The Massachusetts Swamp of Republicans and Democrats Hate Working People. They Make Elections, Selections to Maintain Power for Themselves and their Cronies.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – is joined by a local MA electrician, Frank Licata, to discuss how both Parties screw working people.
- Systems Theory reveals that the biggest enemy for Truth Freedom Health is the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment whose words never match their deeds.
- The MA swamp epitomizes how the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment, such as the MA GOP, colludes with the Democrats to steal the elections.
- The Path Forward demands we build a bottoms-up movement of working people independent of both Parties and founded on Systems Principles.
DR. SHIVA: Hello everyone, this is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. I’m going to go live on Instagram also. Good to see you. We’re going to have a very interesting discussion. A working-class guy here in Massachusetts, an electrician, Frank is going to join us. Welcome to people on Instagram world. We have people joining on Facebook, people on Periscope, YouTube and Twitch joining. Welcome to everyone. We have people coming in, so we’re going to wait a little while until our people join. Hi from New Zealand. Frank, we got people from New Zealand. Frank, come on over here to say hello to people.
Introducing Local Electrician
FRANK: Howdy.
Dr.SHIVA: This is Frank. Come on in. We’re going to do a discussion today on the concept of systems. As many of you know, every Monday night, I offer a course called Foundations of Systems, and we’re building our platform, a worldwide platform for unleashing Truth, Freedom and Health at the local level. And that platform, as you know, includes the educational platform, it includes communications tools, and then it includes tools to become activated. So, educate, communicate and activate. That’s what we’re building at, and I’ll talk about that as people are coming in from Minnesota. We got Everett, Massachusetts, Frank.
FRANK: I lived there for a while.
Dr.SHIVA: Texas, Brandon, Florida, Quebec. People are coming in here on Instagram, good group of people, hope everyone’s having a good weekend. We have people from California, Ohio, Williston, Vermont, Shalom, Sanford, Georgia, Montana, Canada, New Jersey, Chattanooga, Wisconsin, Poland. Las Vegas, hi from Massachusetts, Plymouth, great.
Dr.SHIVA: We’re going to have a really down to earth, case study discussion about the not-so-obvious-establishment, the real snakes, who really screw up movements, who manipulate people. It’s about time people start getting really smart about what really derails a real change taking place, and that’s we’re going to talk about today.
In the Foundations of Systems program that we built, which is a curriculum to really teach you the physics of political change — Look, you can’t, Frank, you’re an electrician, right? How many months or years before you could be an electrician?
FRANK You apprentice for about four years, full time, 8000 hours, and then you do about 1000 hours of schooling. And you have constant continuing education every three years.
Dr.SHIVA: So, the concept of someone saying, Oh, I just studied a little bit of electricity, let me go wire your house, that’d be insane. Right?
FRANK: Yes. Make sure you have a good fire insurance policy.
Dr.SHIVA: So the same process. You don’t get a PhD out of MIT overnight, right? You’ve got to take a number of courses, then you have to pass your qualifiers, your oral qualifiers and you have to pass your written qualifiers and you have to do a thesis and you have to present it in front of essentially the entire faculty in the department. The real sciences you know, all the arts, the famous skills always have a process you go through, but when it comes to politics, for some reason we think if we just have passion, we’re going to change stuff. It doesn’t occur that way because in order to build a bridge or build a transformer, you need to know either Newton’s laws or the laws of Maxwell, right? What people need to understand is there are fundamental principles to building a movement. Just like electricity, magnetism and gravity, you have the interrelationships between truth, freedom and health. You have to understand the bottoms-up movement, and then you have to understand something called the not-so-obvious-establishment. Every week, Monday night, we’ve created this course. So, what I want to start with is just playing a quick video. Some of you may have seen it. Today, after that video we’re going to get into it with Frank. Frank has had a lot of ground experience with the Massachusetts swamp. Right, Frank? You weren’t political, right? Maybe you want to just tell people?
FRANK: Yeah, I wasn’t really involved in politics whatsoever until Trump actually announced, and at that point, I saw what I assumed was an outside agent of change, and I threw myself into it for a year and a half as a volunteer in his 2016 campaign.
Dr.SHIVA: Yes, so basically, most of us don’t really want to get in politics. But when you see someone that you think is a real agent of change, like what happened with our campaign, we start bringing up people who never voted. But the establishment always hates the real agents of change. They don’t want working people coming out there. They have their own little clique. But the biggest snakes are not the obvious establishment, as I teach in our course. The not-so-obvious-establishment in Massachusetts, we’re going to give the case study of the Massachusetts GOP. Everyone says, “Oh, my God, Massachusetts is a blue state.” And the poor Republicans lose with the reality, as we’re going to find out, that the Massachusetts Republican Party is one with the establishment. They make sure that no one ever comes bottoms-up. But before we start, I’m going to play our video that we always do, because it’ll give you a background of what we’re doing at VA Shiva, and about the course.
Goals and Disturbances
Dr.SHIVA: We have allowed our country to be taken over from within. And the end goal is you will have a homogenized world where we will become slaves. Because there is a condition among the elites that really thinks they’re better than you. Deep down inside them, that you don’t deserve the freedoms you have. They don’t, this reality is what people need to wake up to, and we need to all unite, working people. There’s only one movement that can do that, and that is the movement that we started creating here in Massachusetts, the movement for truth, freedom and health. Look, I’ve been a student of politics since I was a four-year-old kid studying revolutionary movements, left wing, right wing. There’s a physics, there’s a nuclear science to destroying the establishment. To build a bridge, do you need to understand Newton’s equation, you need to understand the laws of gravity, you need to understand Poisson’s ratio. There is a way to build a revolution and that’s why I put this together. My goal is to train an army of truth, freedom and health leaders. We don’t need followers like social media, we need leaders, but they need training because the educational system does not teach them history, nothing. So, three hours is what I’ve started doing. That’s the solution. We got to train people.
First with understanding what a system is. The second is understanding the interconnection between truth, freedom and health. Freedom is the ability to move freely, communicate freely, and talk freely. Without freedom, you cannot convert ideas, hypotheses into truth, which is science. And without freedom, you can’t really get to truth and without truth, you make up fake problems and fake solutions, which means you destroy our health. And without health, which is the infrastructure of us in our body, you can’t fight for freedom. Third concept is it has to be bottoms-up, working people, people who work uniting. And what the right wing has done is whenever you say working people unite that must be communist. Meanwhile, they’ve let the Democrats run unions, which suppress workers. Completely corrupt.
SHIVA But when you look at the arc of American history, it’s been when working people came up. We need to go local. Every solution I’m coming up with as a part of this movement, we’re giving the science which is the truth, and then we tell people what they can do on the ground. Like with election fraud, you don’t need to wait for some lawyer. Our goal is to train people, they have to go local, to go local, to go local, fight locally. Forget lawyers, forget politicians, forget celebrities. You’ve got to learn politics, and there is a science to it. They lock us down, we should be ready to shut them down. And the fourth part of this principle is the not-so-obvious-establishment.
So, when you look at a system, there’s always something that disturbs you from getting to your goal, when the biggest disturbance is the not-so-obvious-establishment, which are those people who claim there for you on the left and the right. The Al Sharptons who tell black people, “I’m for you”. The Tucker Carlsons. Do you think any true anti establishment person will ever be on Fox or CNN? I don’t think so. They both mislead working people back into the establishment. Without this solid understanding of political physics and theory, you’re screwed. You’re going to follow, on the left-wing Bernie Sanders, Oh, he said something or Robert Kennedy, scumbags. Are you going to follow some right wing talk show host? They’re not going to lead us to liberation. It’s us. And that political physics, it’s a nuclear science of change. Bottoms-up. We have to organize to understand that there are people who talk a good game, and then look at what they actually do, left and right. I’m sorry, Sean Hannity may say some good things, but I don’t see the urgency in his voice to get something done. And it can only come when you weaponize yourself with the right knowledge, you need to be able to identify a rat. You know, Christ didn’t go after the Romans, right. It was the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who screwed him up. His own quote unquote, people. And that’s where we’re at.
So, these four concepts I built into a curriculum, people can go to And it’s an educational program. We need to train people in political theory. You need to have physics, and I’ve created that curriculum. People need to get educated. We need to get educated fast. And within half an hour, an hour, I can teach people two years of MIT control systems, I teach people those concepts, then I apply it, anyone can understand it. And then you say, Oh, I gotta build a bottoms-up movement. They have to get politically astute, and then they have to go locally and act, not sit there on social media. They have to act locally, defy locally, and do civil obedience locally, but with knowledge on how to build a movement. The senate campaign’s expanded to the movement for truth, freedom and health, and they can find it on V as in Victor, A, Shiva, So people can sign in, they can get access to a bunch of videos. If they want to take a course and become a truth freedom health leader, I offer a full scholarship there. But we want people to make a commitment that they’ll study, that they’ll get certified, that they’ll go do activities on the ground. So go to
FRANK: It’s a great video.
Dr.SHIVA: All right, everyone. Thank you. I hope you enjoyed that video. So that video really sets the basis of what we’re going to talk about today, it’s in the course that we do every Monday evening. By the way, please go to We’re building the physical infrastructure, which includes hardware, the physical infrastructure, a software where we are providing the educational tools, so when you join, you can become whatever you want to contribute, you can just join as a member. Please just join. If you don’t want to contribute, just join as a member so you get access to all the other videos, it’s absolutely free. If you want to contribute something, people said, Dr. Shiva, I want to contribute, I never felt good just taking something for nothing, so when you join, you can get the E book, System and Revolution, or you can get the tool, Your Body Your System to understand your body more, or you can decide to become a Truth Freedom and Health Warrior. My goal is to have around 50,000 people trained by the end of 2021, and then we start grooming leaders, one in every state, one in every country. We need to build a bottoms-up movement, otherwise it’s all BS, guys, we cannot believe in the left or the right. Frank will tell you his own experience. He thought the Republican Party was going to be, and he’ll talk about how they screwed him and took advantage of him. And the reality is, it’s not just Republicans, it also happens to Democrats.
The Not-So-Obvious-Establishment
So what I want to talk about today is the not-so-obvious-establishment and the goal of today’s discussion. I’m going to open up the phone lines a little bit after and you guys can ask us questions. So you guys can call in to really have a discussion about us getting smart. We can’t afford to be naive adolescents anymore; we have to get intelligent about who the real enemy is. And we also have to get real. Do we really want change? Because if we really want change, we’ve got to identify who the real snakes are. And if we really want to change, it’s going to take our effort to learn the political physics, which the course offers, and go bottoms-up. That’s what it’s going to require and to learn the not-so-obvious-establishment, the real snakes. And what we’re going to do is, we’re going to teach you from our own experience.
