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In this presentation, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, and Engineer, exposes the Trump-Kennedy deception and reveals that these two puppets serve the SWARM to sell us mandated and reductionist medicine. Join to learn how to and build the movement for RSVP @ to join the Open House at 11 AM EST or 8PM EST THURSDAY, where you can directly interact with Dr.SHIVA and ask him questions and get real answers. Full Blog Post:

Key Takeaways:

  • The “Not-So-Obvious Establishment” is More Dangerous Than the Obvious One: While Fauci, Biden, and Hillary are easy targets, the real manipulators are Trump and RFK Jr., who pretend to be anti-establishment but serve the same interests.
  • Trump & RFK Jr. Both Promote mRNA and Gene Editing Technologies: Trump pushed Operation Warp Speed and AI-powered mRNA vaccines, while RFK Jr. invested in CRISPR despite claiming gene editing is dangerous.
  • mRNA Can Be Reverse Transcribed into DNA—A Fact They Ignored: Despite early claims that mRNA couldn’t integrate into the human genome, new research contradicts this, revealing unstudied long-term risks.
  • Real Change Comes from a Bottoms-Up Movement, Not Political Saviors: The Truth Freedom Health® movement is about people taking control of their health and future—NOT waiting for false heroes like Trump or RFK Jr.

“If you are confused by someone’s words versus their actions, you are being played.”

The Political Scam You Need to See

There’s a massive con being played on you. And it’s not just from the people you already know are corrupt—Fauci, Biden, and Hillary. No, the more insidious deception comes from those who pretend to be on your side. Those who sound anti-establishment, but when you look at their actions, they are playing for the very same team.

I’m talking about Donald Trump and Booby F’n Kennedy.

They are not your friends. They are not your fighters. They are not your heroes. They are part of a political bait-and-switch operation, a masterful con that keeps you enslaved to the very system you think you’re resisting.

How do I know? Because I’ve exposed these frauds firsthand.

In 2020, when I was leading the fight against lockdowns, Booby F’n Kennedy was supporting them. When I was exposing Fauci long before it was “cool,” Booby F’n Kennedy was nowhere to be found. When I was calling out the dangers of mRNA technology and the corrupt collusion of Big Pharma, Booby F’n Kennedy was lining his pockets with investments in CRISPR gene-editing companies—the very thing he claimed to oppose.

Booby F’n Kennedy is not some rebel. He is a lying, manipulative fraud, designed to distract you from real revolution.

And I know this because I’ve been around him, I’ve witnessed his hypocrisy up close, and I’ve had to do the hard work of exposing him when no one else would.

But you won’t hear this from the mainstream media. You won’t even hear it from the so-called “alternative” media, because they’re in on the scam.

Let’s break down the con.

The Not-So-Obvious Establishment: How Trump & Booby F’n Kennedy Play You

The biggest trick the elites ever pulled was not just controlling the media, the politicians, and the corporations—it was controlling the opposition to their own system.

If they can’t stop you from waking up, they will lead you into another illusion, giving you false idols to worship, fake heroes to believe in, and rigged fights to cheer for.

That’s what Trump and Booby F’n Kennedy are.

Trump fooled conservatives by pretending to be a warrior against the Deep State, while:

  • Pushing Operation Warp Speed, handing billions to Big Pharma.
  • Letting Oracle’s Larry Ellison stand on the presidential podium and promote AI-powered mRNA vaccines.
  • Saying NOTHING against Big Pharma’s control—because he was working for them all along.

And Booby F’n Kennedy?

Booby plays the “anti-vaccine” hero, but what did he actually say?

“I am pro-vaccine. I believe we need policies that encourage full vaccination of all Americans.”

Yes, those are his words.

And for those of you who still can’t accept the truth, go visit—where I’ve compiled every single one of his lies, contradictions, and outright betrayals.

Booby F’n Kennedy: The Hypocrite, Predator, and Political Fraud

Booby F’n Kennedy is not an activist. He is a privileged aristocrat, a silver-spooned fraud who uses his last name as a shield to steal credibility from real fighters.

And I know this firsthand.

In 2020, when our movement was on the ground, fighting against the lockdowns, Booby F’n Kennedy was nowhere to be seen.

Not only was he silent—he was actually SUPPORTING the lockdowns.

While businesses were destroyed…
While children were isolated and abused…
While people lost their livelihoods and their freedoms…

Booby F’n Kennedy was telling people that the lockdowns were necessary.

I called him out. I exposed him. And you know what his response was?

Did he debate me?
Did he defend his record?
Did he prove me wrong?

No. He lied.

He went on a smear campaign against me, trying to make it seem like I was some kind of agent for Big Pharma. The same bullshit the establishment always pulls when they can’t answer real criticism.

That’s when I knew: this man is not just a fraud—he is a complete and utter snake.

A History of Lies, Manipulation, and Abuse

Let’s go beyond politics for a second. Let’s talk about character.

Because a man who will lie about his politics is also a man who will lie about everything else.

Let’s look at Booby F’n Kennedy’s personal life:

  • He vaccinated all six of his children, while telling you vaccines are unsafe.
  • He invested in CRISPR gene-editing, while claiming gene editing was dangerous.
  • He endorsed pro-vaccine-mandate politicians like Hillary Clinton and Joe Kennedy.
  • He required COVID vaccination for guests at his own home in 2022.

But that’s not even the worst of it.

Booby F’n Kennedy is a predator.

His own cousin, Caroline Kennedy, called him a manipulator, a liar, and a predator. She exposed him for what he is: an opportunist who abuses his name, abuses people, and abuses trust.

His own wife couldn’t take it anymore. She suffered under his constant lies, manipulation, and infidelity, until she hanged herself.

And what did Booby F’n Kennedy do?

He used her death as a PR stunt. He posed for the cameras as a grieving widower, and then—the very next day—he had her body exhumed and buried in an unmarked grave.

And this man wants to be your leader?

This is not a fighter for freedom. This is a sociopath.

And if you need further proof of his mental sickness, just look at his psychopathic hobbies—like throwing live animals into a blender to feed to his birds of prey.

This is the man people think is fighting for them?

No. He is not your hero. He is your enemy.

The Science They Ignore: mRNA Can Alter Your DNA

While I was exposing mRNA technology and the corruption of Big Pharma, what was Booby F’n Kennedy doing?

He was stealing my work and presenting it as his own.

But even then—he never told you the whole truth.

Because here’s what you really need to know:

mRNA vaccines CAN permanently alter your DNA.

For years, we were told that mRNA could not be reverse transcribed into the genome. This was a lie.

New research now proves that modified mRNA CAN be reverse transcribed into your DNA, with unknown long-term effects.

Kennedy knew this.

And while he was pretending to be the anti-vaccine savior, he was investing in gene-editing companies.

He is not fighting against Big Pharma. He is running interference for them.

Reductionist Science vs. Systems Science

Here’s what the establishment doesn’t want you to understand: Your body is not a machine that can be “reprogrammed” through gene editing.

This is reductionist science—the belief that you can tinker with a single gene or inject mRNA and control the body like software. It’s the same arrogant, elitist thinking that has driven modern medicine into the hands of Big Pharma, treating symptoms while ignoring the entire system.

But real health is not about gene edits or injections. Health is an emergent property of a complex system, and it can’t be reduced to a single drug, a single intervention, or a single gene​.

The Truth Freedom Health® Movement is based on Systems Science, which recognizes the interconnectedness of your body, your environment, and your choices. This is the only way to truly achieve health, and it’s exactly what the establishment doesn’t want you to understand.

The Establishment Runs on Systems—And So Must We

The elites don’t rely on individuals to maintain control. They rely on systems.

That’s why every political deception follows a predictable pattern—a closed-loop system that keeps you trapped while making you think you’re fighting back.

At the core of this deception is a systems process, consisting of Transport, Conversion, and Storage.

Here’s how it works:

  • Input – Present obvious enemies (Biden, Fauci) as the “bad guys” to rally against. This generates energy from the masses, directing their frustration into a controlled channel.
  • Transport – Move public anger through the system by feeding it into pre-selected opposition figures like Trump and RFK Jr., who act as release valves for dissent.
  • Conversion – Transform genuine grassroots energy into controlled political theater. Real movements are diverted into safe, establishment-approved narratives, ensuring the system remains intact.
  • Storage – Bank public support in controlled opposition groups, keeping people contained within the system instead of breaking free. They become emotionally invested in false heroes, preventing them from seeking real change.
  • Controller – Introduce fake opposition (Trump, RFK Jr.) to regulate and guide the energy flow. These figures say just enough to keep people hopeful, while ultimately doing nothing to challenge the establishment.
  • Sensor – Monitor and adjust public sentiment—when people start waking up, the system introduces new distractions, scandals, or rebranded opposition figures.
  • Output – Maintain control while making people feel they’re “fighting back.” The illusion of resistance prevents actual revolution.
  • Disturbance – When real, independent movements arise, they are silenced, co-opted, or smeared through censorship, legal attacks, or character assassination.

Every system has feedback loops. If the establishment detects too much unrest, they tweak the inputs—replacing one “enemy” with another, one “savior” with another.

That’s why you see waves of controlled opposition.

One day it’s Trump vs. Biden.
Next, it’s RFK Jr. vs. Fauci.
Tomorrow, it’ll be another carefully placed false hero.

It’s all theater.

To break this cycle, we must build our own bottoms-up system, rooted in real knowledge and action.

That’s exactly what Truth Freedom Health® is doing.

The Only Solution: A Bottoms-Up Movement

Stop looking for saviors.

The biggest scam of all is getting you to believe that change comes from political heroes. It doesn’t.

Trump won’t save you.
Booby F’n Kennedy won’t save you.
The government won’t save you.

You have to save yourself.

That’s why I created Truth Freedom Health®—the only real movement fighting for YOU.

What You Can Do Right Now:

  • Educate Yourself – Learn how systems work so you can see through deception.
  • Expose the Frauds – Share with at least five people today.
  • Build Real Community – Join our Truth Freedom Health® movement and take real action.

Join the movement today: |

Be the light,
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

Transcript Below.

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You are invited to attend an OPEN HOUSE with Dr.SHIVA this THURSDAY at 11 AM EST or 8 PM EST.

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Dr.SHIVA is committed to health, education, and innovation.

Dr. SHIVA’s most recent innovation is the Truth Freedom Health® SYSTEM that is an educational, community, and technology platform that is enabling everyday people to become wiser and smarter – to think beyond Left & Right, “Pro-” and “Anti-” – by learning the SCIENCE OF SYSTEMS – to see events and things as they truly are to know the real problem to innovate the real solution.

To learn more about the Truth Freedom Health® System, visit: or and either contribute to this educational movement or become a Warrior-Scholar.

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Be the Light!


Twitter: @va_shiva

The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.


