Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai provides a critical scientific analysis of the reductionist approach to immunity which focuses on antibodies and ignores the Interferon System – the missing link in the Immune System
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – presents expositions on the outdated version of Immunity and Modern Systems Biology Analysis.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and models molecular pathways architecture, so we can see exactly what we know about the modern immune system today.
- Antibodies may not live exist in all cells but interferons exist in every cell of your body, we have about 300 different types of cells and interferons exist in every cell.
- Vaccines do not activate the IFN System, the IFN System is needed for a robust immune system and IFN deficiency leads to weakened immune systems against pathogens.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Good evening, everyone. It’s Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. We just had a big meeting with our Truth Freedom Health Warrior group. We’re focusing on really galvanizing people across the country now to start taking action in educating people on what’s really going on with the electronic voting machines, and really helping teaching people that the concept of ‘One Person, One Vote’ is in question right now as long as we have these electronic voting machines. But today, we’re going to focus on Biology. And we’re going to focus on educating people from a Systems Approach to look Beyond the Antibodies. I’ve given a couple of talks about this over the last week or so. But I think it’s time that we really deepen our learning and educate a lot of you. You’re going to learn today of the many things that can really happen and I’m going to give you my goal today, is to give you guys a systems understanding. So I have to tell you, what you learn on our platform here is something that you can’t actually get in many of the major scientific institutions because they take a reductionist approach, most of Biology still is very reductionist. Which means they don’t look at the whole and you’re gonna see that right here. As we discussed the immune system and we go Beyond Antibodies Okay, and we’re gonna you’re gonna learn a ton here, this is going to be a very valuable talk. You can go review it. You can have conversations with your friends. So, I’m going to give you a bunch of knowledge here, a simple way to put it, and it’s going to be a Systems Approach to understanding but many of you have probably heard of what antibodies are okay? And if you don’t know what antibodies are, very briefly, actually, let me bring up the talk today. So the title of the talk today is Beyond Antibodies, a Systems View of Immunity. So just look at that title for a second. It’s Beyond Antibodies. I’m going to take a Systems View of Immunity.
In the background, you’re going to learn this diagram. It’s really the interferon system, and a whole host of things, you see viral infection taking place, we’ll get to that. And we’re going to do a CytoSolve Molecular Systems Biology analysis. That’s what we’re going to do today. We’re going to take a Systems View of Immunity. And the System’s View of Immunity is going to help you understand at a very deep level, the flaws in the reductionist way that we look at immunity. you’re going to learn what is a systems view, you’re going to learn? What is reductionism? You’re going to learn Biology of how transcription takes place, translations take place, etc. but we’re going to take a Systems View. So before I start, I have a sketchpad here. I want to educate all of you on a couple of basic concepts. One of the basic concepts I’m going to educate you on right off the bat, and then we’re going to go through everything is really to understand what happens at the DNA level of what we know today, of how transcription and translation take place. I’ve discussed this before, but we’ll help you understand. And then we’re going to talk about, I’m going to do some drawings for you to help you understand how the Immune System from the very limited reductionist view works. And then we’re gonna also talk about based on that reductionist view, how they built the mRNA vaccine. So you’re gonna understand all those things. And I’m going to do that with a bunch of drawings, I’ll do that first. We’ll cover that again. But sometimes this stuff is very new for some. So it’s good to cover it a couple of times.
We can go over some of the basics here. So we’re going to do Beyond Antibodies and a Systems View of Immunity. Let’s look at a System’s View of Immunity. By the way, those of you who want to support all the research, we do all the education, you can go to vashiva.com, I’ll come back to that. But we are really building a scientific educational community activist platform for Truth Freedom Health. That’s vashiva.com if you go to the website, you’ll see a whole number of things that I’ve enjoyed doing. And still do. We actually recently built the Clean Food Certification standard. Obviously, many of you know, I invented the first Email system, and we’ll talk about that, and I ran for US Senate. And that senate run is where we developed the foundations of creating a whole new way of looking at the world, which is really the System’s Approach to politics, Truth Freedom Health. So we’ll come back to that. But you can go check that out at vashiva.com.
Today, we’re going to cover the Science of Systems. We’re going to cover what are antibodies? What is the immune response to an infection, you’re going to understand what is Systems Biology, you’re gonna understand how vaccines work. So a lot of you have asked me Hey, Dr. SHIVA, can you explain to us how a vaccine works? So I’m going to actually explain that to you today. How do vaccines work, all the things in it, you’re going to, again, as I mentioned, get hit with a ton of knowledge today. The next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to talk about the CytoSolve technology system that I built. How that helps us analyze and get to the scientific source of truth. Then we’re going to look at the interferon system, which we looked at today, but we’re going to come at it in this context with some new information. Then we’re going to end with the Synergy Principle and then summarize.
Okay, so what are you gonna learn today? Okay, always get to know what you’re going to learn and why you’re here. What we’re going to learn today is something that’s really about four things. First, you’re going to learn the hype about antibodies, and you’re gonna realize that science has put so much hype about antibodies, the same hype they’ve done about co2. And that’s what unfortunately happens with academia today, because based on where their funding comes, they put their attention. So there’s a lot of hype about co2 is the main issue, right? And we don’t talk about pollution in the larger system of the climate. Same with at the biological level. The hype is about antibodies. And the first thing you’re going to learn is, why is this a hype? The second thing here to learn is, how does the immune system respond to an infection? How do vaccines lead to antibody production? Okay, and the importance of the interferon system and why we must go Beyond Antibodies.
So let’s begin by discussing the Science of Systems. Okay. And before I, you know, go into this a little bit, some of you who are new may not know, my background, I was essentially thrust into understanding the Science of Systems because of the sort of wildly diverse world worlds I grew up in and having to figure out how to modulate across these different realms. But you know, on a personal note, I grew up as a kid before I was the age of seven, in Bombay, in India, but I also grew up in two different worlds. And not only was the city but I also grew up in this world of a deep South Indian village. And these are some of the scenes of it. My grandparents were village farmers, there’s a picture of my grandmother in our Sunday best. And she practiced a traditional system of medicine. She didn’t know anything about genes or proteins, or she had tattoos all over her arms. And she was a village healer, but she could observe your face, and she could predict what was going on inside your body. It’s a Traditional System of Indian Medicine, called Samudrika Lakshanam. That’s the art of face reading. But it also goes back to the Siddha system of medicine, which goes back around 20- 30,000 years. So I was exposed, fortunately, to this fascinating, diverse world as a kid. But I was also exposed to this healing system that profoundly had a deep impact on me, because it motivated me to want to understand how this woman who had no degrees could help so many people. So my grandmother on weekends, who would observe people’s faces she could figure out what their system was undergoing. And then she would figure out particular formulations, particular massage, particular combinations of foods for them, right? Or herbs. It wasn’t a one size fits all medicine was highly, highly personalized. So, that environment compelled me to really want to learn medicine. When my parents came to the United States here when I was seven years old. I worked very hard. By the time I was 14 years old, I started doing medical research at what is now known as Rutgers medical school, full time Research Fellow and I was looking at babies’ sleep patterns, really understanding the system of sleep relevant to babies, and published papers on this. And then while I was working that medical school records medical school doing medical research was also asked to convert the old fashioned interoffice mail system. Some of you may know this the inbox, the outbox of folders, the memo, the blind carbon copy into its electronic form, you know, the Secretary would write this on our on her desk was the inbox, outbox, folders, you see these paper clips, she would write this memo, put it in this envelope, and then this would get shot around all the different offices. And this was the, quote unquote, Email before Email, I was asked to convert this entire system to the electronic version, it had never been done before. We’re not talking about a simple exchange of text messages. And I call this system Email. And it was a system. And this is in the Smithsonian now. And there’s pictures of me, almost 40 years ago now. And not only did I create the system, named Email, but also got the first US copyright. But the most important thing is I learned about systems. And by the way, 33 years later, in 2012, my dear Mom was dying, she had saved all these materials in a beautiful suitcase. And then finally, the story came out that it wasn’t a military invented Email. It was a 14 year old boy in Newark, New Jersey. But that entire system of innovation was made possible by this other system of innovation, freedom and infrastructure, meaning I was given tremendous freedom, you know, I was very responsible, also, I was given infrastructure.
And then I was also given in that environment, the opportunity to innovate. And that took me over to MIT in 1981, and I was deeply interested in medicine. And unfortunately, what I found out was that Western medicine looked at the body as a bunch of parts. So if you went to a doctor, he didn’t look at your whole body. He looked at your body, in a dissected way. So if you have a headache, you may get sent to a neurologist, you may get sent to an endocrinologist, you may get sent to a psychiatrist. The general practitioner wasn’t taught the science of looking at the body as a system. Alright, very important. But Western medicine was extremely good at if you God forbid, something happened to you, you know, in some terrible accident it was good at putting you back together. So I went in and out of MIT always wanting to do medicine, very, very disappointed that there was not a Systems Approach, I did back and forth three degrees in engineering, master’s, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering design. And in 2003, something profound happened, I came back to MIT, and I’ll talk about that, because a new field opened up called Systems Biology. And the reason that field came was because the Human Genome Project research in 2003, had just ended. And what we found was that we don’t have the same number of genes as a worm. We thought when the Human Genome Project started, that a worm we knew has about 20,000 genes, and the supposition was, we must have more genes, because we’re more complicated. Well, what ends up happening is by 2003, turns out we have the same number of genes. So this completely revolutionized Biology. Because up until then, the entire focus of Biology was called the central dogma theory. If you have a yes, someone made this very good pop comment. Yes, Dravidians have a very extensive experience of practicing medical medicine healing, goes back over 10,000 years, Jesus Christ studied healing and medicine while he visited there. Yep. It’s a whole history we can study. Thank you for sharing that. But anyway, in 2003, medicine realized that they had made a big flaw. And that flaw was just because you have this gene, doesn’t mean you’re going to get this disease. Because if we have the same number of genes as a worm, should we be a worm? No. And the reason is, because genes are not who we are. Genes create proteins, proteins, create molecular functions. And that’s who defines what we are. So in 2003, I came back to MIT to do my PhD in a field called Systems Biology. And I want you to look at this. This is a way the biologist looks at the world genes, and mRNA, and proteins, and metabolites and metabolic pathways and functional modules and large scale organization. You can see that diagram, that’s the way we were taught biological engineering Bottoms-up.
