In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, provides a summary of the recent events leading to the Queen’s burial, and provides a reason why this is the best occasion to honor the American Revolution.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Key Points
- The recently-pass Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther Ireland was laid to rest in an extravagant funeral ceremony which displayed the full wealth, power and influence of the British Monarchy.
- Dr.SHIVA recommends that we take this moment to recognize what the British Monarchy is, vs what is presents itself to be.
- Over the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, the British Monarchy was rebranded from the dominant Imperial force in the world, to a ceremonial vestige of a begone age, when in fact the British Monarchy still holds absolute power and influence in reserve, preferring instead to exercise its power through a facade of benevolent influence.
- The British Monarchy under King Charles III will continue advancing its brand as “champions of the common folk and the planet” while strengthening the same systems of power which are gradually stripping working people of their rights and polluting the environment.
- It was the American Working People in 1776 which struck the first and greatest blow for working people’s right by securing their own constitutional republic in which their rights were enshrined in law, particularly the First and Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. In no other country have working people advanced their own freedom to such a degree.
- Britain has no written constitution, and parliamentary democracy can be suspended and overridden by the decree of the Monarch, which happened in Commonwealth country of Australia in the 1970s when the governor-general (the British Crown’s representative) dismissed the democratically-elected Prime Minister and dissolved the Australian government.
- The British Monarchy also wields power and influence through NGOs like the Atlantic Council, which has been advancing censorship in the United States by facilitating the merger of Big Tech with the US Government.
- The Elites will never advance the interests of working people except as a pretext to further strip working people of their rights and resources. Only a bottom’s-up movement of working people armed with Systems Science can win Truth Freedom Health®.
The recently-passed Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was laid to rest in an extravagant funeral ceremony which displayed the full wealth, power and influence of the British Monarchy.
Figures, like Queen Elizabeth II, are symbolic representations of an institution. In this instance, the Queen represents an imperial institution that has no regard for the idea of a democratic institution.
Rather, it is an institution that believes in the birth lottery and genetics based on who you were born to is what should rule. While Indian people, African people, and the American working class in this country have been exploited by Britain.
They want us to continue to celebrate the burial of the Queen. Frankly, this woman did not do anything remarkable during her lifetime.
Due to the emerging merchant class in India in the 1600s, different countries went there to trade. By 1757, however, the British East India Company (BEIC) monopolized all of that trade, getting rid of all of India’s competitors, including the French, the Dutch, and the Portuguese.
Between 1757 to 1857, the power in India was consolidated as a result of backroom deals with feudal kings all over India. These kings capitulated to the BEIC.
In 1857, a support mutiny, or an uprising in India occurred as a result of discontented Indian masses, and the BEIC stepped in to sustain them. Between 1857 to 1947, the British Empire directly ruled India.
Keep in mind, that the Indian caste system, which had existed in India between the eighth century for 1,000 years was actually starting to go away. The British, however, reimposed the caste system and draconian rule of pre-eighth century India.
Dr.SHIVA recommends that we take this moment to recognize what the British Monarchy is, vs what it presents itself to be.
The media is involved in the branding and the pageantry of the death of the Queen. Additionally, the British establishment is clever at branding and has it down to a science.
All the union Jacks flying, the procession, the ceremony, the brand costumes are used to manipulate the large masses of people to feel good about giving their money through taxation, to the Queen or the King.
Even to this day, the British public’s taxation is taken up and given to the Queen and the King. In fact, when the Queen died, close to 28 billion, excluding her personal wealth, got transferred to Charles, without any estate tax. Regardless, commoners still have to pay estate tax.
When we talk about the Indian Independence movement, the fact is that Gandhi and Nehru were really appointed by the British to rule over India. In 1947, there was a transfer of power and not true independence.
$47 trillion of wealth was transferred from India to Britain. All of this wealth and pageantry came from the exploitation of the Indian people.
Unlike America, Britain really has no constitution and has no regard for the First Amendment free speech. Furthermore, the First Amendment is not something that the Queen’s institution supported.
Over the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, the British Monarchy was rebranded from the dominant Imperial force in the world, to a ceremonial vestige of a bygone age, when in fact the British Monarchy still holds absolute power and influence in reserve, preferring instead to exercise its power through a facade of benevolent influence.
