Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai provides a CytoSolve Systems Biology analysis of Neem and its effects on Immune Health based on 3,295 research articles, 30 clinical trials, and over 105 years of research.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – gives an overview on a CytoSolve computational analysis on how Neem affects the Immune System.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 3,295 papers, 30 clinical trials, over the span of 105 years.
- The National Academy of Sciences has declared Neem a tree for solving global problems and has 140 compounds, also known as the ‘Divine Tree’, an omnipotent tree.
- In ancient cultures Neem bark has been used for brushing teeth by making bristles on the end, for it has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiparasitic properties and has been used for more than 4,500 years.
- Neem is neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant, antimalarial, hepatoprotective, anti-nephrotoxicity, and wound healing.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Good evening everyone this is Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai. We’re gonna start today on our discussion about a very cool plant called Neem. So, Neem is a very interesting plant. When I was growing up, it was actually used, believe it or not, that the twigs we see use it as a toothbrush. There’s a lot of antiseptic properties. So you know walking in the morning in the village, you would see a Neem tree and you would literally break off a twig, chew the ends of it, you know, peel off the bark, and you would literally use that to because you can make like a little brush off it from chewing. You would use that to brush your teeth because it has a lot of antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic properties as you’re gonna learn, but you can literally use it as a toothbrush and recently I think I saw on some site, we could actually get neem sticks and use that but it This was a natural, you know toothbrush and then you obviously throw it away totally biodegradable, not made of plastic except etc. So let’s just jump right into name and talk about it. By the way, all of you listening, please take time to go to vashiva.com, vashiva.com is our platform for Truth Freedom Health, I want to thank all of you who support our platform, because of your contributions, we’ve been growing our platform for Truth Freedom Health, people can contribute here. And obviously, whenever you support us, I want to support you with education, we have a whole bunch of tools for people give us $100 bucks or more, and I’ll come back to this for people give $25 or more you get access to the book and how to see your body is a system and I’ll come back to this a little more. But I want to just jump right into Neem today. But you can go to vashiva.com/join, and you can become a Truth Freedom Health warrior, because it’s really to educate you that health is directly connected to our pursuit of freedom, freedom is connected to our pursuit of truth. Truth gives us new ways to understand our health. And I think ultimately health is wealth. So the more we understand the true nature, how things function, we can take care of our health and well being.
What You Will Learn
I’m just gonna go right to name and we’re gonna jump right into really talking about the background on Neem, you know, where it comes from all the different properties it has, etc. Neem has many different properties, people use it, and by the way, agriculture, for keeping away bugs and pests and natural anti-pesticide, anti-insecticide. But we’re going to focus on Neems capabilities for immune health, as a part of our immune health series. We’re gonna learn what is Neem, you know, what is Neem exactly? The molecular composition of Neem. Remember, what we’re talking about here, Neem is not a drug, right? We’re going to contrast that with drugs, as you’ll see, this is a food, it is a naturally occurring substance in nature. So it’s composed of many, many different kinds of compounds. So we’re going to review that, we’re going to look at the biological functions, affected by Neem. Neem health benefits, then we’re going to look at the effect on the immune system. And then the clinic clinical evidence on you know how much Neem you may want to take.
So it’s known as a Divine Tree, if you think about it, in terms of the translation from the Indian systems, or traditional medicine is really known as a divine tree, from the Indian systems of traditional medicine. And it’s mainly cultivated in the Indian subcontinent. It’s an omnipotent tree, which means it has many different medical uses. And it’s been used for more than 4500 years. So, you know, 2500 years before the birth of Christ, highly exploited as a medicinal plant. And just like what we talked about Moringa, yesterday, we talked about moringa, it’s not just the leaves you use, you use nearly every part of it. And you can see here, we use the seeds, the oil, the leaves, the bark, the roots, and it shows an important role in disease prevention. In fact, the US National Academy of Sciences has declared Neem a tree for solving global problems. And just, you know, a lot of these prestigious organizations, you know, they typically poo poo natural medicines, right. But it’s interesting that the National Academy of Sciences, which is one of the most prestigious if not the most prestigious science organizations in the United States, has deemed Neem this powerful plant, which has many, many medicinal uses for solving global problems. Okay, so let’s take that in mind from an East West side. So you can see there’s around 3,295 papers written I named that just a little bit, that’s quite a bit 30 clinical trials. And so this goes all the way back, to 1915. It’s been researched for over 105 years and 30 clinical trials. And by the way, we’ll talk about what a clinical trial is, but at a high level of clinical trial is where you take something and you test it on human beings. It’s not just tested in animals or in a test tube. It’s actually tested on humans. But 30 different clinical trials have been done on it. And as I share with you, you know, when you look at all those papers, how do we actually handle that?

Well, we use a technology that I created called CytoSolve. You guys can go check it out, but it’s really a platform, it’s a technology platform for identifying new molecules faster, cheaper, and safer. So, Neem is a way we can identify new molecules faster, cheaper and safer from natural products. And the problem is that when you look at the way that drugs are produced in the drug development world, this is how drugs are actually created. Just to go back, if you look at all those papers, one of the real important features of CytoSolve is we can take a lot of papers that exists in the natural, scientific world, right, meaning all the papers in the conventional world, and we can figure out how we’re going to extract knowledge out of them. So what we can do here is we can literally take all of those papers, we curate them, that’s the first part. So curation means out of all those papers out there, we try to figure out which are the relevant papers which have actual scientific studies on them. So that’s a curation part. And we focus it on, in this case, immune health. So the first step is we find those papers, then from those, we extract out the molecular mechanisms, and you’ll see what those are shortly. And then we create an architecture out of that. And then we’re able to do modeling, but this entire process is called bioinformatics. And if you contrast this to the way people discover how something is true in the world of pharmaceutical drugs, Neem has many, many components as you’re going to realize, but in the area of pharmaceutical drugs, it’s typically one compound, right? Or with vaccines trying to have a singular effect or with most of the pharmaceutical approaches you’re trying to upregulate or cause a particular action in the body related to typically one target, that target is called another molecule. So you’re trying to send this magic bullet in, that will have an effect on the target, and then it’ll have some action, right? very different from food, food has a multiplicity of actions, it has what’s called a Synergistic Effect throughout the body. But with the drug, the pharma guys tried to do this, right, they tried to take a drug, they’ll, let’s say, create a test tube of some type of I don’t know, you know, Alzheimer cells, right, throw that compound in, see if it removes a plaque. If it does, then they’ll test on Alzheimer’s monkeys and rats and pigs and hopefully, not kill too many of them. And then they go to phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 clinical trials, phase 1 a small set of humans, phase three is lots and lots of humans. And what you can see here is that only 20%, make it out of phase one. And this entire drug development process takes 13 years, $5 billion, very expensive, very long. And ultimately, the things that come out of here doesn’t In fact make it past even the FDA, as you can see here, every year, the drug companies are spending more and more and more money on this process. And they’re finding less and less new molecular entities are even being allowed or approved by the FDA. So they’re spending more money on R&D, less and less are coming out this way, pharmaceutical companies have a major problem, because even their quote, unquote, scientific process is breaking down, and this is why vaccines offer them a big opportunity. Because, by the way, you can’t sue vaccine manufacturers, they don’t have to go through that rigorous process, they can go around it because they’re considered a biologic. And you can’t actually sue them. Okay, so they have a big opportunity there. That’s why the pharmaceutical industry is going down, the vaccine market is going up for them. And this is why because our entire development process has actually screwed up.
