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The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.

  • Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – shares a presentation on Modern Science of the Immune System and how the Interferon (IFN) System is the missing link for building immunity.
  • Outdated Immune System science is based on a 2 box subsystem model of the Innate & Adaptive which is around 100 yrs old (60 yrs at best) and the Modern Science of the Immune System shows it’s more complex, including the IFN, the Microbiome, & the Nervous System.
  • Some of the latest research shows when we are exposed to a virus, over 1,000 genes are upregulated to create various IFNs including Type 1 Interferons such as IFN-α and IFN-β.
  • Type 1 IFNs connect the Innate & Adaptive Immune Systems, provide an early immune response, and enhance the activities of macrophages, dendritic cells & NK cells which empower the Innate Immune System and modulate immunity.
  • The response from the IFN System consists of four phases: 1) Viral Infection; 2) Receptor Signaling; 3) Amplification; and, 4) SOCS1 Regulation.



Today we’re going to talk about the Interferon System. The reason we’re going to talk about the Interferon System is my goal is to arm you, weaponize you, with education. So, you can start making better decisions for yourselves, you can also start to appreciate that there is complexity, but you can actually discern truth from complexity, with science, Engineering Science to be specific. And that will help you, in this case, we’re going to look at immunity. So, there’s all this stuff, Vax/Anti-Vax and we want to go beyond Vax & Anti-Vax, which has always been my position on this from day one. It’s not about vaccines, or anti-vaccines, which is what the establishment wants you to get involved in and they choose the players so we all start fighting and you give money to one side or the other side. The real issue here is to take a Systems Approach to really start understanding what are the components? What are the systems? Remember, for those of you who get involved and take the foundations of systems course, which I encourage everyone to do, you’ll start understanding a Systems Approach and really start looking at the connections between the parts. And when you start understanding the connections, you can start getting to Truth. But if you don’t look at the connections, and you don’t look at the parts of a system, which are always being found as science evolves, in new discoveries, you’re never going to really get to the heart of it, you’re going to be caught in this theater of Left vs Right. Pro-Vax / Anti- Vax, you know, Republican/Democrat. At the fundamental level, what we’re going to realize is the goal, when you take a Systems Approach, is to boost our immunity. What can we do to strengthen immunity? At least in this case, when it comes to election voting systems, what we realize is that it’s a computer algorithm that’s the real issue when you take a Systems Approach. It’s not mail-in ballots, which the “Right” talks about or, or the voter suppression which the “Left” talks about, it’s really the fact in 2021, we have the use of electronic systems, which can literally flip and switch votes. So, we need to get rid of Electronic Voting Systems.

So, we talked about masks, right? We talked about masks and the real issue is not Pro or Anti-Masks. These are the cards all of you guys can download, and I’ll talk about it. The real issue is that the masks, when you take a scientific approach, actually have effects on your oral health. That’s what it’s really about. And as I’m putting here, I encourage all of you to go to and become a part of the movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health. Learn how, you can join free as a member on-site, some people want to contribute and they say “Shiva, I want to contribute, what can I do?” Well, you can contribute, you can become a supporter of this site. You get access to the System and Revolution Book, you get access to Your Body, Your System. And those of you who want to make a commitment to become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior. Our goal is to have 50,000 people, over the next year, all over the world, the United States, everywhere. Because we need to take a Systems Approach. So, before I start the Interferon talk, I always like to play the video, which lets you know what the mission is, and why I do this, and why it’s important to build a movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health. So, let’s take a couple of minutes and watch.

Okay, everyone, so I hope that gives you an idea of where we’re coming from. But the bottom line is please go to, it’s explosively growing, the number of people. So, when you join the site, it’s not just a site for education, we have the educational tools, lots and lots of videos. It’s in our own data center. It’s in our own infrastructure, which your contributions are supporting to build. Our own hardware, our own infrastructure, our own software. In addition to that infrastructure, we’re also giving you communication tools. So as people join, so you don’t get thrown off, we’re building a community there, it’s the equivalent of Facebook, we’re offering things like forums so you can communicate and connect with like-minded people who want to be on the ground because the only way we’re going to win is to build a bottoms-up movement by being educated. And then we offer you other tools, where you can get activated on the ground. So, for example, there are cards like this, that you can print, Masks and Oral Health. One of the women who’s going to come on, a Truth Freedom and Health Warrior in Anchorage, Alaska is going to talk about how she used these cards. She educated people. Anchorage apparently wanted to pass a mask law, and she got involved. She used our education, educated people as they were waiting outside in the cold. And she was very instrumental in defeating that law in Anchorage with science, with the elements of Truth, Freedom, and Health, that that’s what we can do. It’s about us going local.

So today, let’s jump right in, we’re going to talk about the Interferon System. The Interferon System is really important to understand because it’s going to give you the education so you can understand, first of all, what’s good for your health. But you can expand your knowledge. And this content, you’re not going to get anywhere. You’re not going to get it from Fauci, you’re not going to get it from the CDC, you probably have to spend a lot of time going through it, you’d have to go get a Ph.D. at M.I.T. to get it. So, the good news is I’ve organized that in such a way that all of you can learn that. Okay? So that’s the goal, we want to get educated or we are going to be enslaved. Education is, my great grandfather said, is the ultimate way to freedom is the ultimate way to better our lives. And as I mentioned, Buddha, the great enlightened Buddha said that suffering always comes from ignorance.So, we’ve got to get out of this left/right, pro-vax/anti-vax, Republican/Democrat… that’s what they want us to be. So, let’s go talk about interferon. So, let me go to the share screen. And those of you on Instagram, I hope this is okay, we’re actually sharing with you. Let me just zoom in for you guys so it’s a little bit nicer for you. There we go. I hope that’s better.

