In this interview, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer and Candidate for President, shares with Candid Meena why India is supporting Zionism.
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Good evening friends. We have Dr. Shiva today.
Back with us welcome, Dr. Shiva. How are you very Nina? Yeah.
Divine. Thank you Dr. Shiva, Dr.
Shiva, as you know, friends with several procedures degrees, including a PhD from MIT is also the inventor of email, a scientists engineer and a candidate for US presidential. Why is it doing that? You have to tap open, close our screen. Okay, he’s spoken to us before and people like listening to him, because he’s the kind of leader who suggests Solutions.
Today as Israel faces its worst period in history. Dr. Shiva will discuss this and several other points tonight, some of which you may not agree.
But these are what he thinks is, you know, the background to what is happening now. So, welcome, Dr. Shiva.
There’s a lot of talk about how, you know, Israel was least prepared when the attack from Hamas happened. And, you know, I briefly heard a girl an Israeli, you know, officer saying that the evening? Yeah, so we were quite surprised that see how Israel did not anticipate this hummus attack. When, you know, a lady officer, Israeli officers said that even if a pigeon is you know, stands on the, you know, the what you call the net, they get the aware that someone has come so or something, you know, is coming.
So how come they were caught unawares when this attack happened? All right, me. Now, listen, many people know that I have always exposed the truth at the right time. And because I take a systems approach, I don’t have a The only thing that I the any, if there’s any thing I have in the game, it’s about truth, okay? Indians need to get their head out of their butts.
Okay. It is a disgrace that people in India are supporting Zionism and blindly supporting it. And to me, this evokes many things just because you go get a degree, it’s showing the stupidity of people who have degrees, so called educated people are actually not that smart.
And so, again, falls upon me, just like I had to do in 2021, I had to call out the pandemic, and the election systems to educate people. And so people need to get their act together. And most of the people will probably understand this, or people actually have brains, that people will not understand this, or people blindly follow stuff and their degrees only is probably good as how much they paid to get their degree, okay? Doesn’t mean that they’re intelligent.
Okay? We live in a world where intelligence is not measured by repeating things. It’s actually measured by using your brain. So we need to step way back.
And I’ve been fighting Zionism probably since I was 17 years old. Okay, since 1981, because I studied, what is Zionism? Okay. First of all, people should take some notes.
Zionism is a political ideology. Okay. It has nothing to do with Judaism, the religion.
Zionism is actually anti semitic, it’s racist. And, in fact, Zionism actually has a history of not only butchering Palestinians, but also butchering, and hurting Jews. All right, and this is all very well documented for those people who actually want it, do some research, versus simply watching something on, you know, Star TV or whatever.
Okay. So let’s go look at what is Zionism Zionism is a political ideology that was created, manufactured out of thin air by a guy called Theodore Herzl in the 1800s. All right, and everyone can go do their own research on that.
In Europe, you know, the Ashkenazi Jews, which are one set of Jews were in Europe for nearly 300 years, one of the things people need to understand is that in the 1800s, everyone expected there was going to be a major revolution in Germany, a workers revolution is again very well documented. Germany as most of Europe, the Jews that were there are white Europeans. Okay.
I’m not from Palestine, okay, not from the land, you know, in that region, okay. Palestine existed long before Israel existed, okay? And that’s also very well documented. So none of these things, these are all just facts, okay.
And no one disputes these facts, except people want to change history. But here’s the bottom line. That in Europe, there was discrimination among Jews, okay.
But there were very classes of Jews. There were the working class Jews, many of them who were in the trade unions actually wanting to fight fascism and building bottoms up workers movements. There were the bourgeois Jews, okay.
And their various friends, Theodor Herzl had this he created a political ideological Zionism which said, Oh, we’re being quote unquote, persecuted. See? So this idiot here Quinzel, who is is conflating Jews and Zionism, okay. He’s, he’s a bloody idiot.
Okay. The reality is that Herzl created a political ideology called Zionism. And he said that when should one? So these are my dedicated viewers, so please don’t mind the view.
Dr. Shiva is, you know, well, I, you know, look, I look, it’s like, you know, you’re gonna come to a teacher, I don’t really have a lot of patience for people who don’t do any, any stuff, they’d be thrown out of my class, okay, they get an F. So it doesn’t matter.
I mean, they’re, they need to step up to the plate, and not be ignorant idiots, okay? It’s just like, if you’re gonna go take calculus, and you didn’t do your homework, you’re gonna get an F in my class. So as a student, doctors, you’re like, Yeah, you’re looking at a scenario where all the TV from all the world or all of the world are showing scenes of babies being butchered women being raped, you know? So it’s a atrocity although this is this is similar understand? How right so they’re gonna. Because in World War One, this is exactly what happened.
They they made Germany look like they’re evil. And this was done by the mainstream media because they want to go to war. All right, again, the world is going to enter into a very large war, because of idiots like these.
