Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai honors Christ on Easter by recognizing the relevance of the Temple Cleansing and shares the reasons why the Establishment refuses to discuss it.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – honors Christ on Easter by recognizing the relevance of the temple cleansing.
- The Sadducees were the chief priests, the Pharisees were leaders of the local synagogues and are considered the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment of their time.
- The Sadducees & Pharisees were essentially supporting the Romans, who were the obvious establishment of the times.
- The Affidavits of John, Matthew, Mark, and Luke along with the Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke recall the Jesus temple cleansing similarly but the question is was this an isolated event or were there multiple occasions?
- Initially the Pharisees embraced Christ until they became hateful and collaborated with the Sadducees, many biblical scholars argue these events led to the crucifixion of Jesus.
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Good afternoon, everyone is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. I hope everyone’s having a Happy Easter with you and your loved ones and your family. To me, this day is a very powerful day, I’ve always had some great experiences on this day, in a very deep, spiritual way, which I’m sure many of you have also experienced. But I wanted to take today as an opportunity to reflect on the things leading up to the resurrection of Christ, from what we have in the known texts. You know, it’s very hard, from a historical sense, people argue all day. But I think some of the important events that took place, particularly the temple cleansing, is something that I’d like to reflect upon today. So we’ll wait until people join people coming in from all over the country. For that matter all over the world.
Obviously, I don’t want to get into any type of deep religious discussion here. But I want to just look at some of the important events, the event, particularly of the temple cleansing that occurred, and what we’re gonna find is, when we look at the events that occurred, you’re gonna find something fascinating. That’s what we want to focus on. The most interesting thing that I’ve been very fascinated by in the life of Christ is, you know, I grew up as a Hindu in India, but Hinduism is a very interesting religion. Hinduism, actually believes God exists in everything, in everything. And in fact, the Hindu religion believes that God sends his sons at different points in life. So when I was growing up, my grandmother had all the great deities, including Christ. So in the Hindu religion, we recognize Christ as Son of God. But what’s interesting is that I grew up, my parents were many ways, not really that religious. So I grew up, I went to Catholic school in India, and we moved here to the United States, and my parents believed God was everywhere. And they were absolutely fine with me going to any of the end of the Christian denomination. So I’ve been fascinated with the life of Christ and try to read as much as I could. And what I want to talk about is one of the scenes in the Bible is the temple cleansing, what I’ve been fascinated by is, whenever I bring this up to, you know, people in the religious hierarchy, they didn’t seem really that interested in discussing this. And to me, it’s one of the most profound events because it literally occurs about a week or less than a week before the crucifixion of Christ shortly there. In fact, days I would probably say, three to five days is when we look at the timeline. Obviously, there’s all different types of historical scholars who argue the exact date. But when you look at the sequence of events, it’s interesting to understand, so I put together a presentation that hopefully we can all follow, that will help sort of understand this. And we also want to put it in the context of the Pharisees and the Sadducees of the time, if you remember, these were the leaders of the temples, the Sadducees, the chief priests, and the Pharisees were the leaders of the local synagogues throughout the villages. In some ways, they had two different markets. And they were the existing establishment, which worked very closely with the Romans. So if you think about what we’ve been talking about, you have the Obvious Establishment of the times, which was a Romans, but in many ways, the Pharisees and the Sadducees were part of the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment, they were essentially supporting the Romans in many ways against their own people. So let’s just let me just sort of go over to this and let’s review this. So there’s various pictures and this is a picture that I mean, when you look out there, you can google this and you can find this but this is one of the most profound pictures of Christ whipping the people out there.
So again, what you see in this picture is you see the doves flying and we’ll talk about that you see the whip of cords here and you see the cattle here. You see the money changers here, and you see behind Christ’s here are the depiction of Christ are the people selling doves. So we’ll talk about that. And I’ll come back to this. But one of the important things to recognize is that the temples had become a place of commerce and exchange, almost like I hate to say, like a mall. And you had, particularly the temple in Jerusalem was owned by a family who controlled the trade in that temple, particularly the exchange of monies and the selling of sacrificial animals. And this is what actually perturbed Christ. But there were two things that really perturbed him. One was a money changing that was going on, there was a place where people exchange for Greek and Roman currency, they would convert it to Jewish or was known as Syrian shekels, we’ll come back to that. So that bothered him and the fact that the purchasing of sacrificial animals, the tradition was that you were supposed to bring your animal and more importantly, you know, to be sacrificed for some thing that you wanted from God. But inside the temples, what occurred was that they were selling doves, because most poor people couldn’t afford larger animals. But more interestingly enough, the doves that were sold in the walls that were within the walls of the temple were 15 times more than what you’d have to buy outside. So there’s essentially a racket going on. And this obviously troubled Christ, deeply perturbed him. And let’s look at this.
