Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai reveals how onions boost immunity through a CytoSolve Systems Analysis based on nearly 22,640 articles, 112 clinical trials going back to the 1800s.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – gives an overview on a CytoSolve computational analysis on how Onions support Immune Health.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 22,640 articles, 112 clinical trials going back to the 1800s.
- First documented use dates back 3500 years in the Egyptian Codex Ebers. Western medicine has been researching Onion since the 1800s.
- Onions have a blend of minerals, vitamins, phenolic compounds, organic sugars, fiber, volatile compounds, organosulfur compounds.
- Onion has minerals like manganese, zinc, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B6 and E.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Hello this is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. Today we’re going to talk about Onions, we’re going to talk about why microbes actually are afraid of Onions. And why, as I said in the ad, why Onions make microbes cry, or in many ways how they boost immunity. Onions come in all different kinds of when you have. This is a yellow Onion, you have red Onions, you have small Onions, there’s a whole range of different Onions, many different varieties. We’re going to focus today on Onion and immune health. And as a part of this presentation today, we first begin by giving a background to what is VA SHIVA, the platform that we’re building. And one of the most important things to understand is that our platform is really about educating you on a Systems Approach to everything in the universe. It’s a Systems Approach where you consider how Onions affect immune health, or whether how the climate change system works, or does not work, or what’s really going on with that. I did an earlier video on the healthcare system, the transportation system, educational system, the system of immunity, a whole bunch of things. So we’re going to talk about that background, then we’re going to give a little bit of overview on the Onion, educate a lot of people on how you can actually understand what’s actually going on when you start looking at foods and medicines, at the molecular systems level, using the revolutionary technology that came out of my PhD work at MIT called CytoSolve, will give you a background on Systems Biology, you’re going to learn that, and then we’re going to look at the immune system, a little bit of review, then we’re gonna look at how Onion affects the immune system. And we’re going to talk a little bit about the Principle of Synergy.
What’s really amazing about food, food is not just one single chemical. Food is an assortment of many, many different chemicals that affect in a very powerful way, different subsystems in your body. And that’s what makes food or herbs or natural products quite interesting, quite difficult to understand. Using the current methodology of the pharmaceutical approach, they can’t understand it. On the one hand, Big Pharma doesn’t really know how to handle the complexity of food. So on the other hand, a lot of people try to go to supplements or they try to go to the New Age movement or alternatives. A problem with the New Age of supplements movement is they practice something called cherry picking. They don’t really practice evidence based science. But with CytoSolve, the technology I’ll teach you, we can really understand the Synergistic level of health, food and substances work. And then we’re going to, using that Principle of Synergy, what I want to educate you on is that that same Principle of Synergy that we use to understand why food is medicine, you can also use that Principle of Synergy to understand why we need to take a multi Systems Approach to also changing the world in a positive way through what we call Truth Freedom Health combination of ingredients. And then we’ll come back to Onions. And we’ll talk about how you can also take an engineering Systems Approach to understand the Onion. So you’re going to learn a lot about Onion, you’re going to learn a lot about Systems Approach. So that’s what we’re going to talk about. And to start this discussion, we’ve put together a little video because many times I keep repeating the same thing. And after all, it frankly gets hard for me to repeat it over and over again. So I put it into a video. So those of you who are new, can really get an overall understanding of what VA SHIVA is and what really motivated the creation of this platform. So let me just play this so everyone can see it. So here we go. I hope you guys enjoy it. Here we go.
So, today we’re going to talk about Onion and they are a very interesting food because most of us probably use it every day. In the many traditional cultures Onions are used often as an add on to pretty much soups. It’s used in scrambled eggs, curries, and rice dishes. It’s pretty much used in every place. But some people consider Onion the queen of the vegetable kingdom and they consider garlic the king, or some people switch it, but I mean garlic goes hand in hand. We’ve talked about garlic before and we know that garlic has a lot of organosulfur compounds and you’ll find out that Onion also has the same but let me bring up the presentation I have for you today.
Now many of you know the approach that I take. And in studying pretty much most of the talks that we have is to always take a Systems Approach. Those of you who just saw the video, who are just joining, please make sure to go to vashiva.com/join, I’ll put up the banner. So you can support yourself, this is really not supporting me or the movement in a broad way. But it’s really about supporting you to start recognizing that you need to learn a Systems Approach to looking at the world. If we don’t take a Systems Approach, you’re never going to know what’s right for your body, and you’re never going to know what’s going on in the world of politics. You will not know what’s the right thing to do in a particular situation, meaning you won’t have a framework be it in the world of politics, be it in the world of health, being in the world of everything. And what’s happened is our educational system over the last, since probably the 1970’s, has essentially trained people to look at the world in a very bifurcated way, which means to look at the world as individual pieces, not to see a whole. And a Systems Approach will give you the tools to start seeing the whole, it is an actual science. And without this science, you will not have the capabilities to do that. So support this movement, support yourself. I’ll come back to this. But let’s talk about Onion today.

What You Will Learn
So, let’s go right into talking about Onions. So, I’m in an immune health. So we’re going to learn, what is Onion, we’re going to talk about what is the molecular composition of Onion? What are the biological functions, which means at the biological level? How does Onion work? Then we’re going to go in and we’re going to talk about the health benefits at a broader level, then we’re going to look at specifically how Onion affects the immune system. Then we’re gonna look at the clinical evidence on how much Onions you should take. So here’s the background on Onions. Onions are interesting, because they’ve been used for a long time, it dates back nearly 3500 years, in fact, in the Egyptian Codex Ebers, it’s actually documented there. And the medicinal effects of Onions are attributed to phenolic compounds, which means they’re very specific compounds are also attributed to minerals, fiber, organic sugar, and organic sulphur compounds, we’ll come back to these organic sulphur compounds. Now, if you look, look at the number of articles written on Onion, 22,640 research papers, 112 clinical trials, and that goes all the way back to the late 1800s. So again, when you have individuals, be it very ignorant individuals thinking like, oh, Onions don’t do anything. Well, why would people research them even in the western medical system for over, all the way back to the early 1800’s? Because food is medicine. And the good news is that some people even in the conventional medical world are starting to recognize that perhaps we should actually start studying food as medicine, that’s a good thing.
