In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, educates on the truth about Marxism-Leninism. What they got wrong, what they got right, and how we continue on their journey for Truth Freedom Health.
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All right, everyone, this is Dr. Shiva Yadure. Today, we’re going to be having a discussion about the truth about Marxism Leninism, a systems Analysis that’s what we’re going to start with today. So I hope you guys enjoy this. I’m going to have a conversation with Caleb about this. Let me just bring him in and we’ll go right here.
And I think I should be able to present with him. All right. Caleb, are you ready? I’m all set, Caleb. We can go. All right. All right. Where do you want to start?
Welcome, everybody. I’m here with a man who is a PhD in biology. He’s also the inventor of email and he’s running for president of the United States.
I know many people that are part of our CPI community. I’m getting an echo.
You’re getting an echo?
Oh, I’m good. I’m good. There we go. He’s running for president of the United States on a very interesting platform. It’s really an honor to have you here. You are known to the Internet as Dr. Shiva. Do you want to introduce yourself?
Sure. Caleb. This is Dr. Shiva. I address many of, I’m running for president of the United States, but more importantly, my journey has been really through an interesting field of science and engineering called system science, which can be applied to many things, politics, health, medicine.
Engineering. It’s one of the most profound fields of science and engineering. And, I’d really like to talk about, the journey that I went through growing up in India and what’s called a system of oppression called the caste system. But also having experienced very interesting areas of medicine, ancient systems of medicine, and the journey I went through to come into the United States one of these precocious kids who started working as a young teenager as 14 years old as a research fellow at Rutgers Medical School.
Where not only was I integrating computing and medicine as a kid, but I also created the first email system long before I came to MIT, which reveals the fact that great innovations are not a result of war that, everyday human beings have immense capacity to solve problems. Innovation is in everyone’s DNA.
And so I did this all before I came to MIT, the invention of email. When I came to MIT, I was very interested in systems. And started a revolutionary newspaper on the campus of M. I. T. and we’ll talk about that. A very different approach to the left liberal approach. And it was a systems approach that we took integrating many different.
Aspects of revolutionary theory, but advancing it with system science in many ways, marks and Lenin, the realities they made great contributions. A particular remarks to retrospectively understanding human. System science where he knew it or not. There were errors that he made prospectively looking at it.
But a lot of Marxists don’t want to talk about Lennon because Lennon gave teeth to Marxism and Lennon’s work really brought in the concept of, democratic centralism or organization principles, but the reality is both of these individuals did not have access to the knowledge of system.
So when people go off. And they critique Marx and Lenin without having this understanding they’re doing it, frankly, in a very subjective way without really having a desire of a real interest if they want to move history forward. I think it’s important to talk about that because my journey coming from a low cast background in India, traversing through engineering and science, getting 4 degrees at MIT doing many accomplishments within the military industrial complex, but this unique perspective I had that.
Innovation does not need to be anointed by the elites that I created email long before I came when the news of that came out more publicly because I never really talked about it when I went into the Smithsonian in 2012, the vitriol that came out was really a multiplicity of things. 1 is it was a dark skin Indian guy talking about inventing email, but more importantly, it was done before I came to the narrative is you come to or you drop out of Harvard.
You get anointed to be part of the elite class. And then you’re authorized to innovate. But the truth is the invention of email came way before that. Just like the invention of TV was done by Philo Farnsworth, who was also a 14 year old boy. So I have a unique perspective on where innovation comes from, who are the great innovators.
And you’ll find out it’s everyday people solving simple problems. Or complex problems. So that’s the journey. My journey went through these 3 levels of science and engineering, understanding systems, medicine, but also politics throughout since as a 17 year old kid, you’ll see me on the ground as an activist, burning the South African flag on the steps of MIT, organizing massive anti war protests.
Organizing food service workers. When I went to India, I exposed a corruption in the Indian government, even though I was appointed by the prime minister of India to run one of the largest innovation centers. I whistle blew, and that resulted in my having to leave India. When I was there on a 2 year Fulbright, I’m hearing some feedback.
Are you okay? But, that journey ultimately made me recognize that we need to build bottoms up movements. And these movements cannot be done just in theory. You need to have theory as well as practice. So I wanted to ask
you I’ve watched some of your videos. I’m not as familiar with your content and your messages as many of my viewers are.
And, there was a great amount of anticipation. People are very happy that the two of us are speaking. One thing I noticed that you said, which I totally agree with you talk about the elite and you said they want to kill you or they want to kill us. Now, can you tell me. What is behind that?
What do you mean they want to kill us? Why do they want to kill us? What is their motivation for trying to drive down the population reduced living standards? You talked about how our Children are likely to have a lower life expectancy than we have. What is behind this?
Caleb, when you really look at this, if You know there’s a book I have there called System and Revolution, right?
And in many ways that book leaves off where Marx and Lenin ended. It applies the concept of system science. And what you realize is that the elites have a very specific goal in control systems. Their goal is maximize power, maximize profit, maximize control. The other 8 billion of us have a very different goal.
Maximize truth, maximize freedom, maximize Health for all of us, right? So these two are very contradictory goals. So the elite’s goal of maximizing profit, maximizing power and control ultimately leads to an imperial model, imperialism and that ultimately leads to a state, a transition or a phase of modern systems, society where you have to, the elites are looking around and they’re wondering, why do we need all these humans?
They see humans as a problem, right? And that problem is in their view, going to be resolved by looking at do I need so many workers, right? Or can I replace them with machines? And then they have to do this calculus on that to figure out is the maintenance of a machine going to be more costly than the maintenance of a human?
And they may have done some of these calculations in certain areas. But in their trajectory of maximizing power, profit and control. We, those who actually produce value, right? Those people actually create things. Those people actually make things if they can replace them and, maximize more profit, more control, they’re going to do that in a much, at a much lower cost.
So if you look at the policies of the elites over the last. 6070 years, starting really in the 70s during the period of the 1900s, 1970, particularly in the United States or even globally, there was starting the late 1800s and 1900s. People rose up bottoms up. Many of these movements are starting.
People may have not gotten the theory perfectly, but they were rising up and those movements in the United States resulted in massive gains. That the elites do not want to acknowledge the workers movements in the United States and those workers movements are why we eliminated child labor. Why there was any modicum of basic infrastructure and you can keep going down the list long before the vaccine.
1963, the measles vaccine came 98 percent of measles was wiped out because of infrastructure. And that infrastructure came not from the behest of the liberal elites like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was actually a racist scumbag who was serving the elites. It came at the fact that there was a growing mass movement, which puts the fear of God into the elites.
So they threw reforms at people, but between 1900 to 1970, if you look at the US economy, as GDP grew, the wages of everyone in the United States grew across all income quartiles. And that was not because, again, of some new deal. It was because There was still a mobilized bottoms up movement of organic trade unions.
