In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, educates the world on REAL issue that Elon Musk must take head on if he is truly committed to Free Speech on Twitter. This issue is the findings that emerged from Dr. Shiva’s historic lawsuit that uncovered the unholy alliance between government and twitter to censor every American.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- There is an unholy alliance between big tech and big government, which Dr. Shiva was the first to expose in this historic 2020 federal lawsuit against Twitter and the State of Massachusetts as a U.S. Senate Candidate.
- Government has a secret VIP portal with Twitter that allows them to tell Twitter who and what to censor, as admitted in testimony by a witness from the Secretary of State’s office in Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit.
- If Elon Musk acquires Twitter, he must address and shut down the partner support portal if he truly cares about free speech on Twitter.
- If Elon Musk maintains the partner support portal, then any talk from him about supporting free speech is simply another example of the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
There is an unholy alliance between big tech and big government, which Dr. Shiva was the first to expose in this historic 2020 federal lawsuit against Twitter and the State of Massachusetts as a U.S. Senate Candidate.
Back in 2020, our historic lawsuit revealed that it is not Twitter alone that operates by itself when it comes to the violation of free speech. Twitter has an unholy alliance with the government.
The Secretary of State of Massachusetts office admitted to deleting ballot images, which is a violation of United States federal law 52 USC 20701. Dr. Shiva, U.S. Senate federal candidate in the Republican U.S. Senate primary 2020 in Massachusetts, who was running on a write-in campaign, tweeted out this public information to his close to 400,000 Twitter followers.
Immediately after that, he was thrown off Twitter for a viral tweet exposing that the government was violating federal law. The Secretary of State admitted they contacted Twitter, which was the first sign Dr. Shiva’s 1st Amendment Right was violated.
A candidate who is running for office gets thrown off by the opposition violating free speech is not supposed to happen in the United States.
Government has a secret VIP portal with Twitter that allows them to tell Twitter who and what to censor, as admitted in testimony by a witness from the Secretary of State’s office in Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit.
In Dr. Shiva’s federal case, the social media director of the government admitted that the government of MA has a special partnership with Twitter. This special partnership is called a Partner Support Portal. In other words, the government has an actual backdoor to Twitter, which was discovered in his lawsuit on October 30, 2020.
The federal judge was appalled at this grossest violation of the U.S. Constitution. Political speech is the highest form of protection.
Now, Dr. Shiva was running his campaign for the general election, which ended on November 4th, which was the same day that he got put back on Twitter. Dr. Shiva began tweeting again, until on February 1st when he tweeted about the lawsuit, he got thrown back off Twitter.
Although the defendants were issued an order from the federal judge that the Secretary of State and Twitter can no longer communicate with each other, the defendants used the Partner Support Portal to track Dr. Shiva and throw him back off Twitter again.
Two major defendants included Michelle Tassinari, a lawyer who told Dr. Shiva that the ballots were deleted, and Galvin, the Secretary of State. In the first hearing, it was learned that Tassinari contacted Amy Cohen, the head of an organization called NASED. NASED is an organization that has the association of all state directors.
The Government of MA and NASED contacted Twitter.
In May, Dr. Shiva discovered a series of playbooks in which the government of the United States has an unholy alliance with Big Tech. These playbooks were created at Harvard Belfer Institute by Twitter, by the Government of MA representatives and others.
The Harvard Belfer Institute basically serves the U.S. Intelligence community in collusion with many other governments, including the UK Government, Twitter, MA officials, and government officials in the U.S. government.
The authors of The Election Influence Operations Playbook for State and Local Officials included Amy Cohen and Twitter Legal.
The playbooks outline step-by-step how to censor every American if they question election officials. Additionally, it is used to identify influence operators, election influence operators, which means people who can “influence elections.”
They go into detail saying social media platforms are creating more ways for election officials to report false information. They define what is false information and they define false information as anyone who tweets or writes that people who run elections are corrupt.
Dr. Shiva was put on a watch list after he questioned the integrity of the election officials. The Election Influence Part Two, another playbook, goes into detail to prepare, identify and assess, then resolve and continue watching these people. According to the playbooks, someone is identified as high, medium, or low severity.
High severity is someone who will be watched, alertied, and continued to be monitored. Dr. Shiva, MIT PhD, an established voice with lots of volume was labeled as high severity, was watched and digitally and media monitored.
The judge just wanted Dr. Shiva to be put back on Twitter and not expose the government, which gets too dangerous. So, he sealed the lawsuit without holding the government officials liable.
If Elon Musk acquires Twitter, he must address and shut down the partner support portal if he truly cares about free speech on Twitter.
Elon Musk talks about free speech, but his seriousness is to be questioned. Musk gets tons of money, government subsidies, and is involved with his satellites with the U.S. Intelligence Organizations.
If Musk is serious about free speech, the first thing he must do is end the connection between the government and Twitter via the Partner Support Portal.
If Elon Musk maintains the partner support portal, then any talk from him about supporting free speech is simply another example of the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment.
In the middle of Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit, Stamford University published another 300 page report called The Long Fuse Report. In this report, Dr. Shiva, a U.S. Senate candidate, and six others were labeled super spreaders.
According to the Long Fuse report, a super spreader is someone they consider very dangerous to the establishment.
If Elon Musk is serious, the first thing he has to do is break this government partnership with Twitter.

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