In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, shares the origin of May Day and why The SWARM™ in America hates today, May 1st.
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Good morning. Good afternoon, everyone. This is Dr. Shiva. Today. We’re going to be having a very quick conversation to remind everyone about May Day and why it matters to every American, in fact, every worker throughout the world. And that’s what I want to talk to you about. So again, to those of you joining, this is Dr.
Shiva. Many of I’m running for president of the United States, but I’m fundamentally a worker, an engineer, a scientist. And I like to provide people with always a systems analysis of what’s going on to educate people again. To those of you joining us, we’re going to have a discussion about May Day, which is today, May 1st, why it matters to every American and every worker that’s we’re going to start with.
And as before I start that, I was like to play one of our quick intro videos that will help hopefully set the stage we want to discuss today. But again, this is. Dr. Shiva, I’m sorry, a little bit delayed because we’re going to head over to another event which I’ll talk about today.
All right, everyone, this is Dr. Shiva Iyer Drey, today we’re going to be talking about again, as I said, May Day, why it matters to every American and every worker. Thank you So first of all, what is May Day? It’s International Workers Day. What’s really ironic about May Day is throughout the world in every other part of the world working people today celebrate May Day and they celebrate it because it honors working people.
People actually get up and do an honest days labor, but it also honors the struggle of working people, which goes back many hundreds of years. What’s ironic about May Day and why I put it up, why I put the, put up the the graphic here if you notice why it matters to every American and obviously every worker is something quite profound is that in 1886, four American workers were hanged in the United States.
For fighting for the eight hour workday. It was in Haymarket Square. You can read about it. Unfortunately, it’s been wiped out of American history, meaning it’s not really taught to students, working people, et cetera, but in the 18, late 1800s, there was a grand upheaval, a great upheaval in the United States of people realized the conditions of factories in the United States and how awful people were being treated.
And American workers built these movements bottoms up and they demanded basic rights. Eight hour workdays people. It was not on was not, non customary to see people working 20 hour days, child labor, et cetera. So four American workers were shot, or sorry, hanged in this, in Haymarket.
Later seven American workers were shot in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by the national guard fighting for the at our workday now, why do I share this? Because. Academics historians the swarm does not want the American people to have any sense of bottoms up revolutionary movements, militant revolutionary movements took place in the United States demanding basic rights.
And it was those movements in the 1800s, which ultimately led to the incredible life that Americans started having, because those movements demanded That people have basic rights, infrastructure, elimination of child labor, all the rights that came out in the 1920s and thirties, which many American workers have today came out of those massive movements.
It was these massive movements, which led eventually to around 11, 000 strikes and close to a 200 million people taking to the streets in the United States. After this took place, the elites, as I mentioned many times in the 1950s, Got together and they branded. All of these movements as though they were being remote controlled from capital C communism in Russia or China, when they were actually organic bottoms up movements here, and that was done by the right wing Republicans, the left wing establishment man.
Took over the unions, which were originally bottoms up trade unions. And by the 1970s, what happened was the left and the right colluded against these bottoms up movements. In fact, academics in all the major universities got together and they said, we must make sure that no bottoms up movements, which talk about workers rights really came.
In fact, they diverted. The real workers movement to ridiculous things, talking about woke ideology and transgender rights and sexual stuff, which wasn’t really the basis to divert this whole movement. That’s what really happened. But one needs to understand that these movements were organic to the United States, the American workers.
So today the American workers have been lulled in a very deceptive way to inaction. So between 1970 till today, There’s been maybe 2 million people participate in about 900 strikes. And so as wages and everything increased for all strata people between 1900 to 1970, because of those immense struggles, that was because of these struggles.
But after 1970, as The workers movement in this country was essentially hijacked by the left and the right. The wages of the American workers have gone down that some of those wages going down represents the amount of transfer of wealth that took place to the elites, about close to 47 trillion. So that’s what really took place.
The irony is, in 1962, Eisenhower changed May 1st to Law Day, L A W D A Y. And it was as a major PR move, because the elites in America did not want the swarm in America, to be specific, did not want the American working people having any memory of what May Day was. And that’s what happened. So today it’s Law Day, but the rest of the world, celebrates those American workers who were hanged and shot, during those workers movements in the United States.
