiovascular System
When we look at the cardiovascular system, you have two sides of your heart. And you have the bottom top and bottom, the top of the heart is called the atrium, the left and right atrium, and the bottom of the heart is called the ventricles. Now, on your, on your left atrium is where you know, blood is coming in, which is the top left side of the heart, fresh blood comes in, fresh blood comes in. And then it’s pumped down to the left ventricle, which then pumps out through the aorta, which is the main artery, as you see over here, through all the different parts of your body. So all this oxygenated blood goes. And then what happens is, as your blood uses of that oxygen, the vena cava, brings back the deoxygenated blood to the right atrium, which then sends it down to the right ventricle, which then pumps all that deoxygenated blood to the lungs, and they get re perfused with oxygen. And that’s how the pump works.
So the cardiovascular system has three subsystems: a heart, which is a pump, as you can see, it’s a powerful pump, which pumps the blood; the blood vessels, and we’re going to look at that which carry the blood and nutrients, all sorts of the body; and, then you have the actual blood, which is the transport oxygen, and supports your immune system.
The cardiovascular system really has three parts of the vascular system: you have the aorta, or the arteries, which are in the red color, you have the veins, the arteries are the ones that carry oxygen and blood. The veins are the things that carry deoxygenated blood, but they’re interconnected by the capillaries, the capillaries are taking the oxygenated blood through to your tissues and your cells. And then they’re also helping remove the waste of the carbon dioxide, which then flows into your veins and out. The arteries and veins have three layers: the outer structure is known as the tunica adventitia that’s really the structural support. It’s like the bark of a tree. The middle of it is a tunic media, which is a middle layer, which is more of the musculature of the arteries here, the middle here are the veins, and then the inner part of the arteries and the vein is composed of what’s called the tunica intima, which is the endothelial cells. Capillaries, which are the fine blood vessels, are composed of endothelial cells.
Nitric oxide is extremely important to understand. Many years ago, Time magazine had an article saying how nitric oxide is a molecule of the century, because nitric oxide is important for the dilation of vessels, which affects blood pressure, hypertension, etc. So when you exercise for example, blood starts flowing through your arteries and your veins and, and your capillaries. Remember, the capillaries are composed of these things called endothelial cells. So when the blood flows over the endothelium, our research with MIT and a bunch of other institutions showed that your body will release nitric oxide. Okay, so exercise is very valuable. In the presence of arginine the body will release nitric oxide.
So when you look at the nitric oxide here, what you’ll notice here is that nitric oxide is a molecule with nitrogen double bond to the oxygen. Its key role is maintaining blood pressure. It’s anti-atherogenic. And it’s generated when endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), which is an enzyme catalyzes arginine. When you exercise, it triggers nitric oxide production. On the inner surface of those capillaries are endothelial cells. When you exercise, in the presence of arginine, eNOS will create nitric oxide as well as l citrulline. And this causes vasodilation.
CytoSolve collaborated with MIT, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard and King’s College. And we did some very interesting work, looking at what happens when you move blood through your arteries. So here’s arterial flow. And we’re gonna it’s almost like we’re gonna take a microscope, and we’re going to look deep into the surface of the capillary, you have these little endothelial cells, this is one cell. And on the cell surface right over here, if you can see is a very interesting structure that looks like a Christmas tree. So when blood flows over these endothelial cells, the Christmas tree structure starts shaking. And when this shakes, through a series of chemical reactions, nitric oxide is released. The mechanical force of the structure called the glycocalyx, in the presence of arginine releases nitric oxide.
When we use CytoSolve, and look at the research, we find every research that has chemical reactions, put all of those reactions together versus cherry picking the data. We’re able to interconnect them on the computer, not by killing animals, but on the computer, we interconnected them. And we can find out how much nitric oxide gets released. And this is CytoSolve’s simulated prediction on this slide. We’ve shown that when we did actual laboratory experiments, Cytosol matches the lab experiments very closely. The black line represents our predictions and the dots here represent Andrew, who’s work at Harvard and MIT showing how much is actually released, measured. So this was published in one of the leading journals in the world – CELL’s Biophysical Journal, and I was one of the key authors with two other senior authors.
