In this discussion, Dr. SHIVA reveals that the Intercept’s “breaking” story being parroted by Internet Grifters is nothing but old news, which Internet Grifters CHOSE NOT TO COVER IN 2020, and has been up on Dr. Shiva’s website for over TWO YEARS at Dr. SHIVA exposed in his landmark 2020 Federal Lawsuit and personally informed Fox News Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept of his findings. They chose to do nothing. Dr. Shiva is perplexed at the sudden interest now. Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit discovered in detail the entire Censorship Infrastructure created by the DHS and other government agencies in collusion with Big Tech such as Twitter, and Facebook, etc. Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit provides the entire DETAILED censorship architecture, beyond just DHS. Moreover, he also exposed that among others, the Intercept’s Funder, and Founder FUNDED the SAME censorship architecture that Intercept now “bravely” exposes. Is this and ad campaign for Intercept to win a Pulitzer while its founder continues support for the same censorship infrastructure.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
- A bogus breakthrough story about the DHS leaks is emerging that says the government and big tech companies have been working together via a portal that was already discovered in Dr. Shiva’s historic, federal lawsuit in September 2020.
- People are misled to think the grifters are the source of truth when they are the source of disinformation and silence when information should be coming out.
- The grifters are giving The Intercept false credit that they are breaking the story of government and big tech collusion for views and for you to not have the opportunity to have real leadership.
- As a scientist, Dr. Shiva discovered that government malfeasance occurred during his run for United States Senate in the Republican Primary when the Republicans, not the Democrats, stole his election.
- The government contacted big tech to throw off a U.S Senate candidate, the first time that had ever been discovered in U.S world history.
- Dr. Shiva reviews the elements of his lawsuit that uncovered the entire government censorship infrastructure.
- The Intercept’s founder, eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar, who created this censorship infrastructure, is the NSOE and is now trying to get all the credit for what Dr. Shiva exposed in his historic lawsuit two years ago.
- Dr. Shiva discovered the playbooks, which is the infrastructure to how the government defines influence operators and gives the exact process of how to surveil people if you are on the internet and can influence people.
- Dr. Shiva’s case exposed the government censorship infrastructure in which the government uses a nonprofit Partner Support Portal to contact Twitter and surveil and silence private citizens who critique them.
- It is time that the real fighters build a movement and become educated on the intersection between Truth Freedom Health®.
A bogus breakthrough story about the DHS leaks is emerging that says the government and big tech companies have been working together via a portal that was already discovered in Dr. Shiva’s historic, federal lawsuit in September 2020.
An organization called the Intercept “exposes” this government and big tech alliance to get “credit” and try to stay ahead of the story. The reality is that two years ago Dr. Shiva exposed the domestic censorship infrastructure in his historic, federal lawsuit.
It was Dr. Shiva’s federal lawsuit in September 2020 that discovered this link. Grifters including Tucker Carlson, Tim Poole, and Joe Rogan who were absolutely silent in 2020 are covering it now.
This is not a breakthrough as the Intercept, a newspaper which frames itself as some investigative organization, put out. It was discovered in Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit that it was the Intercept’s founder, billionaire Pierre Omidyar, who funded the censorship network.
People are misled to think the grifters are the source of truth when they are the source of disinformation and silence when information should be coming out.
News breaks out that the Intercept has found DHS leaks documents after the fact Dr. Shiva discovered the portal between government and Big Tech. It seems that it is government tech since the infrastructure is directed by the government.
If Tucker Carlson had told the truth when Dr. Shiva was in the middle of his lawsuit, it would have had a huge effect for the entire world and change the course of history.
Pierre Omidyar, a billionaire who funds the Intercept also funded the Center for Internet Security, which actually created the gateway for censorship to literally steal and hijack the credit.
The grifters are giving the Intercept false credit that they are breaking the story of government and big tech collusion for views and for you to not have the opportunity to have real leadership.
Tucker Carlson does not tell the truth when it needs to be said. Carlson and Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept knew that Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit was taking place in October 2020, which discovered that government and big tech are in an unholy alliance as what was found in the infrastructure.
The grifters are misleaders who do not fight against the establishment and do not do what needs to be done at the right time for various reasons. They try to take credit for it, try to conceal and steal from people like Dr. Shiva who worked tremendously hard.
As a scientist, Dr. Shiva discovered that government malfeasance occurred during his run for United States Senate in the Republican Primary when the Republicans, not the Democrats, stole his election.
In 2020, Dr. Shiva was a federal candidate who ran for the United States Senate in the Republican primary.
On September 1, 2020, the election was taken from him by Republicans and by the Massachusetts GOP. It was found that Dr. Shiva won in the county with all hand counted paper ballots. Every other county with machines to vote he lost 60-40.
In the middle of the Republican primary it was a Republican establishment, which screwed with his campaign and stole his election.
Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit uncovered the domestic censorship infrastructure. The person who funded that censorship infrastructure is the founder of the Intercept, billionaire Pierre Omidyar. He wanted to get ahead of the story.
The government contacted big tech to throw off a U.S Senate candidate, the first time that had ever been discovered in U.S world history.
On September 25, 2020, Dr. Shiva was permanently thrown off Twitter after exposing the government’s malfeasance in the middle of his federal election campaign.