As a case study, the Massachusetts GOP, I’m sure it’s also the Democrats, and in every one of your states, and wherever you are in the world; you always will find the real snakes. And the problem is people are either too naive, or they don’t want to deal with the real snakes, so nothing ever happens. Let’s start our discussion here.
Dr.SHIVA: One of the things when you take the course — again, you can become a Truth Freedom and Health Warrior — you will actually understand what this diagram is about. We start teaching you the Foundations of Systems. The Foundations of Systems are important because once you understand the Foundations of Systems, you can actually understand any type of system on the planet, any type of system. The system that I talk about here is the system of control systems. It’s basically a two-year course that you’re going to learn in an hour, but I’m not going to talk about that today. What you learn from the simple diagram is that there are things that get in the way of us actually winning, and in this case it’s the disturbance. Basically, we want to achieve truth, freedom and health, or we want to make money, or we want to have a loving family, or we want to, whatever, become a great tennis player, whatever. So, whatever it is, you can use this approach to understand it, but we’re not going to talk about that today. But what we will talk about is to achieve any goal, you have something called a disturbance. Frank, you probably deal with this in electrical stuff, right? You have signal, noise, or things that come in the way? Troubleshooting, right? But unless you understand what the real disturbances are you’re never going to be able to achieve your goal.
Dr.SHIVA: The real disturbance that we’re going to talk about is the not-so- obvious- establishment. Now I go into great detail in the Foundations of Systems course.It’s like gravity, it’s one of the most important principles to understand.
Dr.SHIVA: The not-so-obvious-establishment, you’re going to understand, is the critical thing that always gets in the way of real movements building, and this is why change doesn’t occur fast enough. Sometimes we spend hundreds of years banging our heads at something. Let’s talk about that. And then we’re going to apply this understanding of the not-so-obvious-establishment to the Massachusetts swamp, because the Massachusetts swamp is one of the critical elements of the not-so-obvious-establishment. So why do I say that? If we go to the Massachusetts swamp, and we go through this analysis, what you’ll find is that we can take a step back and understand in general, the not-so-obvious-establishment. This is a good diagram that explains it.
If you look at the establishment, they’re very clever. They have the obvious side like in the 2016 election, everyone knows the Clintons were the obvious establishment. And then you also had the Obamas and the Clintons and the Bushes, all part of the not-so-obvious-establishment; also the Romney’s. Here’s Romney and Obama hanging out. But in opposition to the establishment are people like us, and we come in all different colors, left, right, up, down, what I call the agents of change. The Tea Party, the communists, people who think working people should rise up, the Green Party, all different colors, right? The people for Monsanto, or “no to GMOs”. So that’s the change agents. Typically the feature of the change agents is they’re not perfect, but they want to go to the ground. Now in opposition to the change agents comes someone, an element, which is called the not-so-obvious-establishment.
The not-so-obvious-establishment is an arm of the establishment. Just like you have Newton’s laws, force equals mass times acceleration, mass, when you multiply by acceleration, you get force. The not-so-obvious-establishment is literally like force is to mass. Another aspect of the establishment. It is physics. This is a political physics that we need to understand. The not-so-obvious-establishment is the other face of the establishment. However, people get bamboozled.
In the 2016 election, a lot of young people thought this fool guy never held a job. Right? I think he wrote erotic novels, which he failed. Then he tried to be a carpenter as a couch surfer. It’s pretty disgusting that a guy like this even gets to this level. And the reason I want to talk about this is, why does a Bernie Sanders even get to this level? Why? Because he talks the talk, says all the right things and people say, “oh, Bernie, such a nice guy.” And it also happens on the right-wing sidelines we talked about. You have the Tucker Carlson’s and scumbags like in Massachusetts, like the Howie Carrs. These people manipulate the white working class as badly as Al Sharpton manipulates the black people. But they say all the right stuff, they in fact, act as though they’re the opposition. And this is where the essence is, that as long as you believe just their talk, and you don’t look at their actions, you will always be fooled, and you’re the fool for doing that. That’s why we need to understand the physics here.
So let’s go back here. When we look at this here, Bernie’s a case study at the national level, and if you look at this fool, he said, “I will represent the people not Wall Street.” Good talk, but then what does he do at the last minute? He sells out, he sells out, tells everyone to vote for Hillary who’s clearly a criminal. He didn’t build an independent movement. He didn’t tell people, “follow me, let’s support the working people on the ground.” No, he said, “If you can’t beat him, join her,” and in fact, Trump’s tweet was right on the money. He said Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary is like Occupy Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs. And this is where the problem is, people keep making excuses on the left and the right. “Well, you know, Tucker says a lot of good things.” Tucker’s a freaking entertainer. He’s a little rich, white preppy boy, he hangs out with his liberal friends. He actually made excuses for Hunter Biden, but you watch him on TV just like the left watches Bernie. Oh my God. He says all the right things.
FRANK: Bernie did it twice though. That’s the best part.
Dr.SHIVA: Say that again, Frank.
FRANK: In both of his campaigns. He did it twice.
Dr.SHIVA: Right. First, he did it to Hillary, and then he did the same thing to Biden. So this is why the not-so-obvious-establishment is very clever, and it’s clever because you are not smart to not look at their actions, but to look at their words. Remember, Bernie ultimately endorsed Hillary, okay, that’s what he did. He endorsed her. So let’s go back. This is again, physics. When you understand the physics here, Trump was right on the money there. And look at this, hugging with the enemy and always some rationalization. But the key thing is this funnel says it all, is the purpose of the not-so-obvious-establishment is to funnel you, to literally treat you like sheep and to funnel you back into the arms of the enemy. That’s why they exist. Talk a lot of words, but at the end of the day, they say, well we can’t have someone like Shiva. We can’t have a change agent, we need this guy, and that’s what they do. In this case,the funneling was back to Hillary. So this is what you have, Bernie and Hillary all chummy chum, they’re two sides of the same coin, that’s what they are. And they’re part of the entire establishment, be it Elizabeth Warren, be it Obama, and this is pretty easy to see now.
But in opposition to them are We the People who must build a bottoms-up movement, and in order to build that bottoms-up movement, you need to have the right infrastructure. You need to have the right communication tools, you need to have the right education and need to be activated. That’s why we’re building at VA Shiva. Instead of you whining and wondering what can I do, what is to be done is we need to get training, we need to start building a community. On VA Shiva, we have the equivalent of Facebook, we have the equivalent of a forum underground, so we can communicate independently of big tech within our own infrastructure. So all of you out there who have skills, who want to contribute, you have hardware, support this because we’re building our own infrastructure, bottoms-up. So anyway, that’s why it’s important to build a bottoms-up infrastructure.
Now, having shared this, this is some of the lessons that you want to understand, that we discuss more in the Foundation of Systems. This is a key feature of the not-so-obvious-establishment, they talk the talk. Be it be it people like Tucker Carlson, be it the right-wing talk show host, be it the left-wing people. They just talk because remember, they’re entertainers. And when you start exposing them, what do people say when you say something against Tucker? They say, “oh, but I’d like what he says, he’s against them.” But they do not walk the walk. They manipulate working people to think that they fight for them. That’s what they do. They exist to manipulate us, and they always push the idea of the lesser of two evils. They never will support bottoms-up, they’ll never support working class movements, and they’re pay to play, pay to lay.
FRANK: They do that, too.
A Long History of Deceit
Dr.SHIVA: They do not want real change. Now, there’s a long history of deceit, a long history, and something that may seem sacrilegious is a guy like Gandhi. Gandhi is taught as though he was a guy who helped India, he was the one who won freedom. Well, this guy was one of the most racist, elitist people, a lawyer. He said he was going to fight in South Africa. And the story goes, he went to South Africa, fought for the poor people, helped liberate the blacks and Hindus. Absolutely false. Gandhi was actually fighting for the wealthy Hindus to get trading rights in the Transvaal. He lost at that. Then he comes to India. Now Gandhi comes to India at a time, Frank you and I have talked about this, Gandhi comes to India at a time when the people of India in the 1920’s wanted to have a good revolution. They looked to people like Thomas Paine, they looked to George Washington, they said, Hey, they threw out the British, the British have subjugated us for 300 years. The Indians wanted a good revolution. This guy Gandhi is literally parachuted in by the Indian elites who loved the British, who loved boot licking up to them, who actually saw a nice arrangement with them. So Gandhi is brought into India for the singular purpose of quieting down the masses to placate them, so they don’t have a good revolution, violent or nonviolent.
Gandhi told these people to get their heads beaten in, and he romanticized nonviolence which is absolutely anti human. So what happens is, Gandhi quiets the people down, and they transfer power to the British. All right, it was not called the Declaration of Indian Independence, it was called the transfer of power. So white men with crowns leave India, and what ends up happening in India is you have brown men with white hats take over, and for 70 years, and even till now, India has massive corruption. So for 70 years, because people were forced to follow this not-so-obvious-establishment snake, and statues are built for him, he wears the white robes, says some good stuff, it’s all theater, it’s all theatrics. And the elites are very, very good at this. They know how to play theater. They created the controlled opposition, Gandhi, the not-so-obvious-establishment. There were real revolutionary leaders, they were taken out of the picture, and then they created the legislature so all these brown people could argue and fight, let out their steam right within their construct. So the bottoms-up movement was stopped, the not-so-obvious-establishment, Gandhi, gets parachuted in, and what do you get? You get the transfer of power. That’s what the document’s called, Frank, it was not called the Indian Declaration of Independence. It’s called the transfer of power. And interestingly enough, the guy that Gandhi appointed to become the Indian Prime Minister, he was literally banging, banging the wife of the emperor of Britain. They were all friends at Oxford, you see, that’s how the elites are, they’re one big incestuous group. They just fake it.
Now, having said that, Frank and I wanted to share with you. So this is not like we talked about the national level, we want to share with you the Massachusetts swamp and how the same example comes there, so all of you can start looking at, in your own states. In fact, if any one of you wants to do the same thing, whether you’re in Nevada or New Jersey or New Zealand, you’ll find the same feature. So let’s just jump into it. We’re going to talk to you now about the Massachusetts swamp and we’re going to really expose some of the biggest swamp scum here.
The Massachusetts Swamp
Dr.SHIVA: So the Massachusetts swamp. In Massachusetts, let’s again use the same diagram, right, this is physics. Let’s talk about physics, here.
FRANK: It’s really a microcosm. The state is really a microcosm.
Dr.SHIVA: I’m sorry, Frank, let me let me bring it back here. Go ahead, Frank.
FRANK: The state is really a microcosm for the country, in a sense. We used to say that Massachusetts is the sewer that feeds the swamp in DC.
