Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai provides a SYSTEMS understanding of DRUG Development and the massive disaster that Big Pharma faces, and why it needs YOU.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – shares a Systems Analysis on why Big Pharma needs you.
- Pharmaceutical companies are spending more money on R&D and finding less new molecules to go to market, and FDA is approving less drugs.
- This is why they are moving to biologics and are pushing vaccines to save their failed business model.
- The pharmaceutical companies are spending more (sometimes double) on marketing than they are on R&D. Pfizer struck a deal with Israel back on Jan 25th, a Bloomberg article reported “vaccine economy data is also powerful”.
- They will use Israel and a couple countries as examples of why 60% of the population needs to get vaccinated, as a marketing strategy. Follow the money.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Good evening, everyone. It’s Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. I’m looking forward to sharing with you a Systems Analysis about why Big Pharma needs you. So we’re gonna have an interesting talk today about some very interesting data analysis I’ve done and to really step back and do an economic Systems Biology Analysis about why Big Pharma needs you. And I think it’s going to be valuable for people because sometimes we get lost in what I call random conspiracy theory. And a lot of this conspiracy theory, in my view, is set up by those in power. So we don’t follow the money. You know, yes, there could be aliens, I haven’t seen one, there could be. There could be reptile people, there could be whatever, right. Or it may be that there’s just greedy people who just want to make a lot of money. And if you take an economic Systems Approach, about what’s going on, we can actually start understanding this better, where we look at the biology, understand systems thinking. And that way, we can hone in on a rational truth. Not to say there aren’t other possibilities. But this rational approach gives you an opportunity to educate your friends and educate people, when you follow the money.
Journey to Systems
So I want to begin as people are joining in, by just giving my journey and what we do at VA SHIVA, from a system standpoint is, you know, the big thing that I push continually is that there is the Science of Systems, those in power, the intelligence in academia, and think tanks, over the last 50 years since 1970, have worked extremely hard to use the Science of Systems, which probably but maybe a couple 1000 people in the world really know. And they’ve used the Science of Systems to learn how to manipulate you, and in particular, to learn how to manipulate the working people in the world. So working people do not rise up, Bottoms-Up to build their own political movements. And that’s what it’s been about. There is the Science of Systems. My entire life, as I’ll share with you in this video, is about learning that science. And in my view, it’s about time that you learn that science, if you truly want to liberate yourself and want Truth Freedom Health, because the world has become very complex. And without understanding the Science of Systems, no matter how much passion you have, you will never be able to defeat those in power, were extremely well organized. And that’s why people get depressed and they say you can’t change the world because there is a technology and that is System Science. So let me just play a video and then we’re going to jump into really doing the Systems Analysis I’ve done about Big Pharma, which will really help you understand how there’s a big wealth transfer about to take place. Let me just play this video. And I hope you guys enjoy it. But to all of you who are new this will give you a detail and it’s a new video put together about my Journey to Systems.
Bottom’s Up Movement
We’re going to have a discussion, a systems discussion and you’re going to really understand how you can use a way to connect the dots to actually focus on what is actually going to empower us . Let’s take a very practical view. And, and I teach this in our course, Foundations of Systems, Truth Freedom Health Warrior course that I do every week, I do it live for three hours. And then we have a whole bunch of tools, which I’ll come back to but the bottom line is this. What I’m noticing is that you have one set of people in the world who want to change the world, another set of people are fine with the way the world is . And that’s fine, but because every human being at a certain point comes to a decision. Do you accept the way the world that it is whatever you’re born into? Are you fine with it? Or do you want to change? And this is a very, very fundamental decision. Some people make this very consciously like I did, or many of you on the live today, listening, others have to do it implicitly by just basically unconsciously accepting the way the world that it is. And you just sort of go around, either living in quiet desperation, or actively saying mom just going to stay in my home, I’m going to live off the grid, I’m going to live by myself, right? And I don’t care about what happens, right? I can’t do much. That’s one approach. Now. But when you look at the arc of human history, and history is amazing, it’s physics, you can study it. But what you’ll find is in modern history, or the last couple 100 years, it was in the 1900’s. Globally, that working class people rose up militantly and Bottoms-Up. I use the word military not to talk about some people just shooting stuff I’m talking about with ferocity. Globally, you can look at the 1920s. In Russia, the 1920s. In India, the 1900s in the United States, women in the late 1800s and 1900’s, led the working class movement in the United States with ferociousness and it was that working class movement of people rising up that led to nearly every game we have today. Whether it’s nutrition or the infrastructure we got or the elimination of child labor or the decline of infectious diseases. And we talked about this, our course, I want all of you to take it. I don’t have time to go through all the details, but you will learn this history. And you can go to vashiva.com/join to sign up to do that.
But one of the most important things is that the militant Bottoms-Up Rise of the American working class of the global working class globally, in the 1900’s, is why, for example, the United States as GDP grew between the 1940’s to 1971, all income wages grew because there that was a period of time when the elites were scared of the American working people or the global working people for that matter. And they gave these concessions because they were afraid of being overthrown. And you can go study history, and you must study this. However, starting around the 70’s, early started in the 50’s, but in the 70’s it consolidated that the elite said we can never have these working people ever organize Bottoms-Up again. So what do they do? They created their think tanks, they created and they funded academia, they wanted to ensure that working people would be misdirected, diverted, not pay attention. They created top-down unions and I’ll share that with you in the next video I play. But it was a way to make sure that we got involved in left and right, Republican and Democrat, the right wing attacked. Anytime working people wanted to organize independently, the right wingers that quote unquote republican said Oh, you must be a communist. If you say working people unite. Right? They didn’t want us organizing Bottoms-Up. So what happened? The Democrats use that window to organize top down unions. So if you look between 1940 to 1975, nearly 100 to 250 million working people participated in mass protests, you know, strikes, and that’s what put the fear of God into the elites. But starting in the 70’s, the unions, the top-down unions, the corrupt unions, basically struck deals with major corporations. So working people would not strike, would not do Bottoms-Up Movements of any kind. And so you have between 1971 to 2018, you had a 200% decrease in wages, while GDP still grew. So if you’re making $50,000 today, you should actually be making about $120,000. I hope you’re following me. Let’s be very common sensical. Put all the conspiracy theories aside. Aliens, reptiles, whatever trans-humanism may be occurring, but you don’t need to even go there to understand the real issue here is they’re afraid of you, you. They’re afraid of you taking control of your own life, they’re afraid of you becoming educated about how the world actually works. So what they did starting in the 70’s was they consolidated power, and they unleashed a technology called System Science. The elites used it, but 1000 people really know this. And using System Science, they can understand how to manipulate people using technology and, and this fundamental nature of Systems Science. Well, you know, I never forgot where I came from. I grew up as a low caste untouchable and India’s oppressive caste system, which is a combination of slavery and racism, the way retreated. But I also grew up in the working class neighborhoods in New Jersey where I knew what my values were. But I got very fortunate because of my hard work and a little bit of skill. I went to MIT, got four degrees, learned the ways of those in power, I learned systems thinking, in fact, I advanced it. And using that System Science, I can teach anyone how your body is a system, the interconnection between Truth Freedom Health, but more importantly, the same science that a very small number of elites know, I want to teach you. They use that Systems Science for power, profit and control, but we can use it for Truth Freedom Health. That’s what this movement is about. If you’re serious about actually wanting to change the world, that’s the group and forget the Trump carrying around Trump, forget about Bernie Sanders, forget about the Republicans and Democrats, there is a science, and that is System Science. And I will teach that to you. And my goal is I want to be a catalyst for over the next year, we want to educate 50,000, Truth Freedom Health Warriors who are, number one trained in the science, then they can build community among other Truth Freedom Health Warriors. And third, they can do actual activism on the ground through very powerful tools that we’ve created all of those three capabilities, the education, the capability for you to interact and communicate independent of Big Tech, which is tools that I’ll come back to, as well as for you to become active in a very common sensical way to educate people. That is what VA Shiva is about. And so I suggest to all of you, that we in 2021, must do what occurred in the 1900’s, and build a Bottoms-Up, global working people’s movement. That’s what needs to be done. Because right now, the greatest amount of wealth transfer is taking place. And the elites use marketing, they use systems thinking, they use fear, to manipulate you. And we don’t have a lot of time to get involved in nonsensical discussions. What I will do is I will help focus you on the reality of how we can focus on following the money, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
Systems Analysis on Why Big Pharma Needs You
Let’s follow the money. Alright, what we want to talk about today is, let’s follow the money of what’s actually going on. I want to thank my friend, Phil Evans, Phil’s a great guy. And Phil, and I did a lot of the analysis for the, you know, the whole election integrity stuff you saw in Michigan and Arizona. Phil and I’ve been looking at, you know, all the jabs that have been taking place, you know, and relation to the actual cases, and I want to share that with you. But I’m going to share with you some important data and analysis from a Systems Approach on the plight of Big Pharma. Big Pharma is desperate right now, they need you, and I’m going to show you they need at least 60% of you. And what do I mean by that? Let’s go over here and talk about this.