The “Affidavits” of John, Matthew, Mark, Luke
So, first of all, let’s look at what you would, let’s say, call the affidavits of John, Matthew, Mark and Luke and look now, in when you start to study this. And by the way, I’m by no means a biblical scholar and I do not want to represent myself as one. But there’s the gospel of John. But then there’s what’s called a synoptic, gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and they’re really separated. John, as you’ll understand, was one of the earliest Disciples of Christ and He followed him from the beginning of his ministry. The others were not early disciples. So when you look at the affidavits, if you go look at that particular scene, the temple cleansing scene, let’s actually go look at what’s going on here. So this is from
John. 2:13-16 -13: He also poured out the money and turned over the tables. 14: In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. 15: And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. 16: And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.”
So that’s from John’s verse 2, lines 13 through 16. And that’s what John recorded.
The Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke
The synoptic gospels, which are from Matthew, Mark, and Luke, also have their witness of this event of the cleansing. And that’s
Matthew. 21:10-17 10: And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying, “Who is this?” 11: And the crowds said, “This is a Prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.” 12: And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. 13: He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called the house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.” (and some people use the word thieves) 14: And the blind and the lame, came to him in the temple, and he healed them.
So apparently, in this account, after in this account, after Christ turned over the tables and all this, then he also healed people. So it’s a little bit different than John’s account.
So after all of this, and the ln came to him and he healed them, and then it continues in line
Matthew. 21:10-17 -15: But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were indignant. 16: and they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Yes; I have you never read, ‘Out of the mouth of infants, and nursing babies you have prepared praise’?”17: And leaving them, he went out of the city to Bethany and lodged there.
So that’s from Matthew, and for Mark, from verse
Mark. 11:15-19 -15: And they come to Jerusalem, and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them that sold doves; 16: And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple. 17: And he taught, saying unto them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer?’ but ye have made it a den of thieves.”
so very similar, and then continues into line
Mark. 11:15-19 -18: And the chief priests and the scribes heard it and they sought a way to destroy him; for they feared him, because all the multitude was astonished at his teaching. 19: And when evening came they went out of the city.
And then in Luke, again, this is the account of Luke from the synoptics. Luke said, in verse
Luke. 19:45-47 -45: And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold, 46: saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of robbers.” 47: And he was teaching daily in the temple. The chief priests and the scribes and the principal men of the people were seeking to destroy him.
Alright. So what was going on here was the money changers exchanged Roman Greek currency for shekels in the temple. That’s one thing that upset Christ. The second things that doves were used for sacrificial animals, and they charge exorbitant prices for sacrificial animals. So Jesus was challenging unGodly practices, and the urge of obedience to God versus convenience, the tradition was you were supposed to bring your own lab into the temple that you had raised, or, you know, it was raised for that special purpose. And what ended up happening was the entire temple atmosphere literally became like a shopping mall, like a market. And you had money changers exchanging, you know, for shekels at high prices sometimes. And these are essentially poor people who came into the temple seeking, you know, blessings from God. And that time, the tradition was you would always sacrifice, you know, you would buy an animal for some type of sacrifice, or you would give money, right? And you had to get an exchange. So two things are going on the money changes, return is charging an exorbitant rate sometimes, and as I said earlier, that the poor people couldn’t afford, you know, large animals. So they would buy small doves, but the doves in the temple were sold at sometimes 15 times higher price, and the quote unquote, “security”, who controlled the temples, you know, they wouldn’t allow you to bring in your own animals from outside. So it was essentially a monopoly market that was being run.