Virus Pathogenesis Process

Okay, so let’s talk about the Interferon System. So, what is the Interferon System? I’m going to share with you today, it’s really the missing link for building immunity. And as I mentioned, we need to take a systems approach. A systems approach is really the path to truth, freedom, and health, let’s start. So again, very quickly, for some of you who are new, I just want to review with you. This is what happens when you get not only COVID-19, pathogenesis. Pathogenesis means a process that something occurs. So, these little red circles here with the blue circles around them with these little spikes, and with a little green in there, that’s a virus particle, okay? In this case, we’re looking at COVID-19. The surface of that virus particle has spike proteins. And what happens is when this virus particle lands on one of your cells, what it’s trying to do, is it’s trying to get into your cell and use its blueprint for replicating itself, which is that little green stuff, it’s called the RNA. And then it replicates itself, reassembles itself and it makes more of itself. So, one comes in, you know, more go out, okay? That’s what it’s trying to do it’s trying to heist your cellular machinery to make itself. That’s what’s going on.

So just to walk you through this for review, the virus comes in, and on the surface of your cell are receptors. In this case, it’s the ACE-2 Receptor specifically for COVID-19. The spike proteins intersect with the ACE-2 receptor, it does a process called glycosylation. And voila, it gets in, okay? So, once it gets in, what does it do? Well, it opens up, it’s envelope here, in some sense, and it releases its RNA. This RNA is a blueprint for it to replicate itself. So, it uses the ribosomes, which are part of your own machinery. They’re like your Xerox machines or your ability where you can take the blueprint and it starts generating proteins, which actually help to reconstruct this entire thing. So, that’s the next step that occurs. So, it’s actually reconstructing itself, and it repackages itself. Quite amazing what nature is doing here! And then it gets out, right? So, it came in with a few and a lot goes out. So that’s the process, a virus comes in, as I just reviewed, stuff happens here, the RNA replication takes place, and that’s the pathogenesis. It reassembles itself and it escapes, okay? So that’s what’s goes on. So now let’s talk about, given that, what is the purpose of a vaccine, okay? And where does the science of that come from?

History of Inoculation

Okay, so what goes on when we actually have a vaccine, right? So, let’s just review that before we get into the Interferon System. So, you understand the pathogenesis, a virus tries to get in and heist your own cellular machinery to replicate itself. So now let’s go in and discuss a little bit of what happens when you take a vaccine. And where does the origin of vaccines really come from, okay? So, if you study this, a little bit carefully, what you find out, something fascinating, is that the whole basis of vaccines, I mean, you can go back to traditional cultures. This is a process in Chinese culture, where they would literally take the pus, the entire, let’s say, the sputum. Let’s say someone had some viral infection, they would grab their mucus or their sputum, it sounds a little bit disgusting, they would save it, dry it, and they would shoot it up to someone’s nose. And we’ll realize why, because the nose area is where the innate immune system exists. And the goal was, you were inoculating someone. Again, you weren’t giving the vaccine, but you were giving the whole virus and all the stuff that comes with it.

In Africa, there was a methodology called Variolation for smallpox, in East Africa. And what they did here was, they would literally make an incision in your arm, and then they would put in the entire smallpox, virus particles, etc., right? And it was a way that you were inoculating people. This was another way that was done in the ancient world. In fact, an African slave was the one who was to bring this concept to the United States, and he actually helped Washington. This concept was used by Washington to inoculate, not vaccinate, because they knew there could be smallpox coming. So, people had this concept of giving people the disease.

So, let me repeat that. People had this concept of giving people the disease. So, this concept meant that you weren’t afraid of the disease, you recognize that the immune system needed to access the disease early. So, it’s called stress inoculation in system science, and you’re stressing the system, and it gets resilient and builds stronger. Now, obviously, if someone had a weak immune system, some people died, but it wasn’t everyone who died. Most of the people in this example actually got inoculated, and one could argue it was important to winning the Revolutionary War. And this technique, Variolation, was brought to the United States by an African slave. Edward Jenner used the same concept when we had the beginning of quote-unquote, “vaccines”, but you made an incision, you gave people the cowpox.

So how does this all work? Well, I’m going to share with you, as I’ve shared with you before, let me go back here, so how does this work? Let me go back here, I think I missed a couple of slides for people outside. So, what I was sharing here was this technique, this is a Chinese method. This was the African method, they would make an incision and give you the whole virus, virus particles, everything. This was the slave who brought the Variolation Technique to the United States. And that was what was used in the Revolutionary War to inoculate soldiers. And that really led to the work of Edward Jenner, which is really sort of the beginning of quote-unquote “vaccination”.

Basic/Old Immune System Model

Okay, when we discuss vaccination, what we’ve got to understand is that there’s an interesting phenomenon going here in vaccination. That’s the following… vaccination is based on a model of the immune system. How does science work? We do lots and lots of experiments, and we try to figure out how nature is actually working. So, the model of vaccination comes from the basis of a 1915, so over 100 years old, understanding of the immune system. Maybe on a good day, 60 years old. But fundamentally, it’s a concept that your immune system has two subsystems. So, it’s only based on a two-subsystem model of the immune system. So, let’s look at what I mean by that. So, if you look at that two-subsystem model, that subsystem model says that you have the innate immune system and you have the adaptive immune system.

So, the innate immune system is that part of your immune system, which is nonspecific, which means it doesn’t try to just take out a particular pathogen, it tries to take out everything. It’s your first line of defense, it’s in your throat, it’s in your eyes, it’s in your gut, it’s the thing that your body gets exposed to first. And that’s why if you see the guy shooting the stuff up the guy’s nose, you’re hitting the innate immune system. The adaptive immune system is a specific part of your immune system, where it releases specific antibodies and it develops memory.

So, the innate immune system has no memory, and the adaptive system has memory. And a way to look at it is, here’s a pathogen, this is a too-box model, you have the innate immune system, a pathogen comes in, hits the innate immune system, and it innervates the adaptive immune system to produce antibodies. This process I went over yesterday, I think some of you like me doing the chalk talk, I’ll do that on paper. But essentially, the innate immune system tries to gobble it up. So, here’s a virus that it tries to gobble up using, let’s say, macrophages, and it’s basically like when a soldier fires a bomb, and the parts of the virus go everywhere. The surface proteins, for example, become what are known as the antigens. And then the adaptive immune system says, “oh, that antigen, I have to create an antibody for it”, and through a process using B cells, it creates an antibody, and then that antibody, the next time it sees that virus, because it has cellular memory, will go stop it, okay?

