MSM is a Potent Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant, Based on CytoSolve Analysis of 693 Research Articles, Spanning 36 Years that Include 31 Clinical Trials.
- Background
- Systems Approach
- Truth Freedom Health® Movement
- Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
- CytoSolve®
- Joint Health
- Effect of MSM on Joint Health
- Synergy – A Systems Principle
- MSM Dosaging
- Summary
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
This is a system science talk. It’s based on our research work on systems biology, I promise at least a couple of times a week, maybe three to four times, we’re going to take some nutrients. And some of you written in that you were very interested in MSM, related to joint health, joint health as people age, if you’re athletes, if you do yoga, if you do exercise, you have to be very, if you overuse your joints, some people have more proclivities to getting joint issues, and others don’t. So I’m going to show you some of the latest research we just finished between CytoSolve and I’ll talk about CytoSolve is one of the technology platforms I created out of my PhD work at MIT. And the work I’ve been doing with the University Health Network, we just finished a very big research project. And that research project really brings out what are the things that affect joint health. And then we started looking at different nutrients that affect joint health. So some of you have written about, you know, what does glucosamine do? What does MSM do? What are different kinds of particular ingredients to so as a public service, we’re running those ingredients through CytoSolve, relative to joint health, and we can do it for anything. So if any one of you guys want us to run the side of software, different things, please email us or you can go literally to And on that website, which I’ll just share with you right here. I’ll come back to it. You can literally share your ideas.
The way I do this is typically I will first of all give you a background on the platform that we’re building, because it is through your support and everything. We’re making this platform possible where we do scientific research, we do activism, and then we support a way for you guys to actually commune together and that’s on the VA Shiva platform. So come back to that. So let me just go right to the tool that we have here. Okay. I’m just going to share all the screen so everyone can see everything. Share. Okay, here we go. Alright, so let’s begin with our let’s go right here. There we go. I think everyone here should be able to see this. Yep. All right. There you go. Let’s see here. Good. Okay, so let’s start here on our talk today on MSM. So the title of the talk is methyl sulphonyl, methane, MSM and joint health. People use this ingredient, you may find it in joint health product for your pets, you may find it as a ingredient that you may want to use for joint health. So we ran this through CytoSolve. So we’re going to give a quick background. But before I go into that, we’re going to talk about a systems approach that we take because one of the goals here is to educate people as part of the VA Shiva initiative.

Systems Approach
To all of you why we must take a systems approach to looking at problems Be it understanding how an ingredient effects a particular indication how electronic voting systems work, how you know your computer system works, but it’s a very broad System Science, we’re going to talk about how our movement for truth, freedom health uses this same systems approach, then we’re going to go into MSM, what it is a little bit of background, then we’re going to talk about how we did this analysis with CytoSolve. We’re going to talk about what is joint health, and then we’re gonna look at the effects of MSM on joint health. And then we’re going to look at the principle of synergy. So part of today’s goal is, I want you to learn about the principle of synergy. So you start understanding how it’s not any one thing that affects joint health, or any one thing that makes the world better, but it’s a combination of things. And then we’re gonna end with talking about, you know, from the research, again, this is not a medical show, this is something that is a show that sharing with you, what’s out there in the literature congealed together by CytoSolve.
Alright, so first of all, a little bit of background, if you go to the website, VA Shiva calm, you’ll find that there’s a number of things that I’ve personally been involved with, but always taking a systems approach from inventing the first email system back in 1978. And one of the important things to understand is, email is actually a system. It’s not the simple exchange of text messages. The other thing is, we’ll come back to CytoSolve. But CytoSolve is a technology that was created for my PhD work. And CytoSolve really allows us to take a systems approach to understanding how, at the molecular level chemical interactions, where right now, when you eat something, it’s hard to know what that’s actually going on. So a lot of these nutritional companies will say, use this, use this, use that, and no one really knows what’s going on with CytoSolve, we actually do a very different approach to using a molecular systems approach where we literally look at all the literature in a field and bring it together and understand the molecular science of it. So again, that was my PhD work in biological engineering, I spent about five years really building this technology.
So if you look at MSM, it’s an emerging therapeutic molecule. There’s around 693 research articles. So it’s still a very cool molecule. It’s not like there’s 10,000 articles, but there’s around 693 research articles. 31 clinical trials have been done on it. And that’s over 36 years of medical research. Okay? So that’s the background on MSM. Now, if you look at all of these articles, imagine that I said, You know, I need you to go read all these articles, how would you do that? Okay, it would be quite a Herculean effort for you to go distil all those 693 articles, look at read all of them understand, which was garbage, which was good to get down to an understanding of which are the relevant articles, which had to do with joint health, and then which you could get any molecular systems information out of it. So what we do is, we have a very powerful way of doing that which site itself, so we can do is we literally with CytoSolve, this one of the powers of it, we can take all those articles, right? All the 693, then we can curate them, and find out the high quality research articles, then the next step we can do is make sure
. So out of those articles, then we can proceed to understanding from those articles, which are the relevant ones and extract from them the molecular mechanisms, so you’re going to see some of the molecular mechanisms we’ve extracted, and then we’re going to take them off. And that and with that, we build what’s called an architecture of that molecular system. In this case, it’s joint health. And I’m going to share with you that and then we can figure out how let’s say MSM affects that particular system of reaction, which is all coming from all the sides, so we’re not cherry picking. Now, this is very different than unfortunately, how sciences move where people are not taking all of the research, sometimes they just take a little piece of the research. So they don’t look at the entire picture. It’s called cherry picking. And the problem with when you take that kind of unscientific approach is that you may want to it may be politically driven. So someone who says, Oh, forget all of that research, just look at this research. So for example, with climate change, you know, you’re looking at a very complex system, the climate and people are saying co2 is a pollutant. It’s not that simple. So that’s what happens when you take a reductionist approach. reductionism is the opposite of a systems approach.