So the idiots need to step aside and listen. Unless if these idiots want to go fight, let them go fight them. None of them will do that.
They’ll talk a big game, but none of them will actually take weapons, let them go fight, they won’t. But here’s the deal. Zionism was created.
It was a political ideology that was created by Herzl with lots and lots of money from some of the most racist people in the world, like Cecil Rhodes CCI s. L, who was, you know, the guy who created Rhodesia, who had very little regard for black people, or brown people for that matter. And he’s the one who controlled all the mines in Rhodesia.
And Cecil Rhodes was one of the most racist individuals on the planet, designers and got its funding from Cecil Rhodes, among other people. So Zion isms original goal was to put their homeland in Uganda, Uganda, not Palestine. In fact, Palestine wasn’t even on the map there.
Why was that? Because imagine, imagine some imagine the Vikings digging up a 4000 year old reference, saying that the origin that they because you know, the Vikings had come to Vermont 4000 years ago. Imagine the Vikings now saying that we own the homeland called Vermont. Okay.
So they had dug up a reference saying the homeland was actually Uganda among many other places, including Texas. So what I’m trying to say this is a manufactured ideology. Right, by European Ashkenazi Jews.
All right, it’s very, very important to understand. in Palestine were Jews living there. 97% You know, the Palestinians were living there.
There were Arab Jews, Arab Muslims. Arab is a race. Judaism is a religion.
Okay. So remember, this is in the middle of World War Two now. After World War two ends, the British say no, no, no, we’re not Can I give you Uganda? In fact, the first choice was Uganda.
second choice was Argentina. Okay? Very important understand this. So the British said, we’re going to give you your homeland and this place called Palestine.
Now remember Britain, if any Indian has ever studied any history has a rich history of creating random borders. And these borders are created to have people fight among each other. Britain did this all over Africa, the people of Africa that give great kings of Africa had their very particular boundaries, Britain went in and drew random, you know, nation states and had everyone fighting.
And once they got everyone fighting, they stole their resources. All right. Now, the area in Israel is a very strategic area, it’s in the Middle East.
So again, it was very convenient for Burton once again to create a mess there. So that’s what they did. But Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism.
And you can even go talk if people go to Torah, Judaism, the the, you know, the Twitter feed of very, very devout Jews, you’ll see them saying this, Zionism is racism. Zionism is anti semitism. Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism.
So everyone listening, go study that. Okay. It’s like one plus one is to go study that you’re not ready to take calculus on or take a position if you don’t understand that.
That’s number one. So Zionism is actually a racist model, which believes there are a set of Chosen People Zionism as racism in the service of globalism. That’s what Brahmanism as you spoke earlier, oh, yeah, big time.
Now, now you have to understand Brahmanism has done the same thing that Zionism did. So there is this original set of principles in Hinduism Brahmanism there was this concept of the guild system right? If I studied hard I’d be a Brahmin if someone else wanted to be a carpenter, but the original model was was bottoms up it was your skills is meritocracy. Somewhere along the way, which we can have a long discussion on, which I don’t want to do today, that Hinduism was subverted that notion of karma was made completely different.
Karma has nothing to do all your in the past life. You were a Brahmin, now you get to be a Brahmin. Okay, that’s not what it was.
It wasn’t based on birthright. It would based on your works coming bottoms up. So Brahmanism itself.
What took place later on, was the subversion of Hinduism. And that’s what Zionism is, Zionism was a subversion of Judaism. All right, they took the symbol of the star, they took a couple of symbols, and they subverted it.
Okay. Karma is input and output is karma. This karma fall? Karma is not because let me just interrupt you here.
Is it something similar to what Obama and Hillary Clinton did to Iraq and Syria? We’ll come back to that. Yeah, we’ll come to that. Okay.
But I just want to teach people the fundamental Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. Zionism is a racist political ideology. Just like the caste system has nothing to do with Hinduism.
Okay. So that’s why I’m saying the ultra Brahmin isms are people who are espousing that are the same people are supporting Zionism, and we have to stop it. It needs to be shattered is nonsense.
All right. So so that’s the background on this so many, many Arab Jews, Arab Jews, the Jews have like Christ’s lineage, okay, converted to Islam, because of the subjugation they underwent. Okay.
in Palestine, very much how many Hindus under Brahmanism converted to Islam or Christianity, okay, because of the caste system that they felt. So these are some analogies. Now, what we need to understand is that if you look at what has occurred in Israel is the Palestinians have been treated like second class citizens.
Gaza is an open prison. Okay. But most important understand is that Netanyahu Mossad, which is the intelligence wing of Zionism, or Israel, created Hamas, how many of the people are aware of that? Hamas was created.
And by and I can share some, some very important examples of that. So people get this. Okay.
I have it here. All right. Yeah.