All right, so let’s start again.  Welcome, everyone.  This is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.  Today we’re doing our talk.  Suresh, can you throw up the title,  please?  The talk is gonna be on Trump and Kennedy,  the bait and switch that they’re doing,  which I predicted, not only predicted,  but have been hammering on  and we’re going to then go  to a deeper discussion on  mrna vaccine technology  that booby kennedy and  trump both support that’s  what it all came out in the  so-called senate hearings  and the fact that booby  kennedy is an investor in  multiple companies which um  use the gene editing  platforms like crispr so  that’s what we’re going to  talk about but the  important thing everyone  needs to understand um  is that our movement for truth, freedom,  health exists,  and we’re the ones  consistently telling the  truth at the right time.  So I’m going to go to our open house.  Those of you who want to join us,  you can go to, I’ll put it up here, slash orientation,  and you’re welcome to join  us there if you want to  participate in a one-on-one discussion.  So I hope you guys come  there or you can listen in on here.  So I’m going to go over to our open house,  right, Suresh?  Can you bring in the open house, Suresh,  so people can see who we have?  Yeah.  So I’m going to mute myself  and I’m going to go over there.  Suresh, can you bring it in?  Joining us.  Yep.  So this is our open house.  And so I’m going to go over  there and I’ll see you guys over there.  Suresh, I’m going to exit here, okay?  Okay.  Looks like Dr. Shiva just joined us.  All right, everyone.  Good evening.  Good evening.  I guess assume you guys, Matt,  you’ve introduced everyone.  Everyone’s introduced themselves.  Yes.  All the new members have  introduced themselves.  Yes, sir.  Okay.  And you’ve run through all the videos.  Anyway, the topic of today’s,  I’m going to say co-host here,  you guys are hosts.  The topic of today’s  discussion that we’re going  to have is going to be a very,  probably one of the most  in-depth scientific  discussions we haven’t had  in a long time that we’re  going to do for everyone here.  So you may want to take some  notes as a follow on to the  discussion we had last week,  last Thursday.  But let me jump right in.  And the discussion, what I’ve called it,  is Trump-Kennedy bait and  switch mRNA vaccines versus real health.  So you see a picture of a  snake and we’ve imposed  Kennedy’s head on it.  And it’s not something  that’s frankly dramatic.  It’s something that’s real.  And we’re going to walk through this.  But let me give you an  outline we’re going to discuss.  So first of all,  you see the establishment is very clever.  This is what we teach people  in our movement.  They create the obvious establishment.  It’s easy to see Fauci’s fucked up, right?  Biden, Hillary.  But the real devils are  people like Trump or  Kennedy or Bernie Sanders  or Elizabeth Warren.  And you go down the list, Tulsi Gabbard.  These people who talk anti  establishment rhetoric in  our morning discussion, someone said,  well,  but he says some nice things and  then people get all confused.  If you’re getting confused by people.  Understand this is a very  powerful technique.  If you don’t have clarity of mind,  if someone’s evil or good  and you’re still trying and  they confuse you because  they say a whole bunch of  things that sound good,  but then you look at their actions,  it’s completely reversed  and you’re confused by that  and you start double thinking yourself,  more than likely you’re  going to be hammered, okay?  That’s a way to get an  animal all confused and  then you go shoot it in the head.  That’s what this is about.  So this is a systemic  process that the elites are very,  very good at doing.  The Democrats and  Republicans play this game.  You know, for many years,  people used to think the  Democrats were the party  against war and the  Republicans were pro-war.  The only difference is tactics.  The Democrats would tell you, to your face,  we’re going to go bomb you, right?  The Republicans would figure  out a different way to do  the exact same thing and say, no, no, no,  no, we shouldn’t go bomb people.  Let’s install a dictator there.  You know, have one of our people there.  They always know how to  screw you in a way that  you’ll swallow the bitter pill.  So this is the difference  between the swarm.  They have differences in tactics.  But anything that you see  that sounds dramatic and  you get called into it and  entertained by it,  more than likely it’s pure drama.  So over the last few days,  everyone’s been watching  these hearings of Booby fucking Kennedy.  And that’s his name,  Booby fucking Kennedy.  And Booby fucking Kennedy  We’re going to walk through this.  We’re going to walk through, first of all,  the work that I’ve had to  do in relentlessly to  expose this fool for what he actually is.  And part of that exposition  is really to educate all of  you that the real enemies  of working people are not  the obvious establishment,  but the not so obvious establishment.  And your own growth  And this is all about you.  Our movement says save  yourself occurs when you  have the gumption,  when you have the courage  and you overcome all your  confusion to expose these fools.  You saw Bernie Sanders and  Kennedy acting like they’re  on different sides.  They both want to fully vaccinate everyone,  okay?  They both support and are  supported by big pharma companies,  both of them.  It’s all fucking theater.  So if you don’t understand  that physics of what’s going on,  you’re going to be  basically made dumber and  disabled and demoralized, okay?  So that’s the dynamic.  So what I want to do this  evening is last week,  I shared with you the fact  that Trump gave the  presidential seal podium to  Larry Ellison just to review.  And what Larry Ellison is, you know,  in my view, a CIA Mossad agent,  the quote unquote CEO of Oracle.  Fully funded by many,  many government projects.  But Oracle is the database  infrastructure that’s  pretty much used in the  largest companies in the  world to store people’s data.  Your credit card data more  than likely somewhere  stored in an Oracle database somewhere.  And Oracle owns that infrastructure.  So Larry Ellison and Trump  gave him the podium,  said that we must develop  mRNA AI-powered vaccines.  The technology platform’s amazing,  and we should do it.  And Trump’s there cheering them on.  And remember,  Trump has also anointed  Boobie fucking Kennedy to  be his Secretary of Health, okay?  Who did not say anything  against Larry Ellison.  Did anyone here since last  Thursday to today  Hear Kennedy say any  critique of Larry Ellison?  Anyone?  And all these idiots who  gave money to Boobie  Kennedy and who think  Trump’s their savior are saying, oh, well,  Bobby’s waiting.  He’s waiting for the right time.  He’s going to do this.  He’s going to do that.  He’s going to do shit.  And we predicted that last week.  So in last week’s conversation,  I gave everyone a reference  to a number of videos I’ve  done on what is mRNA,  what is the mRNA technology platform.  I’ll review that briefly.  And I told you guys that at  the end of that,  I said that one of the  important things  scientifically to understand, can mRNA,  be reverse transcribed back into your DNA.  A paper that came out in  Nature back in twenty  eighteen written by three  of the leading guys in the  world on this said, oh, no,  this can never happen.  Absolutely not.  And they cited thirty eight  studies in twenty eighteen  saying there’s no way that.  MRNA can go back into your  DNA and be integrated into your.  DNA.  However, that was when, by the way,  mRNA technology platform  was proposed nearly thirty years ago,  thirty two years ago as a platform.  For therapy, so it’s not new.  But in twenty eighteen,  the concept of using it as  a platform for vaccination  was put out there in this nature paper,  and they basically said  there’s absolutely no reason for concern,  it’s absolutely safe.  So anyway,  that’s what I shared with you last week.  And the promise I made was I  was going to share with you  data that in fact,  the mRNA vaccine can be  reverse transcribed, okay,  back into human genomes.  This is significant.  Larry Ellison didn’t say shit about this.  Booby fucking Kennedy  actually knows about this.  And he went and invested that came out,  twenty-four hours ago,  forty-eight hours ago,  in a gene editing company for CRISPR.  C-R-I-S-P-R.  is a technology for putting  pieces of genes back into  your DNA for theoretically  solving genetic diseases.  This is based on no  understanding of epigenetics, okay?  And frankly,  a very rudimentary  understanding of even what a gene is.  Boobie Kennedy,  who was attacking Fauci a  year later after I attacked him,  stole most of my material, said, oh,  Fauci’s into gene editing.  This gene editing stuff is horrible.  And I’ll show you all this evidence.  In fact, in twenty twenty one,  when Boobie Kennedy owned  stocks in CRISPR therapeutics.  He was putting out on post saying, oh,  this CRISPR is horrible technology.  It can manipulate the DNA,  can cause cancer.  Yet he was invested in  CRISPR therapeutics AG, okay?  I hope you understand these  people are really fucking scumbags.  If you’ve ever been around Boobie Kennedy,  you feel pure evil.  I’ve been around that motherfucker.  I did a movie with him.  And when the cameras came,  he goes into this mode as  though he’s a fighter for civil rights.  Do you understand these guys  do not do anything?  This is a shtick.  You have not been around them.  They fool you.  And anyone out there who  thinks these people have  any sense of good in them,  you need to fucking slap  them upside the head with this video.  These are not good human beings.  And what’s really wonderful  is Caroline Kennedy,  who’s also another evil scumbag herself,  who’s the daughter of John Kennedy,  because obviously they have  some familial sibling rivalry.  She’s probably really pissed  off that Booby uses John of  Kennedy’s image to promote  himself and knowing what a scumbag she is,  she put out a video.  And it’s very fascinating.  We’re gonna watch this video.  Anyone seen the video?  Oh, well,  everyone should see this video  because it’s really cool  when one head of the snake  bites another head of the snake.  It’s great to watch.  And we should throw kerosene  on it so they burn themselves up.  Because you will realize the  depravity of Boobie Kennedy  This is a guy who fucked  thirty eight women,  created a fucking diary.  When his wife read it, he basically said,  go fucking hang yourself, you know,  and not in those words.  And she did hang herself.  And after she hung herself,  he got the best PR agencies  to take pictures of him  solemnly praying over her coffin.  And I talked about this.  in the Kennedy Cemetery  compound where only the  Kennedys get buried.  So they took all, oh my God,  poor booby fucking Kennedy.  The next day he had her body  exhumed and put in an unmarked grave.  I have to do this fucking  ridiculous shit work  because you guys should be  doing this work, exposing these people,  not me, with such relentless viciousness.  You must do this.  so you can wake up the world  that these people are evil.  And Caroline Kennedy’s  statement says it openly.  He’s a predator.  He fucking was fucked up.  He got so many people addicted on drugs.  He’s a fucking, he’s a predator.  He has birds of prey to throw mice,  kittens, you know,  animals,  chickens in a blender and get  statistically excited as he  fed him to his prey.  Okay.  How many of you can do that?  It gives a glimpse of how  fucked up this person.  You can see it in his face.  We have any sense of face  reading looks disgusting.  It’s pretty sick, guys.  And no one should have any  remorse for these people  because they victimize you  trying to make them seem  like they’re victims.  But I’m going to walk you through.  You’re going to go through science.  You’re going to learn a lot  tonight like I’ve always done.  But it’s time that all of you,  and many of you come to here,  and many of you have supported us.  You’ve gotten on the ground,  handed out flyers, done the work.  But those of you who are becoming leaders,  you better run your fucking  weekly meetings every day.  Run your monthly meetings.  Get people focused and disciplined.  We’re at a very important  point in human history.  And what do I mean by that?  There’s two philosophical  worldviews of how this world operates.  One view is…  the constantine view okay  which is in many ways which  states basically we as  humans will dominate nature  we will dominate nature we  will figure out its laws  and we will dominate we’ll  ride nature there is a  different philosophy which  says that let us understand  nature’s laws how it  actually operates and  figure out how to flow with  it I take the latter view  But we’re at an important point,  and this is after me going  to all these big technology institutes,  because we can do very  reductionist things to fuck with nature.  But we don’t know all the  ramifications because of  the complexity of the system.  Billions of years took place  to make sure certain mRNAs  were there in your body, certain genes,  certain proteins,  certain molecular pathways.  This just didn’t poof occur.  And if you have any sense of engineering,  if you ever worked on  anything in your home, anything you do,  mechanical or electrical,  you can’t just go screw  around with anything.  You have to understand the entire system.  So the worldview is we as  humans will dominate the world,  dominate nature.  So when we figured out what the genome was,  the next step was could we  manipulate the genome?  Could we edit the genome?  then where does that lead to  well that path of thinking  ultimately if you just play  it out it’s not science  fiction it leads to you  becoming genetically  modified and integrated  with machines it leads to a  path which is where you  dominate nature and when  you go down that path life  has very very little  meaning there is another  path which is what our  movement’s about truth  freedom health which is  there are fundamental laws  of nature which we teach  that are systemic laws,  that you can use those laws  to understand how your body is a system.  You can use those laws to heal.  You can use those laws to find,  among the ten to the power  of thirty-six compounds in nature,  how you live a lifestyle  with others and yourself  for a long and prosperous life.  That’s what we’re about.  Very fundamental difference.  Very fundamental difference.  One is human, one is anti-human.  One is anti-God, one is anti-nature.  And this fundamental aspect  philosophically, spiritually,  emotionally must be  understood because that  must ultimately drive  science or technology.  Without that framework,  you will just go do  whatever the fuck you want.  And you probably have heard  mythologies or some level  of science saying there  were these Atlantean cultures,  which they figured out all  sorts of things to do.  Yeah,  they figured out how to put a  monkey’s head on a human,  a human’s head on a monkey.  And people can, you can do this.  Is it the right thing to do?  We can do all sorts of shit.  But what drives that  research and the  development of that technology?  It is to live in harmony  with nature’s laws or to dominate nature.  And this is a fundamental  question that human beings will ask.  And it’s a question that all of us,  all eight billion of us  must participate in,  not just a few fucking people.  And it’s only going to  happen if you want to save yourself.  If you want to raise your consciousness,  if you value your own humanity.  But if you don’t,  you’re going to be sitting  on the sidelines being entertained,  watching social media,  sending me stupid videos.  Please don’t send me stupid videos.  I don’t watch them.  Go watch our videos.  There’s more than enough  content here for you to get educated on.  Go talk to other people in our movement.  Build community because we  are actually building a  bottoms up movement.  They’re not building movements, guys.  So this is a foundational difference.  So when I do these videos,  it’s to educate you.  So hopefully you get inspired and you say,  holy shit,  this guy doesn’t need to do this.  He’s giving us actual analysis of science,  making it easy to understand.  So I go help build a movement.  That’s why I’m doing this.  That’s my interest.  So going back to last week,  Trump has around him pure deception.  By the way,  he’s giving all the weapons to  Israel that Biden did and more.  They’re going into Gaza  faster than Biden did in  the amount of time Trump’s been in.  They’ve unleashed everything, given,  you know,  removed all sorts of hindrances  for Netanyahu.  And you have them telling you,  we’re going to do AI  powered mRNA vaccines for you, untested.  So,  and what I’m here to share with you is  two very important research papers,  which no one talks about,  which were written in the  leading journals that clearly show mRNA  nucleotide, you know,  really what’s called  modified NRNA can go back  into your own genome.  And there’s only been one  study done on this.  Isn’t that incredible?  You put out a new technology  platform and you didn’t  even study this aspect of, you know,  genome toxicity.  Just one study was done.  One was done at the  Whitehead Institute and I  forget where the other one was done.  I’ll bring it up, okay?  All right,  so let me review some background on this,  because I just want to make  sure everyone’s caught up, okay?  So this is the talk we’re  going to go over this evening, Trump,  Kennedy, bait and switch, mRNA vaccines,  and then we’re going to  discuss what is real health.  So many years ago, in  When I figured out who  Boobie Kennedy really was,  and I was hammering him, I think I did,  Crystal may remember,  I did video after video  after video exposing him.  Because a number of women  had told me how he tried to,  was a predator,  tried to literally rape them.  And I saw it in my own eyes  how he tried to undermine  our movement in New Jersey.  when mothers were standing up.  And I said, this guy’s full of shit.  And then his own attorney, Aaron Siri,  came to our event in  Cambridge and tried to tell  me that I should help  create safe vaccines.  I said, what did you say, Aaron?  He said, oh, don’t tell anyone else.  Total fucking scumbags.  I had to do the dirty work  in of exposing Kennedy.  And I was hammered by that.  Twenty,  thirty percent of these women who  loved me so much, oh,  you should work with boobie,  started viciously attacking me.  Mercola was one of them, total scumbag.  His girlfriend.  So when this happened,  after I hammered Kennedy,  he wrote a blog post.  He said,  because of the attacks I’ve  received by Dr. Shiva,  I must defend myself.  Yeah, because you know why?  No one attacks a Kennedy.  Have you noticed they have like a shield?  No one ever attacks them  because they got shot.  They’re so poor Kennedys.  They’ve suffered so much bullshit.  They haven’t suffered.  They caused any harm unto themselves.  They’re not victims.  They’re the perpetrators of crime.  John F. Kennedy fucking beefed up the CIA.  He tried to fuck over every country.  He brought in Kissinger into  the White House.  And the only reason he got  upset at the CIA was  because they fucked up the Bay of Pigs.  He wasn’t against the CIA.  He was America’s number one  fucking imperialist.  We should really release the, as I said,  the Marilyn Monroe files.  That woman got fucked over, okay?  Not him.  They were both fucking her.  So please don’t have  sympathy for these people.  So nonetheless,  It was, by the way,  it was john Kennedy was  signed into law the.  which created all the  corrupt agencies and it was  his brother Ted Kennedy who  killed a woman here and got  away in Massachusetts.  