In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist & Engineer, Candidate for US President, shares the ultimate weapon of the SWARM to oppress you and what we must do to win.
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Good morning, everyone it is visit, it’s 11:47am here in Boston. And it’s evening in other parts of the world. Today’s our truth, freedom and health, open house, we do this every Thursday at 11am.
And then we repeat it again, also at 8pm. And you can see some of our troops to help warriors here that are gathered. So we have about 75 people here from across the world.
So I want to welcome everyone who’s not in our town hall, if people want to come to the town hall, they can go to VA But every town hall, I do a brief a meeting, to really share with people a brief intro that will really share with people what the topic of the day is.
And what I want to talk about today is how the swarm oppresses you. And what you must do to win. Now, this term, the swarm, I came up with it because the term that Trump was putting out there was called the swamp the swamp denotes a particular location, a geographic location.
And that notion led me to do a systems drawing, I used to teach a course at MIT called systems visualization. And I may teach it again, it was a 13 week course where people combined drawing, they combined systems theory data, and narrative storytelling was very, was the most popular elective ice at MIT, those three years. But the course really taught people to take a very complex set of information, very complex stuff, and literally put it into a story format.
And that’s what that swarm video was that many of you saw. And I think it went viral, in spite of all the censorship, we endure. And that’s what we want to talk about when we look at the censorship, and the invisibility that they do to our movement.
And the content that I shared, that will really lead you to the real oppression that the swarm does. And that’s what we want to talk about. Before I do that, John, how long is that video, the swarm video.
15 minutes, it’s about 15 minutes, I’m going to play that swarm video. Because I want to make sure that everyone understands what the swarm is, if you haven’t seen it. And once we’ve done watching that video, again, it may be a repeat for some of you, then we’re going to talk about what is the methodology that they use to actually silence real people real bottoms up movements, okay? And what they do to actually promote the fake movements, because that is how they continue to oppress people, because they do not want someone like me, who learned all their methods, or those of you who are joining us today, to actually get knowledge out to people to liberate them.
So John, can you play that video, please? So this is the video I’m going to share with everyone, which is a swarm video. I DeRay, how a very small set of people control 8 billion people, this is what I call the elite, let’s say there’s about 10,000 of them. How is it these people are able to manipulate the 8 million people here, if you talk to a lot of naive people, they think, oh, it’s the Rothschilds over here, or it’s the aliens, they don’t understand.
It’s not any one individual. It’s not any one organization. There’s something called swarm intelligence.
If you watch all those birds flying together, not any one of them is in control. They move together as a unit that closely knit they’re quote unquote, telepathic, but they move with a singular goal. The goal of the elites here is power, profit and control.
This is a goal. So we look at it from a control system, what are the inputs they’re sending into this system to achieve their goals? And what is the output that they seek? So if you’re an elite over here, and you’re looking at those 8 billion people, how do you know you’re achieving your goal? Are people getting fat? Meaning unhealthy? Are people getting dumb? Which means ignorant? Are people happy? Which means are they being entertained? Are people divided? Are they isolated, disconnected? They don’t want people here connecting with each other people feeling helpless are people looking to the elite to save them and they like that they like when people here are looking to them the enemy here for their saviors. They really love that they want people to be disorganized, and they definitely want people to be helpless.
This is what they want. If you do not want to unite among people here and find who your own leaders are from below. They are quite happy.
They’re achieving their goal, our profit and control. How do they do this? You’re gonna realize it’s not any One group, it’s an interconnected, tightly knit group. They’re all closely interconnected.
In fact, they all go to the same restaurants, they have all their kids going to the same equestrian shows, they all shop at the same place. They all go to the same parties. You’re not part of that.
So who are these people? And what are the institutions of power that they have? Well, first of all, they have academia, Harvard, Oxford, Yale, MIT, Iit in India, the top 100 university presidents, these people are on boards of companies, but it’s about 100 people who run the major universities in the world and GE O’s are nonprofits. These are people run these huge nonprofit organizations like the Clinton Global Initiative, W E. F, World Economic Forum center for foreign relations, and there’s many other institutions like these, but it’s the CEOs of these institutions.
