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Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator reviews his TWO #ElectionFraud​ Lawsuits in MA that have gotten, to date, the ONLY TWO VICTORIES in America. All of Trump’s lawsuits were thrown out of Court. Dr.SHIVA’s lawsuits got its FIRST VICTORY when a Federal Judge ordered the government to STOP contacting Twitter to shutdown Dr.SHIVA, when he had exposed #BallotImages​ were being deleted by the government in violation of 52 USC 20701. The lawsuit exposed how the government – Secretary of State of Massachusetts – forced TWITTER to shutdown Dr.SHIVA with only a few days left in the 2020 U.S. Senate general elections.

The second lawsuit – which is fighting for #OnePersonOneVote​ – exposes the REAL CRIME SCENE of #ElectionFraud​: COMPUTER ALGORITHMS to flip votes. On this lawsuit, the government filled a massive Motion to Dismiss. In this case, the Judge issued Dr.SHIVA his SECOND VICTORY by DENYING the Secretary of State of Massachusetts Motion to Dismiss!

It’s time we take a SYSTEMS approach to identify the REAL FIGHT from the FAKE FIGHT.
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There is a FAKE #ElectionFraud​ and a REAL #ElectionFraud​. The Establishment will never cover REAL #ElectionFraud​ to discredit any questions about election integrity.

It’s time you learn the Foundations of SYSTEMS – a course Dr.SHIVA teaches EVERY Monday Night from 7PM to 10PM EST, as a part of the VASHIVA platform of education, action and communications.

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