So as a part of that, let me just take a quick aside, and I want to teach you some very basic biology, I want to teach you what transcription is. What is translation? And you’re going to value that using this focus here. Okay, so let’s talk about very quickly, what is DNA? What is a concept called transcription, what is translation? And understanding this will give you an idea of some very, very basic ideas of what is mRNA? What is DNA, what is a protein, what are peptides, etc. and this will give you a deeper understanding. So, and if you want to draw along, please have a paper and pen, and you can draw along. I’m going to draw for you now, this Okay, so I have my sketch pad here. So I’m going to draw a couple of things here. So imagine this white whiteboard here represents the heat represents a cell, okay, we’re not going to draw all of it. But over here, I’m going to draw, let’s say right over here, let’s assume you have the cell and it goes like this. And this is what we’re going to call this is the nucleus, okay? This is a nucleus of the cell. All right, over here, right around here. This is going to be the cytoplasm. This is the innards of the cell. And over here, this is the cell wall. And this is the outside, we’re over here, this the outside of the cell, okay. But this cell membrane typically has some thickness to it, okay? And this is a nuclear membrane, and can put some thickness around that. So we have the cell here that we’re looking at. Now, I’m going to talk about the first step we’re going to talk about is something called transcription, okay. Transcription. What is transcription? Okay? Transcription is so in the nucleus. You have your chromosomes and you have something called DNA you may have seen, it looks like this right? And DNA is a helix. And it’s got all these base sequences. These are base pairs, and I’ll explain what these are. So this is your DNA, a sequence of DNA, which is a sequence of these base pairs is a gene. And genes, according to the traditional definition, will code for a particular protein. And how do they do that? That coding process takes place first through transcription, where you have a piece of DNA that will code for genes, let’s say it’s a gene for blue eyes, right, you have to create the protein for blue eyes. So what happens is this piece of the DNA right here, when it undergoes transcription, will literally open up like this, or open it up like this. So this little piece of DNA opens up like this. So right here, it opens up here. And what we then have is the DNA sequences, which I’m going to do here, open up, so this is the right side of the gene sequence. And here’s the other side, okay. And these matches are called complementary pairs. So mRNA, messenger RNA, I’m going to put in, let’s say, red here, is a replica of this genome sequence, it’s the other half. So it really literally copies the other half. Like this. Okay. And this is mRNA. So this occurs during transcription, okay. And this mRNA sequence leaves the nucleus, and this is mRNA. So now you have this piece of mRNA, which has been translated, what does that mRNA have this mRNA to be clear, carries the sequence of DNA, because you have the other half. And once you have one half, you can replicate the other half. That’s how it works. Okay. So, the transcription process, I’m sorry, involves because you’re literally transcribing, right? Like if you were to read something out, so you’re transcribing. So it’s literally transcribing the genome sequence. And now you get a piece of the RNA over here. Let’s put it over here, which is which is left out of the cell, right? So it’s now out in the cytoplasm. So this is that mRNA. And what this mRNA now does, it needs to go replicate, it needs to go produce a protein. So what it does that it goes find something called a ribosome. Okay. So the ribosome, put it over here, is sitting over here, minding its own business, you may say, and so let’s put the ribosome here. And it’s got some stuff here, and this mRNA comes to it. It comes right here. And the mRNA sequence literally feeds into it like a ticker tape, okay. And it’s as it’s feeding into it, it’s got this sequence of genomes that are being read by the ribosome. So this is what’s known as a ribosome. And again, that’s in the cytoplasm, it’s your cellular, which is quite amazing. And with it, as it reads a sequence, it starts putting together what are known as polypeptides, okay. And these polypeptides start coming out. And these are essentially creating the protein sequence dictated by that DNA. So this is what we call the protein sequence, okay? This is the protein right here, polypeptide, basically, protein polypeptide that gets generated. This is literally the protein and this protein, maybe something that defines eye color, right? This could be the protein for the colour of your eyes. This process right here, that we’re looking at right here is called translation. Okay, so there you go. So you’ve just learned some very basic, and this protein, can leave the cell. This protein can leave the cell and it can go interact with other things, the protein potentially can be a regulatory thing. And then may go turn off other things, right? So it’s very complicated. But let’s say this is a protein for eye color. Okay? What you see here is that you’ve just learned some very basic body of the DNA, which during transcription opens up, okay? And it creates mRNA, which is literally the blueprint for creating a protein. And that’s what we do. Okay. So this is what you want to know about mRNA. mRNA is a piece, the half a piece of the DNA, defining the gene that can code for a particular protein. Alright, I’ll come back to how mRNA works. But I wanted to give you this background, because with this background, you now are armed very soon to understand how mRNA works and how the messenger RNA vaccine that was created actually worked. This is Gene transcription. So it’s important to understand some of this basic biology because it’ll help you appreciate when we talk about mRNA. And how that works. So by the way, if you were drawing that at home, you could have a quick idea and how to do this.

Science of Systems
And so as I was sharing, you know, the world of MIT taught me all of this, but I had also studied another system of medicine, called the traditional system of Indian medicine, which dates back 10, 20 30,000 years ago from South India, which where you looked at the body not like genes and proteins and what I just drew, but it was a different view, you looked at it with Chakras, having tissues and Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Vata, Pitta, Kapha, were a way to figure out the body constitution of your body. Which then was made up of Space, Fire, Air, Water and Earth, which is made up of energies and so on. Anyway, the reason I share this is two very different systems, right? So think about what I just explained to you, putting my MIT Systems Biologist hat on, and then what I just shared with you on the other side. The MIT folks would look at that and say, What the hell Shiva talking about? Sounds crazy, Vata, Pitta, Kapha how can you understand anything? And those people over here? Like, my grandmother would look at Western medicine and say, what are these guys doing? They don’t even understand anything about the body. So, in 2007, after I finished my PhD, I had an opportunity to go back to India, because I was fortunate to get the opportunity of a Fulbright research grant. And that grant, you know, appeared on the front page of MIT. And it was interesting because they said East meets West, armed with 4 MIT degrees Shiva Ayyadurai embarks on a new adventure. And this is a full page story talking about me as a Fulbright Scholar that I was going back to India with 4 degrees to study Indian medicine. And they found it quite fascinating. What I discovered in that journey, in that system’s journey, was that everything in the universe which I’d learned at MIT engineering perspective, was based on transport of energy, information and matter, conversion of energy, information matter and storage. These three phenomena I discovered, the discovery I made was when I looked at the Indian system of medicine, which also looked at the world in a different way. It said, there’s the forces of Vata, the forces of Pitta and Kapha. Vata had to do with movement, Pitta was like your digestion. Kapha was like your structural aspects of your body. So they had a whole way of looking at the body. So when my grandmother, for example, looked at your body, she was trying to characterize you, are you a Vata body type or are you a Pitta? Or are you a Kapha? Do you have good digestion you’re a Pitta, if you move fast, talk fast, that’s a Vata. Someone who’s sort of slow moving, but is much more grounded, would be the Kapha type. So they had a way of looking at the world. But what I came to discover was that entire system of Indian medicine, I had, in fact, found a way to integrate East and West. Transport was Vata, the conversion was Pitta, and storage is Kapha. This was a major discovery, which I came back and I published in an Engineering Systems journal about the fact that I discovered this translation. And this would literally become a very important gateway for East and West. And then I published this in the System of System, systems engineering, which is an engineering journal because I knew that MDS wouldn’t get it, etc. And then after I came back, I wrote a book called System and Revolution. And the purpose of this book was to educate people about the system’s nature of everything in the universe. and that I had discovered a science that interconnected stuff at the macro level interconnected East and West and in fact it bridged what I’d learned at MIT and Control Systems Engineering to what I had seen how my grandmother practiced. So System and Revolution also defined what is a revolution, what is a system and I wrote it in such a way that I wanted to take the 40-50 years of MIT or my pre MIT training and distil it in a way that every one of you the books up there in the back you can see it’s called ‘System and Revolution’ that all of you could understand at a very fundamental way what is a system and what is revolution. Then in addition to that because I knew many of you didn’t have a grandmother potentially like I did, you have I’m sure very lovely grandparents. But not someone who knew Siddha & Ayurveda things like that. So, I also created a tool using these principles called right up here ‘Your Body, Your System’ which basically was about being happy to be you from a systems perspective recognizing that you are a unique system that needs particular inputs food supplements you need different exercises and that you can use this tool to find the unique you know the unique you and what’s right for you using that Systems Approach of transport conversion and storage okay so here we are happy and you can go to ‘Your Body, Your System’ that you answer a set of questions and it calculates for you just like my grandmother would what kind of body system where you are then it figures out what the block that how you deviated from who you are and then it figures out and by the way this is where you are today two different sets of questions one is you know sort of what is your quote unquote constitution this is where you are today and then it could prescribe not foods and medicine if I want to I don’t use word prescribe but it could educate you on how the body is a system right this is not a medical healing show it’s none of that but it taught you that how different foods affect your transport conversion storage and how exercise and this could bring you back to you so this was really a very powerful tool that allowed you to understand systems and use your own body as a system and this I by the way anyone who goes to vashiva.com you know everyone is supporting the campaign for Truth Freedom Health those of you who have been so generous to give $25 and above i offer everyone there this the book and the access to the tool so thank you again for your contributions but I don’t feel good about taking something without giving something back so when you contribute to our platform I give you this first educational one of your first steps which is Truth Freedom Health now and by the way that got that became a course which i expanded into that used to be taught at mit all over the world and there’s a master’s training course those of you who are into health and well being can go to Systems Health you can get certified you can get a lot more training and you can go help and teach others.