Who then created the who  sponsored the bill for the.  which protected all the big  pharma companies and then  you have booby fucking  Kennedy who’s going to act  like he’s against vaccines,  but not really he’s for safe vaccines,  but he vaccinated all his kids.  right but he’s going to make  you feel as all these  platforms come out that  he’s going to say they’re  safe oh booby said they’re  safe that’s where this is  all headed all right so  when I expose kennedy and  no one exposes bobby I did  that work and crystal will  tell you how much  opportunity I could have  been an opportunist  To be his best buddy,  hanging out with Bobby in Malibu.  Fuck no.  Guy’s full of shit.  We did the hard work of exposing him.  We lost lots of followers.  Alex Jones attacked me.  All these fools.  Okay?  So, Bobby Kennedy, booby fucking Kennedy,  writes a blog post.  Saying, Dr. Shiva’s hammered me,  I must speak up.  He runs a vaccine company.  This is how the Kennedys play.  When you expose them, they get dirty, man.  They just make up shit.  He is friends with Bill Gates.  I’ve never even met Bill Gates.  We have a, on our Echo Mail site,  we say we get ten percent  off on Microsoft products.  He’s a partner with Bill Gates.  He’s close friends with Hillary Clinton.  All the things, by the way, he is.  So we sued him in federal  court for ninety five million dollars.  He kept running, never accepting service.  And he’s a lawyer.  That’s a very unethical thing to do.  After we served him, my own lawyer said,  oh, I really like the Kennedys.  I don’t know if I really want to do this.  OK, didn’t serve him properly.  in Boston, which is a Kennedy home.  Total fucking scumbag.  Do you guys understand how  these guys play?  And you can go look at Joe Kennedy  or the father,  who all he was about was public relations,  public relations.  They had the best PR agencies.  They create stories.  Hamela.  John Kennedy, by the way,  Marianne will tell you,  was one of the most  reckless motherfuckers you’ll ever find.  He was a fool.  He almost got us into a nuclear war.  It wasn’t the Russians did it.  He did it.  The stories has to be told  the truth about the Kennedys.  They’re not good human beings.  But in India,  every little hut will have a  little picture of Kennedy.  That’s how far reaching their PR is.  Seriously.  All right, so I had to do that exposition.  We still have that case outstanding,  just runs away.  He made up lies because no one,  particularly someone like me,  Who are you to attack a Kennedy?  Fuck you.  We will attack him.  That’s why I call him booby  fucking Kennedy.  And you should call him that.  Do not show respect to these people.  So anyway, I said back then,  and I’ll bring this up.  So if you go to the site,  so this is back in twenty twenty.  So after he put up that  thing within twenty four hours, me,  Bruce literally built this  website overnight.  We started after his blog  post went up at two p.m.  By five a.m., we built a website,  We registered the domain,  put all the shit up.  When someone fucking punches  you in the face, man,  my great grandfather said,  never go for a fight.  But if someone hits you,  you fucking destroy them.  And you have to have that attitude.  against these people.  All right.  So let me show you that website.  So what was that website?  So we put up this website, Paul,  Everyone should go share it with everyone.  And this is now in twenty twenty.  Mind you, in twenty twenty,  booby fucking Kennedy was  promoting lockdowns.  March eleventh is when the  pandemic is announced.  March twenty third.  I’m writing a letter to  Trump saying do not lock  down the country.  He’s promoting lockdowns.  Who did the right thing, guys?  I did.  I’m the fucking hero, not him.  All right.  So what did this website say?  Let’s go to it, okay?  Let’s go to the website and  you should share it with  everyone you freaking know.  So what does this website say?  Let me go to  guy’s evil so I put this  website up right after he  attacked me I said robert f  kennedy vomits big lies  when exposed with truth  party over five facts  versus five lies so this was a site  In his own words, he says,  I want to say it emphatically.  I am pro vaccine.  We’re telling this in twenty  twenty to all these  grifters who now are like, oh,  I don’t know about Bobby.  He said this back then.  I believe that we have to  have policies that ensure  full vaccination of all Americans.  And I think I played that for you guys.  You want me to play it again?  I’ll play it again.  Then Robert F. Kennedy says  he’s an environmental activist.  He endorsed Hillary Clinton  three fucking times.  She’s as Monsanto as you get.  Robert Kennedy, not once, not twice,  three times,  knowing she was one of the  biggest proponents of Monsanto.  And yet he runs an  environmental activist  organization saying he’s  against Monsanto.  Do you see how these people  play both sides?  When I ran,  he went and raised money  against my opponent, Joe Kennedy,  who was for vaccine and  mask mandates in Massachusetts.  He was on Epstein’s client list.  And this is the network he plays in.  And so we put all of this up  and you guys can go see it.  Everything’s up here.  He’s endorsing Hillary Clinton.  Hillary Clinton got the most  amount of contributions  then from big pharma.  Everything’s up here about him.  Everything, everything, everything.  The hypocrisy of this  fucking piece of shit.  So that was in twenty twenty.  All right.  Didn’t get any sleep that night.  We put that out and we hammered it.  Had to drop everything else  and go do that.  All right.  So that was twenty twenty.  Then I decide to run for president.  And all these people are  thinking Boobie Kennedy,  everyone remember, right?  Kennedy, Kennedy.  Oh, my God.  He’s the opposition candidate.  So I challenged him to a debate.  So let’s go there.  The good thing is all of  this is so beautifully documented.  That’s what I love about  some of this stuff.  So I think let me stop this.  You guys got to tell me if  you’re seeing the right  screen because I have so  many screens up today.  Do you guys see the screen?  What screen do you see?  X. Okay, good.  So  When I decided to run for office,  I can close this one down now, okay?  I queued these up for you guys.  This is the post I put up.  If you can see this here, okay?  It’s a threaded post because  I wanted to educate people.  The first post, I said,  candidate to candidate,  I challenge booby fucking  Kennedy to debate me.  I was being polite to him then.  a scientist and immunologist  and activist for medical  freedom on his massive  contradictions concerning  his positions on vaccines.  First,  he says he’s for full vaccination  for all Americans on the video.  So let me play this video so  everyone actually hears this again.  If you’ve heard it before,  you need to share this with  as many people as possible.  And if you don’t do that,  you’re actually doing a disservice.  So here’s Boobie Kennedy.  This is, you know,  Jake Crosby is the one who  got this video for us.  We used to work for him.  Safety.  I want to start out.  Minister Farrakhan has asked  me to address the issue of  vaccines and  African-American and vaccine safety.  I want to start out by saying this,  and I want to say it emphatically.  I am pro-vaccine.  I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine.  I had all six of my children vaccinated,  and I believe that we ought  to have policies that  encourage full vaccination  for all Americans.  And I believe that we ought  to have policies that  encourage full vaccination  for all Americans.  vaccinated and I believe  that we ought to have  policies that encourage  full vaccination for all Americans.  Children vaccinated and I  believe that we ought to  have policies that  encourage full vaccination  for all Americans.  Okay,  so that was the first video in this  thread, okay?  And I shared with people the facts.  People like, oh, he didn’t say that.  And there’s an MD woman who said, oh,  but you didn’t listen to the whole video.  Yeah, I said, go through the whole video.  It’s there, where he continues  to say, and he rants, I said, then RFK Jr.  rants for nearly ten minutes,  as seen in the full video,  which is linked right here,  that these vaccines are not  safe since they were  authorized by corrupt  government officials.  And then he says how he is  going to fix that by  getting corrupt government  officials to produce safe vaccines, okay?  So that’s a shtick.  Third,  ask yourself if Bobby knew corrupt  government officials,  the CDC and other agencies  authorized unsafe vaccines.  As he has claimed for years,  why would he vaccinate all  of his six children with  sixty plus vaccines and  then cast aspersions on  vaccines for your kids?  So if you say in this video,  he’s saying all these kids  were vaccinated, the government,  the CDC is corrupt.  and they produce unsafe vaccines,  yet knowing that he  vaccinated all of his children.  Does that make any sense to anyone?  Then ask yourself why you  ordered all of his guest  entries in his own home in  twenty twenty two to get  COVID vaccinated when he’s  been railing against the  mRNA vaccine being unsafe  and an experiment that  violates the Nuremberg Code.  That’s what he said.  The mRNA vaccine violates  the Nuremberg Code.  It’s an experiment.  Yet everyone entering him and.  Whatever this relationship  he has with this,  I don’t even know what this is.  decided that you had to be  vaccinated if you entered his home.  When this was brought out, he said, oh,  I don’t wear the pants, my wife does.  Blamed her.  Okay?  Contradiction.  Then,  ask yourself why you endorse both  pro-vaccine mandating  Hillary Clinton for  president in twenty sixteen, three times,  and his nephew Joe Kennedy  for US Senate in twenty twenty,  in the middle of all of the pandemic.  both to repeat are rapidly  for vaccine mandates ask  yourself why did fascist  rfk junior support strict  lockdowns lockstep with  fauci and yet made money  attacking fauci in and  wanted to jail climate  change skeptics for  exercising their first  amendment rights this guy um  is the guy who blocked me after doing this,  okay?  He was a Kennedy freak.  Ask yourself why Kennedy  wants the very same corrupt  government agencies he  rails against through the  video to now create safe vaccines.  The truth is he’s a scumbag opportunist,  mess of contradictions,  and doesn’t want to address  a real problem.  which is the nineteen sixty  two kennedy vaccination act  based on an outdated  science of nineteen fifteen  that created a very corrupt  government bodies now that  control our bodies and I  said as president it’s not  the nineteen eighty six act  I’ll replace a nineteen  sixty two act with one  based on precision and  personalized medicine to  support natural immunity  you see the difference  They wanna mRNA inject you  with foreign substances to  give outsourced immunity.  Your immune system can boost itself.  And I’m gonna come back to this.  So this is a position of our movement.  Our body has powerful  mechanisms to boost immunity.  So the other thing that just occurred  This just occurred during the hearings.  As you know,  Kennedy has to file a  disclosure statement.  When you are running for any  federal office, I had to file,  Crystal had to file these  huge financial disclosure statements,  right?  Kennedy had to file a  disclosure statement.  In the disclosure statement,  he thought he scuttlebutted away,  he owns massive stocks in  two major gene editing companies.  The tweet that I did under Jack Dorsey,  the previous administration at Twitter,  would have gotten ten million views.  You know how many views it got?  It got like five thousand views.  Let’s look at that tweet.  And then we’re going to go  into discussing immunity, okay?  So here’s that.  So I said Boobie fucking  Kennedy owns stocks in  leading gene editing companies for CRISPR,  technology to alter human DNA,  which Boobie said causes  massive damage to  chromosomes and leads to cancer.  So again, here’s the evidence.  It’s right in front of you.  Any health influencer  supporting forked-tongued  Boobie Kennedy is naive or  paid by him or CIA Mossad.  There’s this guy, Zek or someone,  he was tweeting out, yeah,  Boobie must become the HHS secretary.  And even if he doesn’t, meditate, eat well,  take care of your health.  You see how these grifters work?  They’re like him, walking contradictions.  And this other woman who  steals all my material retweets that.  And I’m like,  This guy’s,  look at the contradiction here.  This is what he wrote in September,  twenty-seven, twenty-one.  Research on CRISPR gene  editing for gene therapy  application shows it can  lead to massive damage to  chromosomes known as chromodripsis,  which can lead to cancer or  an inherited disease in any  children of the affected patient.  Single catastrophic event in cell history,  aberrant repair, cancer.  He puts that out.  Children’s Health Defense puts that out,  which is his money  laundering organization.  Fucking drug addict.  Does whatever the fuck he wants.  Bullshitter.  So he puts this out.  And then, again,  I have to go dig all this shit up, guys.  So this is the second thing.  After Booby begged vaccine  father Trump for a job,  he now discloses to  Congress he owns stocks in  CRISPR Therapeutics AG,  the leading publicly traded  DNA gene editing company  that devolves CRISPR that  he said leads to cancer.  And here it is.  This is his disclosure  statement that he had to file.  He has to write it.  And in there,  he has to put the fact that  he has equity in CRISPR.  It’s right there.  And Dragonfly,  which is right here in Cambridge,  both gene editing companies.  And when did he invest in these?  In twenty twenty.  And look at the stock,  how it boosted up twenty twenty one.  He made a shitload of money off of this.  Booby now claims that he  will divest his stocks  before assuming his role,  knowing divest means moving  it to a blind trust instruments.  The truth is Booby made  millions from the explosive  growth from the CRISPR  stock during COVID in the  in and beyond when he promoted lockdowns.  Anthony Fauci and Booby  Kennedy both love gene  editing technology such as CRISPR.  Booby and Fauci are on the same page.  Any public display of  difference is pure theater.  And here’s a wonderful video  that Fauci did promoting gene editing.  So here you go,  it’s right in front of you.  Total scumbag.  Then this gets even more interesting.  Caroline Kennedy, who I don’t care for,  so I had to do a meme that  made it clear that I don’t  support either one of them.  They’re both two heads of  the Kennedy snake.  And they both believe in  full vaccination of all Americans,  puts out a video, okay?  And I’m gonna play this for you.  This will give you an insight  into everything I discovered  about him in twenty twenty.  And I had to educate all  these Kennedy cocksuckers  who begged to Kennedy.  They want Bobby to sleep with them.  Many of these women, they really do.  They want to be with a Kennedy.  Because of all the shit that’s been built,  all the PR, it’s all PR.  Just made up anyway.  So here’s Caroline Kennedy.  Think about close cousin, the Kennedys.  She puts out this video.  I think we should all listen to it.  Let’s listen to this.  I think half of you have heard it, right?  Most of you,  it looks like half of you have not.  Sam, you haven’t heard it, right?  No.  Ryan, have you heard it?  Okay.  Charles Young, have you heard it?  Maria, have you heard it?  Okay.  Let’s listen to this video.  And this is the wonderful  Caroline Kennedy doing a  public service announcement.  So let me start this here.  These facts alone should be disqualified.  Dear senators, throughout the past year,  people have asked for my  thoughts about my cousin,  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  and his presidential campaign.  I did not comment not only  because I was serving in a  government position as  United States ambassador to Australia,  but because I’ve never  wanted to speak publicly  about my family members and  their challenges.  We are a close generation of  twenty eight cousins who  have been through a lot together.  We know how hard it’s been  and we are always there for each other.  But now that Bobby has been  nominated by President  Trump to be secretary of  Health and Human Services,  a position that would put  him in charge of the health  of the American people,  I feel an obligation to speak out.  Overseeing the FDA, the NIH, the CDC,  and Centers for Medicare  and Medicaid Services,  agencies that are charged  with protecting the most  vulnerable among us,  is an enormous  responsibility and one that  Bobby is unqualified to fill.  He lacks any relevant government,  financial, management,  or medical experience.  His views on vaccines are  dangerous and willfully misinformed.  These facts alone should be disqualifying.  But he has personal  qualities related to this job,  which for me pose even greater concern.  I’ve known Bobby my whole life.  We grew up together.  It’s no surprise that he  keeps birds of prey as pets  because Bobby himself is a predator.  He’s always been charismatic,  able to attract others  through the strength of his personality,  his willingness to take  risks and break the rules.  I watched his younger  brothers and cousins follow  him down the path of drug addiction.  His basement, his garage,  his dorm room were always  the center of the action.  where drugs were available  and he enjoyed showing off  how he put baby chickens  and mice in a blender to  feed to his hawks.  It was often a perverse  scene of despair and violence.  That was a long time ago and  people can change.  Through his own strength and  the many second chances he  was given by people who  felt sorry for the boy who  lost his father,  Bobby was able to pull  himself out of illness and disease.  I admire the discipline that took  and the continuing commitment it requires.  But siblings and cousins who  Bobby encouraged down the  path of substance abuse  suffered addiction, illness, and death,  while Bobby has gone on to misrepresent,  lie, and cheat his way through life.  Today,  while he may encourage a younger  generation to attend AA meetings,  Bobby is addicted to attention and power.  Bobby preys on the  desperation of parents of  sick children vaccinating  his own kids while building a following,  hypocritically discouraging  other parents from vaccinating theirs.  Even before he fills this job,  his constant denigration of  our healthcare system and  the conspiratorial  half-truths he’s told about vaccines,  including in connection  with Samoa’s deadly,  twenty-nineteen outbreak of measles,  have cost lives.  And now we know that Bobby’s  crusade against vaccination  has benefited him in other ways too.  His ethics report makes  clear that he will keep his  financial stake in a  lawsuit against an HPV vaccine.  In other words,  Bobby is willing to profit  and enrich himself by  denying access to a vaccine  that can prevent almost all  forms of cervical cancer  and has already been safely  administered to millions of  boys and girls.  During my time in Australia,  I worked on the Quad Cancer Initiative,  and I learned that cervical  cancer is among the top  three forms of cancer among  women in a majority of countries.  Tragically, every year,  more than two hundred  thousand children lose their mothers.  They are orphaned due to a  lack of vaccines and screening.  Those are the real world  consequences of Bobby’s  irresponsible beliefs.  We are a close family and  none of that is easy to say.  It also wasn’t easy to  remain silent last year  when Bobby expropriated my  father’s image and  distorted President  Kennedy’s legacy to advance  his own failed presidential  campaign and then grovel to  Donald Trump for a job.  Bobby continues to  grandstand off my father’s  assassination and that of his own father.  It’s incomprehensible to me  that someone who is willing  to exploit their own  painful family tragedies  for publicity would be put  in charge of America’s life  and death situations.  Unlike Bobby,  I try not to speak for my father,  but I am certain that he  and my uncle Bobby,  who gave their lives in  public service to our country,  and my uncle Teddy,  who devoted his long center  career to the cause of  improving healthcare, would be disgusted.  