And tools like CytoSolve are helping us do that. But the bottom line is that when you really look at this, you find out that there’s a lot of research that’s been done on Onions, 22,000 papers, I don’t think anyone can even probably go through that in a lifetime. So, how do we do that? How are we going to go through all of this, because our goal is to take a Systems Approach, and a Systems Approach is what we did with CytoSolve. CytoSolve is a technology that I created for my PhD work, and CytoSolve allows us to take a Systems Approach to understanding everything. So how does this work? Well, all we’re able to do with this technology is we’re able to look at a body of work like you see in this inverse funnel, we can take a body of work, in this case, 20,000 papers, out of that body of work, we can curate, curate is a word that we use in bioinformatics, which means out of the 22,000, let’s focus on the ones related to immune health, we get those papers, we then apply certain metrics to see was there lab work done on them? Were they credible lab work, etc. And then from that set of another distilled set of papers, we look for molecular mechanisms, which means, which are the papers talking about chemical reactions that they actually discover? Because that’s coming down to truth? Why is that important? Well, if you think about this, sodium plus chloride gives you sodium chloride, that’s a law to chemical equation, hydrogen plus water, that depending on the combination will give you I mean, hydrogen, and oxygen will give you water or hydrogen peroxide, but these are chemical equations. So what we’re looking for, in all of this information, we’re looking to distil that information to a set of chemical equations, because we know those are going to be invariant. So that’s what we do. So through this process, we’re finding the papers, extracting out the relevant ones, extracting out the molecular mechanisms. And from those mechanisms, we were able to connect the dots to build what we call an architecture of the immune system. And an architecture of Onion will affect it. And then, in fact, with CytoSolve, we can actually do mathematical computations. And I’ll show you that. So it’s quite a powerful way beyond Big Pharma, beyond big vitamins, it’s what I like to call it these days, because Big Vitamin, just throw stuff together, they’re getting as bad as Big Pharma, because they don’t really understand how things work. So they just throw all sorts of stuff in it. And most of the people formulate vitamins. They’re not literally doing the larger scientific research, they lead, they read one paper, two papers, they find some celebrity, they pay them, and then they push some stuff out to you. But there, the good news is, there are things that actually do work, a lot of them come from natural products, foods. And if we can actually find those ingredients and how they work, we can actually develop amazing things for our health. So that’s really the motivation. That lead right food is medicine, someone just said exactly.
To contrast this, if you look at the way the pharmaceutical drug development model works, some of you may have seen this before, but they can’t handle compounds, they can only handle one single drug. They do a lot of test tube testing. And then they go kill a bunch of animals. This is just to figure out before they go into human trials, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, if they get FDA approval, they do this, but the problem is look at what’s going on. They spent a lot of money in R&D, that’s the orange line to do this entire process. Sometimes it takes $5,000,000,000.13 years. And guess what, even the FDA is not allowing their new molecular entities. Why? Because most of these substances have a lot of side effects. Alright, because you’re taking a magic bullet approach, you’re taking a single drug, trying to hit one target to have one effect. That’s what the current model, the mRNA jab is right? It goes in and it creates antibodies. And in the end, the theory is if you got antibodies, you’re in great, great shape, and you’re going to realize that’s not true. It’s called a non system’s reductionist approach. And this is why pharma companies are tanking in 2010 and I want everyone to listen to this. In 2010 Pfizer became the big pharmaceutical company, and many years ago they wanted to use CytoSolve models, their Innovation Group for Lupus. They folded thereafter, but we want to help them to help you know, not kill animals, but Pfizer in 2012 was making $65 billion in revenue. In 2020 Pfizer How much are they making anyone know? And how much is how much are they making? In 2020? Any ideas? Why don’t we take some guesses? They made $41 billion so in less than 10 years, Pfizer lost pretty close to someone’s, Nope, their money’s been going down. So that’s what I’m trying to tell you. And the Big Pharma companies have been tanking because of this diagram that I just shared with you here. So this is why we need to understand what’s going on economically. They’re spending more and more and more money on R&D for this process, that does not work. . And less and less new drugs are even being allowed by the FDA, even the FDA, this is a point is not allowing drugs that are going through the pharma process because of the side effects. So, in 2012 1112, Pfizer made 65 billion in 2020, they only made 41 billion. So they’ve lost $25 billion, $24 billion. That’s a lot of money. This is why they need their mRNA inoculations to explosively grow, because they need to make up for that money. Alright. So this is why what you’re going to be seeing is people saying that 70% need to get the jab. That’s why they’re doing that because it’s money. Look, I think it’s very, very important that we start recognizing. Let’s follow the money. There are people writing to me about aliens involved in this, reptiles involved in this? Yeah, there could be it could be, but why don’t we go after what’s right in front of us to convince our fellow people what’s going on is that Pfizer is losing money, their system is breaking down. They lost $25 billion, ladies and gentlemen, in the last nine years. That’s why they struck a partnership with Israel. And Israel’s numbers are saying, you got a jab, 70% of the population, so they need to make back their money. And that’s what’s actually going on, follow the money, we’re gonna see a big wealth transfer from working people to Big Pharma. That’s what’s gonna happen in the next two years. And thank you, Donald Trump. Right. Thank you Warp Speed. Thank you, Jared Kushner. Alright, that’s who made this happen. So I gave a lot of money to Trump, supported him. But I’ve been very, very disappointed. I feel very betrayed by what took place over the last four years. Because we did not focus on real public health, if people truly cared about public health. Right.
Let’s talk about Public Health. Let’s talk about the fact that we have massive childhood obesity, this generation will be the first generation to live less than the previous generation. Think about that. We have, I think, 1.2 million adverse hospitalizations, over a million hospitalizations from adverse reactions to drugs. We have that if you combine that number of people that die from side effects from pharmaceutical drugs, and people dying from going to a hospital, from hospital malpractice issues, it’s the number one cause of death. So you really want to stay out of a hospital, really want to focus on building the operating system of your body, which is the immune system. But none of that got talked about during the last two years, right? We didn’t talk about vitamin D3, we didn’t talk about many, many foods and things that could help you. It was all about getting poked and getting poked, and wearing a diaper on your face, etc. That’s what it was about. Because these people did not care about public health. They do not want to take a Systems Approach, because it’ll, because everyone knows it’ll lead back to the fact that their solutions are reductionist solutions. So, this is what’s actually going on. I want people to see this. Pharmaceutical companies, they’re spending more and more and more money on drugs, and less and less of their products from this archaic process are even being approved by the FDA. I mean, this is not what you want. You want to spend more money in R&D, you want more products coming out.
And the reason this is occurring, is something called reductionism. Reductionism, what is reductionism? Reductionism is best explained by the example of the king bringing in this big elephant into the court. And he brings six blind men and he says, What do you see? Well, they’re all blind. And they all touch different parts of the elephant. And they all get a different view, a blinded view of reality, and it looks like this. The guy touched the trunk thinks it’s a snake, the guy who touches the ears thinks it’s a fan, the guy who touches the tusk thinks that’s a spear and so on. That’s what you get. So this is called reductionism. And what’s unfortunate is this what’s going on in science. In science, people look at cancer, they look at the immune system, they look at, the healthcare system, whatever the system is the climate system. Instead of seeing the whole, which would be a Systems Approach to looking at it, they do a parts approach, they just see little pieces. And then they write up what they see. And they’re blind. So when, if they were ever to work together, later on, you get something that looks nothing like the actual whole. And this is called reductionism. Reductionism, reductionism. So you can go tell your friends about this tomorrow, you learn reductionism, reductionism is the opposite of a Systems Approach. And if we want to understand complex systems, like your body, the immune system, the healthcare system, the electoral system, you need to take a Systems Approach and know what there is a science to understanding systems. And that’s what I teach every Monday evening. And that has become the foundational knowledge that you’re going to need to learn if you really want to be serious, a professional about wanting to change the world because the establishment knows system science, there’s probably about a couple 1000 people in the whole planet who know Systems Science. And they use System Science through their elite institutions to oppress most of mankind. The problem they have is someone like me got 4 degrees at MIT, MIT, I studied system science, and I expanded it. And using that knowledge, my goal is to liberate all of you through education. And that’s why those of you who choose to liberate yourself, you need to become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. And that’s what I do these things on Onion or this, it’s not just to talk about this on the immune system, I want you to start getting into your consciousness about how when we take a Systems Approach, we can actually find truth, freedom and health or what’s actually real. Alright, so in this case, CytoSolve, doesn’t does not take this reductionist approach, we take a Systems Approach.