So, when you look at this system here, this is based on a two-box model understanding of the immune system. You have the innate and the adaptive. And the innate immune system, you know, it’s in your skin, it’s in your cough reflex, it’s in your monocytes. These are the different subsystems; it’s in your mucosal layer, stomach acids. And these are the different cells that make it up; monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, NK cells, dendritic cells. But these are the stuff that’s in your nonspecific. And your adaptive immune system includes T-cells and B-cells, and there are different types of T-cells. But fundamentally, if you look at the innate and the adaptive, and you look at this chart here, what you’ll find out is the innate immune system is sort of the immediate; adaptive lasts longer. And we’ll see where the Interferon System fits in here. Its features are it’s primitive and broad, it tries to go after everything; the adaptive is highly specific. The regulation is either on or off; here it can increase its regulation. The potency, it’s lower; the adaptive is higher. The kinetics, which means how fast, this occurs very fast. And the Interferon System sits between these two, as we’ll see. The amplification, there is an amplification; the Interferon System does help amplify. The duration is short; here, it’s long. There is no memory; there is memory. It’s always present; this is normally silent. It’s unspecific; it’s highly specific.

So again, the nature of a vaccine is, the reason vaccines come into play, the idea is, I’m going to avoid the innate immune system, and I’m going to put a needle into your body, and that needle is going to deliver something, and the goal is to upregulate antibodies. Okay, so let me just be clear on that. The tactic of vaccination is, we don’t want people to be sneezing on each other, right? If you look at the Variolation Technique, they made an abrasion to your skin, got access to it; or in the case of the Chinese method, where they’re shooting up something, you’re actually sharing the entire live virus, okay? Very different! It’s inoculation, it’s exposure versus taking a much more targeted approach where you’re just going to avoid the innate system, and you’re going to go right into someone’s bloodstream, and you’re going to send stuff there. But the goal of that, to be clear, is to upregulate antibodies, okay? So, we have to think if the pathogen came in here, there’s a whole bunch of stuff that occurs here, we’re only doing this and this is correct. Is this correct? And that’s why I keep saying this is what’s called a reductionist approach. And I’ll share with you more.

Modern Science of Immune System

Now, in the discoveries that I’ve done in my personal research and in my scientific work, which I presented at the National Science Foundation, where I was invited to give a lecture, I shared a modern science of the immune system, and that modern science reveals something a little more profound. That it’s not as simple as this two-box model. What we actually have is, we have the innate, the adaptive, but we also have the Interferon System. Beyond that, we also have the microbiome and virome and I’m going to do a whole talk on the microbiome and this microbiome literally talks to your brain. This is in your gut; this is in your brain, and it goes through the Interferon System. All of these systems are interconnected, by the way, and we’ll give a whole talk this week on the microbiome. One of my friends who’s a nurse said, “Can you do a talk on the microbiome?” But what you see is this is much more complicated. So, we’re going to focus on this today, the Interferon System, and you’re going to really leave with a deep understanding of the Interferon System.


We are going to understand what the Interferon System is. The Interferon System is something that I want to educate you on so you can maybe train other doctors, you can train other scientists, okay? Because it’s not something that’s broadly discussed in the media. Because the punchline here is, you’re gonna understand that the Interferon System, generates things called interferons, and the interferons are different kinds of molecules, they are certain types of cytokines, which are messaging molecules. And these interferons are critical to boosting immunity. They’re critical to modulating immunity.

Okay, so let’s jump right into understanding interferons. And by the way, my research work, my PhD work at MIT, and I still do a lot of work on this, I did a lot of work on interferon. So, let’s jump right into understanding interferons. What are they? Okay, so let’s jump right in. So, the IFN system is responsible, and it established what’s called transcription memory. What does that mean? The Interferon System means that when you get hit with a virus, remember we talked about transcription, which is where your body, when it recognizes something, that your DNA transcribes different proteins. So, the interferon response system is critical, that it actually, when your body sees a virus, it’ll actually transcribe, at the DNA level, proteins. And we’re gonna see that, okay? So just bear with me. And in fact, over 1,000 genes can be up-regulated, after initial stimulation. So, think about that, that you get hit with a virus, and your genetic system actually turns on, this is some of the latest research, and over 1,000 genes get turned on, and your body actually starts creating proteins that you need. So that single virus enables your body to create other proteins, and it really prepares the immune system for future attacks.

So, simply put, the Interferon System, we’re not talking about DNA, we’re not talking about the adaptive, but when a virus comes into you, your body actually in some ways, wakes up, and it turns on a bunch of genes. This is what we call epigenetics, right? So, as you get exposed, separate from the innate and the adaptive, your body turns on all these things called interferons. It turns on a bunch of genes, all right? And I’m gonna walk you through two of them today. Actually, interferon-alpha and beta.

So, what is the IFN system? Okay, there’s Type 1 Interferons; there are various kinds of interferons, just various kinds of molecules. Simply put, there’s this thing called Type 1 Interferons, and Type 1 Interferons include INF-α and INF-β. And now you will find out, I’ll do a talk maybe tomorrow, but there are certain nutrients, certain very powerful nutrients, that make sure that your body up-regulates interferons properly. What the virus is trying to do, the clever virus tries to knock down, so your body doesn’t create interferons. In fact, in the latest research that just came out a couple of months ago, they found that lots of Coronavirus patients were creating antibodies to interferons. Okay, they were actually destroying interferons, which means there’s something wrong either at the genetic level or the epigenetic level. So, interferons are very, very critical, but Type 1 Interferons, they’re the ones that sit between the innate and the adaptive. They provide an early immune response against viruses, and they enhance the activities of, you know, macrophages, dendritic cells, and NK cells. So, they really empower the innate system. That’s one thing that Type 1s do.