So, just think about that. The temple was literally an area for profit making and commerce, you make money off poor people, by charging the 10 to 15 times higher price for the animals that you’re selling. And you make sure that they couldn’t bring in their own stuff. Okay. So, that’s the environment that has become essentially a commercial environment. I hope that makes sense. So, the important thing to understand is that the verses in the Bible when you look across John and Mark, and Luke and Matthew, what’s interesting is, some people have that one of the biggest controversies that occurs is was there this one cleansing that took place? Or were there many cleansings? Meaning did Christ was this part of his thing that he did was that only one occurrence? So this is quite interesting, because it appears that Christ was extremely against this type of hypocrisy, and this wasn’t his first occasion. So there’s some very interesting scholarly work done on this. And I want to point to that, and again, I encourage everyone to go do their own research. But again, the purpose is to reflect on this set of events. So now at a high level Jesus is against these practices, as I mentioned money changing the temple, charging exorbitant prices to poor for sacrificial animals. But in the temple of Jerusalem, he angered and challenged the high priest Caiaphas, whose family was in charge of money changing in the temple. And he threatened Caiaphas’ family’s financial holdings. Because remember, when this was a Passover, Passover is a very important day, right? Because the numbers sometimes say 300 to 400,000, people would show up. A massive number of people who have a lot of quote unquote, “business” occurring for the Caiaphas family. So Christ is going in there, and turning over tables and knocking things down. He’s essentially creating a ruckus against which would be a financial threat to the family Caiaphas. So, this was clearly a threat to that family. And you’ll find out what occurs shortly. But he angered and challenged high priests, and it was a threat to them now. So the question is, and it took me a while to really understand this. And I, again, I encourage people to explore this again, today’s really a day to reflect on this. The question has been, was that because when people start looking at the calendar leading up to the crucifixion, the resurrection, people were unsure, because it looks like there may have been not just one time of Christ that did this, but multiple occasions. But the one of the consensus that appears there was at least two occasions when Christ did this, not only one occasion. So this took me a little while to understand this, because it was a little bit of confusing when I was trying to put together the timeline, and you’ll see it. But there’s a general understanding that there were two events. So how does this first come? So first of all, John, many scholars believe that when he was writing his version, that was actually referring to the first time the first time Christ cleansed the temple, because remember, John knew him for the earliest days of ministry, the first time that Christ’s actually went to the temple for the first Passover, and the way you’re able to resolve this. The scholar says, when the first time was when Jesus immediately was confronted by the temple official. So apparently, when this first happened, Jesus was immediately confronted by the temple officials in John’s teaching. And that’s there’s not a mention of that confrontation immediately, Matthew, Mark, or Luke, Jesus also made a whip of cords and then drove out the money changers.
Well, the synoptics, meaning Matthew, Mark, or Luke, do not mention a whip at all. And, you know, Jesus said, Take these things away, do not make my father’s house and merchandise. Now in the Synoptic Gospels, which is Matthew, Mark, and Luke. They’re referring, apparently, to scholars, by scholars to the second cleansing. And this is when Jesus began to teach those who are in the temple. And in that example, after he knocked over everything, he also healed the blind, and the lame that came to him, for example, it’s written in Mark, Luke, it said, It is written my house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. So the message was similar, but the words were different. The distinction people make is that in the first cleansing, there’s no mention of the whip, which is the one that John’s referring to.
And then the second one, they’re referring to Christ actually healing people after. So John never talks about after the events of knocking over the tables and attacking the money changers that Christ ever healed anyone. But he does talk about the whip, in the version that Mark, Matthew and Luke talk about, there’s a clear, you know, reference to the fact that Christ actually healed people after the end of those events. So this contradiction, people have been talking about it. There were two so when you break this down, one of the things that comes out, there’s a following. So in the first cleansing, the scholars now believe this was the first Passover, okay. And the first Passover, and this was when the synoptics, skip early days of Jesus ministry. So John focuses on the early days, John was one of Jesus’s earliest disciples. And John followed Jesus to Jerusalem for the first Passover. And so that’s where he cleanses the temple for the first time. So when John refers to this, in these verses, he’s referring to the first Passover. Alright, so he’s not referring to the Passover that the synoptics refer to. What’s also interesting is we start getting an understanding of the difference between the position of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Because in the first, cleansing Christ really upset the Sadducees, so everyone hated the temples, corruption. And this was Christ’s first time it did during the early part of his ministry during the first Passover. And when Christ whipped them, he became a hero overnight, and after that, every village started inviting Christ to come for him to preach. And at that time, he also became enemy number one of the Sadducees who were the chief priests, as I mentioned, Caiaphas and that family, who ran essentially the market place. And he was destroying their revenue stream at one of their busiest seasons, which is Passover. Now, Annas and Caiaphas, were the two high priests of that temple and Annas was the father in law of Caiaphas. So this is the political dynamics that was taking place. So, you have the first cleansing which took place during the first Passover,
If you believe what the scholars are saying in that first cleansing Christ really got for the first time, the high priest Caiaphas got very upset because they were running this as a business. So the Sadducees, which are the chief priests of the Jewish religion, became very upset with Christ. So he became enemy number one to the Sadducees. And here’s what’s interesting. It’s almost if you get from a business perspective, the enemies or the competitors of the Sadducees, was the Pharisees.