There were still remnants of that, even up into the 50s, 60s and 70s. It was a McCarthy era where the elite started branding all of those bottoms up movements as being somehow run out of Russia. That they could not be organic bottoms up workers movements. And so the right wing, did the red scare and then the left wing.
And for my analysis took over all of these bottoms up movements. And so by 1970 most of the union started getting busted, heightening with the Patco strike when Reagan came into office. So if you look at. From 1970 till today, there’s been maybe 2 million workers in about 900 strikes.
Between 1900 to 1970, there were close to 11, 000 strikes with close to a quarter of a million Americans taking to the streets. So as the unions were taken over, as many of the so called workers parties liquidated themselves, frankly, they had bad theory. They became left wings of the Democrat party. You had the transfer of about 50 trillion in wealth.
Of the American workers to the elites, and that is directly correlated to the fact there was no more movements. No more bottoms up movements is the left and the right collaborated against working people. So part of that 1970 effect was policies that were enacted by the elites and those policies destroyed people’s biologies.
Okay. As a systems biologist, and as a, system scientists, you can see. The scale across, you can see this problem across multiple scales at the large scale of a social system, all the way down to the microscopic scale of the human molecular system. Every policy that the elites passed during this period affected people’s biology, the massive amounts of income inequality created massive stress.
And physically in humans, right? The breakdown of communities of people the number one reason people live long is friendships, communities, trusted relationships. All of these things got broken down by design started abusing the environment in many ways, because you wanted to maximize profit Monsanto GMOs and go down the list of things, right?
But it’s not any one thing. Mandating one size fits all medicine, which is what a vaccine is. So it’s not looking at the immune system as a complex system where it’s about the right medicine for the right person at the right time. If you look again, it was. Between 19, it started in the late 60s or early 60s.
Till today, there’s been a set of policies. That have been enacted to destroy or having, if you want to give the elites a benefit of the doubt, having no regard for people’s biologies on a good day. But more importantly, treating human beings as a commodity that can be used and abused at will.
And if you follow that thread, it has led, if you look at the American population, lifespan, it’s going upside down and it’s not because of the vaccines per se. It’s been going on for a long time. It’s a system of policies. This is why I say we need a systems overhaul because that curve, if people go to Shiva for president dot com and you go to the download section, we have a flyer and on that flyer, old school flyers, I love going to train stations still handing out flyers, that upper left quadrant of that flyer has that curve.
Of what’s going on throughout the world where the curvature is going down work globally of lifespan. But in the United States, it’s precipitous, which means if you have a child today, your son or daughter is going to live shorter than you that 1 key performance indicator. Caleb pretty much indicts all of the elites of Hollywood, the elites of academia, the elites of politics, all of them, because none of them can get away.
If, when you look at that report card, none of them, they’ve all been part of the destruction. Of the biological system of everyday working people. That’s what that system shows.
Okay. What’s interesting now, what you talked about, replacing human labor with machines, labor saving technology.
Doesn’t this point to marks this whole concept of the tendency of the falling rate of profit, the problem of overproduction. And the, the issue of basically a situation, people being homeless because there are too many houses, people being hungry because there’s too much food, this is the built in problem of capitalism.
And does this point to our elite having the Malthusian solution that Marx critiqued in theories of surplus value, the idea of we’ll just reduce the population and degrow in order to stabilize the economy which is the economic basis of fascism in a lot of ways, would you agree with that, Assassin?
mean, look. A lot of people who have not read Marx are cursory read Marx. It is overproduction, right? That leads to this because capitalism starts overproducing stuff, right? Because it doesn’t and so that’s where we’ve come to. But if you, this, the second point that you made, this leads to fascism and you’re, that’s what you’re seeing.
People are praising this guy down in El Salvador, but he’s a fascist, right? He’s a quote unquote, a liberal fascist, right? But this is where it leads to because from again, if you take an engineering system standpoint, the elites have created during every generation, a much more unstable system.
They create instabilities. If you, if I don’t have a if you take a pen and you try to, a balance a pen on your desk, it’s going to fall. It’s highly unstable. But in order to stabilize such an unstable system, you need massive amounts of observing observability, which ways a pen going to grow drop and then massive amounts of rapid control.
Okay. Controllability and observability. This are, these are two very important things. That are necessary for a control system. The elites have gotten to that point. They’ve created such instabilities, local instabilities, global instabilities that they this is why they need massive amounts of censorship.
And massive amounts of surveillance, because they have to be able to gather as much data as possible as much as quickly as possible so they can take input actions to control these very unstable systems. That’s where we’re at Caleb, where the economic conditions, I think in some ways marks underestimated the following and you can’t blame him because he didn’t understand he couldn’t see.
Where machines were going to come the nature of machines, the use of energy, he thought we were going to get away from our machines. But the reality is, we’ve gotten closer to our machines. It’s a quite a fascinating event. And the, and those in power want us to become machines, or they will create machines.
So this phenomenon marks could not have predicted, but more. Pronounced is the fact that the level of instability that the elites are dealing with is quite also profound. When they had markets to expand, you can keep expanding, and 1 could argue. There’s still some significant markets expand, right?
Africa, parts of India, but the conundrum is that the rapacious need for profit, the rapacious need for control. Is minimizing their even productive forces. To achieve some of these gains. So given all the instability, that’s where we’re headed. We’re headed into massive fascism and you can see this.
I’ll give you an example on Victory Day. There was an interesting speech. Putin gave a very accurate analysis of the fact that the Russian people, the Russian working people, the Soviet people, the Soviet Union were the ones who actually stopped Hitler. It wasn’t D Day that saved, Most of humanity from fascism.
It was the working people of russia and the soviet union millions of them tens of millions of them who fought hitler Door to door right in many ways And all of this is not known in american history. So I put up a very interesting tweet. I said Basically saying, we must honor these people You know the russian people and the soviet people in the soviet union.
It was fascinating Caleb and i’ve never seen this In the many years I’ve been on Twitter, even though I was thrown off for two years when I exposed the fact that it is a government who has a backdoor portal into Twitter, and we should talk about that, it was I who uncovered in my historic lawsuit, not Fucker Carlson, not Glenn Greenwald, not these, not Mike Benz, these people are deep state guys who came in to do limited hangouts.
To actually not give the limelight to the work I’ve done, and we can we shall, we’ll talk about that, but fundamentally, what you saw once I put up that post was fascists, Nazis coming onto that post. And attacking it. I’m talking about open Nazis praising Hitler. Yeah. And what’s happened over the last, for years, for 40 years, I’ve been a big fighter on the ground against Zionism, exposing that anti Zionism is not anti Semitism, doing a lot of education.
Some of you may have seen that video that I did, which just came out very fluidly, which said, I’m the only presidential candidate who does not suck Zionist cock. Now, it’s a very truthful statement that came out and it went viral. I think even on Twitter, it got about 1. 5 million views in spite of all the shadow banning.