Now so now I want to get into antibodies right so that’s sort of the background about systems so now I want to talk about antibodies now that first diagram I drew to talk to you about translation right it talks about transcription now in the entire medical world right now everything is about antibodies antibodies antibodies antibodies like no one knows about anything else a body has it’s only about antibodies so think about that we got 6 trillion cells we got 60 trillion bacteria in our body we have 380,000,000,000,00 380 trillion viruses we have so much complexity yet everything about the immune system is you got to get that vaccine to get that antibody or you need antibodies you need antibodies. So I want all of us to recognize yes antibodies are part of the immune system but there is way too much conflation given to antibodies way too much attention okay it’s the antibodies are like the diva of the immune system right they want attention they want attention and and for whatever political reason we’ll get back into it all the antibodies are the only thing that most people know about okay I got to get that vaccine because I need to get that antibody. Everyone follow what I’m saying? The entire system of antibodies the entire system of antibodies what everyone focuses on all right so as I go into that before I go into that let me give you another chalk talk here so we’ve talked about what what how transcription translation work I want to talk to you about the foundations of the image immune system or the simplified way of the immune system that is used to basically tell everyone vaccines and antibodies are where all the focus should be. I hope a lot of the MD’s are listening, a lot of the virologists are listening, because they’re actually going to probably learn something here, because we’re going to take a Systems Approach. And many of you can actually go train your MD friends when you see this. Okay, so we’ve talked about this. Okay, we have a very nice diagram here talking about all of this and I’m going to talk to you about what happens.
Immune Response to Infection
How does the modern idea of the immune system work? And what does the mRNA vaccine do to emulate that? Let’s do the same thing as I just did. Okay, earlier, we assumed that we have let’s assume I got the, again, the nucleus here. And again, you guys want you can draw this at home, here’s the nucleus. And over here, we’re going to do the I’m going to do over here, I’m going to have the, the outside of the cell and put it like right around here. So here’s the outside, here’s the cytoplasm. Here’s the cytoplasm, which is the inside of the cell. And here’s also the, say the cell wall over here. And here’s the outside of the cell. Okay, now what we want to consider is what happens. So I’m going to share with you right here, what happens when the virus comes into you. And this is not, this is a small aspect of the understanding that the typically the virologists and the people like Fauci have, this is not the whole view of the immune systems, you’re getting a little aspect of the immune system, but this is what the establishment scientists use to justify the focus just on antibodies. Okay. So let’s, let’s walk through that. So what happens here? So in this model here, of the immune system, by the way, it’s their model, okay? You have a virus over here, okay, so I’m gonna put the virus up here. And I’m gonna put all these little spike proteins on the virus, as it has these spike spikes on it, as you can see here, and that’s the surface protein. And inside of it, it also has its own little RNA, okay, doesn’t have DNA. So here, inside the virus, the virus is carrying its own RNA, okay, that’s represented by the blue. So what goes on here is that the virus, first of all, wants to invade your cell. And when it invades the cell, let’s say it gets into the cell, because on the cell surface, as some of you may recall, is a receptor, let’s say looks like this. It’s called the ACE2 receptor for COVID. And when the spike protein, when this virus comes over here, right, and it lands here, the spike protein gets in, I’m going to extend it here, it gets attached to this, and it’s able to then enter into the cell. So now you have the cell. Now I have the virus inside the cell, right? So the virus is hanging out in the cell, and it’s moving along, because the purpose of the virus is to replicate itself. It wants to use your machinery to replicate itself, and we’ve discussed that, but how does your immune system react? Well, first of all, there is the innate immune system, right? So let’s, draw your virus, our virus again, here. It’s hanging out over here, right? It’s got all its spike proteins. It’s in it’s the spike protein. They’re still part of the virus, it hasn’t been attacked it is you’re gonna see, okay, and it’s in. Now, what happens is the innate immune system of your body attempts to try to eat up this virus, okay? So it’s got something that wants to come eat this thing up and spit it out, okay? And, and that is called, you know, one of the macrophages, and the macrophages literally tries to envelop the virus, okay? And it’s going to try to chomp on it, okay, it’s going to literally try to eat the thing, okay? It tries to eat the thing, and put it dramatically like this, right? And it tries to eat this thing. And then it you know, the virus gets in here, chomps at it using a whole bunch of stuff. Now the virus is inside, the macrophage is trapped inside here. And what does the macrophage do? It starts eating this up, and it starts throwing out his body parts everywhere, right? You get pieces coming of RNA, you get this showing up, right? It literally starts, you know, throwing out pieces, particularly, let’s say the surface protein. All these little, it’s like a bloodbath is taking place, okay? And the virus is basically getting destroyed. Okay, these are all the pieces of the virus. So what now happens is that your immune system, by the way, this is called the innate immune system, these are macrophages. And they try to eat up the virus. And this is called the innate, which means the early innate immune system. And we’ve talked about this before, and this process goes on. And hope I everyone is following along. So, what do we have here? So what’s happening here is that the early innate immune system, and remember that innate immune system, we’ll come back to that this is the macrophages kill, you know, start destroying this and these antigens, want to throw them, you know, are hanging out all different places, let’s say they go to the surface here. And and, and this is basically the bloodbath that took place. Now, what happens here is quite fascinating. Your adaptive immune system, it’s called the adaptive immune system kicks in. This is if this is one part of the immune system. This is the second part. And the adaptive immune system is composed of a cell that I’m gonna put in a, let’s say, different color over here. It’s called CD4+ and these CD4 T-cells give rise to what is known as a CD8 T-cell
Okay, good, a little bit of a different color. And the CD8 T-cell, CD8 T-cell, what this T-cell does, it has the ability to, let’s say, we have one of these pieces here, which is a spike protein. It knows to recognize it. All right? It recognizes this spike protein, okay? And it says, Okay, this, this is somebody that’s not supposed to be here. And what it does is it goes and starts destroying the infected cell, because it knows the cells have been infected, it’s got all these proteins everywhere. And it basically kills itself, kills the cell, it’s called a cytotoxic, cyto which means cell, toxic means T-cell, it kills the cell, but the CD4 T-cell also does something else interesting. It also generates what’s called, some of you may know this, a B-cell, okay? A B-cell, and the B-cell does something fascinating. The B-cell actually starts based on recognizing that particular protein, right again, the B-cell recognizes this thing, and it starts generating in response to this, a bunch of things called, it starts generating things called antibodies. I’m going to put them here, they look like this right? These are the antibodies. Okay? This is what we mean by antibodies, antibodies. So the B-cell creates these antibodies. And what do the antibodies do when they see a virus hanging out? These B-cells come in and they attack it, they surround it and they block it, okay? Put the RNA here, and they take it out, okay? There you go. What you’ve just seen here is the entire I’m going to call these antigens, by the way, completeness. So what you see here, in a very simple way, is you can all by the way, learn how to do this, I hope you do, is that this model has the innate immune system, which are the macrophages, which by the way are in your eyes, your nose, your gut, and all these different places, it’s the thing that first experiences the virus, when it sees that your immune system tries to gobble it up. And it starts, you know, basically hacking it up, like someone said, a horror movie, okay. And as a part of that hack up, all these pieces are flying everywhere, those pieces we call antigens, the antigens are what stimulate the 2 box model of the immune system.
By the way, this is not the full immune system. This is what Fauci thinks is the immune system. That 2 box model excites your next part of your immune system, which is your adaptive immune system over here. And the adaptive immune system turns on these CD4 cells. And the adaptive immune system creates CD8 cells, which recognize that antigen, and on one thing, they have one side, they go and try to eat up the destroyed, they’ve destroyed the infected cell, because they don’t want that cell going anywhere, hurting other cells. And on the other hand, the CD4 T-cell creates a B-cell, and the B-cells recognize that antigen and they produce a particular antibody. Okay. So what I just shared with you is really the foundation of the biological notion of antibodies, okay? That there’s a specific antibody to a particular, in this case, a virus protein. Okay, so you just learn some basic immunology, we’ll come back to what the mRNA vaccine does. What they try to do, but what you’ve just learned is that our body looks for these antigens, which is a surface protein of the virus, and then seeing that, your body generates antibodies. So you get infected to COVID, you get infected, you get a flu, well your body first of all experiences this, you know, you get a little sniffle, a cough, if you take your vitamin D3, and your A, and all those nutrients I’ve shared with you. Your body, you know, has a big good, strong attack against that here. And we’ll talk about the interferon system. And so all these little pieces of the shrapnel of the virus are everywhere, and your body recognizes it and in this model, it creates antibodies. Okay. I hope that’s clear. So that’s the model of the immune system. Oh, we got to get antibodies. Now given that background, I hope we can have a discussion about antibodies.