That’s what’s ironic that the level of brainwashing and propaganda done by the swarm in the United States is to make sure people do not build these bottoms up movements. The good news is truth, freedom and health exists. Our movement. is global. Now we honor May 1st. We honor those heroic workers who fought for basic rights that you have today.
And it is the advancement of those movements, which is going to really take the world where it needs to go to truth, freedom, health. And that’s not gonna happen. Top down by voting for fools. Who come from the elites. It’s going to come from us building a bottoms up movement, and it’s going to come from us, having our leaders, not the leaders which come top down.
That’s why our movement exists for Truth, Freedom, Health. Our movement, Truth, Freedom, Health, educates people globally why we must build a movement. Why and how we do it. We teach people the science, the system science, then we have a leadership program. We get people on the ground and throughout the world people are taking this knowledge And they’re localizing it in the United States.
Obviously I’m running for president as a part of this and everyone can go to Shiva for president and get one of these bumper stickers because I’m one of us. I came bottoms up. I’m not a freaking Trump or a dumb ass booby fucking Kennedy or a Biden. I’m one of us, growing up in working class communities.
And I’ve learned how the elites work. You guys can go watch shattered the swarm video. It’s a great video on shattered the swarm. com. It’ll teach you that, but you must recognize that we must build a bottoms up movement if we’re going to honor all those people who came before us and honor mayday as a part of that, let me play you this video, which will tell you and share with you that we’ve created this infrastructure for you to become.
And I’ll come right back. Become a Warrior Scholar, join the movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health, support Shiva for President. I’ll be right back. We have allowed our country to be taken over from within, and the end goal is you will have a homogenized world where we will become slaves. Because there is a condition among the elites that really thinks they’re better than you deep down inside them that you don’t deserve the freedoms you have.
They don’t. This reality is what people need to wake up to and we need to all unite working people. There’s only one movement that can do that. And that is the movement that we started creating here in Massachusetts. The Movement for Truth, Freedom, and Health. Look, I’ve been a student of politics since I was a four year old kid.
Studying revolutionary movements, left wing, right wing. There’s a physics, there’s a nuclear science to destroying the establishment. To build a bridge, you need to understand Newton’s equation. You need to understand the laws of gravity. You need to understand Poisson’s ratio. There is a way to build a revolution.
And that’s why I put this together. My goal is to train a army of truth, freedom, and health leaders. We don’t need followers like social media. We need leaders, but they need training because the educational system does not teach them history, nothing. So in three hours, that’s what I’ve started doing.
That’s the solution. We got to train people first with understanding what a system is, the dynamics of all systems that affect nature. The second is understanding the interconnection between truth, freedom, and health. Freedom is the ability to move freely, communicate freely, talk freely. Without freedom, you cannot convert ideas, hypothesis into truth, which is science.
And without freedom, you can’t really get to truth. And without truth, you make up fake problems and fake solutions, which means you destroy our health. And without health, which is the infrastructure of us and our body, you can’t fight for freedom. Truth, freedom, health. Third concept is, it has to be bottoms up, working people who work uniting.
And what the right wing has done is whenever you say working people unite, that must be communist. Meanwhile, That have let the Democrats run unions, which suppress workers completely corrupt. But when you look at the arc of American history, it’s been when working people came up, we need to go local.
Every solution I’m coming up with is a part of this movement. We’re giving the science, which is the truth, and then we tell people what they can do on the ground. Like with election fraud, you don’t need to wait for some lawyer. Our goal is to train people to go local, fight locally.
Forget lawyers, forget politicians, forget celebrities. You’ve got to learn politics and there is a science to it. They lock us down, we should be ready to shut them down. And the fourth part of this principle is a not so obvious establishment. So when you look at a system, there’s always something that disturbs you from getting to your goal.
The biggest disturbance is the not so obvious establishment, which are those people who claim they’re for you, on the left and the right. The Al Sharptons who tell black people, I’m for you. The Tucker Carlsons. Do you think any true anti establishment person will ever be on Fox or CNN? I don’t think so.