Now, separate from this, you have to understand the reason this process is so screwed up is because if you study academic research, academic research is not based on understanding the whole, right, you don’t try to really understand all of the immune system. It’s more like if you consider that elephant there the whole immune system or Alzheimer’s, or some large disease, unlike a Systems Approach, which is what VA SHIVA is all about, we’re about a Systems Approach to your health, Systems Approach to understanding problems in the world, Systems Approach to understanding politics, but they don’t take a Systems Approach in medicine. They take what’s called a reductionist approach, where if you look at the whole problem, you try to take little pieces of it no different than the blind man, with an elephant in front of them, and they’re touching to find pieces, right, the guy and they frankly, end up having not a really good idea of the whole. So the guy who studies let’s say, the tail of the elephant, he thinks it’s a rope, but the guy who studies the tusks thinks it’s a spear at the end of the day, they don’t really get the whole they get something like this, okay, which looks nothing like the elephant. And this is at the heart of the pursuit of truth when we talk about Truth Freedom Health. The pursuit of truth, unfortunately, is based on a reductionist approach. The problem with reductionism, which is the opposite of a Systems Approach, is that you can manipulate people, you can manipulate truth, you can just look at something small and you can concoct something that looks true for that little piece, but not for the whole, right. And so as we’re going to realize soon, when you look at the whole immune system, the focus has only been on antibodies, not about looking at the entire orchestra of the immune system. But anyway, this is called reductionism. So one of the important things is, this is one of the problems with the pharma process here. The other interesting thing we need to recognize is this reductionist approach where biology was, in the 1990s, when they started the Genome Project, they thought we had 100,000 genes, they knew a worm at only 20,000. But when the Genome Project ended about 10-15 years later, it turns out, we too only have about 20,000 genes, okay, which is quite the irony, because the Genome Project revealed that we have the same number of genes as a worm. And so this led into a field called Systems Biology, saying, it’s not just the genes, which are in the center of the cell, we got to look at all the molecular interactions that occur throughout the cell. And by the way, these are one little molecular interactions, it’s just one little piece in a molecule ‘A’ interacting with molecule ‘B’, and so on, etc. But imagine if you could interconnect all of these molecular interactions, you could have a holistic understanding of the cell. Now, in 2003, when I returned back to MIT, these little molecular interactions were starting to become mathematical models. What do I mean by that? If you take chemicals, if you take sodium chloride, sodium plus chloride gives sodium chloride that’s a chemical reaction, Na, sodium plus CL, chlorine gives sodium chloride, that’s called a chemical reaction. So if you think about the entire body at any point in time is a bunch of chemical reactions occurring, you know, trillions and trillions of chemical reactions, occurring in real time, if you can mathematically model that. This is an idea. Imagine what you could do, you could know the state of your body, you could say, oh, what happens when I take mean, what happens when I take turmeric? What happens when I eat garlic? You could start understanding the chemistry of your body. So in 2003, that was the idea, could we understand what is going on with the body without having to kill animals, because if we could do this, we could solve a major problem, which is, we could literally understand how combinations of medicines work within the body. So this was seen as an impossible problem. And that’s what I ended up creating for my PhD work, I created a technology called CytoSolve. CytoSolve said, Look, if this blue circle represents a cell, let’s break it up into a bunch of these pathways, model them independently, and connect them together. Because up until the development of CytoSolve, people only were able to do small mathematical models. With this approach I came up with, which is a distributed engineering Systems Approach, we could do large scale modelling of molecular pathways. And that’s what I created very much like the invention of Email. CytoSolve was a systems way of looking at a large scale system. So just you know, so by the way, think about it, when we build an airplane, we don’t just go into testing, we mined all the literature, we understand the dynamics of the wing, we mathematically model it long before we even go to the wind tunnel. And that’s what CytoSolve allows us to do. CytoSolve allows us to not only handle a single compound, but many compounds on the computer. So we can do what I call in silico. In Vitro means in a test tube, in vivo means in an animal, right? clinical means in human beings typically, but in-silico like silicon means I can create a mathematical equivalent of the biomolecular phenomenon on the computer. And I can mathematically model it. So I call that in-silico. So in-silico, we could test different compounds, by mining the literature by organizing the knowledge and testing this is so this is a revolutionary breakthrough of CytoSolve. Okay, so using CytoSolve, what we’re able to do now is we’re able to mathematically model large scale molecular mechanisms that I’ve created CytoSolve society itself is, is a mathematical modeling company, right, we take mathematical models, and we can organize them and we can test things on the computer, and leapfrog the way you know, around killing animals. So that’s what CytoSolve does. And one of the powerful things about CytoSolve. And by the way, we have a whole ecosystem. We work with research communities, we really help figure out what’s going on using the computer.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
Now, why is this important? Well, one of the areas I’ve been very interested in is integrating Eastern and Western medicine. And the important thing to understand is in Eastern medicine, there’s a whole line which I’ve talked about that they have to understand your body is a system, very different from Western medicine. But nonetheless, in 2007, I was able to make a breakthrough interconnect those. But, you know, I grew up in a village in India where my grandmother would mix these concoctions together. And if you asked her how you came up with that, you know, she would give an understanding or an explanation which most people couldn’t understand. So I wanted to see if I could bridge these worlds. So if you, let me give you an example of how CytoSolve can bridge those East and West worlds, so think about the guy mixing stuff in his mortar pestle. And imagine he’s mixing turmeric, which is an herb which has active ingredients curcumin. With CytoSolve, this outer circle represents a cell wall, the inner circle represents a nuclear wall, and we’re able to interconnect all the different chemical reactions that are involved with saying inflammation. So there’s around 5,700 papers written on curcumin, we’re able to suck all those in, extract out the molecular pathways and really understand relative to the function of