By the way, all of you who are joining us near we’re having a discussion about going Beyond Antibodies, and how the focus on antibodies is going to manipulate people to think that’s the end all and be all. It’s not the end all be all. It’s a part of something much larger. Now, I want to share with you some very interesting research that just came out. So even in the National Institute of Health Directors blog, the NIH is the group that Fauci is associated with. There were two very interesting people. This just came out. And it just said, “there’s an over reliance on antibodies for protection from reinfection”. The first paper, which was the NIH director’s blog, right here, it’s the current science on COVID-19 antibodies, and it’s right out of the NIH, the amount of antibodies starts declining after 20 days. Antibodies are found in patients only up to eight months of antibodies found. I’m sorry, patients only up to eight months after initial infection right. And virus neutralizing activity of antibodies only 53% at eight months post infection. And then the other paper talked about that, we can be too specific right? That antibodies protect against reinfection from new variants. It’s a very, very important point. So what are we saying here? Okay, that the two points that are being made here, we need to understand very, very carefully, is this that number one, right? That we’re hyping up antibodies, antibodies aren’t everything. And the research is saying that, right after if I sneeze on you and you get infected, within 20 days, the antibody starts declining. The second point here, the antibodies found in patients only up to eight months after initial infection. Remember, people thought, Oh, well, you know, I get the antibodies, I’m protected for life. I know, after eight months, you don’t even have any more antibodies. Okay? Very important. After eight months, that’s not a long time. Your B-cell has memory, but the antibodies start dropping after 20 days. And after eight months, they’re not existent at all, in many cases, okay. Very, very important to understand this, and this is coming out of right out of the NIH here. Alright, so again, what’s all the hype about antibodies? If they’re not there after eight months, okay. So the virus neutralizing activity antibodies. Now, the thing is, antibodies. Remember the whole purpose of antibodies, as I just shared with you there I’ve shared over and over, they’re like that navy seals are attempting to take out that very specific COVID-19 variant. Let’s say that COVID-19 changes a little bit, guess what? That antibodies useless. So what this other research said was that the antibodies are too specific. They’re like a guy who’s only good at getting up to bat, and he could only bat a curveball that’s thrown at 60 miles an hour. With a six degree arc, he can’t do anything else. Okay, he can only do that particular function. So think about that. An antibody is an instrument that can only handle only under a particular thing. If there’s a slight variation of that virus, guess what? You got to go get infected again. Right. So relying on antibodies if we were to rely on antibodies for immune protection? We, I mean, there’s 300 there’s trillions of viruses around us. Are you trying to tell me that antibodies are the only way that we’re protecting ourselves? This is why there are some Bossche guy, everyone’s sending me his YouTube video. He’s a Virologist, he just used to work for Bill Gates. And now he’s bemoaning acting, as well, you know, I find the vaccines are now I don’t know what’s going to go on. He’s crying and stuff, right? Well, the guy doesn’t understand that his entire life was focused on antibodies, it’s a screwed up model. Engineering Systems, people like ourselves, what I want to train you to be, we’ll get right away, how can just the antibodies, right, be the foundation of the entire immune system? Because you would have to have so many freakin antibodies for everything. And what we find is, the truth is, there are people who have been infected by COVID-19. They don’t even have any antibodies in them. But yet they fought it off. Well, how is that possible? How is that possible? How is it that someone who doesn’t have antibodies is asymptomatic, but is still able to survive and do well, which means there must be other things involved. It’s not just antibodies. And it’s so unfortunate that people don’t ask fundamental systems questions. But that’s why I want all of you to start thinking systems. Because when you take a Systems Approach, that’s why I built the course Foundations of Systems, you take that course, you start becoming a systems thinker.
So the key point is that this article, which is coming right out of the NIH, and Nature, one of the most prestigious, is saying that antibodies can be too specific, and antibodies cannot protect us against reinfection from new variants. And here we’re seeing that antibody you know the activity only 53% of eight and there I’m sorry, the virus neutralizing activity antibodies, only 53% after eight months, which means a half life has gone down that much. So, I have just shared with you now, in those pictures, so you understand the old model of the immune system is okay, you got this innate immune system. You have the pathogen which comes to the innate immune system, as I just shared with you, that’s the entire system I just shared with you here. That’s this, okay. That’s the system of Innate which is a macrophages over here, but it doesn’t include the adaptive immune system. Alright. So the pathogen comes though the innate, that gets turned on, you spit out antigens and your adaptive immune system gets on turn on the goal is to just generate antibodies. Okay? And that is essentially what most doctors learn. Most medical doctors are nice people, but they’re highly, highly ignorant when it comes to immune system, oh, do you have that antibody? That’s it, everyone’s about antibody, antibody, antibody like anybody, everybody only wants to talk about antibodies, right? And because their idea of the immune system is based on a two model, understanding the immune system, it’s not based on any of the other subsystems that are important that just came out in the talk I gave in November at the National Science Foundation. Alright, there’s many more subsystems to the immune system. And, for example, just going a little bit detail, as I just shared with you here, which I just already went over, you know, the virus comes in the body that the macrophage tries to eat it up. Which you just went over the antigens of the small proteins, you see it right here, that little pink thing right here, that is spit out. And then this, the antigen is presented to the T-cell, which we talked about the CD4, which then starts, let me just go over that with you guys. Again, just to be safe. And it’s, you know, I already did this diagrammatically to show you guys, in addition to those slides, right, so this is what happens here, your innate immune system puts all these materials out, which would be spike proteins. And over here, your CD4 T-cells recognizes this site Protein through the CD8, and it tries to kill the infected cell or creates a B-cells which create these little Y things, which are the antibodies. That’s pretty much we’re covering here in the same slides. Back to the PowerPoint. So this is the two step process. Phagocytosis. Step one, you eat up the virus, you get the antigens, the surface proteins, and then you present the antigen to a T-cell. You could say, hey, T-cell, wake up. Now turn on the adaptive system. Now, and I’ve already talked about this, we already talked about this other virus that comes in the CD4 cell presents itself.
Systems Biology
And we just went through this. Okay, so you guys already understand this. So now, we want to talk from a system standpoint. We want to start understanding, well, how do you produce real immunity? If antibodies, as I’m saying, are a minor piece of the solution? How do you actually get real immunity? Biological Sciences has moved towards reductionism. Reductionism means you look at the little parts. So you have this huge elephant in front of you. And you’re just looking at the little nail or the little one part of it, and you’re blind. And that’s the famous story that I keep sharing of the six blind men who the king invites to touch the elephant. This is reductionism, write it down reductionism, opposite of Systems Thinking. So here’s the big elephant, but these blind guys are touching. Unfortunately, they’re blind. They’re touching different parts of the elephant. Well, they don’t see the whole, they just see parts of it. Right. And because they’re blind, and they only see parts of it, one guy thinks he must be touching the snake, I mean that the trunk, the other guy’s touching the tusk. Thinks, wow, this must be a sphere. And the guys touching the side, thinks it’s a wall right here, the guys touching the tail, and so on. So they have a blinded view of reality and a reductionist model. And what I want to put forward is just focusing on the antibodies and forgetting the entire immune system, the many ways that you could build immunity, and just focusing on the antibodies is like these blind guys, okay, we’re touching the elephant, and not seeing the whole. And, and therefore, because they don’t see the whole, they don’t take a Systems Approach. And, this has been the basis of the development. In my view, it’s a reductionist approach of the mRNA vaccine. It’s not about pro Vax or Anti-Vax, because that’s just getting it to the stupid hype. Okay, we want to train ourselves to be system scientists.