They both mislead working people back into the establishment. Without this system. solid understanding of political physics and theory, you’re screwed. You’re gonna follow on the left wing, Bernie Sanders, oh he said something, or Robert Kennedy, scumbags. Or you’re gonna follow some right wing talk show host.
They’re not gonna lead us to liberation, it’s us. We’re building a bottoms up movement, and that political physics, it’s us. It’s a nuclear science of change. Bottoms up. We have to organize to understand that there is people who talk a good game and then look at what they actually do. Left and right. I’m sorry, Sean Hannity may say some good things, but I don’t see the urgency in his voice to get something done.
And it can only come when it’s done. When you weaponize yourself with the right knowledge, you need to be able to identify a rat. Christ didn’t go after the Romans, right? It was the Pharisees and the Sadducees who screwed him up. His own quote unquote people. And that’s where we’re at. So these four concepts I’ve built into a curriculum.
People can go to truthfreedomhealth. com and it’s an educational program. We need to train people in political theory. You need to have physics. And I’ve created that curriculum. People need to get educated. We need to get educated fast. And within a half an hour, I can teach people two years of MIT control systems.
I teach people those concepts, then I apply it. Anyone can understand it. And then you say, Oh, I got to build a bottoms up movement. They have to get politically astute, and then they have to go locally and act, not sit there on social media. They have to act locally, defy locally, do civil obedience locally, but with knowledge on how to build a movement.
And the Senate campaign’s expanded to the movement for truth, freedom, and health. And they can find it on truthfreedomhealth. com. So people can sign in, they can get access to a bunch of videos. If they want to take a course and become a Truth Freedom Health leader, I offer a full scholarship there, but we want people to make a commitment that they’ll study, that they’ll get certified, that they’ll go do activities on the ground.
So go to truthfreedomhealth. com.
All right, everyone. Welcome. This is Dr. Siva Iyer. Great. So The only way that we are going to build a movement that’s going to be bottoms up is to first of all study history and understand what is a bottoms up movement and why those in power do not want a bottoms up movement. They do not want us, you, understanding the dynamics of building a movement.
And there is a physics, there’s a science. So go to truthfreedomhealth. com so you don’t waste 20, 30 years of your life. Following one full Bernie Sanders or another full Trump or wherever you are in the world, the left wing or the right wing or quote unquote independence, who are really not independent, just look at where they come from, where do they originate from?
What was their history? And you’ll find that all of these people come from top down and they do not want you to build a bottoms up movement. They want you to make them their saviors. They do not want you to have your leaders from below. So that’s why 2024 is really important because you can see. The level of viciousness that the establishment and the swarm is doing one manifestation of that is with Zionism.
You can see what’s going on university campus in the United States where Zionism controlled from Netanyahu in Israel is dictating to U. S. university presidents, U. S. policymakers, how to essentially brutally attack students on campuses. Now, one of the problems is well, these students have an inherent idea that something’s wrong with Zionism.
They’re localizing it to talk about and they’re sitting in the U. S. And they’re talking about something occurring 10, 000 miles away. They’re not intersecting the fact that Zionism. is not something that just affects people 10, 000 miles away. It affects the American worker right here. And this is why it’s easy to isolate many of these movements.
And I’ll do a whole nother conversation on that later this evening, but without mobilizing working people in our own countries and intersecting the problems that are occurring locally by the swarm, what it does locally these movements essentially have no teeth to them. They’re essentially people, Quote unquote liberal activists.
We’re talking about, let’s say ceasefire now, but they don’t understand the fact that Zionism, which is a instrument of the swarm to separate the 8 billion of us from what we want to do collectively and demean us through a philosophy of political ideology, that a small people are better than the rest of us that ultimately leads.
to demobilization of a bottoms up movement. Bottoms up movements have to be based on recognizing the realities of working people in these countries. So to the extent that the free Palestine movement connects at that moves things forward. But if it’s just about liberal white students in America or multiracial students talking about something 10, 000 miles away and they don’t talk about what’s happening to the workers at these universities, and the attack on working people right here.
