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Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator shares the recent events of his two lawsuits in which the State of Massachusetts chilled Dr.SHIVA’ s free speech by having Twitter suspend him in early September 2020 and forced Dr.SHIVA to delete tweets – tweets which exposed that the State of Massachusetts had violated Federal Law when they deleted Ballot Images.

More recently, on February 1, 2021, when Dr. SHIVA was educating students on Twitter about electronic voting systems and his two lawsuits, and mentioned the word “TASSINARI” – the name of the MA State Election Director – who destroyed ballot images in violation of Federal Law – BAM! Dr. SHIVA was suspended on Twitter.

It is time for all of us to learn the Foundations of Systems, so WE can understand the dynamics of Power, Profit and Control which aims to destroy Truth Freedom Health. It’s time to get educated or be enslaved.
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