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In this interview, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer and Candidate for President, shares how the “leaders” being put in front of the masses are all bullshitters, and how Dr.SHIVA is the only one who can win us Truth Freedom Health®

Transcript Below.

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Thursdays as a part of our orientation, because we really want everyone else to know that we do have these orientations. And we have people going on I typically take take a topic. So Hi everyone, this is Dr.Shiva, we’re live at our town hall, or our sorry, our orientation, we do our town hall in the evening. But we have a number of people online from all over the world. And what I want to talk about today is why all the other presidential candidates, the simplest word I could put as they’re all bullshitters, okay.

And our movement and and our run for presidency is the only one that has the real solutions to win truth, freedom and health. And by no means is this hubris. It’s not something to be arrogant.

It’s just the facts. These guys are all bullshitters. And why do I say they’re all bullshitters? Because all of them have no idea of the struggle of everyday people.

None of them have ever really fought any type of injustice. If anything, you see them quote, unquote, fighting injustice is all theater to make you believe that they’re fighting for us. But the bottom line is, they’re all bullshitters.

And once you understand that they’re all bullshitters, then you have to ask, Why are they all bullshitters? And that will lead to a fundamental answer, that they bullshit, because they don’t want you and me building a bottoms up movement. Let me repeat that, again. They want to bullshit people.

So you keep looking to them for some type of solution. When they are committed to only three principles power, profit control, they have no interest in truth, freedom, health, just like the devil has no interest in actually achieving any sense of spiritual enlightenment. These people have no interest in you fact, they hate you.

They hate your countries. They hate America. They hate everything they own.

They’re a tightly knit, global, multiracial group that I call The Swarm. That’s what I’ve called them, and there’s a video on that, but they’re all bullshitters. Let’s take each one.

I’ll give you some examples. Trump, the biggest fucking bullshitter okay, this guy wanted to be in Hollywood. His agent is airy Emanuelle.

One of the biggest Hollywood, pro Mossad, pro Zionist agent in Hollywood, you can look him up. He’s a CEO of andeavor, which is formerly William Morris Agency. So Trump’s agent is Ari Emanuel, who’s a brother of Rahm Emanuel.

So just draw that out and go research it on your own. That’s how Trump got the apprentice. Trump wanted to be an actor, but he’s so fucking lazy.

He probably didn’t want to take any acting courses. So he became a C list actor. So they he’s he was recruited, if you believe, as I know, elections are selections, Trump was recruited to manipulate the American white working class, to never build a bottoms up movement, never exercise our First Amendment.

And he was brought in because 57 60% of people voted for Trump and voted for Obama. So they had used that full. They had squeezed everything they could get out of Obama to manipulate people.

So they needed the next bullshitter. Trump. And you have to understand he was quite an effective bullshitter.

He almost fooled me. But when I figured it out, I had to expose and we did a video call. Trump is a swamp and everyone should go do it.

So why is he a bullshitter? So what’s the bullshitter? What’s the definition of the bullshitter? They say one thing and they do something else? Simple. Let’s talk simple New Jersey street politics. That’s a bullshitter.

Trump lock her up. Her referring to Hillary, he didn’t lock her up. It didn’t lock her up at all.

In fact, he locked up his own supporters didn’t even pardon them. More importantly, 72 hours after he wins the presidency, this bullshitter Donald fucking Trump 72 hours people are chanting lock her up, lock her up. He says I that was for the election.

Now we move on. So all of you Magga cult members, if that’s if you want to be a bullshitter and you claim you’re a follower of Christ with an arrow bullshitters okay, and you will go to hell because you’re claiming you support Christ. And you’re supporting a bullshitter, who basically did the exact opposite second example.

He said he he’s against Big Pharma. Well, on the David’s inauguration, he took a million dollars from Pfizer. Bullshit.

Example number two. Number three. He said he was going to drain the swamp.

One of his big slogans, he brought in the swamp, the biggest swamp creature if you want to talk about the biggest Anaconda swamp creature was Fauci, Fauci. He’s been there since 1984. Across Reagan across Bush, one, Clinton, Bush to Obama.

If you’re going to drain the swamp If you fire Fauci, I gave him all the facts, everything in March of 2020, march 23 2020, a letter, it was delivered to him, we gave him 120,000 signatures. As an MIT PhD, I gave him all the rationalization to fire him. Did he fire Fauci? No.