inflammation. How does curcumin work? Okay, so here, what you’re seeing is all the different bimolecular reactions of curcumin, and the red lines show where curcumin intersects and stops some inflammatory response. Same thing with Resveratrol, those are the blue lines. But one of the cool things we can do with CytoSolve is understand synergy. So let’s say I want to find out if I take curcumin and I take resveratrol together. Let’s say you find that in a pill. Today, if you go to the supplement companies and you say, hey, how did you decide to put x of curcumin and why resveratrol. And what you’ll find is typically 99% of these supplement companies have one guy who’s called a formulator. And he’s reading a few papers, right? And he’s, and you know, sort of figuring things out, there’s really no bottoms up scientific understanding. But with CytoSolve, what we’re able to do is I’m going to share with you in this example is we can get very, very mathematical, a little more precise. So here’s curcumin and resveratrol. And I can literally use these chemical equations or chemical dynamics to literally do a combination therapy, mathematical analysis. So there are four columns in this table. The first column is experiment number. Next column right here is the amount of curcumin I’m giving. Next column here is the amount of resveratrol. And the fourth column is a biomarker or an indicator of inflammation. So the lower the number is less inflammation, the higher the number is, which means you have inflammation. So if you look at the first row, no curcumin, no resveratrol, I have a high amount of inflammation .15, I just give curcumin, and the inflammation drops from .15 to .05, I just get resveratrol right here, experiment three. And it goes from .15 to .06. Okay, but here’s the power. Watch what happens in the fourth experiment, I just give a little bit of curcumin, you know, nearly 40%, less, 60% less resveratrol, three and two units, you know, total of five still, but look at the inflammation drops by another 50%. Okay, so just look at this and absorb this for a second. What I’m sharing with you here, what I’m showing you here something quite profound. It’s called the Synergistic Principle in systems, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So you would think if I put two and three, you know, it should go maybe a little bit between, you know, maybe five and six or a little bit less than .15, right? Right. Because if you go back to this, look, look at this here, right? When you gave 5 it went down .15 to .05. And when you gave five units of resveratrol it went from .15 to 06. So you’d probably say, Well, I’m giving a little bit of this, you’re probably going to be higher than this, right? Well it’s not the truth. The truth is that nature actually works, what’s called non-linearly. Very important principle, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So when you do the right combinations, even though you’re giving less dosages, you have what’s called a Synergistic Effect.
Just absorbs that for a second, because this concept occurs in many areas in nature. In fact, in the course I teach, which is called the Foundations of Systems course, I’ll be teaching it tomorrow evening, seven to nine. It is the science of really everything. Once you understand systems, you can understand you can apply systems to your body, you can apply it to systems around us, the healthcare system, we get applied to politics, but one of the important things is the Principle of Synergy and I’ll come back to this okay. Now, what I want to let you know is that when we talk about Neem, Neem has many chemicals. And over the last 16 years, you know, during the first 2003 2007, I created the technology CytoSolve was a very new technology, no one believed that would even work, right? Because we’re saying that we can really use a computer for very complex modeling. Then between 2007 to 2014. We did more research, we validated CytoSolve use in many, many different applications. During 2014. Around, you know, 2019, we had many corporations who produce supplements, and we help them figure out the combinations.
mV25 – Momentum to Move
But over the last 16 years, we’ve built many mathematical models. We have a whole inventory of them, we started saying, Hey, could we create our own product without waiting for the big guys, that could literally figure out the best combinations of ingredients and go through all the different computations for let’s say, pain and inflammation. And that resulted in the creation of a very powerful new combination, which we’ve put into a product called mV25. It’s our first VA SHIVA product to support the Truth Freedom Health movement. The mV25 momentum to move. Again, you can see it’s a Systems Biology Approach, and involves a combination of ingredients. And it’s a CytoSolve optimizer. What does that mean? As you can see, the back of the label here says, this was formulated using a Systems Biology Approach. And the technology here comes out of the invention I created for my PhD research. And in fact, this formulation results from us analyzing 1000s of peer reviewed papers over nearly 40 years research that was done in 68 research institutions. And we computed not a single, not two, but trillions, literally trillions of potential biomolecular interactions to find an optimal synergy of compounds that down regulate the biomarkers of discomfort and swelling. And when we say CytoSolve optimize. What does that mean? That means that this formula has been optimized to maximize the benefits, and bioavailability. But more importantly, as the Science Advances, so will this formulation, this is very important to remember, from a standpoint of look, science is not done, it’s constantly moving forward. So for example, if you look at Newton’s laws of gravity, F = G, which is a gravitational constant, times the mass of one object times the mass of the other object divided by R-squared, that gives a force between two objects. Well, that’s Newton’s law of gravity. Well, that has stood the test of time, or F = MA, right? Now, we all thought that was it, right? But then Einstein discovered that when things move a mass moves the speed of light, you have to make a correction. The point is, science is constantly changing, it’s getting more refined. So as we get more and more science, this formulation will also improve, but we’re very excited, because now we’re not only doing the research, we’re not only doing the formulation, but we’re actually creating our own product. And this product is really in the spirit of our movement for Truth Freedom Health. So I hope you guys order it, you can start pre ordering, it’s Clean Certified, and it supports our movement. And by the way, you can go to vashiva.com, and along the top, there’s a button called shop. And if you go to the shop area, you can find it and mV25. And there you go. So anyway, I hope you guys understand that the technology platform that we use to really unravel any of the ingredients that we look at relative to a particular product takes a Systems Approach. And I’ll come back to this because the Systems Approach that we take to understand the body, the Systems Approach we take to understand how an ingredient affects the body by the way, the ingredient itself is going to sound weird, it too is a system. Everything is a system. So the name itself is a system. So let’s look at the name and by the way, you can go and learn more about mV25. If you have any questions let me know.