Okay. So, if you think about it from a territory standpoint, the main temple right in Jerusalem, was controlled by the Sadducees, they were the chief priests, but the smaller temples in the local or the synagogues in the local villages, were controlled by the Pharisees. And they had a comp competition with the statuses. So when Christ did this, what’s also fascinating to understand is that for the masses, he became a hit overnight, he became a hero, because he was willing to actually take action in the temples, you know, the masses were obviously diffident, and Christ was not, that was his courage. And he was willing to expose the hypocrisy of the Sadducees. Pharisees being competitors to the Sadducees, he got very excited. So they also started inviting Christ to speak at all the local villages. So overnight, Christ’s popularity explosively grew. So that’s a very important thing. So initially, the Pharisees and the Sadducees had a competition. They actually embrace Christ. In many ways, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So they saw Christ as the enemy of the Sadducees, which he was. So, they said, oh, let’s, embrace this guy, cause he can actually, you know, help us bring more people to our synagogue, which Christ obviously did. So in that interpretation, what you find is that the Pharisees love Jesus attacking the Sadducees. And the Pharisees who controlled, the Pharisees are the ones who controlled the synagogues and all the local villages. So Jesus’s ministry grew exponentially, he associated with the rabble, right and huge crowds came to him. So however, what’s interesting is that Pharisees became jealous of him. And Jesus also started attacking the Pharisees hypocrisy, because Jesus was a man of truth in a very profound way. Just because people were, giving him access, the Pharisees were opening up the synagogue because they needed Christ to bring in the crowds. But Christ also started attacking their hypocrisy. And Christ was also you know, saying that even quote, unquote, “sinners” could get salvation. This went against the legalism of the Pharisees. And what’s fascinating is what you find is that Christ, you know, was pretty, you know, very clear of the of his attack on the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, for example, he said,
“You’re like dead men’s tombs…. You clean the outside of the platter, but the other side, the inner side, is filthy. You do everything possible to hide the impurity, that grime, and that filthiness from public view. You pretend to be righteous, and you major in that pretense of being righteous.”
Okay in the pretence of being righteous. So here, on the one hand, if you follow the thesis that Christ had already gotten the Sadducees, he’s very upsetting the chief priests of the Jewish religion, the Pharisees embraced him, because they needed him. He was like their attraction, he became a hero, because he stood up to the Sadducees. So they invited him to all the local synagogues. But then he actually starts exposing them. Because Christ was taking a very different position. He wasn’t in the sight of the Pharisees, or the Sadducees or the Romans, he was of a very different position, that he believed anyone could attain salvation. So, he would hang out with the quote, unquote, “rabble.” And he also believed salvation for quote, unquote, “sinner.” So by exposing the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, and as his popularity grew, the Pharisees also became his enemy. That leads to what we call the several years later to the second cleansing. Alright, so let’s go to that. So, the second cleansing is what Mark again refers to, which is the, I believe it’s on the third Passover, years after what John refers to. And this would, as we said, earlier,
Mark. 11:15-19 -15: And they came to Jerusalem, and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them that sold doves; 16: And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.