And again, all the maggot cult members will say, Oh, well, he had to keep Fauci. You see, Trump was playing some ninth dimensional game. Not only did he not fire Fauci, four years later, seven sorry, 12 hours before he’s leaving the White House.

What does he do? He gives Fauci the Presidential commendation award for Operation warp speed. Okay, so he locked up his own followers. He didn’t fire a big swamp creature.

And he said he was against Big Pharma when he took money on the Devas inauguration, I can keep going on and on and on and on. All right. But if you don’t see it, just in those three compelling examples, then you must also be a bullshitter.

And you deserve bullshitters to run the country. Let’s take the next fucking bullshitter bullshitter. Number two, Robert fucking Kennedy.

Here’s he’s a bullshitter Maximus, his bullshit is so obvious that his throat hurts him so much that he has a demon voice. That’s how much bullshit he has. And I say that, and I’ll repeat this again.

It’s a very interesting symbolism. You know, if you study any of the great yoga sciences, you will understand that we have seven different chakras in our body energy centers, the crown chakra, and the third eye are your power centers of truth and wisdom and ideas and seeing the future basically, your what you’re going to do, right? And then the bottom shockers or what you actually do do. Well, his throat chakra is so fucked up, that he sounds like a demon, because his thoughts and his actions don’t match his deeds.

Number one. All of the women, a lot of wealthy women game a lot of money. And they probably want to sleep with Kennedy, because everyone thinks sleeping.

The Kennedys are some great family. They’re not. They’re a bunch of mobsters, and they’re mafia.

So if you’re a woman, and you are voting for Robert Kennedy, and you have any desire to support him, then you must hate all women. Let’s talk about the bare facts. That Kennedys from John F.

Kennedy to Robert F. Kennedy to Ted Kennedy to Robert fucking Kennedy Jr. himself, hates women.

His own wife he had married to a woman has children with her has at least 38 Different affairs writes it in a book of his conquests. His wife sees it finds it was a Paul wants to kill herself and he basically doesn’t care she kills herself hangs herself. After she dies, he brings in all of his pictures and public relations people this Oh disgusting this fellow is and takes a picture with him bowing over a coffin.

It’s all bullshit. The next day without a permit, the coffin is exhumed and moved to an unmarked grave. That’s how much he hated his wife.

bullshitter Maximus evil bullshitter next bullshit. He told all these people don’t get vaccinated, you know, the vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code dadadada. Well, in December 2022 in his own home, before you could enter his home, you had to be vaccinated with what the mRNA vaccine, that’s a fucking bullshitter and then he blames his wife.

How many of you I know many, many close friends who had fights with their loved ones who had fights with their wives people split apart. They took principled stance. So this fool claims he’s fighting for medical freedom.

And then everyone has to be Vax in his own home. That is what you call a bullshitter. Let me give you another bullshit.

He couple of months ago said I’m against the lock downs and Trump and Biden did lock downs and hurt the country. $16 trillion. Well, in the middle of COVID at the most important time, when was that March of 2020.

Trump was supporting lockdowns, Fauci was supporting lock downs and fucking booby effing Kennedy. There’s a tweet out there which he deleted what we have. He was all for lockdowns saying if we don’t have lockdown, just going to spread COVID And on top of it he justified it.

False justification saying was say gonna save the climate bullshitter say one thing do another, say one thing, do another. Let me give you how apparent his bullshit is on the Megan Kelly show. He openly openly tells people tells the interviewer as she’s asking him about different contradictions about other politicians, how they say one thing and do another.

His response is public integrity. And so discussing and your personal integrity are two different things. He’s telling people that I will bullshit you and you will eat my bullshit.

So anyone who’s following Robert Kennedy wrote him is literally eating his shit. Literally. Let me give you a third example.

The Kennedys, including Robert Kennedy present themselves as though they’re fighting for peace. peaceniks bullshit, two examples. Go listen to his announcement speech.

He goes, were in Ukraine for all the right reasons. That’s what he said, quote, unquote, and more recently, he spat it out the most disgusting Zionist propaganda justifying the annihilation of the Palestinian people. Why? Because he needs to send a signal to the war machine that he will continue to support is the Israelis and the Palestinians being at each other’s throats, because that drives the global war machine.