Dr.SHIVA: Remember Massachusetts is where the American Revolution took place, and when they lost the American Revolution, it’s not like the Blue Bloods got up and left. They embedded themselves deeper. You could argue that Massachusetts is the epicenter of the Deep State between MIT and Harvard. All the Blue Bloods are here. They were quite upset that they had to give us the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, etc. So Massachusetts, where they do the innovation, you’re going to see this here, and we’re going to show you some of the pictures of the swamp scum of Massachusetts, you’re going to and by the way, this is just not to personally attack any of these guys, because they’re just part of the swamp. This is a guy called Charlie Baker. Those of you don’t know him, he’s a quote unquote, Republican governor, went to Harvard. A blue blood. His mentor was Bill Weld.
FRANK: Bill Weld went to Harvard.
Dr.SHIVA: Another Harvard guy, all friends with Romney, another Harvard guy. And Bill Weld, essentially, was a former governor of Massachusetts, quote, unquote, Republican, by the way, he’s the one who ran against Trump.
FRANK: All three of them hate Trump.
Dr.SHIVA: All three of them hate Trump, but they’re Republicans. Charlie Baker, some people call him Charlie Faker. We just want to set the characters here. Now this is a very good diagram that Ben Garrison drew when I was running for office. So here you see Charlie Baker right here in the Massachusetts swamp with the GOP. And look what you see. You see right here, that in the swamp, here’s Harvard in the background, as you can see here, feeding the swamp right here with lies. Here’s also the democrats with Elizabeth Warren, also out of Harvard, okay. There’s the GOP and the donkey, and there’s Mitt Romney in the back, and so what you can see is this is one big swamp. The sewer that feeds the swamp is in many ways, the epicenter is Harvard University. This is where all the elites get their training.
So in opposition to that swamp again, there’s a change agent. Here, we were the first ones that, here’s when we started running, we started building a bottoms-up movement, here’s me, really leading our movement when we found out that they wouldn’t let us on the debate stage. Remember that Frank? They wouldn’t let us on the debate stage, even though we were a bona fide candidate in 2008, running against another big swamp creature, Elizabeth Warren. She’s a racist. She faked that she was a, took advantage of affirmative action and when she wasn’t even, I think she had less than one 1000th, and then they have to throw in some Peruvian genes even to get that; we’re the ones who exposed that. So the bottom line is we started building a movement here in Massachusetts exposing the likes of Warren, we ran for office. This is Frank with President Trump. You have a bunch of Frank, you want to say a little bit about how you got involved in the Trump campaign before we go on?
FRANK: Like I said earlier, I started out as a very active volunteer when he announced at the famous escalator ride and what a year and a half as a volunteer, but literally volunteering full time, put my job aside and everything like that. And I got to meet him and his family and get some nice pictures, nice memories and all that it was, it was amazing. But you know, we were the outsiders. And you know, we would taunt us and make fun of us. The Republicans when I say they, they basically saw us as misfits, and so forth until he started to surpass the 17 or so people that he was in the primary with in 2016, and then at that point, they took us seriously.
Dr.SHIVA: But Frank, you never were political until then, right?
FRANK: No, I wasn’t, no.
Dr.SHIVA: What do you do for a living Frank?
FRANK: I’m an electrician, self-employed electrical contractor. I’ve been on my own for over 30 years doing it, and it’s very rewarding working for yourself.
Dr.SHIVA: But all of your work, no one paid, you’re not a political hack. No one pays you to be a volunteer.
FRANK: I was offered some jobs, but I said no, that would kind of ruin it, actually, if I was a hack. I mean, I was having so much fun as a grassroots activist, and I met a lot of new friends. So it was great.
Dr.SHIVA: And the thing that brought you out was what? Because Trump was an outside agent of change.
FRANK: That’s what it was. I didn’t really care for either party. I mean, I was unenrolled, I wasn’t affiliated with any party prior to that. I only registered Republican for Trump, because he was running and they needed delegates and so forth, and I thought I might try that. I didn’t become a delegate, but I was a very active volunteer.
Dr.SHIVA: So Frank and I met in 2018, 2017. By the way, to let everyone know, when I was a 17, 18-year-old kid, I realized both parties were the same, I didn’t like the lesser of two evils concept. I never voted in my life. I was an activist, so you can go check out the site, all the different things I did. But when Trump ran, I liked the fact that he was ripping both parties.
FRANK: That’s what I said.
Dr.SHIVA: A lot of us did, so I decided to vote, and I voted for him and I, in 2017, I decided to run for office. Frank heard about our campaign. And our campaign was “only the real Indian can defeat the fake Indian,” and it wasn’t about race it was really about the fact this woman was out of integrity, part of the Massachusetts swamp. So we built a very powerful.
FRANK: That slogan was awesome. That’s where you had me at the slogan.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, it was a great slogan. So, on our bus we had “only the real Indian can defeat the fake Indian,” and we built the bus by ourselves. In Massachusetts, we had a massive bottoms-up ground campaign. Less than what we did in 2020, but this bus we take everywhere, people would get really upset. But what’s interesting was, I ran as a Republican thinking that, the values of hard work, coming from nothing would be appreciated. But what the GOP did, the Massachusetts GOP Republicans, a lot of people remember this, instead of embracing a guy, who is the epitome of the American dream, came from nothing, worked his butt off, got four degrees from MIT, started seven different companies, they found a fool to run to make sure he would get on the Republican ballot and forced us to run as Independents. And we’ll talk about that fool shortly. But you know, this was our movement, bottoms-up. We were the change agents we had, in the 2020 election, 3000 volunteers. This is what change really looks like, bottoms-up. And so people like Frank working people joined our movement.
Just like we shared with you earlier, in opposition to what was taking place on the ground, just like the establishment put Bernie Sanders in 2016, the establishment in Massachusetts again, the same physics, they have their own swamp scum, and what did they do, they found they found their own not-so-obvious-establishment here, and we’ll go to this. They had guys like this, okay, they had this very disgusting looking guy, one guy called Dirty Diehl. We don’t even want to give these people’s names but he’s Dirty Diehl, his last name is Diehl, D-I-E-H-L, and another guy called Jimbo.
FRANK: Jimbo.
Dr.SHIVA: His name is Jim Lyons, but we call him Jimbo Liar. He’s a complete liar. He thinks he’s a Whitey Bulger. Frank, you want to tell us about Jimbo? Your experience. Now he promotes himself as a “Trumper,” as a radical right guy who’s against the establishment. Why don’t you tell what Jimbo is really about.
FRANK: Well in 2016, he was Ted Cruz’s state director for Massachusetts, so that will tell you, and he never quite got over Cruz losing that primary 2016. Even in 2016, he was kind of pulling for Hillary thinking that Cruz was going to run in 2020.
Dr.SHIVA: This is a guy who was the head of the Massachusetts Republican Party. He hated Trump.
FRANK: He refused a Trump lawn sign, he said to get that thing out of here. And even when I put signs too close to his for other people, he would harass them. It was ridiculous.
Dr.SHIVA: 35:36 This is Jim Lyons, we call him Jimbo Liar, a complete swamp scum. So here’s a guy Frank, sincerely goes to the head of the Republican Party, says, hey, look, can you put a Trump sign on? What did he do Frankie?
FRANK: Oh, he refused that, he just didn’t want anything to do with Trump until he became the head of Republican Party. Now he had to fake it, for fundraising purposes, essentially, at that point, he was state representative or something.
Dr.SHIVA: Again, a Republican guy, and also he claims he’s against the governor, right?
FRANK: Oh, yeah, the two of them were tight, they’re best friends.
Dr.SHIVA: Now the guy in the back here is a guy called Dirty Diehl. So when I ran as a Republican in 2016, they did not want me challenging their chosen one. It’s all backroom deals. Remember, we have selections in America, we do not have elections. It’s all backroom deals. It’s all swamp scum. So Jimbo and Dirty Diehl had already decided Dirty Diehl was going to be the Republican nominee in 2018, and there’s no way a guy like me should ever be allowed, so I had to run as an independent. Now what you’ll learn about this guy Dirty Diehl is, Frank, do you want to explain this picture to everyone?
FRANK: Oh, yeah, I met him. I met him in Trump’s campaign office. He claimed to be a co-chair, which was a made up title that never existed.
Dr.SHIVA: And then Dirty Diehl on the left here.
FRANK: He lied about his title, it never never existed.
Dr.SHIVA: He’s the guy on the left here in this picture.
FRANK: He went to this event as you can see. He snuck in backstage, on the right you’ll see Howie Carr, who snuck him in basically.
Dr.SHIVA: This guy right here with the white hair, who also didn’t like Trump.
FRANK: Well, he liked Trump as long as Trump’s paying you know, giving him Mar a Lago passes. Diehl there. He got the finger poke and he got thrown out. He got shut down for a handshake. No, that wasn’t happening as you can see there by the picture.
Dr.SHIVA: So Dirty Diehl here tries to handshake with the President.
FRANK: I called him out on that very picture.
Dr.SHIVA: Let’s just tell the people. At this event, he sneaked in, he was not supposed to be there.
Dr.SHIVA: So, this is Diehl, who is running now for the US Senate Republican primary. He wanted to show that he was close to Trump. Before that he was against Trump.
FRANK: But they were trying to deny Trump the convention in 2016 and they were doing everything to pull the rug out from under him on behalf of Ted Cruz.
Dr.SHIVA: Right. So, Diehl goes to try to get a photo up with Trump. Trump actually, he realized, was pissed off, because he had stolen Trump’s data, right?
FRANK: Yes, that’s true. In the primary campaign office, Geoff Diehl stole the list of supporters to run his own campaign. And we knew this because we were getting the same spam emails. You sign up for a Trump rally and would get junk emails from Geoff Diehl.
Dr.SHIVA: So this guy, Geoff Diehl, he’s a failed sign salesman, he has no skills like Frank who is a working class guy; he has been groomed. This is what they do. It’s selections, a puppet dope, and so, he tries to get a picture with Trump, Trump’s pissed off, and what happens? Geoff Diehl later on, look at this, this is quite amazing. He puts out a picture. Go ahead Frank.
FRANK: I called him out on the finger poke. I said, Oh, what happened here? And he said, he must have had somebody quickly do a Photoshop job, And he came back with the Photoshop. And he said, Oh, no, no, he shook my hand. Here’s a picture shaking my hand.