Effect of Nattokinase on Cardiovascular System
How does nattokinase affect this very complex cardiovascular system? Now that you know, the background on all this? Okay, so let’s go look at that.
Nattokinase is shown to reduce blood pressure. It’s shown to dissolve blood clots via degradation of fibrin, and it prevents platelet aggregation.
How does it do it?
Well, now I’m going to teach you a little bit of biochemistry, but we’re going to use the CytoSolve approach. Again, we’re using a systems approach. So you have this very complex system in your body right now, all these reactions are taking place. You take nattokinase, and how does that perturb the system? Okay, so we’re going to first look at hypertension, what is hypertension, where you have high blood pressure. So what does nattokinase do to lower blood pressure? So let’s go down, put the CytoSolve microscope and go really deep, okay, into understanding this.
So what’s going on here? Well, first of all, hypertension is caused by the constriction of a smooth muscle cells via renin-angiotensin pathway, so that means you have the smooth muscle cells of the arteries, and all your aorta and when that smooth muscle becomes constricted, right, and it becomes constricted because of the renin angiotensin pathway, so what is that pathway? Okay, so listen carefully, we have angiotensin here. One, so angiotensin one which is called Ang-1 which is a hormone is converted to angiotensin 2 by enzyme ACE. If you remember, ACE is the receptor that the COVID spike protein connects with. So it’s important to keep that in mind. So in the presence of ACE, angiotensin 1, is converted to angiotensin two. And there’s a receptor so this line here represents the cell surface of the muscle cell.
So angiotensin 2 lands on the angiotensin 2 receptor on the cell surface. And that leads to more calcium ion influx in the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessels, so now you get more calcium coming in, and the increase in calcium ion, upregulate, which means increase the enzyme myosin light chain kinase, so myosin light chain kinase that constricts the blood vessel. So again, follow this list, follow this through, this is how you get hypertension angiotensin one in the presence of ACE, which is this enzyme converts angiotensin two lands on your your muscle cell, the surface of that muscle cell, and that leads to cast calcium ion influx, which means that goes up increase in calcium ion influx. And this leads to myosin light chain kinase, which is another enzyme which actually constricts the smooth muscle.
So there’s a series of chemical reactions from angiotensin one to two that lands on your muscle cell and it constricts your muscle cells. ACW is responsible for the constriction of blood vessels leading to hypertension, blood clots, tetc. So there’s this system that is involved in the creation of hypertension. Well guess what nattokinase does? Nattokinase comes in here, and it blocks ACE. So nattokinase prevents hypertension by inhibiting the enzyme ACE and stopping the effects of Ang 2. So this is a domino effect. But we stopped ACE and it stops this constriction. So that’s how it lowers blood pressure, anti hypertensive effects.
Next, it breaks up blood clots. That’s called the fibrinolytic effect. Fibrillin is a protein that’s involved in clotting of the blood. Together with platelets, it binds with red blood cells to form a blood clot. So basically red blood cells start aggregating to form a blood clot. Your blood should be flowing. So here your red blood cells are flowing. Here are these little yellow things called platelets, okay, so bring them together with these platelets and here are these fibrin strands. It sort of starts causing this clotting. And what does nattokinase do? So the development of a blood clot is when fibrin stands plug to form an insoluble clot, okay? You can’t break these up. You don’t want these blood clots, okay? What nattokinase does is break down fibrin directly. So NATO kinase comes in and breaks down fibrin that brings these clots together and thereby destroying the blood clot.