But, it hit at the heart of this issue that working people recognize this very important dynamic that Zionism Which is really a political ideology was in cahoots with Nazism. If you just do a little bit of study of history, you’ll find this.
Of course.
Yeah. But Zionism is this political ideology, which says a small set of people justifies should rule over many, no different than Nazism, no different than Indian casteism, Brahmanism.
And it’s quite interesting. The right wing Hindu casteist. We’re all gung ho for supporting Israel, right? Brahminism, nazis and zionism are all many, much the same different flavors a little bit cultural flavors, but they’re fundamentally the same in terms of political and political ideology, which basically rationalizes why a few people should rule over many.
Let me ask you now, in light of, you talk about all this censorship that’s happening and all the suppression and the historical revisionism downplaying the role of Russia et cetera. The Yahooroo case is something we’ve been following here very closely. The Center for Political Innovation, my organization, we have done a lot to do everything we can to raise the case of, Omali Shatella, Penny Hess, and Jesse Neville.
We’re facing this indictment from the U S department of justice, alleging their Russian agents because of their socialist activism in the black community in Florida and Missouri as a presidential candidate, do you, you call, you support the call to drop the charges against them to free the Huru defendants?
Look philosophically from the little I read about it, and I was just introduced to this private a couple of weeks ago, right? Unfortunately, because so much of this press in the news the ultimate right for free speech, the ultimate right to exercise is precisely so people can share those ideas, right?
And obviously those charges should be dropped. Prior to 1970, if you looked at the mail in the United States, 70 percent of the mail was a very diverse set of political views, right wing, left wing, Nazis, communists, everyone. And it’s very important to understand that the founding fathers, even the framers of the constitution.
wanted very diverse political views. They created a very interesting institution to support that Caleb, which gets not fully recognized called the Postal Service. The Postal Service was the instrument to give teeth to the First Amendment, not the Second Amendment, because when, prior to 1776, Franklin was actually running the Crown’s Postal Service.
And we want to talk about censorship that they would open up every letter, right? The British would. And they did not like Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, because they thought he, because he was loyal to the growing American revolutionaries, by the way, which was not a working class movement, right?
It was a bourgeois revolution, but nonetheless, it was revolutionary at the time. But when it the founders in 1787 created the Postal Service that was done for this one singular reason, they wanted free speech to equal free reach, not what You know, Doofus Musk talks about Elon Musk. Elon Musk has openly said free speech does not equal free reach, which is what the ADL also says.
Okay, this was not the intention of the framers of the Constitution. Free speech was supposed to equal free reach. And they created the postal service that every U. S. citizen could send a letter to someone for, very low cost. Very important to understand this. and the postal service also had its own police force, which is to make sure that if a postal employee opened a letter, it was 22 year sentence in prison.
Quite, it’s quite an interesting institution, and these postal workers, if you think about it, they get your letter everywhere. It’s one of these institutions for very low cost. You can distribute lots and lots of content. So up until 19 late early, sorry, late sixties, nearly 70% of the mail was.
Very rich diverse political communication now in 1997 Very important date. That’s when email volume over to postal mail volume as the inventor of email I was running a different email company at the time. I went to the heads of the postal service I said, you know what? This is really dangerous Because all of these free email companies were private companies.
And if you read their terms of service, they own your mail. You’re no longer under the coverage in some ways of the government, the constitution, which protected your mail. Okay. Because the private companies will say they have. First amendment, right? So they own your mail, they can do what they want. So I met with the officials of the postal service.
I said, you know what? You guys should offer a public email service because look, if someone opened your email and it was under the behest of the constitution, you have constitutional rights, face, Google hotmail, Microsoft. Own your email. And then it became even more vulnerable with the advance of social media companies own your content.
You saw Facebook a couple of months ago, sell all of the direct messaging content to Netflix and Netflix sold them all the viewer analysis of movies. So you have this. And then in 2020, when I uncovered the fact that the government has created a backdoor portal to every social media company, we’ve We, there is no first amendment anymore.
And that was brought to you by Donald fucking Trump. It was Donald Trump who signed CISA into action on November 16th 2018, which basically said, gave, allowed government to create all the linkages to social media companies. And that
brings me to what I wanted to ask you next, which was I’ve seen also in your videos.
You’ve repeatedly said the future is offline. The future is not online, get offline, et cetera. And that’s a reality that my organization, as we promote an anti war message around the country, and we try to raise awareness about stopping the low wage police state, et cetera, we’re coming to terms with that as well.
And that. That the need to get offline. So can you tell us, the mindset behind that and why you emphasize that in a lot of it, I
mean, I’ll tell you, we do, it’s interesting to ask that we have these little cards, you say, these cards are more powerful than what Elon Musk or these guys that says workers unite beyond left and right, you say truth for the, okay, I like that.
All right. What’s going on as someone who understands technology, in 2020, and I saw this, I was at the center of this here in 2020. I just run for Senate as a Republican in Massachusetts on a primary where the primary was September. 1st scale of 2020 and we had close to 3000 volunteers on the ground.
The Republican GOP hated us because we were actually wanting to oust the Democrats. They don’t they’re all, 1 party, right? So we had 3000 volunteers. We raised 2 million unheard of in a primary election. The opposition Republican candidates in the blue state like Massachusetts are lucky if they raised 20, 000.
Okay. We raised 2 million and you can leave Massachusetts without a Dr Shiva sign. So on the date of the September 1st, 2020 primary results, even the GOP admitted Dr Shiva is going to win the primary on the landslide. They had backed a guy. They found an Irish sounding guy’s name. O’Connor. They gave him 200, 000.
The guy couldn’t even raise any money. Maybe he had one lawn sign up. We had 25, 000 lawn signs up all over Massachusetts. It was a massive bottoms up movement. The results come in on September 1st, 2020. It turns out that we win in one of the nine counties in Massachusetts, which is an all white working class community by 10 points.
But in every other county where they used machines. It’s 40. And in my own naivete, I said, Oh, yeah, and probably my own prejudice. I said, Oh, yeah, election fraud occurs in those 3rd world countries. We’re truly not in the United States. And in that county that we want, it’s all hand counted paper ballots.
So I went to the secretary of state and I said, I want in a FOIA request of ballot images. Because on the electronic machines, they take a picture of the ballot, the paper ballot, and those images are saved. Supposed to be safe for 22 months. The secretary of state of Massachusetts said they deleted the ballot images on video Okay, so I in a series of email interactions I say, what you did was illegal and show me the law that allows you to do this Anyway, those four email interactions where they’re admitting that they deleted the ballot images Caleb I put up on my twitter account because we’ve moved our campaign now in the general election to a write in campaign You Which is also unheard of.
People don’t do that, right? We did because we had thousands of volunteers on the ground. So we move it to a write in campaign. I’m still running as a bona fide candidate for now Senate. And right when I share these emails where they’re admitting they deleted ballot images, this is in 2020, long before the Trump stuff, I’m thrown off Twitter.