The American healthcare  system for all its flaws is  the envy of the world.  It’s doctors and nurses, researchers,  scientists,  and caregivers are the most  dedicated people I know.  Every day they give their  lives to heal and save others.  They deserve a knowledgeable  leader who is committed to  evidence and excellence.  They deserve a secretary  committed to advancing  cutting edge medicine to save lives.  not to rejecting the  advances we have already made.  They deserve a stable moral  and ethical person at the  helm of this crucial agency.  They deserve better than Bobby Kennedy.  And so do the rest of us.  I urge the Senate to reject  his nomination.  Sincerely, Carolyn Kennedy.  Dear senators.  So I want to play that for you guys.  We know she’s full of shit.  We know she’s part of the scam.  But when people come out like this,  when one head of the swarm  attacks another,  you get some really deep insights.  So you have to look at that  in a very wise way.  I mean,  I think most of you are smart enough.  You know which part I’m  talking about is nonsense  because Kennedy also  believes in full  vaccination of all Americans, okay?  They’re acting like they’re opposite sides,  but the reality is in my view,  Caroline Kennedy probably  is disgusted that he used  her father’s image.  This is a personal thing.  That’s what this is really about.  But because of that,  we get some deep insights  about the character of this individual,  which matches my own experience.  Now, irrespective of that,  I wanna end with this piece  before I go on to  explaining to you how the  immune system works.  is this is booby kennedy  when he was asked about  operation warp speed over  the last four years he’s  attacked operation warp  speed has he not it’s  horrible it’s horrible it’s  horrible trump is up it’s  bad but when asked what he  thought about operation  warp speed we’re going to  play the video what he  actually said and by the  way during his  cross-examination by the  senate he says he believes  in all the childhood vaccine schedules  He believes in giving all  the SSRIs for psychiatric patients,  everything he supports.  Over here are the abuse victims who say,  well,  Bobby had to say that to get confirmed.  Really?  Do you think I would have  said that to get confirmed?  I don’t think so.  I would have used that  podium to reach a billion  people to expose their corruption,  not to get a position in government.  Who the fuck wants that?  If you truly stand for principles,  you would use that podium  to go viral to all eight billion people,  wouldn’t you not?  Do you follow what I’m saying?  He wants a job in government.  That’s what he wants,  so he can have his picture  up somewhere in lights.  And so again,  understand that any one of  your friends says, well,  maybe this stuff is good.  Maybe Bobby had to do that  to get confirmed.  Even Mike Adams, again,  no matter how many times I tell Mike,  Mike is still thinking that  way because Mike needs to  sell shit and keep all the  MAGA people around.  He’s a fucking opportunist.  I may have to slam them  really hard and never,  ever speak to him again.  It’s full of shit.  So let’s go to that, okay?  And this was what was really,  yesterday was all about doing this, guys.  And we need more people out there.  You guys shouldn’t be doing this.  So I can go do other stuff  and help people grow our movement, okay?  But this is what I was doing all yesterday,  creating this content to  share contradictions of this fucking fool,  okay?  Evil, not even fool.  Fools are actually bright.  So here is, let’s go over to this.  So here he’s being asked  about operation warp speed.  So what does he say?  I’ll just say about, I’ll just say,  I’ll just.  Okay, this is what he says.  And I’ll just say about  operational warp speed,  it was an extraordinary  accomplishment should  demonstration of leadership  by President Trump.  And I’ll just say about  operational warp speed,  it was an extraordinary  accomplishment should  demonstration of leadership  by President Trump.  And I’ll just say about  operational warp speed,  it was an extraordinary  accomplishment should  demonstration of leadership  by President Trump.  And I’ll just say about  operational warp speed,  It was an extraordinary accomplishment,  sure demonstration of  leadership by President Trump.  It was an extraordinary accomplishment,  sure demonstration of  leadership by President Trump.  I’ll just say about  operational warp speed.  It was an extraordinary accomplishment,  sure demonstration of  leadership by President Trump.  I’ll just say about  operational warp speed.  So you’ve heard it fifty times.  OK, now,  why did I play that that many times?  So you could see the  opposition to what the  motherfucker actually was  tweeting out to all of his followers.  OK, before all this.  OK, to behave like the actor,  like he’s against all this,  against Trump and opposition.  So here he is.  And I put I found all these screenshots.  You can go find them.  Kennedy previously, quote unquote,  denouncing acting like he’s again.  So this is in twenty twenty.  Operation Warp Speed is  living up to its name.  U.S.  government has awarded  eleven billion dollars to  seven different companies  to develop vaccines or  accelerating development processes.  Increasingly has increased  likelihood of cronyism plus  undue political influence.  So saying this is bad, right?  It’s corrupt.  Then Radical is shutting  down the country with no due process,  pushing Operation Warp  Speed on an experimental  pharmaceutical product and  giving Dr. Fauci,  who now admits social  distancing wasn’t based on science,  a presidential commendation.  Look, he didn’t even talk about this.  That was our content.  When is he saying this?  One thirty one twenty four, guys.  OK,  I look forward to debating our records.  Here’s another one.  OK.  The legacy of Operation Warp Speed.  As president,  I will make sure that this  never happens again to the  American people.  I’m Joe Rogan.  Despite rhetoric to the contrary,  President Trump has a  weakness for swamp creatures,  especially corporate monopolies,  their lobbyists and their money.  After promising to drain the swamp,  instead he hired the swamp  creatures to regulate their  own industries.  Operation Warp Speed and the  lockdowns were the most  devastating impact of  President Trump’s weakness,  but not the only one.  Okay?  Now, that’s what he said.  And this is what he’s saying now.  I’ll just say about operational warp speed,  it was an extraordinary  accomplishment  demonstration of leadership  by President Trump.  Okay, have I given you enough evidence?  Evidence is reproducible predictions.  You have enough reproducible  predictions there.  So as a human public service,  Step one,  please refer to him as booby  fucking Kennedy.  Please use all this content  to get it out there and use  it as an opportunity to  break this Kennedy mythos.  You have to do this.  If you don’t do this,  you’re fucked up because  you know the truth right now.  So we spent an hour on this.  letting you know where  following booby Kennedy has gotten you,  bait and switch.  And anyone who still  believes in him after all this,  you should just slap the  shit out of them and walk away.  Mental people, mental, dumb, fucking dumb.  I just don’t even, I said,  you’re fucking dumb, period, next, okay?  You do have an opportunity, though,  to find people now who are saying,  holy shit, and you’ll see it.  Dr. Shiva was right.  Dr. Shiva was right.  Go get them to our movement.  Don’t argue with idiots.  And by the way,  don’t go to these fools who  have no interest in  building a movement and  trying to convince them.  And I think, Matt,  you learned a lesson with  me on that a couple weeks ago, right?  Yes, sir.  Go to the people who they’re  manipulating and bring them.  All these influencers are paid,  all of them.  Okay?  So now you understand where  following Boobie Kennedy has gotten you,  which is what we told you.  They build the NSOEs and  they bring you right to the  establishment.  Do you see?  So you have people now  supporting mRNA vaccines,  supporting full vaccination, thinking,  I mean, he invested in CRISPR here,  saying he’s, I mean, the contradictions,  that’s why I played with you,  Caroline Kennedy, he’s a cheat,  he’s a fucking liar.  It takes a lot, by the way,  for a family member to go out to do this.  It takes a lot, I can tell you this.  How many of you have family members  How many of you have  skeletons in your closet  and how many of you speak  out against your family members?  It takes a lot.  You must have really pissed  somebody off badly, okay?  Kennedy’s have a shitload of  billion dollar trust funds.  They don’t tell you, they don’t,  she doesn’t need the money, okay?  This is something much more personal.  Okay.  So let’s go back now.  Now that you’ve understood  the background to what  following fools gets you  and why you need to build a movement,  let us go and understand what we did,  what our history was during this period.  So you can contrast it and  who you should follow and who, yes,  there will be leaders,  but are you going to follow  leaders like me who come  from bottoms up and people  in our movement?  Are you going to follow an  idiot like this?  after everything I’ve shared  with you tonight and in the  history so let’s go now and  talk a little bit about  operational warp speed yeah  it was an extraordinary  accomplishment it was an  extraordinary  accomplishment demonstration  of leadership by president  trump and I’ll just say  about operational warp speed yeah it was  Okay,  so I think I’ve shared all the booby  nonsense, okay?  Let’s go now talk about during this period,  just to review what we did  and what the immune system  is really all about.  Let’s go do some science.  As we do that, I think this is done.  Can you guys see the screen, Matt?  So when, I want to.  Yes, sir, we can.  Okay.  So this is in twenty nineteen.  Everyone see the day.  I have my building in Cambridge.  I said I will give my ten  million dollar building in  Cambridge worth more now to  anyone who can show me a  risk assessment model for vaccine safety,  allowing any parent to  decide based on their kid’s  particular biology,  the risk of giving or not  giving the current mandated  schedule of vaccines that I  was willing to risk my entire building.  And as a part of that,  The reason I knew this was true,  and I did many videos in  twenty twenty educating all of you,  I said, look,  this is the model of the  immune system that they have.  OK.  That you have the innate  immune system and the  adaptive immune system,  a two compartmental model.  And a pathogen comes in.  So basically, to keep it simple, everyone,  you’re going to learn  immunology very quickly in  the next fifteen minutes.  The model of the immune system,  which goes back to nineteen fifteen,  is inside your body are two boxes.  One box is your innate immune system.  When someone sneezes on you  or you get a virus, a pathogen, fungus,  whatever,  your innate immune system within  twenty minutes reacts to that.  Subsequently after that,  your body will produce  antibodies three days later  to create antibodies.  It’s called the adaptive immune system.  All right.  So this is the foundation of  the model of immunity,  which goes back to nineteen fifteen.  And the theory is,  if you didn’t get  introduced to a pathogen  when you were a kid, like chickenpox,  measles, whatever,  which you should have been introduced to.  Most of us grew up when  someone had chickenpox,  you went and got chickenpox.  When someone has measles,  you went and got it.  But if you didn’t do that,  then we’re going to give  you a vaccine here.  And it’s going to stimulate  your adaptive system to  produce antibodies.  This is a foundation of vaccines.  Any questions on this?  Simple two box model, innate and adaptive.  And I’m gonna give you a  vaccine and you’re gonna  get antibodies and boom,  you’re all protected.  Two box model.  Is this model correct?  It was from nineteen fifteen.  All right.  So let’s do a quick little  bit of whiteboard session  or blackboard session here.  All right, so what is the immune system?  And again, I did many videos on this.  For some of you, maybe review,  but review is good.  So the body has these two boxes,  the innate, which is nonspecific,  first line of defense.  What it means nonspecific is  it doesn’t matter where  someone sneezed at you with Ebola or  whatever, COVID or whatever it was,  the innate immune system kicks in.  It’s like a bunch of Marines  that just start shooting everywhere.  They just hope they kill somebody, okay?  And if that doesn’t work,  you have the adaptive immune system,  which is very specific and it has memory.  So the innate immune system,  where is the innate immune system?  What’s in your skin?  It’s in your tears.  It’s in your mucosal layer.  It’s in your stomach acids, right?  And your body has these monocytes,  macrophages, neutrophils, NK cells,  dendritic cells.  Just think about these as  different levels in the military,  Marines.  We just start shooting at everything.  But this is your innate immune system.  It’s the most rudimentary  part of your immune system.  The adaptive immune system  is that part of your immune system,  which finds an antigen,  which means some type of  thing that irritates you.  And it leads it to T cells,  which then create B cells.  Simply put, this is your antibodies.  You get exposed to measles,  then you have the antibody for measles.  Okay.  But this is a two box model  of the immune system.  The innate immune system is immediate.  It’s very fast.  It’s quick.  You know,  the adaptive immune system takes  around three days to kick in.  All right.  So you got the innate and  the adaptive and the  vaccine model is based on that, okay?  Now,  but what this entire system forgot is  there’s something else and there’s more.  That’s something that sits  in between the innate and  the adaptive and it’s  called the interferon system.  The word interfere,  it’s a system that  interferes with the virus.  Now, based on this,  which is, in nineteen fifteen,  Kennedy created the Kennedy  Vaccination Act in nineteen sixty two.  Which led to making sure  everyone got vaccinated  with measles when ninety  eight percent of measles  had already gone away by  nineteen sixty two,  and that gave rise to all the CDC,  all the corrupt  institutions Boobie fucking  talks about his own family  helped to create.  All right.  But even in nineteen fifty seven,  we knew that the interferon  system existed.  Why did you leave that out?  A very powerful subsystem.  And by the way,  this is the basis of my  research at MIT during  computational modeling and  the interferon system  response system has  transcriptional memory.  What that means is it  actually remodels about a  thousand genes in your DNA.  So not only are you,  when someone sneezes on you,  it’s not just this is happening,  but your entire genes  remodel through the interferon system.  And it prepares the immune  system for future attacks,  even before the adaptive system.  And it’s called viral interference,  interferon system.  There are various types of interferons,  interferon one and two,  IFN alpha and beta.  And these provide an early  innate immune response against viruses,  antigens, et cetera.  Enhance the activity.  And by the way, oh my God,  there’s no viruses.  You need to just tell those  people to sit over here  because when we talk about viruses,  we’re talking about antigens,  which may come from many sources.  The reality is your body can  react to different types of antigens.  They may come from the surface of bacteria,  fungus, all these things.  Your body, they may come from allergens,  dogs, cats, anything, okay?  It’s antigens that we’re talking about.  And you have type two interferons,  which stimulate  anti-inflammatory response,  and you have interferon lambda,  which orchestrates the  internal innate and adaptive.  You see,  the interferon system is like this glue.  Very powerful system.  And for my PhD work,  I literally understood this  entire system and I created  a computational model of  this using the technology I  created called Cytosol.  I’m not gonna go into in detail,  but if you can follow this,  this outer circle here  represents your cell surface.  Let’s say you have a cell  that’s getting infected.  The inner circle represents your nucleus.  An antigen comes in.  The first phase is this phase,  the little one,  Your body interacts,  the antigen interacts with  IRF-III and your body creates IFN-beta.  That’s the first interferon.  This is why in twenty minutes,  if you ever get sick,  you suddenly start getting a little,  you start coughing,  you feel a little itchiness  that occurs in twenty minutes.  Very fast response.  The second nature of this  response is the interferon beta,  if this is a neighboring cell, goes,  lands on it, says, hey,  I think I’m getting a cold.  Well, the neighboring cell,  when it does it, it upregulates IRF-VII,  which is another protein.  So if a virus now lands on that protein,  it then unleashes interferon  alpha and beta,  which are interferons which stop virus,  all sorts of good things.  And then to stop this  process so you don’t have  autoimmunity and you don’t  get inflammation forever,  there’s another process  called SOX-I which stops this.  So as we talk about it in  truth for the mouth and systems,  it’s a regulatory process.  Four step process.  Bottom line is someone sneezes on you.  Something happens.  You get interferon beta.  Little while later,  you get interferon beta and alpha.  Anyway, using and by the way,  this this was never  mathematically understood.  I was the first to do that for my Ph.D.  work.  So I modeled all the  subsystems of interferon  receptor signaling amplification,  the infection process.  And I showed very clearly  here’s interferon beta coming.  And then alpha comes later,  which this occurs within  about twenty minutes.  This occurs within about  eight point three hours.  And then I matched it with  actual clinical data.  So my models were very  accurate to what people  have seen in the years.  OK.  But as a part of this,  what I realized was that we  need to take a systems  approach to the immune system.  It turns out to all of you listening,  you want to live long,  take care of your immune system.  The immune system is the basis of cancer,  autoimmunity, inflammation, you know,  Alzheimer’s, wound healing, cardiology,  you know, cardiovascular tissue,  all this stuff, pain, everything.  You take care of your immune system,  you will live long and you  will live a healthy life.  So  However,  everything we have now know about  vaccination and doing this  and upregulating antibodies  is based on a nineteen fifteen model.  In fact,  this paper that came out said we  need a systems approach.  It said a case in point is  that main immunological  metrics used widely in  medicine are white blood  cell counts and complete  blood cell count.  The former was developed in  nineteen fifteen and the  latter was developed in  nineteen fifty nine.  It’s time for an upgrade.  This entire system is old, guys.  So you have the interferon system.  But guess what?  We have a whole bunch of other systems.  We have the microbiome,  all that gut bacteria,  which connects your brain and your gut.  We have the neural system.  This is actually a much more  whole model of the immune system.  In fact,  I was asked to present this at the  National Science Foundation.  They only choose one scientist to present.  It’s a huge honor.  And this was in November, twenty nineteen,  right before the covid scam hit.  So this, ladies and gentlemen,  is the whole nature of the immune system.  So the questions that come up is, you know,  what are the risks when you  take a vaccine?  And what are the benefits?  And what are the risks by  merely being exposed to the shit?  What are the risks?  You know,  has anyone done this risk benefit  analysis?  OK,  so I proposed this back then at our  vaccine conference.  an immune health conference that we held.  