Queen Elizabeth reigned for around 70 years, which represents about seven percent of the Monarchy’s 956 years of rule. While it should have collapsed, they propped it up as an institution of the caste system.
Starting in the eighth century to the 1600s, there was a movement to break up that draconian system. The Indian and the British colluded with old Brahmanican Hindu priests, and together, they brought back the old rules of the pre eighth century India caste system. The purpose of this was to control the Indians.
The British Monarchy under King Charles III will continue advancing its brand as “champions of the common folk and the planet” while strengthening the same systems of power which are gradually stripping working people of their rights and polluting the environment.
King Charles will probably get $20 billion transferred from Queen Elizabeth, and he does not have to pay one cent in taxes.
The British Elite are very clever at watching which way the wind blows and figure out how to rebrand themselves. With the death of the Queen, they are going to rebrand themselves to do more brainwashing.
They want to sustain the institution of power, profit, and control and want to retain this institution of slavery, or slavery that the rest of us have very little rights compared to them.
It was the American Working People in 1776 that struck the first and greatest blow for working people’s right by securing their own constitutional republic in which their rights were enshrined in law, particularly the First and Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. In no other country have working people advanced their own freedom to such a degree.
The American promise was more opportunities to succeed, not based on your genetics or your birth lottery, but through your will, work, and determination. When the American Revolution took place, the British elite who were here never wanted to give their rights to the settlers.
Many working people, blacks, whites, and some Nativa Americans, shed their blood in the American Revolution. They fought against the birth lottery system, and the goal was that you reap what you sow.
Reaping what you sow is about your work, your labor, your innovation. There should be no honoring this monarchy, or this institution. Instead, we should honor the principles of what the American Revolution was fought over.
Britain has no written constitution, and parliamentary democracy can be suspended and overridden by the decree of the Monarch, which happened in the Commonwealth country of Australia in the 1970s when the governor-general (the British Crown’s representative) dismissed the democratically-elected Prime Minister and dissolved the Australian government.
The promise of America was to have more opportunities to succeed, not based on your genetics or your birth lottery, but through your will and determination. Rather than being sucked in to think we should honor this woman, this occasion should honor what took place in the American Revolution.
The American Revolution gave us a Bill of Rights. Unlike America, the British really have no constitution. They have no regard for the First Amendment free speech. The British people are not afforded the First Amendment and the Queen’s institution does not support it.
It was during the Queen’s reign that the duly elected prime minister of Australia, on one of the Commonwealth of Britain, was ousted by the stroke of the Queen. In 1972, this prime minister’s power was ripped away from him because he opposed the Vietnam War. The US President Nixon did not like him and the monarchy just felt that he was not one of them.
As a result, the United States CIA in conjunction with MI six literally had the Governor General in Australia, who reports to the Queen, exercised a coup and at the stroke of a pen threw him out. This is what some people call the reserve of power.
The British Monarchy also wields power and influence through NGOs like the Atlantic Council, which has been advancing censorship in the United States by facilitating the merger of Big Tech with the US Government.
The Atlantic Council, which is a British Institution of imperial power funded organization, has no regard for the Bill of Rights or the First Amendment of the United States.
They funded the research at Stanford and was behind the funding of the people at the Harvard Belfort Institute to create the playbooks, a key element that our lawsuit discovered to basically ensure that any Americans who say anything against election officials will be targeted and thrown off Twitter and other social media platforms.
It was also the Atlantic Council that said that Dr. Shiva, and four others, were superspreaders of disinformation about destroyed ballot images in Massachusetts in the Long Fuse Report. Additionally, it is the Atlantic Council, which is funded by the British Elite who wants to destroy the First Amendment.
The Elites will never advance the interests of working people except as a pretext to further strip working people of their rights and resources. Only a bottom’s-up movement of working people armed with Systems Science can win Truth Freedom Health®.
It is time that working people recognize the dynamics of this brainwashing, which is very, very deep and powerful. Without recognizing that and without having the theory to understand that, you will always be fooled.
Our movement for truth, freedom, and health is a science and an education that Dr. Shiva has made accessible to all. It is the only force that takes the knowledge of history and system science to follow the real history of what is going on.
You will learn the science of systems, which will teach you how the system of power, profit, and control works. Please go to to start your own journey to finding wisdom and clarity through all the mind numbing brainwashing.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 0:17
Good evening, everyone, or good morning, actually, or if it’s evening, wherever you are.