Then a lot of these movements are not going to go anywhere. So that’s why May Day is important. This is why those in power do not want American people, the working people in this country, for that matter, any part of the world, even becoming aware of this, particularly the American worker, because the American worker still has these amazing rights still, which are being obviously deteriorated, but they do not want the American working people uniting with other working people throughout the world.
So that’s why, as I to those of you joining the discussion, the title of today’s talk was this, right? Why it matters to every American worker. Mayday. Today’s May 1st. That’s why I wanted to let you know that for after many years, we have a solution for this and the solution is that we must create a bottoms up movement.
There is no other way. Okay. You can think that voting for some fool from above is going to change it, but it isn’t. So it’s a part of that. I want to encourage all of you to go to Shiva numeral for president dot com and get one of these great bumper stickers and boldly put it on the back of your car.
Because when you get one of those bumper stickers, you’re going You’re saying that you’ve made a decision to support one of us. You’ve made a decision that you want to volunteer. And help, our campaign get on the ballot. We want to get on the ballot in every state that requires you to go to Shiva for president to volunteer.
But from a theory standpoint, you have to understand the science to go to truth, freedom, health. com to do that. So it’s about taking action. Anyway, today’s mayday, if you’re a worker, wherever you are particularly American workers need to understand that mayday originates in the United States. It’s the attempt by the elites to wipe it out of, American history reveals to everyone why it is so dangerous for them that working people, particularly in the United States, uniting with working people globally.
All right. So anyway, people are saying they have their bumper stickers, go get these bumper stickers, support Shiva for president. But one of the most important things is get involved, take action. We need your help to get on the ballot in every state, go to Shiva, numeral for president. com. And support this awesome campaign.
So anyway, I’ll play a final video as we exit on Shiva for president. Actually. One of the things I want to mention to you is that as a part of this movement, because I work for a living. I’m an engineer and a scientist. I actually like to create solutions. So our movement for truth, freedom, health has now solutions in each of these spheres in the area of truth, which is science.
We have the Cytosol Open Science Institute. And every once a month, we host an event that I welcome you all to keep an eye out for it and go to vashiva. com and look up our event schedule. But we are taking this very powerful technology platform I created today. Which I’ll talk about that allows us to look at any area of the biological sciences, cancer, leukemia, inflammation, and we’re able to, without the need for animal testing, we’re able to look at all the scientific literature, aggregate them, organize them, create the mathematical models, and figure out what combinations of ingredients help to resolve that issue.
Okay, so that’s cytosol. And I’ll come back to that. But that infrastructure we’ve made accessible to all of you, which means you can become a citizen scientist. So that’s part of the truth. On the freedom side, we have the movement to the Leadership Institute, Truth, Freedom, Health, where you can become an activist.
You can learn how to fight. You can learn how to be a leader. So that’s because we need people who are freedom fighters. But there’s a science to it. And then when it comes to health, We’ve created a number of solutions. We have systems health. Systems health is a solution where you yourself can become a systems health educator where you can really understand what are the right solutions for the right person at the right time.
And I’ll put the URL up for you. But that too is a solution. Again, we will spend a significant amount of time exposing the establishment of the not so obvious establishment. But let me give you the U. R. L. For this. But systems health is another technology which allows each one of you to participate in the process.
And I’ll put this up. I just put the U. R. L. Up. You can become Yeah. a system self educator. So the elites right now know that people are breaking from Western medicine. So they’re creating these bogus health coaching courses where you just learn a bunch of woo medicine. But the reality is system self helps you look at all the different infinite types of areas in health and wellness.
You can take vitamins, you can do yoga, you can do this, but what is the right Set of solutions that are for the right person at the right time. System self is a program that educates people. And we’re going to create system self educators all over the world. And you can even put yourself into an educational business doing this.
So there’s a way that you can be sustainable. So that’s system self, but cut it, coming back to Cytosol. One of the things I wanted to mention is that Cytosol came out of my research work at MIT, which is really the aim of validating indigenous systems of medicine. Cytosol, again, is a lot of work.