Dr.SHIVA: Yes, what you see here is it looks like from this angle Trump is shaking his hand. Diehl puts out a picture all over social media in 2018 set with this picture. So, when we saw this picture, we had a forensic guy look at this, and what you’ll see is you’ll see very carefully there is no handshake, it’s a distancing. What actually happens is there’s a third hand so there’s one hand of the President, Trump. There’s another hand which is actually on the side that they flip this hand. So there was no handshake ever done. No handshake. You see this? There’s no one behind them. This guy’s way far away. This handshake. This hand is actually President Trump’s hand flipped. They photoshopped it. So this guy never got a handshake from President Trump. Right? Let me go back to this. So no handshake ever took place. Yet Diehl is out there telling people that him and Trump are close. So we exposed this and it went viral, and Diehl never talked about this again. We had a friend forensics guy, Alfred Demurchyan who actually did the image analysis and showed this is a third hand. So it’s the “three-handed Trump” we called it right? It was called the “three-handed Trump.” So what you see is, in fact, here’s a handshake, here’s a finger poke, but there is a handshake with him shaking hands with the governor who has a real handshake.
Dr.SHIVA: But if you look at this picture, there is no handshake. There are three hands. So when we say that they’re liars, we mean these people are serious scumbags. They photoshopped a picture with Trump shaking his hand because the tide was changing, right? More and more people are becoming —
FRANK: They fake it at that point.
Dr.SHIVA: Right. Jim Lyons starts wearing Make America Great hats again.
FRANK: First, they tried to shut them down. And then when they realized it wasn’t going to work, then they said, Well, we better we better pretend, you know?
Dr.SHIVA: Right. So, I hope everyone’s following along. So you have how they position themselves, yes? And we were the first ones to expose this. We started exposing Dirty Diehl.
Dr.SHIVA: And we started exposing everything he was doing in Massachusetts as my campaign was growing. There’s another guy, we call him Howie Whore. He’s pay-to-play. He’s one of the radio station guys, and a lot of white working-class people follow this guy because he’s literally the Al Sharpton of white people, white working-class people. People say, “well Howie says the right things,” but Howie Carr endorsed Dirty Diehl knowing it was a fake handshake, and tried to do a good job on me, right Frank? Tried to put a mug shot at me of a case that was thrown out of court.
FRANK: That was because your opponent paid
Dr.SHIVA: Paid him $250,000.
FRANK: That you can see on FEC documents online. The records. And he tried to shake you down when you went to an interview, “Buy my ads or else.”
Dr.SHIVA: Right, I know. Oh my god, someone said Geoff Diehl stole the jewelry of a classmate. Wow. Awesome. So as Lewis says here, we found out later Geoff Diehl when he was in college a woman called in, or in high school, he actually stole someone’s jewelry. Yes, this is a kind of scum that we have running in Massachusetts. So here, I’m an MIT PhD guy forget even the PhD, but I busted my ass, and this is what the GOP finds, a scum like this to run against Elizabeth Warren. So, they find Dirty Diehl in the 2018 election to run against Warren, a “designated loser.” They didn’t want me running against Warren, that was the bottom line. Everyone got that? So here’s a bona fide candidate like me who could have destroyed Warren, running an amazing ground campaign. Guys like Frank, lots of volunteers coming up, getting very excited about “Only the Real Indian Can Defeat the Fake Indian,” they find Dirty Diehl.
FRANK: It was like the party didn’t want to win. It was bizarre. They did not want to win. They wanted to put up a loser on purpose, twice. Both times.
Dr.SHIVA: Well, I think what you’re bringing up, it’s funny, it’s what we’re saying. This is the operating model. In these states, wherever whichever state you are, whichever country you’re in, they’ve already decided, guys. They don’t want anyone bottoms-up. In Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren was going to be the senator in 2018. Then they find a fool, they don’t want an outsider like me because it’s ruffling the feathers. They find an idiot who knows how to Photoshop, does bad Photoshop jobs, who has no background, no skills, but he’s part of the swamp.
Dr.SHIVA: They want him to lose, but they raise money and they give the election to Warren. The same thing occurred in 2020. We had 3000 volunteers this time on the ground. We had 10,000 lawn signs, 30,000, 20,000 bumper stickers, we were everywhere. They find a guy who puts as his website “KOC for Senate”, literally, in the Republican primary, and as we have two cases in federal court right now, the Massachusetts GOP is who committed election fraud, not the Democrats.
FRANK: Yeah, it’s true.
Dr.SHIVA: It wasn’t the Democrats who committed election fraud against a fellow Republican, it was the Republicans committing election fraud. And then later on, they started raising money on election fraud. Okay, so this is clear.
FRANK: Right. Same way, they were raising money off of Trump and they hated him.
Dr.SHIVA: Right. So the Republicans today, including the National GOP, are raising money on election fraud when they’re the perpetrators of election fraud. And that’s what we want to educate people on, that these people, they say one thing and they’ll even make it sound good, but what they do is actually against working people. So let’s go back to the drawing board here. So here you have a guy, this is 2018. Now, this guy, Jimbo Liar, and you can look him up, Jim Lyons and Dirty Diehl are probably getting ready for their next round. Now, Frank, what happened here? You had me go to Andover, you live Andover, right?
Dr.SHIVA: Which is a very Republican town. You had me come and give a talk in Andover. Jim, Jimbo Liar –
FRANK: He didn’t like the fact that you were in his town. So, it turns out that the Massachusetts GOP Chairman lives in my town, and in the fall of 2019, you’re in your second campaign against Ed Markey, trying to unseat Ed Markey. So, the purpose of the committee is like, let’s bring Republican candidates in to speak and –
Dr.SHIVA: And I’m a registered Republican.
FRANK: He’s a registered Republican, I’m a Republican, I’m part of the committee, I invite him to come on in and speak to our group here. He came in, and there’s a picture of him in front of the town office seal.
FRANK: The day after, Jim Lyons was so furious that I had the audacity to bring a Republican to speak to a bunch of Republicans that he conspired to have me removed from the committee. Here is a screenshot of his email to the to the chair, John, “How do we get rid of this guy?”
Dr.SHIVA: which is referring to you.
FRANK: And that’s what they did, they ousted me.
Dr.SHIVA: So think about this. Here’s a working-class guy like Frank, all these guys are getting paid.
Dr.SHIVA: Jim Lyons is getting paid Frank, Bottoms-up. Frank, How many signs did you put up for Trump? How many signs did you put up for us?
FRANK: A lot? I can’t remember.
Dr.SHIVA: Frank is one of the hardest working people I know. And it’s guys like Frank, working people who got excited by an outside agent of change like Trump and me. Guys like him get inspired by that. And what did the Massachusetts GOP scumbags like Jim Lyons, Jimbo Liar do? They try to throw them out of the Republican town committee?
FRANK: Yeah.
Dr.SHIVA: How long have you lived in Andover?
FRANK: Most of my life. For 40 years.
Dr.SHIVA: Here’s a working-class guy who is not getting paid, who starts supporting outside agents of change, and the Republican Party, not the Democrats, Democrats never attacked you; it was the Republican party who wanted to throw him out because he was supporting me. So I just want everyone to think about that.
FRANK: A lot of the Democrats liked you and a lot of Democrats liked Trump, too. The democrats treat us kinder.
Dr.SHIVA: Someone said Frank, you got a big fan here. We love Frank. Marcella Sato Davis. So the reason we’re telling you this is that things aren’t going to change. This guy Dirty Diehl may be trying to run for governor. Now Dirty Diehl gets there because of another scumbag called Howie Whore. And anyone listening out there, Howie Carr is his name. This guy’s a total scumbag.
FRANK: Pay-for-play.
Dr.SHIVA: Pay-for-play. Again he acts as though he doesn’t like governor Baker, but what he does is to make sure no one else from below comes up. He thinks he will choose who will be the designated losers. So, in 2018, he supported Dirty Diehl, and in 2020 he supported this guy called KOC, K-O-C, a lawyer who no one knew, he put him on radio, never called us for an interview, never gave us any play because he’s pay-to-play, because he got a couple 100,000 paid. That’s why. All of you white working-class people in Massachusetts understand, Howie Carr is a scumbag. He’s all talk. He’s talk, and he misleads you no different than Al Sharpton. He’s the Al Sharpton of white working people. I don’t know what else you want to share about Howie Whore?
FRANK: We had an event one time in the 2016 campaign, and we invited him to come and speak and all he was concerned about was how many books he was going to sell.
Dr.SHIVA: Tell them the story, Frank. What you did, Frank, you organized the whole DJ thing?
FRANK: Well, everything was volunteers, and we had a great group of people that all got it together at a VFW, I think it was, and Howie was there to speak but he didn’t really care about the group of “Trumpers,” he cared about how many books he was going to sell. He was like, “can you guarantee me X amount?”
Dr.SHIVA: What’s interesting is, this is one of the mistakes. Trump gave him, as the story goes, access to Mar-a-Lago, because Trump needed to use his radio station, get access. And so because of that relationship, Trump never supported our campaign, which are the Trump commit, because the swamp,once you step into the swamp, you’re part of it. And that’s, in our view, a big mistake Trump made.
FRANK: It actually, it was really sad because we had a great group of grassroots people in 2016. Come 2020, they kicked us all to the curb and it was like, “No, we’re the RNC, we got this you guys. Thanks a lot. Goodbye.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, and I think this happened with the Trump campaign. They started supporting the RNC, and in many ways, in my view – I gave money to Trump, supported him – Trump stopped behaving like Trump. There’s no reason Ivanka and Jared should have been in there. There weren’t enough “Trumpers” in the Trump —
FRANK: There should have been more.
Dr.SHIVA: I’m not critiquing Trump, I’m just saying Trump did not behave like Trump.
FRANK: He wanted to drain the swamp, but he invited the swamp in unfortunately, I don’t know why.
Dr.SHIVA: Guys like you were thrown out of 2020 campaign even though you busted your ass to get them in as —
FRANK: We weren’t as welcome, that’s what it was.