I’m going to be doing morning broadcasts. It’s a new schedule for I know some people.
But in the mornings, we’re going to be doing a broadcast on, you know, a news event of the day. And in the afternoons, this is us time, we’ll be doing a broadcast on a health issue of interest.
Typically, we sort of do them in different occasions. But given so many things going on, I’ve been requested to do two videos.
So, it’s a lot of work. We’re also have a couple of interviews coming up, which we’ll be broadcasting.
But today’s discussion is, everyone probably has heard the Queen is buried. And but I think this is really an occasion to honor the American Revolution.
And I want to give my thoughts on this. Some of these are deeply personal.
Many of you know that I originally came from India, I was born there, my parents grew up under the yoke of British colonialism in India, they were born, you know, in the 20s, and 30s, in India. So, what I want to really remark today is that it’s very, very easy with the amount of effort that the media does, to get involved in all the branding and the pageantry of the death of the Queen.
And by the way, let me make it clear, this has nothing to do with this woman, whether she was a nice woman or a bad woman. But figures like her actually are symbols, they represent something.
And she actually represents an institution. And the institution she represents is an imperial institution that has no regard for frankly, the idea of democratic institutions Bottoms-up, and we’ll talk about that.
The institution she represents is an institution that believes that the birth lottery and genetics win based on who you were born to is what should rule, and that’s the institution we’re talking about. So again, you can like her as a person, you can like the dress she wears, and all those kinds of things.
And maybe she was a cute old lady, you know, or a nice woman. But that’s all irrelevant.
I think it’s time that we use this occasion, to start looking at individuals, and people who they represent, what institutions they represent, you can look yourself, you can look at me, what institution do I represent? Where do I come from? Where do you come from? And because we’re all part of a long movie that’s being played, and we’re slice of that movie. So, in many ways, there’s a force of history that brings us to this point, myself and everyone included.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 3:02
And so, the question is, what institution did she represent? A few days ago, I went through the entire history of the monarchy in England, going all the way to all the way to 1066.
Queen Elizabeth rain for around 70 years, and in that 956-year, monarchy, she represents about 7% of its this very small number. King Charles just started, I hate to use the word Kings and Queens here, but that’s what we got to do.
But the Queen is buried. And as the title says, I believe this is really an occasion to honor what took place in the American Revolution, versus, you know, being sucked in to think we should honor this woman.
And she really did not do anything, frankly, that remarkable during her lifetime, with all the resources she had, but what she did do was that she re instantiated, re set this institution, right? The British establishment is very, very clever at branding, right?
So, if you see this burial today that took place, you see all the guards and you see all the regalia, you see all the union Jacks flying, you know, the procession, the ceremony, they have it down to a science, and the British have always been good at branding, extremely good branding. And if you read, I’m not going to cover it today, but if you read the Queen, she was very, very conscious of how we how she appeared, how she spoke, right?
All these nuances of establishing her brand costumes, right? Someone just said costume.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 4:53
Very, very important to remember Sadie, they were very, very good at establishing these costumes, theater. Okay.
And that theater was to manipulate the large masses of people to feel good about giving their money through taxation, to the Queen or the King. And by the way, just to be clear, even to this day, the British public’s taxation is taken up and given to the Queen and the King.
In fact, when the Queen died, the billions close to 28 billion we know, excluding her personal wealth got transferred to Charles, without any estate tax, all of us commoners still have to pay estate tax. So just, I just want people to be reminded of this.
And for me, this is personal because the entire system, this institution, that she represented this institution that she, for 70 years kept going, which should have collapsed, but she propped it up is an institution of the caste system, that there are few people who somehow get their rights from God just made up, right. And the rest of us are supposed to listen to them.
And we have no freedoms. In India, when my parents were growing up, pre colonialism, pre quote, unquote, independence, and we can I’ve done discussions about the Indian independence movement, really talking about the fact that Gandhi and Nehru who were really appointed by the British to rule over India.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 6:29
So, in India, we went from white people with crowns to brown people with white hats, that’s what really happened in 1947 was a transfer of power.
It wasn’t really, truly an independence. So regardless of that, pre colonialism or pre quote unquote, independence, you have to understand the history that took place in India $47 trillion of wealth was transferred from India to Britain.