And these guys know each other, they will definitely work together. The next thing you have is you have government, US senators, prime ministers of countries, advisors to government think tanks, the Belfer school at Harvard, the Stanford internet observatory, they created the censorship infrastructure. This includes CIA, right intelligence organizations, and again, all these people know each other.
They’re interconnected. They’re a swarm, they’re tightly knit, they’re not divided, like these people over here. They’re not disconnected.
They’re highly interconnected. So these people are focused on power. But then you also have a whole nother people who CEOs of the global 2000 companies, other big organizations like big pharma companies, Pfizer, big agriculture companies like Syngenta, big investment companies, JP Morgan, you put Deutsche Bank here, you put Epstein down here, okay, he was involved in all this.
He also have the fed the central banks, all these people party together. When I say party together, I mean, literally, they party together guys, absolute close knit friends, and in fact, the CEO of a global 2000 company will easily move to one of the investment companies down here. If you look at Target they companies like Anheuser Busch, and Exxon, you’ll find that one point they were in one of these investment companies and these investment companies sit on the board of these companies, and they shuffled back and forth.
So this is all about making money, right? These people are about making the dollar. These people are all about power. This is profit.
And then fundamentally you have control Hollywood over here. This includes celebrities, you have their agents, Hollywood agents, like Ari Emanuel, as I’ve talked about, who’s a guy who controls most of Hollywood he controls worldwide Wrestling Federation, the MMA etc. The media companies, this includes Disney Viacom, this includes now Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, these are large media companies, Google you can put in there also, you also have big news stations, CNN, Fox, and combined with this now we have another group social media influencers.
This is like Joe Rogan Tucker Carlson, these characters who have come in but they do not exist without support from these guys, if you notice overnight, a bunch of social media influence have come out of nowhere, and these people are created by these people. So when you look at this, the academics, the NGOs, the government, the think tanks, investment companies that fed the Big Pharma, the CEOs, a Hollywood celebrities, media, social media influencers in the news companies, and you can even take the top 10 of each one of these, they all know each other everyone and in order to manipulate these people, they need frontman to manipulate these people with policies is what comes out our policies. These are the inputs they put into the system propaganda, they feed these people, purposely people who they tell them are going to save them like the Elon Musk’s or Trump or the Kennedys.
Now, who are the people part of the Swarm that does have the obvious establishment and these people are like the Clintons or the McConnell’s or the Obamas, or the bushes or the Queen of England, typically people say, oh, yeah, those guys are part of the establishment. But one of the things we teach a truth for them help the most insidious people are what I call the not so obvious establishment. These are the people that are created to make sure that the 8 billion people look to the elites to save that Trump.
He’s got a golden toilet Mar Lago Kennedy’s completely bogus family you can look at historically, people like Gandhi, or people like MLK, these people all came and were endorsed by the swarm. These people do not exist. They live in Malibu, they live in the places of the elite.
And these people are the ones that are used to send the inputs of this controller in system signs. These are the controllers, these are the people controlling the inputs that go in and remember their goal is to make sure people are in the state of division disconnection helplessness, particularly if they’re observing all this they have their sensors and one of the features that they notice is that as long as people are in dysfunction and diseased, mentally, physically, emotionally or happy well what are those diseases these days we see obesity, we see endocrine disruption men with low testosterone and people questioning their sexuality. We also see people with cancer the world’s populations life expectancy is going down United States is going this way and this from 1980 to 2020 paid like this, this is life expectancy in fact when they see dysfunction you know what they do they put another input in which is normalize the dysfunction eat sugars and high fructose food well over hear people have been literally getting fat.
It’s led to obesity or they’ve been putting in foods that are affecting people’s gut microbiome. This what I call from policy to biology, people are getting worse and worse, they’re actually making more money because the obesity now creates obesity drugs, the endocrine disruptors, let’s talk about this, this will really explain what’s going on with Bud Light. About 20 years ago, there was research done at the universities that clearly showed the use of restricted use pesticides like Atrazine and other chemicals in the atmosphere actually cause endocrine disruption which could reduce male testosterone, which could also affect mammals where the sex organs can change.
And this was done by the work of Tyrone Hayes. So if you’re over here at a university and you find out what your research has discovered that and you are playing golf with people over here at Syngenta, Syngenta is gonna produce Atrazine, they’re gonna say, Hey, man, we don’t want this research coming out because you have to understand something. The investment community here is investing in all of these companies.