And the Type 2s stimulate an anti-inflammatory response, right? So, Interferon Type 2 is Interferon-γ. That’s what this little weird symbol is, it means gamma in Greek. So, it stimulates an anti-inflammatory response. And Interferon- λ (lambda), that’s what this symbol means, orchestrate the innate and the adaptive mucosal immune responses. So, you have Type 1, Type 2, Type 3. So, what you’re seeing here, oops, forgot to share this. So, what you see here is that the Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 Interferons work together. Type 1 supports your innate, Type 2 stimulates anti-inflammatory, and Type 3 orchestrates innate and adaptive mucosal immune response, right? Which is the stuff in the microbiome, etc. So, it’s quite amazing! The interferon is really the missing link, Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Today we’re going to focus on Type 1 Interferons.

Now, this is one of the most critical diagrams, I want everyone to understand. Alright, so I know you guys like me drawing it. But I’m going to walk you through this very carefully. So, I’m going to do it through words first, and then we’re gonna walk through this diagram. This was the basis again, of my PhD work, very few people really understand the Interferon System. So, after you’re done with this, you’re going to get a really deep understanding at the molecular level.

So, let’s look at it this way. You have a cell, here’s a cell, say you have two cells, Cell One and Cell Two. Okay? So, let’s say Cell One gets infected. Cell One, when it gets infected may want to signal Cell Two to tell it “Hey, I got infected over here, get ready”. Okay, so when Cell One, remember cytokines are molecules that communicate between cells. Hormones are molecules that communicate across organ systems. But cytokines are signaling molecules that are the telecommunication system between cells. So, you have Cell One here, which has gotten infected. And what it does is, what nature has done is make sure that it communicates to another cell. This is where interferons come in. So, we’re going to walk through it first. Cell One, remember, this cell gets infected, a virus lands on it, and it sticks its RNA into it. And what happens at that point is in the Interferon System, there’s a series of processes we’re going to walk through; that the Interferon System is turned on, and the Interferon System, the first thing it does is it recognizes that viruses infected it. And then it’s going to go through a series of chemical reactions. It’s going to inspire or incite the DNA to upregulate a protein. Which means, remember, transcription occurs at the DNA level, transcription occurs, and the body actually generates Interferon- β, okay? So, the first step is, the virus comes in, and I’ll walk you through this, and the body is going to create Interferon- β, okay? So, Interferon- β, can signal the cell itself, we call that an autocrine response, which means it’s telling itself, or a paracrine response, it tells a neighboring cell, it says, “Hey, buddy, I’ve been infected”. Okay, so the Interferon- β, in Step Two, lands on a receptor of the cell, either its own or another and that excites the cell to make a protein called IRF-7 (Interferon Regulatory Factor), okay? It’s a different protein. Again, it turns on genes and your protein makes IRF-7. Why is that important? Step Two, well, when the virus comes again, to infect this sell or another cell, IRF-7 is used to excite the cells machinery to create not only IFN-β, more of that, but IFN-α. IFN-β and IFN-α are like powerhouse machinery that go and take out the virus, okay? And then remember, you can’t keep this going on too long or you get the cytokine storm, too many interferons, so you have to shut it off. And the fourth part of it is a mechanism to turn it off, the control system, okay? Got it? So, you have the first part which creates Interferon-β, which is a signaling molecule, which tells all the other cells “I’ve been invaded”. Interferon-β goes and lands on the cells and it says, “Hey, a virus is going to be coming, create IRF-7”. So, when a virus does infect the other cells, not the first one, those cells not only create IFN-β, but they create IFN-α which destroys the virus, okay? So, interferon is critical. So, let’s walk through the diagram.

The Interferon System
A Graphical Representation

So, I explained it in words, let me see if everyone’s cool with this. How are you guys doing on Instagram? Is everyone okay? Good! “We are the new information warriors”. Exactly! That’s what you are! Okay. So, let’s go right here. Let’s look at this diagram now. I’m gonna walk you through this really carefully. And by the way, this diagram I’m going to walk you through, one of the leading toxicologists in the world, John Essigmann, taught me this, and you’re going to learn it now, okay? So, you don’t have to spend a year in an immunology course. And you’re going to learn it here because I’ve been able to distill it in a quick way. So, what are you seeing here? Let’s take it slowly. I want you to focus on this outer circle here, let’s take it step-by-step, is the wall of the cell, okay? I think I gotta share this, okay? So, this outer circle here, what you’re seeing here, this line is the outer circle of the cell. The inner circle here is a nuclear wall, where the DNA is. So, here’s the outer circle; here’s the inner circle, okay? So again, let me keep it simple. The outer circle is the wall of the cell, that’s where the virus is going to come in. The inner circle is where all the DNA material is, that can tell yourself to make proteins. Remember, what DNA does, is under the right inspiration, it’ll open up, a piece of messenger RNA will come out, that’s called transcription, and it’ll make a new protein, right? So, you have the outer cell wall and the inner cell wall, okay? So, here’s the outer cell wall, right here, and the inner cell wall. So, let’s look at this, a virus lands on the cell, okay? And what happens here, there are particles in your body, in the cytoplasm, right? This area here between the outer cell wall and the inner cell wall is known as the cytoplasm. And what happens right here, is that when the virus lands, these little green particles are known as IRF-3, a protein. Interferon Regulatory Factor, okay? So, let me share this again, sorry about that. So, these are known as interferon regulatory factors, okay? So, a virus comes in, these green things are IRF-3, and they and the virus interact right here. So, this is very important, we’ll get more into detail tomorrow, but when the virus comes in, he tries to knock out this process. But if everything goes well, and you have like, let’s say, the right chemicals, the right nutrition, the right circumstances, your body will interact, the virus will interact with IRF-3, it’s a process called phosphorylation, and this complex traverses the nuclear membrane. So, the phosphorylated, which means, just keep it simple, the green is IRF-3, it connects with this phosphate group, and it’s inspired by this virus, and it goes into the nucleus. So here now we’re in the nucleus. So, this IRF-3 complex, this little green guy, right here, you guys can see it? I can zoom in here for people on Instagram. This piece right here forces the process where the Interferon-β gene, right here, that’s what IFN-β gene is, it is a gene, right there, to upregulate Interferon-β. Interferon-β is a protein, okay? So, what happens is, the virus comes in, your body says, “shoot, we got a virus, I’m going to phosphorylate protein,” which is just hanging around. So, you need IRF-3s, and this travels into the nucleus, and it tells your DNA, that’s what’s this little red arrow is “make Interferon-β gene, give me the Interferon-β gene”, and your body, through transcription, makes Interferon-β.

