Robert F. Kennedy is Pro-Vaccine
FACT #1 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is Pro-Vaccine and Wants to Preserve his Uncle – JFK’s – Vaccine Program and Wants MORE & Bigger Government to Manage a Program that Was Based on #FakeScienceHear it for YOURSELF from his own mouth. “I want…
Robert F. Kennedy Buddy Hillary Clinton Pro-Vaccine Pro Big Pharma Pro-Monsanto
FACT #2 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “Environmental Activist,” Close Political Ally – HILLARY CLINTON – is Pro-Vaccine Mandates, Big Pharma, Anti-Environment-Pro-Monsanto Shill Click Here to Learn All the 5 Facts and 5 Big Lies of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Endorsed Vaccine Queen Hillary Clinton Three Times
Fact #3 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Publicly Endorsed Hillary Clinton Not Once, Not Twice, but Three Times, Purposefully Deceiving and Corralling Millions to Vote for Hillary Clinton By Lying that She is a Fighter Against Big Pharma and Pro-Environment. Click Here to Learn…
Robert F. Kennedy Raised Money for Nephew Pro-Vaccine Joe Kennedy
FACT #4 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Chooses “Blood Line” Over Principles. He Endorsed and Raised Money for His Nephew Joe Kennedy, III, as Recent as January 25, 2020, Joe Kennedy, III is Pro-Vaccine Mandates, and is Running Against advair…
Robert F. Kennedy and Jeffrey Epstein
FACT #5 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his Family Were Friends with Rapist, Pedophile, Child-Sex-Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Click Here to Learn All the 5 Facts and 5 Big Lies of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Robert F Kennedy – The Facts
5 Facts on Robert Kennedy's alliances, partnerships and endorsements. FACT #1 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is Pro-Vaccine and Wants to Preserve his Uncle – JFK’s – Vaccine Program and Wants MORE & Bigger Government to Manage a Program that Was Based on #FakeScienceHear it…
Robert F. Kennedy’s Big Lies Exposed
Truth Does Matter. Science Demands Evidence. Know the Truth. LIE #1 –“Dr.SHIVA is a Vaccine Maker” The Truth CytoSolve is not a "Vaccine Maker," has never produced a single Vaccine. CytoSolve IS a software technology for modeling biological mechanisms. CytoSolve…
Cytosolve MAKES Mathematical Models
LIE #1 –“Dr.SHIVA is a Vaccine Maker” The Truth CytoSolve is not a Vaccine Maker, has never produced a single Vaccine. CytoSolve IS a software technology for modeling biological mechanisms. CytoSolve IS recognized as a Revolutionary and Disruptive Platform. CytoSolve…