The title again of today’s talk is “Why Big Pharma Needs You,” or at least 60% of you. What do I mean by this? By the way, all of you should go to vashiva.com, what I just shared with you, the way we do all the research, the time that I have, I mean, I run many things that burn the candles at both ends. But I need all of you to become Truth Freedom Health Warriors, go to vashiva.com/join, I’ll come back to that, and support this movement. And you can contribute, and when you contribute, I give you educational tools, you can go check it out. But the website is vashiva.com, I always forget to mention it when people say, mention your website.
What I want to begin with is talking about CytoSolve, which is one of the technologies I talked about, that I created out of my PhD work to really create a new technology to enable us to discover new medicines faster, cheaper and safer. So why is this important to this discussion? Well, let’s go over here and look at this. Look, this is a pharmaceutical development model, I want you to just look at this slide very, very carefully. And I want all of you to be able to explain this to your family and friends. This is how pharmaceutical… This is why if you understand this diagram by pharmaceutical companies and are in a major, major problem, you see, a pharmaceutical drug, first of all, is not a compound that occurs in nature. You know, like I’ve talked about it. I did a talk yesterday on onions. Right. Well, I Indians have minerals and vitamins, they have organosulfur compounds, right? They have quercetin. These are many, many different naturally occurring compounds that occur in an onion. Well, what is a pharmaceutical drug? A pharmaceutical drug is something that does not occur in nature. It’s a compound. It’s manufactured, And pharmaceutical companies today have about in their database, probably about 30,000 to 60,000 of these compounds. And when pharmaceutical companies do is they test these compounds, where they create diseases in a test tube, burn an animal, and then they test these compounds. And if you can look at what it takes for them to do this, you’ll see it takes this process, First, they, you know, some professor at some University isolates a compound, and he could win a Nobel Prize for that, then they, you know, do in vitro testing, they get a test tube, and in that test tube, they’ll put cancer cells or some Alzheimer’s, plaque or whatever, and they’ll drop that compound and they’ll swish it around. And I’ll say, Wow, does that really do anything? Does it actually stop the cancer? And if it does, then let’s say Okay, now let’s go inject this thing into an animal. A rat, a pig, monkey, whatever it is, you know, they may kill a lot of animals. So this process, from this to this point, from the time they discover a new compound, by the way, something very important to understand the economics is from the time they create a new compound. Let’s say they discover a compound today, they immediately go patent, the patent life is 20 years. So by patent something on January 1 2021, I got until, you know, December 31, you know, 2040, right, is that right? Yeah, 2040 to license my patent, so the clock is ticking, right. So they got 20 years patent life. So when you look at this, this is what’s going on here. So they patent here, this takes around six years. So this entire process of testing in a test tube and killing a bunch of animals takes six years now, if they feel that it actually is showing some promise, in what we call in vivo. And in vitro, then right before your they’ll go to the FDA. And they’ll ask the FDA, hey, FDA, please give me the allowance. Give me the approval. So I can go test on human beings. And there’s three levels of tests, they do. Phase 1, maybe with, you know, 10 100 human beings, it’s called a phase 1, small sets of humans. If they’re successful in that, then they go to phase two, maybe 1000. And then they go to, you know, 10, or 100,000. In Phase Three, now, you gotta understand this, here’s the pharmaceutical economic model. When they get the FDA approval to test in humans, their stock price goes up. If they make it past phase 1, their stock price goes again, phase 2, it goes up and phase 3. So it is a stock manipulation game.
If you go to most Big Pharma companies, people are coming and going, but you know, what they’re watching every day, the stock market is the stock price going up. And so this is why this way I want to explain this from a systems view. So if you look at this diagram here, once they make it here, stock price goes up, if they make it after phase one, stock price goes up, phase two, up, etc. Now, here’s a problem. Pharmaceutical companies having this entire process can take 13 years, up to $5 billion, they got to put into this. So imagine this takes 13 years, and they spent $5 billion. I hope everyone’s tracking here, if it’s taking that long to do that, and they only have seven years left to recoup their investment, because seven years remember his patent life 20 years. So it took them 13 years to get it through the FDA, they only have seven years. So imagine if that drug that they spent $5 billion developing is only good for, let’s say, 5000 people, right? Well, what’s 5000 divided into $5 billion, well, what is it, it’s about a million dollars a drug, they’re gonna have to charge, million dollars a dose, let’s say it’s, you know, 5 million people, You can work it out, right? It’s not a million, maybe it’s got to be 1000 bucks, and so on. So what’s happening is pharmaceutical companies have a short period to recoup their investment. So therefore, when you look at this diagram here, what’s important to understand is that this entire process is very expensive for Big Pharma right now. And by the way, only 20% entering phase 1 won’t even make it right. So if they spent $100 million on these first three steps, and only 20% make, they just lost a ton of money. That is the problem of Big Pharma. Their entire business of making these synthetic drugs, testing in an attempt to, killing animals is actually failing, and they know about this. So why is this important? When we go back here, as you will understand that the reason this is like this is because the entire pharmaceutical and academic development process, if the elephant, let’s say, represents cancer, these biologists in academia, like the blind men touching different parts of the elephant, and they don’t, this is called reductionism, they don’t take a Systems Approach. And this is why I want to train you away from not taking a Systems Approach. Because when you take a reductionist approach, what’s going to happen is you’re not going to understand the truth. And that’s what’s happening with Big Pharma. So they never solve cancer of cancer, the elephant, they get something like this, which looks nothing like the disease. So this is why whatever they produce, is, has a lot of side effects and look at the results here. So every year and this I’m getting, I have some new data for you from 1996 to 2003. The saffron line here represents that they spend more and more and more money on R&D, they’re spending billions, in this case $35 billion upward on R&D. Well, you would think if you spend more and more on R&D, the purple line is how many new molecular entities which means new molecules are being allowed by the FDA. Well, even the FDA is not allowing their molecules to go to market, or finish up because of the side effects. Alright, so number one, they put more and more and more money into R&D, with this old medieval process, where they’re just trying to push through something to get their stock price to tick up, and less and less new molecules, even the FDA, even the FDA is not allowing them because of the side effects. This is a reality of what’s going on. So look at that graph. Now I’m going to share with you some more data. Alright, what do you see here, this is something that just said this was 2003. So I just found some updated data going into 2012. Same thing, they’re spending more and more and more money, less and less new drugs are being developed. Here’s another chart. This is from evaluate pharma did a very nice study. So here they’re showing, you know, the 10 year industry spent on R&D, right, so they’re spending more and more on R&D. And you know, less and less new product launches are taking place, which means, again, I want to pound this away. That Big Pharma research and development process of using a single synthetic drug to heal, your body is not working. They’re ploughing more and more money into R&D. They’re not developing new drugs, Their freakin business is a failure. All right. So anytime someone tells you, oh, Big Pharma is doing well, they’re not actually. They’re not. And this is why they’re desperate. And this is why they need you. And this is why they’re desperately running around to make sure you get jabbed and poked and jabbed and poke the jab