So if you’re in one of these large investment companies, you’re moving trillions of dollars $600 trillion, by the way, move through the economy every day, you as one of the elite managers of money you’re moving all this money, you know, all of these people, you know, the CEO of target, you know, the CEO of Anheuser Busch, you know, the CEO of Pfizer and Syngenta and imagine that you see, wow, the stuff that we’ve been creating is causing sexual disruption changes. You’re seeing a phenomenon where more and more people are questioning their sexuality. And what you want to do is you want to make sure that the general public doesn’t understand this because if they did, they would awaken to something that’s going on from the decisions you made.
So you call up your friend but lady goes, Hey, look, let’s run a campaign. let’s normalize trans let’s exploit a willing person to be exploited like this Dylan Mulvaney, let’s put them on as a poster boy for Bud Light. And let’s push them out there because we want the attention to normalize and dysfunction because the goal is to make sure they don’t lose their trillions over and Syngenta they’re willing to take billion dollar hit over here, but they want to say their trillions in Big Pharma and big ag because they’re all part of the same family.
They all do favors for each other. And then again, you’d go do it a target to try to normalize it because you don’t want people over here to understand the bigger picture. But you are interconnected.
You could strike deals left and right. Let’s do a marketing campaign and your list normalized. The same thing if you can look at what’s going on obesity, all these pharma companies are making big money from obesity drugs, but there’s movies on Netflix and Amazon promoting fat people as a norm.
What’s happening over here you have people who are pro fat, and people are anti fat people, you know, people pro woke and anti woke and they don’t care. See a bunch of these idiots writing books against woke companies and anti wall companies, your people creating apps only shop and anti will companies don’t go to World companies. But you guys understand that these guys don’t give a damn, they’re making money anyway, the investment bankers are going to make money from both companies and anti war companies.
But what’s occurring here is people are being divided. These guys are happy because they’re inputting policies and propaganda people here being divided. And that is the goal to achieve power profit control.
So as long as these people work together as a swarm to control the policies and the propaganda and they provide false heroes, and they’re using the Trump’s the Kennedys, and God, these all of them will talk a big game, their goal is to make sure that you never understand this, that you keep thinking, oh Kennedy is going to solve the problem. Trump is going to solve the problem. They don’t want you to be leaders in your own communities.
They want you to outsource your future to people like Trump for Kennedy, because they’re part of the swarm and you keep getting more hung out the more ignorant more entertained, but most importantly, you are divided. People here don’t organize themselves to smash this people up in this is the history of human oppression, they have it down to a system a goal, they have a controller, they have specific inputs, they manipulate billions of people to achieve this state, they produce dysfunction, they don’t give a damn if you die, the life expectancy, United States, your children are going to die sooner than you and they’ve achieved their goal. They don’t give a damn you understand these people are eating organic foods there, you get the best restaurants, they get the best insurance, they get the best health care and this is what they want to achieve.
And that’s how they’re controlling people. The other way they’re controlling you is they want you to keep looking to the elites like Trump and Kennedy and all these people to save you. They want you to look to the swarm, they do not want you to ever support a Malcolm X or a Dr.
Shiva or you they don’t want you to become leaders. And this is a goal. As long as you’re divided.
As long as you’re looking over here, you are going to achieve their goal of power, profit and control. So what’s the way out? How do we win the first way we win, everyone’s got to be aware of the science of systems without this understanding their goals, their controllers, their systems, their intelligence and their dump systems, you are never going to break out of this because you will think everything is oh my god, we got to talk about aliens and UFOs and flat earther. This all those may be interesting topics.
But they don’t come down to the fundamentals of understanding this. And the only way out of this is people here have got to understand the principles of system science. And the good news is you can learn this truth freedom health.
So first of all, learn these principles that truth freedom health, that’s the only place this is my gift to people. We’ve made it accessible to all your children. Any person who goes through the course you can give it to your children.