Some of you may have come to that.  So now you have a whole  systems understanding of  the immune system.  And it got even more interesting, okay?  So after I shared this,  after I challenged the  powers that be to an open test on this,  as I just shared with you,  and to make it clear,  because I was confident of  what I was talking about,  I put this challenge out there.  I said, look,  I’ll give you my ten million  dollar building if you show  me that there is any risk  assessment studies.  And I put this out there.  This was in March of, look at the date,  March ninth.  As an MIT PhD in biologic  engineering who studies and  does research nearly every  day in the immune system,  the coronavirus fear  mongering by the deep state  will go down in history as  one of the biggest frauds  to manipulate economies,  suppress dissent and push  mandated medicine.  Find me anyone else who put  that out in March ninth of,  Who are the fuck are you gonna believe,  me or them?  I have that right to speak  with that confidence and  ask for your support for our movement,  because I did my work.  I did the right thing at the right time.  What was booby fucking Kennedy doing?  He was promoting lockdowns.  Who are you going to follow?  Look at someone’s history.  Don’t be fucking dumb.  The wise know to choose wise  people to follow.  March ninth of, and not only did I do that,  I did more than that.  And by the way,  this got probably about a  million views before I shut  down on Twitter.  Then I sent a letter to Trump.  I said, do not do the lockdowns.  I gave him economic reasons,  health reasons.  Don’t listen to Fauci.  That was March, see how fast I’m moving.  I’m trying to save the  fucking world from this disaster.  I’m a scientist who fucking  cares for humanity,  not a fucking sellout who  fucking takes kittens and  shit and puts them in a fucking blender.  I wrote this letter to Trump.  Marla Maples delivered it to him.  Hand delivered it to him.  And I got a call from the White House.  And by the way, if you link to this letter,  even on X,  it says this is a link may be unsafe.  Fucking Elon Musk is still doing this.  What does the letter say?  You should read it.  I write to Trump.  I said, do not shut down the country.  You’re going to lose trillions of dollars.  I tell in this letter, look at the date.  I said, do not shut down this country.  Fauci’s a fucking fool.  He’s about one size fits all medicine.  There’s no reason to shut  down the entire country.  I said, I’m a PhD in this field.  I’ve written papers on this.  And then I lay out a  protocol of how you should  organize the population of  the United States.  Those people test positive.  Those people are  hospitalized in critical condition.  Those people are immunocompromised.  And group four, healthy individuals.  And I give him a protocol, vitamin A,  vitamin D, quercetin, zinc,  lay it all out.  Zelenko stole my shit,  that fucking Zionist,  and he made a shitload of money.  We gave it away for free.  Trump handled,  Marla Maple’s hand delivered it.  I did a video with her.  She said, Dr. Shiva,  me and Tiffany love you.  The White House deputy  secretary called me.  I said, Fauci’s a fucking fool.  Get rid of him.  Did Trump do that?  No.  Big, strong Trump, pussyfooting around.  The guy who’s going to make America great.  He could have fired him like that.  Did he do that?  No.  Fauci is promoting gene editing.  And what was Boobie Kennedy  doing now that we know?  Investing in gene editing  companies right then.  You have to look at history.  You have to remind people of  what actually took place.  You can’t shove history under the rug.  And then I started the Fire Fauci campaign,  April fifth.  I created that hashtag.  Rand Paul waited one year to  steal that hashtag and he said,  give me money and did his theatrics.  Where the fuck was Rand Paul  in March of twenty twenty?  video after video after  video I think I would go to  bed at four a.m I must have  done three to four videos  every day educating all of  you guys we’re at war fire  fauci and the shutdown  april I created this image  of fauci I put that image  out first no one ever  talked about this  connection and then we created a petition  This was a petition we put up,  a hundred and twenty  thousand people signed it.  All these people.  We ran massive protests.  May fourteenth, twenty twenty.  Boobie Kennedy was promoting  lockdowns in March of twenty twenty.  I’m protesting, I’m fighting for you guys.  What is booby fucking Kennedy doing?  And why does he, why do you like him?  Because his name is Kennedy?  And my name is Shiva Iyadurai?  December, fifteen,  seventeen ninety one  Congress shall pass no law  to bridge freedom of speech.  November, sixteen, twenty eighteen.  It was Trump who signed the  Cybersecurity  Infrastructure Security  Agency Act with unanimous  vote by the House and  unanimous consent by the Senate,  which destroyed the First Amendment.  And I was the one who was  thrown off Twitter when I  discovered this entire  infrastructure long before  Twitter files and one in federal court.  Our movement did that.  All of this.  Pure OMADER, everything.  All right?  So that should bring you up to date.  Who are you going to follow?  It will determine your life  or your fucking death.  Day and night, guys.  I maybe got four hours sleep then a day.  How many videos did we do?  And during that period,  twenty to twenty twenty one,  our videos went out to  about a half a billion  fucking people before the  censors came in.  And that’s why you guys are here,  because it was a little  window of opportunity.  God opened up so we could  get the truth out.  That’s how you guys made it here.  And then they locked me down.  I was locked down.  I do a tweet now,  it goes maybe to five thousand people.  The future is offline.  The future is us.  Not me.  All of us.  Get out on the fucking  ground and hand out those cards.  Twenty minutes a day.  Don’t tell me you’re fucking too busy.  I’ll tell you how busy I am.  I don’t want to hear this bullshit.  I’m busy.  Okay.  Get the picture?  You see the difference?  I came from nothing.  Kennedy came from everything.  And where did you come from?  Nothing.  They come from everything.  And some of you do come from  everything and support our movement.  You’re doing God’s work.  Thank you.  They’re not.  They’re about position and power.  Manipulating, manipulating,  manipulating sickos.  And don’t even try to figure them out,  guys.  You won’t figure it out.  They’re sick.  Donald Trump is a sick motherfucker.  Signing these executive orders saying, oh,  Gaza looks like it’s beautiful land.  Did you hear what he said, right?  As he’s signing, it’s beautiful land.  It’s demolished,  but it’s beautiful seaside,  good property building.  Sick fucking human beings.  Our leaders reflect our consciousness.  We raise our consciousness.  We’re going to get better leaders.  But you guys got to fight.  You have to vocalize.  You can’t be sitting like little mice.  Okay.  So now.  you understand the immune  system you understand what  truth freedom health is I  live it I walk it and so do  people in our movement I  did the science I fought  and I stand for health all  of them are connected now  now that you understand the  immune system is not this  two box model now that you  understand these people  don’t care about you now  that you understand  that what they did and what  we did and I did,  you should have great  respect for the content  that we put together to educate you.  So if you went through Truth For The Mouth,  the course, and if you’re new,  you better fucking take the  course after this.  If you’re not,  please don’t even come to  this orientations anymore,  because something’s wrong with you.  Over the last, you know,  all these years we put together  the system science so you  could learn how to fight without me.  You can’t rely on me  tomorrow being taken out.  So we created the content,  we created the education so  I can viral replicate myself.  We have our own DNA, truth, freedom,  health.  That’s our three codons.  So we’ve done that.  We’ve created the infrastructure.  We’ve created leaders.  Ryan, Crystal, Sam, you know, Christina,  right?  Glenn Halls, Nicholas.  We’ve created our own leaders.  We’ve created our organization.  Revolution is not going to be spontaneous.  It has to be organized.  That just doesn’t occur.  Like you oppress people  enough and they rise up.  No, oppression oppresses.  You have to build it.  You have to organize.  You have to educate people.  That’s what we’ve done.  It’s a shitload of work.  So now you understand the immune system.  So now you have to ask  yourself if you understand  everything I’ve said,  that the immune system is  your operating system,  like the iOS on this Apple computer.  Everything that you see that  you call disease or all the  other things are  applications which run on  the immune system, right?  If I open up my iPhone here, right?  Don’t get confused when you  see all these apps, right?  These are all apps, right?  That’s what you call, you know,  cardiovascular health, lung health,  aging.  These are apps,  but the OS is your immune system.  You guys get it?  If the operating system is  fucked up as a bug,  everything above it is  going to have a bug.  All right.  So how do you understand the  immune system?  You start recognizing, wow,  I have the gut microbiome.  I got to take care of that.  I have the gut brain axis.  I have the innate system.  I have the adaptive system.  And all of these work together.  I have the interferon system.  And you recognize that the key to immunity,  to supporting yourself,  is something that we teach  in systems health.  Crystal, you should put it out.  And we are now training an  army of systems health educators,  our own educators who will  teach you health education  using our own knowledge base.  It’s a, you know,  almost a year program we put together.  It’s like a university we’ve created,  if you want to do that.  And with that system self-education,  we are educating people  that the immune system is a  complex system.  And the key to health is one word,  resilience.  Resilience, resilience, resilience.  The best way to describe it,  you’re driving a car and  you have no shock absorbers.  That’s a not resilient system.  Imagine you’re driving over  the bumpy roads in Boston  with no freaking shock absorbers.  What is going to happen to your car?  What’s going to happen to your axle?  What’s going to happen to your body?  Now put some shocks on.  You hit a bump and you get a  nice smooth ride, right?  You can take a hit and you come back.  That’s a strong human being.  We’re not supposed to be like weaklings.  Health is you can take a hit  and you can come back.  It’s not about sitting and  drinking green juices all day, you know,  getting your enemas and  living in this perfect world.  No, it’s about,  can you build a strong  system that can take a hit and come back?  Can you hit and come back?  Stress inoculation.  When you have a child,  you’re supposed to play in  the fucking dirt.  You’re supposed to get hit  and then you get strong.  So what happened here was  that as quote unquote,  Man said,  we’re going to be stronger than nature.  We took ourselves away from  nature step by step.  So now we said,  we’re going to mimic nature.  Well, how are we going to mimic nature?  So the Africans and the  Chinese had a technique or  the Indians had a technique  called variolation.  So one village was getting smallpox.  They would get the sputum  and abrase the arm here and put it on it.  That was the first quote  unquote inoculation.  An African slave brought  that technique here to the  United States and that’s  how Washington inoculated the troops.  But you understand they were  giving the entire organism.  And then they went down a  path of thinking they were  going to do better.  So they started creating a  needle and they would put  the antigen of that agent  and they would inject it to  simulate someone sneezing on someone.  It wasn’t working that well.  because it wasn’t getting into the system.  So then they started adding  other components to make  that process work, you see?  And this is where you had, quote unquote,  vaccine development,  and that’s where we are now, okay?  And in the trash was thrown in nutrition,  vitamins, eating well, exposed, right?  Building resilience, you get it?  That’s where it happened.  That process now led  So the traditional vaccine is, you know,  you have, you know, some object, which is,  you know, simulate this.  This is the antigen.  that when it goes down my nose,  which is the innate immune system,  macrophages come.  A little while later,  my interferon system kicks in,  and then eventually my  antibodies kick in.  They identify the antigens on this.  They develop a memory called  antibodies to fight this, right?  your genes remodel right a  whole bunch of other stuff  it’s not just antibodies  this is what these fools  forget oh if I get the  antibodies I’m going to be  protected how many people  get this flu vaccine they  keep getting the flu it’s  not just the antibodies  it’s a whole bunch of other  systems the interferon system  The gut microbiome, it’s much more,  it’s like an orchestra.  The example I gave during  COVID as I was explaining  this is you go to hear a  music orchestra and imagine  just a drummer is playing.  And wait a minute, where’s the horn?  Where’s the everything else?  All you hear is the drummer playing.  So it’s only a one note thing.  or one instrument orchestra,  which is just about getting antibodies.  You guys follow?  It’s not just about getting antibodies.  You have to have all those  other things occur.  And so when you get infected  or you play in the dirt and all that,  many things get turned on.  And that’s resilience.  You’re not just turning on antibodies.  So we’re trying to simulate nature.  Do you understand this hubris?  And so that doesn’t work.  Then you have to do this.  Oh, then that doesn’t work.  You have to do this.  So anyway,  but the traditional vaccine was  you took the whole antigen, you know,  and you gave it to someone  or you sneezed on someone.  They got it.  They used to do this with farm animals.  One animal got sick.  They’d have it sneezed and  then give it to all the other animals.  Okay.  But then we got down to the  process of just, okay,  so here’s a whole antigen.  Then we isolated it.  And then we try to deliver  that into the thing, into the bloodstream,  right?  So now,  so if the antigen on the surface of  this protein or on the  surface of this virus fungi, you know,  is a little piece,  a protein that looks like this,  and you call it a spike protein.  So what is a protein?  A protein is a sequence of amino acids.  A sequence of amino acids  put together creates a protein.  Amino acids are the basis of life.  You have a bunch of amino acids, you know,  like Lego blocks,  you put them together and  you get this curly Q and it folds.  That’s called a protein.  Get it?  Write that down.  A sequence of amino acids is  a freaking protein.  All right.  So on the surface of this virus or fungus,  whatever, is a protein.  And it is this protein, the antigen,  which stimulates that immune system.  It turns everything on.  Oh, I got to attack this.  So finally,  your body creates antibodies  for this protein.  OK, that makes sense.  You ever have dogs and they  have dander and stuff and you get sick?  Well, the dander has protein on it.  And that protein is what  hits your nose and it turns  on all your reactionary pathways.  But it’s just a little protein, okay?  Protein is made up of a  sequence of amino acids and  there’s trillions of  different kinds of proteins.  And they have different sets  of amino acids.  It’s like you could build  infinite amount of Lego box, got it?  So you have these proteins.  But it is this protein that  turns on your immune system’s process.  Everyone get it?  All right.  So a couple of several,  I think about a couple of decades ago,  a guy created a blood type  diet and he said, you know,  some people will react to beef protein.  Others will react to chicken proteins,  right?  Some people.  So, you know, he said, okay,  if you’re this blood type,  don’t eat chicken, right?  And don’t eat fish.  If you’re this,  because it was all about the proteins,  you know,  reacting your immune system and  causing inflammation.  Anyway, nonetheless,  keep your eye on the protein.  Okay.  Keep your eye on the ball.  Keep your eye on the protein.  Okay.  So  Now comes mRNA technology.  And the mRNA technology says,  we’re going to take this  protein and we’re going to  figure… So this is a  protein that is a spike protein,  which is on this virus.  And this protein is what  starts your immune system  creating the antibodies.  Got it?  This protein.  What if…  So the Chinese and the  Indians and the Russians  created your typical vaccine during COVID,  which was they just gave  the protein and your body reacted to it,  right?  It was a traditional vaccine.  But Pfizer and Moderna  created the mRNA vaccine, okay?  They created the mRNA vaccine.  And what was the mRNA vaccine?  What was it, okay?  We have to understand what  mRNA vaccine really meant.  What did this actually mean?  And it’s important to understand this.  The mRNA vaccine, to be specific,  so you all understand what it is,  it is a therapeutic,  and you have to understand  what is mRNA first, okay?  We did a little bit of study  on this last time,  but I’ll review it again.  So some of you missed the  last conversation, get it this time.  But the mRNA vaccine is a  nucleotide-modified synthetic mRNA,  nucleotide-modified synthetic mRNA,  or known as modRNA.  So what is RNA?  So let’s go to some basic, basic stuff,  okay?  You have a protein.  Your body has lots of proteins.  It’s got a lot of these guys interacting,  okay?  Right now,  we’ve documented about seventy  thousand proteins in the world,  but there’s a lot more in your body.  So this protein reacts with  this protein and da-da,  they react and they dance together.  That’s called a molecular pathway.  Anyway, you have lots of proteins.  How did this protein come into being?  Well, the protein came into being because  This protein gets created.  The protein,  some of you who are into construction,  is like I said, it’s a Lego piece.  It’s built.  It has a very specific structure, okay?  Very specific structure of amino acids,  right?  So there exists a blueprint  for that structure of amino acids.  Got it?  All of you have homes here?  Marianne,  you have a different blueprint  for your home?  Anna, you have a different blueprint.  Christina, you have a different blueprint.  Veda,  you have a different… Everyone has  a blueprint for their home.  You could draw it, right?  And if I… Veda gave  Christina that blueprint, Christina,  if she was a builder,  she’d take that blueprint  and she’d build the same home as Veda.  Got it?  If that blueprint was given to Marin,  Marin, you would build Veda’s home.  If that blueprint was given to Henry,  Henry would build Veda’s home.  That blueprint…  for building this protein, this home,  is stored in a piece of your DNA, okay?  In fact, nature was so smart,  it created two pieces of that DNA.  One was a blueprint,  one was a mirror image of that blueprint.  So in case someone stole this,  you had the other one, okay?  It was like a secret code.  And these were two halves of DNA helix.  So when you look at the huge DNA helix,  you’ve seen a picture of DNA,  you guys can imagine this, right?  Everyone’s seen a picture of DNA?  It’s a rung of a twisted ladder.  Well, certain parts of that twisted ladder,  a sequence of that was  defined in the gene, the gene.  They said this piece of the  DNA will code for this protein.  no different than saying  this blueprint will code  for Ryan’s house.  This piece of the DNA will  code for Crystal’s house.  Got it?  Different pieces of DNA code  for different proteins.  Everyone following me?  Okay.  Now the question was how  many blueprints were stored  in forty-six chromosomes?  Billions of pieces of rungs of DNA.  of these rungs, sorry, base nucleotides.  