The next thing is the anti platelet effect. So what does that mean? So under trauma or inflammatory conditions your blood clotting factors such as thromboxane V2 are upregulated. Now thromboxane V2 promotes the activation of platelets and their aggregation leading to blood clot formation. And when nattokinase prevents the blood clot formation by direct inhibition of thromboxane V2. So under trauma injury, right? You have these blood clots. You want clotting to occur, right? Because you don’t want to be bleeding, right? If your blood is too thin, and you don’t have clotting factors. So that’s why some of these blood clotting medications people take for blood thinning. So again, food is medicine,, you know, so we have to be careful. Someone’s writing to me, can I take too much obviously, right? clotting will stop you from bleeding. Exactly. So we need to be appreciative. This food is medicine. That’s why dosage is important. We’ll come back to what the literature says about dosage.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
So nature one of the things that I teach, you know, every Monday evenings as a part of our movement, to educate people, activate people give people social media tools, the Truth Freedom Health, an education program every Monday evenings, I teach people in about three hours Systems Thinking, because it is what systems thinking is how we can see the interconnection between the universe, your own body and things at the microscopic level, you can understand political systems. So I want to encourage all of you. When I’m talking about Bitter Gourd, I’m talking about these foods, foods are not like a drug where it just affects one thing. They have a synergistic reaction, they affect multiple pieces. And so you can apply the same principle, getting back to the political aspects to Truth Freedom Health.
Truth Freedom Health®
So the movement for truth typically is with scientists and nerds, quote, unquote, nerds, people want science and truth. So that’s in one little world. And then typically, the movement for you know, freedom is done by people who support the First Amendment, the Second amendment and they’re in their own little cubby holes. And then people aren’t eating well and organic food is earthy, crunchy granola types. But the problem is that we can’t win if all these movements are independent, we need to bring them together. So which is how we go beyond Left and Right, right. Freedom is essential for us to practice science to get to truth. And truth is how we find out what’s right for our bodies or for our environment. And without health is really the infrastructure to support Truth Freedom Health. So I want to encourage all of you to recognize that food is a system your body is a system systems interact. It’s not any one thing. We can’t just have the science guys over here. Doing their science searching for truth. We can just have the 1A and the 2A people for the First and the Second Amendment people, we can just have people doing yoga and thinking they’re great. All of these movements need to come together from a Systems Approach. Because without freedom, we can’t really get to health and without health, we won’t have the strength to fight for truth, or, freedom. So I’m going to play a little video now. And then we’ll come back and finish a Bitter Gourd. So all of you understand that we need to build a movement for Truth Freedom Health. And such a movement is a Systems Approach to winning.
Nattokinase – Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach
Everything I’ve just done with you here, by the way, is a CytoSolve approach, we’re looking at the molecular systems, when you go through the systems training course, you can also take a systems engineering approach to different different way to look at the problem and understand everything in the universe moves, the forces of movement can affect the forces of conversion, or affect the forces of structure. I can’t do that entire talk here. But when you take the course, by the way, I personally teach the course every Monday, evenings, globally, and then you get access to all the videos online, etc. But this is not just about health, this is about intersecting truth, freedom and how you can use this knowledge to fight for truth to fight for freedom, and to fight for health and together.
Okay, so one of the important things, and when we look at the systems or approaches, there’s a tool you get, when you contribute it the supporter, lover, warrior level, your body, your system, this gift that you get, that you can actually use to understand transport conversion is storage, you answer a set of questions, and we’ll figure out what kind of system you are. That’s that red dot, the red dot can fall anywhere on the space, but it’s you. And then you can figure out when you’re off course that’s a black dot, and you can figure out how to bring the, the red dot with food supplements, you actually learn how your body is a system. And that’s what the book System and Revolution is, and anyone who becomes a warrior obviously gets that.
So what does nattokinase do? Well, this kind of says something very interesting. It increases transport. It increases the flow of blood. So this is from an eastern systems approach. It lowers conversion. It reduces the conversion of Ang 1 to Ang 2. So blockset. And nattokinase lowers capha, which is the storage. By the way, what I’m sharing with you here is storage. So everything in the universe, when you take the course you’ll get it is transport and storage. Truth is movement, right? I mean, freedom is movement of information. Conversion is a scientific method and storage is health. So you can understand everything in the universe from the system’s approach.
So when we distill that research, this is what we find. We find out that nattokinase By the way, you can get nattokinase at the health food store. For anti thrombosis effect, the dosage used was 2000 FU of extract per day, that’s from Korawasa et al. For arteriosclerosis, the dosage was found to be 6500 su per day. For hypertension the dosage was found to be between 2000-6500 FU.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.