August 30, 2022 is the 40th Anniversary of the Invention of Email. On that day on August 30, 1982. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, received the official U.S. Copyright recognizing his 1978 Invention of Email.
In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, and other colleagues from #TruthFreedomHealth have a revolutionary discussion about this invention, how it has changed life on the planet, and the conditions for innovation. Two sites for reference:
Email is a SYSTEM – not the mere exchange of text messages as this discussion will reveal.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, invented the world’s first Email system in the summer of 1978 as a 14-year-old boy working as a research fellow at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (now known as Rutgers Medical School).
- The young Shiva Ayyadurai was challenged by his supervisor, Dr. Leslie P. Michelson, to translate the conventional paper-based interoffice and inter-organizational communication system (i.e., paper-based mail and memoranda) to an electronic communication system.
- 14-year-old Shiva Ayyadurai successfully replicated every feature of the paper-based interoffice mail system (inbox, outbox, to, from, subject, cc, bcc, attachments, etc) by writing 50,000 lines of code in the programming language FORTRAN IV.
- V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai was the first person in the world to successfully replicate the interoffice mail system as a computer program, and he named that program “EMAIL,” a term that never existed before in the English language.
- Dr. Shiva received the first US Copyright for his invention on August 30th, 1982.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, invented the world’s first Email system in the summer of 1978 as a 14-year-old boy working as a research fellow at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
Email was created in a medical school called the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, which is now known as Rutgers Medical school.
A 14 year old dark skinned, lower caste, Indian immigrant prodigy working as a research scholar at the University. The invention of email reflects the spirit that innovation can occur anytime, anyplace by anybody.
The young Shiva Ayyadurai was challenged by his supervisor, Dr. Leslie P. Michelson, to translate the conventional paper-based interoffice and inter-organizational communication system.
The first electronic system replicated to complex and myriad functions of the inter office, inter organizational paper based mail system. This is email inbox, outbox, folders, which he named email.
He was motivated by his desire to create and to do the impossible. His friends and clients he wanted to solve a problem for were the secretaries.
Everyone thought email was impossible. And those who saw the task at hand, he can’t do it. It’s too difficult. You can’t write all this in a small memory zone. Email was invented to digitize this entire inner office, civilian – office communications.
It was invented in a local indigenous ecosystem of a small medical college where a brilliant young boy had committed teachers, a loving family and a dedicated mentor. This is a real triangle, hard working people, teachers, and infrastructure, solve a civilian problem.
14-year-old Shiva Ayyadurai successfully replicated every feature of the paper-based interoffice mail system (inbox, outbox, to, from, subject, cc, bcc, attachments, etc) by writing 50,000 lines of code in the programming language FORTRAN IV.
Young Shiva Ayyadurai was surrounded by secretaries during his fellowship. This medical environment was where he observed the interoffice mail system used by those secretaries, whose bosses were doctors, surgeons, researchers.
The doctor would typically go to their secretary and dictate to them to have them create memos. These doctors would go to their desk to talk, or they would use old little tape recorders and the secretaries would write up the memo.
Sometimes there was an attachment. Sometimes there were carbon copies and if that interoffice memo needed to go to 10 people they would need 10 copies.
Xerox machines hadn’t fully come out yet. This was a very arduous process for the secretaries and they would be there all night copying and retyping.
So between 1978, when Dr.Shiva created email to 1993, email was still an inter Office application. It was used by businesses.
Email consists of inbox, outbox, to, from, subject, cc, bcc, attachments, etc. In those old days, we did it on the mainframes where you get a bunch of computers and you wire them together. And then you ran the email application on those computers.
In email, you have that very particular thing, which was mimicking the interoffice mail system in the office. And email was for the business environment. Email was originally used in the inter office environment, you do not need the internet for email.
This can be found at the Smithsonian now. You can see all the facts about the first email system, we have all the code here, the main subroutine. This was how you handle groups, or you put users in groups, displaying groups.
This is all the actual code adding users, deleting users, we called the postmaster function, forwarding redistribution, inbox, scanning and email, reading and mail to, from, subject, all the code to create every feature.
He had to write this in eight kilobytes of memory. written in a language called Fortran, which was really designed for mathematics.
V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai was the first person in the world to successfully replicate the interoffice mail system as a computer program, and he named that program “EMAIL,” a term that never existed before in the English language.
The interoffice mail system had about 100 features, the inbox, the outbox folders, they had to have a very specific format To:, From:, Subject, they wanted a line. But you have to be able to attach an attachment.
If he wasn’t able to replicate this electronically and it didn’t have all of their 100 features, they weren’t going to switch from the paper to the electronic version. And they made that very clear to him.
Dr. Shiva received the first US Copyright for his invention on August 30th, 1982.
In 1978, is when Shiva Ayyadurai created the Email system. But he didn’t get official recognition. Fortunately he did copyright it 4 years later. He was a young 14 year old and did not understand the law or the magnitude of his invention at the time.
Copyright was the only vehicle to protect software inventions, there was no way you could patent software. The legislators in Congress didn’t even understand what software was.
They thought it was like printed paper, like writing a script. It was only in 1994 that the Supreme Court ruled that software was a digital machine, then you could apply for patents. But he followed the rules, and wrote the code, called it email, and has the first US copyright.
Noam Chomsky, one of the leading linguists of the world, said, email was invented by a 14 year old kid.

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