to poke, and you’re gonna see why. Follow the money, Follow the money, because this will help you explain to your neighbors, because what you’re about to see shortly is why what they’re doing is about taking money out of your pocket and putting it into their pocket. They’re about making sure that governments fund them to fund their ridiculous way that they do R&D. And that same funding could have gone to new schools could have gone to infrastructure could have gone to real public health. But pharma companies are behind this. Let’s go deeper. But you may have known that, but I’m going to really teach you how so you don’t just make random statements that you can defend, you’re going to get the knowledge here. So look at this graph here. Next. Amy Brown, who wrote this report says, she says, What’s the productivity problem? Biopharma still has its head in the sand. And what she’s saying is that most of the mainstream media will not cover this, they’re not going to cover the fact that the end is near for most pharma companies. And this is why they’re so desperate and look at what she writes here. I don’t know her, by the way, but I’ve been sharing this but it was nice to find someone else who’s also coming to the same conclusion she goes. Our analysis suggests strategies employed over the past few years to try to improve productivity, for example, by reorganizing R&D efforts, or corrupt collaborating with academia and peers are not having an effect. And she goes, the charts below one of them, which I just shared with you. This one, which shows a global biopharma industry is cumulative spend on R&D, M&A and licensing deals. Essentially suggests that many have turned to M&A, which means they’re trying to buy companies and attempt to improve productivity. The first analysis, which is this one suggests that this is not an answer, although presumably, shareholders have been satisfied. Thanks. He says this doomsday scenario is probably not shared by everyone. However, when considering that much of the industry, sales growth over the past two years, has been down to U.S. prices, the need for productivity improvements is only underlined more clearly. Simply put, pharmaceutical companies are ploughing money into R&D. And they’re not getting, they’re not discovering anything. They’re not an innovation engine. They’re just trying to figure out how to increase the stock price by manipulating public opinion. Well, let me show you how they’re doing that. So this is some more data, facts. By the way, this great piece of research done by Deloitte and Touche, one of the big Think Tank companies, you know, once in a while, they’ll let us a little glimpse, by the way, these Think Tank companies know the Science of Systems. And that’s how they’re using to manipulate people. That’s why you got to learn the Science of Systems Anyway, here we go. What is Deloitte and Touche saying, Look at what they’re saying here. Deloitte is saying, pharmas ROI in R&D is now 1.8%. What does this mean? Look, pharmaceutical companies, when they used to put $1 in 2010 into R&D, which means they put $1 into R&D they get they used to get 10 cents back, right? 10% return. 10.1. Now look at has been dropping and dropping and dropping today around today. If they put $1 they’re only getting Guess what? They’re not getting tense. They’re not getting, you know, 10 cents back, they’re getting maybe 1.8 cents back. 1.8%. Okay, they put $1 they’re getting 1.8 cents back. So just let that sink in pharmaceutical companies’ Innovation Model of R&D of killing animals, testing on humans with these synthetic drugs is not working. They put $1 into R&D just 10 years ago, they used to get 10 cents back 10%. Now they’re only getting 1.8% return. Alright. Their industry is failing. Right now it gets even more interesting.
Look at this is Pfizer’s Lipitor revenue, everyone knows what Lipitor is? So I’m just giving you an example. Pfizer is one of the companies which is making one of the vaccines, right, the mRNA. But Pfizer, many of these companies, you have to understand they have a patent portfolio, which means that patents remember patents are only 20 years. And suddenly, when the patent becomes generic, their revenue crashes. And so this is an example Lipitor is the drug that they create for people with heart issues, heart ailments, arteriosclerosis, etc. And what you’re seeing right here is the Lipitor revenue. And you can see here and have quite a profound way of understanding what’s going on. Look what happened to Pfizer, they’re making money making money, but guess what, their patents just went off and boom, they went from $9 billion on Lipitor, revenue down to three, they’re now only down about $1.9 billion. So just look at this. So again, from 2003 to 2019, their revenue has crashed. Okay, crashed and burned. So companies like Pfizer are crashing and burning. They’re literally losing money they’re losing because they’re Remember, it takes them 15 years to create Lipitor, they only got five or seven years, and they only have a certain period of time to recoup all their investment. This is why they charge so much money. This is why health care costs are so high, because they’re trying to get all their money back. Alright, on that drug. Alright, so that’s, that’s just um, by the way, I could give you a chart after chart on this. This is just Pfizer’s Lipitor revenue now. So what are they doing? What are they doing? So if R&D ain’t working, remember the old, in the West, you watch those cowboy movies and they had the stagecoach guy and he jumped out and had some bottle of something that really didn’t work. But he used to do what was called selling, marketing selling, right? He had nothing that worked. No real R&D is R&D wasn’t working. So what do they do? So what you see here is this is again, data, wonderful data. This comes from Randall S. Olson, one of the research firms and what are they showing here? The yellow line is how much is spent on marketing. And for drugs the drug company spent and the blue line is how much they spend on R&D. So just look at this graph for a second. Just take a moment and look at this graph. Alright, what do you see? I’m going to see what people say here running a little Last year in some ways, what do you guys see? What do you see here? First of all, you see what? Take something like Johnson and Johnson, how much are they spending on marketing relative to R&D? And we look at the answers here, what do I see here? And then we just making sure people are awake. How much is a company like Johnson and Johnson spending on marketing versus R&D? Right, more spent on R&D. There you go, Daniel, but how much more? Okay, how much more? Look at how much more exactly Prescott, Scott, Zack Prescott. They’re spending twice as more. They got it. Basically, they got to shove this stuff down your throat. They got to convince you this stuff is good. That’s why, if you’re watching Fox News, Tucker Carlson, if you’re watching the other dope Cuomo, during the Primetime, they’re selling pharma for you. Tucker ain’t gonna say anything. By the way. He’s not a change agent. He’s one of the boys, just like Chris Cuomo. Both of these news organizations take a bunch of that marketing revenue. So this is what you’re seeing here. Look at the money that they’re spending on marketing. Here, you’re looking at J&J spent about 8 billion on R&D, but they spent nearly 18 billion on marketing. Look at Pfizer over here. They spent around six, let’s say 7 billion on R&D, but they spent close to, you know, less than 12 billion, nearly double. That’s what they’re doing all across the board. That’s what’s going on. I mean, Lilly is a little bit different. But you notice most of them are spending a lot more on marketing than they are on a lot more on R&D, because the product is selling itself. So they got to do the marketing, the product name selling, it doesn’t work. Okay, it’s got side effects. By the way, most pharmaceutical drugs, let’s say someone creates a drug for pancreatic cancer, out of all the pancreatic cancer patients that only works for 10% of them. 10% efficacy, right, the other 90% get all sorts of side effects. Right. So I’m sharing with you again, the data in a very practical way. Here’s another interesting graph. What do you see here? This is the revenue spent on R&D, and the revenue on marketing. And we’re looking at different industries, pharmaceutical, technology, industry, and automotive. Well, what you find is, typically, the technology and automotive industries are on this quadrant. But look, pharma is on this quadrate, they’re spending more on marketing. And then they are on R&D. So it’s not true and the other industries. So again, pharmaceutical companies are in this upper left quadrant, which means they have to shove this stuff down people’s throat, Because this stuff is not working, and they need to figure out how to convince you. Oh, that’s that.