So the estimate was a  million in nineteen ninety three.  A worm only had twenty  thousand of these pieces of  DNA which coded for these proteins.  By two thousand and three,  when the Genome Project ended,  it turns out we only have  twenty thousand of these blueprints.  So people are like, wait a minute,  there’s only twenty  thousand blueprints that we  have and a worm has.  but we created all these  amazing structures.  How is that possible?  Got it?  This was a massive conundrum  because these bozo  biologists were not system scientists.  They were reductionists.  They kept thinking piece of  DNA makes one protein.  But they forget there’s all  these proteins and the  proteins interact together  and they can come back and  do other stuff back to your DNA.  You see,  they had what was called the dogma theory,  dumb system as we teach.  By the way,  everyone must take the course  because you’ll understand  what I’m talking about.  Input, output.  They didn’t understand that  systems have feedback.  They didn’t think about that.  And then they realized, holy shit,  we have molecular pathways in our body.  So just because a worm has  twenty thousand genes and, you know,  Ryan has twenty thousand genes,  they sure look different.  It’s not the number of genes.  There’s something else going  on in Ryan’s body.  What is that?  And this began the conundrum in biology.  to realize that we needed to  take a systems approach.  That’s when I came back to MIT,  developed a cytosol,  and I really embraced this.  But you see,  these morons are still  embracing a reductionist view of biology.  They’re thinking, if I manipulate this DNA,  I can do this.  So now you have this rung of  the DNA with these two  halves of the blueprint.  What are those halves of the  blueprint called?  That’s called messenger RNA.  Two pieces of messenger RNA  are two sides of the blueprint.  Got it?  Where are these blueprints stored?  They’re stored in a vault.  They’re stored under security.  And that vault is called the nucleus.  Inside this nucleus are all  your chromosomes.  Every cell,  all the ten trillion cells in your body,  all have the same DNA for creating you.  It’s quite extraordinary.  So inside that cell,  every cell is these chromosomes.  So your body needs to make some insulin.  What does it do?  There’s a piece of the DNA  which codes for insulin.  So a little half of it breaks off,  leaves the nucleus.  You know, it’s got all the runs,  which are all the blueprints,  instructions.  Nicholas, do this, do this, do this,  do this, do this.  Boom, you got Nicholas’s house.  These instructions go to  something called a ribosome.  And the ribosome gets these instructions,  which are coming from the DNA,  quite extraordinary process.  And like a ticker tape,  it’s spread to the DNA and  the DNA is reading the  blueprint and out comes  this beautiful protein,  which matches the structure  dictated by that blueprint, okay?  Got it?  The messenger RNA right now  is coding for proteins.  You have messenger RNA.  It codes for this protein,  and this protein goes on to  interact with other proteins,  and it continues on its way.  All right, so that is the mRNA process.  Now, biological engineers said, wow,  maybe we can create  vaccines by hijacking this system.  What about we did the following?  We know a protein, if I sneeze on you,  will start your immune  system to react and create  the antibodies.  Everyone gets that now, right?  We did the following.  What if we created,  so there’s two ways to get  this protein in you, right?  The normal vaccine where you  put a bunch of this protein  and you inject it,  which was the Russian and  the thing that Genentech or  forget their names, the Indian vaccine.  Or what about if we have  your body create the spike protein?  What about if your body  created the protein and  then your immune system saw  it and created the antibodies, got it?  What about if we had the  body make the protein?  How are you gonna make a protein?  Because this protein is not  gonna get created by your body.  It doesn’t exist in your body, right?  So what they did was they  reversed engineered the blueprint.  So someone sees Kevin, your home,  and they go, oh, Kevin, you say,  I don’t have the blueprint.  So an architect comes in and  makes a blueprint.  And then he gives a  blueprint to Veda and he  builds your home.  Okay.  And he gives it to Glenn and  Glenn builds Kevin’s home.  So they looked at this,  the sequence of the amino  acids of the spike protein,  and they created the blueprint,  which are the sequence of  DNA nucleotides that would  make that protein.  If you put that blueprint  into your own ribosome,  everyone following  Pretty cool.  It’s actually pretty interesting.  Quite devilish.  Okay.  So they did that.  And this was the mRNA  technology platform that  they would create the  blueprint that would then  have your body create the spike protein.  And then they would do this  in a type of cell called dendritic cells.  And the dendritic cells  would take it over to your  adaptive immune system,  which would kick in and say, holy shit,  we got to create antibodies for this.  So these pieces of blueprint  are being injected into your body,  trillions of blueprints.  They’re going to all your  cells and your cells are making,  or the dendritic cells are  making the spike protein.  And then your body creates the antibodies.  This was called an mRNA vaccine.  Everyone got it?  And the first paper  discussing this was  published in twenty eighteen.  And I’ll bring it up here.  And it was written in one of  the leading journals in the  world known as Nature.  OK, let me bring this up.  Right there.  So this was written by Norbert Party,  Michael Hogan, Frederick Porter,  and Drew Weissman.  And this paper said, mRNA vaccines,  a new era in vaccinology, okay?  And this paper,  went on to talk about how  phenomenal mRNA vaccines  promise a promising  alternative to conventional  vaccine approaches because  of their high potency  capacity for rapid  development and potential  for low cost manufacturing  safe administration.  All right.  So that’s what these guys said.  Now let’s go read their paper.  How did they get to this  conclusion that it was safe  administration?  All right, so here’s the original paper.  Do I have it here?  I think so, one second.  Let me bring up the original paper.  You guys can find it on PubMed,  but let me bring it up here.  Okay, here it is.  All right, let me bring up the paper now.  So this was the original  paper written by these guys,  and it goes through this,  Whole thing about mRNA vaccines are coming,  they’re great, blah, blah, blah, blah,  blah.  And if you go, when they talk about safety,  this is what they say.  First, safety.  As mRNA is a non-infectious,  non-integrating platform,  there is no potential risk  of infection or insertional mutagenesis.  Additionally,  mRNA is degraded by normal  cellular processes and in  vivo half-life can be  regulated through use of  various modifications and  delivery methods.  And in the thirty citations that they have,  there’s no data.  They just state it.  There is no evidence.  They just say these are safe.  And you should read this paper.  There’s no evidence at all.  They just make a statement.  They’re safe.  So what are they saying?  Here’s the cell, the cell wall,  cytoplasm inside the nuclear wall.  So every day your body’s  making mRNA to make this protein.  By the way,  when the mRNA leaves into your cytoplasm,  the blueprint to make the protein,  what happens to that little  piece of mRNA?  You ever wonder?  All those blueprints.  Well, in a natural system,  which is your body,  which has evolved these  pieces of DNA for billions of years,  they degrade.  Got it?  The mRNA leaves and it degrades.  Everyone follow this.  This is a key here.  But now you’re introducing a  blueprint that your body’s never seen,  ever.  What will happen to that blueprint?  Because this is called a nucleotide,  right?  This is not a standard.  This is not your standard nucleotide.  what we call it,  it’s not your standard mRNA, right?  It’s been modified.  It’s been, you’re creating,  you synthesize the blueprint,  you’re mimicking mRNA, right?  You’re tricking the body.  And it’s called a nucleoside  modified synthetic mRNA.  You see that blueprint does  not exist in your body, it was created.  And  these people in this paper  that promoted the nrna  technology saying it’s  absolutely safe when they  had no they had done no  functional half-life  studies no inactivation  kinetics no no anything  they just stayed it I hope  you guys follow what I’m  saying it’s like booby  Kennedy they just say it  OK, so that was twenty eighteen.  Now comes twenty twenty twenty one.  Researchers at the Whitehead Institute,  which is right over there.  In, you know, near MIT Kendall Square,  I used to work there when I  was an undergrad doing some  programing in nineteen  eighty three when they just built it.  they wanted to do a little test.  So they took the mRNA from the COVID, okay,  the actual messenger RNA,  which is the one that codes  for the spike protein, the actual mRNA,  and they injected it into a human cell.  And they wanted to see, A,  they knew this mRNA would  create the spike protein,  but would this mRNA end up  back into your DNA, you follow?  Would this blueprint get  inserted back into the  rungs of your entire DNA?  Everyone following me?  We’re not talking about the vaccine yet.  Just a little piece of mRNA  that was on the spike protein,  would it go back into the DNA?  They didn’t know if it would  or how it would,  but would it even go back in there?  So that was in twenty twenty one.  And so let me bring up that paper, OK?  So in twenty twenty one.  A group right down the street here,  I think that’s where they were.  Yeah.  Did that research, OK?  And the title of that paper,  as you can see,  is called reverse reverse transcribe.  So reverse means  transcription is when mRNA  creates a protein.  Now you’re going from the protein.  not and I’m sorry now you’re  taking that piece of mrna  and sending it back into  the dna so reverse  transcribed sars cobit to  rna can integrate into the  genome of cultured human  cells and can be expressed  in patient derived tissues  and this paper was written  in twenty twenty one march  of twenty twenty one at the  whitehead institute right  in cambridge mit okay so  Liguo Shang, Alexis Richards, Barasa,  Hughes, Young,  and Janisch showed that a  piece of mRNA is not only  in the cytoplasm,  but can go back into the  nuclear membrane and become  part of your DNA and  express itself in tissues.  All right?  So let’s go to that paper, okay?  Let me just run a lot.  Let me go to that paper one second.  Here we go.  Okay.  So that’s over here.  And it looks over.  So in this paper,  Here it is.  And this was not published  in any bogus journals in  the proceedings of the  National Academy of Sciences.  So they published this  entire paper showing that the,  and it happens within six hours.  Within six hours,  that piece of the mRNA gets  inserted back into your DNA,  and through a series of processes,  that DNA re-expresses itself.  The good news is PNAS forces  scientists to write a  simplified version of this,  so I don’t have to go  through all the details for you,  and this is what it says.  An unresolved issue of  SARS-CoV disease is that  patients often remain  positive for viral RNA as  detected by PCR many weeks  after the initial infection  in the absence of evidence  of viral replication.  We show here that  SARS-CoV-to-RNA can be  reverse transcribed and  integrated into the genome  of the infected cell and be  expressed as chimeric  transcripts fusing viral  with cellular sequences.  Importantly,  such chimeric transcripts are  detected in patient-derived tissues.  Our data suggests that in  some patient tissues,  the majority of all viral  transcripts are derived  from integrated sequences.  Our data provide an insight  into the consequences of  SARS-CoV-II infections that  may help to explain why  patients can continue to  produce viral RNA after recovery.  Let me decipher that.  Okay.  You get injected  Well, let’s say you get the mRNA sequence,  okay?  Well,  that mRNA sequence goes back into  your nucleus and gets  integrated into your DNA.  And guess what?  Your DNA at some point  releases that mRNA back  into the cytoplasm and it  produces a spike protein.  So these people were seeing  a phenomenon that someone  had COVID, they gave them the vaccine,  and then later on,  their body’s producing spike protein.  You guys get it?  The only way that can occur  is if the mRNA was shoved  back into your own DNA,  because your DNA has all  the blueprints to make  different proteins you need.  Well,  now your DNA has a blueprint to make  a protein that never  existed in your body before.  Everyone getting it?  So it’d be no different than  Kevin as an architect has, you know,  blueprints for creating  twenty thousand different  types of buildings.  Then Glenn gives him a new blueprint,  which he puts in his vault,  which he never knew how to do.  But he can now generate another building.  So this blueprint is going  back into the nucleus.  Now, this was only seen with an mRNA.  So then in twenty twenty two.  another research group said, well,  if we put the mRNA into the  liposome and we inject the vaccine,  the actual vaccine with the mRNA,  and they did it with the  Pfizer biotech vaccine.  And Henry, Tiffany,  if you asked me last time,  is there evidence this goes back?  If you remember that, right?  Last week.  So  This paper was done by a set  of very esteemed scientists.  They literally took the mRNA  vaccine from Pfizer, injected it,  and then they found out that the liposome,  they don’t know how it happens,  but that piece of the mRNA  got back into the DNA and  back into tissue.  So let me show you that paper, okay?  And that paper is this one.  And we’ll go through it too.  So I have one in a PowerPoint,  one in a separate document.  So this says intracellular  reverse transcription, which means,  so of the Pfizer-BioNTech  COVID mRNA vaccine,  which was called  BNT-A-B-B  So they’ve shown, okay,  a recent study showed that  SARS-CoV-II RNA can be  reverse transcribed and  integrated into the genome  of human cells.  That was this one, okay?  This study, the one that was done in, like,  in, like, in, like, in, like, in, like,  in, like, in, like, in, like, in, like,  in, like, in, like, in, like, in, like,  in, like, in, like, in, like, in, like,  in,  And what they found was same thing occurs,  okay?  That they continue,  they say that we detected  high levels of the BN two  in HUHS cells and changes  in gene expression of long  interspersed nuclear element line one,  which is an endogenous  reverse transcriptase.  Bottom line,  our results indicate a fast uptake  of BNT six to five into human liver cells,  leading to changes in the  gene expression.  We also showed that the mRNA  is reverse transcribed  intracellularly into the  DNA in as fast as six hours  upon exposure.  Why is only one study like this done?  Why the fuck is Trump  putting Larry Ellison there?  We’re going to do this everywhere.  They have no safety studies,  nothing on this.  And Boobie Kennedy is  investing in the companies  which do the gene editing.  Claiming he wants safe.  You understand it’s all bullshit.  It’s all bullshit, guys.  It’s all just pure bullshit.  So the so.  And by the way,  let me share with you the  details of that paper.  So this was the paper that first did it.  And this is the reverse transcript paper.  And they go into detail  showing what they did and  And if you want,  I can do a whole detail of this,  how the sequence gets the mRNA sequence.  This is the mRNA sequence  for the BNT vaccine, right?  This is the actual RNA sequence,  how it goes in and how it  ends up showing up in the DNA, end of it,  okay?  Bottom line is the mRNA goes backward,  reverse transcribes back  into the DNA of a human cell.  That’s what this shows.  And they sequenced it,  showed it unequivocally.  All right?  Now the issue is, how does this occur?  Now with cytosol,  we can actually figure it out.  The first step in this was a  group in Mexico,  and I applaud these scientists,  at least they’re  putting forward a hypothesis  of how the mRNA could occur.  So let me take you to that hypothesis,  okay?  So we know it’s occurring.  The issue is how is it occurring?  So this paper by Acevedo, Whitehouse,  and Bruno proposes an hypothesis.  So this is what these guys are saying.  By the way,  this is a very nice illustration,  and I thank these guys for  doing this work.  Again, Acevedo, Whitehouse, and Bruno.  So here, by the way, is a lipid particle  This is what they call a nanoparticle.  Inside of it is a blueprint.  That’s why they call it the mRNA vaccine.  Again, I want everyone to follow this.  When they inject the vaccine,  there’s a fat molecule.  Inside of it is a blueprint.  The fat molecule is the  delivery mechanism.  Everyone follow me?  It’s like in the old days,  you ever see the architects  walking around with one of  those tubes with the  architectural blueprints  and they’re walking around with it?  That’s what that  lipid particles, but when they inject,  you get trillions of those particles.  And every particle inside of  it is the mRNA,  which is a sequence for  creating the spike protein.  Everyone got that now, right?  Well, when it gets injected,  the reason they put fat around it,  because like fat likes fat,  the surface of your cell  membrane is made of fat.  So it’s able to pierce your cell membrane.  Okay.  The nanoparticle can go in.  So that’s what this picture  is going to show you here.  So let’s follow this very carefully here.  So here,  The mRNA vaccines here,  which has got the sequence,  the blueprints for creating  the spike protein.  So here is the cell surface.  This outer blue line is a cell surface.  This is your nuclear surface  where the DNA is stored.  So you get injected with the mRNA vaccine.  The lipid nanoparticles follow step one.  They go in and they get inside your cell.  So step two right here,  now the delivery has  occurred and you’re releasing the mRNA.  By the way, remember,  this is a modified mRNA.  This blueprint your body has  never seen before.  So what happens?  Three things can occur.  The mRNA, actually four things.  The mRNA can just break up and degrade.  It just falls apart.  It’s done.  Your body just eats it up.  Degradation, step one.  The mRNA can go to your ribosomes,  as I said.  The ribosomes are pretty amazing.  They read the sequence of  the mRNA and they create  the spike protein.  These spike proteins leave  your cell and they form the  immune response, as I said.  That could occur, option number two.  Option number three,  is the mRNA just keeps accumulating.  And some of it undergoes  reverse transcription,  which means typically the  mRNA comes out and goes to your ribosome,  right?  It comes this way,  but this mRNA goes back in.  This piece of mRNA inserts  itself back into your own DNA.  That’s denoted by the green piece here.  And the way this occurs is  that the accumulation of  the mRNA through a set of  processes creates inflammatory response.  And this is where the  interferon system gets in  that I showed you earlier.  And this interferon system  drives pro-inflammatory  cytokines and this  there are transcription factors involved.  To put it simply,  there’s a set of processes  where the reverse transcription occurs.  We know this is occurring from this paper,  okay?  They’ve seen it.  This paper saw it.  This paper replicated with  the Pfizer biotech.  We don’t know exactly how.  And this is a wonderful hypothesis saying,  now this process may not  occur in all human beings.  People with weakened immune systems,  this could occur too.  people with certain conditions,  but we do know this can occur.  Blueprint comes in,  some of it can be degraded,  some of it creates a spike protein,  others can get reverse transcribed.  Now,  why is it that us sitting in Cambridge  has to fund this research?  