So that’s the first process, virus comes in, it’s called the early phase and your body makes Interferon-β. That’s what you need. If you don’t have Interferon-β coming out, which is right up here, you’re screwed, okay? So, the first step here is the virus lands and the Interferon System goes through its process, and the body sends a signal to your DNA. And the DNA says, “I need to make some Interferon-β, Okay? Now that occurs within about 20 to 30 minutes. So, it’s fascinating! You get a cold; someone sneezes on you, you go to the gym, you worked out, you didn’t clean your hands, and you feel a little, you know, in 20 to 30 minutes, you feel something coming on. That’s that Interferon-β kicking in, okay? That’s when the Interferon-β is happening. This is why it’s very important, as I’ll talk about tomorrow, that right when you feel something coming on, if you get intuitive with your body, you take certain nutrients like garlic, like NAC. These nutrients support the Interferon System, because what the virus is trying to do, as you’ll learn, I’ll go into it more tomorrow, the virus is attempting to knock down the creation of interferon. And that’s what we found out, that people who have weakened immune systems, the virus is able to do that, okay? But the first step is a virus creates Interferon-β. Is everyone cool? Good!

Interferon System – Receptor Signaling

All right. So, the virus creates Interferon-β. Let’s go back to our diagram, okay? So, the virus, I’m going to make it bigger for people at home and bigger here. So, the virus creates Interferon-β. Now, look what happens. So, Interferon-β’s created, and that goes outside of the cell. So, remember, you could have two cells here, you could have Cell One, which got infected, Cell One is just putting out Interferon-β if it’s healthy. So, if you’ve got a healthy immune system, your body’s putting out Interferon-β warning all the other cells, “Hey, I’ve been infected! I’ve been infected, get ready! Get ready because I’ve been infected!” So, the first phase Interferon-β is going out lots of Interferon-β, that Interferon-β may land on the same cell, but it may land on a neighboring cell.

Okay, so what happens then, let’s follow that. Alright, let’s go to Step Two. Step Two here, interferon goes and lands on this thing called IFNAR (Interferon-Alpha/beta Receptor). IFNAR is that catcher’s mitt. So, imagine this is the baseball glove, this goes and  lands on a receptor on this cell or another cell, because the purpose of Interferon-β is to warn other cells, and says, “Hey, you’re being infected.” So, what happens here, this IFNAR, when it lands on here, through a series of chemical reactions, that’s what this little purple here is, for people on Instagram I’ll make it easy for you guys to follow here. So, it lands over here, and ISGF3 is a molecule, okay? Right here, this purple, orange, and yellow intersect, and there’s a whole bunch of chemical reactions. I’m not going to go through the details of that. But this traverses the nucleus, and, here’s the nucleus, and guess what it does, it tells your DNA “Make me some IRF-7,” that’s right here, the IRF gene gets turned on, right here, if everyone can see it, right here. And so IRF-7 is created. And that’s what these little bluish-purple things are, and that leaves the cytoplasm, okay? So, you have a bunch of IRF-7, interferon regulatory factor 7, that gets created.

So why is that important? Why is that important? So, in Phase 2, if you have a healthy immune system, your body’s putting out these Interferon-βs, and those Interferon-β is are going to all your other cells with haven’t been infected, when Interferon-β lands on that cell, or even on the cell that got infected, that cell starts making IRF-7. Remember, the second cell which never got infected, doesn’t have the virus, but it starts creating IRF-7. So, the first cell gets infected, all the other neighboring cells, if they get Interferon-β properly, they start making IRF-7, okay? Very important! So again, if your immune system is working, right, your body makes, Cell One got infected, poor cell, all the other millions of other cells in your body, they’re getting hit with Interferon-β, not the virus yet, right? The virus is just starting its replication process. So, Interferon-β hits all these other cells, and your body starts making this interferon regulatory factor called IRF-7. Quite amazing! Okay? That’s the second process.

So why is this important? This is important because the reason you get sick is the population of viruses gets more and more and more. The goal is, right when you get infected, you want to knock it down. If you’ve got a strong immune system, it knocks it down. You take Vitamin D3, it knocks it down. You have other nutrients; your body knocks it down. okay? But if your body doesn’t produce that Interferon-β, you don’t signal your other cells, it’s like a thief, you don’t have an alarm system. So, the Interferon-β is like your alarm system. Interferon-β is putting out sirens to all the other cells, “Oh my god, we’re being infected,” they start making IRF-7, interferon regulatory factor 7. So now, in the healthy case, all your other cells are now juiced up. They’re waiting. They brought the military in, they said “Nick, my first neighbor here got infected in the neighborhood. We already have our machine guns; we have our weapons. We’re ready for that virus.” So, what happens there?

Interferon System – Amplification

Okay, let’s look carefully, at this point, what happens here is that so now you’re looking at the cell, you have a cell that has got a lot of IRF-7, these are the ones that are ready, they’ve been inoculated, okay? In some sense, right? This is your own internal vaccine system. Think about what I’m saying here. Think about what I’m sharing with you here. The Interferon System, vaccinates all these other cells, so they’re primed, okay? So, think about what happens if you have a strong Interferon System, your body starts quote-unquote “vaccinating the other cells.” You won’t get this from Fauci, by the way, okay? So right here IRF-7 is everywhere in the cytoplasm. So now we’re looking at another cell, and now the virus lands on this new cell. And guess what? This cell’s got machine guns, it’s got the military, it’s got Navy Seals. It’s got everyone ready, right? virus lands. And guess what happens? The IRF-7 phosphorylates, just trust me, this is a chemical reaction, and this phosphorylated version is able to traverse the nucleus, and guess what happens? Look what happens now, not only are you creating Interferon-β again, right here, it goes here, creates β, but it also creates more α. So, these β go exponentially and go tell more cells, “Hey, I’m being infected.” So, 1,000 cells had IRF-7, the virus is here, they go tell 1,000 more cells, so more sirens go off, more military is called, okay? That’s what β does. And α is used to go knock out that virus, okay?