Again, I work for a living, and Cytosol was a creation out of my PhD, which is A 23rd century platform that allows us to really eliminate the need for animal testing and it’s a technology platform that we’ve now used for 16 years where we’ve helped many organizations do research in many of the biological sciences without the need for animal testing, but focused on using natural products.
So this is also a solution, and that solution is now available to all of you, okay? That solution is now available to all of you, where you can use Cytosol to mobilize people in your communities to go do research, pennies on the dollar. So that’s what Cytosol’s about. As a part of that, many people are saying have you actually created a product with Cytosol?
About two years ago, for 16 years, since 2007, I created the technology, we published in all the leading journals in neuroscience, in cancer journals, in oral health journals, all the journals. So we’ve proven that Cytosol is a powerful technology. It’s way beyond AI. It’s much more powerful because it takes, it understands mechanisms of action.
Now, all of you can also use this. So what we did was in the first phase of cytosol was building the technology. Then we have to publish to validate it. Then we did many help many commercial companies who really wanted to build great products. And a couple of years ago, we actually said, Hey, why don’t we eat our own dog food?
Could we take a disease like osteoarthritis joint health? Could we look at all the different compounds in nature? Could we develop stuff that. actually works. And we created a product called MV 25 and I’ll play a video on that. But the important thing is we did that on our own, but you too can do that. So imagine you have an idea that you think, Oh I want to go look at, how to improve my eye health or improve Lung health or improve whatever it is.
You have the opportunity now to use our technology to actually Develop your own products or go do your own science So mv25 is one example of that. Obviously, it’s a product that really works, but I just want to play this video So you’ll understand that we’ve eaten our own dog food in the sense We’ve used this very powerful tool 16 years of development to really create a product that works You And we’re, we offer it, it helps power our movement.
Support people and we do it, through this. But as you’re watching this video, consider that you could take any area of science and you yourself can become a citizen science researcher. Millions of people suffer every day from painful discomfort and swelling, but most pain medications come with harsh side effects and many alternative supplements have little scientific backing.
That’s why we at Cytosolve created MV25. MV25 was formulated using the Cytosolve Computational Systems Biology Platform, a technology for precision and personalized health, invented by Dr. Shiva, During his doctoral research at MIT, this formulation is the result of computing trillions of potential combinations of biomolecular interactions derived from thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers published across four decades by 68 research institutions to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that down regulate biomarkers of discomfort and normal swelling.
Hi, I’m Barbara Ann. My hands would cramp up. So that I couldn’t pull cards, or knit, or crochet, and they would go like that. And I’d have to use this when I played cards with my grandkids. And I’d start taking that MP25. After a bit I was able to hold cards in my hand. Very little cramping. Hardly at all anymore.
MV 25. Hi, my name is Sandy. I’m a Taekwondo instructor. I tore my ACL during Taekwondo. I had a lot of pain and limited mobility. I’ve been taking the MV 25 for about six months now. After the first week, I noticed a big difference after the second week, almost literally no pain. My name is Jeremy and I suffer from a lower back problem, hurt my back at work years ago and I can go to the chiropractor, do all kinds of different things and nothing seems to help.
And I decided to try MV25. I didn’t notice a difference immediately, but within a few days the pain went away and it stayed away. I’ve continued to take it. And even when I do things that I shouldn’t do, it seems to go away a lot quicker than ever did before. MV25 MV 25 is certified clean 100% non GMO made in America, and GMP certified for good manufacturing practices.
MV 25 is cytosol optimized, which means that this formula has been engineered to maximize benefits while minimizing toxicity based on current research curated by cytosol as the science advances. So will this formulation. This is our promise order online at m. Alright,
so I hope that was valuable. As I end, many of you know that students throughout the United States have been showing solidarity to the Palestinian people. And obviously there’s various trends in these movements. Some people are part of the Democratic left. Some people may be part of the right wing.
These movements are not just one group of people. But one of the interesting things is as I’m an alumni of M. I. T. And I just heard that the M. I. T. Students have built an encampment, etcetera. And I think the police are probably gonna come down on them. So I’m gonna head over there.