So now I’m going to show you based on what you’ve learned from transcription and translation, now you understand how the immune system works, at least their version of the immune system, which is this the adaptive and the innate. Now I’m going to teach you the rationale behind their idea to build the mRNA vaccine. So, listen very carefully. They’re taking a reductionist approach, that reductionist approach We’re only going to generate that anybody. And they’re not thinking a lot of smart people. I know these guys, right? But they’re book smart, reductionist smart, not system smart. And what they’ve done is they’ve said, okay, we are our job right now is to just generate that antibody. And they said, you know, we used to use deadened viruses in vaccines, they’re sort of, they take a long time to make them 6-12 years. So we’re going to create an mRNA vaccine, that’s going to be faster than putting the shot of the dead virus. So what is the mRNA? vaccine? Okay, so let’s talk about the mRNA vaccine. What is it, and again, I encourage all of you, if you want, you can draw along. So let’s look at the mRNA vaccine here. And you’re going to learn very soon, what the rationale is a reductionist rationale, let me go back to the drawing board here. This is what we’ll call this. We’ll call this innate. Now let’s look at how the mRNA vaccine works. Okay, so we’re going to do it here, if you remember, we’re going again, do the same thing. Here is the nucleus. And remember here is your DNA, which is hanging out there, your DNA. And remember, this typically does, you know, it processes the nucleus. And here we have the cytoplasm. And here we have the outside of the cell. So what happens? Here is a person here and they decide that they’re going to get the vaccine, okay. They’re going to get the vaccine, the mRNA vaccine. So what does that mean? Well, when they get the shot of that vaccine, inside their body, are circulating these little. This is the outer surface of the vaccine particle, we’re looking at one vaccine particle right? To get a lot of these things that people are getting, they got all these vaccine particles. I mean mRNA particles in them, okay? And inside this mRNA particle, I mean, inside this particle is guess what you have? You have a piece of messenger RNA, okay, just like I did before. Right? So you have all these little particles that have been put into you. This is the mRNA inside them. Okay? So just to be clear, this is the mRNA inside of this. This thing right here is the mRNA, it’s messenger RNA. Well remember, if you looked earlier, what is messenger RNA? What is messenger RNA, messenger RNA is a messenger ribonucleic acid, it is the blueprint. It is a blueprint for coding a particular protein. Remember, messenger RNA leaves a nucleus, it goes outside into the cytoplasm, and it goes to the ribosome, and it codes for a protein. So messenger RNA codes for protein. So when these guys built the mRNA vaccine, they were thinking, Okay, we don’t want to give the dead virus we got to culture it, all this stuff we got to do. We’re going to inject the person with a messenger RNA, okay, that the body has never seen before. And these are some of the issues that we should talk about from a safety perspective. Okay. And this substance is going to enter the cell right it goes into, now the messenger RNA that particle is inside, right it’s inside your cell so traversed its way in, and now the interesting piece starts. So here it is and inside this is that messenger RNA, so gets in. Then what happens is the outer shell of that dissolves right and what you have here what you have is the messenger RNA hanging out in your nucleus, okay there you go. So this is the messenger RNA that was delivered to your body from this injection okay so the injection gave you the mRNA now this mRNA is in your cell and what happens is if you go back to our ribosome which is nicely this hanging out here minding its own business. Here’s the ribosome, and the ribosome is a factory for making proteins. So this messenger RNA dilly dallys over here, okay comes in here and what happens is the messenger RNA now starts spitting out a protein okay, it starts putting out a protein well guess what this protein is for? It’s a protein I’m going to do it like this it’s the spike protein okay it has created the spike proteins like protein of COVID-19, okay this is a spike protein and what is that spike protein if you remember that spike protein is we had the virus out here right it is the outer protein. It is the spikes it is this, so what they have done in a very clever way in some sense. Is that they have created a vaccine quote unquote a vaccine which has inside of it the messenger RNA that codes for the spike protein which is found on the Coronavirus okay so instead of creating the Coronavirus and sending it into you which is the quote unquote old way the idea here is we’re going to trick your cellular machinery the ribosome, we’re going to send it the messenger RNA which is the blueprint for your own body to create the spike protein that’s just quite a from a technology standpoint. It was a Hungarian scientist, a woman who was the one who came up with this breakthrough so it’s quite fascinating from an engineering standpoint. It is quite amazing but doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. okay Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should go create it. okay this is one of the things that needs to be discussed if we really have a bottoms-up movement who’s deciding who’s creating what. So, getting back here this spike protein this thing is starting to create a bunch of spike proteins, so right it’s more and more spike proteins are coming and you remember what happens when the spike proteins come. The spike proteins are being created right just like when the monster was chopping everything up well what happens now? Well your own body’s T-cells wake up and this is once again your body’s CD4 T-cells. What do they do? Well they wake up they see this and they wake up the B-cell and if you remember the B-cell, what do B-cells do? B-cells make the antigen, they make the antigen they make tons and tons of these antigens, which go surround the if they ever see the virus come in, they’re ready to take it out. Okay. So this is antibodies get created again, antibodies, okay? antibody production right here, okay? The goal was to create these antibodies, okay? And by the way the CD4 T-cells also will create the other cell which will try to take out the inner cell, but what I want you to see right here is a bottom line is that antibodies are being created, right here. Okay, so let’s look at that again. Okay, so what you finally fundamentally see here is that the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines were created, that they’re sending messenger RNA into you, which then codes for a spike protein, which then your T-cells then create the antibodies. Does that make sense? So you guys are learning a ton of stuff. So very proud of you guys for tracking this. It’s a lot of stuff, right? But hopefully, these diagrams are making it easier for you to understand. But you’re getting an immunology class right now. You’re getting a biology genetics class, you’re getting a systems class. You’re getting a ton of stuff here. Okay. And so what you’ve just learned here, what’s the problem here? Everything is like a person with blinders on antibodies, antibodies. And it’s like, the mantra is, om antibodies, om antibodies. That’s what they’re doing. Okay. That’s what’s going on here. So the idea here is if I generate those antibodies, I’ve taken care of everything, give me billions of dollars, you’ve got the antibodies, everything’s fine. Okay. That’s what it’s all about. So all this complexity, all this billions and billions of dollars are being spent to just generate that antibody. And the notion is, if you get that antibody, you’re protected, so whether it was a traditional quote, unquote, vaccine, whether there’s a Moderna vaccine, whether it’s a whole basis of the old theory of the immune system. Is that you have to generate the antibody. Okay, is that clear to everyone? Now, is that true? Okay. Is it true that co2 is the thing that we got to shut down the entire world for? No, it’s not. You go down below 200 180 parts per million, there is no more life on planet Earth, we need to lower pollution, that’s a real problem.
The real issue when it comes to the immune system is we want to boost immunity, we want to understand that the immune system is like a beautiful orchestra, as I’ve talked about, it’s not just one thing, it’s all these other things. And we’re going to talk about one of the most important systems I’ve talked about before the interferon system. I always come at things in a couple of different ways. So you guys start seeing it, and you get a holistic understanding. Just seeing it one way doesn’t get it, seeing it a couple of times isn’t good, you gotta see it in a bunch of different ways. So we’re going to go back to that thing called the interferon system, which I’ll come to, because you’re gonna find out there’s a whole another musical orchestra playing here instead of just the single note of the antibody. Let’s go back to the PowerPoint. So anyway, this is the reductionism that I just shared with you, the blind guys looking at it, the development of the mRNA vaccine is based on this reductionist notion, I just got to get the antibodies. They’re not understanding the complexity of systems, at a higher level that you have to have most transport and conversion and storage. And, and for in my journey, when I understood reductionism, and I understood Systems Biology. What I also was able to see was this entire system of how this is really the science of everything is directly related to Truth Freedom Health. Without freedom, you can’t even practice science to get to the truth. And without truth, we’re never going to find health for us, or our bodies or anything without health, we’re never going to be able to have the strength to fight for freedom. Alright, this interconnection. So the same scientific system science that I discovered, no, I learned from Control System Theory and MIT our core training is what led me to realize that that fundamental relates back to Traditional Systems of Medicine. 10,000 years old, same process, different terms. And that’s why when you take our course, the warrior course please go to vashiva.com/join and I’ll put the note up there as I’m talking because we’re going to take a quick break and we’re going to come back to a couple of things please go there and take this course because you’re going to understand the science of everything which is understanding this diagram you’re going to learn a lot more so three hour course I teach it every Monday evening and we’re building an amazing community of brilliant people who are being attracted to this the people get attracted this is some of the smartest people I’ve met – smart in the sense they got common sense, they’re working people they want to understand the physics of what makes the world tick. Anyway so this Systems Approach which is founded on this is also related to Truth Freedom Health and that’s in addition to creating all the other courses I had to create a course called Foundations of Systems so you don’t have to go to MIT you don’t have to go to India, you don’t have to do a Fulbright in about three hours I can train you on this and there’s a whole set of courses, you’re going to understand the science of everything you’re going to understand this intricate, what is this, what is this? And you’re gonna understand this diagram is the science of everything so if you allow me I gotta get a little bit of water so as you’re waiting we’ll come right back I’m going to play our anthem if you want to call it for Truth Freedom Health and I’ll come back and we’ll continue the antibody stuff when we come back, we’re going to talk about the the entire opposition to antibodies what the real immune system the full gamut really looks like. Please enjoy this and remember all of this research all the work we do you know we have a lot of guys on our team will work together to put these presentations together but our goal is to educate you to take a Systems Approach so you can use this to educate others, you can use this to go educate your doctor you go educate healthcare professionals, because that’s how we overcome the fear we educate people. Say hey look the antibodies is one little piece, it’s not everything, you know there’s this other thing that you can work on too and Dr. SHIVA told us this thing called the Interferon System. So we’re going to come over to that but let’s go over to Truth Freedom Health as many of you know if you go to vashiva.com/join. I’m already logged into the system you can go to join right and you can support this movement and we have people thank you very much for all your guys support it’s what’s paying for the hardware we’re purchasing we have our own data center and all of this is where we’re hosting stuff out of by the way those people you know some of you guys are donating $100 or more and for all of you I give you access to the entire Truth Freedom Health warrior course thank you. Some of you are giving the $25 thank you I’ll give you access to the basic tools but let me play our video because I want it to inspire all of you to become Truth Freedom Health warriors I want it to inspire you to get educated and not be enslaved okay and that’s the gift that we have today of education here we go.
Alright everyone I hope that was valuable again it’s always to get us back on track on the bigger mission here. So, we’re today we’re studying antibodies and to really educate everyone that antibodies are a little bit hyped up okay it’s not the essence of what we should be focused on. If anything what we should be focused on is to understand the full nature of the immune system. Right? And that’s what we’re studying here today so I hope everyone’s enjoying this so let’s go back to what we want to talk about here in the context from a Systems Approach. Let me go right back to our slide set so we’ve talked about the Truth Freedom Health movement and by the way please recognize that we’re not just about education or it’s not just about communities but activating. When you go into the dashboard you’ll see there’s a whole bunch of tools here you can get educated there’s the book and then there’s the ‘Your Body, Your System’ software. There’s a portal where you can educate others, there’s so much stuff in here that people don’t even know what to do fully with it. So, we have them start with of course I handhold them for three hours on Monday evenings. Then you get to really appreciate all of the stuff, you get access to scientific reports. Then you also get access to three other ebooks on how you can apply systems thinking to ‘Your Body, Your System’ your life and also then you get that paper that I wrote which became the foundation of the course I used to teach at MIT. And then again we want to thank everyone it’s an honor enormous gift when you guys give us $100 and more so I make all of that accessible to all of those people who made that kind of contribution. Again I don’t want to take anything for nothing this is really when you contribute you get all of this and then as a part of that although people also get access to the community. Anyone for free if you just want to be a member the community gets access to the forum and some videos and then our warriors also get access to this entire social media I’m sorry this is a forum that everyone can use but our warriors also get access to the social media where they can create their pages and we’re constantly updating the UI tomorrow we’re having a big meeting with our warriors to take another advancement of the user interface. And then you can get activated means we want you to start using all this knowledge to for example go educate people you’ll learn about masks and oral health from a systems perspective like you’re doing today. We make little cards and on the cards is a url where you can direct people to more research but then on the back of it is like a cliff notes version what’s the science what’s the issue with Mask and Oral Health. What are the public health implications you also learn about what is a real issue so we can bring people together it’s not about Vax & Anti-Vax it’s about boosting the immune system it’s building community and it’s about this whole the science of putting everything on vaccines for all, one size fits all doesn’t make any sense, but we do know is nutrition and friendships boost immunity. Also the public health implications. So you want to take advantage of this because it’s not just about getting educated you’re joining a community of people.