So what scholar says that this is referring to the second time that Jesus did the cleansing. And by the way, there may have been others, there’s a whole discourse, we could go read a lot of this, there could have been many, many times Christ was doing this in a very deliberate way to expose the fact that this very deeply spiritual place had been essentially destroyed. So what’s fascinating here is that Caiaphas was a high priest during Jesus’s ministry, he was a son in-law to Annas who was a previous high priest. So Annas’ son in law, Caiaphas, was really running this business in Jerusalem. And so when Jesus was arrested, that he was first led to Annas first, who is Caiaphas, his father in law, and Caiaphas is the one who charged Jesus with blasphemy, and Caiaphas is the one who sent Jesus away to Pilate. And Caiaphas persecuted Jesus’s disciples. So just let’s just sort of step back and look at this. So the key thing to understand is that it was Jesus during the first cleansing, which was the first Passover, that he had really gotten the Sadducees upset because he’s gotten in to cleanse the temple, and to attack this money changing the fact of how they were, extremely charging exorbitant prices for sacrificial animals, taking advantage of the poor. That’s the first time years later the third Passover Christ goes and again, he may have done it several times. But this time, the same Caiaphas is there, and it is Caiaphis, who’s the one who initiates the arrest of Jesus? He’s the one who sends Jesus to Pilate. Alright, Pontius Pilate. So when we look at this, what’s interesting to go deeper into this is to actually see me bring this up, is the following.
What you find is when we look at the timeline, so what I wanted to do is this is all you know, I’ve been fascinated by this. As I mentioned, I wanted to see the timeline. So today is Easter Sunday. And what I wanted to understand was, when did these events occur? Was this like, years before Easter Sunday? When did they actually occur? And this is where I want people to reflect on this because if the first cleansing, the temple cleansing took about three years before, the cleansing that we’re referring to in Matthew, or Luke, or Mark, which is called the synoptics gospel, literally took as we’re gonna see about a week before, or less than a week before the crucifixion of Christ. And there’s a number of scholars who say that that event, the temple cleansing, was the event that triggered Christ’s crucifixion. So this is what I find fascinating, because, all the time I’ve gone to church, or all the times I’ve studied this, I would ask many of the establishment teachers about this, and no, everyone wants to sort of minimize, I found that maybe you guys have a different experience. People always want to minimize Christ getting the whip of cords, you know, throwing out the money changers, they want to minimize the whole issue of turning over the you know, the people are selling the doves. Oh, well, that was just an anomaly of Christ’s behavior. That was, you know, that’s really not what we should focus on. But the timeline says something very, very different. And that’s what I really want us to reflect on. That timeline says something profoundly different, that I think it’s important to see this.
Comment: Someone said, This is interesting. Someone said, Jesus is not historical, there’s not a single evidence that Jesus really exists.
Dr.SHIVA: Well, I beg to differ. There’s a great book I have here, here it is, there’s a good book I recommend people read if you’re interested. I mean, I have many, many books, on Christ. It’s called, ‘Jesus a Revolutionary Biography’ and this is written by a gentleman who is a religious scholar, but he took a very objective view of you looked at the text of Josephus, Roman letters in the Bible, and he, you know, triangulate, and he said, clearly, there was a being like Christ to exist, and, I, and again, all this has occurred many 1000s of years ago, but I’m of the position there was a Jesus Christ who did exist. So I beg to differ and you know, this, this discussion can go on for a long time.