So I tweeted this out. So here, here’s a very, very important piece here, that if you look here, Mossad’s entire motto, if you can see it here, can you see it here? Yeah. is by way of deception thou shalt do war.
Okay, that is Mossad’s motto. And Hamas was created was a creation of Mossad specifically brigadier general good shucks I gave in 1980s was the Israel military governor in Gaza, he financed Hamas. Alright, and you can go, I have a link here to the book that you can read it.
Here is the former Israeli ambassador to Germany. And he openly said in 2015, that it was the Israeli government that created a mosque to counteract the growing popularity of the Fatah, formerly known as the Palestinian national liberation movement. See, there was a secular movement, okay.
And it was very, very rational. So this is classic classic intelligence techniques, where you create your opposite position that you can control and you typically make them crazy radical. Alright, that’s the second piece of evidence.
And then, you know, this is Ron Paul, who gave a testimony, clearly saying that Hamas was created as a strategic weapon of Israel, okay. And then here is Mossad chief himself. This is just this year.
You know, the Mossad chief himself, Yossi Cohen, visiting Qatar, to tell them to continue funding Hamas, and you can read everyone should go read their own, do their own research and not be idiots. Okay. Hamas was created by Israel.
Now, why is the mainstream media not talking about that, including the intercept? Just put, you know, they did a deep analysis of it. Okay. So number one, we know what Zionism is.
It has nothing to do Judaism. It’s anti semitic, it’s racist. It was a British who created this place.
They stole it from the Palestinians. And many, many Arab Jews converted to Islam, because of the subjugation of the Ashkenazi Jews. So basically, these white Zionist came, and there were dark skinned Jews there.
Okay. And still to this day, the non Ashkenazi Jews are treated as badly as the Palestinians. All right.
So Mossad created Hamas. Everyone write that down? It’s fully documented, Israel created Hamas, finance them. All right.
So now it all fits in. Let me give you a third piece of it. So I’ve told you where Hamas comes from.
The third piece of evidence is a devil, the Satan, satanic individual called Netanyahu. Netanyahu is pure devil. Okay.
You can find ample videos on the internet, him talking about how stupid Americans are, how you can easily manipulate them. And Netanyahu is a war criminal. He has a history of butchering Palestinians.
Netanyahu for the last two years, he’s been under massive indictments in Israel. In fact, two weeks before this incident took place. There were nearly 100,000 people who were protesting against him protesting against Netanyahu why? Because Netanyahu was on corruption charges.
He was convicted, he was on fraud charges. There was a civil war in Israel. 70% of the Israelis hate Netanyahu, even among the Israeli Jews, there’s many, many multiple parties.
So there’s been a huge uprising against Netanyahu, by Israeli Jews, by Israelis in Israel. Again, this is a piece of fact, most of these Indians who are blindly supporting Israel should get study. Okay, but why would they create a monster who would come and destroy them? And then they go and attack them? How does it go? You’re so you’re making the assumption as though Israeli scripted, Netanyahu.
Netanyahu is supported by much larger forces and the people of Israel are the people of Palestine. He’s funded by much, much larger forces. Okay.
And we’ll get to that. Okay. But the point is, Netanyahu would not exist word for the Israeli people being able to vote him out.
Okay. He was engineered in and everyone should just go do research. You know, one year ago, six months ago, there’s huge protests of Israelis against Netanyahu.
Okay. So, Netanyahu, what he did, was he being Prime Minister, he wouldn’t change the judiciary. He was going to fire the Attorney General, who was going to indict him.
That’s why they were protests. He was going to be thrown in jail. Meena Netanyahu was about on his way to be convicted again.
So So given those three things, suddenly Hamas, Hamas flying on these little planes, you know, breaks into Israel. If you talk to anyone I’ve been to Israel for six weeks. Israel is like a police state.
It prides itself on this amazing military amazing surveillance. It’s got the Iron Dome. So anyone who’s stupid enough, given what I’ve just shared to think that Netanyahu and Israel were not behind this needs to have their head checked.
And if you are, do not understand it after the facts I’ve given to you, then you’re just a bloody idiot. Okay. The Israelis are innocent.
is these people, really people? The people, there’s a difference between the people Yeah. So there are many, many Jews who are anti Zionist. It’s no different than saying Hindus, your anti caste system.
Okay. There are many Hindus who don’t believe in the caste system. They’re not into Brahmanism there are Brahmins are not into Brahmanism.
Okay. So there are many Jews who are against Zionism. All right.
And if you want to play you a video shortly about would you like to see a video about so let me play you a video of a Jewish person who’s clearly telling people that he is not. So this was one of the tweets I shared earlier. You may remember, okay.
I’m going to, and by the way, I encourage everyone to go to my twitter thread because it’s really an educational threat, okay. But if there is a number of very, very devout, very devout Jews, who are who are anti Zionist, and in fact, I’ll bring you a video of one of the priests a rabbi, like who will talk about this? Okay. Like the difference between Judaism and Zionism.