So, all of this wealth, all of this pageantry that you see came from the exploitation, definitely of the Indian people, African people are exploited, the American working class in this country was exploited. But the quaint is buried is that what we want to continue to, to celebrate? I don’t believe so. that institution of exploitation, that institution of believing that a few individuals, because of the birth lottery get a lot more rights than the rest of us.
Now, when you go back and look at Indian history, starting when the British came to India in the 1600s in fact, many different countries came to India initially to do trading with India in the 1600s, because there was an emerging merchant class, but by 1757, the British is East India Company and you can look this up, the British East India Company literally monopolized all of that trade, they got rid of all their competitors, the French, the Dutch, the Portuguese, etc.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 8:06
And starting from 1757 to 1857, they consolidated power in India, by essentially doing backroom deals with all the feudal Kings all over India, and these Kings essentially capitulated to the British East India Company. But in 1857, when there was an uprising in India, called a support mutiny, where all these Indians were, essentially, more than the majority in the British Army and the other armies of Europeans revolted.
That’s when the British Empire stepped in, not the British government, the British East India Company, they weren’t able to really have a good way of sustaining the growing discontent among the Indian masses. So, the British Empire came in and they between 1857 all the way to 1947 directly ruled India, all right.
But during that period, what you need to understand is the Indian caste system, which was, had existed for 1000s of years, between the eighth century in India too, all the way down to the 1600s, the Indian caste system was actually starting to go away, which means, people, the merchants and other people are saying, wait a minute, this caste system doesn’t make sense. In fact, religious leaders, spiritual leaders, were recognizing the caste system did not make sense.
One of the important things that the British did in India very cleverly, is that after they came in, they brought together the old romantical priesthood.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 9:41
And they reimpose and I want everyone to listen to this carefully. They reimposed the caste system, the draconian rules of pre eighth century India.
So, think about what I’m saying. The caste system was a very hierarchical structure.
And it said basically, the birth lottery are born to be a ship cleaner, you’re the rest of your life is to clean shit all day. You’re born to climb coconut trees and get coconuts, which is what my background was.
That’s all you should be doing. And that caste system existed was a very draconian system.
But starting in the eighth century, all the way to the 1600s, there is this movement to break that up, like the Protestant Reformation movement, it was being broken up. But one of the profound things that the British did was that they brought back the caste system, a lot of Indians don’t even know this.
The Indian, the British, colluded with these old Brahmanical Hindu priests together. And they brought back the old rules of the pre eighth century India caste system.
There’s a great book written on this called The Rise and Fall of the East India Company, by Ramakrishna Mukherjee, which goes through in detail about this, but that’s what the British did. And why did they do that, because they wanted a way to control these Indians.
They didn’t want free Indians, you say, this institution, that Queen Elizabeth, revived and maintained, which should have gone away.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 11:06
And in my view, in the 21st century, she maintained it was that system of caste. So, I hope with her burial, all of this goes away, and we wake up, we should not be celebrating this, we should not be frankly, celebrating, you know, all of this nonsense.
It’s just pure branding, pure manipulation. Anyway, so that caste system, you know, is what I’m a product of.
So, if you look at my movie, my parents, by all regard should never have even made it to the United States. My mother’s family was destroyed, essentially, fragmented in many ways, because of that caste system.
And my father didn’t get an education, he got his first book to read under a mango tree, and he was around 10 or 11. But both my parents were extremely incredible people of will.
And because of that will, and determination, they somehow got educated, and they somehow broke out of that caste system. Many years, you know, millions are still within that 10s of millions, hundreds of millions.
And they made it to the United States. Why did they come to the United States? Well, the United States, my mom would say, well, in India, you can get, you know, discriminated by your caste.
What part of the country you grew up, you’re your color, there’s like seven or eight different ways of discrimination, my parents felt the United States had relatively less ways to be discriminated, which means you had more opportunities to succeed, not based on your genetics or your birth lottery, but through your will and your work and your determination. And that was a promise of America.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 12:51
And the American Revolution should be honored today.
Because the American Revolution gave us a Bill of Rights. And one of the most important things that came out of the American Revolution was the First Amendment.
Let me be very clear to everyone. Britain has really no constitution, they have no regard for the First Amendment free speech, in fact, at this at the last 10 days of mourning, when people held up signs which said, Not my King, they were arrested and dragged away.
There is no First Amendment that the British people are afforded something very important to remember the Bill of Rights. And the first amendment is not something that the Queen’s institution really supported.