Systems Approach to Medicine
And by the way, this really heightened in biology in 2003. What happened was when the Genome Project ended right here, we found out, we don’t have 100,000 genes, we only have 20,000 genes, the same number of genes as a lowly worm. So the number of parts, which means more genes is what we thought does not mean complexity, a worm has the same number of genes. So this led to a field called Systems Biology saying, if you want to understand the whole, you need to understand the inner connections. And we talk a lot about this in the systems training. So if you look at the cell, the cell is not the nucleus, it’s all the interconnections. .And if you want to really understand and mathematically model these interconnections, imagine if you could do that, imagine if we could mathematically model the whole human cell. Just think about that for a second. Imagine, on the computer, I could model all the chemical reactions in your body, just sort of close your eyes. And think about that. If you could do that, then I could tell you what happens when you eat an Onion? Because I know all the chemicals in the Onion, and I could say, Oh, it’s gonna react like this with you. Maybe with Ken, maybe give them some allergic response. Maybe if someone else it’ll make them feel great. That’s called personalized medicine. So 2003, I came back to MIT. And my, I took on this grand challenge that the National Science Foundation put forward, which is could you mathematically model the whole human cell, people thought this was an impossible problem, very similar to in 1978, people thought it was an impossible problem to create the electronic version of the office interoffice mail system, that’s what I did. So I figured out a way to create technology that could take these little molecular pathways, not just convert them to mathematical models, but interconnect them together. And that was CytoSolve, so CytoSolve is very similar to how we build airplanes today, we don’t just throw pilot in, we don’t just go to the wind tunnel, we do everything on the computer, we take a wing design, we model it, and then we simulate it. And if let’s say a design doesn’t work, we’re not going to waste time in the wind tunnel or the pilot, we go to the next design. What CytoSolve allows us to do? CytoSolve allows us to mine the literature, mathematically model the human cell on the computer different biomolecular functions, and look at the combinations of ingredients. All right. So this is a revolutionary approach. But most importantly, it is a Systems Approach. Why is it a Systems Approach because a Systems Approach recognizes the importance of not just one compound Western medicine and the pharmaceutical approaches the magic bullet approach. I’m going to send them bullet right into your system, it could be a particular molecule, and I want it to land on that particular area, and then it’s going to cause a chemical reaction which is going to heal you. Well. The problem is that magic bullet approach works only in 10% of the targeted people. It also creates lots and lots of something called side effects. But when you take a combination approach which is a food that doesn’t have just one like this food, just this doesn’t have one chemical in sulfur, it’s got hundreds of different compounds in it. And those hundreds of compounds have a Synergistic Effect. They hit many different molecular pathways. It’s like an orchestra playing. ? The problem is pharmaceutical companies don’t know how to handle food. So they did this reductionist model. But with CytoSolve, we’re actually able to understand combinations, combinations of ingredients. And this is the technology that I’ve created over the last 17 years to really take what my Grandmother taught me as a kid understanding the power of foods to a much more compute computer based modern technology where we can really look at the literature, mathematically model bring the research community and so we’re going after every major disease in the world right now inside CytoSolve.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
So, if you look at how my Grandmother and the Yogi’s used to mix medicines together, they use it in a mortar and pestle. And think about the example that I’ve shared before. Imagine you throw in some turmeric, right, and you throw in some grape skins, and you started mushing that together. By the way, the curcumin in Turmeric is very good to lower inflammation, the resveratrol also, it’s good to lower inflammation, which is the active ingredient in red grapes. But if you went to my Grandmother, you said, Well, how did you do this? In fact, if he asked us to most of the supplement companies, how did you decide to put this in? Oh, well, you know that they can’t explain it to you. They can’t scientifically explain it to you, the dosage is but with CytoSolve, we’re able to do that. So here. Here’s curcumin By the way, the active ingredient CytoSolve. With CytoSolve, we can mathematically model all the molecular pathways. So the outer yellow circle, here’s a cell wall, here’s a nuclear wall. And we’ve done with CytoSolve, as we literally mined nearly 6000 research papers, and we’ve looked at all the papers and how CytoSolve interacts. And then we can mathematically model this same with resveratrol. But what we can do with CytoSolve, see how they combine and we’re doing here is we’re simulating using the computer so we don’t have to kill animals inflammation, the far right column, just watch those numbers there. It is an inflammatory marker .15 means you have a lot of inflammation. But you notice I’m not giving any curcumin, any resveratrol. But right when I give 5 units of curcumin, notice it drops from .15 to .05 right there. curcumin is very good for lowering inflammation. Here’s resveratrol, 5 units, it goes from point .15 to .06. But look at this, when I give less amount of curcumin, 40%, less, less amount of resveratrol, 60% less, but the same total amounts, 5 units, look what happens in inflammation, it goes down by another 50% quite profound This is called this Principle of Synergy. , the Principle of Synergy. And I want you guys to all think about that. The Principle of Synergy, synergy is a Systems Principle, which means it’s not a magic bullet approach. It’s the idea of combining different ingredients. And this was called in traditional systems of India, it was called Siddha. Where the alchemy was trying to figure out the right combinations, this was the art and the science of medicine. And these Yogi’s would figure out, testing, testing, testing with nature, making mistakes, probably some people die eating the wrong thing. But they documented all these over 1000s of years, they figured out how to do combinations. What we’ve done is with CytoSolve, recently, I’m pleased to let everyone know, we use this approach over six past 16 years, I’ve helped many, many businesses, who wanted to do scientific work, figure out how to combine ingredients to create supplements that have helped them.