When you take a reductionist approach, what you end up with, is you do not end up with a systems approach, what you end up with, is you end up with the concept of very similar to the blind men, looking at the elephant. Okay, so here you have the blind men looking at the elephant. It’s the old story, the elephant is the whole picture. But each of these blind men, if they’re touching parts of the elephant, you’re going to get something that looks like this. The guy who touches a trunk thinks it’s a snake, the guy touches the ear, thinks it’s a fan, the guy touches a touch and thinks it’s a spear. And the guy touches the side of it, thinks it’s a wall and so on. This is what’s unfortunately going on in science. This is called a, this is called a non systems approach. It is called a reductionist approach. But we want to take a systems approach. So what does that system’s approach look like? And how did I get into this? So I’ve been deeply, deeply interested in systems. And what I can tell you is when you understand the science of systems, you can understand the science of everything. It’s a pretty bold statement, but it’s true. Everything in the universe is a system, your body is a system, everything inside you is a system, everything outside of you is a system.
And so if you can understand systems, the science of systems, you can understand pretty much everything, you have an overarching science to start looking at everything you have it, you can get an understanding of your body as a system. And I’ve created some tools for that which we offer people, you can understand your computers, this system, you can understand political systems, you can start understanding what’s actually going on what happened over the last four years, who was Bernie Sanders? Who was Donald Trump? How do they fit in? Because these are scientific principles. Without scientific principles, you’re going to be be fumbling around, you’re going to be confused what happened, you’re going to support this party or that party, same thing, people pop this pill or that pill, because they don’t have a scientific systems understanding. And the intention here is to give you a systems understanding.
Okay, and my journey to that systems understanding began in a very profound way. Because after I finished my PhD, I understood this way of looking at the world. This is essentially the way that biologists look at the world of genes and proteins and RNA. So you understand the body is having genes and chemical reactions that lead up to the large organisation. All right. However, there’s another way of looking at the world. Another way of looking at the world is this way, which is the eastern systems of medicine, which I grew up around, where you have the whole different words, I’m not going to go through it, but this is called the system of Indian medicine, which is known as Siddha, or IRA that, so you have very different words. In fact, it’s an inverted pyramid. So my grandmother, for example, used to practice this system of medicine using terms like bought that pit kafa, coat, kosha, and chakras, which is the western person may seem like snake oil. But after I finished my PhD in 2007, I wanted to figure out, well this system is being used in this system.
So you know, you see this system help people, you see this system, I saw empirically help people. So I wanted to figure out why is there an interconnection. So when I finished up my PhD in 2007, I was awarded, this appeared on the front page of MIT the opportunity to head back to India to do some hardcore scientific research on the integration of Eastern and Western medicine. And that journey to me was quite a profound journey, because I wanted to find out how my grandmother as a healer in that village was able to apply that system of medicine. And also, when you look at the amazing discoveries, Western medicine makes both have uses, I think Western medicine is great. If you get involved in a crisis, God forbid something happens, it doesn’t really know anything about prevention. And I was also interested to understand my grandmother’s practice of medicine, which really heal people and give a preventative approach how that works. So what I discovered when I got back, I spent about two years is that I discovered something quite fascinating is that these systems of medicine, were all founded in a particular methodology. In fact, both east and west actually have the same approach. It’s just they use different languages.
So when I got back, I offered a course at MIT called systems health, integrating Eastern and Western medicine was one of the most popular courses. And I put that into a site. So not only could MIT people share, but everyone in the world that created an educational platform, and everyone should go there called systems health. And on that platform, I have various certifications, the master certification, but it’s a way for Eastern people or Western people, people into yoga or medicine can unify this and understand a unifying language. So there’s a master sort of, there’s many certification programmes, by the way. We have the master certification, the foundations of systems, which are computer systems medicine. And so you get a range of courses from understanding how yoga works from an engineering standpoint, how herbs work, how the body is actually a system. There’s all bunch of books people get as a part of it. And then they get access to a portal where they can train others you can actually use this as an entrepreneurial way if you want to make money I but it’s called the master certification programme. You also get four certifications out of it. And then out of that I peeled away more recently the foundations of systems course, that can be taught much quicker in about three hours. That I could train everyone. And that’s about a course that I teach physically, you can also go take it online.
But one of the things that I want to impress on everyone is the foundations of that course will teach people the integration between transport, conversion and storage, transport, conversion and storage. These are the three forces of the universe. So when I say that I wanted to share with everyone the science of everything, that’s what I mean, there are three forces in the universe that drive everything. So we look at MSM on how it works on the self transport is what occurs at the cell membrane conversion is what occurs in the cytoplasm. And storage is frankly what DNA is. So transport conversion storage occurs everywhere you transport input and output into your computer, the conversion is a CPU the storage is get what guess what it is your memory, you have it in your body, you transport food through your system, your digestion is a conversion element. Storage is the element or the structural element, which holds you up which you know, your, your memory, your fat cells, so on. So you could apply this system to anything. And that discovery is a profound discovery because it allows people to understand everything in the world is a system, transport, conversion storage.