That leads into a. Lawsuit, which I had to file no lawyer in mass for that matter. Most lawyers do not want to take on the government. I had to do it myself in federal court. And the judge accepted the preliminary injunction hearing, and in that hearing, this is again now in October of 2020. In cross examination, the social media director of the government of Massachusetts is admitting that they were very upset with my post and that they have a special VIP desktop portal into Twitter, a VIP portal.
So the government has VIP access. This is what I call the government’s backdoor censorship portal. And through that portal, they silenced me. And the judge asked, how did you feel when you silenced Dr. Shiva? They said, oh, we felt relieved. The judge. Said, don’t, something called the first amendment.
Why didn’t you simply tweet back at him? Anyway, he gave me all the terms of the TRO. We informed, I have Tucker Carlson’s personal email address. We informed him, Glenn Greenwald, ACLU, they did nothing. They sat on it on purpose. Why? Because I’m an independent candidate exposing one of the most malevolent things in American history, that the government, this is long before Mike Benz, who’s a, deep state operative, you can talk to people.
So they, remember the government likes to do limited hangouts. They don’t like to talk about when an independent person breaks the truth, right? They want to
That’s another thing that I’ve noticed that you talk about in some of your videos that I really agree with, is that there’s a lot of controlled opposition.
Big time. Boobie fucking Kennedy, Donald fucking Trump, right? You go down the list, okay? Tulsi Gabbard, fucker Carlson, Alex Jones, and all of these people I know. Joe Rogan, the establishment recognizes that a bottoms up movement is coming by people like me who understand political theory, who studied Marx and Lenin, who understand the history of political movements.
And this is dangerous to them. They do not want someone like me who should have been co opted by the establishment a long time ago, but who never lost You know, my loyalty to people that I come from, be it working class people in New Jersey or my poor lower caste people in India, I never lost for whatever reason, I’ve had many chance to be co opted.
They do not want guys like me who understand theory, politics, engineering, science, who’ve studied Marx, Lenin, revolutionaries, liberal, otherwise, works of John Law. You can go down the list. I’ve studied all these guys putting all this together and mobilizing a movement. So they know that movement is coming up.
And they know that a guy like me exposed Kennedy, exposed Trump, and we’re ripping people away to build independent movement. So in opposition to that, Caleb, they must accelerate into fifth gear to create more NSOEs. I call them not so obvious establishment. Tulsi Gabbard, obviously a fucking warmonger.
She was all out for invading Iraq, all out for butchering the Palestinians. They present her as though she’s like a, the Bernie Sanders equivalent. So a lot of these
voices online that don’t lead people into a real organization, no movement. And that is the biggest problem.
You’re building an in real life movement. And that’s, yeah, we get out there.
And we hand out cards. I go six a. m. at the train station and I hand these out, right? We have a very powerful program at truthfreedomhealth. com. We leave off where Marx and Lenin ended, and we are, I’ve done a lot of the theoretical work.
I’m one of those guys who went and studied the common turn notes of the first, second, all the way up to the seventh congress, figured out where some of the mistakes were made, okay? And again, these weren’t quote unquote mistakes. These were fundamental problems because they didn’t have. System science theory that and, in fact, most of political revolutionary movements have been run by lawyers, philosophers, quote, unquote, political scientists, not people understand engineering physics.
And a lot of that theory didn’t come into being until, frankly, the 1950s. So we have that advantage now to advance political theory. And so my conclusion has always been bottoms up movements. Independent bottoms up movements that have theory as well as practice what I call a warrior scholar. So that’s what we’ve been doing.
And in opposition to this, you can see people’s Robert Kennedy’s campaign literally comes to our open houses, literally takes notes of my statements, replicates videos. We have many examples. Many examples. He’s a fucking scumbag. All right. In 2020, you have to understand, I was the first one to call out Fauci.
I was the one who started the fire Fauci ground campaign. We collected 180, 000 signatures, delivered it, drove it to Trump. Fucking Trump didn’t do nothing because he’s in bed with Big Pharma. In 2020 Kennedy was promoting lockdowns. He waited two years, you say, to talk anything, or a year and a half to talk about Fauci.
And the good thing is you can see it. It’s recorded right there. All the receipts are there. Rand Paul didn’t say anything against Fauci until a year later. He used our hashtag to raise money. So we have to start looking, Caleb, if we’re looking for leadership. Did you say the truth at the right time? And did you tell, did you say the truth at the right time to lead to learned helplessness, which is what Noam Chomsky and those guys do.
The academics do that, right? Or are you telling the truth to mobilize people into action? That’s what I’ve consistently done my entire life from the time of 17 years old. And that telling truth is become in vogue right now. A fucking idiot like Vivek the snake wearing a truth hat. Are you fucking serious?
This guy is a brahmin, brown nosing, bullshitting, big pharma motherfucker. Okay? And he knows what he’s doing. They went and found a brown guy to start repeating my statements. Because this brown guy who’s actually a revolutionary, words were going broad and deep. So they created these characters and that’s what the establishment is doing.
They are stealing content, which moves people. And they’re able to do this now, Caleb, because they have companies like Palantir, Peter Thiel’s company. They’re watching this video right now and they’re saying, wow, these people are liking it. They’re seeing that Zionist cocksucker video. Wow. People really are getting Zionism.
So in response to that. They had to pass a bill in Congress to equate anti Zionism with anti Semitism. So the establishment is working in real time now. They gather data of what messages they’re hitting, the observability, and then controllability. They call up their friends in Congress in Hollywood.
Very important to understand, Hollywood’s heavily involved in creating characters. Boobie fucking Kennedy is a character. He is not for the working people of this country. So the elites are now in a very desperate situation. They’re trying to figure out which puppet they will use to manipulate people back into the swarm as I call it.
Okay. Will it be Trump? Will it be Boobie Kennedy? Will they have to find somebody else? And they have to conflate Zionism back to Judaism. They have to conflate anti Semitism with anti Zionism. And so what I’ve seen now, to your earlier observation about the rise in fascism, they’re going to bring back Zionists and fascists together at a much faster rate.
There’s a reason that they put this fool Fuentes back on. Fuentes is, clearly. He conflates anti Zionism with anti Semitism. Okay. He’s a very necessary idiot that they need. And so you will see young people who think, they want to have some necrophilia relationship with Hitler, some they are part of this, Conflation and some of them are just dumb, but others are much more sinister.
So we’re going to see this explosive growth. Unfortunately of Zionism and anti sorry, Zionism and Nazis and working close together. Zionism needs anti Semitism and Nazi ism needs anti Semitism. They both work collaboratively. But yeah, I
mean, and that seems to be the defining aspect of the period we’re living in is people are unhappy, living standards are going down.