Anyone can learn this but the goal is go to truthful mouth and you will understand the science of systems. So we have created that weapon and with this weapon, this is a hammer year, we have a way to smash this swarm. But without the understanding of this without you understanding this system science without you understanding that knowledge of systems, you will never break out of this, please volunteer go to Shiva for president.
com volunteer. And by the way, when you donate, I don’t like to take people’s money for nothing. I give you books and courses and access to the entire community truth freedom health.
com. So please take advantage of that if you want to donate. But if you don’t want to donate volunteer, we’re going to be getting on the ballot and all the states.
So we need people on the ground to go to Sheba for President numeral for and volunteer, volunteer volunteer our campaign is about mobilizing you, we have a whole program that we want to train you to be a leader. So we get connected, we’re no longer helpless.
We stopped looking to the schools like Kennedy and Trump and all these other people because wherever they gotten us, they’re part of the system to increase power, profit and control. This is why a small set of people, the elites to keep getting richer and richer off the backs of people is why these people are able to control you because they make you disconnected and divided in a very, very systems way. This is the science of systems that they’re using.
There’s about 10,000 people that learn the science. This is not accidental, everyone, what I’m here to tell you is once you understand the engineering physics here, we can smash these people and make a society where people are decentralized, but connected. We’re no longer divided.
But we’re united with the interests that we have to face their propaganda and destroy them and to no longer follow false heroes. And that’s what this is about. Because the way we’re going now, as I’ve talked about those in power want to kill you.
It’s not a hyperbole they want to kill you the movement for truth, freedom, health, and our campaign for Shiva for president is about making sure you live long and prosper. And the only way to do it is you have to become aware of this recognizing that there’s a systems process. Fortunately, truth freedom health.
com exists. I wish I didn’t have to go do this. In fact, our parents should have done this first.
But anyway, truth freedom health exists, our campaign exists. So go to Shiva for become a volunteer become a warrior scholar, truth freedom health.
com every Thursdays at 11am and 8pm. I do a open house and we have our 8pm town halls for our campaign, please join them you can RSVP at va
The other important you can do where we start taking control of our lives that you start supporting one of us I’m one of you leaders bottoms up I didn’t grow up in a Kennedy compound. I didn’t grow up with golden plated toilet seats. I grew up like you guys.
And as a part of that, make sure that you share this video, hit the share button. Make sure you retweet it, make sure you click the notify make sure you put comments on because you know that I’ve been exposing their false heroes, Elon Musk and the Kennedys and all they’re not so obvious establishment people. So their retribution is to shadow ban me my tweets used to get 500,000 views per day today.
I’m lucky if I get 5000 views per day and then they put keywords if something starts going viral to stop that. So the way you can help is sign up as a volunteer so we get on the ground the future is offline. I need you to go share these videos, get it out there and become a truth for them.
Health warrior that’s the ways you guys can help contribute. Anyway. There you go.
So anyway, I hope this is valuable. Be the light shimmer for Truth freedom health.
com Thank you everyone be well be the light, have a good night. Have a good morning, good afternoon, wherever you are. So I wanted to play that because you know i By the way, when I do these videos, I never see them afterwards.
But that’s a frickin damn good video. Okay, that’s probably one of the best videos I’ve done. And I’m sure that two years ago that would have had 100 million views.
It got probably broadly about 5 million views. When I did the vitamin d3 video in 2020. We helped a lot of people, they got about 80 100 million views before it was taken down.
And none of these doctors did anything then. All of these scumbag doctors were now writing books attacking Fauci were silent, then think about what I’m saying. All of these people in positions of power, knowing that vitamin d3 could save people’s lives did nothing and 2020.
People like Robert fucking Kennedy promoted lockdown saying they’re going to support you know, climate change. Go look at what he said. The only person who spoke up at that time was me.
And I have to take credit for that. Because throughout my entire life, and this is probably true of everyone. We’re here today because this movement integrates your personal struggle and the collective struggle.
So everyone here has a story to tell about your arc of what what brought you here today. And so we cannot forget this is deeply personal to the individual. You’re putting your personal integrity on the line and your professional integrity.
Robert fucking Kennedy made a statement we could go he says, you know, you should separate one’s personal integrity from their political integrity. Can you believe This fucking shit. The elites are making up.