Truth Freedom Health® Movement
Many of you know when I ran for the United States Senate, the goal was to, to today, what politicians do is they manipulate you with a slogan, lock her up, right? Or, you know, a revolution for all right, like Bernie Sanders, whatever he talks about. But ultimately, their slogans have nothing behind them. They’re not connected to reality. They’re just slogans of the time of the day. But imagine, we had a set of principles that are eternal transport, conversion and storage are eternal, that they’re how the universe runs. And what I discovered was when you apply that to politics, this emerges, it is a principle of truth, freedom and health. Okay? Freedom is the ability for things to move information matter and energy, truth is the ability to convert some idea that you have, or a guess or a hypothesis using the scientific method. Health is the infrastructure of your body. With infrastructure, we fight for freedom. With freedom, we can explore truth and truth, we can get more freedom and greater health, so that I wanted to share that with you. Because everything that I want to encourage all of you to do is to take a systems approach, you’re not going to get anything from the Democrats or Republicans, you’re not going to get anything from left or right anymore. And if that isn’t clear over the last four years, it should be clear now we have to build a bottoms up movement that is founded in something that’s real that goes beyond us, that goes to the natural principles. And that is a principle of truth, freedom and health, transport, conversion and storage.
All right. So for those of you who are interested in learning more about this, and wanting to be part of the movement that we’re creating, go to VA Shiva comm slash join. And that’s the truth, freedom and health movement. And when you go there, which I’ll go there shortly, I’ve put together a video, VASHIVA.COM/JOIN. And I always like to play it right before I jump back into MSM, because it’ll give you the core of the movement that we’re building is about. So let me just go over to it and share this with everyone. For those of you heard it again, please share it with your friends, I’m sure they would love for you to share this because it’s time that we really educate people on what’s actually going on, and how they get to what they need.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
So, what we want to talk about here is what is MSM? Alright? Well, MSM is, first of all, a naturally occurring compound. So one of the things I want people to remember is, there’s two kinds of compounds in the universe. Okay? One compound is a compound that you cannot find in the universe. It’s called a synthetic compound. That’s what a pharmaceutical company spends billions of dollars making they spend billions of dollars testing synthetic compounds in a test tube, if they see works on some action, then they raise money, and then they go kill a bunch of animals, that’s called animal testing that takes around six years, and then they go into a whole process of clinical trials. But when you look at this process here, to look at what happened here, okay? When we look at what we’re talking about here, when we look at the process here, and we look at MSM, it is a naturally occurring compound that occurs in nature, in fact, that occurs in rainwater.
So before irrigation, we had, you know, rainwater is one of the best ways if anyway, if you get food grown in the wild, it’s argued that that has a lot more nutrition because it’s getting more MSM, but it’s a naturally occurring compound. And you notice it looks like this. It’s pretty cool, structured as sulphur in the middle. So you have sulphur right in the middle, and then you have two methyl molecules here, methyl here, and then you have sulphur now it’s called methyl sulphur, Neil methane, okay, so m s m. That’s why it’s called MSM and it’s clinically clinically shown to have symptomatic relief for musculoskeletal discomfort. So muscles as well as skeletal includes both muscle and bone, and it exerts a medicinal effect through its antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. So what our research has shown it has an antioxidant effect anti-inflammatory, and there’s no known adverse effect and is generally recognised as safe. You can take it in pretty high dosages. Again, we’re not cherry picking this this is coming from distillation of the scientific work. So where do you find it? Pretty good areas, you just want you to look at this list, you find it in raw milk, you find it in tomatoes, you find it in alfalfa sprouts, you find it at leafy green vegetables, you find it an apples, raspberries, whole grains interesting enough that it comes out in raw milk. Okay. So, um, what are its biological effects was biological effects are really for biological effects versus anti inflammatory, which means reduce inflammation, it’s an antioxidant, it scavengers scavenges you know, free radicals, and we bring this up.
And the other thing it does that’s also quite profound about it is that it also serves to perform immunomodulation which makes sure that your immune system doesn’t go wacko, it modulates it like giving a shock absorbers and it’s it performs methylation. methylation is extremely important for many, many genetic processes. Because it donates sulphur, you see sulphur molecules right in the middle. So it’s a thing that’s a source of sulphur, okay, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, scavengers free radicals, it modulates the immune system, and it donates sulphur. Alright, so these are the different attributes everyone can see of the MSM molecule. That’s a biological effects. Now it has other effects beyond just biological effects. And I want to look at those from the health benefits standpoint, okay. The health benefits is it prevents Cartilage degradation. It improves function, physical function range of motion, it lowers muscle soreness, it improves seasonal allergies, which is really the immunomodulation effect. It improves in skin quality and texture. And it also has anti cancer capabilities. So these are, again, from the latest research. These are the six benefits that people have discovered.

Alright, so now what I want to do is I want to talk to you a little bit about CytoSolve, because those are the attributes of MSM. Now we want to use CytoSolve, to look at that molecule with the sulphur and the metal, the CH three, the CH and the O, to see how it interacts at the molecular level in your body. Before the advent of CytoSolve, it was very difficult to see what people just sort of guessed, they do a test of experiment, they go kill a bunch of animals. But with CytoSolve, we can look at all of that research all of those articles, distil the molecular mechanisms. And we can understand that that’s why in many ways, CytoSolve is a scientific source of truth. The important thing is, as the science changes, we don’t just stop, we can also update the science, right? So we’re not just stuck at one point. In in the world, someone just said, we just share some researcher, someone. I gotta put this up. Okay, someone just made an interesting comment. They say, rain water needs to be evaluated for metals, except that it picks up before the surface level. That’s true. I use MSM, when taken for inflammation does, yes. So it’s an anti-inflammatory.