People don’t like the police state they’re setting up. People don’t like the wars. And so they’re getting angry. And so they are trying to manage dissidents in as many ways as possible. And I think probably one of the main ways they’re doing it is what you’ve pointed to is keeping people just in this state of being passively entertained by, edgy social media voices or, exactly.
In the establishment and not joining a real mass movement. And I think that’s what you’re communicating. I cannot agree with you more. I think that’s absolutely right.
And the more sinister versions of this are things like messaging MAGA communism. Very dangerous. Concept right by this fool Jackson Hinkle who and you have to understand this is no different than national socialism.
It’s not that far away. Okay. So the critical thing is when I look at people, do they want to get on the ground and build a movement? Are they willing to go and learn theory get on the ground right now? We have to collect signatures to get on the ballot. We’re actually going and doing that, but our mobilizing people, they don’t do that.
Kennedy has signature vendors who do that because they actually don’t have ground support when we’re out there collecting signatures. We don’t see any of them out there. I’m sure they’re in a boiler room faking these signatures, but our mobilizing people bottoms up. They’re like bad students, Caleb in a classroom.
They don’t do their homework. It doesn’t matter. We’re willing to do the hard work by us actually collecting signatures. We’re creating. A clear set of action steps for people to get on the ground, handing out flyers, handing out these little cards on the ground. Okay. Gets people interested, but I did want to talk, in many ways about my view about the truth about Marxism Leninism.
And a systems analysis, because I know when you send some and I wanted to spend a little bit of time on this, because, my journey as a 4 year old kid, when I experienced the caste system in India really got me very interested. In really wanting to understand these systems revolutionary system.
So I pretty much read anyone I could get a hold of, be it the liberal philosophers, right? Lock and Bertrand Russell or. Plato and Socrates and Lennon and Marx. I was a voracious reader and I read as much as I could understand and my conclusion, when it comes to Marx and Lennon was the following Marx should be, he may have not known it, but he was a system scientist.
And when I teach this in our course marks was retrospectively looking, from the point that he was backward and his retrospective observations. Probably 95 percent of them were right on the money or 98 percent but what Marx was really observing the truth about Marx was that he recognized that consciousness was a direct result of productive, forces in society.
This is quite profound and this is revolutionary, his analysis. Where I come in, Caleb, is the theory that I’ve had advanced that with is in engineering system science, we have the concept of phase transitions, self organizing systems. You say these concepts didn’t come into being until only in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s.
Okay. And so if you look at a system, take a simple case. You have a cube of ice. Under a certain condition, that ice becomes water, right? And under another set of conditions, it becomes steam and maybe even plasma, right? But it goes through these phase transitions. The conditions have to be right, and the particles in these systems, in many ways, self organize.
It’s quite fascinating. Okay, so in Marx, His retrospective review, he looks at hunter gatherer societies. He understands that these hunter gatherer societies had very specific political systems, which was what he called primitive communism. And their economic system was communist, right?
Sharing. There was no ownership of property. Women in many of those cultures ran those societies, for various reasons. I come from a society. The South Indian culture, believe it or not, very closely related to the Dravidian people who Marks and Engels wrote about in Family, State, and Private Property, very similar structures as the Iroquois.
It’s fascinating, even linguistic structures. But at some point, and this is where Mark says that an innovation took place, some innovation, the plow, the domestication, and that transformed society. Phase of hunter gatherer societies to a very different phase. It was like a phase transition took place what we call feudalism.
The governance system was monarchy, right? And the political system was feudalism, right? And then at some point in history, a new innovation comes. Which was the ability, the steam engine organizing labor, right? Manufacturing systems. And then you transition from this. One phase to another phase, which we call capitalism.
And whoever you are, one must also recognize most of modern business schools use all of Marx Marxian knowledge. If you go to business school, they may not give Marx credit, but the concept of surplus value, many of these concepts come from Marx. The bourgeois professors will not give Marx credit, but substantially most of economic theory comes from Marx, still taught in business schools today.
What Lenin the greatness. Of Lennon’s work was Lennon understood this concept of, he was an engineer who understood in many ways who understood this concept of that the systems and I think he articulated at best are not stationary systems. They to undergo various stages of change adolescence, adulthood.
And he characterized at that point the capitalist system is imperialist. And I think the underestimation Lennon had was probably underestimating the extent to which. Capitalism still had new markets to expand and grow, but nonetheless, the Bolshevik Revolution during that early period made some significant gains in coming up with some very important principles of democratic centralism, which, by the way, are used now in every boardroom in the United States, right?
All major organizations are organized around Leninist principles. But the Lenin, I think, understood that revolution could not take place in any one country. Obviously, after the Bolshevik Revolution, as John Reed said, 10 days that shook the world, right? You had 15, 16 countries trying to invade Russia or the Soviet Union because it was a bomb that went off because every work, working person throughout the world said, Wow, work, the working people of Russia just took over, right?
Why can’t I have that in my country? And so that is work that we’ve been dealing with. And the work that I focused on is. When you look at systems, engineering system science. It advances this work and gives us a powerful way to apply system science, Caleb, to every aspect of life, medicine, science, you can use the same set of organizing principles and also to organize.
I want to talk about, circle back to something you did say before, because. When it comes to the whole MAGA communism thing I feel like I don’t completely dismiss the brand in the same way, because I feel that there’s a lot of people that should be getting interested in socialism, but because of the way the left has become.
It has become such a hostile, cancel culture atmosphere, you would never be welcome on the left because you’re critical of the vaccines, God forbid, and that a lot of the people that are dissidents are getting into the MAGA sphere. And that those are the people that ultimately need to be engaged with about Marxist and communist ideas.
I’ve never fully embraced the brand of MAGA communism. I think it’s very poor marketing. Anyone who’s MAGA is going to hate communism. Anyone who’s, A communist is going to hate MAGA, but I think it points to, and that’s what I got at when I wrote this book, Where is America Going? Marxism, MAGA, and the Coming Revolution.
And what I pointed to was that it was acknowledging that the so called left has the wrong target audience, that increasingly dissidents are finding themselves in the Trump camp or being targets of the left and that kind of calls for a reorientation of leftist thinkers or those who advocate, socialist and Marxist ideas.
What do you think of that?
So let’s go back. History repeats itself, Caleb, right? Rhythm may be different, but it repeats itself. The reality is the people promoting this concept Adolescent, adolescent, left wing infantile ism. Let me explain our infantile ism. Let me explain why having been a student of this for nearly now 43 years.
Okay. I studied this very carefully. Let’s go back to the early 1900s in Germany. If you go look at that, we’re repeating many of the mistakes. There were close to 1. 5 million to 2 million. Working people organized in bottoms up trade unions in Germany. The elites knew that there was going to be a major revolution in the world and they knew it was going to occur in Germany.