It’s right here. I think I have to put the sound on so you can hear it. Okay.
So here we go. All right. So I have it here.
One second. Let me just stop the screen is from make sure the sound is on. So I want to share with people window also shared audio.
Share it Oh, sure. Okay, so All right. All right.
So let me play this for you. Nothing were to look at the Jewish people don’t care for one thing Zionism. They can kill everyone.
They can kill. Zionism has to win. Zionism is the biggest enemy.
And they fight against each other as well. And this is what that’s why they’re bringing nothing they do not care for. People only care for one thing Zionism? Yes.
All right. So people can look, look at my Twitter feed, okay. Any real Jew knows, the concept of Judaism has nothing to do with setting up a state.
All right. So Zionism is not Judaism. All right.
And I can, there’s another video that I’ll play also have another Jewish and these are, these are your Jewish priests, okay? Like our Indian gurus, okay, or Indian religious leaders, okay, who actually understand what this is. So, this is another rabbi. You bring this up.
This is another rabbi sharing his views, not his views, the actual teachings of Judaism, exposing how nonsensical This is. And again, so here’s this, let me play for you here. We have a message for this Nakba, day for this 75 years of occupation.
We want the world to know that what is being perpetrated against the Palestinian people, the oppression, the subjugation, the terrible cruelty is not in the name of our religion. It is not in the name of the Star of David. It is not in the name of the Jewish people around the world who are true to the Jewish religion because we are Jewish and because we are true to our religion, we are in total opposition to the existence of the Zionist state of Israel.
I call it Zionist state of Israel because it is Zionist. It is not Jewish Judaism in the Torah forbids Jews. We have our own sovereignty, our own entity since the destruction of the temples and Jews to to the Torah, never Aspire or try to have our own state, we also are forbidden to kill us to steal the whole concept of taking this land allow or away from the Palestinian people.
It is totally antithetical and is contradictory. To my religion Judaism, Jews have always from day one stood up against this Zionist entity we as Jews continue, because we are true to the Torah, we stand and demonstrate, and we cry and suffer and feel the suffering of the Palestinian people. We want the world to know we are in solidarity, we are together with the Palestinian people in their suffering, and we hope and pray to God constantly.
For the total end of the occupation. We want the world to know that the Zionist movement is not a Jewish movement. It was a political material movement, created by heretics, and they simply try to incorporate our religion in order to intimidate and silence people and pull them out by Semitic if they stand in opposition, but this is patently false, anti semitic is supporting the State of Israel.
It is a cause of exacerbating anti semitism by having this occupation. It is a cause of bloodshed of the Palestinians and Jews alike. It is the cause of the oppression of not only the Muslims and the Christians in Palestine, but of the Jews.
Hundreds of 1000s of Jews stand in Palestine have lived there prior to the state. They have lived in there continue to live till today and demonstrate Daily and get brutally beaten and arrested. This is the sad story of this terrible Nakba.
It is a tragedy, a calamity and God was his compassion, we hope we’ll see the suffering. And even today, the last few days or you see daily the death and suffering of the Palestinians and the attacks. It’s all Zionism.
Not Judaism, God with his compassion should bring a speedy removal of the Zionist state of Israel so we can once again live together in harmony, Jews and Arabs, as we’ve had for all these hundreds and hundreds of years and Jews could show that gratitude to the Arab and Muslim countries for their embracing Jews and giving them a home inshallah. sunnah. Nowadays, a man.
All right. So to all the people who don’t understand this, that’s a Jew, that’s a real Jewish scholar. So Zionism In fact, you will find for Rose England.
Hmm. What is the end then? What is the aim of what of this? What is whatever has happened in the last few days? What is the intention was right, so add it up? Let’s use our intelligence here. No.
So I have to finish 1/3. The last fact here, okay. In the Gaza, and the Palestinian territories are 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
Okay, let me show you this last piece. That’ll, again, we need to go to the facts. And then we can talk about what’s going on.
And I, you know, I’ve shared this before, 200 trillion feet of natural gas, and 2 billion barrels of oil and Gaza and Palestine territories. Now look at this graph. This is a very important graph here.
Do you see this graph? Yeah. So the United States has no more zero. It has this number of days of US strategic petroleum reserves, the US has depleted all of its petroleum reserves.
And according to this graph, which is on September 22, the US has 17 days left. That’s exactly on October 9, when this nonsense started. Okay.
So people just need to, isn’t that something what they did in Ukraine as well? Who did in Ukraine? Us? Yeah, what my point is, is that the United States has no more strategic oil reserves. Okay. On October 9 2023, as you can see, 17 days, and this is from the US Department of Energy, okay.
Yeah. 17 days from September 22. You add it up, right? Eight days in September left, that will be September 30th.