mV25 – Momentum to Move
But what we’ve done recently is instead of waiting for them, we looked at billions of molecular interactions of pain and discomfort and inflammation. And then we figured out a combination of ingredients that have a profound effect on lowering inflammation. And this is the first time we’ve done this, but it’s pretty exciting, because we’re using our technology directly to help you versus those companies. It’s called mV25. You can preorder it and the means momentum in physics mass times velocity. And if you notice, it says it’s CytoSolve optimized and this is not a Big Pharma approach is not a Big Vitamin approach. It’s a Bottoms-up approach as is expressed in the back of the label. It says the This was formulated using the CytoSolve the engine developed at MIT, and that we went through four decades of research and 68 research institutions, and we compute a trillions of potential combinations of biomolecular interactions to discover the right synergy, the optimal synergy of compounds that down regulate biomarkers of pain and swelling. You can’t one human being cannot do this over hundreds of lifetimes. But with the computer, we went through trillions of potential combinations to figure out the right synergy. And what scientists have optimized means is that this formula has been optimised to maximise benefits and bioavailability, while minimizing toxicity based on the current research curated by scientists on this and based on the current research, the point is science is always changing. And as science changes, we’re going to be true to the science, we’re going to keep updating the formulation. And you can notice it’s Cean Certified, it’s Made in the USA and is GMP. And by the way you can, people have asked where you can get it. You go to vashiva.com, you go right to the shop, you click on it. And then in the shop, you’ll find mV25. And there it is. So I encourage everyone to look at this. Because what we’re doing is we want to deliver Truth Freedom Health. We’re using the Principles of Systems to create a product using the Principles of Systems. I hope that makes sense. So it’s exciting because we’re taking a whole Systems Approach. But most importantly, as the science changes, we’ll keep updating this. It’s like as the operating system changes, your apps hopefully get faster and better. And that’s what’s gonna happen here.

So, when we look at Onion, we have to recognize a couple things. Onion is not just one single compound. Onion is a synergistic blend of many things. It’s a blend of minerals, it’s a blend of vitamins, it’s a blend of phenolic compounds, organic sugars, you’re noticed sometimes give sweet Onions, right now Onions have sugars in them, fiber, volatile compounds, organosulfur compounds, sulfur, sulfur compounds. So, here are the minerals: look at our mineral rich Onions are manganese, zinc, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins, vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, and B6. Now B6, it’s extremely important for your nerves, vitamin E, right, very powerful antioxidant among other things, but minerals and vitamins which are the key to health, minerals, and vitamins.
So let’s look at some of those volatile compounds. By the way, when we say volatile compounds, it doesn’t mean they’re volatile, like some people, it means volatile means that very powerful, active ingredients in that food volatile compounds, volatile in this area are actually powerful. That’s what it actually means. So there’s two classes of these compounds L-cysteine sulfoxides and y-glutamyl-L- cysteine peptides. So, over here, you can see the sulfoxides over here and you notice it’s with an S with a double bond, the sulfoxides and the y-glutamyl-L- cysteine peptides are over here. Right. So you have this very different structure. Now, the Alliin, which is the S-allyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide is one of the major organosulfur compounds in Onions. Now, just like we discussed, remember garlic. This is going to, it’s important. This is why many cultures typically crush, you put it in a mortar and pestle or you crush it, because what happens when you crush it for the mechanical force? Something interesting happens. The Alliin which is this structure, chopping, crushing, chewing, converts it to Allicin. And this is where it becomes highly bioavailable in your body. So if you’re getting Onions, rarely do you see, I guess some people do sometimes in soups, right? People just take a whole on you and throw it in. But typically if you smash it, and you cut it, you get much more of the benefits of the Onion. That’s why chopping and crushing are good. I mean, you could throw the whole Onion in but you’re going to get much more benefits. If you chop it or crush it. Most of the medicinal benefits are derived from Allicin, which is when you crush it, and its metabolites such as if you look at (SAMG) which is S-allylmercapoglutathoine, S-allylmercaptocysteine (SAMC), and S-allyl-L-cysteine (SAC). So, these three things are where most of the benefits are derived. The medicinal benefits SAMG. SAMC and SAC. So, when someone tells you, hey, what are the important things in Onion, it’s these Allicin compounds . The quercetin is also in Onions, Quercetin is phenomenal. You can, by the way by quercetin, tablets in, or powder or capsules. If you remember when I talked about the immune system, if you take quercetin and zinc together, it has the same effects as hydroxychloroquine. Yeah, because quercetin opens up on the membrane, the wall so zinc can go in and why is zinc important? zinc stops viral replication? It’s an inhibitor, so, quercetin plus zinc, very powerful, I take it at least once a day, that’s my regimen, you can you should go research it on your own, we can talk about it, but quercetin plus zinc is a powerful vehicle for the zinc to be made more bioavailable. Alright. But quercetin also is in Onions. So of course it isn’t Onions. And you can see that it’s a phenolic compound, and it has antioxidant properties, anti inflammatory properties, and quercetin. And derivatives represent 90% of the phenolic compounds in 90%. Right, so this is why many, many traditional cultures always added Onions to foods they made particularly when you cook meat, right? I mean, this is sort of the standard in most traditional cultures. You take your Onion, you put some ghee down, you take your Onion, you chop it finely chopping releases what, the Allicin, and then you slightly, you slow roast it, and then you would add your meats, your whatever or your tofu, whatever it was right? And then you would put in your garlic and your spices, because you want to look, all things in nature are not good or bad. They could be good or bad. But when you learn how to combine you lower inflammatory response. So some people get if you just ate meat straight, a lot of people would probably get an acidic reaction and could get inflammation, but when you add the spices, it lowers inflammation. That’s why the quercetin as you can see here, which is in Onions, has these very powerful anti-inflammatory properties. So the biological effects so look at Onion has some very, very amazing biological effects. It’s anti allergy, which we’ll go through, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti viral, anti-inflammatory, like who would not want to dig Onions. . I mean, as a food it’s a piece of medicine. It’s pure medicine, anti allergy, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral, and anti inflammatory. . So what are the health benefits? So it helps control diabetes, believe it or not. It’s cardiovascular health, it lowers hypertension. It’s anti atherosclerotic. If you’re concerned about hypertension, if you’re concerned about plaque development in your arteries, think about the power of Onions, particularly those phenolic compounds that are in Onions, cancer, again, the lots and lots, this is not our research. This is from the research that we call through, Colorectal, Laryngeal, Esophageal, Gastric, Prostate, very powerful against cancer. Now, having shared all that, we just discussed what Onion has all the compounds, it has organosulfur compounds, these phenolic compounds quercetin.