So, the institution, that’s what the Queen represent, again, today’s talk, we’re not going to talk about her as a person or you know how nice she was or she drank tea and she had some corgis and all that nice. Maybe she was a dog lover, or she liked horses.
That’s all irrelevant. We’re going to talk about that she supported an institution.
And that institution was an institution of a caste system was an institution of ex, rapid exploitation, an institution that had no regard for the Bill of Rights, or the First Amendment still does not to this day.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 14:08
Let me remind everyone also that it was during the Queen’s reign that a duly elected prime minister of one of the Commonwealth of Britain, was ousted by one stroke of the Queen. And that was a prime minister in Australia.
He was elected you can go look it up. I recommend you guys to go do some research.
In the early 70s and 72. This Prime Minister was opposed to the Vietnam War, the United States.
President Nixon didn’t like him. So, the United States CIA in conjunction with MI six, literally did a coup.
They had the Governor General in Australia, who reports right to the Queen, exercise a coup and they literally the stroke of the pen threw him out. That is what some people call the reserve power the weaponry of this institution.
Many people think that the Queen is just all this regalia and all this pageantry, all the stuff you’ll see on TV, if you watch it all these pictures, the monarchy is not just these costumes, it has what’s called reserve power. That if the people of Britain get out of line, let’s say they happen to elect someone who’s for Working People Bottoms-up, well, guess what they can she, the King, now the King can call the Privy Council and completely dissolve parliament, there is really fundamentally no democracy for the British people should be really this should be understood.
So, the British monarchy, that institution never ever wanted. The First Amendment, definitely not the Second Amendment, or the Bill of Rights.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 15:59
So, the American Revolution, many, many Working People shed their blood, blacks, whites.
In fact, some Native Americans, I believe, even fought the American Revolution, what one of the things we need to remember is that that institution of imperial power, when it was here, among the colonists in the United States, or in the revolutionary times, they practice divide and rule, they had the white settlers, fighting among the black slaves, and then the black slaves fighting among the Native Americans, and so on. So, they were very clever to make sure that the poor white settlers did not unite with the black slaves and did not unite with the Native Americans is very, very organized.
Okay. So, this institution, another feature of it was divide and rule.
So, it’s divide and rule, no rights for the rest of the masses, tax people, right? Do not give any and support this caste system. Okay, that’s this institution.
That’s what this institution is. And that institution is what Queen Elizabeth kept alive.
And that institution is, was alive and well. And hopefully, it’s buried as of today.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 17:23
However, let me also remind people before I go to the however, that it is that institution of imperial power, which also is behind the Atlantic Council, not talking about that, NATO, I’m talking about the Atlantic Council, go look them up.
It is the Atlantic Council, which has no regard for the First Amendment in the United States. It is the Atlantic Council.
I know this personally. And another note, that funded the research at Stanford and was behind funding the people at the Harvard Belfort Institute right down the street in Harvard, to create the playbooks which were the which were a key element that our lawsuit discovered, which is basically to ensure that any Americans who say anything against election officials will be targeted, thrown off, Twitter and other social media platforms.
It is the Atlantic Council, which is a British funded organization, British institution funded organization, which does not like to see the first amendment in the United States. So, you got to understand that when the American Revolution took place, the British elite who were here, never wanted to give, so they’re to rights to the to the settlers.
So, they through some of these Bill of Rights to get them to fight one group against the other group. But they were very, very exactly this is the Atlantic Council has no regard for the Bill of Rights of the First Amendment of the US.
And you have to understand this, and it is the Atlantic Council, which is funded by this monarchy.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 19:11
And it is the Atlantic Council in their Long Fuse report, which said that myself and four other people were super spreaders of disinformation, were spreading the truth, talking about the fact that ballot images were destroyed in Massachusetts. During my election, we were spreading the truth about the pandemic.
But it is the Atlantic Council, which is funded by the British elite, which wants to destroy the First Amendment. So, this is alive and well.
So again, I hope all of this gets buried with the Queen. We always also have to remember that $28 billion of wealth now gets trapped at minimum at minimum, it’s probably that’s just a fraction gets transferred from Queen Elizabeth to this other guy’s frankly considered a complete doofus, King Charles $20 billion, and he doesn’t have to pay one cent in any taxes.
You see the monarchies well and alive, at least that institution. And that’s what Queen Elizabeth did.