How Do Vaccines Work
A lot of you wrote in and you said, Dr. SHIVA can you explain to us how vaccines work? So we’ve talked about how transcription works and we’ve talked about how the mRNA vaccine works. We’ve talked about how the basic understanding of the immune system works where unfortunately or focused on antibodies. I also want to take a little bit of time to look at the traditional vaccine okay, not the mRNA vaccine. We’ll summarize what you already know and more than enough about, probably more than you know 99% of the planet right now. You’ve learned how vaccines work well in the reductionist approach to immunity, we’ve talked about it’s supposed to be a preventative measure and it’s supposed to train the immune system to recognize pathogenic microbes. So you’re basically giving your body something and you’re training it to say, if you see this again take it out. And it causes what’s called a secondary immune response; it’s not a cure. Very important it works through quote unquote herd immunity now vaccines are available against viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and parasites all right a whole range of areas that this kind of stuff has been applied to. But what’s in a vaccine, well it has the antigen now you know what an antigen is right it’s the thing that excites your immune system to take action. So typically we’ll discuss that the antigen is typically, we’ll talk about it’s a deadened form of that vaccine we’re not talking about the mRNA and then it’s got adjuvants, it’s got antimicrobials, preservatives and stabilizers. This wasn’t just working by itself right but so they had to add all this other stuff. So just think about it if God forbid you have one person sneeze on another person, in the old days when people got chickenpox they all got together, but if you one person sneezes on another person while the body gets activated it produces what’s called an immune response. So the goal of a vaccine is to attempt to mimic that so instead of someone sneezing on someone what they’re saying is, I’m not going to give you all their snot and everything but I’m going to give you a refined version of a deadened form of that virus. Which is maybe the spikes you just put it with the deadened form so the body senses those spikes as antigens and it will turn on the immune system. But it wasn’t doing that okay, it wasn’t working; they weren’t getting the response that you would do from a natural model. What ended up happening was they had to add all this other stuff, adjuvants well to keep the adjuvants going, they needed all this other stuff. So, the vaccine is not just the deadened virus it’s all this other stuff, so it could be a live attenuated vaccine. That’s one thing and this prevents diseases caused by viruses and bacteria and examples are measles mumps rubella, MMR. Measles mumps rubella and varicella chickenpox vaccine inactivated vaccines prevent disease caused by viruses and bacteria that’s a goal. Examples of polio vaccine toxoid vaccines are also intended to prevent diseases caused by bacteria that produce toxins for example DTAP it’s diphtheria and tetanus if you get the if you get a tetanus shot by the way Just to be clear, the tetanus shot is not just a tetanus shot, it’s DTAP. It also includes it with diphtheria quote unquote vaccine. Okay, so you have to understand that. And all of these are intended to prevent disease caused by vaccines, there’s subunit vaccines. These vaccines also are aimed to prevent disease caused by a virus and bacteria, but they only include a part of the virus or bacteria subunit. So they take a little piece of it, right? So in pertussis whooping cough, it’s a component of the DTAP vaccine, then there’s conjugate vaccines. These again are intended to prevent diseases caused by bacteria with outer coating of a shirt sugar like substance called a polysaccharide. And these are, for example, the HIB vaccine, haemophilus influenza type B. Then now we have what we just walked through the DNA, RNA, mRNA vaccines, these are also intended for the same thing. And they deliver the mRNA DNA vaccine in a vector such as a lipid nanoparticle, right? An example is a COVID-19 vaccine. Okay, so how did these vaccines work? Well, we just showed you the mRNA vaccine work, the attenuation of the virus means reducing its viral virulence. So first of all, they give you a deadened form and to attenuate a virus. They’re grown in a foreign host. live animals embryo to eggs, tissue culture, and the goal is the virus will mutate and the new host to natural selection process and evolved have less virulence than the vaccinated subjects. What they’re saying is, they’re taking the very strong virus, and they’re sticking it in something hoping it mutates to get something that’s less virus, a lot of work. Okay, a lot of work. I rather just get someone sneezes on me, frankly, okay. Anyway, attenuated virus replicates fewer than 200 times in the vaccinated subject, compared to the live virus. And so here’s an example of this is now your normal vaccine, you take the so there’s the virus or bacteria, it’s literally in there, it’s deadened. And it’s grown in all what we talked about in live embryos, embryos, eggs, and tissue culture, and then they stick it into you. And when it goes into you, your cells see this, and then they trigger the antibodies, as we talked about through the CD4 and the B-cells.
Okay, now the mRNA vaccine, I just walked you through it, right? You stick in the lipid coating, and it generates the antibody score that affects this, and those of you who joined us late, I drew this out in a very, very deliberate way. So everyone can follow this. And that was right here. Okay, for the sake of quick review, the here’s you get injected over here on the right here, these are those liquid covered particles, this has the mRNA goes into the cell, and it right up here comes down, and that’s and it releases the mRNA. So that right here, right here, you’re seeing it releases the mRNA. And the mRNA goes to your ribosome, and it starts producing the spike proteins, okay, that’s what these are, spike proteins get produced. And then your body’s T-cells recognize that and they create the B-cells over here, and the B-cells create the antibodies right here. Okay? antibodies. Right? So we talked about this, this is a reductionist form, because what you’re trying to do is you’re just focused on getting those antibodies set. And if you got those antibodies, the theory is you got an awesome immune system, you need just you’re done. Well, it’s not true as we’re going to learn, okay, because antibodies are not the only game in town. So this is that process, you’re trying to get the antibody production. So if you look at this reductionist approach, a large portion of the population needs to be vaccinated for a vaccine to be effective. Okay, so let’s, let’s look at that, in the vaccine model. None of this works very, very important to understand. None of the vaccine strategies works unless you vaccinate, you know, nearly everyone, and every vaccine has a different percentage that was set by the CDC, right? Or the NIH. So different vaccines say well, 90% of the population needs to be vaccinated. So you know, when you work out the statistics, other people don’t get hurt. That’s called the herd immunity, quote unquote, herd immunity concept. So then adverse events from vaccination, although observed, are often overlooked to create herd immunity. So this is like Spock from Star Wars, saying the benefit to the many over ways benefit the few. So the goal is yes, some people may get injured. But who cares, we’re Our goal is to make sure everyone we create this herd immunity, but herd immunity is based on the vaccine model. But all of it is a narrow focus on antibody creation. And it looks, it overlooks the other critical parts of the immune system such as the interferon system.
So let me just summarize the reductionism here, you got to follow this with me here. And this is why I want to make all of you system scientists, if you look at the whole, the immune system has many different processes going on. But their view is we just have to get that anybody I got to just get that anybody it’s like a drug dealer, right? He’s got to have his fix, I got to get the antibody, antibody okay. In order to make that antibody, first they tried these things called conventional vaccines, then they realized, well, long time to make, we got to do this, we got to do that, we’re getting injuries. Okay, let’s go to the mRNA vaccine, much shorter timeline, safety as the same, quote unquote, safety trials to do vaccines. And by the way, vaccines don’t need to go through even the pharmaceutical grade testing, because they’re considered the same level of testing, they’re considered biologic, so they have a lot more flexibility. And you can’t sue a pharma company, pharma company, or a manufacturer if you get injured, so vaccine manufacturing has a lot of positive gains for those vaccine manufacturers. So when you look at this situation here, what we see here is that this entire notion comes from the notion of an antibody. So we got to get an antibody in order to get that antibody, we’re going to do a bunch of things like with the mRNA. But then to make it effective for a population, we’ve got to make sure at least 90 95% are being vaccinated. Okay, in order, they all have the antibody. So the guy that doesn’t have it doesn’t hurt other people. But it’s all coming from this notion of the antibody as the end all cure all magic bullet, okay, it’s a magic bullet approach to, you know, immunity. So what is really going on, is something quite different, is the following.