I mean, he said it on an interview, they asked him, What about, you know, you know, Hunter Biden, you know, there’s all these integrity. You know, your family has integrity issues. Your uncle was a philanderer, your other uncle killed somebody, he goes, Well, you know, I think we need to separate personal integrity from what you do in the public integrity.
Do you understand how fucked up these people are, and people follow these people, they’re openly telling you, I will do whatever the hell I want. In my personal life, I may kill people. But in my political life, you must accept me might have to ignore that.
Because all of them have shit on their hands. All of them do not live a life of integrity. And that is why they make me and our movement invisible.
And that is how they oppress us through invisibility. In 20, they didn’t see me coming, I sat in this room and I used to do four videos a day, probably go to bed, get up at six and go to bed at 2am. People will tell you that’s how we did those videos, because I saw that people were being manipulated, and there was a window.
They hadn’t figured out all their censorship. We got ourselves out there to about a half a billion people. And that’s how most of you know us.
Then I was thrown off Twitter, for what reason for exposing the backdoor portal into Twitter, filed a major lawsuit and they made invisible that lawsuit. In fact, it was our lawsuit was the first one that exposed the backdoor portal and got a court injunction a federal court injunction, but now they’re promoting Missouri versus Biden by a bunch of fools who plagiarize a lawsuit. But that injunction does not address the backdoor portal and gives Elon Musk a completely free ride.
Okay. So it’s a limited Hangout. So everything they do, is because they’ve never had to contend with someone like me in our movement and you guys, because a movement like ours has not existed, which is based on truth and reality and is a real movement coming from those 8 billion people.
You see, they’ve never had that the few times that happened, the glimmers of hope like Malcolm X, they were executed. Okay. The last speech Malcolm X gave two weeks before he was shot was I believe there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those who do the oppressing, but it will not be based on the color of the skin.
Up until that point, he was a black nationalist being manipulated by Elijah Muhammad. And but when he went to Mecca and he said, Wait a minute, there’s black, white, we’re all being fucked, right? And he made that statement two weeks later, as long as you’re in your lane, you’re fine, but I don’t stay in my lane. I’m not a good Indian.
They want me to shake my head and and talk that way. And then they find these foolish Indians. This guide Vivek, complete idiot, you can’t I mean, he’s complete fake.
He’s not used to fake Indian and a fake an American. And then they go find another doctor, but Acharya who said that we he wrote a paper promoting lockdowns. Then later on, he says, Oh, I’m against lockdowns, and they promote him, you see, they will not promote me and you guys in their standard media.
In fact, they won’t even attack us anymore. They will make us invisible. So that’s the weapon that they have to make people invisible.
There’s a very famous book called by Ralph Ellison called The Invisible Man. But you guys got to understand, I’ve been dealing with this on a very personal level, I may not have shared this my entire fucking life. Because I came from nothing.
And I’ve always had to fight when I was seven years old. When I first moved to the United States, man, I worked my butt off, guys, I used to work, you can talk to my friend Lorraine. I said get up, go to bed at two in the morning, get up at seven even as a 12 year old kid.
Because my mom said you’re gonna have to do better than other people because of your background. If some kid gets, you know, a seven out of 10, he’ll get an A, but you’re gonna have to get 10 out of 10. So I just worked harder.
And I remember in seventh grade, I was the best student in the class and they had an exam who would be the best student in the school and you have to take an exam for chemistry. I wasn’t even invited to fucking participate in the exam. And my mother, who was a fierce fighter, came home from work.
After working, she’d get up at five in the morning, cook food for us make dinner and she went into that teacher and she reamed him out. And this was a predominantly Jewish school, we just moved into this Jewish school. And all my friends were Jewish, nice people, and was interesting was they have a philosophy that the Jewish people are the chosen ones if you know, Zionism, which is by the way, not Judaism.
And so the fact I was the only kid out of 4000 kids in that school, and so this was a little bit problematic because I went every awards and I would ace everything. So they literally wanted to keep me out of that exam. My dad told the teacher Do you know what you’re doing? You’re gonna create a Hitler with my son.
And they said, What do you Talking about, and it goes, that’s what you’re doing. But my parents were fierce fighters. They were untouchables, the lowest caste in India.
They didn’t get anything, guys. They had to fucking fight. And I’ve had to fight all my fucking life.