What I want to do now is I want to connect all of this to something that’s going on right now everyone says, Dr. Shiva, what do we do with these jabs? You know, these passports are coming out? What should we do? So Phil Levin’s work day and night. And Phil analyzed some very interesting data. He did it for a bunch of countries, 80 countries. And Phil worked very, very hard. And what Phil did was he said, let me draw a graph for different countries. On the x-axis, he has time. From March of 2020 to today, but a year ago today, and on the y-axis, he’s drawing two graphs, how many cases were reported?
And you’ll see that as a blue line, and how many jabs have people got, as a percentage of their population out of 1000? All right. Now, you would think, as the jabs came, which has been recent, right? As people get more shots, there should be less of these cases, right? So we literally took the data, literally, you can you anyone can do this data analysis, you can go get the data, and we literally plotted it . So here we go. So let’s look at this data and I encourage all of you to go do the same data analysis. So here we go. Here’s Austria. So right here is by the way, this means no jabs even happen. So in this case, the jabs started around January 4, by the way, look at Austria, their cases were going up and they were actually dropping but look at this right when the jab comes a little bit later. Their cases go up. More jabs, more cases. Same here, Argentina was going up and down up and number right here and they gave it more jabs. By the way, the y axis is jabs per 1000. And you notice it starts going up again. Bahrain is up down, right when they start giving it here it starts going up. All right, look at the y axis. Let’s go over here. This is Bangladesh. They I mean, look at, they didn’t even have any jabs. This is just normal immunity. They’re going up. They got it, and it was coming down. Right here. What do you see? The jabs increase? And the cases go up? Belgium, they were coming down and same here, right here, jabs come, increase. Brazil, same here. And so on, Bulgaria, and you see this everywhere. Cambodia, here in Central Africa, there have been no jabs. So they went up and came down. This is what you would expect. This is like normal herd immunity. Canada, same thing was coming down, boom, jabs, more cases. Chile. It’s coming down around here. Jabs goes up. And China is very interesting. I don’t know if China’s data is right. This says they had no cases. Everything went away, and their jabs are increasing. Colombia, same thing coming down jabs, increases. Croatia, Costa Rica. And you can see this on and on, and on. And on. Now, India’s quite interesting boom looked at the total normal cycle, everything. This is heading towards zero jabs starting here. Boom goes up. Now Israel is quite interesting. We’re going to come back to this. Look at Israel. This goes up, jabs start, they start coming down. So what’s going on Israel is the first country where I see an inverse but everything else is about the same. Okay, same. Kuwait, up, down, boom goes up. Very, very similar everywhere. Alright. So on. Look at Norway, up down, boom. Alright. Same thing. So what is going on? What is going on in the world? more jabs, more cases? Less filling, not so great. However you see, UK, almost like Israel here. The US is sort of like that. So what’s going on? Well, when you look at this, Phil looked at this globally, Europe, boom, coming down, as you know, we’re looking at all of Eurasia was coming down up, Africa coming down up. Australia was flat, and really looks like not much effect here. Now we did the entire world here. The world is going up and it’s coming down, jabs start here it starts going up. So what’s going on? What is going on? That’s the question. What is going on? What do you guys think? What is going on? It’s a question to all of you. What is going on? more jobs, more cases? Right. So what’s going on? So I’m going to answer that question. But before I do that, I want to remind everyone, the way that we get to these answers like we’re doing now is to be rational. We want to take a Systems Approach. We don’t want to get caught in some conspiracy world, we don’t want to get caught in the left or the right Republican or Democrat, because they will always mislead us, they will always have us distracted over here. They do not want working people like you and I to follow the money. They want us to be talking about aliens, oh, my the aliens on Mars or, you know, spread some disease on Earth, you know, could be I don’t have the data for that. Okay, they’re injecting bots into us and these bots are going to take over us and you know, they want to depopulate could be, but I don’t have data for that. You may. It’s an assertion, but I do have data, that we don’t even have to go there to see how they’re screwing you and me. They’re screwing us. And we’re going to come back to that.
Truth Freedom Health®
But I want you to take a little break. And I want all of you to take a moment to reflect because when I come back, and I want you to watch this video because our movement is about building the Movement for Truth Freedom Health. We’re all of you get trained to think beyond left and right. To appreciate why we need to take a Systems Approach there is a physics to changing the world. So let me take a little moment but by the way, all of you should go to vashiva.com and I want all of you to support this Movement for Truth Freedom Health. Go to vashiva.com if you go to vashiva.com/join, you’ll see the video you can contribute. You can become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior, it is only like 100 bucks. It’s you know I used to do these courses all over the world for 3-$4,000. Okay, or you can just, if you can, those people who contribute $25 get the book and the tool, ‘Your Body, Your System’, I’ll talk about that. Or you can just become a member, you don’t have to contribute anything. But I want you guys to support this movement. But this is what this movement is about. But we’re going to come back, we’re going to come back and have a deep discussion about what is actually going on. But I want you to listen to this. Here we go.
All right, everyone, thank you. So let’s talk about, by the way, the video that you just saw, is a very powerful video because in a very, it takes about five minutes, it takes you really through an important journey for all of you to understand that it is when working people unite. without distractions, that is when change will occur like that like that, like that. And those in power since the 1900s do not want you and I uniting Bottoms-Up. And what they do is they put distractions in our way. And this is the kind of people that the establishment puts out. I invented Email the system. And because doesn’t understand what email is. Email is a system. I was a 14 year old kid I worked my butt off. And I worked until two in the morning I wrote 50,000 lines of code to convert the entire interoffice mail system inbox outbox folders into the electronic version, I named it email, first guy ever to do that code, first guy to come up with a term. And that was the first one to get the US copyright at a time when copyright was the only way to protect software inventions. Because what we’re dealing with right now is idiots who distract us. Because they do not either understand what a system is. Email was a system. It’s not the simple exchange of text messages. I created this system. And when you understand that, with profoundness, you’ll understand that email just as it’s a system of either connecting the inbox, the outbox, the folders, that is email, it’s a system. And when we start understanding a Systems Approach to start connecting things, truth emerges. And the truth that’ll emerge in this case, is that we need to connect Truth Freedom Health. Without freedom, we’re not going to get to the truth. Without truth, we’re not going to get to health and without health, we’re not going to be able to have the strength to fight for freedom. No one ever helped me. I came from, the people that helped me were working class people.But I have put together the understanding of Systems so we can win this battle. But here’s the bottom line. You say, what they’ve done is the people who fight for freedom, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, they said, all those guys are rednecks. And the people who fight for yoga, all those people are earthy, crunchy granola people, right? They just care about health, right? And then the people who are into truth and innovation, they must be the nurse, they’ve kept all of us separated. They don’t want working people to unite. All great innovations come from outside of the military industrial complex. TV was invented by a 14 year old boy not by RCA. It was a Michigan mechanic, a working-class person who created the automatic windshield wiper and two professors at MIT stole his stuff. The process they have with me is I did it before it came to MIT. And I went to MIT, I won many other awards. So this fool doesn’t know what to do with me. Because Oh my god, you got four degrees from MIT, and he invented other things.
