In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, provides a detailed analysis of how U.S. Oil & Gas oligarchs are profiting from the Ukraine-Russia War, and that was the plan since 2013. And, why none of this War has anything to do with Democracy or Freedom.
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- Dr. Shiva takes a systems approach to review the plan that was laid out by US Oligarchs back in 2013.
- Condoleezza Rice, former US Secretary of State under US President George W. Bush, and a former director on the board of Chevron, gave a talk in 2013 to Western oil and energy companies about removing Russia as a competitor to European energy dependent on the US Oligarchs.
- US Oligarchs launched a coup in 2014 against the Russian-backed Ukrainian government and installed a NATO-backed Ukrainian government, supported by ultranationalist Neo-Nazi militias which antagonized the Russian-speaking ethnic minorities in the eastern provinces of Ukraine, triggering civil war.
- Western Oligarchs attempted to set up their oil companies in territories which pro-NATO Ukrainian Neo-Nazi forces has cleared out pro-Russian rebels in the east.
- Russia and Putin beat the Western Oligarchs to the punch by launching his special military operation into Ukraine to shore up the pro-Russian rebels’ territory and secure the vital natural resources in the eastern provinces.
- Russian and Ukrainian working people are being used as pawns in this deadly conflict to serve the interests of oil moguls and wealthy oligarchs on both sides.
Dr. Shiva takes a Systems Approach to review the plan that was laid out by US Oligarchs back in 2013.
The working people of the United States, Russia, Ukraine and of Europe, were part of a plan that was laid out by US oligarchs starting back in 2013. People are being kept in the dark, particularly by the US news media, which has no interest in educating anyone on anything.
With a number of videos on Russia and Ukraine. Apply principles with a Systems Approach, so you can go educate people in the community with an analysis. Taking that Systems Approach interconnects this case, history, and the actual data which is out there.
You can look at the data from a number of different ways and see how it interconnects with politics and economics. It’s a multi dimensional approach to look at things and to do that you have to do the research, you have to spend time thinking about it.
The news cycles today, there are no real journalists anymore, no one digs deep anymore, because they didn’t have any interest in telling the truth. What they have an interest in doing is to make sure that all of you are essentially divided either left or right.
Go beyond the perceived issue to find real problems with real solutions by taking that Systems Approach.
Condoleezza Rice, former US Secretary of State under US President George W. Bush, and a former director on the board of Chevron, gave a talk in 2013 to Western oil and energy companies about removing Russia as a competitor to European energy dependent on the US Oligarchs.
Condoleezza Rice gave a talk in 2013, at an organization called the Edison Electric Institute, EEI. Speaking to about 1000 utility executives in the Israel and Bush administration. Condoleezza Rice was also the director on the board of Chevron, one of the largest oil companies in the world and in this talk it lays out the plan of the US oil.
The term oligarchs should be used broadly, not to refer to people in Russia, creating a Russian phobia, because there are oligarchs not only in Russia, but also in the United States, for that matter everywhere.
Condoleezza Rice said in this talk that Russia and Vladimir Putin pose a threat to us oligarchy and interest. She said we want to change the structure of energy dependence in Europe.
We are not representing working people, rather she represents the US oil and gas oligarchs like The Bush family. The goal is to change the structure of energy dependence in Europe, and we want to have pipelines that don’t go to Russia.
For years, we wanted Europe to be interested in pipeline routes.
She attended with the Deputy Minister of Russia and she’s telling him I was once on the board of Chevron, but now, I’m the secretary of state. He is the director of Gazprom, the pipeline that likely US and NATO or Britain MI-6 blew up.
While the Russians are at least being honest that they have this collusion between oligarchs and the government. She has a critique of Vladimir Putin saying he is ahead of the syndicate, but yet she works for the Bushes.
The US has this fictitious division that Condoleezza Rice one day served the oligarchs, and laid out the architecture for the US oligarchs.
Europe is way too dependent on Russian oil, not the working people but here US oil and gas oligarchs must create that dependency from Europe. Condoleezza Rice, a systems person – laid out the architecture that the United States must ensure that it has, that Europe becomes a dependent addict of us oligarchs, oil and gas.