I’ve given you three examples. I could keep going on with this fucking idiot. Okay.

bullshitter, let me talk take another bullshitter. I mean, I can keep going. But you can take a bullshitter like, was the other one that’s running this, they had to go find a brown guy, by the way, it’s a CIA operation, because they know this brown guy that you’re looking at, is getting has having enormous impact because our movement and every one of you.

So they have to go find this little dweeb, a little car salesman, a Brahmin car salesman who’s never suffered any kind of injustice in his life. And they had to try to put him there to take away the views from our movement. Look at this bullshitter okay, it’s talking all the stuff, you know, against corruption while he supported vaccine man mandates.

I’m talking about this dude, buyback, Ik, very icky person. He supported mask mandates. He had the audacity to say, Oh, I supported mask mandates dead because I’m actually against the government.

And the government at that time was pro, sorry, anti mask. So I decided to be anti government by being pro mask. I mean, the nonsense of this guy.

He’s saying he’s, he’s not against centralization. And he’s not for government. Right, you know, regulating us? Well, he’s the one who built his company, built the infrastructure to track all of us with COVID.

And essentially, the infrastructure for COVID passport. That’s what he did. So all these people are bullshitters.

And the amazing thing is that they have other bullshitters who amplify their bullshit among those guises, Tucker Carlson, and you should all write him. That’s what he is. He’s all CIA, as we were just talking about, I mean, this guy is pure CIA, Tucker Carlson.

He’s not a patriot. He actually hates this country. Right.

bullshitter says he’s a patriot. While in 2020. It was our efforts my hard work, which discovered the fact that government and the big tech companies have an unholy alliance, we figured out all the backdoor portals, we sent him the emails, he did nothing.

He concealed it for two years. And as a CIA operation. With the intercept, he exposes a little piece of it, and then he acts on TV.

Oh my god, I can’t believe this. How was this ignored? He ignored it. That’s a serious fucking bullshit.

bullshitter No, bullshit number example by Tucker Carlson. So John is saying our frame rate is very low. John, you want to hop in and tell me what’s going on? Sure.

It’s just the video. your audio is fine on the live but the video coming through and I’ve tested this with YouTube as well. It’s very laggy Okay, so I’m gonna be right on social media, right? Yes.

But on Zoom. Is it pretty much this? Oh, it’s coming through. The video is just choppy.

The audio is fine, though. Is that now or is it like this all the time? It’s been this little time. Well, I wish you’d told me in the beginning.

All right, your hard line? Yeah, it’s going through my heart hard line. John. is going straight to the hard line.

Hmm. Well, let me continue. So I’m going to continue with the audios.

Okay. Let me see what our people are saying elsewhere. Let me see our comments here.

Okay. The audio is working. It’s okay.

It’s laggy. If you can’t fix, it’s okay. That it’s laggy.

All right. Let me continue. To everyone listening.

The audio is a little bit choppy. But here’s the bottom line. All of these people are bullshitting you A professional bullshitters that’s what they are.

They get trained to be professional bullshitters professional bullshitters Kennedy, I mean, I have emails from him to another guy used to work from you’ll realize what a fucking bullshitter he is. Same with Trump. Same with Tucker Carlson same with Joe Rogan.

You can go down the list. These people are fucking bullshitters and they’re bullshitting us so obvious. It exposes the deeper issue, they hate you.

They hate America, they hate the First Amendment. They hate anything having to do with freedom, because they, as we discussed earlier, are all ultimately thinking their royalty. They have the same vestiges of vestiges as a British Empire.

And they never wanted to ever give a set of people these rights. Somehow there was a historical event that took place in 1776. Today, 4% of the Earth’s population has this thing called the First and Second Amendment.

That was never supposed to happen. Yeah, Russell Brand, another fucking bullshitter. Okay.

And all these people ultimately report up through various elements of the Swarm, who are highly interconnected to massive amounts of power, profit and control, the only force standing in their way between what they want to do which is depopulate the world because they want to create an Elysium for themselves as our movement for truth, Freedom health. And our run for president. Why do I say that? Because you’re looking at someone that fighting injustice is not a bunch of words, I’ve had to fight this all my fucking life.