Interferon System – SOCS1 Regulation

Now, the other piece I want to show you very quickly, it’s a little bit hard to see that there’s another gene here called SOCS, okay? SOCS1, which is used to stop this process because you don’t want more and more of this being created, otherwise you’re gonna have a cytokine storm. So, there is another protein right here in the fourth step that stops the production of Interferon-α and β, right? So, what I’m sharing with you here are two processes. So, you have the other cells which are ready with the military IRF-7, thanks to Interferon-β, when the virus lands on those cells, unlike the first cell that wasn’t ready, these other cells are ready. And because of that, it generates more Interferon-β to warn more and more cells. So, you have an exponential warning effect, and it generates Interferon-α, which goes and knocks out that virus, but you can’t have this go on too long, right? You can’t have an inflammatory process because these are cytokines, so you got to knock it off.

So that’s why you have the SOCS1, which is another protein which says, “Okay, we have enough, we’ve knocked out the virus. Let me turn this off. Let me turn the spigot off.” If we don’t turn the spigot off. Guess what? You have an inflammatory response, you have inflammation, which is what the cytokine storm is. Alright, let me see how everyone’s doing. Everyone get that? Everyone cool? All right. Someone said, “If only Kary Mullis is still alive, I bet he and Dr. Shiva may change the course of history. People nowadays are misunderstood about the using of PCR Test.” Yes, Carrie, was an amazing human being. Just like me, he was exposing Fauci. So, what I’ve shared with you here is an amazing process. The Interferon System wakes up when a virus comes to one cell, but it warns all the other cells it inoculates the other cells through Interferon-β, so they get IRF-7, and when that cell gets hit, you smash the virus out, okay?

CytoSolve Interferon Modeling

Now, what I did for my PhD work is I actually studied this system and using the technology CytoSolve, which is the technology I created, which we’re using, by the way, to identify all different kinds of nutraceutical products. We have, by the way, after 15 years, we’ve discovered a new nutraceutical product, where it’s two ingredients when we combine them. And we’ve run billions of calculations, without killing animals, that has an amazing profound effect on lowering pain and inflammation. It’s gonna be the first product that we’ve developed bottoms-up, so keep an eye out for it. But it comes from CytoSolve, without any animal testing. But anyway, CytoSolve is what I used to look at all these processes, all the chemical reactions. And guess what I did, I actually mathematically modeled it, and I’m going to share that with you, so you can see the results. Remember, Interferon-β comes within 20 to 30 minutes, right when you get hit with a virus. Interferon-α comes hours later, but there is this period within the first 24 hours, when your Interferon Systems on, that if you support it, with the right nutrients, which we’ll talk about, beyond vaccines, right? That your body will support this very powerful missing link.

So, let’s go back to the charts here. So, what I did here was, with CytoSolve, there’s the interferon receptor signaling, as you can see here. Let me go back here so you guys can follow it here. So, we have the virus infection over here, which is the first piece, you have the interferon receptor signaling, you have the next part, the amplification cycle, which is α and β, and you have the regulation. So, I took all these processes, and, from my PhD work, I literally found every molecular reaction, which is the virus infection where the virus lands, this is the receptor signaling, this is the amplification cycle and the regulation. And I literally mathematically modeled it, okay? So, what you see here is, the purple line, right here, is how much Interferon-β is first produced. After Interferon-β comes, this is the timeline in seconds, then you get, in the blue line, you get Interferon-α. So, let’s look at it closely.

So, you notice right here, which is within about 30,000 seconds, which is 8.3 hours, just right here, that’s when Interferon-α is created, but before this, within 30 to 40 minutes, you have the creation of Interferon-β right here, right. So, first Interferon-β kicks in, and then you have Interferon-α. So, I’ve actually mathematically modeled this with CytoSolve, so we put all those 1,000s of chemical equations together. And for the first time, this was my PhD work, we actually showed how Interferon-β comes within 30 to 40 minutes, which has been shown clinically. And then we showed how after that, about 8.3 hours later Interferon-α comes. So, β comes first, and then α comes. And you can see that here, it’s quite cool. It’s very cool! So, you see here, Interferon-β comes and then α comes, okay? And, by the way, it takes about 8.3 hours, right?

Right here, you can see it takes about 14 hours, which is right about here, for it to hit a steady-state value, which means it comes to a stable value, right? But right here, if you zoom in here, right over here, this curve here shows, that right? This is right about, you know, 30 to 40 minutes, Interferon-β comes in about 8.3 hours later, right here is when α kicks in. So, it takes about eight hours for α to kick in, α is the one that starts taking out the viruses, okay? This way, you may get an initial sniffle, some headache, right? You’re working through this process. That’s what’s occurring through this process when you first feel something coming on. What I did was, to prove my model was right, I literally went and got clinical data. So, this is clinical data from Takauji and Cooley. And what you see is, this is what’s predicted, literally, in about 14 to 24 hours, you start hitting steady-state. And that’s what my model predicts right here. So, we showed that my mathematical model matches clinical data, okay?

Systems Immunology

So, the question that comes up in vaccines and the IFN system, do vaccines bypass and short circuit the Interferon System? That’s one of the questions that you want to ask your doctor. Are vaccines short-circuiting the Interferon System? Does up-regulation, of these kinds of proteins by vaccine cause autoimmune disorders? And do we know the risk of bypassing the Interferon System? And is there a RISK MATRIX for vaccines? What we find out is that immunology affects all these sub-systems. So, when you start looking at the immune system, it’s not just only the immune system, it’s all these different systems. And this came out in a recent work, in 2018, published in Nature Immunology, one of the leading journals in the world. And what this guy says is, “A case in point, is that the main immunological metrics used widely in medicine are white blood cells and the complete blood cell count; the former was developed in 1915, and the latter was developed in 1959, it’s time for an ‘upgrade’!”

