An article on lifespa.com says:
“Do you feel like your life is a struggle? Do you crave sweets, caffeine, chips, bread or a nap in the afternoon? Do you finish your day feeling like you were hit by a moped, a car, or even a bus? Do you wake up tired without the motivation to get up and go?
While there may be many reasons for these concerns, one very simple solution may be that you are living out of sync with the natural cycles.
According to researcher Frank Scheer from Harvard Medical School, every cell of the body has an internal clock that regulates the body’s metabolism. According to Ayurveda, these internal clocks are linked to the rhythms of nature.
It is really quite simple. Connect your cellular clocks (we have about 100 trillion of them) with the natural ebb and flow of nature’s cycles, and you live a life of balance and vitality. When we ignore these cycles of nature, we disturb our inner clocks, and thus life becomes a struggle.
Learn how to make some very simple shifts in your lifestyle to feel the rejuvenative power of being swept downstream with nature’s current.” (Ref: http://lifespa.com/live-with-the-cycles/)
You can understand more about circadian rhythm by enrolling for Systems Health.
Systems Health®, an educational academy created by Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, aims to provide the scientific foundation to realize that the first systems biology existed nearly 5,000 years ago, and by appreciating this knowledge one can confidently embrace and integrate knowledge across both systems of medicine: ancient and modern into their practices.
Systems Health offers an intensive 1-Day Workshop that reveals an epic breakthrough from an MIT-Trained systems scientist that provides the science of achieving Truth, Freedom, Health, and ANY GOAL in Life. This science underlies the universal principles of any system in the universe and was discovered on the scientific journey to discover the foundation of Eastern and Indigenous systems of medicine.

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