All the material conditions were right. Unlike Russia, which only had 3 percent industrial class, Germany had close to, probably five to 10 times that. So the elites put all their forces behind Hitler and Hitler’s job was to destroy those bottoms up workers movements. That’s what he was put in place for.
He started co opting their messaging, national socialism, MAGA communism. I’m sorry. Okay, national. It was a national. Let me finish. Okay. And Hitler proceeded to do and he co opted many of those people of those working class leaders. Many of them who weren’t that strong in theory, they actually started supporting Hitler and there were a significant number of people in Germany who wanted to fight Hitler ground level people, the quote unquote, leadership who think they knew better.
Sold those people out. They said, Oh, wow. Hitler’s saying some really good stuff. Wow. National socialism. Wow. It sounds pretty cool. He’s for working people. He’s for the German worker was fucked over by world war one. Wow. Yeah. Maybe we should be part of
this, right? National Socialism’s target was always Marxism, though.
It said Marxism was the greatest enemy. It said Russia was the enemy. Marxism was a foreign conspiracy.
But what I’m saying is, they co opted a lot of these workers movements by using the, go listen if you didn’t know that background you just said, and you just heard a Hitler speech, he’s, you would think he’s for the workers, the working people.
Go look, the working people are exploited. He’s almost talking A quote unquote, a communist fighter for workers.
I think what made the communists unique in, in the 1930s was that they wanted to actually change property relations. The social Democrats wanted to gradually one step at a time, change things, and it wasn’t leading there.
And the fascists had this vision of we’re going to build this mass nationalist state that’ll just, control the economy or whatever. But the communists were the only ones saying we want to actually abolish the capitalist system in a planned
economy. The problem was the social democratic forces.
Capitulated to Hitler. Okay. Many of those forces were still in power of many of those trade unions. They took over them and they capitulated. So when people don’t want to do the work of building the bottoms up movements, they’re lazy and that’s what MAGA communism is. It’s fucking lazy. They don’t want to build a bottoms up movement.
They think there’s some trick, some cleverness. You say as someone who still works for a living, I work as a full time engineer. There’s no cleverness here. You think you’re going to be a social media influencer, do the right hook. There’s no trick here.
You’re absolutely right about that.
You can’t trick the force.
And that these are the same forces that anyone, anytime anyone does anything in real life, they say, Oh, it’s Cran. Oh, it’s, and they immediately lampoon it and attack it, et cetera. And look, I’ve, our organization CPI that continues to have in real life events and conferences, we’ve been attacked.
And immediately after an attack, we got, I was directly told. By a certain prominent person, you need to stop organizing. That’s what I was told. You need to stop organizing. And it was made clear. They don’t care. I can get on the internet and, make funny faces and talking funny voices.
But when you’re building a real organization, that is what they want to stop. And that’s what they’re very threatened by the elites.
Yeah, the elites and the so called fake people who think, talk about wanting to help the poor people in Palestine, put pictures of babies. Yeah. Being butchered, want to get subscriptions, want to do views and clicks.
These people are in many ways I have a serious problem with them because they do not want to build bottoms up movements. They’re against people like me who actually get their fingers dirty and go build these movements because that is going to put them out of business. It’s no, you’re just being an influencer.
Jackson Hinkle is part of that. I was on a Twitter space and got very upset with me talking about this kind of stuff. Oh, it goes, it’s boring. He’s a fucking fool. Okay. He’s building, he’s being projected as, if you’re on fucker Carlson show, okay. And overnight projected, there’s a serious issue, but I’m saying this is the danger of people who do not ever get their hands dirty.
They’re moving from one day being A surfer, another day wanting to be a social dev, fighting for the environment. And oh, wow, let me talk communism, Marxism, Leninism. This is my new shtick. Really fucked up people because it’s almost spitting on the working people of the world and then saying, oh, I like Putin and gee, that is not what you know, bottoms up movements are.
You’re always talking about the working people and building up these bottoms up movements.
When I go around the world to communist gatherings, I see organizations that have millions of members that have roots in communities that have labor unions that have seats in the parliament that control whole regions.
And that is what we urgently need in the United States. We need a real mass. Working class. But there is a big effort to divert this into some kind of online, entertainment show to take people away from that. And that almost all of this, whether it’s left or right or whatever, leads to a pessimistic place.
It says there really is no hope leads to people in a very individualist place and tries to keep them out of joining any mass movement. And I think that is something we can absolutely agree on.
The bottom line, Caleb, is that going out collecting signatures handing out flyers, talking to people, this is work and this takes effort.
Yeah. And the people who have interest in doing that work are actually working. People want to liberate themselves, influencers and being online, quote unquote, grifters have no interest in that. So this is where the big. Problem is because what that leads to is learned helplessness over time.
And that is what the goal of the elite system is to think we put all these pictures up, we did all these videos, nothing has changed. Because that entire platform is owned by the elites. When you have to go out and you have to communicate with people in your neighborhoods one on one and you have to build these bottoms up movements, that’s where the real work begins.
Our movement for truth from health, it’s very easy. We have about a half a billion people came to know about our movement in 2020. Out of that, we have close to a million people connected with us. We have email addresses, connections, all that. And then out of that, we’re trying to get people on the ground, right?
And that is a very different task because people are thinking if I reshare something, I retweet something. I. Watch a video. I’m changing the world, you say. And this is the interesting challenge to move people to this higher state of consciousness where they need to understand that you have to have theory and you have to do the work on the ground.
And that’s what we are doing, every microsecond doing that. And you get to a point, you realize that engine, that momentum is what the elites are so scared of. And for that matter. Yeah. The quote unquote people talking MAGA communism, or people talking Joe Rogan people, are all the emerging, not so obvious establishment.
As long as you’re watching Joe Rogan, and you’re hearing fucker Carlson suddenly talk about 9 11, and aliens, he won’t talk about Zionism, nothing relevant at the time. He’ll talk about everything that’s 20 years, or 10 years, or 1 year old news. And this is by design. Our job, what we do is we expose the NSOEs, the not so obvious, you have to.
And anyone who doesn’t expose them and talks a bunch of stuff as if they want to change the world, that’s seriously an issue. Most of Lenin’s work, 80 percent of his work was exposing the Social Democrats and the Kautskyites. And no,
I wrote a book, bread tube serves imperialism going after some of these big voices on social media, especially in the name of socialism.
And I just wrote this book and I was immediately attacked. All these people start in with, Oh my God, that’s cringe. Who would write a book? What socialists write book about books about other socialists. I’m like, have you read Lennon at all? Every book he writes is critiquing Kautsky, critiquing, social democracy and Bernstein, but they have no idea.
What these what the Marxist tradition is. They’ve just watched some streams and that,
It’s not even a Marxist or a Leninist tradition. And when I get back to a systems tradition, this is a scientific tradition. I published still papers in science and biology every day.