She was very, she didn’t really do anything else remarkable. She has really no other talent, but she did have the talent of using her sweetness to keep the branding of this, you know, institution alive, to feed it to the masses to think, oh, yeah, we shouldn’t feel so good.
We’re all getting screwed over. Right? It’s okay.
Because something about the Queen and the crown, and all this we should appreciate. It’s just total brainwashing.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 20:43
So, I would suggest to everyone that we should today honor actually, the principles of what the American Revolution was, was fought over.
And we should bury this monarchy once and for all out of our minds first, there should be no honoring this monarchy, no, honoring this institution. That’s what we should really do today.
And if you have friends who are watching this nonsense on TV, and saying, Oh, isn’t it so beautiful, I think you should remind them of what this institution represents. And let me before I come back, I want to summarize very importantly, what this institution represents.
But I just want to take a break to remind everyone that we not only critique stuff here at the Shiva, but we offer a solution. And that solution is the way we bust the monarchy, is to build a movement of Working People Bottoms-up independent of even all this electoral nonsense, because that’s become a WWE wrestling match in the United States.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 21:47
But we need to build a Bottoms-up movement, we must break this caste system, which is in many people’s minds.
And when you go to Truth Freedom Health®, that’s what we’re trying to do. Go to
And you will see that we’ve created my life’s work separate from inventing many things like email is a Truth, Freedom and Health System. And that system will educate you on how the dynamics of power works.
You will, you will get all sorts of educational tools, you will get a community of people, I mean, and most importantly, you will get knowledge and tools that are independent of Big Tech, I’ll come back to that. But I want to play I have a couple more important points that I want to go through.
But let me just play you this video that I like playing which I call like our Anthem video for Truth, Freedom and Health. But let me play this for you.
TFH Anthem Video 22:40
We have allowed our country to be taken over from within. And the end goal is you will have a homogenized world where we will become slaves.
Because there is a condition among the elites that really thinks they’re better than you. Deep down inside them that you don’t deserve the freedoms you have.
They don’t. This reality is what people need to wake up to. And we need to all Unite Working People, there is only one movement that can do that.
And that is the movement that we started creating here messages the movement for Truth, Freedom and Health, I’ve been a student of politics since I was a four-year-old kid studying revolutionary movements, Left-win, Right-wing, there’s a physics, there’s a nuclear science to destroying the establishment.
To build a bridge do you need to understand Newton’s equation, you need to understand the laws of gravity, you need to understand Poisson’s ratio, there is a way to build a Revolution. And that’s why I put this together.
My goal is to train an army of Truth, Freedom and Health Leaders. We don’t need followers like social media, we need Leaders, but they – they need training because the educational system does not teach them history, nothing.
So, three hours. That’s what I’ve started doing.
That’s the solution. We got to train people.
First, with understanding what a System IS. The second is understanding the interconnection between Truth, Freedom and Health.
Freedom is the ability to move freely communicate freely, right talk freely. Without freedom.
You cannot convert ideas, hypothesis into Truth, which is Science. And without Freedom, you can’t really get to Truth.
And without Truth, you make up fake problems and fake solutions, which means you destroy our Health. And without Health, which is the infrastructure of us in our body.
You can’t fight for Freedom. Third concept is it has to be Bottoms-up Working People, people who work united.
And what the Right-wing has done is whenever you say Working People Unite that must be Communist. Meanwhile, they’ve let the Democrats run Unions, which suppress workers- completely corrupt.
But when you look at the Arc of American History, it’s been when Working People came up, we need to go local. Every solution I’m coming up with as a part of this movement.
We’re giving the Science which is a Truth. And then we tell people what they can do on the ground.
Like with Election Fraud. You don’t need to wait for some lawyer.
Our goal is to train people to have to go local, to go local, to go local, fight locally. Forget lawyers, forget politicians, forget celebrities, you’ve got to learn politics, and there is a science to it.
They lock us down we should be ready to shut them down. And the fourth part of this principle is a Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
So, when you look at a system there’s always something that disturbs you from getting to your goal when the biggest disturbances the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment, which are those people who claim there for you. On the Left on the Right, the Al Sharpton to tell black people, I’m for you.
The Tucker Carlson’s. Do you think any true anti-establishment person will ever be on FOX or CNN? I don’t think so.