And then you add nine days exactly on October 9. Okay. So, again, the point here is there’s $2 trillion 2 trillion cubic feet use of natural gas and 2 billion barrels of oil.
So why is this important? Well, obviously, it’s important because it’s multiple, they can kill multiple birds with one stone. Netanyahu is about to go to jail. The other many, many parties in Israel don’t like him.
He calls up Hamas, which he created. And it’s amazing because we know Egypt two days before and multiple people told Mossad, there’s going to be an attack. They and this is all well documented now.
So you know, someone’s going to attack you, you know that you’re going to be thrown in jail, Netanyahu, okay. Massive protests in Israel against him by his own people forget the Palestinians. Okay.
You know that. By the way, this is something everyone another piece of fact, the fifth piece of fact, people need to understand Anthony Blinken, who’s the Secretary of State of the United States, that would be like the second that would be like the Minister of Indian foreign foreign affairs. Imagine if he was also an Israeli citizen.
India does not allow dual citizenship. Okay. Well, the minister, the Secretary of State of the United States, Anthony Blinken, whose grandfather was instrumental in setting up the State of Israel is an Israeli citizen.
Okay, in fact, the Department of Homeland Security is Israeli citizen. Kamala Harris’s husband is an Arab Israeli citizen. There are at least 20 Major officials in the United States government who are also Israeli citizens.
And they have more loyalty to Israel than they do the United States. So it needs to be understood. To the Indians wanting to put this in perspective.
Imagine if Modi’s right hand man was also a citizen of Israel. All right. So Anthony Blinken, you know, and by the way, you know, this guy Netanyahu studied in the United States.
So there so the Israeli Zionist lobby is like this. So, think about what’s going on in the United States. Here’s the sixth piece of fact, the United States economy is tanking.
Okay, it’s going down. Everyone know, they’re supposed to be a major crash in the United States any day. So the financial system of the United States breaking down, the entire US economy is running on fumes.
Obama printed a trillion dollars, Trump printed a trillion, they basically print money to keep the stock market going up. And the reality is that the United States financial system is breaking massively downward, and I can I think your audience should understand I, I shared this, you know, one of our open houses several days ago, okay, that if you look at the multiple different economic indicators, okay, the United States economy is completely tanking. In fact, it’s a repetition of 90, the crash of 1987 is taking place in United States right now, Nina, okay.
The exact same set of circumstances, the trucking industry is going down like this credit card debt is the highest it’s been since 1987. It’s all the same signals. So if you’re the US, elites, and you know, the economy is going to crash again.
You know, your friend Netanyahu is in trouble. You’re the ones who created Hamas. Okay, Ukraine didn’t work.
They thought they would get all the American public distracted with Ukraine. They were thinking of starting another fake pandemic. But what better way to manipulate people than showing Israelis being killed and tortured, and these babies being beheaded was told to be actually false.
Right. So it is very, very Israel’s rember Mossad’s thing. You know, deception, thou shalt win through deception war.
Okay. Deception. That is their slogan, the mission statement of of Mossad.
So you had Israel create Hamas. Suddenly their amazing surveillance system which they spent billions of dollars on the United States says not twice, but $100 billion. Okay.
Doesn’t work. Are you crazy? They can watch a fly on a you know, elephants but from the technology that they have. And you have to ask, where did these paratroopers trained with all their different things? They’d no one saw that but you have to be an idiot if to really use your brain.
So this was orchestrated. And you know, this as World War One was orchestrated by the British to make Kaiser Wilhelm look crazy. We know we’re the Adam’s foods to fall into are the Adams fools to fall into their game.
What mean are the Arab schools? Because he did they are putting their people, you know, sick, because they are the ones who are attacking and getting killed, isn’t it? No, no, but Hamas was created by Qatar. What’s that? by Qatar countries like Qatar as well, isn’t it? No. Mossad funded it? Yeah.
That’s, that’s in the beginning, isn’t it? No, even now, I just showed you that thing. Just last year, the head of Mossad remember the way they do is they they fund it through second party. This is telling Qatar to keep funding Hamas.
How would it be if the Indian intelligence was going to some radical group in Pakistan and saying keep funding them? What would you think? And then suddenly, there’s an attack from Pakistan, India, we have to understand there’s an age old technique when when a leader has problems internally, he points to someone else. It’s just been going on for 10,000 years. Okay.
So in everyone knows in India, there’s a concept called communalism if a Hindu goes to among the Hindus and say it was the Muslims don’t like you can start a war Muslim leader can go among Hindus. To them. Sorry, right.
It’s very, very easy in these ancient cultures to start a war overnight. People need to use their brains. But again, many educated Indians are idiots because they just get a degree.
They’re working in an IT job. You know, maybe they go to temple once but they don’t study anything. They’re morons.
Okay. So but the reality here is, number one, Zionism is racism has nothing to do with Judaism. Number two, we need to understand that Hamas was created by Israel.