What is a scientific method? You say, okay, this is what others have said. This is a critique. These are the things they did. These are the critiques. And if we want to move this field forward, this is what we have to go. Okay. So this is where we’re at for the last 50, 70 years. Social democracy and fascism has run the United States.
It is insured that. Working people do not build bottoms up movements that created the Bernie Sanders, the Al Sharpton’s, the Jesse Jackson’s the frickin Donald Trump’s, the booby Kennedy’s, the Tulsi Gabbard’s. So people sit on their butts and you have to do, but you have to expose these people.
So a lot of people say, Oh, I’m in the medical freedom movement, but they will not hit Kennedy. A lot of people say, Oh yeah, I care for America, but they will not expose Trump. And they’re dawdling into the same social democracy bullshit that occurred when Hitler rose. So if, even making comparisons like, Oh, Trump, Trump is a thousand times better than Biden.
These are very wrong comments to be made by conscious people. For example, I see people do this. Why is this wrong? Because you’re giving hope to the working people as though Trump is a thousand times better than Biden. When you look at the scale of that, it’s 0. 00001 versus 0. 00001. Okay. On the scale, it’s still close to zero.
All right.
So as we’re wrapping up here, because my time is limited I do want to just say, based on everything you’ve said about the importance of building mass movements and engaging people can we book you for a CPI event at some point in the coming year? Can we bring you? Yeah. Yeah. All right.
Let’s do it. We’ll bring Dr. Shiva to speak at one of our conferences and engage with the different voices we bring. I’ll do it.
Our goal, Caleb, is. We recognize that independent bottoms up movements, true independent journalists, okay? I don’t care what political background they’re from, but if they want to really learn, get the knowledge, the understanding that, our movement is acquired and we openly share it.
We’re open to that, right? Because the reality is that where we’re at today, the elites. Control mass media to such an extent. They control the data gathering of that. And they, in fact, control what they present to us as the fighters, right? So they created on the front end, a rainbow of political, Oh, here’s Tulsi Gabbard.
She’s fighting against the military industrial complex. Here’s booby fucking Kennedy. He’s fighting against for medical freedom. Here’s Trump. He’s fighting for the American
ask you though. Yeah. Would it be strategic though if you want to talk to people in the Trump movement and get them to understand how things really are, you want to talk to people who might support Tulsi Gabbard or Bernie Sanders, would it be strategic to, to find a way into those spaces where you don’t have guns blazing?
Is that,
think Lenin offers some very specific. Lessons on this. Lenin’s did go guns blazing. I’ll give you an example in 20, you have to understand I’ve met with Trump multiple times. I’m the one who did all the election fraud analysis. Trump is the one who you can see videos where he’s praising me.
I want to thank the great computer scientist, Dr. Shiva, he invited me to come to Mar a Lago. A couple of November’s ago after he had endorsed a guy who did the election fraud and I respectfully refused 90 percent of all. Yeah, Donald Trump invited me. I’m going to go to Mar Lago. Then when I was in Miami, invited me again.
I had a two hour meeting with him and the reality was the question was, what did you do with that half a billion dollars you raised using my material? Okay. And I can give a longer discussion when Mark Meadows called us here. Rona McDaniel’s office called here, Eric. So I know all of these characters.
They’ve used my material to make a shitload of money. Yeah. The reality is I had to do the job exposing Trump. All right. And we lost 20 percent of our followers, but you know what, Caleb, this is the mistake. The young people are making who think they’re, there’s some trick. I’m going to win the Trump.
You have to hit them hard. And you know what the people that we have, the 80 percent they remain, they’re like, fuck, Dr. Shiva’s absolutely right. I’ll give you many videos. The reason I have to do the custodial work of exposing Rogan and all these guys’s People see those videos, they’ll go, you know what, Dr.
Shiva, I was a Trump or I was a Kennedy follower and I was going to give him 20, 20, 000. And everything you said is absolutely right. I had to sit there and self reflect. I had 2 days of cognitive dissonance and it will hear many stories, but the people come to our movement like that are really the leaders.
You cannot build a movement on swamp. You have to build it on strong leaders. Yeah, and that is that takes effort. There’s no trick and that’s what we’re doing We’re finding those people and like a magnet those people bring other people over, you know in organizational theory caleb 30 of people the work of price pritchett will never agree to anything.
That’s new 50 are watching which way the wind blows 20 are the agents of change. The problem is the agents of change a problem They make is they think there’s some trick To win the 50 percent over they think I’m going to, if I can, I’m going to wear a Trump hat today. Okay. I don’t do that. Any of that shit.
But the reality is, if you want to change the world, you must focus on the 20 percent and strengthen them. And that 20 percent will bring the other 50 percent over. So this is a theoretical problem that opportunists make, and they may be doing it naively, but they end up becoming the forces of opportunism.
They’re not willing to say this is the model. This is a plan. So our movement is very specific in this. We will hit fucking Trump really hard. And if you have a problem with that, Oh, Dr. Shiva, you were so supportive of Trump. You did all the election fraud. I can’t believe you’re betraying us. No, you need to get your head out of the ass.
And I’ll give you an example. We do open houses every Thursdays. For worldwide community, we do two of them. We had a woman show up who was a rabid Trump supporter. I can’t believe, you used to support Doc president Trump, and now you’re against him. And I said, do you mind me if I play this one video?
And it was a video I put together of all the contradictions. At the end of it, she was crying. It’s a three minute video in the video, do you see? He says, I’m gonna go, I’m gonna follow you guys on onto the capitol. And he goes the other way.
that’s fucking betrayal. If you’re truly a revolutionary leader, he would have gathered people’s arms and he was saying, we’re going to all march to the Capitol.
That’s what I would have done. That’s not what he did. That’s true. He went the other way. And I said that at the time. Yeah. So this woman, Has become one of our great volunteers, right? She said, holy shit. You’re right. So the opportunism game is going to backfire and history shows that there is no shortcut, Caleb.
So I’ve thought about it. Obviously. Look, I’ve built many companies. I know how to be diplomatic. I can go into that realm. I can be a hard noser, but in this thing, you have to draw the lines very clearly. So it’s a very important strategic cake. Okay. Tactical, theoretical. It, it melds theory that people have better get clear, otherwise they will become opportunists.
Opportunism is a very sli snake. People end up in it thinking they’re doing something clever. Cleverness, trying to be a clever monkey leads you to o opportunism. Don’t, people shouldn’t be that clever. They should just follow the forces of matter. Which is, this is what the line is and find the good people and the others will come across.
You have to build a strong organization. You have to build the right framework. There is no urgency in some ways yet. There is an urgency, but if we don’t have real principles and we don’t build organizations on those principles, it’s opportunism.
Wow. This has been a very insightful interview with a lot to think about.
We’re going to be probably discussing this for weeks within our organization. And you just you laid a lot of truth on us and you gave us a lot to think about. So I want to thank you. Where can people check out your work? What’s the best way to engage? Yeah,
First is people should go to truth.