Immune System
Now we want to talk about how these compounds affect the immune system, we could do an analysis of how it affects us in the cardiovascular system, but keeping an immune series we want to know how these compounds affect the immune system. Well, the question we need to ask is, the word system again shows up what is the immune system? What is the immune system, and that discussion takes us to a very important recognition and I’ve said this before, you have an opportunity to actually educate your doctors. When I’m finished with the next few slides. Most doctors do not even understand the immune system. It’s not their fault. It’s the medical educational training that they’re put through which never really teaches them that things our system, it teaches them little parts like the blind men. So what are most doctors learning today? They learn the immune system just as these two boxes, they go, it’s two but two little boxes. The immune system is the innate immune system, the adaptive. That’s all it is. And the goal is that your immune system generates antibodies, you’re in great shape. So the pathogen comes in, hits your innate immune system, your body reacts to that pathogen, and then later on or produces the antibody. So what do I mean by that? So when you look at this, what you want to understand is that most medical doctors just learned about this toolbox model, the innate immune system is all the stuff in your eyes, your nose, your throat, your skin, your saliva, and, your nose and someone sneezes on you, it goes into your eyes, and your body reacts through various types of cells, neutrophils, natural killer cells, and that is called your innate immune system. And that innate immune system is a bunch of like, military personnel, they go start shooting up, the pathogen body parts are flying everywhere. Well, those dismembered body parts of that virus are used to stimulate the adaptive immune system. Those body parts of the virus are called antigens. And for example, if you see the Coronavirus, the spike proteins on it are called antigens. And those antigens stimulate the adaptive immune system to create antibodies. So this is the theory of the immune system, according to modern medicine, but you know what it’s not, it’s not right at all, the immune system, give me some water. Can the immune system not those two boxes ? The immune system is far more complicated. And this is what I presented at the National Science Foundation, where they had me come speak on an invited lecture, it involves the interferon system, the gut bacteria, the buyer, you have 380 trillion viruses in your body of 60 trillion bacteria, the neural system, the body is not just about antibodies, and this is the unfortunate, I can’t say they’re lying. It’s like a little piece of the truth that they’ve given. . So they’re hiding all this other stuff that the immune system has all of this. And what this reveals to us is it’s not just about antibodies, antibodies, antibodies. So the entire discussion in the media has been about antibodies, antibodies, antibodies. The truth is, the body is not your immune system is not just a function of the antibodies. Your immune system is a function of many things. So when a virus attacks you or comes near you, or by the way, there’s viruses all around us, and your body’s fighting off viruses right now or bacteria to you right now, in this instant, your body’s doing something, . But in a normal functioning immune system, your body takes it in and sort of knows how to handle it. The innate system comes but then you have the interferon system, which most medical doctors probably don’t even know about. And they do, they don’t know the importance of it, the interferon system, I’m going to just jump over to that slide over here. The interferon system is in every cell of your body interferons. Not every cell of your body has antibodies, but every cell in your body has interferons. And it has type one interferons, as well as, which are interferon alpha and beta. And these interferons constitute the first line of defence against infection. In fact, what’s really important about the interferons is that the innate system upregulates the interferons and then your interferons turn on things like the natural killer cells, which go and destroy the infected cells. In fact, when the interferon system is turned on, 1000’s of genes get turned on, so you get in the picture here, that the interferon is like the orchestra conductor turning on all the music, versus, imagine the sort of dysfunctional orchestra conductor who just keeps pointing at the oboe. That’s all you’re getting. You go to a big concert, you went to hear a huge music and all you hear is the oboe all day. That’s the antibody equivalent. So these guys just want to oboe, oboe, oboe, forget everything else. And you’re getting a pretty boring concert, you probably get completely annoyed and leave. But that’s not what the immune system is. The immune system is a far more complex system that involves all of this. But what they focus on is just this,here’s a macrophages. By the way, these yellow cells are the lining of the walls of your lungs. Imagine this top is your, the air in your lungs and the bottom is your bloodstream. So here’s a virus in your airways, the macrophages try to chop it up. These are those adaptive immune system cells. I mean, innate cells, they chop it up. And here’s a dismembered part that calls upon your CD4 cell to the B-cell to create antibodies. This is your adaptive system. And then here’s your CD8 T-cell, so it starts eating it up. The reason I’m sharing this with you is that that’s typically what most medical professionals learn. They just learned the innate and the adaptive. Few of them really understand the very powerful importance of the interferon system, but you’ve just learned. So, here’s your homework assignment. Everyone, go ask your doctor, do they know about the interferon system? . Do they know that the interferon system is essential to the immune system? In fact, there are people who are quote, unquote, infected with some virus, right? They have no symptoms, they don’t even have the antibodies. And they’re fine. Because you know what their interferon system took it out, took out the virus way before. So why don’t we talk about the interferon system? Why don’t we talk about how to boost the interferon system. And you’ll find out some very powerful antioxidants, which can do that. So, there you go, you just got an immune system lesson. And you can review this later on. And there’s a whole bunch of other videos I’ve done on this too. So now let’s talk about now that the immune system.
Effect of Onion on Immune System
Let’s talk about the effect of Onion on immune health. So here are the three compounds that have a direct effect that Onions have on the immune system, organosulfur compounds, quercetin and selenium. By the way, a quick aside, there was a friend of mine who’s a nutritional doctor, many, many years ago, he told me that there was a friend of his, he knew who was a doctor. And he had every allergy possible, he was allergic to everything. And he started removing this and that out of his diet, eventually went off on a sabbatical. And he found out that everything he read and read and read said there was a mineral called Selenium. And when you have Selenium deficiency, that your body will become highly allergic to all sorts of things, allergens, so he came back and he started taking, I think, I forget, it was 100, or 200 micrograms of selenium. And he completely healed himself. So what I found interesting when I was looking at this research from our CytoSolve team is I found out that we’re gonna be talking about the low, how to compounds how Onion compounds lower allergy response, but Onion has quite a bit of selenium in it very, very important mineral Selenium, Quercetin and organosulfur compounds. Now, the organic active compounds up regulate the innate immune cell proliferation, and the Onion active compounds also lower allergy response. So let’s look at that. Now, when I do these diagrams for you guys, I want you to remember that if you see a green arrow that means it is having an effect on producing more of that thing at the head of that arrow. If you have a red line with a hammer sort of at the end of it, that means the substance where the line starts and where it has an effect on lowering or inhibiting that substance . So this is basically a chemical sort of diagram and you’ll see that here. So you’ll see here, look at here, selenium. Selenium is here Selenium increases the activity of natural killer cells, very important for in your innate immune system, macrophages. And see Onion, organic sulphur compounds, selenium and quercetin, promote proliferation of innate immune cells. So, this supports your innate immune system, as well as anti infection, CD16 natural killer cells, NK cells, like the interferon system. And so, you can see, look at all the great compounds, I mean, has the selenium, the quercetin, the organosulfur compounds, sulfur compounds have a three part effect supporting all of these quercetin and selenium it this but it’s just the, what one of the things and you’ll notice this is very similar to, in some ways to garlic, and remember, this helps the innate immune system, what is the innate immune system, the innate immune system is that part of your body that first reacts when the virus comes to it, it’s what’s occurring in the first few hours if you ever feel a cold coming on I talked about this when I talked about garlic, because garlic has a lot of substances like this. But particularly just to give an aside on garlic because garlic has some of these important substances, right? When you feel that tickle in your throat, I’m talking about, you have to react very quickly. I’ll come back to that. So whether it’s a garlic or you start taking the zinc or you start taking the vitamin C, that’s what I do. But you have to be very mindful and conscious. If you waited too long, over the 72 hours, you’re not supporting your innate system. So please be aware that timing is very, very important to doing the right thing at the right time can have a profound effect on helping you in a crisis situation. But you can see that these three compounds, the mineral these two compounds, increase the innate immune system. And guess what that leads to antimicrobial activity, antibacterial activity, antiviral and antifungal because you’re supporting your innate immune system. Second thing. Remember, we do not want your body to freak out.