They’re not going to give us anything, especially when you figure them out, like we have figured them out. I’m qualified to run for president and probably the best most qualified candidate ever. They won’t even put us on any new show.
Why? And it’s not the left or the right, all of them because they fear us. They do not want real people coming up, bottoms up. It scares the shit out of them because they’re all fake.
And the only way out of this so how do we win the only ways the future is offline? The future is offline. When we can use the online medium to certain extent, but that video man that only got 450,000 views, and fucking dumbass Kennedy with his fucking demonic voice, they promote the hell out of him. He does stupid shit and gets 5 million views.
Go look at my tweet that I did. In December 20. It got 20 million views.
Then as I kept attacking, musket went down, that’s called Making someone invisible. That’s called apartheid. That’s called caste ism.
That’s called racism, whatever you want to call it. And that’s what we’re fighting. These people hate you.
They hate me. And they hate the fact that I have betrayed them. And I’m building a movement.
Because I hate these fucking guys. They do not give a damn about you. They do not give a damn about working people.
They’re all they’re all Hunter Biden’s all of them. They’re just variations of them. Okay.
They’re all Jeffrey Epstein’s. That’s why they protect them. They’re just variations.
They all have shit on their hands. So the weapon of Invisibility is what they do. That’s why I say some idiot wrote on stream as well.
I think you’re getting Trump wrong. No, you’re getting Trump wrong. And you should come and take the course.
They create theater. Trump’s agent is area manual. As long as they create the dialectic old Trump was getting indicted and they put them on the front.
They’re part of it. If you were truly their enemy, you’re not going to be seen on their TV channels. You’re not going to be seen.
It’s Invisibility is what they use. Does that make sense? They use invisibility. So that’s what I want to impress on people that use invisibility the swarm can never have one of us, leading us.
They can never have one of us leading us. They can never have you leading us. So they make us invisible in their battle grounds.
So they always want us to come to their battle grounds. And they make people think oh, you aren’t on Tucker Carlson tried to get on Tucker Carlson. No, you fucking idiot.
Tucker Carlson is never going to put us on. Because we are independent of left and right. And if you push us on the day, he puts us on.
And I hit 100 million people are like, wow, this guy’s a real guy. Why are we watching this fool? It’s over for them. It’s suicide.
Joe Rogan will. I mean all of them. Follow me go to my Twitter channel Rogan follows me.
All of them have been following me. I’ve been asking Rogen since 20. I just found the tweets.
It’s really interesting, actually, that direct messages to him, I should publish them. They will never put us on. So we need to get that through our heads, Trump, Kennedy or their boys.
And the good news is our movement exists. And it is in a movement like this has never existed because typically people manipulate people using a Gandhi or Martin Luther King, who they write great speeches for and they put them in good costumes, and they give them great names. Mahatma, anyone in India will tell you that’s not his name.
Okay, they have theater. So that is our enemy, the theatrics that they do, and they will make us invisible. And so I want everyone to get grips on that.
Do not try to manipulate them to think they’re going to make you visible don’t ever work. You can’t do it. They’re narcissists, you cannot do it.
Okay, you may make a little headway, but ultimately, we have to build a strong movement, which is based on education. Yesterday, we did our video someone said, Oh my God, it’s urgent. This guy, Jason Netsy.
And he should really learn, he sort of comes in and he’s sort of a dilettante. Okay. We have people come in and out of the movement, but they don’t put the time in.
And that’s not a person who’s going to change the world. Oh, my we got to do something urgent about these forest fires that go no, Jason, there’s nothing urgent to do. You need to freakin take the course you need to you need to go through the process.
You need to help build a movement. They may blow up worlds and they may do this. They may do all sorts of disasters.
But when they say oh my god, you got to do something now. No, this is a slow and steady race, you have to learn the concepts. You have to become a leader.
You have to teach others this. That’s how we win. And if enough people do that, it’s going to escalate fast, like critical mass.
But if you think oh my god, I’m gonna do something urgent. Oh my god, Shiva, we got to vote for Trump. He’s our best thing.
You see that urgency lead you into the path where they want. They do not want people to sit on their ass, study this stuff, understand how they operate. That’s why that swarm video is freaking good.