Freedom health dot com. We’ve created an entire system almost like a university of revolution engineering, right? People. We teach people the same system science that I used to teach at M. I. T. We teach people theory history and then we get people on the ground. So truth. Freedom health dot com. But that movement now, in the United States is manifesting himself in my running for president.
And that’s a Shiva numeral for president dot com. And everyone should go there. If you want to do something very simple, quick, yeah. Go get one of these bumper stickers offline, right? You put this bumper sticker on the back of your car, Caleb. 100, 000 people see it in a day. 100, 000 people. This is what the elite, it’s your car.
Put one of these on. That’s what, because we have ground forces, that’s what we’re going to do. Look at the way they run their campaigns. They don’t do shit until September 4th. They get everyone’s money, and then they spend TV advertising. Our movement actually has people on the ground. So our movement says, go get a bumper sticker, put it on your car, hand out cards, right?
They don’t have people to hand out cards. We do. Shiva4president. com and go to, truthfreedomhealth. com. But it’s a lot of hard work, man. But for the last 50, 60 years, 70 years, our parents should have built these movements. And they didn’t, they got lost in Bernie Sanders. They got lost in, Trump.
They got lost in Obama. They got lost in the swarm.
go. All right. Thank you very much. And thank you. And and my best wishes to you and building a mass movement. Thank you.
Great. Caleb, look forward to speaking with you guys. So best to you. All right. That was Caleb mop. And he’s actually in an organization, which is I think called a communist.
Institute or something. I really wanted to get across to Caleb. You notice that many of the communists, quote unquote, communists do a lot of contradictory things. They think there’s some secret to building a movement. Like you, go to the left and to the right. You call yourself a MAGA communist, right?
The reality is we need to build a bottoms up movement. Bottoms up movement. And that is what, we’re Our organization that we’re focused on. So everyone go to truth, freedom, health. com and really understand what it takes to build a movement. Get involved. And you can go right there to learn about it.
Our run for president is an articulation. It’s a reflection of this powerful movement. Shiva for president. com. Go get a bumper sticker volunteer. We need to get on the ballot. The path we’re taking is truly the road less traveled because it requires actual work. I’m going to be going out and collecting signatures.
You won’t find other presidential candidates doing that. They, they get other people to wipe their ass. We don’t do that here. We’re working people who are building a bottoms up movement. Really building it, not just saying that we’re building a movement. So get involved.
As I exit, I want to share with you are a campaign video, but get involved. Who would have ever thought I’d be running for president of the United States of America. I was born a low caste, untouchable and India’s caste system, a system of aristocracy, oppression, and racism. My name is Dr. Shiva Iyadurai.
I’m an MIT PhD, a Fulbright scholar, a scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, and inventor. My family and I left India to come to America on my seventh birthday. I grew up in the working class neighborhoods of New Jersey. Playing baseball, mowing lawns, painting houses, and coding software. My friends and neighbors are blacks, Italians, Irish, people of all races.
As a 14 year old, I wrote 50, 000 lines of software code to create the world’s first email system, and was awarded the first U. S. copyright for email, recognizing me as its official inventor, at a time when copyright was the only way to protect software inventions. I did that long before I ever came to MIT.
Revealing that big innovations can occur anytime, anyplace, by anybody. Growing up I saw politicians dividing us by race and religion, in both America and India. To have us fighting each other while they remained safe in their gated communities, and in their playgrounds of Hollywood Martha’s Vineyard and Silicon Valley.
I’m a fighter, I fought racism, and exposed their imperialist wars. Fought for workers and put my life on the line against global corruption. I never wanted to run for political office. All that changed when I saw working Americans, as never before being duped by the establishment, and the not so obvious establishment, across left and right, we were being sold out and made to forget, why we came to America, and why America existed, lawyers, academics, billionaires, celebrities and politicians, elites, Clintons, Kennedys, Bidens, Obamas, Bushes, Black and White have hijacked America, they printed trillions for their friends, They’ve delivered crumbling infrastructure, corruption and racism.
They’ve transferred trillions to themselves, dividing black and white, fear mongering and fake science. Lockdowns and censorship, dirty air, food and water, pushing drugs upon us, making us sicker. We’ve been sold out, one set of rules for them, and another for us. We deserve a warrior with a history of courage, and putting everything on the line for you, who believes in you, not them.
Who has created a movement, bottoms up. For truth, freedom health, I’ve exposed their lies at the right time, never waiting until it was popular, I’ve exposed their false gods, who exist to lead you back to them, I’ve exposed their fake signs of lockdowns and masking, and provided you solutions to fight them and win, and protect your immune system, saving millions, I exposed Fauci, galvanized the fire Fauci campaign, when others remained silent, when they stole our election we sued the government and twitter, in our historic 2020 federal lawsuit, exposing in bare view, The government and big tech censorship infrastructure.
The unholy alliance between government and social media companies. Where was Elon and his grifters? They stood by the sidelines and did nothing. They did not use their megaphones to help us when it could have made a big difference. Now our movement grows for truth, freedom, health. Independent of all of them.
Every day millions are learning the science of systems. The knowledge the elites need. Do not want you to have, so you may learn how to think, stand up, and fight, independent of the establishment of left and right, and their fake heroes. Now it’s time for you to join the movement, to win back America, to win back truth, win back freedom, win back your health.
That’s why I’m running for President of the United States. This race is about you. This race is about truth, freedom, health. Versus power profit control we’ve had enough. They think we’ll fall in line and vote again for their lawyers celebrities billionaires and chosen ones from above We choose our heroes from below from the rank and file who do what is right at the right time Not when it’s convenient and popular They can never represent us.
What America needs is a movement by the working people, for the working people, who are educated, organized, decentralized, and fight for independence from their systems of control. And that movement exists. It’s ready for you. We don’t need them. We need us to go bottoms up, neighbor to neighbor. My journey, your journey, are all the same.
It’s our time. It’s time we had one of us. It’s time to win back truth, freedom, health, to win back America, be part of this historic movement all the way to our victory on November 5th, 2024. If you’re an American citizen, pledge your vote now for Dr. Shiva Yadure, the independent candidate for U. S.
President. No matter where you live, you can be a part of this. Volunteer as little as 20 minutes a day. Don’t delay. This is Dr. Shiva Yadure and I approve this message paid for by Dr. Shiva for president.
All right, everyone. I hope that was valuable. Get involved. Get involved. Get involved. And recognize that moving forward, I’m going to do more and more of these systems analysis. It appears many of you really like this analysis. I got a lot of great comments from the discussion I just had with Caleb about the truth about Marxism Leninism, as we said, a systems analysis, and we can go deeper into this, but there’s a lot to learn.
From this, these kinds of systems analysis. Be well. We need to build a bottoms up movement. Go to shiva4president. com and volunteer.