They both mislead Working People back into the establishment without this solid understanding of political physics and theory, you’re screwed. You’re going to follow on the Left-wing Bernie Sanders Oh, he said something or Robert Kennedy.
Scumbags? Are you going to follow you know, some Right- wing talk show host? They’re not going to lead us to deliberation. It’s us.
And that political physics, it’s a nuclear science of change. Bottoms-up.
We have to organize to understand that there is people who talk a good game, and then look at what they actually do Left and Right. I’m sorry Sean Hannity may say some good things, but I don’t see the urgency in his voice to get something done.
And it can only come when you weaponize yourself with the right knowledge you need to be able to identify a rat. You know Christ didn’t go after the Romans, right, it was the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who screwed him up, his own quote unquote, “People.”
And that’s where we’re at. So, these four concepts are built into a curriculum, people can go to
And it’s an educational program, we need to train people in political theory, you need to have physics.
And I’ve created that curriculum. People need to “Get Educated”; we need to get educated fast.
And within half an hour, an hour, I can teach people two years of MIT Control Systems, I teach people those concepts that I apply it, anyone can understand it. And then you say, Oh, I gotta build a Bottoms-up movement.
They have to get politically astute. And then they have to go locally and act, not sit there on social media, they have to act locally, defy locally, do Civil Disobedience locally, but with Knowledge on how to build a movement. The Senate campaigns expanded to the movement for Truth, Freedom and Health.
And they can find it on V as in Victor, A, Shiva.
So, people can sign into it can get access to a bunch of videos, if they want to take a course and become a Truth Freedom Health® Leader, I offer a full scholarship there. But we want people to make a commitment that they’ll study that they’ll get certified that they’ll go do activities on the ground.
So go to V A Shiva, Victory America, SHIVA.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 27:50
And by the way, I want to recommend everyone every Thursdays at 11am.
And at 8pm, everyone is invited, you simply have to go to and just RSVP.
And you’ll get a very nice invite 11am EDT or 8pm, I run those sessions, and you get a chance to meet some incredible people. But getting back to the Queen, this entire burial.
And all this pomp and circumstance you have to understand is all brainwashing. And it’s time that Working People – A: Recognize the dynamics of this brainwashing.
It’s very, very deep. It’s very powerful.
And without recognizing that, and the dynamics of that without having the theory to understand that as this video just went through, you will always be fooled. Because that brainwashing comes in various forms, you can literally have a Queen, as you’re seeing here, the concept of royalty.
In the United States, that concept is the Hollywood royalty or the Kennedys. Okay, this concept of deeming other people better than someone else, because of the birth lottery that they had is complete nonsense.
And that is what the American Revolution was fought for. Many of those people who died were fighting against the birth lottery.
I’ll repeat that, again. The American Revolution was fought against the birth lottery system.
Just because you’re born into this family doesn’t mean boom, you get all this stuff. And because you’re born into this family, you get nothing.
The goal of the American Revolution was that you reap what you sow, you reap what you sow is about to be about your work, your labor, your innovation, what you did. My two incredible parents were part of that caste system, they worked their butts off, you know, and worked their butts off.
And in a one in a trillion chance that came to the United States because they wanted myself and my other siblings to prosper. That was a hope of the United States, which was the first time in human history A working class got together.
And they earned themselves the First Amendment, the Second Amendment and a whole bunch of Bill of Rights that never took place before. But still to this day, that institution that this Queen represent hates the First Amendment.
They hate the Second Amendment; they hate the Bill of Rights. That’s why the British people have really no Constitution.
And at any point, that institution of power, can revoke the democratic rights of the British people or any of the Commonwealth. And again, as I said earlier, this is not theory.
It occurred in Australia, in 1972, a duly elected prime minister, his power was ripped away from him, because the monarchy just felt well, he’s not one of us. All right.
So that’s where we’re at. So, our movement for Truth, Freedom and Health.
It’s a movement, it’s a science, it’s an education, it’s a system is the only force on this planet right now, that is taking the knowledge of history that is taking the knowledge of system science, which everyone should study, which is what the elite study, and I’ve made it accessible to all people. And with that knowledge, you can start understanding the dynamic, you can start reflecting on your own self, because this is in many ways, a, an analysis of yourself.
Because a brainwashing is very, very deep, you have to understand the dynamics, you have to understand the solution, which is what we offer. Let me see if I can go to that website very briefly.
