Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Real vs. Fake Racism with Young Pharaoh
In this video, Dr.SHIVA and Young Pharaoh discuss Real vs. Fake Racism, and how the "liberal" elites purposefully confuse the masses to mislead them to enslavement to the Deep State.buy p-force online https://nouvita.co.uk/wp-content/languages/en/p-force.html no prescription https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PmfDE-C55k
In this video, Dr.SHIVA discusses how we REOPEN MASSACHUSETTS on behalf of the working people, with Jennifer Buckley, member of REOPEN MA! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdx0tgpRGXI
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Beyond Left & Right. Racism to CoronaVirus.
In this interview with Elijah Christian TV in St. Lucia, Dr.SHIVA discusses how WE THE PEOPLE get the REAL SOLUTIONS we deserve by going Beyond Left and Right on Racism to CoronaVirus.buy vardenafil free viagra online https://healthcoachmichelle.com/wp-content/languages/en/vardenafil-free-viagra.html no prescription https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jO4KCqMVvL8
Dr.SHIVA Meets with a Green Beret Medic who Served America for 25 Years
Dr.SHIVA speaks with a Green Beret Medic who served America for 25 years who gives us some wise advice: No Masks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZennTtAwea8
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: REAL Racism – the Ultimate Weapon of the DeepState Against US
In this video, Dr.SHIVA discusses REAL Racism - what it is - from a SYSTEMS and a PERSONAL perspective to raise the discourse to understanding how the DeepState uses it to DIVIDE US. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsP1ufJJuek
Dr.SHIVA Interviewed by John and Irina Mappin
In this video, Dr.SHIVA is interviewed by John and Irina Mappin from Castle Camelot in UK. Dr.SHIVA discusses the Deep State and how they push mandated medicine and a top down approach on people versus an approach where the immune…
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: WHY the Deep State Created the CoronaVirus Scam
In this video, Dr.SHIVA shares how the Deep State has created a scam around the CoronaVirus and discusses Real Economy versus the Fake Economy facilitated by the Deep State. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY0B2FgrqnQ
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Memorial Day Celebration of Freedom from Sacramento to Boston!
In this video, Dr.SHIVA connects with chiropractors fighting for freedom in Sacramento at California State Capitol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dayT9lI4CtI
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: REAL Americans Ep.2
In this video, Dr.SHIVA speaks with Kyle Woolf and takes questions from entrepreneurs in Massachusetts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJXzhL2-Z8c