We need to also understand that, you know, I just shared with you, among the true Jews, they have nothing to do with Zionism. We know there’s 200 trillion cubic feet of oil, I’m sorry, gas, and billion and 2 billion barrels of oil in the Gaza Strip. Okay.
And the Israeli Zinus and it’s beautiful beachfront property. So and Netanyahu is under indictment, these are just facts. Now you put it all together, suddenly this people come on paratroopers, you know, with their little mission.
I mean, it’s crazy. And then it breaks through the Iron Dome, right that Israel prides itself on and doing what happens next day, Netanyahu gives a speech saying, Okay, we must all unite. You say classic.
So all these people who are against him, suddenly he’s got them scared. They’re uniting. Okay.
Then they say 40 Babies heads were beheaded was turned to be absolutely false. All right, and then you have idiot Indians suddenly supporting Israel, not using their brains. So who profits from this? I’ll tell you profits from this.
Number one, the United States, Zionist elites profit from this, because they because the Zionist elites control most of the financial systems, the United States, they know the financial system is going to go down. How do you protect the financial system going down? As it’s going down? You’re gonna short it, you make money, and then you print money to bring it back up? How do you print money? It’s called quantitative easing. And that’s what occurred during the pandemic, right? The economy was going down and 2019.
Trump comes in, suddenly they create this thing called a pandemic. The next thing, they’re printing a trillion dollars, and it boosts up the stock market. Okay, so now you create a crisis.
So the real crisis, which is a financial crisis, goes into the background. So now with the Israeli crisis, Israeli Hamas war, which isn’t even a war, right, how can it be a war? There’s too The United States has given them two major aircraft carriers. Right, hundreds of aircraft.
I mean, can you take Can someone tell me how many aircraft carriers the Palestinians have? How many aircraft carriers do they have? How many tanks do they have? This isn’t a war, it’s a massacre. There’s nothing to do with war. There’s no Israel Hamas war, it’s Israel versus destroying the Palestinians.
Period. And if you’re into the Hindu, Muslim, you know, nonsense. You’re a bloody idiot.
That means you’re falling in to the concept of race and religious wars. And that’s what people want. So they can distract you from the economic issues.
So that’s what’s going on. So Netanyahu overnight, has all of his, the 100,000 people were protesting. They’re gone, all the Israelis.
And now you can say we need to unite. And he’s teed it up. So in the United States as this war goes on, Biden, and whoever it is, are going to be able to basically say, oh, okay, let us print more money to help our friends Israel.
And the only reason they’re printing money is because the US economy is running on fumes. So it’s running on fumes. So they need to bring it back up.
And what better way then the only way the United States economy surviving right now is with printing money, because they’re the reserve currency. That’s the bottom line. So that’s what really going on.
So people need to understand that Zionism has nothing to do with Hinduism. No. Yeah, going back to the point, where isn’t this the same thing that Obama and Hillary Clinton did to Iraq? And said, yes.
Yeah. So let’s talk about that. So so whenever there’s a crisis, you create something right.
What the Libya? It was. Yeah, they created ISIS. It was Obama and Hillary Clinton who butchered a Qaddafi butchered him in the streets, okay.
Imagine someone coming in butchering any US leader in the streets of India, or Delhi. That’s what they did. And it was if you go look at you, we can even go back to Bush times 911.
Right, was created. It’s very, very obvious that, okay, the two building towers go down. No one even knows why building seven went down.
No one can even it’s a mystery. Right, another building that collapses. And there’s enough evidence.
So this was essentially, you know, a military operation. And that was used to go into Iraq. I mean, they go into Saddam Hussein, when? What has nothing to do with Iraq? Right.
And what did the US do? They seized all the oil of Iraq. That’s what they did. Right.
World War One occurred under Verdun. Also the kinds of atrocities that they did with the ZD, women is what Hamas is doing now. Well, when you hear Yeah, well, well, first of all, you should look we should get this is very dumb.
You know, people don’t look at the atrocities that have been done to the Palestinian people. And the Jews. A lot of people don’t understand that.
During the time of Hitler. When the Jews were fighting the in the Warsaw Ghetto against the Nazis, the Zionists disarmed the Jews. And they got butchered, okay, so there’s Zionism and then there’s Judaism, okay.
Zionism is a bunch of European white people who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews who are Zinus they butchered the people within and they continue to occupy Palestine. So we have to step back. Okay.
1948. Since 1948, to today, even if you look at the United States, nearly $70 trillion. Wealth has been transferred from from poor people to very wealthy people, as all the design is in the financial system that is run by so we have to look at the big picture here.
This has been going on for 80 years. It’s not like, quote unquote, Hamas, right and attack people. First of all, Hamas was created by Israel.
Hamas was created by Israel, Hamas was created by Israel. Everyone should say that as a mantra to unbraid wash themselves. Okay.