And in order to understand that, I always share with you what CytoSolve is. CytoSolve is a technology I created, which is really a 23rd century platform for discovery of, we do all of our work. Now, using mathematical modeling. We’re not a vaccine manufacturer, that idiot, Kennedy said, what I exposed him, we’re not a we don’t make drugs, you know, I don’t work for Bill Gates, I want to expose Kennedy. That’s what he did, because he was very afraid that all of his followers were going to start giving him money. So he said, because I run a software company, I get $10 off on software, I must work for Bill Gates. But anyway, sign us up is a technology that actually is trying to mathematically model, this process of in vitro screening or in vivo on the computer, so you don’t have to kill animals, and you can save animals, and we can find toxicities long before this is the process for creating a drug. It’s a very medieval process, you kill animals, and then you spend $5,000,000,000.13 years on this process, just to go from a single compound all the way through to get this figured out. And pharma companies are spending a lot of money on R&D. And they’re losing big time because less and less drugs are being even allowed by the FDA. So this is one phenomena, I thought, wow, if I could create a technology that could save animals that could figure out toxicity, we could save a lot of lives. At the same time as I was doing this. Thinking about these things in 2003, the Genome Project ended as I just shared with everyone who joined early, when the Genome Project ended, what we learned was, we only have 20,000 genes, we don’t have a million genes, we have 20,000 genes, the same number of genes as a worm. So the reason I shared that drawing with you early on, is what has led people to realize genes do not make us who we are, in fact, it’s not the protein coding genes. Besides those 20,000 genes only represent 5% of the Genome. The other 95% are ribonucleic acids, which can code, which can do all sorts of other things. So even though we have 20,000 genes, and a worm has 20,000 genes, it’s not the number of genes that make us different. What makes us different is the molecular reactions. So that led me to come back to MIT in 2003. A bunch of people invited me back to finish my PhD. And the goal was, if you want to understand the whole body, the whole system, it’s not just the genes you got to interconnect all of these In fact, it’s not just a nucleus of the cell, as some of the drawings in it, it’s the whole cell, we got to understand how to model all of these molecular reactions. And that’s when I came back to MIT and took on this challenge to mathematically model the whole human cell. Imagine these little chemical reactions, which is just one little piece of this, these can be converted to models. And you could probably model that well. But what happens when you want to model this level of complexity, you can’t do it unless you have a new technology. And that was CytoSolve for my PhD work during 2003-07, I created a technology where we can mathematically model pretty much any disease. And over the last 16 years, we’ve created a very powerful technology, we help lots of customers, people all over the world, using mathematical modeling. Right? To understand what works, what doesn’t, so they don’t waste their time. CytoSolve is very much like if you were to build an airplane, you build it on the computer, before you waste time. CytoSolve lets us build stuff on the computer long before we want to go do any clinical testing. So what emerges from CytoSolve and we’re going to talk about the missing link, is this. Everyone look at this carefully. This is actually a much more holistic understanding of the immune system. And if you remember, antibodies are a very small portion of it. Antibodies are generated from the adaptive immune system, those of you who are listening from the beginning, and the adaptive immune system is what generates antibodies. This is one little thing. But guess what, there’s all this other stuff, not only the innate, the interferon system, which I’ve talked about, but I want to pound away at this today how important this is, we have the microbiome, the virome. This is a much more holistic view of the immune system, versus it’s the Innate and Adaptive the two blue boxes. Okay, just to be clear, the fundamental way that the establishment scientists look at the immune system is just the two black boxes.
Interferon System – The Missing Link
In the scientific lecture I gave at the National Science Foundation, in 2019, was an invited lecture as it was called the prestigious lecture. It’s a big honor to be invited. And my talk was about the modern immune system. And this is a diagram that I shared with them, which really talks about the fact that the immune system is a very, very complex system, okay, complex system. And what you see here is that this complex system, the missing link is the interferon system and the interferons. We’re going to discuss that. So what is the interferon system? I want you to listen very carefully to this. There’s different types of interferons. There’s interferon alpha, and there’s interferon beta, and interferons constitute the first line of defense against infection. Let me repeat that interferons are the first line of defense when you get infected, the first line of defense. And by the way, my PhD work, at least 50% of it was studying the immune system relative to the interferon system. Now, the IFNs create an antiviral in that environment in the cells. Now, type one, which are these types of interferons, alpha and beta are present in virtually all cells in the body. Let me repeat that, again. This is probably one of those profound things everyone needs to understand. Antibodies may not exist in all cells, but interferons exist in every cell of your body. Just absorb that for a second, every cell of your body. Interferon one, alpha and beta one and two exist in every cell of your body. Your cardiac cell and your red light white blood cell. Every cell we have about 300 different types of cell. Interferons exist in all those different types of cells. So that’s something we need to understand. Now, type one interferons include, as I mentioned, alpha and beta. Now, in the recent article, one of the recent articles that came out in the Journal of Virology, this would have said, Listen carefully, type one interferons act as a distress signal. Each cell produces In response, infection and initiates immune response. What does that mean? What that means is, if you have a cell that gets infected, the epithelial cell in the lungs when people get COVID, guess what that cell sends us smoke signals, or, you know, basically puts out flashing alarm alarms, those smoke signals and those flashing alarms are the interferons are being sent out there. Interferon alpha and beta get sent out to say, Hey, we’re particularly beta and get set off first, and then alpha, okay. interferon beta is like this smokes and they’ll say we’re being attacked, we’re being attacked, okay? And infection is underway. So all of these cells have the interferons and the IFNs modulate the innate and the adaptive and IFN deficiency leads to a weakened immune system against pathogens. Let me repeat that again. IFN deficiency leads to a weakened immune system and the IFN system enhances antiviral activity of natural killer cells and CDA cytotoxic cells. So what are natural killer cells and CDA type cytotoxic cells. The NK cells, natural killer cells are the ones which literally kill infected cells and take out viruses, the CD8 killer cells are the ones that take out the infected cells. So when you are deficient in interferons, listen very carefully, if you are deficient in interferons, you will not be able to produce those NK cells and those CD8 cells to go kill infected cells, what is the name of the game, you get infected, you don’t want to take out those viruses. You don’t want them to hang out in cells, infect them, you want to take out the infected cells. It’s like you’re going and taking out where the terrorists’ homes are. That’s what an infected cell is. So interferons, if you are deficiency interferons, you’re not going to be able to produce enough NK cells. Now, what’s interesting is what’s powerful to understand is, there are people who are asymptomatic. They have COVID, but guess what, they don’t have antibodies. But somehow they’re natural killer cells. This virologist was saying he didn’t understand the immune system. And I was very annoyed with him. Because I’m getting all these videos, all of you listen to this guy. The guy doesn’t understand the interferons. He’s like saying, I don’t know how this occurs. I was frankly shocked. I’m not even sure if he’s a virologist who said he worked for the Gates Foundation. And suddenly is that an epiphany while he’s still a little too late, but the bottom line is this. The interferon system, interferons enable the creation of those NK cells and CD8 cells, right? Let me repeat that again. Right. Look what we got here. interferon system enhances the antiviral activity of your NK cells, etc. Those natural killer cells which we have natural immunity, we have natural immunity and CDA cells. Well, why don’t we talk about how you boost those? Well, interferons do that interferons boost immunity. Long before antibodies. This is why all these people, why they have the virus but they got nothing going on. Because their interferon system kicked in, and it took it out. Educate your doctors about this. That’s what’s going on. So that’s what we have here. So I want to talk to you about how this interferon system works, this is gonna sound a little complicated, but it’s frankly, the interference system involves the following. First you have the virus infection, we’re going to go clockwise, you have a virus infection take place, then you have receptor signalling, which is IFN-beta, which is one of the interferons. And then you have amplification, where so this is the initial smoke alarm goes off. And then you have the IFN amplification cycle where interferon beta and alpha get released, and then you have the regulatory cycle, which makes sure you shut it off so you don’t get a cytokine storm. Okay, so here’s the outer circle is a cell wall, the inner circle is a nuclear wall, the virus enters your cell right there. Alright, there’s a protein called IRF-3, this binds to that virus, and phosphorylates the virus this piece and it goes down into the genome into the nucleus, and your body creates IFN-beta, right first step IFN-betas created, then IFN-beta can go to a neighboring cell, this is a smoke signal and they’ll say smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke signals, it tells the cell Hey, I’ve been infected, it lands on that receptor. And through a series of again reactions, IRF-9 is created. But more importantly, right here IRF-7 is created this IRF-7 is very, very important and hangs out in the cytoplasm. So in the next time a virus comes IRF-7 signals for the creation of IFN alpha and beta. And this is where you get that antiviral activity, right? That this cell gets primed. First, as I mentioned here, you get the virus infection, which then creates the receptor signalling, which is this IFN-beta, then you get amplification. So you get you go from a little bit of IFN-beta to tons of if an alpha and beta because the next virus that comes in initiates that. so let’s look at this. You’re the first onset of the virus and the next onset. The first set of the first onset of the virus creates a little bit of interferon beta the smoke signals, but the first onset of the virus your body is so smart, so amazing. It creates a single IRF-7. So the next time a virus comes, it sets off all the alarms, okay? interferon alpha beta and tons of them and your immune system awakens up and those interferons go waken up your killer T-cells and your NK cells and more importantly, they turn on 1000s of genes. We’re not even talking about antibodies 1000s of good genes get turned on to go fight that virus. And in addition to that, your interferons turn on your, you know, military machine of your NK cells and your CD8 cells. So think about that. Long before antibodies Alright, these systems out there, this is why a lot of people are asymptomatic. They don’t have the antibodies, but they’re fine, because they have strong interferon systems. And interferon systems are supported by a whole range of diet and food. Okay. So and therefore, the question is what turns on your interferon system? And I think it’s unfortunate. These doctors have not focused on that because they don’t study the body’s system. There you go. All right. The current vaccination approach is focused on antibody production. That’s all they’re focused on. Vaccines do not activate the IFN system. Let me repeat that, okay. Vaccines do not activate the IFN system. That’s pretty sad. One of the most primitive, powerful systems vaccines are doing it. They’re just focused about the antibodies. That’s all they’re doing. Okay. That’s all they’re focused on antibodies antibodies antibodies. Now, the IFN system activation is needed for a robust systemic, which means across the board, immune response, vaccines, and consequently, antibodies provide a reductionist immune response to infection. Alright, that’s what we’re talking about. And that is a good segue to wrapping up and talking about synergy. So let’s really focus, it’s getting late here. It’s almost midnight. Wow, you guys are still with us? Are we guys doing here, we’ve got good number of people here. Look, the bottom line is out of the entire amazing immune system that’s evolved. The interferon system has a systemic effect, it turns on NK cell CD8 cells turns on all this stuff. And it’s a missing link. But we’re over here focused on, just I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s something we should not do. Like I’m not diminishing that. Because we take a Systems Approach, you know, let 1000 flowers bloom, but all they’re focusing on is just getting the antibodies. That’s it. And if you got the antibodies, you’re in great shape, chill out what’s not true, because in their anti, but when you take a reductionist approach, it’s not the whole solution, in order because it’s not the whole solution. Now, you got to go vaccinate everyone, okay? Versus if we turned on the whole immune system, maybe we wouldn’t need to go do that. Because they’re only going after the small piece of a big problem, then they telling us to go vaccinate everyone with that small piece. But what about if we turned on the ensemble effect in everyone? If we did that you’d solve, you don’t have to go, you know, do this for everyone, you can make it a more decentralized model, everyone takes care of boosting their interferon system.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
This is called the Principle of Synergy. When you take the course for Truth Freedom Health, when you take the Foundations of Systems course, you’re going to understand the Synergistic Principles. Life is not about just doing one thing. It’s not just about eating well, and, you know, maybe eating vegan all day organic, but that’s not going to cut it. You got to work out, you got to get enough sleep, you got to have good friends. Okay, you got to live in a nice and stressful environment. That’s health. It’s not just doing one thing. It’s a whole range of things. It’s called the Synergy Principle. So the CytoSolve technology I developed, it’s a very powerful technology, because we can mathematically model chemical reactions in the body, and we can understand synergy.