But in the news, they were saying that it’s M. I. T. Students. In 2024 were inspired by what occurred with the anti-Apartheid movements in the 1980s. Now what’s interesting is I was it’s so to people you don’t know. I’ve been at this for a long time, since I was a student, 19 81, 82. So 1980s, I was the one who led one of the biggest protests against.
Universities investments in racist South Africa. In fact, this is a picture of me burning the South African flag on the steps of MIT after I’d led a massive protest of 5000 people from B. U. across the MIT bridge to MIT. Remember MIT? Many of these institutions were investing in racist South Africa, which was butchering the South African people, exploiting them.
So students in the 1980s wanted universities to pull out, right? Why are you supporting the suppression? And there were three trends. One group of students were like, Oh, this is good. We’re helping the black folks in South Africa. That’s one trend. The other trend was the not so obvious establishment trend.
These liberal, typically liberal white students. Quote unquote liberals who we’re basically saying, Oh, yeah, poor people in South Africa. Isn’t it horrible? Horrible. MIT, please move out and begging MIT. And then there was our trend. At that time I’d created a, it was the editor of a newspaper called the student, which was a revolutionary newspaper.
And we took a, even at that time, I, as I was developing my analysis of systems approach to politics and we said, look, It’s easy for white liberals living in the United States and America at MIT to talk about poor black people 10, 000 miles away. And mind you, many of these liberal white students were afraid to go into Roxbury or Dorchester, which were predominantly black neighborhoods.
They would, romantically talk about black people in South Africa, but they showed their own segregation. That they wouldn’t go communicate with black people in the neighborhoods. It’s quite fascinating. But myself growing up in Newark and Patterson and most of my students were from the inner cities at MIT.
What we said was, look, this movement to just talk about South Africa doesn’t mean anything unless we interconnect that with the working people’s struggles right here. Now, at MIT, the food service workers, the custodial workers, they were treated like shit, so we organized the MIT food service workers blacks, poor whites, and we said, look, you can talk about apartheid in South Africa, let’s talk about the oppression of people right here, and that really galvanized people, and that’s why, if you see this picture that I, when I burned the South African flag, it says in the mid 1980s, Dr.
Shiva, a jury 87 was a student leader and editor of the student of revolutionary student newspaper and activist organization. Among many protests, he led the anti apartment and divestment movement at MIT and building the shantytown in front of the MIT student center. And later led a massive march of 5, 000 people from BU across the Mass Ave Bridge to the MIT Student Center, where he defiantly burned the South African flag in support of the students and workers of South Africa fighting apartheid.
Dr. Shiva, the student, and his supporters also mobilized MIT food service workers to interconnect the struggle of American workers with that of South African workers fighting a common enemy. U S imperialism, such a strategy frightened the MIT administration who sought to contain the anti apartheid movement to events occurring 10, 000 miles away.
That’s what they want to do. You see these quote unquote, liberal universities are okay. Or they, the movements are weak. That’s why they’re okay with them. If they’re just talking about something occurring in Palestine or something occurring in South Africa. And that’s why they went in and put down all these movements because they’re weak.
It was very difficult for them to attack our movement because we had the back of working people on the MIT campus. So anyway, this is where a political strategy is very important where you don’t just do these liberal bleeding heart events to talk about something else where you have to connect it right here at home.
So this is a very important strategic thing that we uniquely teach. Okay, so anyway that’s what I wanted to share with you. Anyway. All of you get involved, know that our movement has real solutions. Cytosol, truth, freedom, health systems help. So we will take a systems approach and exposing the enemy, which is the obvious and not so obvious establishment, but it’s up to you to get involved.
So go to truth, freedom, health. Get involved in all the different solutions we do and support our campaign for president. Go to Shiva for president if you want to be lazy go get a bumper sticker go to the site volunteer and i’ll leave with our campaign who would have ever thought i’d be running for president of the united states of america I was born a low caste untouchable in india’s caste system a system of aristocracy oppression and racism My name is Dr.