Alright, so let’s just jump back to so I want to share with you some of you asked how CytoSolve, I mean, sort of share with you that so if you go to site, you’ll understand this, it took me this was the base of my PhD work, which ended in 2007. I’ve spent about 14 years developing this technology is one of the inventions and one of the companies we run, but side to solve, if you look at before sight to solve this is and still most pharma companies do this, because they’re afraid in many ways to use CytoSolve. But here is a synthetic compound, they’ll do test tube testing, then they’ll kill a bunch of animals. This takes around six years, then they’ll spend another nine years testing it on humans. This takes about $5,000,000,000 and 13 years. And the product that comes out of it can actually not really solve the problem. It can have a lot of side effects. This is why you see more and more. As pharmaceutical companies spend more and more r&d, you would think they’re going to find more products. In fact, the purple line shows less and less products are being approved by the FDA. Even the FDA is finding many of the synthetic drugs that are synthetic molecules that Pharma produces, do not work, and they cause side effects.
So this thing coupled with the fact that when the Human Genome Project ended in 2003, we found out that we only have around 20,000 genes. We thought we had 100,000 genes, we have the same number of genes as a worm. So what that did was it put biology 2003, into this new world of systems biology. And that’s when I came back to MIT. And the goal was, from a systems approach, instead of just focusing on the genes in the nucleus, could you look at all the molecular reactions in the cell? Could we mathematically model it? So if one molecular reaction looks like this, if this becomes a mathematical model, Imagine being able to model the human cell on a computer, because that was CytoSolve. So just like email was the electronic systems version of the interoffice mail system, CytoSolve is a way that we can use a computer to mimic the molecular system.
All right, so we’ve built CytoSolve into a powerful platform to enable truth, freedom and health, where we can take research all over the world, dissect it, integrate it, explore it, and model it. And there’s a paper that many papers I’ve written about it, we can do a whole talk on CytoSolve. But fundamentally, CytoSolve lets us take a compound like MSM, use the computer on the computer in silico, long before we go waste our time killing animals to understand what’s going on. And by the way, this is how we build aeroplanes, right, we don’t just throw a pilot and tell them in the test flight, we don’t just go into the wind tunnel, we model everything on the computer to find out all the stuff that doesn’t work. So we don’t we don’t waste our time. So what we did here was using CytoSolve.
Joint Health
Several years ago, we got funding from the Arthritis Foundation, as well as the University Health Network of Canada. And what we did was we looked at 22,000 papers that have been written about joint health 22,000 papers. And out of those we found 5700 papers had to do with research that was done on humans. Then out of those 5700, we’ve mapped every molecular pathway is about two to three year effort we did with ua Chen was a great project, they funded us, because we had CytoSolve. And that work that we did did the work of probably like 200 graduate students, it would have taken them so many postdocs was only one postdoc of the several of the leading researchers in the world. They also with me oversaw this research.
But we have now created a molecular systems map of osteoarthritis. And in fact, instead of just keeping it for us, we decided to share this knowledge with the world. So we open sourced it. So one of the things that I’m very much into is open science. So all any one of you who wants to go and check it out, you can do it. So let me stop here. So I’m going to go to the website. And I’m going to share it right here. It’s right here. And we have I’m going to jump right into this. So here is the actual, if you go to the site itself, comm slash human dash knee slash osteoarthritis, you can find this, and then I can go right into the tool. So this is the first molecular systems map of every molecular pathway involved in joint health or osteoarthritis. So first of all, you see that, you know, you can get pain, but there are nearly seven different types of tissues involved in your knee, or your joints, synovial tissue, subchondral bone, meniscus fat pad, osteophytes, immune cells and cartilage. And you can literally go explore so you can look at synovial tissue, and you can see there’s different kinds of cells for different kinds of cells. If you go to cartilage, which most of us are concerned with.
Cartilage is made of one cell type, and that’s called Condor sites, okay? And the Condor sites, if you click here, have different particles that can land on the cell surface. Those are called logins. And there are different kinds of logins, growth factors, cytokines, alright. Other molecules, co cultural molecules, but cytokines are we’re going to focus on you may have heard of that the cytokine storm. So here you can see there are different molecules that are involved in cytokines that affect the Condor sites, one of them being aisle one beta, so I’m going to just give you an example. And look what we’ve done here. This was a lot of work that the CytoSolve team did, we’ve mapped out every molecular pathway involved in austere arthritis. And this is just looking at just one molecule, how it interacts with all of these other molecules, that green molecules are the ones that your body up regulates, which means creates more of an Iowan beta, for example, this molecule shows you MMP 13. Now MMP 13 causes cartilage degeneration. You don’t want this around catabolic effect. And if you click here, we have then mapped out every molecular interaction between IO, one beta and MLP 13. And you look at all the different things that either enhance its effect. So this molecule right here with a black line with the arrow enhances its effect. If it’s a red line, it means it stops this, which means it’s a good thing. So for example, here’s ginseng. ginseng, it turns out from the research, actually stops inflammation. Okay, stops cartilage degeneration, so you can see it right here.