And I’m going to end this. I’m going to show you how you can use the Synergy Principle and why it’s important why food is medicine. Food is medicine, because you’re not just taking one little, you know, pharmaceutical drug or even one little vitamin pill, you’re taking a whole range of things. And the more we have this ensemble effect, it’s powerful. Like I keep saying their model of immunity is imagine you have a big orchestra and you just have the oboe, that’s, that’s the antibody and all the conductor does is a oboe, oboe, oboe, you get a pretty interesting sound, but it’s not anything musical, relative, the whole orchestra. The immune system is an orchestra. So in order to understand synergy, where you can use it in their lives, we’re going to finish up with synergy. Synergy Principle basically says that when the ancient yogi’s used to blend all this stuff together with mortar & pestle they were trying to understand how things work now, if you look at something like eating a curry meal with curcumin and resveratrol. Imagine all the molecular mechanisms of inflammation in your body okay with CytoSolve we can understand how both of these work together we can understand how curcumin works individually to affect all of these molecular mechanism of inflammation we can understand our resveratrol works independently but then we can also understand how they work together. With CytoSolve I can mathematically model so on the right column is a cytokine which means high inflammation .15 means you got a lot of inflammation going on in your body I give no curcumin at all I got high inflammation I only give curcumin now look what happens the inflammation drops from .15 to .05 next I only get resveratrol okay it drops from .15 to .06 this is a synergy I reduced my dosage of curcumin from 5 to 3, by 40% 5 to 60% still the total amount but look what happens the inflammation goes down from .15 to .03 but double from .06 to .03 that’s powerful that’s called the Synergistic Principle. This is why we need to take a Systems Approach because solutions come applying to politics not just from being a health nut, not just from being a 1A or 2A guy, not just from being a nerd who wants science and truth. We need the yoga people and the health people to recognize you need the first amendment the second amendment we need the first amendment a second people to recognize that we need good health, we need the nerds to recognize any good health and they need the first amendment the second amendment okay we need to bring together all of these movements Truth Freedom Health that’s why I’m saying you got to have a systems understanding. Now on the molecular level I’ve talked about it systems and I’ve talked about at the macro level what I want to let you know with CytoSolve we over since 2003 to 2007 I nerded out and I built out the technology at MIT then I nerded out for another five years and I wrote a lot of papers to validate this technology and then from 2012 all the way to now we started helping companies we thought pharma would want to use our mathematical models right we helped a couple of them but they’re not interested in this they’re interested more and beefing up their stock price but they’re problematic because they just use a single synthetic compound. I’m interested in what my Grandmother used to do national products so we have many national products companies figure out their mixtures but over the last 10 years we’ve actually created many many mathematical models of disease. We started looking at all different ingredients particularly looking at inflammation and we went through trillions of molecular reactions. Billions of combinations and we ourselves discovered a very powerful product called mV25 which is our we’re very excited as I’ve shared before our this tool of this product and the tool that lets us apply System Science for discovery. So we’ve discovered a product and I’ll come back to this called mV25. mV25 and what is mV25? mV25 has our label on it which is scientists and systems Systems Biologists we’re taking a Systems Approach mV25 means mass times momentum velocity which means momentum to move. This is a physics play on words right and what we’re talking about here is we’ve created a CytoSolve optimized combination of two bioflavonoids three bioflavonoids for a set of bioflavonoids which have incredible effect in reducing inflammation. As a back of the bottle says you can read it here it says mV25 is formulated using this engine that came out of mit invented by dr shiva from his doctoral research and this formulation and mV25 results from where we looked at 1000s of papers spanning you know nearly 40 years across 68 research institutions. We congealed all of that and then we compute a trillions of molecular reactions to find the right combination and what we say here is to combat discomfort and normal swelling you know that come in inflammation and CytoSolve optimized means that this formula has been optimized to maximize benefits and bioavailability while minimizing toxicity based on current research curated by CytoSolve. As a science evolves so will this formulation. So that CytoSolve is a very powerful formulation, which cannot be done by hand waving the problem with a lot of the nutraceutical industries, a bunch of guys get together, and they just hand wave this outward throw this and this, I want to sell it on Amazon. No, that’s as bad as what pharma does, what we’ve done here is we’ve gone down to molecular science and looked at all the science. And we know as new science comes, we’ll keep updating CytoSolve like an operating system. And as science gets more, or we get more science, we’re going to evolve our formulation, we’re not stuck to it. So what we’ve done is, we have just launched pre-orders there. And those of you want to know where to get it, let me share it with you, you can literally go back to the platform for Truth Freedom Health, what a better place to find mV25. If you go to vashiva.com, and you go right up to the top here to the shop, right there, you will find out that we have all sorts of books, this is a shop. But right here is mV25. It’s on pre-order, you know, we’re trying to get as much product as in because we’re getting inundated with orders. People are very excited about this. And with COVID, you know their supply chain issues, but we’re working through it, and it’s work coming out well, but we want people to recognize that mV25 is a product that comes from a Systems Approach. It’s the first of its kind. It’s the first of its kind in the world, because we’re using the computer we’re not killing animals, we’ve gone through many, many different trillions of chemical reactions to discover mV25. So I want First of all, I want everyone to become Truth Freedom Health workers go to vashiva.com/join. And your contributions are what keep our research going. Your contributions are what enabled us to we have our own data center by the way, we don’t rely on Amazon, your contributions are what make us build the software and provide the educational tools and for me when you contribute to this development of this historic movement, I want to also contribute back to you by providing you education via books or tools or are supporting to become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. So go to vashiva.com/join become a Truth Freedom Health warrior support your body go checkout mV25 it’s it’s an amazing journey that for me, all the way from India understanding Eastern and Western medicine, building CytoSolve linking it to politics and now creating a platform for Truth Freedom Health. So I hope this was valuable for people. When you purchase these kinds of powerful technologies. But that’s what vashiva.com is, it’s a technology platform. Out of it comes new products like mV25. out of it comes education. out of it comes activism. It’s literally an operating system for Truth Freedom Health. Thank you. Shiva the destroyer. Okay, thank you, Paul, hope you’re well thank you for your comment. What destruction of evil. You know, my grandmother used to tell me the trident of Shiva is not the devil, the Trident, just like the Navy SEAL, tried to pierces darkness to deliver truth. So that’s what we’re doing here. We’re piercing darkness to deliver truth. And the way we and the tips of that Trident are Truth Freedom Health with Truth Freedom Health we pierced darkness. So I hope everyone has a good evening. And thank you again for the opportunity to share this with you. And thank you for your support. I wish you and your family. Much love and light, be the light. And let’s win this fight. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, be well.
Let’s do the summary slide. Sorry about that. one more slide is this. Here’s the summary. antibodies provide a reductionist solution. That’s what they do. So the takeaways unlike antibody, the IFN system provides a perpetual anti viral environment, defence inside the cells look at that perpetual antiviral environment inside the cells. Unlike vaccines, the IFN system provides a robust immune system that activates innate as well as the adaptive immune system. Public health policies should strongly promote strengthening of the IFN system to prevent infectious diseases. So let’s move beyond antibodies and to a systems view of immunity. Again, doing this antibodies provided A reductionist solution, the interferon system provides a robust immune response that the vaccines do not provide. So sorry about that. Just remember, that’s what we want to focus on. We want to recognize that the cord of the immune system is that interferon system which links so let’s figure out ways to boost that. Okay, and let’s recognize, yes, antibodies are important. We’re not denying that, but they’re a small piece of this much larger system. So anyway, learn the Foundations of Systems. Tomorrow, we’re going to be I forgot we’ll be covering keep an eye out. But those of you who have ideas of what you’d like me to present, you can email me at vashiva@vashiva.com. I read as many of those emails I can get my assistant helps me and then we triage it. And any of the ideas you give, we’re literally putting it on our schedule. Thank you. Be well.
A SYSTEMS approach provides a comprehensive method to understand connections among the parts of any system to elicit the scientific truth across ALL systems.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.