The reason when a virus comes to you that you get sick and your body starts attacking itself is not the virus. It is your body overreacting if you have a weakened immune system, right? If you have a weakened immune system, your body overreacts. And the analogy I give is you have a car and you don’t have the proper shock absorbers. What does your body do, it over reacts, it hits a puddle it over reacts, same thing happens you get hit with a virus. In a normal case your body has good shocks, it takes a little sniffles, you know you and then you bounce back stronger, actually. But if you have a weakened immune system, your body freaks out and an overreaction and starts attacking your own body that is called a cytokine storm, cytokines. I’m going to show you here what they are. So if you look at this diagram here, you on the left side, you have these little blue and purple and orange dots, these are called cytokines. cytokines are TNF-a cytokine, IL-6, IL-8, IL-1b, these four cytokines create the cytokine storm, but look what the organosulfur compounds are they hammer them, they stop it, quercetin stops IL-8 and IL-6. Quercetin stops Lipoxygenase which is an enzyme, anytime you see “ase,” a little bit of organic chemistry. This means it’s an enzyme which leads to inflammation, but quercetin knocks us out IL-8 and IL-6, and the organosulfur compounds up the cytokine storm. So quercetin inhibits enzymes that lead to inflammation, course it did inhibit cytokines, such as IL-6 and IL-8 that lead to inflammation, but Onion inhibits transcription factor NF-kB, which is responsible for transcription of inflammatory genes that cause the cytokine storm. And here they are. So very powerful. What when you start eating Onions, in many ways, you’re giving your body a shock absorber so it knows how to modulate your immune system. So it strengthens your immune system by giving you modulation.
So what you fundamentally have is you have a very powerful set of chemicals in Onions, which are fighting in multiple ways. So they’re over here fighting the cytokine storm, and ensuring that inflammation doesn’t take place. Now, we’ve talked about allergies. So what is an allergy? What is an allergy? Well, typically when you have an allergy, your body has what’s called a histamine release, certain cells in your body called basophils release histamines. Some people have this occur to them when they have a shellfish allergy, right. Some people have this for certain foods, peanuts. It says a whole assortment of things that can cause a histamine reaction. And when you get a histamine reaction, the pharma companies have built what are called anti histamines. Anyone know the famous drug Benadryl? Benadryl is an antihistamine, right, it stops that histamine reaction. So, what happens here? So we’re going to see right here that Onions mitigate allergic reactions by reducing production of histamines in the basil fells. So the basophils put out the system means this when you start your whole body undergoing a histamine reaction, but the organic sulfur compounds, and the Quercetin look what they do they hammer down. And they are implicated in the inhibition of histamines and histamines are implicated in the antigen specific allergic response right pollen in to those of you listening in the East Coast now we’re starting to get pollen. Right. So people start taking different drugs. Well, Onions can be very, very important to add into your diet. Let’s continue. Alright now, everything I’ve shared with you right now should open you up to understand something very important about nature. Look, I’m not telling you, I’m going to go eat Onions. Onions are an example of understanding that the immune system when you start looking at it is an Onion is a system. Look at all the things that an Onion does. It’s quite amazing. It’s multi pronged, right? It stops histamine, right? It reduces inflammation, it reduces a cytokine storm. It supports your innate immune system, because you have a Synergistic reaction using multiple molecules. This is why the statement food is medicine is you gotta take it to really mean that because this medicine right here called the Onion, this got quercetin in it chemical, right. It’s got organosulfur compounds in it. It’s got Selenium in it, right. So this thing’s got this is like loaded. This isn’t a pharmaceutical factory right here, ? That you’re walking around with, right? Nature has given us right, so this system, that’s what it is, operates on the Principle of Synergy, it turns on many things, because it’s packed with many, many combinations of nutrients. So just think about that. So real healing comes not from a magic bullet. It comes from when we take a Synergistic Approach. Nature teaches that all around us, if you want to be healthy, you have to get sunshine, but not just sunshine, you get too much if you’re gonna get roasted. You got to get some of it. You gotta eat the green leafy dark vegetables, right? You got to get to sleep. What else? Get our friendships, citrus. You got to have friendships, relaxation. So it’s a synergy of things.
Truth Freedom Health®
So if that Principle of Synergy is true, to the universal system of our body, is it perhaps not true that that Synergy Principle exists in all aspects of human existence? And I would argue it does. And I want to take a quick break. And we’ll come back to do a little more on Onion. And I want you to ponder this, because my job is to educate all of you as a System Scientists that the only way we start solving real problems in the world is to take a Systems Approach. And one of those principles is Synergy. And that leads me into as we go into this break here, not a break. It’s really it’s I don’t want to call it a break there. There’s not a show, this educational forum, is that you need to start recognizing that there is an inner relation between the synergy of truth. Look, for a long time, what used to happen is the people who were in the truth, were just the nerds or the innovators doing science, right? People say I want, I’m a seeker of Truth, or spiritual people for example. But then you had another group of people into freedom, free speech and the Second Amendment and many people used to call these people quote unquote, rednecks. All those people just want their guns. These people are typically seen as conservatives. These are like your nerds, let’s say and then you had your people your earthy, crunchy granola people, typically or liberals may be quote unquote, liberals or into living in Vermont or somewhere where else Berkshires whatever, right. Yoga Nazis, right. But so the establishment has split these groups, the truth people, the health people, the freedom people into different groups, they make them characterize them, to look different, act different, etc. But you could argue that this is a false division, because if anything is really going to come for real value in the world, that’s going to be when we bring them together, Truth Freedom Health, which means that’s the power of synergy. We need to go beyond Left and Right, and our movement, the one that you’re part of right now by participating in this video, and I hope all of you go to vashiva.com/join, contribute because everything we’re doing is a Bottoms-Up movement for Truth Freedom Health. And I want to have you reflect on that as I play the video for you, which really goes deeper into this is that if we start recognizing there is a set of scientific principles to your body to food, to solving any problems, even political problems by taking a Systems Approach. So let me play our video here. And I’ll come back shortly. So you get a deeper understanding of what our movement for Truth Freedom Health is really about. By the way, everyone can go to vashiva.com/join. And when you go to the page, you’ll understand what our movement is about, please contribute, whatever you want to do you by the way, you can go right here and sign up as a member for nothing, and you get access to many, many different features. Those of you who contribute $25 or more, I actually cannot take your money without giving you something. So I give you our best selling book ‘Systems, and Revolution’, and access to a software called ‘Your Body, Your System’. Now come back and explain and those of you who want to, and I encourage everyone to become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior, you get a deep MIT type education here for essentially nothing but more importantly, you get to do this for yourself. So let me play our video. Here we go.