Alright, so like this, this is a very, very powerful tool that you can explore what works and what doesn’t. And I could keep going at this. But you have this capability. Actually, let me share the whole screen here, because I don’t think you guys are able to see this fully. You go back here, because I don’t think you can see the article here. Those of you at home, you just share the whole screen, because you’re not able to see that. Okay, so what I just shared here, let me go back here was when you look at the molecular system here, if I click on this link right here, you can see ginseng, lowers cartilage degeneration, because it blocks this pathway. So does for example, resveratrol blocks this pathway, okay, so you can see that C resveratrol inhibits the aisle one induce expression of MMP 13. So you can start understanding with these very powerful capabilities, just one of the projects that we’ve done, how CytoSolve can help discover these things.
Alright, so I encourage everyone to go, it’s free, we’ve open sourced it, alright, we’re not hiding it. We want to do open science. And in many ways, pharmaceutical companies of anything, probably do not like us sharing all this knowledge with all of you. So I hope that makes sense to everyone. So this is a very powerful tool that we’re looking at all the and then by the way, we’ve we’re doing this for every field, we’ve done this for brain health, we’ve done this for Alzheimer’s. So a lot of people ask me, Dr. Shiva, why are you involved in politics, you should be able to help everyone, but I cannot separate health from truth and freedom, right? So I fight for freedom. I do my research in the health area. And I’m a big proponent of using science to discover truth. But that’s why I want to teach all of you guys how you take an approach where you can integrate truth, freedom and help. That’s why we created the platform at VASHIVA.COM for you guys to become truth, freedom and health warriors, you get real science, and because your educational system is not offering.
So anyway, using CytoSolve. What we’ve done here is we can now take a systems approach to starting to understand what’s going on at the molecular systems level with MSM. So let’s stop here. Let’s go over to that. Okay, so here we go. So let me go over here. And when you look here, everyone can see this. I just shared this with you. Okay, so let’s go here. So when you look at joint health, when it comes to there are four major mechanisms that are involved in joint health. So this is really why I want everyone to listen carefully, because you’re going to learn a lot right here. Because you’re going to learn that when you go shopping for the supplements, that it’s not just any one thing. Remember, you want to look for synergy. It’s not just truth we need it’s not just freedom, we need not just health, we need truth, freedom health. Similarly, in order to get joint health, it’s not just one thing. We want a combination effect.
Effect of MSM on Joint Health
So when we look at joint health, we take this systems approach, the way we’re going to assess if MSM works is we’re going to look at what does it do for inflammation, because in order to have good joint health, you don’t want you know, you want you don’t want inflammation to go out of control. You don’t want to keep oxidative stress and control. You don’t want cartilage degeneration, you want to see if you can regenerate cartilage. Just want to make sure everyone’s following that. It’s not just any one thing. Everyone clear on that? Guys, I understand that on Instagram. Okay. I think everyone’s clear on that. It’s not just any one thing. We want a bunch of things. Okay. We don’t want just any one thing. We want a bunch of things. Okay. So there we go. So in order to do that, we want to look at a variety of capabilities, okay, we want to look at a variety of things that are involved in a variety of molecular pathways, not just any one thing, because that’s when you do cherry picking. Well, these are the four major molecular mechanisms that are important for joint health. So let’s look at each one.
So inflammation consists of a whole set of molecular mechanisms. I’m not going to go into the detail of this, if you go to the website, that we just are giving away for free to everyone in the world for scientists, anyone, you can understand all the molecule molecular pathways that are involved in inflammation, so we want to make sure we’re controlling inflammation. Next thing we want to make sure we’re controlling oxidative stress, okay, which is ensuring that you don’t produce, you have the antioxidant effect. You don’t have reactive oxygen species like your body starts rusting, then you want to make sure that you don’t also have cartilage degeneration, you want to make sure that your body is preserved as Cartilage, right? As you age. You have to be careful about this. Or if you do athletic activities, and then you want to make sure can you regenerate cartilage and not be amazing, you know, and your joints? Can you regrow cartilage?
So these are the four things that we want to do each one of these things. So you want red means want to lower inflammation, we want to lower oxidative stress, we want to lower cartilage degeneration, and we want to increase cartilage regeneration. Okay, that’s what we want to do. Well, how do we do that? Well, you have to understand there are biomarkers that do this, let me just explain a little bit. What is a biomarker? So, you know, if you go to the doctor, they measure your blood pressure, right? That’s a biomarker of hypertension, right? They may measure your insulin levels, right? That’s a biomarker of, you know, or h1 ac, right? It’s a biomarker of whether you have a proclivity for diabetes are not? Well, similar to each one of these molecular pathways, there are different biomarkers. And what we want to do is when we’re really doing a scientific analysis, in areas of the health food store, you’re trying to throw out, oh, should I buy this or not? We want to understand what the biomarkers are.
Because remember it from a systems perspective, you get an input, you get an output. In this case, we’re saying there are four biomarkers. Three of them. One reduces inflammation, one reduces oxidative stress, one reduces cartilage degeneration, and you want a biomarker that increases cartilage regenerate, you want to be able to measure this. So inside Assad, we’ve identified those four, and then we can run the molecular reactions on the computer without killing animals. And then we can see hey, what happens when I add MSM? Is it affected in any way or does it not? Okay, that’s what we can do. So back to the drawing board here. So here what we’re seeing is, is that the biomarker of inflammation is PG e to prostaglandin. Two, the biomarker of oxidative stress is reactive oxygen species – ROS, the biomarker of cartilage degeneration is matrix metalloproteinase, which is MMP 13. And, and if collagen is a biomarker you want, you want to increase cartilage regeneration.