Dr.SHIVA: So it’s very important to understand this dynamic, it’s how the swamp gets itself in. So going back to this, our slideshow here, so you can see Frank. Here’s Jimbo Lyons colluding to kick out one of the strongest people who supported Trump in Massachusetts. So when you look here, here’s the scumbag Howie Whore. Who’s he with Frank? His supposed enemy he supposedly rails against? Tall Deval, he calls Charlie Baker —
FRANK: Tall Deval, Tall Deval
Dr.SHIVA: It’s all an act, he’s an entertainer guys, and this is no different than Tucker Carlson. Howie Whore, remember it’s not Howie Carr, it’s Howie Whore, he’s pay-to-play. These guys talk a good game, and Howie Whore tried to do hit jobs on me, but the two guys that he supported were Dirty Geoff Diehl, a failed sign salesman, and then a failed lawyer who is nowhere to be seen, called “KOC for Senate” of 2018. Diehl — and by the way, the average white, working-class person thinks Howie Carr is a fighter, and this is what people have to recognize. This is where the conundrum is. Just like a lot of people get bamboozled by Gandhi in India; or Bernie Sanders, young people — like all these people are fighters; on the right, people think Howie Whore as he’s known here in Massachusetts, anyone who’s enlightened knows he’s a whore, pay-to-play. Didn’t do jack for anyone bottoms-up. Trump used him for Mar-a-Lago tickets, gives him some sign, thinks the Trumpers think he’s a Trumper. Forget all that, he’s not for the working class. And I want to remind everyone since 1978 to today, the American working class because of this bullshit, is being squeezed. So if you’re making $50,000 today, listen very carefully, according to the RAND report you should actually be making $121,000. So what happens is the Howie Whore’s, the so-called Republicans, anytime working people rise up a workers movement, what do they call it, communist, socialist, right? That’s their branding and then that enables a left wing to create a top-down movement of the unions. So, here are working people, we want a bottoms-up movement, anytime a bottoms-up movement comes, the left calls on the right to brand it as socialist, and the left is there to say “oh come to us, we’re the unions.” Frank, you don’t belong to a union right? How come? Tell people why you don’t belong to a union.
FRANK: I was invited to join but it’s not for me. I can do perfectly well without it. I get paid just as well, and I’m happy without it. I make my own destiny.
What is to be Done
Dr.SHIVA: So the bottom line is on the left and the right, whenever bottoms-up working people’s movements come which is what they don’t want, since the 1900s more Can people rose up and we got certain rights. They’ve done everything since the 1950s to make sure anytime working people come up, oh call them communists, call them communists therefore the left and you’ve got to understand this, they funnel working people back into the top-down unions and the unions control working people so they never have a bottoms-up movement. So, the white working class gets used by the whores like Howie Carr, and the Al Sharpton’s take advantage of the black working people and they in fact, inflict racism. The one party says blacks have the problem and the blacks say the whites are the problem. So, you guys understand, they love racism. Racism is a tool of the establishment to make sure we don’t build a bottoms-up movement. Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, divide and conquer. When you go back here, here’s Howie Whore hanging out with the guy supposedly his archenemy and what do you see here? Who do you see here? Here’s Jimbo, Jimbo Liar, campaigning with Baker. Remember, these guys are very clever.
FRANK: That day they were running around my town ringing doorbells and shaking hands.
Dr.SHIVA: Jimbo Liar says that he’s a radical right-wing guy, just like AOC, and Bernie says we’re radical left, but at the end of the day, they supported Hillary, they supported Biden. They always talk a bunch of crap, but they bring people back into the establishment.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, exactly. That was his idea. So, when you look at this picture it pretty much says it all. And this one, let me go back here. This one even says it better. Here’s Charlie Baker. Here’s Howie Carr hanging out. Here’s Jimbo. These are supposedly the guys who go to the ground and they say, “oh, we’re against Baker, we’re against Baker, he’s not a real Republican.” But at the end of the day, they serve to funnel people back into Baker and how do they do that? They make sure when a guy like me runs, when a guy like Trump ran, they say, “he’s bad,” or they do not allow us. And remember, none of these people supported Trump in the beginning only when they got money, and none of them will support me because I can’t be controlled at all. So that’s why in the 2020 election, they found a lawyer to run, who was nowhere to be found, and then they flipped the elections. It wasn’t the Democrats who did election fraud, it was Republicans. It was a Republican Massachusetts GOP who colluded with the Democrats, because they didn’t want me taking on Ed Markey, they didn’t want me taking on Elizabeth Warren. I hope this is becoming clear to people. So those of you who say Republicans versus Democrats, you got it wrong. This is why you need to take political physics. And Frank, I think you learned, in some ways unfortunately, the hard way.
FRANK: I learned the hard way. Yeah, you have the whole course, you can save yourself a lot of time and take the course.
Dr.SHIVA: It’s like, if you don’t go to school for electrical and you just keep wiring stuff, you’ll burn down homes, right?
FRANK: And you say, “ah that’s how I do it.”
Dr.SHIVA: So there’s two ways to learn in life, you make mistakes, and you make mistakes, and that takes 20 years, or you go and say, Hey, I’m going to learn. I’m going to study and I’m going to get the journeyman license, I’m going to become a real electrician. If we want political change, you must understand the science. That’s what we’re doing at VA Shiva, but what we’re sharing here today is to give you a case study analysis, that you can understand politics using engineering scientific principles. So when you look at this diagram here, let me go back to it. What do you see here? These people, the not-so-obvious-establishment, where people get bamboozled with the clowns like this fool, Jimbo liar, or the clowns? Like how we whore who go to the white working class, manipulate them to be racist, frankly, they tell them blacks are the problem we’re fighting. You know, we’re “Trumpers”. When they’re not, they’re just entertainers. They’re just making a buck off you. They’re con men. And that’s what needs to be understood. And the sooner, in this case white working-class people understand that these people are there to divide and conquer, make enemies of working people. This is the Massachusetts situation. That’s what they do. So that’s what the real lesson is here. When you look at this diagram, this is what they’re about and they’re two sides of the same coin. So, when you look here, by the way here’s a very interesting diagram you’ll see here. What do you see here? You see Charlie Baker taking selfies with Elizabeth Warren. Charlie Baker did not want a guy like me running, remember he’s a Republican. But look at Jimbo Lyons, he hangs out with Baker and so does Howie Carr. It’s all one big incestuous family acting as though they are enemies.
Dr.SHIVA: This guy as Frank said, Howie Carr makes a lot of money selling his books, he’s pay-to-play Howie “Whore” Carr. That’s what he is, and he is not a friend of the white, working-class people. He’ll just say enough words to rile the white working-class up, you know, I mean, right for a lot of your friends think what, Carr is,what do they say?
FRANK: Whether it’s Tucker Carlson or Howie Carr, they agree with it, all the talk. But there is no walk. They talk the talk, they don’t walk the walk. They say nice things, but that doesn’t matter. People can say anything.
Dr.SHIVA: Right. And I think that’s what we fundamentally wanted to share with you tonight. And I want to open up the phone lines here. If you guys have any questions, let me open up the phone lines. You can call right now. And while people are calling in I want to let everyone know please go to, — here’s someone calling in from Columbus, Ohio. Hold on. Hello, this is Dr. Shiva. Please say your name and your question. How are you? Good evening. Good. Good. If you can just turn off your thing in the background.
CALLER: Hi, I’m calling to talk to Dr. Shiva.
Dr.SHIVA: This is he, go ahead.
CALLER: Oh Hi Dr. Shiva, it’s Gina from Revere.
Dr.SHIVA: How are you?
CALLER: I’m good thanks. I just want to say that I got an education being a 63-year-old Gold Star family member in Revere asking the question why Islam was praying in the public schools after my family the gold member, losing my nephew 2005 Operation Enduring Freedom. And, he was fighting the Taliban. We learned we don’t pray in school. Meanwhile, they’re laying Islamic prayer rugs. This is a city committee meeting, I thought they would be receptive and help, and they told me that I was on an Islamic tirade. And nobody talks to me and they laugh at me. And meanwhile, they’re indoctrinating our children for public schools.
Dr.SHIVA: So, basically, what you’re telling me Gina — thank you for calling — basically what Gina is saying was, here’s a person who’s a conservative, and thought the Republican Party was supporting her, but they actually shunned you. Is that what happened, Gina?
CALLER: That’s what happened.
Dr.SHIVA: Gina, thanks for sharing. This is what you find, these people say one thing, but they do another. So, we got Stephania, who do we have?
CALLER: Hi Dr. Shiva, how are you?
Dr.SHIVA: Tell us where you’re calling from and your question.
CALLER: I’m from New York and my main question is, what do you believe the end game is since our president supposedly took two doses of the vaccine, and is now doubling down on masking? And I’m just trying to figure out what is the end game? If, after the Vice President and President have taken the vaccine, they are outside six feet apart from people and still double masking? What are your thoughts on this?
Dr.SHIVA: t’s a good question. So Stephania, I’ll answer that, let me just take another call to someone else who’s calling.
Dr.SHIVA: Hold on one second. I’m going to put you on hold. Stephania, I’ll answer your question. I’m just going to take someone else okay, so hold on one second, I’ll take you shortly. So let’s answer Stephania’s question. Stephania’s question is, what is the end goal going on with vaccines? Look, I’ve shared with many, many people over and over again, the larger goal here, unfortunately which Trump didn’t go after hard in our view, the larger issue here is this: the elites have wanted a Great Reset for a long time. I did a video on this, if you want I can do a detailed, but the net of it is since 2008, when they started doing quantitative easing, the interest rates should be around 7-8% today. They’ve artificially kept interest rates low because the big companies, the companies that should have failed, have been surviving because of low interest rates. That’s what’s actually been going on. They’ve been surviving because of low interest rates. And that basically has been causing a problem for the elites. Small business people bottoms-up have actually been doing quite well. So they’ve been figuring out how to actually suppress small businesses because they can’t have real growth. So, my view is starting in 2016, if you believe elections are selections, then they’re not elections.
Dr.SHIVA: You have to take an objective view, which means the 2016 election, the only conclusion I have is that, too was a selection, because they needed to do a great reset globally. And if you think about this, just follow me on this, that if you look at globally, they needed a pandemic so they could shut down the world economy to slow it down, so they could keep interest rates low. That’s what this is about, because us working people are actually creating a vibrant economy, and they needed to shut that down. That’s why Amazon and Walmart were allowed to be open, not small guys. But in order to do that, the planning went like this in my view. They needed a big reason, so they executed this thing called a pandemic. And globally if they looked at this, who would have been the people that would have been really upset if they said, “Shut down your gym?” Who would have been really upset if they shut down your business? And who would have been able to take action? Would it have been in the Indians in India? No, they don’t have weapons. Would it have been the Chinese? They don’t have weapons. Most of them are basically treated like slaves. Would it have been the Australians? They already took away their weapons. It would have been the American working class. So, Stephania, my point is that the conclusion I’ve come to after studying everything about election fraud, whether Trump knew it or not, implicitly or explicitly, they put Trump in power. In fact, a lot of people told Hillary “your election was stolen.” She didn’t care. Remember, nothing happened to Hillary. And what did Trump do right when he got to power? Thanks to Ivanka, and thanks to Jared, nothing happened to Hillary, not one thing. He didn’t lock her up, and we continue to follow the Trump cult, unfortunately. And then after that, the Q videos came out. What did they say? They said, trust the plan, Trump is a ninth-dimensional chess player. Well, nothing happened. In fact, what happened was we have forced vaccinations coming, we have mask mandates and so on, and everything the elites got got executed, they have more quantitative easing, the stock market grew explosively. And where we are today, working people are the ones who got screwed and the American working class, but always armed to the teeth, who will never allow their second amendment be taken away. They were placated. They didn’t do anything. They thought Trump was going to do something significant, right? Even after January 6, even after January 20. Nothing happened, guys. And I’m not saying Trump was explicit or implicit, but at the end of the day what the research and the stuff I’ve uncovered shows that these elections are selections. So 2016 in my view was also a selection, and it was done because they needed the global reset. The pharma companies are tanking, they need vaccines to make a lot of money, and that’s where we’re at today. So the elites got everything they wanted, then Trump and now Biden’s just going to escalate a double masking with stupid people like Fauci, forced vaccination, etcetera. But 2016 was necessary to keep us placated, and that’s the view I believe Trump served unfortunately.