But the most important point to understand my intention is to have around 50,000 of you trained, Bottoms-Up, to build this Movement for Truth Freedom Health for spring. My intention is, that’s what I want to do. So what does that program look like? And why should all of you be involved because, as I mentioned, the elites have separated the people who fight for truth, the people fight for freedom, and we want to bring it together to synergy. And the key point is, when you guys sign up, all of this infrastructure, which is funded by you, for you, is running in our own data center. We don’t rely on Google, we don’t rely on Facebook, we don’t rely on Amazon. First of all, we offer you education. Our slogan is Get Educated or Be Enslaved, you’re going to understand when you take this course, what is a system. You can spend, try to get into MIT try to spend 10’s of 1000’s of dollars to take Control Systems courses, but in an hour, and for supporting you and supporting this movement, you will understand this diagram, you will understand the Science of Systems, then you get the book, System and Revolution, then you get to understand how these Systems Principles are apparent in your own body. And that’s for people, you get the book in that for anyone who contributes 25 bucks, that’s nothing. And then if you want to understand how to apply these principles to help others, if you want to understand the science of how these principles occur in different foods, if you want to understand how you can get certified in the Foundations of Systems, please do that. And you get a whole bunch of books. So that’s the educational piece, you get tons and tons of knowledge. So you can become a Systems Scientist. And I want to repeat this, the elites know the Science of Systems. But they never expected someone like me to put all this together and to offer it to the masses. And that’s what I’m doing. The Science of Systems is what a small set of elites in academia, the think tanks, right? These organizations use this to make sure that they manipulate us so we don’t focus on the task at hand, which is to build a Bottoms-Up Movement. That’s the first thing you’re going to learn, you’re going to learn the Science of Systems, because you can’t get it anywhere else. The second and by the way, that’s for people who contribute $100 or more, you don’t have to contribute anything. But when you contribute to this Movement for you, I’m going to contribute to your education. But then I want you to build community. Once you learn this, I want you to start connecting with other people. Anyone who signs up as a member, you don’t have to pay a cent, you can start using the forum. The forum is independent of Google, it’s independent of Facebook, where you can start actually getting online, it’s in our data center, you can start having conversations, 1000’s and 1000’s of people are starting and having conversations or debating without the fear of being thrown off. For those people who become Truth Freedom Health Warriors, we’ve created the equivalent of Facebook on our platform underground, where you can build your own pages, you can start interconnecting with people, without again, the fear of being thrown off. And then I want you to get activated, it’s not sufficient that you get educated, you’re a scholar of System Science. It’s not sufficient that you make some friends, but you better get off your butt and go on the ground and start educating other people. This is about learning, teaching and serving. So if you want, we educate you on the real issue with masks, real science, learn that, understand it, but then give this card and you can print them out. Print them out. Educate your neighbors about the real issue with masks. The card is a little synopsis. It’s a cliff note and it goes to a site called vashiva.com/masks. We can educate people about health, you can educate people about the real issue with how the masks hurt the oral microbiome, the real public health implications. And when it comes to, for example, the jabs, right, we need to go beyond jabbing or anti jabbing, right. It’s about really building community and boosting immunity. The real issue is one size does not fit all, we need to boost people’s immunity. Again, we built the weaponry for you to educate people on that. That’s what this is about. This is a movement, where, begins with we want to educate working people to build a Movement for Truth Freedom Health. And none of this is going to occur unless you unless you decide to get educated. Without that education, you’re going to be a blind person, basically, in desperation, looking for some random ideas of why things are taking place. Let’s go back to this now. Alright, so that was my spiel to get you off your butts to recognize, you got to learn the Science of Systems to go to vashiva.com/join and become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior, where you’re at helping you you’re not helping me, you’re not helping someone else, you’re helping you get the knowledge that we can build back a Bottoms-Up Movement, because now we can’t do it. Like the 1900’s, the elites have gotten smarter, because we were fat, dumb and happy. If we want to rebuild a movement, we have to go back to this Science of Systems. So now if we apply that Science of Systems, now we apply that Science of Systems.
Let’s go back and discuss the case here. Before we took the break here, what did we talk about? We talked about this very interesting phenomenon that I shared with you in one of the graphs. We notice everywhere over the world, except in a couple of places, that as the cases came down, when the jab came, the cases have gone up, but you look at Israel, what is going on with Israel, look at this graph clearly or carefully. Israel had these cases going up and down, but right here, around January 4, the jab started coming. Right. So it’s going up, up, but right at this point, right here, when they hit — by the way, this is the number of shots per 1000 people. So right here about when it got close to, let’s say 800 over 1000, which means you would think that was 80%. But remember, you got to get two jabs, two jabs. So that would be 800 divided by two. So around when they got 40% of the population jabbing. But right now, Israel’s up to around 1200, divide that by 260 percent, right, so they went from 40% to 60%. And at 60%. You notice it’s heading towards zero. So the argument here is when again, just to be clear, the y-axis is the number of jabs over 1000. So 1200 over 1000 would be 1.2 jabs, or 1200 jabs per 1000. But the reality is, you have to divide that by two, because it’s two jabs, so it’s 600 over 1000, which is 60%. So according to this graph, in Israel, when they got to 60%, jabbing, then the cases came to zero. Again, this is Israel. So in Israel, what they’re saying is that they had to jab enough people, and it came down.