So, if you look in the worst case, we’re over 100 years old, just the old model of the immune system. And the concept of using the complete blood cell count was in 1959, which is about 60-70 years ago. The point is that we are at a point in the evolution of science, that the entire model of the immune system is just made on a very reductionist model. I’m going to go stick this vaccine in, and if you get antibodies, you’re great. That’s what the mRNA vaccine is about. But what I just shared with you is, the innate system is turned on, the Interferon System gets turned on, all these other processes take place, and no one talks about the Interferon System. So, when you get the mRNA vaccine, you just bypassed the Interferon System, haven’t you? And this is one of the important areas of research. Because if we don’t turn on the Interferon System, all these other wonderful orchestra processes are not being turned on.

So, in summary, what I wanted to convey to you today is that when you take a systems approach, which is what we just did today, you find that out it’s not just the innate, it’s not just the adaptive, it’s the interconnection, and the Interferon System is a missing link between both. A virus comes in, your body turns on within 30 to 40 minutes, Interferon-β, which is like a siren, it warns all the other cells, and then the Interferon-β landing on them. It’s like Paul Revere. Interferon-β is literally like Paul Revere going out and telling all the other cells to get ready. Those cells start organizing their local military, okay? That’s IRF-7. So, when the virus comes to that cell, it not only hits him with Interferon-β, but it hits them with Interferon-β and α, and then if you have the right regulatory factors, it knows to shut it off. So, you don’t have the cytokine storm.

So, tomorrow what I’m going to talk about is: What are the nutrients you can take to boost up your Interferon System? If the Interferon System, like I mentioned, sits right between all of these sub-systems does it not make sense to build immunity which will support the Interferon System? So, that’s why we need to take a Systems Approach. And that’s why when you take this interconnected approach, you’re going to start really appreciating, not only the body as a system, but all things as a system. This is not left or right. This is not about turn on the adaptive and forget the innate. This is about understanding the interconnections.

Truth Freedom Health®

That’s why you must become educated, if you’re serious, you don’t have to. What I want to do is, the formula and the goal here is we need to educate people on a systems approach, be it this or understanding digital rights, or how we’re going to get back science, and how we’re gonna fight for our rights locally. So, the only way out of this is you must get a systems education. You don’t have to do how many years I did at MIT. In three hours, every Monday night, tomorrow evening, we’re taking in new students, so please go to Let me share this with you. I know we have a lot of our warriors online. So, all of you guys who are listening, please, you know, comment for people, let them know to go to as I’m doing this because it’s just me here doing this. If everyone goes to, please take the time right now. What you’ll see is we’re very transparent here.

We are building the infrastructure. And when I say infrastructure, I mean the digital infrastructure, the hardware infrastructure, the educational infrastructure, for you, for us to win. And remember for every $1 we invest in infrastructure, whether for our highways or we invest in ourselves, we get a 10x return. That’s what science shows, you give free stuff away, you lose 40 cents, but if you invest in infrastructure, you get a 10x return. So, what we’re showing here is, I want you guys, to contribute to our infrastructure if you want. You can contribute through telling others, you can contribute through money. And when you contribute, I want to give you back something. So, if you contribute, you can become a warrior. Those people are contributing about 100 bucks, which is nothing relative to that knowledge I’m going to share. I give you back knowledge because I don’t feel right ever taking something for nothing. Those of you who give 20 bucks, you can get the book, the textbook, and you get access to Your Body, Your System, I’ll walk you through that. Or you can just join as a member for free, and get access to what I’m going to share with you shortly, okay?

Those of you who want to become a warrior, you can also go to and you’ll see what you get as a warrior. I always like to give more than less and make people say, “You give way too much, in terms of knowledge.” But here it is for you. You get, first of all, access to the entire course, tomorrow evening, from seven to 10. It’s a live interaction with me. But then you also get online, you get access to a portal where you can take all the five courses, but then you get also access to another portal, where you can understand how the forces of systems thinking transport, conversion, storage, you can use that to understand your own body as a system.

I give you a tool that it took me 20 years to build where you ask a set of questions to yourself, and you figure out what kind of system you are. And then you figure out where your situation is today. That’s what the black dot is. So, the red is, in this triangle, who you are. Everyone is different. And the black dot tells you, you know, have you not gotten enough sleep? Are you compromised in some way? And then you can figure out, the system will calculate for you, not for me, but for you, based on your needs, the foods, the supplements, what’s right for you, it’s an educational tool for you to see these concepts. Okay, so you must check this out because this will help you understand. And then, by the way, you get the textbook, eBook SYSTEM AND REVOLUTION, I think about 100,000 people have read this now, I guess it would be considered a bestseller. You get YOUR BODY YOUR SYSTEM, you get YOUR SYSTEM YOUR LIFE, you get access to the theoretical science paper, and then you get access to two more very powerful science papers here, okay? On turmeric and ginger in CytoSolve. So that’s what you get here.

What I’m going to do now is that once you log in to the system, once you’ve signed up, whether as a member as a supporter, or warrior, you actually get access to a dashboard. And what is that dashboard for? Well, first of all, you can get all the educational content, educate! Then you get to build community with others, communicate! Which means this is in our data center. This is in our world. We’re not going to get kicked off by you know, Twitter, not by Facebook, not by these guys, it’s our community. So, you can communicate with a Truth Freedom Health Warrior in Nebraska, or someone in California, or someone in France, okay? You find that you’re not alone, that other people also want to get politically conscious, educationally conscious. So, we have those tools.

So, if you log in, now I’m logged in at the highest level, as a leader. But if you log in as a member, you get access to these featured videos. Well, the featured videos are videos that we know that YouTube cannot take down. So, for example, there’s a whole video series on Vitamin C. This video got taken down from YouTube, it’s about Vitamin D, how big pharma loves to depress your immune system. So, you can go look at that content that’s sitting there for you. Okay, you can then go back to the dashboard. And then you can get also, for those of you who sign up at the supporter level, you get access to a whole set of premium videos. And I think you’ll like this because these premium videos are videos, where we’ve run different ingredients through CytoSolve. So, there’s a whole set of videos on how black cumin has antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties, or the many faces of ginger or cinnamon to boost immunity. And there’s more and more videos here on garlic, okay, and we’ll talk about this more relative to the Interferons System tomorrow. So again, that’s another thing that you can take advantage of is to really get access to the premium videos.