So Neem, so what is Neem composed of, Neem is composed of more than 140 different compounds 140 You know, when we talked about moringa yesterday about 100 compounds, and again remember that National Academy of Sciences said this is one of the most important ingredients and from different parts of the Neem tree. Most of the medicinal benefits are derived from two groups of compounds Okay, of these, of the Isoprenoids, the DI and the tri-terpenoids, the non iso-isoprenoids, the Phenolic compounds, and the Glycoprotein, so there’s two and the two sets are. So there’s 15 active compounds with medicinal benefits found in Neem. And you can see these, I’m not going to go through all of them, but you can see them and you can see they have very different looking structures all the way to Azadirachtin, then you can see this very complex structure here. Too much simpler structure like Gallic acid here, C double bond OH is typically an acid over here to Quercetin and (-)-Epicatechin, And this occurs, also occurs in Green Tea, for example. So you can see it as quite a number of different compounds 15 different major active compounds. By the way, if you look at if you’ve ever tasted Neem, it’s very, very bitter. And one of them, you know, in India to get rid of worms, you know, typically in most cultures, either on the end of a week, you know, like on a weekend, you would get some concoction from your grandmother, which cleaned you how to worms, right? Or twice a year, you did some deep cleanse, but name was one of those things that helped remove parasites and worms. Always a very, very bitter taste, but very powerful effect. But these are the major active compounds in me.
Biological Effects of Neem
What are the biological effects of Neem? So let’s look at that many different effects. This is why the National Academy of Sciences says we should really look at it well, it’s got neuroprotective activity, protective brain, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antimalarial, hepatoprotective means their liver, anti-nephrotoxicity, right, which meant to protect your kidneys nephron, wound healing immunomodulator, which means shock absorbers for the immune systems, your immune system doesn’t go wacko, anti cancer, anti diabetic, so a whole range of biological effects. I think out of all the things that we’ve discovered, discuss, I think moringa had a lot of effects. But you can see Neem has an even wider range of effects: a very, very powerful, very powerful nutrient.
Health Benefits of Neem
Health benefits, it has a whole range of health benefits. And you can look at this right in the chemistry online library, right? But you can, what’s important to note is I want you to look at the first column here, you notice that in traditional medicines you use not just one thing, you know Neem is also called the Indian lilac trade. You use the leaf, use a flower, use the twigs, right, you use the bark, you use a fruit, you use the gum, which is a sap, the seed pulp, we take the seeds and you make a pulp out of it. The oil, the root, the bark, and the leaf and the flower that’s a combination and then and and and the fruit together so you can see the leaf is really really good for eye problems, intestinal worms, and a wreck anorexia which I didn’t know about this, until I saw this biliousness skin ulcers. The flowers are good for bile suppression, elimination of intestinal worms and phlegm, twig reliefs coughs, asthma, piles, sperm battery, obstinate urinary disorder, diabetes, the bark is an adult analgesic for pain. antipyretic fruit relieves piles, intestinal worms, you can see sort of the intestinal worms all throughout here right, getting rid of worms, again eye problems. Gum is effective against skin disease like ringworm, scabies wounds and ulcers, the seed pulp leprosy and intestinal worms same with the oil. Again, intestinal worms, you see that worms are in most parts, the root bark, leaf and flower, blood morbidity, biliary afflictions, itching, burning sensation and leprosy, many many effects. Today, we’re going to focus on the effect of Neem on the immune system. So we’ll review the immune system. Neem by the way, we could do a whole talk if you’re a gardener, right? Or if you’re into keeping bugs away. In traditional Indian, you know, farming, you would always use Neem as a way to keep the bugs away. In fact, I believe it was a German government or German some pharmaceutical company came to India and attempted to patent Neem. I mean Neem has been used for 1000s of years. So, a German pharma company tried to come to India and patent it and the Indian government obviously got very upset at this Indian people got upset at this. So they started creating a whole repository called TDKL Traditional Data Knowledge Library, because they wanted to start putting in this Knowledge Library, the history of Indian medicinal uses. So people wouldn’t go Patent them, this is a very smart idea. I applaud whoever in the government did this, because it was a way to protect the public to make sure pharma companies didn’t own all these traditional medicines.
Immune System
So anyway, but today, we’re going to talk about the immune system. And as I’ve talked before, again, in these discussions, I really like to give you guys a serious understanding of the immune system, the immune system is a very complex system. However, most of the immune system understands that you will learn if you go to medical school, or if you talk to the people on TV there are only two box model. Two box understanding the means is imagine if you looked at the whole solar system, and all you thought about there was just the Sun and the Earth, forgot about all the other planets and the asteroids and, and comments and the whole, amazing orchestra, the entire universe, and you just thought the whole universe was just the Sun and the Earth. Well, unfortunately, that is a way that most of science and medical school puts forward the immune system and it’s called what I call the 2 box, understanding of the immune system reductionist understanding the immune system. And in this understanding of the immune system, most of the emphasis, if not all, is the focus on what can you do to create an antibody? Okay, let me repeat that again. And this is what that model of the immune system looks like. It’s this two box model. And in that two box model, what they focus on is, well, if you get a pathogen, your innate immune system, which is represented, we go by here, where a pathogen comes in these viruses, right, in fact, when we go here, the virus comes in, and the early part of your immune system called the macrophage right here tries to eat up that virus through what’s called Phagocytosis. It envelops the virus and starts chopping at it. And when it chomps, at it, you see this little pink thing. That’s what it presents to the CD4 T-cells. And that’s called the adaptive immune system, which is this box. So, the immune system starts eating that virus eating at it, quote, unquote, eating at a chomps at it, and it presents to the adaptive immune system and antigen, okay, which is the chopped up pieces, this little thing here. In fact, if you look here, here’s a macrophage going to eat it up, and it squeezes through, by the way, these three little boxes are your epithelial lung cells. So imagine, here’s your airwave. Here’s a lining of your lungs, which goes around and this is your bloodstream. So the macrophage tries to eat up the virus it squeezes through here, and it presents to the CD4 cell, the chopped up piece of that virus, which turned on activates the CD4 cell to tell the B-cell here to create antibodies, which is a little Y guys, and it also tells the CD4 cell to create, to turn on the CD8 cell to blow up the infected cell, okay. So this whole thing is called the innate system and the antibody system, alright. And in this story, this narrative, the goal is once a B-cell creates antibodies, Wallah, you are fine. So to put it simply, the entire goal of this understanding of the immune system is your innate immune system, you know, seeks out like a Doberman sniffs out that virus starts attacking it. And as it’s chopping up the body parts, those body parts are called antigens, they turn on the adaptive immune system. Okay, which does two things, it creates antibodies, and it also creates cytotoxic T-cells, which go take out the infected thing. Now, this has been the foundation of the immune system for about 105 years. Okay? If you want to give him a good day, maybe, you know, a little bit like six years, but it’s about 105 to 60 years. And based on that understanding the immune system has been the trigger for making vaccines or the trigger for something like mRNA therapy, which is a goal is I want to create that antibody. And if I create that antibody, you’re great. Well, it’s actually not the whole picture. In fact, it’s a little piece of the whole picture. And that’s why I wanted to tell you the story of the blind men touching the elephant says something just touching a little like the tail and thinking the tail is the elephant. All right, while the reality is more than that. And this is the reality of The immune system, the immune system looks more like this. The immune system consists of not just the innate and the adaptive. It involves the interferon system, the gut microbiome, you have about 60 trillion bacteria, viruses, the neural system that interconnects the gut to their neural to the to your brain, through the gut brain axis. It’s a much more complicated system, okay. And this diagram is part of the discovery I shared at the National Science Foundation where I was invited as one of the leading guys on the immune system to give the talk on the modern theory of the immune system. Again, as I was saying, yeah, that 2 box model may have been good at a certain point. But now we know it’s much more complicated.