Now, having done that, let’s see what MSM does. Okay. Now we’re going to get into the molecular mechanisms. Okay, now we’re going to take the system’s approach. By the way, the system’s approach I’m talking about here is the same systems approach that I want you to learn from understanding how political systems work, any system works. So we’re taking a systems approach now to understanding how this ingredient affects the molecular system’s level. So let’s let’s go down to that. So what happens here, so when you take MSM, just looking at the health benefits, MSM affects two of the joint mechanisms of action, okay? So MSM affects this, and this, MSM has no effect we found on this. So what that means is if someone’s trying to sell you snake oil, if someone’s trying to put out there against CytoSolve as a scientific source of truth, as someone’s going to try to say, MSM grows back Cartledge, Ms. MSM is going to stop cartilage degeneration. From our research, we’re finding that’s not true.
Our research is showing that’s not true. Now, some of the supplement guys aren’t going to like me saying this. Right. But they’ve been lying to you, okay, what is the what we have found? Which CytoSolve when we look at it, is the following, okay? That these two pathways, MSM affects oxidative stress, which means it reduces the rusting of your body, and it increases and it reduces inflammation, we’re going to talk about it. Okay. So MSM, lowered inflammation and it lowers oxidative stress, but that’s pretty powerful. And that helps eliminate joint disease. Okay, so the point is MSM is good, but don’t think it’s affecting all the four pathways here. It’s affecting two of them. So how does it do that? Well, for oxidative stress, what MSM does, interesting enough, there are these two molecules as we saw IL-1beta, there’s also TNF alpha. If you have a lot of these, you’re going to get oxidative stress, okay? So what MSM does, it blocks this molecule called NFkB, which is a molecule when you have a lot of this it’s going to give rise to NFkB and IL-1beta. So MSM comes in blocks NFkB, so it’s like, it’s like a line backwards, it blocks this. So they don’t produce these two things.
MSM also initiates NRF-2 which is a good molecule and NRF-2 gives rise to HO-1 and HO-1 stops oxidative stress. So it’s giving a one two punch, it’s stopping an NF Kappa beta and Iowan beta, okay, which induce oxidative stress. So that’s being stopped right here. And it’s upregulating NRF-2 and HO-1 which stops oxidative stress. So, MSM, in summary activates the transcription facto rNRF-2 on the right NRF-2 promotes gene expression of heme oxygenase -1 which is HO-1 and HO-1 is a potent inhibitor of oxidative stress, right? Think about oxidative stress as causing ROS, HO-1 inhibits this, MSM, one on the left side, it prevents expression of proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1beta and TNF alpha, which exacerbates oxidative stress by inhibiting oxidative stress. MSM helps, you know ameliorate joint disease. So number one thing is what MSM doing in a two part and a two punch model, it is helping lower oxidative stress by upregulating NRF-2 and reducing NFkB. Okay, I know you’re learning a lot of science here. But that’s what we want to do.
By the way. Those of you joining you, you notice there’s a little thing here. If you go to VASHIVA.COM/JOIN, we have a complete platform that runs in my data centre, where we’re educating people, then we’re also building a community. So as you learn this, there’s discussion forums, you can start on joint health if you want, you know what products work, what don’t and then we have a way that you can take action on the ground. So I just want to say that those people are just joining us, so that’s NF. So that’s one way. Okay, that’s only one way we’re not done here.
All right. So let’s go back. Let’s go back and look at the other way. So MSM works by reducing oxidative stress. The other thing is MSM Our research shows it also reduces inflammation, okay. So now remember, oxidative stress promotes the transcription factor NFkB now that this transcription factor NFkB promotes expression of TNF alpha and IL-1beta, so these two are also involved in inflammation. What MSM does, as it did here, it blocks NFkB, which then can no longer give rise to these two molecules TNF alpha. By the way, those of you who are new to a lot of this, you’re gonna learn a lot you can share with your friends as a party, you know, TNF alpha andIL-1beta increase inflammation, NFkB reduce it, MSM does that but the other thing that happens is NF Kappa beta also increases COX-2 which gives rise to PGE2, which also creates inflammation. And by the way, if you ever take Advil if you ever had to take that, go look at the back of the Advil bottle, you know what we’ll say the back of the Advil bottle will say that, that that ad though is a COX inhibitor. COX-2 is an enzyme which gives rise to something called PGE2 – prostaglandin e2 , and that prostaglandin 2 is what causes inflammation.
So when you take Advil, it just goes and hits at COX-2 but the problem is it’s not. It’s not, it’s COX-2 everywhere, right? So it’s hitting it throughout your body, not just in your knee where you’re having the problem. Okay, see, so that’s the, the bad side of Advil according to other side effects it has, especially if you have kidney issues, etc. Right? MSM, on the other hand, doesn’t have those side effects, which is one of the benefits. So going back here. So you understand that this MSM affects your NFkB to lower inflammation. So what I’ve done here is we have this little drawing here, and we’re going to fill this in over the week. But you see MSM, we have effects, really oxidative stress, and a little bit of the MSM pathways, but it really doesn’t affect cartilage degradation or cartilage degeneration.