Now, let me contrast that with something interesting. Let’s go to the case of India over here. We go back to India here. Again, I want to thank my friend, Phil Evans. Phil is just an amazing human being, Phil loves people. Phil’s dad was a chiropractor, Phil’s an engineer, and Phil and I have become really good friends. But look at what’s going on in India. Here were the cases automatically dropping on their own without any jabs. But right around here, around, let’s say, 117. When the jabs came, look what’s happening. India’s cases are going up. But look at the y-axis. What is the y-axis, say 50 out of 1000, which is around 5%. So what’s going on? If you take the conspiratorial approach, you could say, “wow, the jabs are creating more cases.” But my position on this is, the blue line here on any of these, the blue line on any of these graphs and listen very carefully, cannot be trusted. The blue line is based on the PCR test, and you can’t trust it. In fact, in India, the government is giving people 17,000 rupees if you have a case, there’s an incentive. In the United States, I think we were giving $13,000 per case. So the bottom line is, the blue line cannot be trusted. You could trust the orange line, because that’s the actual data of who’s getting the shots, but the blue line can’t be trusted. So here is what’s going on, ladies and gentlemen, the blue line is being used to manipulate countries to tell them you haven’t given enough jabs yet. And look at what’s going to happen. Here’s my prediction. Israel is going to be used as a poster child, “the great Israelis, look at how great they are, they jab the hell out of everyone. And they have brought this down, and they, and you have to get up to 60%.” What does that mean, 60%? Think about that. Isn’t that a sales figure, we have to get to 60% of your population, and then it’ll come down? If you read the news reports, in the Washington Post, it started there. They’re saying India’s not giving enough jabs. That’s what they’re saying. They’re not interpreting it as, “Oh, you know, the jab is causing the problem.” They’re saying, the Indians need to give more jabs. I hope you’re following me. Because you got to get educated here. You’re going to be enslaved, do not get distracted by bullshit. This is about money. And as I saw this in Israel, I said, Wow, I wonder if Israel has a relationship with Pfizer? Because as Phil and I were talking this through, Phil was listening to some videos of people saying the bots are being put in and then I said, “Phil, that could be true. But I think it’s something simpler. Let’s follow the money.” And when you go to Israel’s numbers, right here, we go back to Israel now. Israel is one of those few countries where, as the jabs went up, as the jabs went up and up and they hit 60%, as they hit 60%, right to 60%. They’re zero, say. So the Israeli data, again, I do not believe the blue line. I think the blue line is being manipulated. This is a real line. So they’re saying you gotta get up to 60%. And that’s going to drop. Wow. Question is, I thought to myself, “wow, I wonder if Israel’s in a relationship with Pfizer,” and watch this. Everyone tracking? Yeah, that’s right. Our boy, Trump was pushing Pfizer and his son in law, he’s buddy- buddy with Israel. Netanyahu, by the way, Netanyahu, Netanyahu was the first one to endorse Biden, and Trump gave Netanyahu the keys to the White House. Just think about this. So any of any of you who still want to follow Trump, you know what, you can keep doing that. And this is the problem. This is when you don’t get educated, you’re going to get enslaved via Trump or Biden, whoever the hell it is. They’re both part of the same globalist enterprise. Let’s go back to the facts. Let’s keep looking at the facts. The facts never lie. The math never lies. This is what’s going on. Well, look at this. Israel’s vaccine data has lessons for all leveling the playing field for jabs meaning sharing information, not just money. So this was on January 25, 2021. What is this article about? Israel struck a nice deal with Pfizer. We don’t know all the terms of the deal, but they agreed to share Israeli data when the jabs came out with Pfizer. You know what that sounds like to me? Let’s say you’re selling a product, you got a product, you’re selling some product, and you want testimonials. You want people to say, “Oh, yeah, that product works great.” And you sign a deal saying, look, I’m gonna give you the product. I’m gonna let you have this product. But you got to give me your data. How is it working? Well, Israel struck this deal. Israel struck this deal with Pfizer, back on January 25, and read the article in Bloomberg. And this what it says, it goes, “money for doses isn’t the only key though. In the 21st century, vaccine economy data is also power.” Tiny Israel is set to immunize its population months before far bigger and richer countries, partly by ordering early and reportedly at a higher price, but also by sharing so they’re supposedly paying a higher price. You wonder who’s getting some of those profits within the Israeli government from the corruption but also by sharing patient information after vaccine deliveries of Pfizer Inc and Biotechs COVID. Boxes were expedited earlier this month after a deal to share extensive data on the inoculation program. According to Bloomberg News, there are advantages for both sides. Israel gets the doses it needs to, quote unquote, protect its people faster than anywhere else. While its tech savvy healthcare system and incredibly efficient rollout make it a valuable proving ground for Pfizer, which is a valuable proving ground for Pfizer. I want everyone to read this again, which was rolled out in record time. So listen to what we’re talking about here. Pfizer in Israel had a deal, Israel would use them as their poster child, roll it out. And what are they rolling out? What do we see in the data? They’re rolling this out? , they’re rolling out this ability. And this is great, we’re gonna see this everywhere. Wow. Look at Pfizer, they will say, “you got to make sure 60% of your population is jabbed. India, not 5%, 60%. And then you’ll bring it down to zero. If you don’t do it, if you don’t, if you do a jab that is below 40%, it’s not gonna happen. You gotta get up to 60%, and then we’ll go to zero.” Everyone following me? Please, I want all of you to follow me, this is what I call System Thinking. This is why all of you better go tonight and sign up as a Truth Freedom Health Warrior because you’re not only supporting you, but you’re supporting this Movement, so I can do more research like this for you and get everyone’s head out of being fat, dumb and happy. We have to build a movement. And it has to be based on a Systems Approach, following the money. Follow the money all the way to Israel, between them and Pfizer. And what do you see here, Israel and Pfizer like this. And they’re building their marketing campaign. Remember, they spent two to one on marketing. Israel is going to be their poster child. Everyone is tracking, is everyone tracking? What we have here is a marketing exercise. And by the way, the UAE has the same thing. In UAE, is very close to Pfizer too which Jared Kushner was over there, kissy-pooing UAE and Israel. You can go look at that in detail. I don’t like this guy, Jared. I really don’t. He really bugs me.
Now, having done that, I did some research on Pfizer’s revenue. Look at Pfizer’s revenue. And let me bring you up the spreadsheet how I did this. Pfizer’s revenue over the last 10 years has been tanking, Pfizer the company’s, remember I showed you Lipitor went down, but their overall revenue, and you can go look at it on any stock chart, has been going down. Look at my spreadsheet here. I did a spreadsheet. A little bit of effort. So this is Pfizer’s revenue here, the years 2011 to 2020. What do you see here? Someone says, “yes, Jared is very shady. agree with you.” Yeah, he’s more than shady. He’s a scumbag. So what you see here is here is Pfizer’s revenue. Here’s the years and here’s the revenue. They were at $65 billion right here in 2011. Look where they’re at now. They’re $41 billion. They’ve lost $24 billion. Pfizer has lost $24 billion. Remember what I mentioned to the CEO of Pfizer, he gets huge bonuses, hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses when the stock price goes up. So their whole goal is, you push out a product, you get it past phase one, phase two, phase three, your stock price goes up, everyone makes money, that’s all they’re interested in guys. They don’t give a damn if that product works or not. Whether Lipitor works or not. Did it make it? Stock price goes up. Well Pfizer’s revenue has dropped by nearly $24 billion in 10 years. Forget the aliens, forget the reptiles, forget the bots, just they may be true. Just focus on this because this is how we’re going to educate people. The reality is that this multi-billion dollar company lost $24 billion in 10 years. That’s like a 40% downgrade in revenue, 40% of 6 billion. Let’s look at the graph here. Look at the graph right there. It’s gone down massively. I mean, imagine if you had a business You’re making $100,000 revenue and you’re now making 40% less, you’re down to 50- 60,000. That’s a serious problem you got. Pfizer’s revenue has gone down from 65 billion down to 41 billion last year. They need a new source of revenue, they’re tanking. And if you just take that curve, what’s gonna happen in 10 years, they’re gonna be a $10 billion company. So what do you do? If your pharmaceutical drugs aren’t working, what do you need to do? What do you need to do? You need to find a new source of revenue, you need to do more marketing, right? What did our graph show before? What are these guys doing? They’re doing marketing, marketing, marketing. So they need Israel as their marketing partner, at 60% jab.