Interferon System – The Missing Link
But what you see at the center of this diagram, if you look is that orange thing called the interferon system. And why is that important? Well, you’ve heard about antibodies, but most of you until I started speaking about it didn’t probably know what interferons were. Interferons are a whole amazing group of chemicals. And there’s type one interferons, type two, type three, the interferons are in every cell of your body, antibodies may not be, but they have antiviral activity, when you get infected, interferons turn on. In fact, they also turn on 1000s of genes. And those sounds like a huge orchestra turning on to try to turn on other cells like natural killer cells, which take on the virus, or the bacteria or other pathogens long before long before the antibody system kicks in. And you got to understand an antibody is only good for that particular pathogen. If that pathogen mutates, you’re screwed. Okay, you got to create another antibody, you got to go get another vaccine. But the interferon system, you know, is invariant to that, okay, because it’s a very powerful system that turns on your innate and your natural killer and the interferon gamma, I mean, it’s literally the missing link. So next time you see your doctor, ask them to explain the interferon system. And if they can’t, you explain it to them, alright, because the interferon systems existence, and turning that on can be a very powerful way for you to boost the immune system. So when you look at the interferon system, we’ve talked about the innate and the adaptive, the interferons, you know, here are chemical structures. Here’s alpha and beta, which is called interferon one. As you know, as I’ve shared here, in the bullets, they exist in every cell, they create the anti viral environment, they’re present in virtually all cells, and they constitute the first line of defence against infection. But more importantly, what interferons do is, they literally interfere, they interfere with these processes. And it’s unfortunate that the interferons don’t get the credit that they deserve, because they’re literally the thing that connects everything together. They’re like the connective tissue of our immune system. So there are many interesting products, many supplements that support interferons If you want, I can do one, but one of them you can look into his NAC and acetylcysteine, which is the thing that is a precursor to Glutathione, very powerful. But the interferon system, for example, there are people who will get infected by some virus, okay. They saw no symptoms. In fact, they weren’t even antibodies, but they got infected, but they’re fine. Why? Because the interferon system turns on, and the interferon activates a barrage of the CD8 cells and natural killer cells, which gobble up the infected cells. Remember, the goal in fighting a virus or pathogen is you don’t want them to use your body. Okay? As a host, like watching that movie aliens to replicate themselves, just think about the movie aliens, the thing comes in and replicates itself. So right when you find an infected cell, you want to take it out, okay? And the sooner you can keep the viral load low, your body is going to be better and better and better. In fact, there’s one theory which says, All pathogens, pathogens are the cause of all disease. And most of health should be to boost your immune system against these pathogens. Vitamin D3 is an antimicrobial. But so start thinking about it that way, the power of the immune system. So if you focus on the goal, a Systems Approach versus just focus on one piece of antibodies, you’re going to have a much better systems approach, you’re going to have much better results because you’re looking at the whole elephant. You’re not just looking at one of the parts. And this is a problem with the world that we live in today. Because the media, those in power, want to always have you focus on one little piece or two pieces, okay? Ultimately it is one piece: the establishment, the left wing and the right wing, Trump or Bernie, Democrat or Republican, left or right, pro or anti, everything they make, Pro-Vax or Anti-Vax. That’s really it’s a very stupid adolescent way of looking at it. The real issue is to boost immunity. As I just shared a Systems Approach raises your consciousness you go from being a little child in your thinking of the world into a much more enlightened being. The establishment wants you to be sort of fat, dumb and happy. Look at everything as Oh Pro-Vax & Anti-Vax, Pro-GMO, Anti-GMO, Pro-Trump, Anti-Trump, Pro-Democrat, Anti-democrat. This very stupid thinking, at VA SHIVA, I want to elevate your consciousness because I spent my entire life trying to understand a Systems Approach to understanding the body. And that journey brings me to you to educate you, on that Systems Approach. Right? And that’s why I do what I do. You’re going to learn about Neem but you’re going to be much more profoundly about a Systems Approach. That’s what’s really important to understand.