Alright, so I want to encourage everyone to go take advantage of this education, and just want to give you a little bit of preview into what’s there, because it’s the best time to do it. Let me let me just bring this up. So you guys have an idea of what the movement is actually about, we just go back to this. When you go to the website, go to vashiva.com, you’ll find out what we’ve done is, when you become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior, there’s a whole dashboard. And by the way, this slide is actually getting old, because we’ve added all all sorts of new features. But one of the things, there’s an education section, as you scroll down, you get access to the tool, ‘Your Body, Your System’, you get access to a whole portal, where you get a whole educational portal, you get access to the video, the Foundations of Systems video archive, which is the course I created to teach you that MIT are getting an MIT education. I don’t know, it’s priceless. Some of you can also become members of the Truth Freedom Health Leadership program, there are four books you get access to, so part of getting educated as you will understand this very powerful Systems Approach, you’ll take probably, if you went to MIT a couple of years to really understand this diagram, I teach it to you, in literally a few hours as part of the technology or we figured out a way to teach you this very powerful concepts of system science, you get access to the book system and Revolution, the tool, your body, your system, some people just want this, which is fine for anyone who contributes as a supporter, and then you get access beyond that to the portal, you get access to research papers, you get access to the entire course, where you can actually be certified, we have a certification program, so you can be a Truth Freedom Health Warrior. Then on top of that, I will give you three more books, , took me a lifetime to write these books. You can understand how Systems Principles can help your life in many, many ways how your body is a system, and then you get access to the scientific paper systems of systems. And then those are for people who’ve been very generous, were donors donating $100 or more. But it’s not enough that you just learned this stuff because your consciousness is going to raise and I want you to build community. So we have a whole forum, you go into the forum, independent of Big Tech, this is in our own data center, you can start having various types of conversations, debates, arguments, whatever you want with people out there, we want to encourage that you can then use the tool to and for our Warriors, we’ve created your own social media equivalent. the equivalent of Facebook but without Mark Zuckerberg. You can create your own pages, you can then interact with people, but it’s basically the VA Shiva social media. But it’s not enough that you only get educated that you get educated and you build community, but we want you to get activated, we don’t want you to sit on the sidelines. I want to teach you how to start connecting with your neighbors. You can give your neighbors a Masks and Oral Health card. You can educate them in a simplified way, what masks do to their mouth, what masks are going to do to their children. What the research is showing is how doctors are reporting more oral health issues, why we need a whole new public health perspective on masks and then there’s a whole link vashiva.com/masks. There’s a whole research paper out there. There’s a whole Research Symposium on this, then you take an issue like the jabbing or not to jab, right? It’s not about Beyond Vax or Anti-Vax. It’s about building community. And again, you can go educate people, we need to find the people, the good people who are not being given the science and educate them that when it comes to the immune system, it’s about boosting immunity. What we’re doing here is giving you tools, so you get educated, you get a system science education, number one, number two, you build community with other people, because you’re going to feel lonely Once your consciousness raises, so you connect with others. And three, the most important thing is we want you to go do stuff on the ground, we want you to learn, teach and serve, educate people, that’s sort of our solemn duty. So coming back to Onions, one of the things that came out of my approach to looking at systems when I finished my PhD, and I went back to MIT, when I finished my PhD at MIT, went back on a Fulbright, I wanted to understand how my grandmother was able to look at your body using a very different system, not molecular systems, and figure out what’s going on inside your body, and then I wanted to understand how that was happening. The big breakthrough I had was in 2007, I found out that the entire Eastern systems of medicine have nothing to really do with medicine. They’re really an engineering Systems Approach, the same principles that govern the computer that govern your body as a system is what they were actually doing.
And so I consolidate data into Your Body Your System, which all of you get access to, when you sign up as a Truth Freedom Health Warrior as a Supporter. But what I’ve done here is in the first part of our discussion today, we talked about Onions from the standpoint of molecules and molecular pathways, but you can also look at Onion as a system from an engineering Systems Approach. And that approach. By the way, when you guys sign up, you get access to a tool, call your body or system and using this tool, you can actually figure out what kind of system you are in this system of transport, conversion and storage. So this is 100%, transport 100%, conversion 100% storage, using ‘Your Body, Your System’, your answer set of questions, it’ll figure out how much transport conversion and storage in your body that’s the red dot, and that’ll vary, can may be in a different location, it may be a different location. So each one of us are unique beings, right? So my target is different from Ken’s. So you can then ask yourself a different set of questions. And we’ll figure out where your black.is and this will vary from day the red dot is not going to move over a lifetime. But the black dot will move day to day. This is like the weather . And this basically tells you where your body is today. And the goal is to bring your body back to itself. And the system will teach you how foods and supplements can move that black dot back to here. Using that approach, by the way, which is what we do in your body, your system, you can now look at Onion itself as a system. What do I mean by that? What I mean by that is food manipulates the forces of transport, movement, conversion and storage.
Onion – Eastern & Engineering System Approach
And by the way, it’s a deeper discussion we teach you in the course. But when you mix any foods together from an Eastern and an engineering systems perspective, that food is going to either increase transport or decrease transport, increase conversion or decrease conversion like digestive processes. Increased storage or structured means make you heavier, right? Or reduce your weight, make you depressed, which means you don’t want to move that sort of storage, you don’t move inertia. So using that analysis, what do we find with Onion, so it’s a different approach. So look, what Onion does Onion stabilizes transport, so if you have nervous energy, it’ll calm you. It increases Pitta conversion, which is digestion. This is why many traditional cultures include Onion and food to support digestion. And guess what it does? It increases Kapha, it actually helps you, it supports your bones and your structural elements, your fascia, right? So Onion is very good at it, now you have to be careful, right? If you eat a lot of it. I’m here up definitely you don’t want to eat too much of it. Because if you have too much digestive activity can get heartburn. Right, but it stabilizes so this gives you a different way of looking at it.
How much should you take? Well, how much should you take? Well, maintenance dose of critical (Blumenthal 1998) 50 grams of fresh Onion, 20 grams of dried Onion. By the way, you’ll find out whenever you look at herbs, the dried version of it typically has more potency, because it’s dried, the water is removed and it’s not diluted. So this is why you can see here you can take more of the wet version right the fresh but you need less of the dried for diabetes and help out manifest (Taj Eldin et al. in 2016) said 100 grams of Onions a day for hypertension, 160 milligrams a day of quercetin from Onions, I get the quercetin pill I take about 500 milligrams, that’s what I personally did, not just for general health for immune support, (Mirabeau and Samson, 2012) found out that 250 to 500 kilograms per deciliter, but 500 milligrams of Onion extract.