Shiva Iyadurai. I’m an MIT PhD, a Fulbright Scholar, a Scientist, Engineer, Entrepreneur, and Inventor. My family and I left India to come to America on my 7th birthday. I grew up in the working class neighborhoods of New Jersey. Playing baseball, mowing lawns, painting houses, and coding software. My friends and neighbors are blacks, Italians, Irish, people of all races.
As a 14 year old, I wrote 50, 000 lines of software code to create the world’s first email system, and was awarded the first U. S. copyright for email, recognizing me as its official inventor, at a time when copyright was the only way to protect software inventions. I did that long before I ever came to MIT.
Revealing that big innovations can occur anytime, anyplace, by anybody. Growing up I saw politicians dividing us by race and religion, in both America and India. To have us fighting each other while they remained safe in their gated communities, and in their playgrounds of Hollywood Martha’s Vineyard and Silicon Valley.
I’m a fighter, I fought racism, and exposed their imperialist wars. Fought for workers and put my life on the line against global corruption. I never wanted to run for political office. All that changed when I saw working Americans, as never before being duped by the establishment, and the not so obvious establishment, across left and right, we were being sold out and made to forget, why we came to America, and why America existed.
Lawyers, academics, billionaires, celebrities and politicians, elites, Clintons, Kennedys, Bidens, Obamas, Bushes, Black and White have hijacked America, they’ve printed trillions for their friends, they’ve delivered crumbling infrastructure, corruption and racism, they’ve transferred trillions to themselves, dividing Black and White, fear mongering and fake science, lockdowns and censorship, dirty air, food and water, pushing drugs upon us, Making us sicker, we’ve been sold out.
One set of rules for them, and another for us. We deserve a warrior with a history of courage, and putting everything on the line for you. Who believes in you, not them. Who has created a movement, bottoms up, for truth, freedom, health. I’ve exposed their lies at the right time, never waiting until it was popular.
I’ve exposed their false gods, who exist to lead you back to them. lockdowns and masking. and provide you solutions to fight them and win, and protect your immune system, saving millions. I expose Fauci, galvanize a fire Fauci campaign, when others remain silent. When they stole our election we sued the government and twitter, in our historic 2020 federal lawsuit, exposing in bare view, the government and big tech censorship infrastructure.
The unholy alliance between government and social media companies. Where was Elon and his grifters? They stood by the sidelines and did nothing. They did not use their megaphones to help us when it could have made a big difference. Now our movement grows for truth, freedom, health. Independent of all of them.
Everyday millions are learning the science of systems. The knowledge the elites do not want you to have. So you may learn how to think, stand up, and fight. Independent of the establishment of left and right and their fake heroes. Now it’s time for you to join the movement to win back America, to win back truth, win back freedom, win back your health.
That’s why I’m running for president of the United States. This race is about you. This race is about truth, freedom, health versus power, profit control. We’ve had enough. They think we’ll fall in line. and vote again for their lawyers, celebrities, billionaires, and chosen ones from above. We choose our heroes from below, from the rank and file, who do what is right at the right time, not when it’s convenient and popular.
They can never represent us. What America needs is a movement by the working people, for the working people, who are educated, organized, decentralized, and fight for independence from their systems of control. And that movement exists. It’s ready for you. We don’t need them. We need us to go bottoms up, neighbor to neighbor.
My journey, your journey, are all the same. It’s our time. It’s time we had one of us. It’s time to win back truth, freedom, health. To win back America. Be part of this historic movement. All the way to our victory on November 5th, 2024. If you’re an American citizen, pledge your vote now for Dr. Shivaya Dure, the independent candidate for U.
S. President. No matter where you live, you can be a part of this. Volunteer as little as 20 minutes a day. Don’t delay. This is Dr. Shivaya Dure and I approve this message. Paid for by Dr. Shiva for president.
All right, everyone get involved. Take action. Don’t sit on your butts all day and watch videos all day. I know you like our videos, but get involved. Shiva for president. com truth. Freedom, health. com be well be the light. And we’re going to leave just with our little video that we do on their outro. We need to build a bottoms up movement.
Go to Shiva for president. com and volunteer.