That swarm video probably got 100 million views. And it’s every human being on this planet should see that swarm video. And I’m thinking about ways to do that.
Okay. Everyone wants everyone sees that video, they’ll know what they need to do to shatter the swarm. So how do we do that? What is the weapon the weapon is you the weapon is Jeffrey, Billy Otto and Netherlands who goes out hands out of Florida, the Jeffer that Jeffrey puts helps us do posters.
It’s us participating in this. There’s no one else guys. It’s us using our creative knowledge.
Oh, let’s put up stickers over here. Do you know one little stupid bumper sticker 100,000 People see, you know that 100,000 People see one freakin bumper sticker. I want to have you know, 10 million people having a bumper sticker all over the world.
That’s like trillions of trillions of views. We don’t need stupid Musk a fool. We need to just do the work like a farmer going down planting the seeds watering, you know, or a serious scientist who goes in put something in the petri dishes.
It’s not sexy. But you have to do this work. Because the establishment is brainwashed people to think you got to do something sexy, you know, and then change happens? No, they have a lot of people behind them.
Accountants administrators who are fuck doing things very methodically. It is it is very deliberate. It’s highly organized.
All the elites, all the intellectuals like myself, they bribed to go work for them. They have a team of people who are doing this video, they have spreadsheets, they know the decisions, they tell these people what to do. Kim Kardashian has a whole bunch of frickin Harvard Business School people behind her don’t think don’t think these people don’t.
So we have got to get very clear and got our get our shit together. And getting our shit together means realizing that we can ever be depend on them for one thing, don’t depend on them for giving me visibility. They’re not.
Because they figured they know that I know that they know what they’re up to. Okay. So the solution is this movement, this community, this knowledge, that is the solution.
And the solution is you. So the reason we do these open houses is to give everyone the opportunity to hear firsthand from me and others here the journey that it took to get here. And this has been a very long journey.
But guess what, we have organized the knowledge, we have put it together in an infrastructure that is independent of the elites. You don’t have to go to university, you come here, and every one of you can learn, teach and serve Sarah, you can learn it, then you get to teach it, then you get to serve Justin, you get to learn it, you get to teach it you get to serve. That’s how we’re going to do it.
And so much brainwashing has been done to all this, that the concepts I’m sharing with you. Yeah, of course, it makes sense. Why didn’t I think about that, because of the inundation of the brainwashing.
And so every day, you will find out that whether you know it or not, that’s always in the back of the mind. Is there a shortcut? There is no shortcut. There’s no shortcut.
So I wanted to share that with you. And I’m sure every one of you has a personal journey, like I talked about in seventh grade. But my entire life has been like this, you know, I frickin create an email, it’s out there, all the data is there, but they don’t want to fully acknowledge it because it will expose the fact that no great innovations come from the center.
The Swarm doesn’t produce anything, guys, the real innovations come from the edges. Academia doesn’t really do science, science does science, academia actually fucks up science. So there’s so much human culture, so much human art thinking philosophy that we don’t even have any idea of because a few people are controlling this.
A finite set of people are determining what is art, what is music, what it means to be human beings. No one knows the devastation that does to the human spirit. A finite set of people and that’s why we need to shatter the swarm.
But in order to do that, it’s a great slogan. But in order to do that, we’re going to have to do some basic steps A, B and C. You got to understand the science of systems.
You have to connect with other people in your local communities. And you have to keep refining the acknowledge, and we’ve created the environment to do that. So that’s the way out of it.
So I want to encourage everyone as I sign off on social media and come back to our town hall, those of you listening on social media, if you’re hearing this, I thank you for all your great comments. Someone says, We need your leadership, we need you, but for great, great comments, but the realities, I’m only one person. I’ve done some pretty good stuff here, but it demands you to get off your butt.
So thank you for those wonderful comments. But I’m asking you, you know, ask not what the swarm will do for you. But ask what you will do to destroy the swarm.
That’s what this is about. That’s what we need you to do. So how can you do that go to Truth for to help.
com Come to the orientation that we host tonight. But get involved. You know, get your kids involved.
We’ve made it so if you go through the course you can give it to as many children as you want, but we’ve created the actual steps so you don’t say well, I don’t know what to do.