We’re going to have to do  this just like I did the  shit back for everyone with  vitamin D three, all that, right?  No one paid us.  We did it.  We’re all the fucking  billionaires funding us.  And why isn’t MIT doing this  research extensively?  Why weren’t there a hundred  more papers written like that?  Boobie Kennedy was investing  in these companies who did gene editing.  Everyone get it?  Summarize.  Booby fucking Kennedy and  Trump are scumbags.  Bait and switch.  They have no intention of natural immunity,  which can come from  supporting the immune system with diet,  with the stress inoculation,  with a whole range of things.  Number one,  I talked about in twenty twenty,  cathelicidin antimicrobial proteins,  the oldest proteins known  for a billion years that  blow up the surface of fungi, viruses,  bacteria.  They blow them up.  Cathelicidin antimicrobial proteins, CAMPS,  C-A-M-P-S.  I must have done twenty videos of this.  What are CAMPS?  They are proteins that are  created when you stand out in the sun.  Vitamin D-three creates  cathelicidin antimicrobial proteins.  If you can’t get enough,  fifteen minute of the sun,  you can take cocalisophorol, okay?  With K-two and magnesium.  Cytosol has created a very  cool formulation,  which we’re gonna try to  get out to help all of you guys, okay?  But that will upregulate  cathelicidin antimicrobial proteins.  You have it already in your  body to fight all this shit.  I hope this is valuable to  understand that Trump and  Kennedy have no intention  of building resilience.  Trump and Kennedy both saved  the pharma industry.  They were tanking.  They saved them with this new platform.  And now they must promote  this platform to make  trillions upon trillions  upon trillions of dollars  for themselves and their families.  Kennedy said he’s gonna divest them.  He’s gonna move it into a blind trust.  Come on, anyone knows this.  He’s got a bunch of tax attorneys.  They’ll move it into a blind trust.  So that’s what’s going on, guys.  So I’ve given you,  there should be thousands of papers,  but it took me a lot to  find these papers.  Why should I have to dig this hard?  Clear paper showing mRNA can  reverse transcribe,  clear thing showing that  the Pfizer vaccine can  reverse transcribe the mRNA.  We just don’t know exactly how.  Shouldn’t that be funded?  Questions?  I know I’ve hit you guys with a lot,  but I promise to hit you guys with a lot.  We don’t do short videos  here just to make you feel good.  We wanted to give you details.  You can go review this video.  You can draw diagrams out of it.  Andrew Rice, who works a full-time job,  will try to do small clips  for you guys as a pure public service.  Eric, go ahead.  So please keep the questions.  Matt,  please make sure people don’t go on  rambling.  They keep their questions  tight to thirty seconds,  no more than a minute.  Go ahead, Eric.  Yes,  so I don’t know if you had a chance to  look at the method I had proposed.  Basically, what it’ll do,  according to your,  the hypothesis of how it’s  being reverse transcribed,  it removes the possibility  of it being reverse  transcribed into the DNA  and sends it specifically  to the ribosomes,  then you can take the spike  expression directly from an in vitro  collector so basically you’d  have ai scan the spike  expressions pull out the  stuff that you want to use  and then the rest is  discarded so there’s no a  possibility of dna damage  there’s no introduction to  lipid nanoparticle or the  active mrna into the actual  host um so that’s pretty  much I don’t know what  you’re talking about you’re  just making up stuff  No,  so I created a… Have you actually  built this and tested it?  No, no.  I’m designing it so that  they don’t kill a bunch of  people doing the stupid  shit that you’re talking about.  Yeah, but Eric, stop.  Stop.  Okay?  You’re just proposing something.  Do you know what it takes to  build this stuff?  It takes quite a bit,  but they’ve got five  hundred billion dollars.  I’m sure they can afford it at that price.  They can afford what?  Well,  so it’s just a safe utilization of  nanoparticles.  No, no, let’s just stop right here.  Time out, okay?  First of all,  let’s just take a big step back.  You’re making,  now I haven’t even gone into this,  but let’s talk about this.  Messenger RNA is one type of RNA.  How many types of RNA do we have, Eric,  in the body?  Quite a lot.  We have different types of RNA.  How many?  Basically.  Well, I mean, I’m not a biologist.  That’s why I’m here, actually.  Well, yeah.  So you should be very  careful making these proposals.  Well,  so my proposal is based off quantum  physics.  It’s basically… I don’t  know what you’re talking  about quantum physics.  Are you a quantum physicist?  What are you talking about?  Just making up shit.  Bottom line is we don’t want  people making up shit, okay?  If you wanna talk quantum physics,  let’s talk quantum  electrodynamics and let’s  see how many equations you can do.  I don’t think you can do any of them,  just making up shit.  The bottom line is this,  there are so many different kinds of RNA,  we don’t even know how many.  We don’t even know all the  feedback mechanisms.  Gerald Fink,  who’s one of the most esteemed  professors at MIT,  just gave a talk at the Killian Lecture.  He says, you know what?  We don’t even know what a gene is.  We used to think a gene was  a piece of DNA that’s  sequenced for protein.  That’s not true.  Piece of DNA sequenced for mRNA,  which then makes a protein.  He says,  we need to redefine what a gene is  because of all the DNA, Eric,  we only know five percent of it.  What is all the other ninety five percent?  It’s all regulatory factors.  It’s a whole bunch of complexity.  And you’re telling me I  figured out a method.  Bullshit.  Your method with that five  hundred billion they’re  going to do is going to be  tested on all of us.  They’re not going to take  any of this shit.  They’re going to go to some poor people,  poor white people, poor black people.  Oh, you’ve got cancer.  Let’s try this on you.  Let’s test it on you.  They don’t even know what a  gene is anymore.  And that’s Gerald Fink at  MIT telling you that.  We don’t even have a  definition of a gene anymore.  We are at such of the  embryonic stages of  understanding this complexity.  Let Larry Ellison shoot  himself up with it.  Let all of the elites get  together and shoot themselves up with it.  Let’s see if they’ll do that.  Let them take your  technology and see if  they’ll do it on themselves.  No, you can’t understand the shit  And if you want to use AI to  understand it computationally, AI,  because most of the AI is  not taking any type of  physical chemistry approaches per se,  they’re using evidence that  they are basing on current research.  We haven’t done enough research on this.  One paper, two papers I just showed you,  one paper only showing  injecting and it being  reverse transcribed.  Where are all the other papers?  Everyone should be fricking  suing all these people.  All your billions of dollars  in tax dollars.  How much money did Pfizer  make in one year?  A hundred billion dollars.  Where is the safety research  showing reverse  transcription and what it  can do to populations of humans?  Why not teach people how to  build resilient immune systems?  Where was Trump telling people not,  why didn’t he put out a bulletin,  take vitamin D three, K two magnesium?  Why didn’t he do that?  Take quercetin and zinc.  Why not give high dose  vitamin C to people on their deathbeds?  How many people’s lives did I save?  How many people’s lives  could he have saved just by  putting one public announcement?  So why are we going like  this to touch our nose and  acting like we’re smart and  so intelligent quantum physics?  Sorry, Eric.  I don’t mean to go on you, but I really,  I have very little patience  for people who throw out  terms and they haven’t done the work,  okay?  You got to go do the work, okay?  You can’t be dilettante.  Joanne, go ahead.  So I’m glad you’re  describing the modified and  the messenger RNA.  So the modified, as I understand it,  is something that always  starts outside of the cell,  outside of the nucleus.  And the messenger RNA is  always starting within the nucleus.  So are we creating a  non-human blueprint then by  using this modified RNA,  like a cyborg type of?  Well, let’s just keep it simple.  Just to be clear,  you have a bunch of genes  and your body creates mRNA, okay?  Got it?  Which creates proteins that  your body knows about,  endogenous proteins.  You are now creating a piece  of mRNA that is a synthetic piece of mRNA,  and you’re using your cell  machinery to create a new  protein that heretofore never existed.  That’s what it means.  um you know a modified rna  okay yeah so the issue is  what are we creating well  first of all we know as we  give all these mrna pieces  into you new pieces it  would be one thing if they  just degraded joanne and  then left okay and actually  got eaten up and created  the protein and left but  there are so many cellular  processes that take place right  And the point is that we  don’t even know all the  other mechanisms that are involved.  But what we do know is that  messenger RNA can go back,  even our own messenger RNA.  It can get recycled back.  So if the body sees this messenger RNA,  according to this,  it’s going to try to take  it back in six hours.  And it shoves it back into your DNA,  which sits there forever.  And it can come out and  express itself when it wants.  So is the modified  overriding the natural messenger RNA?  It’s not overriding it.  So basic biology, you have your DNA.  a sequence of blueprints  that create all different  types of proteins.  We know there’s about  seventy thousand proteins.  So we know this mRNA creates  natural proteins in our body.  Now you’ve put in another  blueprint in there.  So what will that do?  That will create the spike protein.  That’s why that paper is saying  that Whitehead Institute paper saying,  you know, we’re noticing that, okay,  someone got the virus.  We gave them the mRNA vaccine.  And later on,  we’re seeing them produce viral protein.  The body starts making spike protein.  Got it?  Like it would make insulin  because the blueprints in the DNA.  All right.  Now the consequences of that  A first is what extent is  reverse transcription  occurring in the humans?  How often does it occur?  Who will it happen to?  These are a whole range of  safety studies that need to be done.  But Operation Warp Speed  said you don’t need to do  those safety space.  That’s why it’s called Warp Speed.  Operation Warp Speed meant  you don’t need to do those  safety studies.  You don’t need to do them.  They’re safe by that one  paper written in twenty eighteen.  Basically, Joanne,  we don’t know what we don’t know.  But we do know reverse  transcription takes place,  and that should be of concern to people.  Does that make sense?  Yeah,  can we block that messenger RNA lipid  particles from getting into the cell?  Can cytosol create something  other than keeping a  resilient immune system?  Well, no.  The only way the message, I mean,  if you get the vaccine,  it’s going to go in.  The issue is the messenger  RNA is going to go into your cell.  How much will accumulate and  how much will degrade?  This is a very open question.  My point is where are the studies on that?  Right.  Yeah.  That’s what we should ask.  Like you and I are trying to  answer these questions when  they’re sitting on half a  billion dollars.  We should expropriate their  money and go do this research.  All right.  How do we do that?  Welcome to truth for the,  welcome to truth for the mouth.  Let’s do it.  You’ve made it this far.  We have to build a movement  and we must seize their  means of production.  That’s where this must go.  They violated every fucking  ethical rules of how they  treat human beings.  They should not have right  to these technologies.  They don’t know what they’re doing.  Okay.  Go ahead.  Beta M rebel rebel rebel.  Go ahead.  Sorry, one moment, Dr. Shiva.  Let me just put on my headphones.  OK, well, let me get there.  Oh, OK, that’s fine.  I just need us.  Elizabeth Curtis, go ahead.  Elizabeth Curtis question.  Hi, Dr. Shiva, can you hear me?  Yeah.  Yep, you muted yourself.  Go ahead, Elizabeth.  I don’t know how to do this.  Yeah.  Go ahead.  Here.  Oops, you muted yourself again.  Just unmute and just speak.  Go ahead, Elizabeth.  Oops, where’d she go?  Okay, let’s go back to Veda.  Hello, can you hear me?  Yeah.  Hi, Dr. Shiva.  I find what I guess this  advanced course very fascinating.  I find it interesting how, you know,  developing theories is  essentially system science  in and of itself.  I don’t want to waste your time.  So that’s all I have to say.  Say that again, Veda,  that developing theories is just, yeah,  developing theories.  Basically,  the reason I wanted to share  with you that last piece is  we know this phenomenon is occurring.  How is it occurring?  Those mechanisms of action  that is understanding  large-scale systems.  But more importantly,  it’s to recognize it’s not  one directional.  Like you just do this and you get this.  That was the old model of DNA.  It was called the  Watson-Crick central dogma theory.  This gene  will lead to this disease.  We have feedback mechanisms.  We have all these other  complexity that’s taking place.  But again,  the takeaway from everyone listening,  wherever you are on social media,  is that only one paper was done,  and that was in twenty twenty two.  Twenty twenty three,  a hypothesis was made.  Where’s all the research on  looking at reverse transcription?  You’re putting genetic material in.  Is it going back into the DNA?  Okay, let’s go to Beth in Missouri.  Go ahead, Beth.  Hi, Dr. Shiva.  What I was wondering about  is when is the best time to  go out in the sun?  I’ve heard morning, afternoon, et cetera.  Yeah, so in traditional cultures,  it was said you should go  out in the sun in the early morning,  right when the sun is coming.  Okay.  I haven’t, you know, it’s a good question.  The general thesis is you  should get around fifteen  minutes if you’re light skinned.  Someone like me needs about  seventy five minutes because, you know,  the melanin,  it takes five times more for  the race to get in.  By the way, in Djibouti, Africa,  no one had COVID issues at all.  They were all out in the hot sun.  Thank you.  Amit Gautam from New Delhi.  Go ahead, Amit.  Yeah, hi, Dr. Shiva.  I’ve got a couple of  questions about the immune  system and then one  question about the mRNA.  So when you say the vaccine,  the whole antibodies thing,  the two-box model, right?  So my question is that does  the vaccine also activate  the interferon system then as well?  Like we had Covaxin and  Covishield in India.  Does that do that one?  And then are you suggesting  that the kids should not  get the vaccines at all?  Instead,  we should actually expose them  with a natural antigen to  get them natural immunity  to all the diseases for  which we have vaccines for the kids.  Is that what you’re suggesting?  That’s the second question.  Third question with the mRNA is that,  is there any studies which  actually show that  the mRNA which comes from  nucleus directly into the cytoplasm,  then does that actually  reverse transcribe back  into the actual natural mRNA?  Does that reverse transcribe  back into the DNA in the nucleus?  Because if those studies are already there,  then we can actually get  more proof that the Pfizer  mRNA is actually reverse  transcribing into the  nucleus and then possibly  causing long COVID because  the spike protein is being  recreated after when the  expression of the mRNA is  happening again.  So these are my three questions.  I mean,  I’m quite curious to hear your view  on it.  Yeah, so let’s take each one.  The first one was what, Amit?  The vaccine, when you put the antigen,  which could be like the  co-vaccine in India,  like the itinated or the dead virus,  the antigen.  So then does that activate the interferon,  you know,  obviously because your modern  immune system,  does that activate the  interferon system as well or not?  Yeah, so let’s take that first one.  So you’re asking some good questions.  So first is,  so what they did in India was  not an mRNA vaccine.  You understand that, right?  Amit,  do you understand the Indian vaccine  was not an mRNA vaccine?  Yeah, they didn’t allow Pfizer.  I think they said that there  was some cold chain issue  with Pfizer vaccine.  So they went with Covaxin,  which is Indian vaccine,  and they had Covishield,  which is the British one,  the AstraZeneca one.  So India used the  AstraZeneca one and the Covaxin.  So here’s the thing.  By the way,  one of the reasons also Pfizer…  was trying to strong arm the  Indian government.  And also, the Pfizer vaccine,  if I remember,  it had to go under negative  seventy degrees storage.  Okay?  You have to store it in liquid nitrogen.  And India is like, you know,  a hundred twenty degrees in Delhi, right?  Think about the energy you  would need to transport  that vaccine around.  The traditional vaccines are  trying to simulate, you know,  you’re getting the antigen, okay?  They’re not forcing your  body through this model of, you know,  mRNA technology.  So the question is,  what parts of your immune system,  so go back to the analogy,  you have a drum, you have a piano,  You have the string,  and then you have maybe the chimes,  the whole orchestra.  The thesis is that when you  get exposed to antigens in  a natural model,  all of those are being turned on.  Does that make sense, Amit?  So your virome, your interferon system,  all of those systems.  So the question has always  been when you are giving  the isolate of the vaccine,  which is just the antigen,  what parts are really being  turned on and what is the  quality of immunity?  That’s what you’re really asking.  I don’t know if you, right?  That’s really part of what  your real question is.  And the answer is that we  know the B cells and the T  cells are being turned on.  To what extent are the other  systems being turned on?  The answer is, I don’t know, Amit.  actually don’t know okay  okay that’s that’s fair  enough the second question  and the reality is what I  do know is that you are  subverting the process  right you’re going right to  the adaptive immune system  you follow you’re not  letting the innate the  cascade of reactions take  place so you’re getting the  antibodies but  Again,  it’s just like the drums are playing,  or maybe in this case,  the drums and the piano are playing.  But there’s a whole bunch of  other systems which never got turned on.  So the real issue is when you get immunity,  is it just antibodies?  You follow what I’m saying?  Yeah.  Is getting immunity a function of, oh,  I have the antibodies, now I’m immune?  And I would argue it isn’t.  It’s not just the antibodies.  Other things have to remodel in your body.  We know interferon  upregulates about a thousand genes.  So if you’re not fully turning that on,  did nature want you to turn  on a whole bunch of other systems?  I would argue yes.  Did nature want you to  support your microbiome and  your biome to change?  I would argue yes.  So we’re literally going and  doing one thing, right?  As a artificial, it’s artificial immunity.  And again,  here’s a larger question that  you’re also asking.  We have created this thing  called civilization,  and we have created this  way of not living in  natural environments.  So we’re trying to get back  to that in some unnatural way.  Now, you can’t blame people.  They’re trying to do the best they can.  So my point is,  it’s not about pro or anti vaccine.  And I’m not here to tell  people what they should do or not.  I can count the number of  vaccines and I never took them, you know,  when I was given,  but I haven’t taken any of this stuff.  Okay.  That’s my decision,  but I do know that I would  rather strengthen my immune system.  Right.  That’s the decisions I’ve made.  Everyone’s got to make their  own decisions.  So that answers your second  question that relative to long COVID.  I think this is a very  rational hypothesis.  