Because I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this. But if you go to, you will see that I’ve laid out this site in such a way that anyone can follow the real history what’s going on, it says Get Educated or Be Enslaved.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 31:46
And you’ll see this diagram over here. And this what this diagram really is sharing here, I think I’m sharing it, I’m sharing it.
Yep. So, what this diagram is really sharing here for all of you is that I’ve created a technology system, where you can learn the Science of Systems, you get me go down here, you get all of this stuff, okay? This system will deliver you the wisdom.
So, you as an individual can break from this mind-numbing slavery. But you will learn the Science of Systems.
This will teach you how the system of power, profit and control works, you will understand how the same science can be applied to your body for better health, you’ll get access to special events and lectures. You’ll also be given tools, so you can teach others, we do one on ones, but we have a huge community now of 360,000 people globally.
And then we have created technologies independent of Big Tech. But fundamentally what we’re solving here is this fundamental problem here right now those in power, feed you ignorance, leading you to illusion.
That’s what’s happening with this Queen’s death. Like as though we should be honoring this nonsense.
And this leads people to confusion. Either they choose the left or the right, or they get desperate, or they get complacent.
The only way out of this is through. And I encourage everyone to go to is through knowledge. And that knowledge comes from understanding the Science of Systems where you get wisdom where you get clarity.
And that clarity will lead all of you to recognize why we as human beings, as free people need to rebuild a Bottoms-up movement.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 33:21
Because right now, what’s going to happen in Britain, and this is my prediction is that the British Elite are very clever at watching which way the wind blows and figure out how to rebrand themselves. So now they have Charles, and then they have William, and they’re going to be representing themselves as though they care for all the commoners.
They’re going to be doing a big rebranding exercise. And if you watch what Charles did, was he went all over the United Kingdom, almost like a campaign.
He’s going to act like he cares for the environment and the common folks, well, if he does so abolish the monarchy. And then his heir, William and Kate.
And they may be very nice people, but they have serious people are helping them with their brand, because they still want to sustain this institution of power, profit and control. They want to retain this institution of slavery in terms of when I mean slavery that the rest of us have very little rights compared to them because it’s ordained by quote unquote God is.
It’s called a concept of primogeniture. So be weary.
And this is a time to bury truly bury the Queen, and honor things like the American Revolution and honor yourselves.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 34:45
So, the question you have to ask yourself is, do you have self-respect? You want to take personal accountability?
Do you want to build a Bottoms-up movement? Because right now, those forces of power, profit and control are reorganizing themselves.
With the death of the Queen, and they’re going to rebrand themselves to do another mind fucking brainwashing, acting as though they care for all of us when they don’t.
So, I wanted on this occasion of the burial of the Queen, to really honor the American Revolution, it was the one singular point in history, where people got access to more rights. And now those rights are being taken away.
And you remember, the monarchy does not give a damn about free speech. It doesn’t. People were being arrested because they held up signs saying, “Not my King”, just moments ago.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 35:41
So, remember that and educate your friends become a Truth, Freedom and Health Warrior go to
And come to our next Orientation. We hold Orientations.
Every week, you’re welcome to it. And you will start understanding this relationship between Truth, Freedom and Health, why freedom is essential to practicing real science, where freedom is essential for us to get healthy, and why health, economic health, your physical health, your infrastructure help leads to freedom and truth.
Okay, and as many of you know, you know, I’m a working scientist, we’ve created an amazing, I continue to innovate truth for them. And health is a system of knowledge, community education, and you should take advantage of it.
I’ve made it extremely, extremely accessible. I used to teach the concept of Truth, Freedom and Health at MIT, people used to pay 10s of 1000s of dollars.
And when we gave it away for free, no one wanted to do it. So, we’d say hey, give it give 100 bucks.
It’s a nominal amount you get access to it. But most importantly, the goal is to build a Bottoms-up movement.
And that’s what we’re doing here. So, I hope all of you take advantage of Truth, Freedom and Health.
I hope all of you honor yourselves. You honor events like the American Revolution, but you Please, for God’s sakes, stop honoring this Queen’s burial.
Okay, if anything, we should hope we finally end this monarchy, this institution of power, profit and control. That’s what I hope truly happens on this day.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai 37:13
Thank you, everyone.
Have a Good morning. Good evening, wherever you are.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.