Now, the next thing I did was I said, let me model the world, and get an idea of what that 60% means. Remember, the title of this talk is why Big Pharma Needs You, at least 60% of you, so let me show you the analysis. And by the way, I encourage everyone to do a little bit of math, I’ll show this to you. And this is what you say. Okay, let’s do the analysis here. So I created another sheet over here. How 60% gets pharma to %40. Here’s the world population. The world population is, let’s say 7.2 billion. Let’s say the goal is to get 60% jab. 60%. So the population, the world population jab will be 60% times 7.2, which will be 4.3 2 billion people, by the way, the cost per jab is around $20 billion. That’s what the cost per jab is. That means the retail cost of one Pfizer jabber let’s, I mean, it could be a little bit higher lowers by 20 bucks, which means if you’re a government in India, or your healthcare system is paying for the jab, they’re paying 20 bucks. That’s what they’re purchasing it at. That means or that’s what they’re selling it at, let’s say through some doctor’s office wherever. So typically, what happens in retail, so if the retail guy is selling something at 20 bucks, the manufacturer’s cost is around 10 bucks. It’s typically 50% because of all the distribution, all those costs, It’s really simple. Again, simple math here, trying to keep it as simple as possible here, so everyone could track. So the population is 4.3 2 billion. That’s what their goal is, right, 7.2 billion people, we want to jab 60%, which means 4.3 2 billion, the cost per jab is 20 bucks, $20 times 4.32 is $86 billion in revenue. Now, that is the actual flow of money, but in the end the pharma company is only going to get 50% because that’s the retail price, so that’s $43 billion. This is in 2021. So my analysis shows that the pharma companies, all of them combined just from jabbing revenue. You want to look at it that way. They’re looking to make around $43 billion. That’s what my quick back of the envelope analysis shows, is everyone tracking? They want to make about $43 billion. They want to make about $43 billion in revenue. Now, is that true? So that means I’m looking at Pfizer, Moderna. AstraZeneca, all the people that are selling the jabs. My analysis shows that if they could get to 60% they’re gonna make around 40 billion this year alone, just in one year. So what does that show? Let’s go here. And look at another piece of data that I found very interesting. So I was seeing if there any independent analysts had looked at, had looked at revenue predictions, and what do you find here? Let’s look at this, quite fascinating. Look at this. This is done by Bernstein research. What do they find? They’re actually finding the same thing. They’re saying the 2020 upsell revenue long, sorry, but their 2021 revenue for pharma from COVID is expected to be around 40 billion. Pfizer will make around 15 billion alone. This is 2021. And they’re projecting the next year, Moderna will make let’s say around 13 billion, that’s 28 billion. AstraZeneca is going to make about, let’s say, a 28. Let’s put another eight, right? So what that’s 36 billion, you know, I’m 41,000,000,040 6 billion, I’m pretty close. Okay, so this is about 40 plus billion dollars right here. And this is from an independent researcher. So what you’re finding is that they are looking to make 40 billion in one year, remember Pfizer’s revenue is down to 41 billion, Pfizer is going to increase their revenue, my prediction by 15 billion alone and is backed up by Bernstein research. Israel is their marketing partner, and they’ll have a couple of others. And that’s why the blue line is their manipulable line. And what they want to do is they’re going to convince everyone that we’re not jabbing people enough, we got a jab more and more, we got a jab and left, right everywhere, right? Upper jabs, lower cut jabs everywhere. And the more we jab, that’s when you’re going to bring it down to zero. So Israel is the marketing partner of Pfizer, in this exercise, they share data, and they’re going to glorify Israel as “Look how good they are, they’re powerful, they’re strong, they follow rules, not enough, we should all get behind that.” But it’s about the jab. It’s about making $40 billion this year. That’s what this is about.
So what does that mean? That means they want to put a gun to every government’s head, they’re gonna go to the Indian government and say you gotta get up to 60%, which means 600 million people need to be jabbed and that and you can add it up, that’s going to be whatever that number is, and so the Indian Treasury is gonna have to transfer that much money to Big Pharma. And that same money could have gone into India’s infrastructure, India’s real public health, India’s schools, India’s nutrition programs, and that wealth is going to be transferred to Big Pharma. That’s what this is about. This is about wealth transfer away from what you need. From our crumbling infrastructure. In Massachusetts, the infrastructure is an F minus minus. This is about taking money, which most governments don’t even have. They’re printing money and getting it into the pockets of Big Pharma. Why because Big Pharma is tanking. That’s what this is about. Follow the money. Everyone, follow the money. Please, stop getting distracted. Forget Trump, forget Biden, forget the Patriot party. Forget all this nonsense, yes, we had a good time. It was entertaining. But right now working people throughout the world, in this country, if you make $50,000, you should be making 120 grand. And the reason we’re in this situation is because the elites want to distract you. Okay, they want to distract you. Reptiles, aliens. Let’s just look at the facts right in front of us, has nothing to do with reptiles and aliens. This says to me, they couldn’t, maybe there are reptiles and aliens for thinking like this. But the bottom line is you don’t need to go there. We can get our fellow working people understanding the fact that their jobs are taking money away from them and their kids and putting it in the wallet of billionaires. And is this what you want to support?
Let’s make the economic argument here. Let’s stop making the inane arguments that don’t get us anywhere. Okay, we got to stop making economic arguments. And the economic arguments are black and white. We don’t need to go to left or right, Republican or Democrat, this is pretty simple. And the data does not lie. So anyway, this took a lot of effort for me to do this. And I want to thank Phil Evans, but I want you guys to get off your butts. And I need you to support this movement. Become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior. You get a lot of stuff from us. But it’s not from us. It’s from you. Do it for you. So I can concentrate. I mean, all the contributions you give us, we’re putting it into our infrastructure and put it into our heart. We’re building our movement. This is a movement by the people. For the people. This is for you. We’re not a political campaign, like freakin’ Trump with just 300 million, gave it to the RNC and gave it to God knows who else. Any one of you who gave money to Trump, give it to this, because this is the movement that’s going to win, because it’s your movement. So that’s what we need to do. We need to build a Bottoms-Up Movement. So I hope you guys understand what’s going on here. We need to build a Bottoms-Up Movement. We need to take a Systems Approach. We need to follow the money working people must unite. We must unite to go This Bottoms-Up Movement. And by the way, in closing, I want to let all of you know go to vashiva.com, become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior how to work, it’s a very tangible way, you get the science of systems, you then can build community with 1000s of people all over the world, it’s like other people getting it, who don’t want to be screwed with anymore. And third, I want you to start doing activism on the ground on election integrity issues on medical freedom, we have the actual plan, we have the actual things you can do to educate your fellow neighbors. Now, before I close, I do want to let everyone know, you know, a lot of my effort in this whole area, because in in, in a in a lot of respect to my Grandmother, and all those people, you know, I spent a lot of time creating a technology called side of solve, if you look at this technology I created, you know, I can take the human cell, and mathematically model it on the computer, this is my PhD work. So we can take actual molecular pathways and convert them to models. And that’s what CytoSolve is, and what CytoSolve is, it’s a way that we can actually model diseases on the computers without killing animals without going after and putting stuff in test tubes and wasting all that time. We can long before that, we can mathematically use the computer to model the complex molecular system in our body based on a known science. That’s what CytoSolve was, that was my PhD work. So the email was the electronic version of the interoffice mail system. CytoSolve was the electronic version of the molecular communication system. And the intention of this is we need to go beyond pharmaceutical drugs. By the way, just as we build airplanes today, you know, we don’t just throw a pilot in, we do with the wing design on the computer. And then if it works, then we go to test flights. That’s what CytoSolve allows us to do. CytoSolve allows us not only to check a single compound, we can test the functioning of foods in this product combinations of things. Right, right now, the supplement industry is getting as bad as the vitamin industry, they’re throwing all sorts of crap in snake oil, they throw some celebrity, the celebrity will say oh, this is good for you. This is good for your skin, or this is good for that. You know, she doesn’t know if the product works or he doesn’t know. Meanwhile, they do go get Botox and plastic surgery.