So anyway, let’s let’s go back to this. But I want to discuss here is a timeline. And by the way, again, we could argue until you know, the end of the universe, but the days here can be off by, let’s say, two or three days, okay? But there’s a Palm Sunday, when Christ comes into Jerusalem, and you’ve seen many of those, if you’ve watched many of those movies, or you’ve seen you read the Bible, that’s when people are, you know, inviting Christ in. And then you had the temple cleansing, which occurs on Monday. And then you have Tuesday. Where, by the way, when the temple cleansing occurred, scholars have said that the immediate, you know, the soldiers didn’t stop Christ right away, because they were afraid there would be an insurrection, if they did that, because people loved Christ. They had great respect for what he was doing, because he’s standing up against this corruption. So they waited. Alright, so that’s what’s interesting to understand, then you have Tuesday, then you have Wednesday, again, some people argue it is Wednesday or Thursday. But let’s there’s variations on this. I’m going to choose a Wednesday. Because there’s a number of things that triangulate on this, but this was when the last supper takes place. This is when Judas betrays Christ. And that’s the night where he’s brought before the high priest, right, that’s Caiaphas, and who was Caiaphas? Well, Caiaphas was the person who was ahead of the high priest, the high priest at the temple, that Christ had just turned over all the tables. So he’s bought before the high priest, and then on Thursday, crucified at 9am. And he’s put to death. He dies at 3pm. That’s Thursday, Good Friday, which we just experienced, he was put in the tomb, and holy Saturdays in the tomb. And the resurrection takes place on Sunday. But just look at this timeline. It’s pretty rapid. Okay, Palm Sunday, occurs here. Monday is a temple cleansing, where Christ turns over all those tables, gets Caiaphas upset again, and again, put it in a business perspective. If we just look at it from a purely business perspective, in this regard, past this is occurring during Passover, Passover is when the Sadducees are expecting to make tonnes and tonnes of money, right. They make a lot of money selling these doves. They make a lot of money during the money exchanges. So Christ coming in there and doing this. Some scholars agree it was their last straw. now from the first Passover, where the where we’re clearly the Sadducees. He’s become, they made Christ their number one enemy, since that first Passover to this Passover. During that period, the Pharisees were supporting Christ, but by this Passover, the one we’re talking about here, the Second Temple cleansing, the Pharisees are also hateful of Christ, because he was quote, unquote, also stealing their, quote, unquote, their business, their followers, because people are coming to him. And Christ is also exposing their hypocrisy. So the courage and the greatness of Christ did not compromise him and exposed the Sadducees, the high priests. He also started exposing the Pharisees who were embracing him because he was going to bring them followers. So he exposed both groups, he didn’t let up.
So by the second temple cleansing, he’s got the Sadducees hateful of them, and also the Pharisees and what scholars agree by this point, by remembering the Sadducees and the Pharisees are both Jewish leaders, and Christ was essentially exposing the Jewish establishment at the time. Obviously, the obvious establishment at the time was the Romans but you have the Jewish elite of the time, the Sadducees and the Pharisees, both who are running these operations as businesses, competitors, initially, the Pharisees embraced Christ because they saw him as an enemy of the Sadducees, right. But then as his popularity grew, their jealousy grew, and also they became hateful of him. And they then collaborated with the Sadducees. But what’s interesting, in this timeline when I was doing this, again, I want to emphasize This is that you see this profound date palm Sunday, here, the Monday, some people say it was Monday, some people say this temple cleansing occurred on Sunday. But nonetheless, if you use a day, that’s let’s say, one or two days off, by Wednesday, you have the Last Supper, Judas betrays Christ, you have he’s brought before the high priests, Caiaphas was the same person here that Christ essentially was essentially mocking here. And then you know, is quickly within 72 hours, he’s being crucified, right here. So between the time of the temple cleansing, 72 hours, Christ is being crucified, and Good Friday, occurs Holy Saturday in the tomb, and then the resurrection where we are today.
So I really want people to look at this. So because my view is that temple cleansing is one of the most important events. And when I looked at the Bible, and I was really, really disappointed that anytime I would ask many of the, you know, Christian scholars, be it a priest, or they always diminished it. And it’s taken me a while, especially when I put that timeline together to see that, I don’t think it’s any coincidence, you’re just using my rational thinking from the Second Temple cleansing the day that he does that 72 hours later, the same high priest, who’s temple he’s essentially exposing the hypocrisy of, he’s the one who brings Christ before him, and has him arrested, sent to Pontius Pilate. And then after Christ’s crucifixion, that same high priest Caiaphas goes after all of Christ’s disciples. So I think you know that the temple cleansing is probably, next to the resurrection and the crucifixion a very, very important historical point. And I’d like us to reflect on that, because there’s some very important lessons, I believe today. Because to me, the message of Christ in this is a very personal one was that he stood for principles, wherever that would take him. And those principles were, the highest principles for Truth, for Freedom and for Health, and even if it meant great sacrifice to him. And that’s when you look at that timeline, to the Sadducees, and the Pharisees, his quote, unquote, own people, right? The Jewish leaders, he became a serious threat. And in a very material way, he became a threat to them, because he was basically exposing that these guys were running a business, they weren’t they weren’t running the business of God, they were running a business enterprise, a commercial enterprise, you know, while posturing that they were these very devout, pious people, but you can see from this timeline, literally, which, from the from the Monday temple cleansing, to three days later, he is basically crucified. And I think that’s something that we should reflect on. Because Christ was standing up for principles here in this world, as well as the other world, there was no dissonance in my view of Christ principles. And we don’t, to me, I don’t, you know, I don’t see that same, you know, resonance in many of the religious leaders today. They say one thing, and they do another, including, you know, wherever, wherever you look, look at this, they say one thing, and they do another. And we need to, perhaps use this occasion to look at the life of Christ leading up to that temple cleansing day, and the immense you know, sacrifice that he took standing up for the poor standing up for those who have little, and seeing the exploitation that they were undergoing by the chief priests and the Pharisees, who were not into, in my view, really the true essence of spirituality. They were running businesses, highly profitable businesses. And in the worldly realm. Christ was also threatening their worldly businesses, in addition to leading people to a fundamental truth, which they had probably never embraced or forgotten about.