By the way, but I’m going to now share with you some very powerful research that we’ve asked so that what you can do with CytoSolve is you can actually use our technology to actually go down and mathematically model this you don’t have to again, go kill animals. Alright, so what we’re doing here is we’re literally on the x axis. You have reactive oxygen species, which is an indicator of oxidative stress, and we’re giving different doses of MSM, again without killing animals. Now, the experimental conditions are that we’re getting about 125 milligrammes to 250 milligrammes over two days. So what’s powerful about CytoSolve is we can literally like a wind tunnel. Okay, we can simulate, we’re able to simulate what will happen with the MSM view taken into your body without killing animals. All right, this is a revolution of CytoSolve. So I’m very proud of that. And we hope to share with you more and more data like this, because you’re not going to get this information anywhere else.
So under control conditions, the ROS levels are around 160 nM. This is in your blood. So this is in control. And watch as you give MSM it definitely drops oxidative stress levels by nearly you know, close to 20-30% here right it went from 160 down to 100. So ROS levels reduced from 120 nanomolar for supplementation to 120 milligrammes for a two day period, increasing MSM dose did not lower ROS further. So this is something very interesting. So you get almost a, you know, a third 40% reduction almost here, okay. 40% from 160. That’s pretty powerful. So what our research has shown with CytoSolve is that when you take MSM, you get a very powerful reduction in, in reducing oxidative stress nearly 40% that’s around, I think about 250 milligrammes so now, the issue is, guess what, if you give more than that, it doesn’t have any more effect. So, if you’re looking for supplements, more is not better. Why spend a lot of money on taking Oh, let me take 2000 milligrammes your body cannot absorb more than that, okay, it has a effect. So, you know, 250 milligrammes is what this research has shown, again, you should consult with your practitioners, whoever you want, you know, we’re not giving medical advice, we’re giving the research that we’re discovering through CytoSolve.
The reason we’re sharing this is that one of you wanted us to go deeper and go into this is a particular ingredient affecting this RROSoss pathway. The other thing we’re looking at here is PGE2, okay, which is inflammation. Okay, so we find the areas under control conditions, PGE2 levels are at 48.4. And supplemented did not lower the PG two levels. So do not lower PGE2, which is by the way, if you notice, there’s two biomarkers of inflammation PGE2 and LTB4. It’s not just there’s two of them here. So what we found was MSM has no effects on lowering PGE2. All right, so what I want to share with you here is that the reason that I’m sharing CytoSolve here and giving you guys these, this public service to help you understand, so you get understanding of this is that the the, I’m looking at one ingredient, what happens when you start combining ingredients, okay, what happens, you don’t just take one ingredient, but we combine ingredients. So if you really want to get joint health improved, it’s not just MSM, you have to take combinations, because some of them will affect and I’ll do a talk tomorrow on this, we’re gonna look at I think hyaluronic acid, which actually supports cartilage growth. But you’ll find out that MSM is good at reducing the oxidative stress, right, or inflammation, but it doesn’t really do much for the other two areas. So this is why combinations are important. And one of the things we can do at CytoSolve is understand combinations.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
So let me share with you a little bit of that to give you an example of the power of what we can do. So this is an example of the old school guy, you know, mixing his ingredients. Okay, well, if you asked his old school guy, why did you decide to combine ingredient A and B he can answer both sides to solve. For example, if you want to combine let’s say, curcumin, which is turmeric, have your curry Indian meal and drink a glass of wine which has resveratrol, what does that do? Right What would say to solve we can actually take curcumin as I’ve done here with risk with the MSM model of all the molecular pathways of inflammation. Look at all the places curcumin interacts mathematically model that similar with result resveratrol and then do the combination therapy. What happens when you combine curcumin resveratrol and look at this. So here on the right axis, I’m looking at a cytokine point one five, which causes inflammation. In the first case, no curcumin, no resveratrol, you have high inflammation, then I just give curcumin, notice that in a second expect again, this is done on the computer so we don’t have to kill animals, five units of curcumin, and you see the cytokine expression comes down which is good. When from point five resveratrol does the same thing, point 152 point oh six. But look what happens.
This is a synergistic principle. It’s what a watch happens when I give a little bit of curcumin and a little bit of resveratrol, not as much as five and five, but less you get a lowering of inflammation from point one five to point out three. This is called the synergistic effect. Okay, so let me just repeat that, again, this is why food is such a powerful medicine that you’re not taking just any one thing. This is why in traditional systems of medicine, they didn’t get you didn’t By the way, in India, you don’t just take a bunch of turmeric, Turmeric is mixed with a little bit of cardamom and a little bit of clothes, a little bit of, you know, Coriander and Cumin. That’s called curry powder. Curry powder is a lot of little things. It’s really a medicine. So over 1000s of years, people always started adding curry powder to all different foods, because you’re reducing inflammation, you’re supporting antioxidant activity, etc. So in many ways, for me, it’s been a big journey using CytoSolve, I’m able to understand why my grandmother’s systems work, why traditional medicine works. But you can apply this systems approach to understand that we’re not going to get anywhere politically by just becoming healthy, or just having the First Amendment of the Second Amendment just doing science, right? It’s not just the truth. It’s not just freedom. It’s not just health, we need all three.