Hamas suddenly gets into Israel overnight, violating all their surveillance doesn’t make sense. Overnight. Netanyahu is cleared, right? He’s protected now.
Okay, he was he’s a convicted, he’s convicted. He’s a war criminal. He should be in jail now.
So overnight, and there was this, I repeat, there was a civil war brewing in Israel, not because of the Palestinians, but among the Israelis themselves. Understood. Even writing about that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but but people need to put this thing, it is very easy. Let me ask you this. In the last 72 hours, we’ve seen supposedly more bloodshed, okay.
of babies pictures, and supposedly Hamas killing these people? Can we see as much bloodshed in Ukraine, where all the pictures of all the babies dying in Ukraine? I mean, 500,000 people supposedly have been killed in Ukraine, right, or somebody injured and killed. So why was that not true? I’m asking you. I mean, this war has been going on for a long period where all the crazy bloody pictures on mainstream media, but within 72 hours, the small group of people who break supposedly funded by Israel, and we see their pictures everywhere.
Why would you do that on mainstream media? Because you because we know the mainstream media is propaganda. It has an intention, it has a goal to get a bunch of idiots. It looks like the idiots don’t want to use their brain.
They got over the pandemic crisis, which is a fake crisis. And now they want to go to the next crisis and the next crisis. Right.
But by the way, let me tell you something fascinating. The United States military. There’s data coming up many are most of the military officers do not want to go fight for Israel.
All right. So in spite of all this propaganda, there’s a lot of smart people in the army in the United States, okay. The dumb people are the Indians, who are thinking Hinduism.
It has something to do with Zionism. So the Hindu is going to fight the Muslim and we’re fighting. You include also people like Modi.
Modi has political earnings. Okay. That he’s not done.
He has a he has a goal. Okay. Very, as much as Netanyahu as leaders love to point.
Unfortunately, I’m very disappointed with Modi, you know, I think he’s surrounded by more and more idiots, okay. People need to recognize that it’s about consolidation of power, profit and control. The Indian stock market is very, very high.
It’s a bullshit stock market. Everyone knows this. It’s just hyped up okay.
It’s made up stock market and Modi’s writing his his future on the Indian stock market. The Lebanon ease and the Ambani and all these people. I mean, come on, go read on that a friend of mine is a very, very smart financial guy.
Look at that guy up and on these perspectives, because you can’t even understand it. Okay. So very important, someone just said designed to say Hindus.
Definitely. Okay. Zionism is racism in the service of globalism.
Zionism is not Judaism. Zionism is anti semitism. This would be me telling, you know, the caste ism caste system is Hinduism.
It’s not, it’s not true. Right. So that’s what they’ve done.
So they take great teachings, just like the Catholic religion is not Christianity, the Vatican, you know, just like the Vatican is not Christianity, Zionism is not Hinduism. And Brahmanism and caste system is not into his okay. So they take in these amazing teachings and they subvert them and they hijack them.
So it makes a lot of sense why the probably the racist caste. Brahmin Brahmanism wants his word Zionism because of the same people, same idiotic ideology of separating people out. So we need to say Mom, Dr.
Shiva, you know, in Ukraine, they see it’s very rich with resources. And that’s why they, you know, that. Yeah, yes.
Your interests. What are the important hypothesis? Here? Mina is the last non subjugated country is Russia. Okay, Russia has its own national sovereignty.
Russia has close to $100 trillion worth of minerals, oil, natural gas, you know, precious metals, everything diamonds, it as much as Africa did. But what did the British do in Africa, they went, they randomly drew borders, they weren’t the one thing had them fighting against another thing like they did in India. Okay.
And then the British essentially rake all the resources of Africa. Divided rule. So that was the intention in in the Soviet Union.
When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991. George Bush said that NATO would not go one inch east of Germany, but they have the goal was always to, for the elites for the Western swarm, as I call it, the trillionaires. The last area that they wanted hegemony over is Russia.
And so you start a war in Ukraine, to bleed Russia. Now you want to start a war on another Russian front Syria? Because they know Russia defend Syria, and then Ron, so you think about where this is going? Yeah, the goal is to have Russia fighting multiple wars. And that’s very, very valuable, especially if your economy is going down.
We know war always boosts economies. The United States economy, I repeat is running on fumes. Elon Musk is not running any real business.
Okay. His business exists because he got government subsidies, SpaceX, he didn’t create anything. Any Indian who thinks Elon Musk is some great innovator also should under brain check.
The guy’s an actor, he was created. Okay, SpaceX is got $7 billion from the government. Tesla would not be profitable, but they got $1.
5 billion in carbon tax credits, otherwise they’d be worth zero. Twitter, also, is runs on the ages of government. Okay, due to Section 230 immunity.