FRANK: Didn’t know it at the time, though.
Dr.SHIVA: Let’s take the next call. Hold on one second. I have someone else from DC, hold on. Hello, who do we have? Please ask your question from DC. Go ahead. Hold on one second, I’m going to crank up the volume. Go ahead.
CALLER: Hi, Dr. Shiva, you kind of gave me the insight on the end goal with the vaccines which I’ve already been figuring. Anyway, I started doing research back in 2019, when they started talking about some mornings when I was ready to take my daughter to school, they had like these news reports about them going to Mars, so I got to thinking was getting ready to happen. So I started doing research and you know, a couple of weeks later, they come with this pandemic. So you gotta see that, you know, the angles about that. That’s what I was called max of vaccines, because my daughter is nine years old, and I’m not that concerned about me, you know, she’s got to live in this sick world right now. And you know, I’m not getting vaccinated, she’s not getting vaccinated either, I don’t care what mandates they come with.
Dr.SHIVA: Yes, that’s good. Look, everyone needs to make their own decision. But I thank you for your comment. Let me just comment on that. Look, here’s the bottom line. You know, we have a new card. As many of you know, we put out these really cool cards that you can get, please go online and sign up. We need people like you in DC to be Truth Freedom and Health Warriors joining the movement. Just go on and sign up, because we want to build, we want one Truth Freedom and Health Warrior Leader in at least every state, but one of the things we’re doing is if you remember, we have these cards up here. In fact, let me bring up the card. I think I have it here. I’m going to share with everyone the card that we put together. Let me bring it up very, very close here. I’m going to bring it up here for a second. Hold on. And I’m going to share my screen. We are creating these cards so you guys can educate other people on the ground. So what we’ve done is, let me see here, one second. Let me see. There it is.
Dr.SHIVA: Okay, one second. I’m going to bring this card up that we just are about to put out. So let me bring this up. If you can see the screen, those of you at home, I’m going to bring this up. So we are putting out these very cool cards. Can you see this on the screen? Let me share it. I’m about to share it here. Let me stop this share here. And I’m going to share my screen here. You guys should be able to see this. It’s very cool.
Dr.SHIVA: Here we go. Okay, so you’d be able to share. I’m sharing my screen right now. And you can see right here, everyone see this card? Can you guys see it? Can you see it over there? I’m doing it live, but you’ll see that we have this new card that we’re putting out. It’s called “Beyond Vax and Anti Vax,” and it’s to really educate people about how to look at what’s going on with vaccines, and what we have on the back of this card is the science. The real issue here is not about vax or anti vax. The bottom line is vaccines for all is based on an outdated science of the immune system as I’ve talked about. Modern science reveals that what we really need to do is we need to go to personalized medicine. The real goal is one size does not fit all, number two. The third is vaccinations do not guarantee a strong immune system. If you want to get a strong immune system, then it’s going to come from the right nutrition. Friendships. You have good social friendships, it’s shown at the molecular level, your body will increase, increase what are called cathelicidin antimicrobial proteins. It’ll increase anti-inflammatories, I mean lower anti-inflammatories, and increase anti-microbials.
So when you look at the science, “vaccines for all” is based on an old science. Now the public health implications are right now the vaccine manufacturers are protected from liability. Thank you to the Kennedys. The 1962 Kennedy vaccination act was all based on 100 year old science, and there’s a lack of public health education on boosting immunity, that’s what we really need to talk about. And if they want to do a testing of vaccines, they need to at least do pharmaceutical grade testing of it, they don’t even have that. Vaccines don’t even undergo the same testing. So the point being, that what we have right now is not even any real understanding, any honest understanding of what’s going on with vaccines, because the science is based on a very, very old understanding of vaccines. So that’s what I think people should think about. Thank you. Let me take the next call. Thank you. So we have Fort Lauderdale, Florida calling. Please go on, you had a question? Please go on from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
CALLER: Hi, there. My name is Paula. I’ve been watching you for some time, and my goodness, you’re covering so many subjects. I’m just getting over covid myself down here myself, my husband and my daughter. So I wanted to make mention of I don’t know if people understand how deep these elections really go. I don’t care if it’s a local level, like I did with the Mayor, all the way up. And my experience, and I haven’t talked —
Dr.SHIVA: Just very quickly. So you ran, you’re from Fort Lauderdale, Florida and you ran for mayor over there?
CALLER: I did. I am considered Fort Lauderdale, but it’s Davie. D-A-V-I-E. And what I experienced from Miami, all the way up here to Davie Fort Lauderdale was quite interesting as a younger woman. I’m a veteran, Marine Corps veteran, and at the local level, in our smaller town outside of Fort Lauderdale, I was naive enough to think that it wouldn’t be a big deal in running the race against these people. What I didn’t understand that I was naive enough to believe was that people were good. And what I found through the race was that a lobbyist who was running my opponents campaign, he had been in office for quite some time, and I won’t mention names, she actually was a lobbyist for many campaigns. Not just in Fort Lauderdale, Davie, Miami, it went all the way up to Washington. So what I found out in a speech was that I was doing one night, where myself and the opponent were called to do a speech at the town for various people in the audience. I had some friends that I brought with me because my gut feeling just wasn’t right. I don’t know why. Well, I know why after.
Dr.SHIVA: If you can just in the interest of time, can you just tell us what happened? So, what’s the core thing that happened?
CALLER: Two gentlemen threatened me that evening. They took me aside and said, we’re very concerned for you, you need to drop out of the race. I said, “Excuse me, are you kidding me?” And they said, “We believe” — and this is a good old boy system in the mid 90’s, I did not realize that — “we believe that someone will put you down,” and I’m like, “excuse me?” It was a direct threat.
Dr.SHIVA: And now what party were you running us?
CALLER: It was not Republican, nor was Democrat and I’m a registered independent anyway.
Dr.SHIVA: Now was the other person an independent too, or a Republican or Democrat that you’re running against?
CALLER: She was a Democrat.
Dr.SHIVA: Okay. So basically, these people showed up and strong-armed you and threatened you to drop out because you were building your own popularity. You were an outside agent of change.
CALLER: Exactly.
Dr.SHIVA: Look, I think the bottom line is this. In Massachusetts we know we won by landslide, right? So here, the Massachusetts Republican Party, just like this, they’re thugs, and people need to understand. We’re going to be launching on Monday a solution for clean elections. And there’s only one way we’re going to get clean elections — again, if you apply, the teachings that we teach in the course — is from a bottoms-up movement, and we have to go locally. The only way we’re going to get clean elections is number one if we eliminate the voting machines and it’s hand counted paper ballots at the local level, because that itself is going to break their back, because that’s how they control everything. Number two.
CALLER: I’m sorry to interject. However, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, had the hanging tabs. And that was a huge issue. I can’t remember which race that was.
Dr.SHIVA: That was the Bush Gore.
CALLER: There you go. So that was paper ballots.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, but the issue is this. There are two things there, right. When you do paper ballots, there’s a caveat here. When they do the vote selection, here’s my solution, we’ll talk more about it. First of all, Election Day should be a national holiday, we should get children civic, it should be an event. And the votes need to be counted by paper; hand counted, open, transparent, and it should be done at the precinct and reported at the end of the day. No stuff should be ever transported anywhere. What I’ve learned is, the more local you make it, the more it’s paper and transparent, that’s the future technology. You’re talking to a technologist, I was talking to Steve Bannon about this. The way is, you have to count the votes and report it locally on the day of the election, because what they do is, they use all these methods where they have an opportunity to transport the counts to centralized voting centers and manipulate it. So the only way is we have to fight locally, and there’ll be another card I’m going to be putting out on this. But we need to build a bottoms-up movement. And so if you’re in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, please join us Monday evening. We need people everywhere like you, and the only way this can happen is we build a national movement bottoms-up. Not even going to win elections anymore. Forget elections, because they’re all selections. What we need to focus on is us as a community, independent of big tech building. So what we’re doing on the platform is, fortunately I’ve been a technologist, so we’re using all that weaponry, so you get educated. We’ve created our own version of Facebook on We’ve created the ability where you can interconnect with others underground. Very quietly, we build our movement, and we start getting very smart people who understand the not-so-obvious-establishment, because we’re not going to be able to do it alone, these people
CALLER: Well I’ll tell you, there’s no way you can do it alone, and I experienced that. I ran my race alone, I had many contractors come to me with checks. I refuse those checks, because I just had a bad gut feeling. Found out later that the reason they were coming to me with those checks for donating to the campaign, which I never accepted, was because they wanted to be awarded contracts throughout this area.
Dr.SHIVA: Exactly. The whole thing is nothing about democracy or effecting change. It’s about a little old boys club. So anyway, I appreciate you sharing. It’s a very powerful story what you’ve shared, because what occurred to you should never occur. We basically live in a banana republic, in a third world country. Everyone should go study Tim Canova’s work, what happened to him. Thank you. Let me take the next, oh, we have Andover, Massachusetts. Hello?
Dr.SHIVA: Are you from Andover? Who is this?
Dr.SHIVA: Hi, Lynn, tell us what you got. You’re from Andover?
Dr.SHIVA: Frank Licata is from Andover. You must know Jimbo Liar.
CALLER: Maybe?
Dr.SHIVA: Tell us what you got, your comment or your question.
CALLER: I want to know what the big deal is about opening schools because private schools are open. They have been open.
Dr.SHIVA: Good question. Let me let me answer that. Look, this is what’s fundamentally going on. You asked a great question. The elite who can send their kids to private schools, they’re open, right? The public schools are not. So the question is why? And when you really understand this question, you’ll understand what the real problem is. In our Manifesto, when we started our movement for truth, freedom and health, one of the things we said is, the bottom line is, the elite do not want to invest in infrastructure for working people. What was your name again?