Effect of Neem on Immune Health
So this is a system so let’s look at the effect on Neem on immune health. Well, Neem modulates immune response via the anti-inflammatory mechanisms and Neem activates the adaptive immune system. Neem is known to be antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. So now look at this. You’ll notice that Neem has a number of chemicals and again it works through NF-kB Everyone here is going to become good friends or not like NF-kB, but you can see Neem has Azadirachtin, Nimbidin, and Nimbolide. Three of these molecules suppress the transcription factor NF-kB. So what’s the transcription factor? NF-kB, turns on your DNA to make chemicals. Okay? There’s certain things called transcription factors. They’re chemicals that land on your DNA and stimulate them to make gene products. So the gene products are typically cytokines as you can see here. So these cytokines, there’s four of them, IL-1a, IL-1b, IL-6 and TNF-a, and these three cytokines cause inflammation. And then there’s this enzyme COX-2 which creates PG-2 which causes inflammation, 5-LOX, creates leukotrienes, a little bit different pathway. These are called molecular pathways. And so NF-kB in this case, is called upon, which typically creates inflammation. Well guess what? The three chemicals and Neem do they suppress NF-kB in such a way. So it has a very powerful effect on stopping inflammation. And Neem active compounds in the seed oil, particularly in the seed oil, which are these three compounds, inhibit NF-kB, thereby inhibiting expression. So, remember I talked about there’s many ways you can get Neem, we’re talking about the seed oil in this case, okay, it’s a seed oil. The next thing I want to talk about now look at this, we’re going to look at the interferon system. So, look at what Neem does, Neem increases interferon gamma and the higher amount of interferon gamma you have that means increased production of the adaptive and innate immune cells such as Th1 cells and cytotoxic T-cells. So, what interferon gamma, it increases an increase in this opens up your cytotoxic T-cells, to go blow up the virus and the Th1 what this does is it stimulates IL-2, IFN gamma again here and TNF-beta to go turn on the adaptive immune system stimulation, and we need to understand as a cytotoxic T-cells, these directly kill the virus and mitigate the infection. They’re effective against polio virus and herpes simplex virus type one. So, look at this, what we’re looking at here, the Neem turns on the interferon gamma system and the gamma system is a type two interferon and the interferon gamma system as this two part effect, okay. It turns on your adaptive immune system as you’re seeing here, but it also turns on the cytotoxic. Cyto means cell, toxic means deadly to the infected cells. So cytotoxic T-cells and as you can see here, the cytotoxic T-cells directly kill the virus and mitigate infection against poliovirus and herpes simplex type one there Powerful. This is why I mean, I think as I mentioned, to those of you joining the National Academy of Sciences is one of the most powerful you know, ingredients known on the planet for global possibilities, antiviral effect, Neem leaf extract turns on the interferon system. Now, let’s move on.
So let’s move on to the antibacterial nature of Neem. Antibacterial nature of Neem. So, remember, I shared with you that when I grew up as a kid in India, we didn’t have toothpaste, and no one could afford toothpaste in those villages, no running water, no electricity, you know, on your way out into the woods, you know, to do your early morning deeds, you know, as you’re walking by the Neem tree, you take a twig, you know, you we typically take off the end of it, strip it, chew it, and use it to brush as you’re walking along, to go take a bath in the lake, etc. and you chew it so you get that bitter taste going through your mouth, you spit it, but it has a very powerful effect of cleaning the dental plaque and this is how it does it. Okay the Neem bark, Neem seed oil extract. The Neem seed oil is effective against several bacteria. Okay. E. coli, which causes diarrhoea and UTI and staphylococcus, listeria, salmonella, and P-gingivalis, and also these bacteria do not develop resistance to Neem. So as you can see here, if you look at the dental plaque, okay, the name seed oil extract breaks up that dental plaque. Remember, bacteria don’t develop a resistance to Need. Remember, if you take antibiotics, right, what happens? The bacteria are very smart, they’re mutating, and they’re clever, they can mutate, but they don’t develop a resistance to Neem again, the power of nature. Man Made antibiotics can always…make the organisms much smarter. But when you’re using nature against nature, it’s much more powerful. So you can see the neem has many, many different antibacterial activities. In fact, I think you’ll find toothpastes these days where people throw in Neem. Okay, the next thing I want to talk about is the antibacterial and fungal activity. And we’ve seen this before the Azadiractin, from the Neem oil disrupts the cell wall, it literally blows up the cell wall and leakage takes place. And this is good against bacteria as well as fungi and the cell wall disruption leads to the leakage of the intracellular content. So if you notice, I’ve walked you through understanding the powerful effects Neem, which itself is a system, has on many of these very powerful chemicals, it turns on the interferon system which has a multiplicative effect. It lowers inflammation by knocking down NF-kB, which affects three major pathways and inflammation, the COX-2, the 5-LOX pathway which creates leukotrienes and stops that, as well as the host of the four different cytokines.
Truth Freedom Health®
But part of me sharing this with you is, you know, my journey I grew up in India, as I’ve shared with you where I experienced a caste system. And I was very curious as to why that system existed. I grew up watching my Grandmother do all these healing combinations of things to understand your body as a system using an ancient system of Indian medicine, and I wanted to understand that, but my journey over the last 40-50 years, came across, you know, four degrees in engineering, my PhD work, ultimately I came across to understand that everything in the universe is a system. Everything in the universe is a system. And in fact, every system has nine common principles. And what I’ve done is put that into a framework that I can teach that to anyone because if you can understand those nine principles of what we call everyday systems and intelligent systems, you can understand frankly anything from a systems level. And when you have that knowledge, you will see your body as a system, you will see everything as a system. In fact, you’ll see politics as a system. In fact, out of those nine principles, or those nine phenomena, three are at the heart of it, transport, conversion and storage, which I talked about in my course. And everyone should sign up for this, we put the banner here so you guys know where to get it. Okay, and go to vashiva.com/join below. But what I teach people is that using that science of everything, the system, science of everything, you can also see the Synergistic Principle occur in all aspects of nature. So if you go to politics, for example, you will understand that Truth Freedom Health. Truth shouldn’t be studied in isolation, neither should freedom. So typically, the nerds and the scientists are into truth, the freedom loving people, to people who support the Second Amendment, let’s say, and the health people are the yoga people. But the reality is, we need all three, we need the quote, unquote, the rednecks and the yoga people and that people want the First Amendment and the second among people we may call yoga, Nazis, you know, and the nerds all to come together because without freedom, without the people who support the First Amendment, Second Amendment, we can never get to truth. Because we won’t be able to do open discussion, open discourse, censorship will prevail. And with freedom, we can understand the nature of the world’s truth. And with truth, we can understand what’s right for our bodies, like what I just went through, right? What did I just go through, what you just learned was, the real issue is the immune system is a complex system. And when we suffocate truth, we’ll all think about its just antibodies. So the movement for Truth Freedom Health is a Systems Approach. And when you take the course, you’ll understand this in a very deep way. And what I’ve done is, I want all of you to experience this. So I created the platform vashiva.com, I’m going to play my video I normally played in the beginning, but I want to play it now for all of you. So everyone here understands where I’m coming from and how this is related. And then we’ll come back, and then we’ll finish up Neem. So let me just take a little break here saying, take a cup of tea here. I want everyone to contribute, support, whatever you can. And by the way, when you give to us, I give back to you in terms of education. For those who give $100 or more, you get the Truth Freedom Health warrior training program. We’ll talk about that shortly after. And if people just want to learn, I want all of you guys to get the book ‘System and Revolution’. And ‘Your Body, Your System, which is a software I’ll talk about. And that’s the people generously give $25 or more, or you can just join as a member and you can get access to the other aspects of the platform. So please take up an important break here and listen to what our movement is about.