So what we have to recognize that the United States economy is not the vibrant economy of true bottoms of innovation. It’s running on fumes, and this is why in 2008, it crashed under Obama. And they should have allowed it to crash versus a gave all the bankers 8 billion a trillion dollars and they saved them.
Then the economy should have crashed again in 2020. Trump came in and saved it. It’s on its way to crashing again.
And now they’re creating a war. That’s what this is about. People have to follow the money.
Follow the money. Don’t be an idiot and get involved in you know, Islam versus Hinduism are over protecting Jews. What’s happening, doctor in America? That’s Trump or stand a chance now? Or what is happening? Can you tell us about it? As everyone knows, you know, I’m running for President of the United States.
Our campaign has had a very powerful effect and exposing all these fake leaders. We’ve had to do the job and exposing Trump, you know, Buddha, effing Kennedy, right? All these people. What’s happening is the American working public, who works very hard are all being taken advantage of the economy’s running on fumes.
And every time they print money, they create inflation, and the costs are going up and up and up. Okay. So the opportunities, a lot of people are realizing that Trump was part of the problem.
He wasn’t their Savior. They’re realizing all these Republican candidates are part of the problem. We’ve had to do the dirty job and exposing this, you know, idiot.
The Tyvek was created. Okay, we can’t have a vector snake. Okay.
I mean, this guy’s a complete snake. He’s never created anything. He, if anything, did fraud, okay.
He took $5 million from somebody, he went and found a drug. This is Vivek Ramaswamy. I call them the vector snake.
He took $5 million. And everyone should let’s take notes again. It took $5 million.
started a company then went to the largest pharmaceutical company called GlaxoSmithKline, which had created a drug for Alzheimer’s. They did clinical trials, it’s not only failed, once failed, twice, failed. Four times this drug failed clinical clinical trials.
It’s done. He went and buys that failed drug Mina, okay, puts it into this company, then has his mother, his mother, look at the data for the failed clinical trial. This is called classic accounting, massaging throws away all the data where people didn’t complete the clinical trial, and then writes a paper in a very, not even in a major journal, not even in a speaker session.
But in a poster session, which is what a child can do and high school student can do. says that the drug is a success. His mother uses his mother’s data and takes a company on the public market makes raises money cashes out 50 million.
And then when they do the actual clinical study, guess what it fails, the stock goes from it loses 99% of value. I’m sorry, as an Indian this guy is not a good representation of Indians who work hard. He’s a scam artist.
He knew it was a useless drug. So overnight, he’s promoted. He’s created.
He’s manufactured. We need to understand Yeah, Vic, this guy locations, right? The Vic is a WTF hacker source puppet. Yeah.
So then he claims comes from a very elite Brahmin family went to a prep school is against this affirmative action. Affirmative action is a plan. Like we did quotas in India, right? To help the Scheduled Caste in the United States.
It’s called affirmative action. Now he had made $2 million the year before, or he applies to Yale Law School, Mina, and he applies for one of those affirmative actions, scholarships, takes money that was for people when he doesn’t believe him. Okay, you see what I’m saying? So these are the kinds of people but we our campaign and our movement, truth for them, help has been exposing these people.
So it’s becoming so we’ve created a massive disruptive force. Because we have very sincere people, like I’ve articulated here are starting to use their brains. They’re not in oh my god, you know, let’s support where Hindus let’s support against the Muslims, you know, it’s gonna come back to, you know, you know, the chickens will come home to roost in India.
It’s kind of Idiocracy. Okay, so we need to be far more intelligent. We need to use our brains.
And we need to look at the actual facts Hamas was created by Israel. How the hell does these people on little bicycle planes break the Iron Dome? When their satellites now everywhere that could watch it? You know, you can watch a little TV? Yeah, this is the whole thing is nonsense. Netanyahu is pure devil.
If there’s a site on, it’s Netanyahu. So if you want to really look at some spiritual things, you know the whole goal of Hinduism and the goal of Shiva and Hinduism, Shaivite. Hinduism is Shiva has his thrush lining pierces darkness, which is ignorance.
And you know, maybe that’s what my job is here. But that’s we’re doing it the goal of Hinduism is to remove your rose colored glasses and to overcome my via an illusion and to see things as they are, we live in the age of color interesting, indeed, Dr. Shiva, because this is one side that we did not many of us didn’t really look into.
And it’s good that you explain the site because many of our viewers now will, you know, think about it in different ways. It’s what you say has a lot of sense to it. And, yes, these are also things that we’ve been following.
So what happened to Natalia, you know, for, and the kinds of protests, you know, eBays So, there’s a lot of truth to what you’re saying. And we’re ending our session. So thank you so much for this wonderful talk with you.
I wish you all the best. You know, in Thanksgiving I just did we should go to truth freedom and Shiva numeral for President calm if they want to volunteer.
Thank you. Thank you so much, and good night, the world today Dr. Shiva, thank you so much.