Food is Medicine
The problem with the big vitamin industry and the Big Pharma is they don’t really practice real science. What we’re doing with CytoSolve is we can literally look at all of the science, bring it all together and, using the known science, organize all the data, bring it together. And then use CytoSolve to mathematically model large scale molecular pathways. Here’s an example I’ve shared before. In India or in traditional cultures, or even in your own kitchen, right when you’re mixing foods together. And the example I like to give is we know that turmeric, the Indian herbs, lowers inflammation, it is profound for alleviating liver cancer, many cancers, curcumin, which is the active ingredient in the root or the rhizome called turmeric. We know that lowers inflammation. We also know from the Italian culture when they drink red wine with grapes that have an ingredient in there called resveratrol that lowers inflammation. Now if you go to Whole Foods or Amazon and start looking at all the supplements, they’re throwing some curcumin in there and found this and they said, Well, how did you put this together? Oh, well, you know, just trust me, I read a paper here. But with CytoSolve we’re able to do it without killing animals, we’re literally able to mathematically simulate that on a computer. Here is curcumin, the outer circle is a cell wall, the inner circles a nuclear on all these molecular reactions are what CytoSolve is organized by putting together the literature mathematically modelling so that’s curcumin. Same thing with resveratrol from red grapes, then we can combine them without killing animals on the computer. Here in the far right column is a variable called a cytokine, which measures inflammation. I am literally running a simulation on CytoSolve, no reason to kill animals. And with CytoSolve what we’re doing right here, as you can see, is we can literally simulate how much inflammation and in this case, it’s called a control. No curcumin, no resveratrol. Then I just give five units of curcumin Look, the inflammation drops from .15 to .05. And the next case, I give five units or restart on and it drops from .15 to .06, pretty good. But look at this case. In this case, I only give three amounts of curcumin, two units of resveratrol. Overall five but the dose but the amount of inflammation drops for .06 to 3, that’s nearly two 100% 50% drop in inflammation because I did combination. This is why food is medicine. Pharmaceutical companies know nothing about this most of the vitamin guys, no, not they’re just throwing crap together, they have one formulator. And that’s why in reference to my Grandmother, they use the whole system to figure out, they look at your face, they figure out what’s right for you. So inside us all, we can do that. And for the last 15 years, we’ve been helping some very smart businesses who want to do this well. But over the last couple of years, I didn’t want to wait for companies. So we, you know, as a part of our Movement for Truth Freedom Health, we said, Hey, why don’t we start using CytoSolve for our own people. So we use CytoSolve, in the last year, a couple of years, to look to model all the molecular pathways of pain and inflammation from the known literature.
And then we went through billions and trillions actually, of calculations. And we found a combination of, of natural ingredients coming from natural products, right, that grow in nature, when you combine them together, you get an amazing power in reducing the symptoms of pain and discomfort, and that’s mV25. And I wanted to make sure you guys knew about this. So we don’t care about pharma if they want to, if people want to go buy their stuff, but I don’t want to wait for them so mV25 you can get it CytoSolve Optimized we call it “mV” for physics, mass times velocity equals momentum, want people to make sure they can move and overcome pain and discomfort. And what you’ll see here is that when you read the back of the thing, when we say CytoSolve Optimized, what that means is this was formulated using the CytoSolve Computational Systems Biology Platform, a technology that was created by Dr.Shiva at MIT postdoctoral research. This formulation results from integrating 1000’s of peer reviewed papers across decades in 68 research institutions and computing trillions of potential combinations, not just reading one paper to calculate and discover the optimal synergy of compounds. CytoSolve Optimized means this formula has been optimized to maximize benefits and bioavailability, while minimizing toxicity based on the current research as the science advances. So will this formulation This is a very powerful statement. Because look, pharma companies, they don’t care about real science, they’ll just fund some scientists and some institutions to get the answer they want. What we know is that as the science changes, socially, the formulation, so as the science changes, we will re compute. So it’s really a very much more deliberate scientific approach to find Truth Freedom Health, alright. And by the way, this is clean certified, it’s GMP it’s made in the US. So I hope you guys go to vashiva.com to know more, you can go to the shop, and you can find mV25 right there. But anyway, the problem is Big Pharma has big losses.
And this is why what you’ve just seen is an economic Systems Analysis of how we look at it’s a Systems Analysis, you guys need to get trained in Systems, we are living in a world right now we’re at a very critical stage, those in power do not want what occurred in the 1900’s to occur, they do not want us building a Bottoms-Up Movement. So over the last 50 years, they’ve been organizing really well, they got all their people watching all the data we do and what we’re up to. They take, they understand the Science of Systems. And without that weapon, we won’t be able to get to truth, to freedom. And it doesn’t matter how many good ideas we have, how good we feel, how much passion we have, we have to go back to the physics of building a movement. And that is what we’ve created here for you. And that is my gift to you. And I hope you do this for yourself, we must build a movement. And by the way that goes 50,000 people, by the end of this year, we get 50,000 people on the ground who understand these concepts. It’s game, set, match, meaning we’re going to be able to change the curve and it’s going to come through all of you getting educated or you will be enslaved. It’s just the reality.
They’ve been organizing for 50 years. Because what happened in this country was the union sold out the working people. We stop protesting in the streets. We started building a Bottoms-Up Movement. So anyway, I hope this is valuable to everyone. So it’s Summary. You got to understand Big Pharma is tanking, they’re suffering big losses. Why? Because their entire model of using synthetic drugs is failing. But they’re also afraid. All of you and people like me, someone just said, we’re doing our own gardens, we’re learning how to eat right? Where are you eating organic foods, so we don’t need. We’re learning about prevention. So as that movement grows, pharma is tanking. So they have had to do this, a marketing campaign. And what I just shared with you is from the data, Israel is one of their Chief Marketers. I mean, it’s in black and white, their marketing partner, to show that we get 60% of you need to be jabbed and that’s the number they’re going to go out. That’s their sales target. They’re about to sell you. They’re selling. You ever watch a movie Glengarry Glen Ross always be closing ABC, their ABC, is they’re going to use Israel and a couple of countries to say, you know what, you’re not jiving enough. You gotta get up to 60% 60% times 7.2 billion chain, right? 4 billion people, 4 billion people $20 a jab. 80 billion, half of that will go to them as their top line revenue. Their revenue goes up, everyone’s happy stock price goes up, the CEO walks away with 100 million, that’s $100 million or billions of dollars that should have gone into public infrastructure that’s going into pharma’s pocket. That’s what’s going on. Wake up. Let’s build this movement. Thank you, be well, Be the Light.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.