In the middle of his federal election campaign during the primary election, Dr. Shiva was permanently thrown off Twitter because he exposed the fact that the government had destroyed ballot images.
The government contacted Twitter to silence a political candidate. The First Amendment was created to protect the highest form of free speech, political speech.
This was why on October 30, 2020, Dr. Shiva went to court representing himself and won because he showed in courtroom testimony that all of these people knew that the government had created a technology infrastructure with Big Tech.
Dr Shiva uncovered the entire government censorship infrastructure, which included Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
Dr. Shiva reviews the elements of his lawsuit that uncovered the entire government censorship infrastructure.
For years we were told Twitter acts on its own as a private company. You cannot question their decisions following the deplatforming of Dr. Shiva.
The federal court hearings elicited the government and Twitter have created an infrastructure for the government to launder censorship through Twitter.
The judge declared this case is one of the substantial concepts of substantial constitutional consequences, and a lawsuit that will likely become “a law school exam in constitutional law.”
Dr. Shiva was one of the top six individuals who had been identified in the Long Fuse Report as an influence operator, per the playbooks created by the defendants at Harvard’s Belfer Center. He was also under 24/7 surveillance by teams working four hour shifts using an infrastructure of technology and relationships.
The defendants in this case were architects of this infrastructure who censor speech by surveilling, blacklisting, and silencing U.S citizens domestically violating the First Amendment.
The Intercept’s founder, eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar, who created this censorship infrastructure, is the NSOE who is now trying to get all the credit for what Dr. Shiva exposed in his historic lawsuit two years ago.
Omidyar created the news organization called the Intercept to supposedly do investigative journalism. The Intercept is now trying to say they are breaking news about the government and big tech alliance, which Dr. Shiva already did two years ago in 2020. It is now 2022.
Omidyar put Glenn Greenwald there who knew about Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit and did nothing.
The Not-So-Obvious-Establishment knows the crime is taking place, was part of the crime, then they later tell how the crime takes place to try to get credit to try to make you think they are the leaders when they are the misleaders.
Dr. Shiva put a Facebook post to Elon Musk, who talks about free speech, that if he is serious about free speech, then he must destroy that infrastructure and put him back on Twitter. Crickets so far.
Dr. Shiva discovered the playbooks, which is the infrastructure to how the government defines influence operators and gives the exact process of how to surveil people if you are on the internet and can influence people.
Dr. Shiva discovered the Election Influence Operator Playbook, which is a detailed, step-by-step manual for how the government will censor every American who questions the government.
This manual was created at Harvard Belfer Center and funded by the Democracy Fund. The Democracy Fund is funded by Pierre Omidyar, funded by and written by the government, and written by Twitter.
The Center for Internet Security was funded by Omidyar, the founder of the Intercept, which is now talking about exposing the censorship infrastructure.
In this playbook, they describe under what condition that you will decide who is a threat to the government.
They are defining what are ‘influence operators’ and go into gross detail defining people who are on the internet who may influence public opinion in a way that does not support the government.
The second playbook is called The Election Influence Operations Playbook, Part 2. This tells the exact process of how you surveil people. It is called the “Four Stages of Countering Election Influence Operations,” which essentially means how you identify someone who is a potential threat.
Dr. Shiva’s case exposed the government censorship infrastructure in which the government uses a nonprofit Partner Support Portal to contact Twitter and surveil and silence private citizens who critique them.
The Election Influence Operations Playbook, Part 2 details a portal called a Partner Support Portal. This is how the government can reach Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube and decide if someone is a threat by looking at key words they are posting.
They define who has an established voice, who is sharing the “disinformation,” and decide if they are high, medium, or low. Then, it tells who to report to.
According to the playbook, Dr. Shiva was considered a high severity threat with 400,000 followers and 40,000 retweets. First, he was thrown off and then continued to monitor him.
Anytime Dr. Shiva would share the facts and critique the government, he was thrown off again. Finally, he was permanently banned. It was the government who used this portal to communicate with them.
The Long Fuse Report was also discovered in the middle of Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit, which details who are threats. The Democracy Fund funded this. According to the government, Dr. Shiva is a superspreader of “disinformation” along with James O’Keefe and Gateway Pundit.
The government can use the Department of Homeland Security to complain through a non government agency, the PSP, which was created and funded by Omidyar, the founder of the Intercept.
Those involved in architecting this censorship infrastructure are government state and local officials at CISA Homeland Security the state, the Global Engagement Center, the people at Microsoft, the Kennedy School, the people at AP, the Brennan Center.
This architecture was used against Dr. Shiva, U.S. Senate candidate. All of this was presented in the courtroom. Tucker Carlson and all of these people were made aware of this two years ago. Now two years later, Carlson is talking about this as breaking news.
CISA was put into place by Donald J. Trump when he signed it into law.
It is time that the real fighters build a movement and become educated on the intersection between Truth Freedom Health®.
The media does not give the real fighters a megaphone. Instead, they suppress and silence the real fighters because they are afraid the truth will come out. They are merely entertainers and imbeciles and not part of change. Rather, they are a part of the establishment.
Recognize who the real leaders are out there doing the work bottoms up. Recognize that it is time to build a movement. Go to to join as a Warrior-Scholar.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a Systems Approach to get the Truth Freedom Health® you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems™ course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems™ Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health®, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System® tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health® Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
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