Good to have you back. So let me just what I want to let you know is the platform that we’re building is a Systems Approach to learning a Systems Approach. What do I mean by that? Well, the system’s approach is to combine three things: education, community building, and then activism activation, it’s not sufficient that you’re just a bookworm. And you listen to my talks, and you and I can teach you systems, etc. That’s only one one of the three pieces. The second thing is you must commune with other people. You know, as you learn stuff, your consciousness is going to raise, you’re going to start seeing the world in a different way, you’re going to go beyond Trump, or you’re going to go beyond Bernie, you’re going to go beyond the left and the right, you’re going to go beyond Republican, Democrat and maybe a lonely place to be. Because you’re going to be seeing, it’s like basically imagine you being in kindergarten school, right? And then you go to high school and imagine someone tells you to go back to kindergarten, okay? It’s the you’re going to be out of, you’re not going to be in your same room, you’re going to want to be with other high school people or other people where you can learn more from and that’s what this training will do to you. Whether it’s good or bad, you will have to make a decision, but it will raise your consciousness to start seeing things beyond left or right. So what we’ve done is first, I want to educate you. The second piece is to allow you to build community, independent of Twitter and Facebook and Google so we’ve created our own infrastructure. We have our own data center, we have our own servers, and that’s coming from your support. So we plough all that back in and building our servers in our data center, a data center that I built, you know, many years ago put a lot of money into it, millions of dollars, and we used to serve the largest fortune 1000 companies we know how to run our own data center and then We want you to take a role in activism at the local level. And we’ve done all those three things, education, building community, and active locally. So I’ll just share with you a little piece of, by the way, the principles that you learn, you can apply to anything in the world. So to make that very simple, let me go back to my PowerPoint slides here. I’ll just summarize some of those important tools. So when you go, and you sign up, you get access to a dashboard. On this dashboard. First, you get education, both videos and knowledge and books. I want you to be educated or you can choose to be enslaved, you will understand this diagram in a very profound way. What is this diagram, it is an engineering Systems Approach to understanding the world. And you will understand this, so you don’t have to go to MIT for two or four years, okay, I’ll teach it to you in about an hour, literally, then you’ll get access to a book called ‘System and Revolution’. And then you’ll start understanding how your own body is a system. And by the way, I haven’t done this before. But I’ll just show you right here, if you go to me share the screen here. And we go to the tool, ‘Your Body, Your System’, which you can, by the way, go sign up independently. You can purchase it, it’s a tool that I built, but as a part of the people who contribute, they get this as a part of their contribution. But here is what you can use this tool for. It’s called ‘Your Body, Your System’ took me about 20 years to build this, you answer some questions, and I’ll figure out your body in this realm of transport, conversion and storage. So let’s say that’s your body, which by the way, the red dot can move anywhere, that’s you, the black dot is where you are today, based on dysfunctions, you didn’t get enough sleep, you’re tired. And then the goal is to bring the black dot back to the red dot. And you can figure out using the tool, it’ll guide you to figure out the right tool, the foods, the right supplements, the right yoga exercise, the right massage, just like my Grandmother did. Okay. So this is a tool, so you don’t have to go all the way over to some village in India, it lets you understand these principles. So anyway, that is ‘Your Body, Your System’. So that tool I give to anyone who you know, wants to contribute to us. So anyone who gives us you know, $25 or more gets the book, you and both the book and the tools, okay? Now, your people who want to give me more, so I give you more, right, I give you then access to a portal where you can help your friends and loved ones with that same tool, then you can get access to scientific papers, you can educate people on turmeric, and ginger, these are about I think, 50 to 100 pages each these papers, and then you get access to all the courses online. So you can study on your own and you can get certified as a Foundations of Systems graduate, then you can get three more books, where you’ll understand how systems apply to your life, your body. And then you also get access to the scientific paper I wrote because the Foundations of the Science of Systems. And then that’s for people who’ve been generous, giving out $100. But these things are worth way more than that. But that’s only the education, okay. But then once you get educated, I want you to build community with others. So independent of Facebook, independent of Twitter, you can come in and there’s a forum. And by the way, in this forum, you can go start your own topics, interact with friends, you know, have arguments, have discussion, you know, freedom of speech, and you can see all the different kinds of things people just doing under health. And you also have a social media portal. And these are for our Truth Freedom Health warriors, they can build their own pages, they can have their own, essentially their own hangout and interconnect with people. And then I want you to get activated, you can for example, learn the science of masks, then you can go educate your neighbors, we have these little three and a half by two inch cards, where the front of it has our branding and says look, go to vashiva.com/masks learn really the science that on the back of it, you can very quickly teach your neighbors Hey, look, these masks will affect the oral microbiome, your oral health. And you know what here are the public health implications. You can also teach him to go beyond this adolescent vaccine anti vaccine discussion. The real issue is we got to boost immunity, and one size doesn’t fit all in the public health implications. So I want all of you to take advantage of this because you’re not going to get this education anywhere else. And as I did a long video yesterday, it’s really up to you. Okay, either you can remain in kindergarten either you can remain little teeny boppers and participate in the world of WWF wrestling. Or you can raise your consciousness and learn how to solve problems and see things as systems. The future of the world is systems. And if you can think systems, you can think your way to finding the real problem and the real solution. That’s the scientific foundation Truth, freedom help. So a lot of people talk to me, they start talking politics to me and I say, Look, I don’t really want to talk to you right now, because you don’t have the training. It’s like you’re, you’re, you’re imagine talking to imagine an Olympic athlete, talking to imagine an Olympic athlete listening to a person who’s never skied. And that person is talking about skiing. How ridiculous would that be?