I hope this was valuable. I wish everyone a Happy Easter. But I think if anyone has more data on this, I’d like to explore it. One of the questions I had was, was Christ, was there only two events that he did? Or were there many, many events and the powers that be have sort of suppressed that? That the notion that Christ was exposing this on multiple occasions, it wasn’t just the one occasion, but it was on multiple occasions. So it could be the story that we have is a composite of two different events or multiple events.
I try to find the essence here. But I think that if you want to apply this to what we talk about is, you know, we want to go beyond this duality of left or right. And I think there’s a message there because Christ was going beyond that duality, meaning he didn’t see the Romans any different than the statuses and the Pharisees. It’s quite, and I think that’s where he risked his whole life. Right? It was obvious the Romans were the obvious establishment if you want to look at it today. It’s obvious that the republicans and democrats are the obvious establishment. But when you start talking about the Not-So-Obvious-Establishment from the people who talk, but don’t walk the walk. That’s when Christ became dangerous. And I think if you if we go back to this presentation I just shared here, I think the most my important takeaway from this was when Christ actually expose the Pharisees, because look, the Pharisees were absolutely fine with Christ, as long as the attack the statuses but if you look at this, this is when he became dangerous. To, to the real establishment. If you think about the Pharisees and the Sadducees is part working with the Romans as part of the real establishment hierarchy. The Not-So-Obvious-Establishment was the Pharisees. It was obvious that Sadducees were just making tons of money all day. But the Pharisees were running the local synagogues. And they embrace Christ. Initially, they needed him. And this is what we can understand today. The establishment is very clever. Whenever someone, you know, talks a talk, they try to co op them. They try to bring them in. And I saw this occur. If you start looking at many, many different events in Christ’s life, they try to co opt in. That’s what the Pharisees try to do. They try to call off Christ to bring him in closer, but they didn’t realize that he was actually the real thing, okay. He wasn’t just talking the talk, he was gonna walk the walk. So when he exposed them right here, he said, “You’re like dead men’s tombs, you clean the outside of the platter, but the other side, the inner side is filthy, you do everything possible to hide that impurity, that that grime, and that filthiness from public view, you pretend to be righteous, and you major in that pretense of being righteous.” So basically, there were a bunch of people who were hypocrites, right? So that’s when he became dangerous. And that’s when both the Pharisees Not-So-Obvious-Establishment. And the Sadducees came together because they don’t want to keep sort of this dualism, all the fire, the Sadducees are the, you know, the chief priests, right, Pharisees were acting like they were part of the people. That’s why they brought Christ in. But when Christ exposed them, that’s when he became really dangerous. And that’s when, you know, he, he sacrificed his life for truth. So that’s really the real message here. And the timeline is quite amazing. When you look at the timeline again, the timeline literally occurs in a very rapid session. I’ll just leave everyone. This is a sign off here. I think this timeline is what we can reflect on. You have the resurrection, and literally less than seven days before the crucifixion less than four days is when he had gone into that temple and he had done the Second Temple cleansing if you believe there were two if you want to consider that one. But that’s when he really exposed the Sadducees and that’s when the Sadducees the Romans and the Pharisees all came down on a part. They could not have truth at this level, right? It was too threatening to them. Okay, everyone, Happy Easter. I wish you well. Thank you. Be well thank you.

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