If you did get the mRNA  vaccine and reverse  transcription is taking place,  and we know that  accumulation according to  that hypothesis may occur  under certain conditions,  people have the mRNA coded forever.  you’re always going to be  producing spike proteins.  And if you’re producing spike proteins,  your body’s always going to  be having some type of  inflammatory response, Gautam.  Does that make sense?  Yeah, it does.  I mean,  does a gene editing company like CRISPR,  which Kennedy is investing in,  is that going to find a  solution for this then?  Because if people’s DNA is updated,  then they’re going to edit  the gene to fix this issue.  How very convenient.  Yeah.  Right?  How very convenient that you  will need their technology  to get the shit out of you.  Isn’t that interesting?  Yeah.  Yeah.  So, look, we’re talking about engineering.  Engineering has lots of things.  You ever try to build a software program?  You guys use our dashboard.  We have this bug, that bug from sometimes.  Software has bugs all day.  We’re talking about doing  one of the biggest software  experiments in the world on  this body and trying to engineer it.  Good luck.  going to need lots of  engineers lots of  technology to do that  precisely with precision  why not boost the immune  system why don’t we focus  all of our energies on that  which would be one tenth of  the price or one one  hundred or one one  billionth of the price of  it yeah absolutely agree  why don’t we spend all of  our energy looking through  the ancient indian siddha  and ayurvedic scrolls  figuring out how people  protected their immunity,  which is already there.  Do we have such a hubris  that indigenous people are dumb?  That you have to go around  like this to touch your nose?  It’s like retarded, man.  The whole thing is nuts.  And I’m talking as someone  who studied this.  It’s a lot of effort  to do something that can be  done in a simpler way.  That’s what I’m trying to say.  You follow what I’m saying?  You’re trying to hit a  hammer or a nail with a nuclear weapon.  You really need that.  Yes, thank you.  I agree with you.  I think if you were to become president,  you should just cancel the  vaccination program for  kids and then just get them  sort of natural immunity  with all the vaccines  all the, I mean,  I think that should be  approach moving forward.  Like, like you said,  the old Chinese Indian and  the African people did it.  So, I mean, that makes sense.  I mean, if you think about it,  I never heard of allergies.  I mean,  I came to the United States when I  was seven years old.  I never even heard of allergies.  And I remember going to  school and I have this  allergy that I’d like, I’m saying,  what the fuck is this allergy shit?  And then I have a friend of  mine whose son is Indian.  He grew up here, he has every allergy.  I thought it was only white  people got allergies.  Now Indians are getting allergies.  Like everyone’s getting allergies.  It has nothing to do with  white or black or brown or anything.  It’s like everyone is  getting allergies because  they’re not getting exposed to anything.  I don’t see any kids riding  their bikes in any neighborhoods, do you?  I don’t see any kids riding bikes,  playing foot.  We used to play football in the street,  tackle each.  I mean, I don’t see any of this stuff.  So I don’t know how people  are getting exposed to anything.  So what are we actually creating, you see?  And this is why our movement  has such an important role  to play because we are going back, Amit,  and asking this fundamental question.  Do you believe in this philosophy?  Because philosophy drives  your view of the world,  that we are going to dominate nature.  Like we’re going to figure  out all its reactions.  We’re going to use AI and  it’s going to figure everything out.  Or do we understand nature’s  laws and live in resonance with this?  I actually think this is much more easier.  You see what I’m saying?  Like, why are we doing this?  I mean, I totally agree.  And that’s where I think  when you say you can isolate, uh,  types of diabetes,  then I think Sarasol can  provide a solution globally  to fix that issue once and  for all and have a natural  solution for it rather than, uh,  rather than people being  stuck on metamorphin or  other molecules for life, you know,  and then, and then, yeah.  So I’m, I’m, I’m, I think that’s it.  You’re going to see shortly, you know,  we have realized because of  the advancements that we’ve  done with Cytosol, SystemSelf, and Clean,  we cannot rely on the  existing paradigm for even  supporting our growth.  We’re going to go right to you guys.  Very shortly of the  thirty-five diseases that  Cytosol has already gone after,  we’re just going to go  offer all of those  solutions directly to you.  And we are all going to  co-collaborate in building the solutions.  So be on the lookout.  When you log into Truth  Freedom Health and you want  to go solve oral health  issues or dental health issues,  we’re going to provide you  the educational tools so  you can figure out those solutions.  We’re not doing medicine.  We’re enabling you to find  out what’s right for you.  So it’s the only way, Amit.  These guys are nuts.  They’re fucking nuts.  I remember the first day I came to MIT,  I thought these people were nuts.  They looked unhealthy.  They looked like nerds.  They didn’t look like they, I mean,  I remember sitting in my  computer science class and  I had just built email and  I was like so bored with  these nerds having twitches  and acting like you had to  have a nasally.  They looked like crazy, man.  I hated that fucking place,  but I decided to get their  degrees so I could get to  this point so I could say  fuck you to them.  But I never found these people healthy.  mentally or emotionally.  If you’re mentally and  unemotionally healthy,  why are you creating  solutions to solve  apparently other people’s  health problems?  A friend of mine, Aline Newton,  who’s a rolfer,  said she went to MIT to  teach people they wanted to build robots.  And she said,  how are you going to be able  to build a robot when you  don’t even know how to walk properly?  Your posture is horrible.  It’s really like this.  How can you rely on these  unhealthy people to create  tools for our health?  They can’t.  So I think we’re literally  at this bifurcation society  where we have to take this  fundamental question.  Do you believe that we are  going to be able to  dominate nature by using AI  and figuring everything out that world?  Are we going to take this other route,  understands nature’s laws,  which is what we figured  out at System Cell,  and figure out how to live  with them and live an  amazing life versus this  completely nut job way  of trying to do stuff it’s  nuts the western system of  medicine is phenomenal if  you’re in a crisis  situation okay surgery and  all these things by the way  which also existed  thousands of years ago but  that’s what it’s good for  that crisis intervention  but it’s it’s it’s  nonsensical okay elizabeth  curtis go ahead  Okay.  Hi, Dr. Shiva.  Thank you so much for this insight.  You were talking about  synthetic modified RNA  recycled back in six hours  into the DNA and expressing itself.  And I’ve been understanding  the importance of  electromagnetic frequency  and how it affects how  genetically you can go back  just into ancient history  with the gene expression.  I’m wondering,  how does this fit in to the  electromagnetic frequency  and also infrared light?  Yes, so remember, the universe is composed,  Elizabeth, of three things, information,  matter, and energy, okay?  Sure.  And are you a warrior scholar, Elizabeth?  Have you gone through this?  Yes, I am.  So you have information, matter,  and energy,  which undergoes processes of transport,  conversion, and storage, right?  Yes.  So electromagnetic radiation, right?  Yes.  Different types of energy, by the way.  Sound can kill you, you know?  Uh-huh.  Sound waves, right?  There’s many different types of energy.  electromagnetic energy,  infrared is a little bit different,  that’s thermal, right?  But what’s important to  understand is that energy  interacts with matter to affect chemistry,  and all these processes are related.  So I’ve thought about, you know,  there used to be a field in  ancient times called radionics,  Radionics was a field where  they use crystals.  Crystals are essentially  energy conversion systems.  This microphone has a crystal on it,  right?  I speak into it.  It’s converting sound waves,  movement of vibration into  an electrical wave.  Okay.  There’s magneto piezoelectric crystals.  There’s all different kinds of crystals.  These are well-known objects, right?  Your ultrasound machine has  a piezoelectric crystal.  Anyway,  so there’s all different kinds of  crystals.  So there was a time,  and it’s lost a lot of the stuff,  where they would use  crystals and shine light into them,  radionics along different meridians.  So vibrational healing was a model because,  and it makes sense, okay?  We do very little of that.  Some of it may come back.  But similarly, electromagnetic waves,  how they affect our physical chemistry,  the research that you see tidbits,  some people say that if  you’re around these things  for an hour a day,  you’re really gonna harm your body a lot.  But again,  we don’t have the research  that’s proliferated out there.  It took us a while,  we found a couple of  research papers which show  how electromagnetic waves  affect reactive oxygen species.  We’d like to put that  together with Cytosol to share that,  okay?  So yeah, I mean,  I think there’s a whole  body of work that needs to be done there,  Elizabeth.  Thank you.  Let’s go to Hadrian Scott  from West Virginia,  and it’s twelve midnight.  Then we can keep going or  take this last one.  Go ahead, Hadrian.  Good evening, Dr. Ari.  Two questions.  Did pharma know mRNA would  reverse back into the nucleus of the DNA,  number one?  And is it this reverse  transcription that’s  causing these adverse  effects that’s being reported in VAERS?  Yeah, so I think Amit had a good question.  The long COVID clearly seems  like something you could  attribute to the reverse transcription.  So there’s many things going on here,  Adrian.  One is a spike protein.  Itself is a protein the body  is not seeing.  We do know the spike protein  lands on pericytes, not parasites,  as I talked about last time.  Pericytes are all over your body,  which affect vascularization.  But all the vaccines,  including all the vaccines,  openly reported on their  adverse reactions,  that it would cause  thrombosis and all this stuff.  And all these doctors  waiting two years to talk  about it are just bullshitters.  It was right there on the vaccine label.  It said it would cause all these things.  They knew the adverse  reactions it would cause.  So I think these things,  the adverse reactions were known.  I’m sure someone has done  the work on reverse transcription.  There’s probably a big body of work.  Done on it.  But yeah, VAERS has all these different,  VAERS is the database,  the United States database  that tracks adverse  reactions to vaccines.  I can’t answer all of that,  but what I do know is that  we don’t have enough actual  research on this.  That’s what should concern people.  Thanks, Adrian.  Yep, go ahead.  So essentially they’ve  covered their ass and have  enough to claim plausible deniability.  Well,  you saw that paper coming out in Nature.  By the way,  Nature is the number one rated  journal in the world,  openly saying there’s absolutely, right?  No issues, absolutely safe.  The first issue is safety,  it’s absolutely safe.  You saw that, right, Adrian?  Everyone saw that paper?  Okay, so that is like Nature,  in order to get published in Nature,  you gotta be part of the,  an elite scientific institution.  It has to go through all this peer review.  Absolutely safe.  I mean,  they didn’t even say there’s any issues.  Did you read that?  They said absolutely safe.  Unequivocally safe.  So why would you write  something like that?  Whenever you write something,  and I’ve submitted papers,  you always have to say may or can.  The reviewers will rip you  to shreds if you say it definitely works.  So that’s an insider game.  Because I’ve reviewed papers.  When you see someone writing like that,  that’s an inside job.  Does that make sense, Adrian?  It does.  Sounds like the overall  strategy is problem, reaction, solution.  Hegelian dialectic going on.  Yeah,  I don’t even think it needs you to go  to Hegel.  Yeah.  Hey, let me ask you one quick follow-up.  Last one.  Go ahead.  Okay.  Are you acquainted with Masterpiece?  it’s a it’s a product made  from c plasma and zeolite  to detoxify are you  acquainted with it no I’ve  heard of a lot of things  you know mccullough has his  thing that he promotes and  you know he sucks kennedy’s  this comes from you know  they’re they’re all they  all promote this stuff um  and all of them were  promoting booby kennedy you  know so I don’t know like  we could like I mean  zeolite is a natural detoxifier okay  It sucks many different  things out of your body.  You just have to be careful  that you don’t suck too  many minerals out.  I mean, detoxification stuff is good.  You just have to be careful  you don’t suck out minerals.  You know,  like it’s drinking distilled  water all day.  You’ve got to be careful  because you could suck out  all the minerals out with it too.  Thanks, Adrian.  Let’s go with Matt Stoneman.  who facilitated our meeting today.  Thank you, Matt, for helping us out.  Thank you so much for taking  all this time.  I know it’s getting late on the East Coast,  but what I’m seeing through  your presentation is this seems like  The most hyper scientific  reductionism that could  have ever taken place.  And so it’s like the tip of  the spear of the most  reductionist you could  possibly get with our human body.  My question is,  and I was thinking about  this when you were talking  about playing football with  friends and out in the street and kids,  there is no kids out there on the street.  But is there a kind of like  an entourage effect like we  take with ginger?  It’s multiple compounds.  when you’re getting exposed  naturally to something like a sneeze,  is there an entourage  effect that it’s not just  that one antigen,  but a bunch of multitudes?  Exactly.  That’s what I’m trying to say.  You see, in the old days,  there’s pictures.  I have it in,  you can see in one of my videos,  where someone had a virus  or disease or smallpox.  They would take, Matt, the entire sputum,  dry it.  They would save it and shoot  it up someone’s nose.  It sounds pretty disgusting, okay?  That was inoculation, okay?  But you were giving people,  so what I’m saying is when  you do an isolate, right, versus a whole,  we know that’s turning on a  whole bunch of other things.  And this is where research  really needs to go, right?  What is it you’re turning on?  I mean,  Washington’s troops use a  variolation technique of  that African slave.  And you can read about it.  Type in  V-A-R-I-O-L-A-T-I-O-N to learn what  variolation is.  So there is clearly,  the concept of natural immunity,  our bodies, I mean,  if you looked at a clock,  it’s only been a small  speck of time that homo  sapiens have been around, right?  If you believe in evolution.  And even if you didn’t believe it,  if you even admire,  if there’s a God who  created all this and you  believe in that path,  then you still know the  enormity of the complexity  of what we’re talking about here.  So we co-evolved with  everything around us.  We’re no longer doing that,  which is unfortunate.  So they’re forcing us into  an artificial world.  You see what I’m saying?  Yes,  and I’ve also thought this has been a  long time coming now that  they’re creating diseases  that they are the only ones  that come up with solutions for.  Someone else was talking about that.  But more and more, Matt,  the direction we’re going is…  an a an approach where  people think that we’re  going to conquer nature and  to live away from nature so  that’s where it goes to  that’s a this is a very  important philosophical  question where does that  lead us and where does this  other world lead us and do  we as humans are we and who  is making these decisions  this is the most important  thing who is deciding to  move us in this direction  These are very,  very important questions  that can only be answered  if we have a movement.  Without a movement,  the decisions will just be made for us.  Well,  I think you tied that back in with  the investments Boobie  fucking Kennedy’s made.  So it all ties back to the swarm.  Yeah.  I mean, he’s telling I mean,  do you understand that  these people are absolutely evil?  They know what they’re doing.  What he’s doing here is just a shtick.  It’s nothing real.  He’s totally in with big pharma.  He hangs out with them.  He made sure kids were vaccinated.  Everyone had to be  vaccinated when his wife had his party.  All with it.  But over here,  this is a shtick to be the  civil rights activist for  medical freedom.  That’s a shtick.  That’s a job.  It’s like that Bugs Bunny cartoon.  Remember on Warner Brothers?  The wolf and the dog go to work.  Hey, Bob.  Hey, Ralph.  And then they bark around,  fight each other.  And they go, it’s five p.m.  They go, OK, Bob, good to see you.  I’ll see you next day at work.  That’s what this is.  It’s not real for their world.  It’s just a business operation for them.  And we are just,  they’re just in theater for us.  That’s why, you know, in closing,  what I want to let people  know is that we have a huge  opportunity because of the  work that we’ve done.  People are not only waking up,  but they’re starting to  realize like we actually  have to do something.  versus this type about  something and why our  movement is here for those  people who want to do something.  Matt Stoneman went to a flea market.  I want to thank Matt for this.  He went to a flea market,  him and Nicholas.  They had a Truth, Freedom,  Health banner and they  created their own flyers  and they educated people on  systems health, truth, freedom, health,  and cytosol.  And we have our clean food label.  Yeah, it’s hard to see that, Matt,  because you have, I think, a background.  But Matt did that all on his own.  You know what’s really great about paper?  You don’t need a lot.  Paper, it’s easy.  Print it.  Take it.  Talk to people.  So we have a huge,  all of you have a huge opportunity.  their world is just going to  go into hell I’m telling  you it’s just going to be  its own little world that’s  going to wrap itself on  itself so we have a huge  opportunity so my intention  in doing this was to let  you guys know that they’re  philosophically in a very  different world than we are  number one to be aware of  the level of hypocrisy and  their level of evil  Be aware that their immune  system is a very complex system.  Resilience is a key.  Their system is not about  building resilience at all.  It’s about making you less  and less resilient,  totally dependent on their platforms.  You see?  It’s not about resilience.  All right, if there’s no other questions,  Still got about sixty people here.  It’s good.  Thank you, everyone.  If I didn’t,  if you guys have any questions,  let me know.  We will, I think, Matt,  we have a systems health, I think,  meeting coming up next week.  We’re going to start doing a  health education series next Tuesday.  We have a whole talk on diabetes.  We’re going to share with  you all the research we’ve  done on diabetes.  And then we have a clean  food certified talk,  but we’re going to do these  much more deeper videos.  And then we’re going to do  small snippets of them  during the week so you guys  can take advantage of them.  All right, everyone.  Thank you.  Dr. Shiva, we thank you so much.  Yeah.  Can you guys finish up with  the anthem video and then the features?  Yes, sir.  Okay.  Thanks, guys.  Bye-bye.  Be the light.  Bye-bye.  I’m going to leave.  That’s OK.  Yes, sir.  Of course.  Thank you so much.

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