US Oligarchs launched a coup in 2014 against the Russian-backed Ukrainian government and installed a NATO-backed Ukrainian government, supported by ultranationalist Neo-Nazi militias which antagonized the Russian-speaking ethnic minorities in the eastern provinces of Ukraine, triggering civil war.
2013 to today, under Obama, including John McCain, the US Republicans and Democrat oligarchs representing the oligarchs proceeded to have a coup take place in Ukraine to put in a neo Nazi who is backed by the Azov’s Battalion, which is a white supremacist racist group.
Obama, who claims he is against racism yet supported this group that is pro Azov, pro neo Nazi, pro US and an anti Russian guy gets installed in 2014 by the forces of the United States government. When you start a war, put in Neo Nazis so people get pissed off and you start a conflict.
The conflict was created to ensure economic interests, and wasn’t like this conflict just took place, and genocide and people fighting for democracy? This is all the after a narrative, and the reality is this was engineered.
Western Oligarchs attempted to set up their oil companies in territories which pro-NATO Ukrainian Neo-Nazi forces has cleared out pro-Russian rebels in the east.
The EU and the UK have been importing record high volumes of liquefied natural gas this year from the United States. The cut off the gas flow from Russia, to Europe, particularly Germany. Then the United States ships it to Europe.
They’re going to need more equipment to take the liquefied natural gas and make it into gas and it’s going to still cost more. The Financial Times article just came out October 6, and the newest export of liquefied natural gas has signed a deal to increase exports to Germany by an organization called Venture Global.
Germany, which was very dependent on Russia but because the pipeline sabotage took place with Ukraine who has the war and Russia. Russia is not pumping gas to Germany so they will get gas now from the United States, which has become the biggest exporter of liquid natural gas just in 2022.
Venture Global is LNG innovating to provide low cost LNG to the world, but you’d find links to every congressman, left and right of the United States and it all comes back to Condoleezza Rice, as Venture Global announces LNG sales and purchase agreements with Chevron.
The United States is a reserve currency, and the United States is able to do that through war. Because the US currency is no longer tied to broadly what’s going on the United States economy, they can print money, they can do what they want.
It’s not tied to gold, it’s more tied to oil. As long as the US can have massive control of oil and gas exports, and where that essentially controls it. When the currency of the United States in 1970, was cut from gold, it was more associated with the petrodollar.
The US oligarchs have a dominance in oil and gas, in order to preserve that reserve currency status. Which means they can print whatever, create inflation, the US oligarchs can take this printed money, give it to the banks.
Then the banks create artificial inflation on the stock market that affects us working people. Wars have always been the answer for the military industrial academic complex.
Russia and Putin beat the Western Oligarchs to the punch by launching his special military operation into Ukraine to shore up the pro-Russian rebels’ territory and secure the vital natural resources in the eastern provinces.
The eastern part of Ukraine where the US, Shell, Exxon, Chevron, were trying to get the gas reserves, but were out, because Putin got wind of this. That eastern province of Ukraine, is where a significant number of ethnic Russians are who hate the fact of the coup that the United States did and how the oil and gas interests are the ones who profited, who engineered this eight year conflict.
Russian and Ukrainian working people are being used as pawns in this deadly conflict to serve the interests of oil moguls and wealthy oligarchs on both sides.
Congress literally met with the Azov’s Battalion leaders on a delegation visit to beef up their PR campaign. From all the data in front of you, when you do this systems analysis, it is pretty clear US and NATO serve the interests of US oil and gas oligarchs.
They serve that interest, because the US oil and gas industry is the preeminence of that is what ensures the control. Sometimes you have to control the Saudis, that control of that is what ensures that the US can be the reserve currency, which means they can print as much money as they want.
In order to do that. They need war, war is a weaponry of control. 2013 to today, a war was created and it’s hurting the Ukrainian people, it’s hurting the Russian people. The United States is exporting gas to Europe, which means the price is going to go up. Who does that affect?
It affects the American working people. So you’re screwing over the American working people, liquefied natural gas requires more energy to convert back to gas when it hits Europe, and at the end of the day working people are getting screwed. Who’s making all the money? The US oligarchs.

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