So if we’re going to change the world, there is a science. So let’s raise our consciousness. And by the way, there’s not a lot of Olympic athletes. Okay. I think there’s maybe what 1000, maybe Major League Baseball players. But those people have a lot of effect. Maybe 50 or 100 people know how to build a nuclear bomb. So the issue is not, we don’t need to convince everyone. My goal is to convince 50,000 people to get this training, and then it’s over for the establishment. Because we’ll have 50,000 beings, like Jedi Knights, who are very powerful people. That’s what this warrior training is about. This is not for people. We’re not ready. It’s not about convincing people. It’s about basically raising people’s consciousness. So you go to vashiva.com/warrior, you can go to vashiva.com/join, if you want to just support it, if you want to just hang out with people, you can go join the forum. But I encourage all of you to do this for yourselves. I want to talk about Neem again, but I want to talk about the dosage thing. And I want to wrap up with a different approach. So now, everything I spoke to you about Neem thus far, was a molecular Systems Biology Approach, which is what CytoSolve is about.
Eastern Systems Approach
But now I want to talk about it, from the Eastern Systems Approach, there is another way of looking at Neem, which is that Systems Approach, transport, conversion storage, what you will learn in the course, but I just want to let you share with you is sort of a glimpse of this. By the way, when you go to ‘Your Body, Your System’, as I mentioned, you will understand that your body is a system. By the way, your body or anything in the universe can be seen as transport, conversion and storage. And when you answer these questions, you will understand that your body can be here or it can be here based on these questions. That’s your homeostasis. That’s where your body’s off course. So the point is, food can literally move your body and move more transport, more conversion and more storage. Okay, well guess what Neem does and by the way, you can get the book and go sign up. That’s a supporter thing. Well the name increases Vata. Okay, movement, right? movement, like bowel movement, okay. You take the Neem, it’ll get your bowels moving. It stabilizes Pitta, digestion and it stabilizes Kapha, so you don’t put on weight, but it really helps cleanse stuff out of you. That’s what Vata means. What I’m sharing here was, this is really the triangle of transport, conversion and storage. This is systems theory. So transport is having to do with motion conversion, conversion and things like digestion storage is things like your skeletal or your bone, things that sustain you. And what you find out is when you take the analysis of ‘Your Body, Your System, you’ll find out that you can move the systems in your body by what you take. So for example, if you look at Vata the aspects of motion to name increases motion, bowel motion, bowel movement, cleanses stuff out of you. Okay, Pitta it stabilizes, it means your stomach, it stabilizes Kapha, don’t get phlegm, don’t gain weight gain those kinds of things. Yeah, the point here is that you can look at Neem as something that increases motion, people are asking about worms and parasites. Well, that’s when Neem does, it gets stuff out of you.
So look at it, study it. Now let me talk about dosage. And people always say, Well, how much should I take? So again, this is not a medical show. Go talk to your doctor. I’m not here to recommend that but I’m going to share with you what the science says. According to the science, a maintenance dose is about 12 millilitres, millilitres, not litres millilitres per day of neem oil. For congestive heart failure (Shah et al., 1958) They found it can take about 250 grams a day of sodium nimbidinate, which is an active compound found in Neem. For anti-ulcer effects (Bandyopadhyay et al., 2004) So, you can take about 16 to 20 milligrams per day of the Neem bark extract.
So we look at this as having an anti ulcer effect. Now mean in summary inhibits inflammatory enzymes such as COX-2 and 5-LOX, thereby modulating the runaway host immune response, Neem activates the adaptive immune cells through the interferon system to directly kill cells, inhibits plaque formation reduces bacteria great for your, you know, in your toothpaste. Neem kills bacterial and fungi via disruption of the cell membrane. There you go, that’s Neem. Very, very powerful, supportive system for your immune health. You know, you may want to just go check out the Neem toothpaste. A number of people have been asking me, you know, if I’m going to come up with products with Neem, we are seriously starting to think about, you know, I do these educational stuff, we run CytoSolve, CytoSolve service is moving towards using our technology to help the world look, Big Pharma does its thing, fine, people want to go take that I’m not going to I stay away from that. So we’re thinking of really pointing the guns of CytoSolve to go after every major ailment in the world to deliver natural products by doing this combination. So the mV25 product is our first. First someone says they love the Neem, toothpaste and soap. Someone said CytoSolve was amazing. It is you know, a lot of people have written to me saying Shiva, why don’t you just do CytoSolve all day and forget all this politics, but to me, I can’t separate them. The political basis is based on systems theory, the body’s based on systems theory. And for me, you know, by the way, we call ourselves Truth Freedom Health warriors. And I want to wrap up on this, you know, growing up in this very ancient, traditional culture of healing in most cultures, and I think we’re in this period of a very holy time that’s coming with the resurrection of Christ Easter. So to me, I love it’s one of the most important holidays but you know, the concept of a warrior or an a healer, what’s happened is we’ve separated them in the traditional system of Indian medicine, the by the, or VAIDYAR, by the or a healer, is also a warrior. You don’t separate the healer from the warrior. You don’t. The person who fights against evil in the world, you know, in the political world of the person who goes to fight for your body is the same person Healer is a warrior. Think about that. So if you look at what we do at VA SHIVA, we’re healers and we’re warriors. We want to teach you how to heal your body. But we also want to teach you how to fight. There’s no difference between healing and fighting, we’re both going against darkness, we’re both going against death. Let me repeat that the healer and the warrior the term in the Indian ancient words are the same healer and warrior are the same. The healer to fight against death, the warrior goes to fight against that healer goes to fight against evil, you know, the worms and the pestilence in your body. So does a warrior. So our Truth Freedom Health warriors are actually healers, we want to go heal the cancer in the world, we want to go heal the cancer within. And that’s why you cannot separate politics from medicine. You can’t. And that’s why I want all of you to become Truth Freedom Health warriors. The principle of Truth Freedom Health is directly related to principles Vata, Pitta and Kapha. And the thing that binds it is System Science. And that’s what I’ve discovered, it’ll probably be my greatest discovery and innovation, bigger than Email and CytoSolve. And I can say that now with just pure humility and honesty, and that’s the gift I want to share with all of you, and I need your support. Because we need to build our platform. We’re doing it for you. So if you want to contribute, please do so it’s all going into building our platform. Stop giving money to the democrats, stop giving money to the republicans are all scumbags. And that’s it’s like no different than a worm or worms are parasites. Get rid of the scumbags out of your system. Support the movement for Truth Freedom Health. Support yourself. This is your movement. Do it for yourself. Get out of kindergarten thinking. Thank you. Be the light, be well.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.