Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Ending The Cycle of Abuse, Abandonment, & Alienation
In this presentation, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Candidate for President of the United States, exposes how the SWARM engineers Abuse, Abandonment & Alienation to keep YOU trapped. Dr.SHIVA reveals how the obsession with money, fake “love,” and systemic control enslaves you in a cycle of dependency and betrayal. People stay in toxic personal and political relationships, stuck in false hope—only to be abandoned again. This cycle is by design, keeping YOU from the only real solution—building true connections and a BOTTOMS-UP MOVEMENT to break free. The ONLY way out? STOP looking to false leaders. You must learn to SAVE YOURSELF. Full Blog Post: https://vashiva.com/dr-shiva-live-ending-the-cycle-of-abuse-abandonment-alienation/