Onions, in summary, Onion activates the cells of the innate immune system, inhibits inflammatory enzymes, like lipoxygenase and inflammatory cytokines including cytokine storm, and it mitigates allergic responses. There you go. So that was our discussion on Onions. So I hope this was helpful. But remember, I want you all to start taking a Systems Approach. That’s why in the videos that I’ll do, I’ll always do something on something that you put in your mouth or something that you eat that affects our health. And you’re gonna learn a lot like you just did with me and from that stuff, and that education that I just put together, but I want you to start thinking about that same Systems Approach we take to understanding this is the same Systems Approach, you can start learning to understand why Republicans and Democrats both suck. Where left and right, both, in fact, they have they work together against you. Why pro and anti doesn’t lead anywhere, we got to move beyond left and right, we got to move republican democrat, we have to build a Bottoms-up movement. And that is what happened in the late 1800s. And in the mid 1900s, when all the games that were gotten most of the gains in this in the last century, came from the bottoms up working class people’s movements. And ever since those movements took place, the establishment got so vile, and has been plotting in the United States was, up until the 1970s, when they really reorganized themselves to make sure that we never built a bottoms up movement. And what VA Shiva Truth Freedom Health Movement is dedicated to is building a powerful Bottoms-Up movement for Truth Freedom Health, by educating you, by helping you, enabling you to build community. And by teaching you how to weaponize yourself by becoming a person who learns who teaches and serves. That’s how we actually are going to grow up to forget politicians, forget all these people, don’t waste your time. Go to your neighbors, go to your friends, go to your family, go to your school teachers, go to your working class people, educate them, be it on Onion, be it on climate change systems. But most importantly, you need to learn the Science of Systems. It is really the weapon that I have brought forward to the working people were my people, because that is a weapon that is going to liberate us. Any questions we have had up here? Oh, by the way, before I end, I gotta give you guys some good news. In our lawsuit, we have the only two lawsuits that are getting many, many victories in Massachusetts, the judge ordered us to also Sue Twitter. , in our first lawsuit, and we just filed that lawsuit, and I just want to end those of you who are interested. Let me bring it up. At least the stop sharing here. I think I have it here. I’ll just read you what we just filed in federal court. I think I got it here. It’s public so I can share this with you. I’m just going to only read you the first part of this. You understand what we just filed. It’s a big victory for all of us. . This is what it says. So remember, just give you the background. On September 25th, 26th. I exposed the fact that the Secretary of State of Massachusetts was deleting, destroying ballot images. I put that out on Twitter. And within minutes of putting that out. I was shut down off Twitter for 21 days in the middle of my federal election campaign. And we found out that the government of Massachusetts had contacted Twitter because I was exposing illegal activity of the Secretary of State. And so they contacted Twitter and shut me down. They contacted Twitter and then Twitter kowtow to the government. The most important thing we need to understand for the last four years, all we’ve heard about is Big Tech, Big Tech, Big Tech, Big Tech, Big Tech is the enemy. What our lawsuit shows is that it is not just big tech, it is government where government ends and where Twitter begins. The lines are blurred now, the government worked with Twitter to throw off the US Senate federal candidate because I was exposing their criminal activities. So the judge after hearing after giving us several victories in this lawsuit, most recently said he wants Twitter in his court. And he ordered that. So based on that order, he wanted us to amend our complaint to include Twitter. And that’s what we’ve done here. Let me share that with you. So this is what our complaint now says. It says most people assume that big tech is independent of and has been and has an adversarial relationship with the government, that’s the bullshit that we get on TV. That case, this case proves that Big Tech is an agent of the government, and is in no position to defy or resist government influence in any way. On April 5 2021, which is yesterday, US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas declared in his concurring opinion, that because Biden versus Knight did not allege any threat from the government, and did not raise the issue of blonde versus jarecki, it could not serve as a vehicle to examine the issue of government influence. And so search or oratory must be denied. What are we saying here? What we’re saying here is that in the recent case, with the Trump issue with where the lower courts agreed that Trump should not be blocking people, even Clarence Thomas, I agree with that because the stupid Trump lawyers didn’t bring up government. Had they dragged in the government involvement into it, they could have what Clarence Thomas was saying was they could have gone after section 230. Our case shows the government and Twitter have colluded so it’s very, very important. Anyway, this is sort of some extra credit, extra lecture we’re doing today. So this case, which is our case, in contrast, does credibly allege that Twitter is the government’s trusted partner, we found out that Twitter has a trusted partner relationship. They literally have made the government a Twitter trusted partner, which means if the government has any problems, they just make a phone call to Twitter. This case, in contrast, is credibly alleged Twitter, the government’s trusted partner is not an independent, defiant bastion of free speech, and that Twitter is merely an agent of the government that provides a government an end run the first around the First Amendment, it is impossible to tell where Twitter ends and where the government begins, defendants have already admitted under oath them coordinate an effort to strongly encourage Twitter via their trusted partnership to delete tweets anyway, that that’s the amended complaint. But I want to also tell you that we also added this 108 page claim. We also added and by the way, I’m representing myself, there are no lawyers here, you’re looking at me who is filing this lawsuit. And we’re winning independent of the scumbag lawyers. That’s the technical term, by the way. So one of the important things we brought out was, we have filed a separate count against Twitter, half a billion dollars we’ve added to our lawsuit, and it basically says that implied right to private action against Twitter for interfering in a federal election as an undeclared super PAC, so we’re saying is in this part of the lawsuit that Twitter acted as a super PAC, which means when they threw me off Twitter by colluding with the government, they were basically giving my opposition, a advantage, right, that means they were being their parties. That’s a super PAC, because I had to close to 360,000 followers on Twitter. That was my vehicle to communicate. So anyway, I just wanted to give you guys an update on the upgrade to a live on it tomorrow. But I want all of you to know that in addition to being a scientist on CytoSolve, burning that candle, in addition to doing these lectures for you guys, I’m also wanting to educate you on system science, but I need your help. And you need, all of us need to work together now. Alright, and on top of that, filing a lawsuit to lawsuits behaving as a lawyer. So I burned the candle at multiple ends. So I keep fighting for us because I will never forget where I came from. But it’s time that all of you guys also started pulling your weight and started getting educated. I can’t teach the whole world alone. I need all of you to start becoming educators. And I’m here to educate you so you can go educate others, but I need you guys to get off your butts and become Truth Freedom Health Warriors. If you’re not ready, that’s fine. But I’m not going to end until we get 50,000 warriors on the ground. Because when 50,000 people understand the nuclear science of Systems Science, it’s over for the establishment. Mark my words. That’s how we’re gonna win. It is through education that we win, why am I able to do all this? I do? Well, I worked my butt off, I got educated. That’s how I my family and I pulled ourselves out of slavery in many ways, we pulled ourselves out of slavery, which is what the Indian system the caste system was, because that’s how you put yourself out of slavery. You get educated, or be enslaved. So it’s up to you, you got to support this movement. It is the only movement on this planet in this galaxy right now in the known galaxies. Probably at all the known galaxies, that’s going to be able to liberate you, we are the center of the Jedi force here. We really are. And it’s gone. And we don’t need everyone. We don’t need everyone. Because the science that I was fortunate to learn, Systems Science, probably about 1000 people in the world know System Science . The elites know it. That’s how they oppress you. That’s how they do all these games. But you know what? You’re looking at a consonant Systems Scientist and that knowledge that most people cannot afford to go to MIT or learn. I’m bringing it to the rest of the world. And it is the Science of Systems. That is our weapon for liberation. And it is up to you now to take the bull by the horns and become a Truth Freedom Health Warrior. So go do it. get educated or be enslaved. It’s up to you. Thank you.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.