Dr.SHIVA: Lynn, if you go back to the 1900s, you’ll find out during the late 1800s to the 1900’s, we had powerful bottoms-up working class movements, and we scared the hell out of the elites of the time. And because of that, they started giving us clean water, sanitation, public schools. What else? Vitamin A, nutrition. And that’s what brought down infectious disease, long before the measles vaccine ever came out in 1962. Between 1900 to 1950, 98.5% of measles was gone because of working class guys like Frank, who were the sanitation guys, and the plumbers. They did more for reducing infectious diseases than the doctors and the pharmacists. So why am I telling you this? Since that time, in a place like Massachusetts or many of your states wherever you are, the United States has a D plus plus and infrastructure, a D plus I’m sorry. Massachusetts got an F minus minus. Why is infrastructure important? That is, when you go to school, do the ventilation systems work? Do the heating systems work? Do the AC systems work? Do the schools have proper cleanliness, sanitation? What’s happening in the United States is our infrastructure is falling apart, and that is a real concern to public health. Instead of addressing that, they made up a fake problem — pandemic — and the reason they can’t send the kids back to school is not because of the pandemic, it’s because the school’s AC systems likely don’t work. They can’t even filter proper air. The private schools are fine. So the elites have their stuff taken care of, right? One rule for them, and another rule for us. That’s what’s actually going on. If Charlie Baker’s masters truly cared about public health, why does Massachusetts have an F minus minus by the American Society of Civil Engineers? The worst infrastructure in the United States, the same state where MIT exists with the best civil engineering people in the world. They’re destroying the economy. They’ve made the economy for the top 5%, they squeezed working people and this is what is not talked about. That’s what’s actually going on. So they distract us with vaccines, distract us with masks, meanwhile, working people like Frank, myself, people who actually create, people like everyone listening are the ones getting screwed. That’s why we have to stop this bullshit with Republican versus Democrat, left versus right. It’s about working people uniting, and the way we’re going to unite is by getting smart, and we have to study political physics. That’s why I’m so passionate and I keep pounding away, “you guys got to go to” And you have to join not because I’m trying to sell you something, but because without that understanding, it’s going to just be a few of us. We have to build a political understanding, the political physics. Thank you. I hope that answered your question.
Dr.SHIVA: Let’s take the next. Hello, who do we have? In Colorado?
Dr.SHIVA: Hey, Ken, how are you? Sorry, I kept you waiting. Please ask your question and tell us what it’s about.
CALLER: I posted on the forum. I’d like to know what Dr. Shiva thinks is going to happen when the case of election fraud gets to the Supreme Court?
Dr.SHIVA: It’s a good question. Look, what I can tell you is, I don’t know if you know, Ken, I have the only two cases in the United States in federal court, which have not been dismissed? Were you aware of that, Ken?
Dr.SHIVA: So look, my view on the real crime scene of election fraud, the real crime scene is the computer algorithms. It’s not the mail-in ballots, it’s not the voter suppression the Democrats are all about, it’s not the mail in ballots, Republicans. The real crime scene is, left and right, Republican and Democrat ,have been allowing electronic voting machines, which have computer algorithms which can flip votes, which we proved in my election. No one has rebutted it, we proved when the ballot images are getting destroyed. That’s why they threw me off Twitter. Now, in the cases that I’ve seen them file in the supreme courts, I’ve been a little bit, frankly very upset with the legal people that have been filing. I’m not a lawyer, but you go read my cases, they’re done 100 times better than these lawyers that Trump brought in. So I’m not sure what’s going to happen. But I do know this, that they’re not going after the real crime scene, which is the computer algorithms. Everything else look, up until November, they were talking about voter fraud. When I started exposing Arizona and Michigan with the mathematics, then the GOP started talking about election fraud, but they raised $300 million, What I’m saying is, they’re using election fraud to raise money to keep their base attached. They don’t really want to go after election fraud, it’s a charade for them. That’s what I’m trying to say with this discussion today that Frank was here to talk about, is any topic they take, they just talk the talk. They don’t want top win.
FRANK: They want to raise money off it.
Dr.SHIVA: They want them to raise money off of it. Racism, the left raising money off racism. They don’t want to solve racism, they need racism to keep the black white narrative going.
CALLER: You don’t think the Supreme Court’s going to do anything?
Dr.SHIVA: Look, The Supreme Court may, but what I’m saying is they’re not going after the real crime scene, which is the computer algorithms. You see what I’m saying?
CALLER: Yeah, exactly.
Dr.SHIVA: They’re not going after that. You know, Sidney Powell asked me to give the affidavit in the Georgia case and then she pulled the Georgia case, I don’t know why, which was in the Supreme Court. What I’m trying to tell you is, starting in September, they knew, the GOP, that they were going to do something about election fraud. We have to be very careful. The stuff I started putting out was going after the real issue of election fraud. It’s like the medical freedom issue. Robert Kennedy is not going after the real issue of vaccines, he makes money off acting like though he’s an anti-vaxxer. This is my point. We have to get smart about that. You know, they haven’t solved cancer, all the people supposedly fighting cancer and breast cancer. Look at Susan Coleman, that foundation is a $2 billion foundation, she gets a $9 million pension. We have to get real. Look at people’s actions. So that’s why I’m saying —
FRANK: Follow the money.
Dr.SHIVA: Follow the freakin money. They’re making money off this, they made 300 million. When I started doing this stuff on Michigan exposing, that’s when Mark Meadows, who’s a complete scumbag at the White House, called me. He didn’t call to help me. I said, “Mark, I need the data, I can help you,” but he didn’t give me any data. Then Rona McDaniels’ office called me, they didn’t help out. I’m the mathematician who’s got four degrees from MIT, who showed it here, showed it in Michigan, and Eric Trump contacted me. I said, “Look, I don’t think anyone wants to help your father.” He said talk to the Trump committee, they didn’t give me the data. You see, they used election fraud to keep the Trump base close to them, but they didn’t want to win.
FRANK: Right, right.
Dr.SHIVA: I want to win because I owe nothing to these guys. So I’m not sure what will happen, but I can tell you this, they’re not going after the real issue of election fraud. They’re playing around with it. Rudy Giuliani, look he cross examined me, probably a nice guy, but he was, according to Patrick Byrne, getting paid 100,000 a week. I didn’t get paid anything, I’m doing all this stuff for nothing. If anything, I’m telling people I’ll give you education and support or a building. This is why we need to build a bottoms-up movement, we need to get training. Without education, we’re going to ask the wrong questions. The right question to ask is not what the Supreme Court’s going to do. The question is, what are you going to do? What are you going to do in your local community? And I’m telling you, the solution is we must eliminate electronic voting machines, we must have paper ballots, and we must save ballot images. I know how to win this. It’s us going local, period. That’s how we win. Thank you. Be in touch, go become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior.
CALLER: The amount of time you’re doing this public service, you could be building another company.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, that’s what everyone says, “Shiva why aren’t you growing another billion dollar company?” But I’m telling you, I’m excited by this because I see an opportunity to educate people. And the innovation we’ve done, in the interest of time, what I’m going to do is
Truth Freedom Health®
Dr.SHIVA: Hold on one second, let me take this call. Hold on one second, please. I’m just going to take a few minutes to just share with people because people are writing to me asking about the Truth, Freedom and Health platform. Hold on one second, is that alright right? Hello, hold on one second please. So what I want to share with people is what we’ve done on the platform that we’re building here is and this is for everyone, I want everyone to go to This is a way that you can support yourselves, but more importantly support this movement that we’re building. As a technologist, what I felt was missing was we needed an actual movement, for truth, freedom and health. So what we’ve done here is if you go to and you sign in, you get to go to a dashboard. We’ve been upgrading, we have our own data center so we don’t rely on Amazon. So, first go to, that’s the page where you can go and join the movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health, you can listen to the video. We are literally putting in new servers, new software, we have a lot of people contributing, but mainly I want people to become a Truth Freedom and Health Warrior. It’s an actual program, so if you go to, you can go to ‘join’ or ‘warrior.’
This has taken me about 40 years to build this educational program. We’re taking engineering science, it’s going to sound pretty wild, and we’re applying it to politics. Within about three hours every Monday night online, I will teach you control systems theory; the foundations of systems thinking in about one hour. You’ll get literally a two year MIT education and you’ll learn systems. Then you can go online where all the tools are within our data center, you can learn these courses, then you can understand how to use these principles. Not only to understand political systems, but the same science can be used to understand how your body is a system.You can answer a set of questions and you can figure out what kind of system you are, then you can figure out this black dot here and the red dot, which is who you are and how you’re off course. In our case, the red dot is, truth, freedom and health, we want to get on course to that. You can then understand how supplements, foods and nutrition can bring you back on course, but the same principles can be used to understand political systems. I give you access to the E book Systems and Revolution, which is like the textbook of political change, and you also get a bunch of other books. But the bottom line is not only do I offer you the education, that’s just the first part, we need education. Then we need to build our own community independent of Facebook, independent of Twitter.
So that’s what we’re also building on this site right here. Here is for example, the forum. We have a forum that you can log into. And as someone just said, we have these amazing people starting to log in, and you can communicate again, independent of big tech. You can see people are having huge discussions here. Amazing. We just launched this like five days ago. You have people having discussions about masks and oral health, etc. And this is all available for you, so you can build community nationwide, worldwide with people. Here’s John Medlar, for example. You can set up your own Facebook page, and you can connect to warriors and leaders. So please, this is how you support what I’m doing, but this is how we support what we all want. We all want truth, freedom and health. You get access to all these tools, you get access to all the education that you learn, books, etcetera, but most importantly, it is a communications community building platform for us. And then for example, you can take action. Just like I shared with you the election integrity card, there’s a card here that you can print. We have nearly 200,000 of these printed, Frank. People are printing them on their own, and you can print this card on your own. And this is how you can educate people in your local communities about masks. The issue is not whether you should wear masks or not, the issue is that the masks actually hurt your oral health.
Dr.SHIVA: You can print about 1000 at Staples for 25 bucks, but it’s decentralized. The oral microbiome, the gut, the mouth bacteria are central to your overall health. You teach people that. You put a mask on a kid, you’re going to hurt his oral health. Systems biology reveals that these masks disrupt the oral microbiome, dentists are noticing more and more bleeding gums, dental issues, we’re going to see an explosive amount of oral health issues. So we are offering you a way out of this. And that is what this is about.
Dr.SHIVA: You’re not going to get this from politicians because politicians don’t give a jack about you. We have to understand that what we’re doing at is giving you an infrastructure so you can start building your own chops, you can start becoming your own nuclear physicist of political change. So that’s what we need to do, there is a clear action. Let’s build the movement for truth, freedom and health. Let’s get educated. Let’s communicate independent of big tech. We’re adding more and more features. What’s that, Frank?