All right, this is why a systems approach you can use it for your body, you can use it to figure out how what foods to eat, you can also use it to figure out why it’s we have to go beyond left and right. We have to combine good health, which some people may say it’s a lefty thing, right? The earthy, crunchy granola people. And it’s not just we just need the First Amendment. The second amendment people say oh, that’s just a right wing thing. And it’s not just what the nerds want: truth and, and innovation, we need all three, we need truth, freedom and health, truth, freedom and health. So by the way, using the same principles, you know, for the last 16 years, we’ve been enabling many, many companies to leverage CytoSolve, we’ve been doing a lot of research, we’ve been publishing. But over the last three years, we started creating lots and lots of mathematical models that can actually, we realise. Wait a minute, we can actually apply this to discover new products that can help the world.
So we recently applied the CytoSolve approach to looking at hundreds of different naturally occurring compounds that could reduce inflammation. And we discovered a very powerful combination, which is I’ve never, you know, done manufacturing. This is our first product, but it comes out of sight assault. It’s called mV25. And I want to share that with you. So you understand that this comes out of an approach that we’re looking at using a completely different way. So mV25. Is this approach correct? Let me just share this with you. So mV25 is called momentum to move. And it really provide people who have issues with inflammation issues with discomfort, joint issues. And this is a label we just created this. By the way, if you go to VASHIVA.COM, I’ll show you where you can get it. We’re pre-ordering. It’s in manufacturing right now. We think it’s gonna go very fast, but it’s called momentum to move. By the way, this is mass times velocity, momentum, mV25. And it’s a blend of things that and as a back of that caps a back of the bottle says it says:
Dr. Shiva mV25 was formulated using the side of self computational systems biology platform and technology for precision and personalised health for precision and up invented by Dr. Shiva during his doctoral research at MIT. This formulation results from integrating 1000s of peer reviewed scientific papers across four decades of genes 40 years in 68 research institutions and computing trillions of potential combinations of bio molecular reactions to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that down regulate biomarkers of discomfort and normal swelling. CytoSolve optimised means this formula has been optimised to maximise benefits and bioavailability while minimising toxicity based on current research curated by CytoSolve as the Science Advances, so well, this formulation, this is our promise.
And then you can say that the clean certification is made in the US and it supports truth freedom health, so I had to share that with you because and if you go to ba, some of you are asking where you can get this, let me share that with you. So if you go to VASHIVA.COM. And I go here, and I share it right here. So if you want to be a Shiva calm, and you go right here. So if you go here on the website, there’s a section called shop. And if you go to the shop section, you will see there is a product here, mV25. And you can pre-order it there. Alright, so this is something very excited about because we’ve been helping a lot of other people do this. But now we decided we’re going to do this for cells in terms of using our own technology to discover things. So that’s mV25.
MSM Dosaging
So let’s talk about doses of MSM. So how much should you take? So again, this is not medical, you should ask your doctor, but we looked at the research. So what is the research shown? We look at the molecular systems approach. So let’s go to that. So the research is quite interesting. So let me go back to sharing the screen. And going back to our PowerPoint here. So what do we see here? So what we see here is, according to Magnuson at all this came out about 14 years ago, a maintenance dose is about 80 mgOkay, for exercise induced muscle soreness again, this is over a period of time you don’t take up, you know, 3000 mg a day, this is for not normal people. Remember, I said the 250 mg was for normal, but this is for people under who’ve put themselves under serious stress that’s around three grammes, or 3000 mg for osteoarthritis Kim et al. says 4-6 g per day. So there’s a difference as you can understand, where you’re just normal, and you’re healthy, that’s a 250 mg but when you’re under stress, like massive exercise, or you’re under osteoarthritis conditions, the higher dosages do help, okay, because your body’s undergoing stress, it is looking for that compound.
And by the way, MSM is a naturally occurring molecule, people have said that when we drank, or when we ate more food that came from rainwater before we went to irrigation, MSM was very rich in our foods, and we have less and less of it now. Now. We don’t get all of our food from rain, you know, most of it coming from irrigated environments. So that’s something very important to understand.
MSM is clinically proven to improve joint health, muscle soreness, skin health and hair growth. Okay. And it’s doing that through those two processes. And our analysis has revealed that at low dose levels, MSM is effective in reducing oxidative stress substantially, but not inflammation. Okay. So the literature says it reduces inflammation. But our research at CytoSolve says it’s definitely good at reducing oxidative stress, and MSM has no clinically relevant side effects. All right. And, and then let me as I finish up here, what you’ve just gotten, what we just did here was we took a systems approach. The systems approach is the only way to get to truth, freedom and health. And I’ll be emphatic about this because weather right now science does a lot of cherry picking. So the scientists, if you know, you pay an academic enough, they’ll just cherry pick a little piece of research. And they’ll say, Oh, this is what we need to do to block whatever the issue is for cancer, right? We need to give everyone chemotherapy drugs, or we need to do this. But when you take a systems approach, you actually can look at all you can look at it as a whole, you know, holistic way, and a systems way and you can find out you’re integrating things.
So it’s you find that it’s not any one thing when it comes to joint health. We found that there are four different things that affect joint health, right? inflammation, oxidative stress, cartilage degeneration, and we want to regenerate cartilage, but MSM doesn’t affect all of them. So if you have supplements, snake oil salesmen trying to tell you Oh take MSM is going to cure everything. No, it is good, but our research shows it’s good for oxidative stress, and may be for inflammation but definitely for oxidative stress. Over the week tomorrow we’re going to look at another molecule of joint health and you’re going to start seeing well joint up that’s good for this.
A SYSTEMS approach provides a comprehensive method to understand connections among the parts of any system to elicit the scientific truth across ALL systems.

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To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
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