Separate from that. That’s the educational piece. And by the way, the educational piece doesn’t end there. Beyond these basic videos, you also get access to the actual tool, YOUR BODY, YOUR SYSTEM, once you sign in, you have to sign in first. And this is a tool that you can use to answer a set of questions. You know, who am I? You answer a set of questions and it figures out, you know who you are, and lets you figure out your red dot, then it figures out what am I where am I today? That’s this black dot, you answer another set of questions. And then it gives you your personalized program and what’s right for you; what you should have in the morning, afternoon, what supplements are good, in fact, it’ll make your shopping list for you. Okay. So, you should have fun with that, all right? I think, let me make sure everyone can see this, I think what I want to do is stop the screen, I’m going to just share, the screen I want to share. I’m going to share the whole screen because otherwise, you’re not seeing all of this, okay? So, let me go here. So, in YOUR BODY, YOUR SYSTEM, you get access to the tool, which really helps you understand how your body is a system. So, take advantage of that, okay?

The next thing, you get access to all the courses online. So, when you go online, you can, independent of listening to me on Monday evenings, which I recommend you do, you can get access to the portal. You get literally to go into your course, in this case, you purchased THE FOUNDATIONS OF SYSTEMS course. And you literally can watch the videos, you can enter, and by the way, there’s an exam, I want you guys, if you’re serious about getting to the leadership program, you take this and you actually take an exam, and you get two times to pass the exam, then you actually get a certificate, okay? You actually get a Systems Health certificate.

Those of you who log in as a warrior can also get the videos right here, which is one version of the videos that I do on Monday evening. So, you get Foundations of Systems, you learn What IS a System?, Truth Freedom Health, Bottoms Up Movement, and the Not-So-Obvious Establishment, okay? So, we do that.

And then finally, the other piece I want to share with you is that we have these amazing communication tools because without communication, you’ll feel like you’re alone, sitting wherever you are. So, we’ve created these communities. By the way, there are four different eBooks, as I mentioned, there’s a scientific paper. But the communication tools are the forum, we have a number of Truth Freedom Health Warriors who are helping us now start to manage that. But you can see, for example, this is a forum on Health. And you can also access these with your iPhone or your Android, whatever phone you have. But the Health Forum, you can see there’s more and more people joining us, it’s a pretty lively conversation. There are about 80 people here on school shutdowns and mental health. So, you can join that conversation. Again, you can meet a lot of really great people here. These are people all over the world, all over the country. Okay, so you won’t feel alone.

In the dashboard is, also for warriors, we’ve created our own version of Facebook, okay? where you can join in, I always use John’s account, so you can go in, there are different groups here; we have the Warrior group and the Leader group. So, you can join one of these groups. And you can become a member in one of these groups, the Warrior group, it’s just been launched. So, you can go set up your own account, okay? It’s a lot like Facebook, but you won’t get shut down, okay?

So, I wanted to share that with you because we’re building a movement. We don’t care about politicians, because we know elections are selections, okay? We have to go local. And part of this is, the other piece I forgot to mention, is we also have the fact that you can activate yourself, right? We don’t want you to just sit around and just think you should be on this tool all day. But what you can do here, there are actually three more cards going up today. But you can literally take this card and you can print it out at your local Staples or your local printer. For example, this is on masks. So how do you convince others that what Dr. Shiva is saying is valuable? Well, this is like your cheat sheet. The front of it is about building awareness of masks. And the back of it, if you go here is what you can share with people; how masks affect the oral microbiome. You can give this to a local Starbucks person or local store. If everyone’s wearing masks, you say hey, look, you know these masks are going to affect your dental health, and your oral health, and here are the public health implications. Now, why am I giving you this?

What the goal is here is you can now be an activist on the ground, you can take the science, you can go on the ground, print these cards out on your own, and share this with people. So, we don’t need to fight the 60% of people who are ready to be convinced, you can say “Look, why don’t you read this card here from Dr. Shiva, who’s an MIT PhD, you’ll understand if you wear that mask all day, you’re increasing the temperature in this area, you’re lowering your pH, you’re going to destroy some very critical bacteria and you’re going to increase non-beneficial bacteria. And that’s going to cause periodontal disease that’s going to cause tooth decay. And that’s why doctors are noticing this increase. And maybe you, Starbucks worker, maybe you want to go to your employer and say “Hey, I need more dental health care.” Because if you’re going to make me wear these masks, that’s what I need. So, what we’re doing is we’re going to working people and saying, “Look, don’t blindly wear these masks, you can, but know that what your employer is doing can affect you.”

Okay, you can also give this to parents, you know, kids are being forced to wear these masks. These masks are particularly harmful when kids’ microbiome, their mouth bacteria is developing. Why is this important? You’ve got 700 key micro-bacteria that we’ve worked on in our research over the last three years to identify. Those bacteria are important to balancing your immune system, your innate immune system, which affects not only your oral health, it affects, your cardiovascular health, your mental health, your bone health, the mouth is a gateway. So, simple card. We don’t need to fight with people, we educate, we educate and we ignite them. That’s what we do.

So, go to support as a member, you know, it’s nothing. You support, you start contributing, we give you more and more education because it shows that you’re committed to advancing yourself. So again, our team, we’re very grateful to all of you. Our team is working very hard to boost up our infrastructure; hardware, software, we’re building this, it’s all being done by us, us! Meeting together to win Truth, Freedom, and Health. We need to educate, we need to communicate, and we need to activate ourselves. Bottoms up movement, interconnection between Truth, Freedom and Health. And we have to be aware of the not-so-obvious-establishment because they’re our real enemies; the people who actually make it pro versus anti, left versus right, Republican versus Democrat. Please, if you want to play in that sandbox, it’s sort of being a kindergartener, we need to educate people up at the PhD level politically, and that’s what this is about. It may not be for everyone, but for those of you who really want us to change the world and stop whining, you know, yeah, all these conspiracies are going on. Who cares? Let’s build our bottoms-up movement. That’s how we win.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

This original research is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may grow the movement and may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.

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