FRANK: I was just looking at the cards. Basically, you could walk into a store without a mask on, and when they give you a hard time, you just pass them the card with some information on the back. And it basically says the reason I’m not wearing a mask is because that’s bad for my mouth. You should too, as an employee, you should tell your boss.
Dr.SHIVA: Exactly. So instead of yelling at the employees, we educate them. Those are our brothers and sisters. I went to get some pizza, the poor guy’s working probably for a minimum with 800 degree ovens. He’s wearing two masks and I say, “you know, you’re going to have bleeding gums, it’s going to hurt your teeth.” He said, “I didn’t know that.” I gave him the card and I said, “you know, your employer should give you dental insurance.” Now we’re empowering that employee to go bottoms-up, versus going in begging to the government. It’s going to only happen. So this little card that you’re seeing here is a weapon. Those of you who can see this card here, this card becomes a weapon. This is an educational weapon. We’re going to win through education. And we have to stop looking above, look unto yourselves.
Dr.SHIVA: Let me take this. Go ahead. What’s your question?
CALLER: Hi. How are you? Good?
Dr.SHIVA: I’m sorry, go ahead.
CALLER: I am an educator out of Cleveland, Ohio. Currently, I’ve been doing virtual learning, virtual education for Cleveland, Ohio since March, when we got shut down, it’s public schooling. We just got a message from our CEO, and he’s already said that we are now having to go back in person. They’re giving us until March 15 to do so, which leaves us with our live virtual schedules. That leaves us Wednesdays where the children have to do asynchronous, which is just online on the computer, and there’s no live classes so our days are filled with PD. And so that leaves us two weeks, only on Wednesdays, to try to get some type of training on going back in person. Mind you, most of the schools in Cleveland public schools are not properly ventilated,
Dr.SHIVA: There you go.
CALLER: aren’t even allowed to be open. It’s impossible to practice social distancing. We don’t even have soap in our bathrooms in Cleveland Public Schools. So I just don’t understand how this is possible because our Governor Mike Dewine, publicly bullied us into returning since all the private schools were opening. And mind you the private schools one, they have the money so they were able to practice social distancing, they were able to do a lot of different things that Cleveland schools or any of those schools for that matter could not do. And I just don’t understand it. Even bullied us into, well not bullied but who forced us into saying, hey, if you get the vaccine, we’ll even give you an extra day off.
Dr.SHIVA: So, you’re hitting a bunch of issues, but look, the bottom line, what the real issue here that you’re sharing is, if you’re a working person who can’t afford public schools, if you send your kids to, I mean private schools, public schools, you’re basically screwed. The second thing you’re saying is they’re bribing people to take the vaccine. So, this is a model that they have. The goal of Big Pharma, thanks to the Kennedys by the way, they’re the ones who created all this. Ted Kennedy’s the one who created the National Vaccine Injury program so you can’t sue Big Pharma and vaccines. So what they’ve done is Big Pharma now can make trillions of dollars on vaccination versus one size fits all medicine. This is not pro or anti Vax. They don’t spend any money on boosting immunity. They’re rich people, they get to go to their spas, and they get to get all the vitamins, but everyday people are not trained on boosting immunity, number one.
Dr.SHIVA: Number number two, because their infrastructure is so bad, because the US infrastructure is a D plus, this is why they can’t send kids back to public school. That’s what’s really going on. And instead of addressing that, instead of addressing infrastructure, instead of addressing the public health issues, they put us into a different realm of just nonsense. So it’s time that we realize the only way to win is bottoms-up. We’re never going to get anything from elections, because they’re all selections. So thank you.
CALLER: Thank you. Thank you for taking my call.
Dr.SHIVA: I’m going to just take one more call. Frank’s here. Frank’s been working all day. He’s a working guy. Like, he works on weekends.
FRANK: Shiva’s a very good cook by the way.
Dr.SHIVA: I can make vegetarian, non vegetarian dishes.
FRANK: Maybe we’ll do a cooking show.
Dr.SHIVA: I did one on curry, but I love cooking. So let’s take one more question. Go ahead. Who is this?
CALLER: My name is Gilbert. Dr. Shiva, I’ve been trying to get to you.
Dr.SHIVA: Where are you from, Gilbert? Where are you from?
CALLER: New York City. What I’m trying to do is I’m trying to file a lawsuit to overturn the mask mandate, and the vaccine, and I was trying to catch you to ask you to be an expert witness because I need a scientist. I need a doctor to prove that the mask is not reliable and the vaccine is dangerous because there’s been a lot of complaints about it.
Dr.SHIVA: So, let me tell you how we win that argument. First of all, don’t count on Robert Kennedy Jr. He’s a complete scumbag.
Dr.SHIVA: He’s the not-so-obvious-establishment. Do you know who he is?
CALLER: Robert Kennedy? Do you mean the original Robert Kennedy?
Dr.SHIVA: No no. Robert Kennedy Jr. the heroin addict.
CALLER: I don’t know him. I know the original one, the brother of John F. Kennedy.
Dr.SHIVA: So anyway, the bottom line is, the way we’re going to win the issue on medical freedom is to educate people. It’s not pro or anti vax, that’s just a bullshit argument that they get us in. The real issue is we need to boost immunity, number one.
Dr.SHIVA: The second principle is, your body is different from my body, from Frank’s body. We all need different things to support our immune systems. What they’re pushing is that everyone should get this same standard medicine, it’s like a top down Communist Party model. Imagine everyone having to eat lettuce, everyone having to eat potatoes, everyone having to, I don’t know, eat mushrooms. Do you know what I’m saying?
CALLER: Yeah, that don’t work.
Dr.SHIVA: So that’s what the real issue is; if they truly cared about public health, truly cared about our immune systems, they would be talking about boosting immunity, they’d be talking about eating the right foods, etc.
Dr.SHIVA: Email me at ‘victory,’ ‘America,’ Shiva, V.A. Shiva at, and my assistant will help set up times, whatever the process that she is figured out for being an expert witness. VA Shiva,
CALLER: Okay, that sounds great. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Dr.SHIVA: Thank you. And by the way, there’s a bunch of people writing in asking where do you get these cards? You go to, You can join just as a member and when you join as a member, you get access to the forum, you get access to videos, no cost. You don’t have to contribute anything. But if you log in at, when you go to the dashboard, let me share this with you. Right in the dashboard, right when you log in, in the dashboard, right here, you’ll see a new scroll down, you click on the dashboard if you login, and there is a card, the mask and oral health card. And by the way, we have a bunch of other cards coming up. We have one on vaccines. You can hand these cards out, like Frank said. Remember, 20% of people are never going to agree with you, the other 20% will. We need to educate the 60%. So with the masks we’re telling people, Look, when you put the mask around your mouth…” That’s why you can hand this card to people. Print it, hand it out.
CALLER: Yeah, and you know these airlines make you wear a mask and no one’s challenging it.
Dr.SHIVA: So what we got to do is — look, I was on an American Airlines, okay. The stewardess said, “You know, I hate wearing this mask”, and I gave her one of these cards. She said, “Wow, I didn’t know it was going to hurt my teeth.” I go, “you should go tell your unions that they should give you three or four cleanings now,” typically, the dental insurance only covers one or two. If you’re wearing masks all day, I would say you should at least get one to two, you should get at least four cleanings a month because you’re building more plaque, you’re increasing the bacteria, all sorts of problems go on. And so if we focus on oral health, we’ll go after the real issue. I have all the science for that. Thank you, be well. All right, everyone. We will do this again. Not that I don’t want to take calls, but everyone listening, I have to go to get something to eat. Frank has been here. We love to hear from you guys. It looks like this is a big success. People like to talk, we’ll do this more often. Frank, next time you can be the DJ handling the phones. Seriously.
FRANK: We can get a system going.
Dr.SHIVA: But anyway, look, in conclusion, go to if you want to help yourself. It’s not going to come from politicians. It’s going to come from us. We’re the only ones who can do this. Not Trump. Not Biden.
FRANK: Everybody’s waiting for a saviour.
Dr.SHIVA: There’s no Saviour, okay? The Saviour is us.
Dr.SHIVA: On every one of these issues, masks, this is like two cents, you can print out these cards, give them to people and on the back of the card it says They go there and we have the full research. So we got to educate people, as my great grandfather said, he was an indentured servant, he said it is education which leads us out. And as another great guy Buddha said, ignorance is the source of all suffering. It is our responsibility, if you’re hearing this for you to get educated. I’ve created the tools. I’m merely a catalyst. Go to right now, get educated. You can become a member so you get access to some of the tools, you can contribute and get access to more tools. This is not about me trying to enforce something on you, but if you want to win, get educated. And that’s how you can contribute to me, support what I’m doing so we can keep doing this. That’s what we need. So get educated or be enslaved. And having said that, I’m going to always play our really cool video. I love playing this video. So, everyone listen to this video. If you’ve heard it once, hear it again, because it is really the essence of the message for today. It is, get educated or be enslaved.
Dr.SHIVA: Go to We’re also giving you communication tools so as you build communities with this amazing community we’re building, you’re not going to get knocked off Facebook, your’re not going to get knocked off Twitter, it’s our infrastructure. It’s your infrastructure, no one else owns it. So that’s what you need to do. And then you activate yourself with practical actions, start educating people. There are going to be more and more of these, these are our guns and bullets, it’s these cards. So we don’t have to worry about social media knocking us off. So, thank you everyone. Have a good night.
Dr.SHIVA: All right, everyone, before I end, I want to thank Frank. Frank is an incredible person, he works really hard.
FRANK: Thanks for having me. This was fun.
Dr.SHIVA: We need to build a movement for us.
FRANK: We need to get educated or be enslaved. There’s only two choices so which will it be?
Dr.SHIVA: Alright everyone, be well have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow. And by the way, email me. I’ve been getting a lot of comments on what people want me to do tomorrow at the VA Shiva, at We got to have 50,000, that’s a number we worked out, I’ll tell you why one day. We need to have 50,000 Truth Freedom and Health Warriors across the world, that’s how we’re going to win, bottoms-up, local, by learning the physics of revolutionary change. That’s how we create change, not by elections, which are all selections, and not by these politicians.
Dr.SHIVA: Thank you. Have a good night. Good night.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer. Educator has a discussion with a local Massachusetts electrician on his experiences with the Massachusetts Swamp and how they lie and cheat to manipulate working class folks away from real agents of change, back into the arms of the Establishment. The discussion provides the framework to educate you on the physics of the NOT-SO-OBVIOUS-ESTABLISHMENT, a central principle in Dr.Shiva’s Foundation of Systems course taught every Monday evenings (and available online) to Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.