All my life, it’s been real. So my personal fight against injustice and the collective fight are unified my personal integrity, my publican, integrity of one, our movement for truth, freedom and health. how it operates is one, we are uncompromising to anyone who says, well, Kennedy says some good things or answers shut the fuck up.

Any idiot can say good things. What did you do at the right time? That is a standard that everyone should be using. What did you do in March of 2020? With your megaphone, and with your stature with my stature and with my megaphone? Everyone can see what I did.

We’re the ones around the fire Fauci campaign. That’s not bullshitting. We’re the ones who collected and delivered 120,000 signatures in May of 2020.

Not like these fucking doctors. In July of 2023. They’re delivering signatures, just like we did with their little white coats on when all of those bastards were supporting the vaccine or were silent.

That’s not leadership. That’s a bullshitter. It’s a psychological operation for you for to deliver you amnesia.

So you forget who was the true leader who was a movement that was leading you properly. That was March of 2020. We expose Fauci.

We were the first ones to come out against lockdowns. It was our movement on my work that said, take vitamin D take were certain this is all bullshit, with confidence with force and we save millions and millions of lives. Fucking Kennedy and Trump and Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan killed the people because they were supporting lock downs.

Millions and millions of people die because of those lock downs in and unto themselves. So all of you listening Yes, Glenn Greenwald is busy getting rich off telling people how they’re screwed. You nailed it, John Dukes.

Thank you. You see, it is not sufficient to expose corruption. You know, one of the guys I Noam Chomsky has been doing that puts his hand like this behind his neck.

He’ll do these big lectures and joke about how all fucked we are okay? And writes books and books and books. Exposing truth doesn’t is not jack shit. Please don’t give people jack shit for exposing truth.

What did you do all these academics write these huge books. All these Hollywood people five years later, they write movies of how fucked the American Indians were, or how fuck this happened? Where what the fuck are they doing? Nothing. Truth without action is academic action without truth is terrorism.

Truth with action is a bottoms up movement. And that is what we’re doing. Truth freedom health.

So those of you are listening, and you want to get off your butt and actually do something. I’m gonna give you actual simple actions you can do. Number one, go to cheaper for president.

com and get this little bumper sticker. Why? Because you finally got someone who’s beyond the lesser of two evils and take this bumper stickers. I know you spent a lot of money on other bullshit, but this is only five bucks.

Go on the back windshield of your car and put it and send me a picture. John, what’s my number? I’m gonna give people my cell phone number John, what is it the other 857 number? It’s I’m sorry, I need to. Yeah.

So John, we’ll get it. You put your bumper sticker on the back windshield of your car. And you text me.

Why do I say that? Well, this little bumper sticker will hit nearly 100,000 people per day. So if 300 of us do it, if you do it for 300 days, that’s 30 million views. And you can just multiply it out, we get a million people doing it.

That’s the first thing I want all of you to do. Second thing, go to Shiva for

Volunteer, we want to get on the ballot and every state’s labor is more powerful than capital. If you want to give me money, great, but when you give me money, I give you books I want to educate you, we give you access to the truth Proven Health System of knowledge. But more importantly, is to get off the ground.

Get on the ground, hand out flyers. Get people excited. Have conversations with them, let them know hey, we finally have one of us a guy called Dr.

Shiva dirait, who’s one of us. And, and he represents us he’s he’s never going to compromise to fricking Zionism he’s not going to compromise to Trump or Kennedy or bow down. And neither should we, we finally have a real hero from one of us, not these fake heroes.

And all of you become heroes by becoming part of this bottoms up movement. So that’s what you can do. But in order to get all of this structurally clear, so you don’t get bamboozled.

You have to study you have to do you have to be good students. Now I’m a pretty good student, but I’m also good educator. But I’m a very tight teacher.

So go to truth, freedom Sign up as a warrior scholar get the knowledge you need.

So you don’t get bullshitted. Again, today’s conversation was there all bullshitters and I’m the only one in our movement who can witness truth for know that it’s absolutely true. Why do I say that with such confidence? Because we have the science, we have the knowledge, no different than Isaac Newton saying, hey, you know what I have really the knowledge of the physics and how you build a bridge, or Maximus, I have the knowledge, the science of how electricity and magnetism work.

So I’m telling you, I have the knowledge and the science of system science, the nine principles of how those who control you work and how we can shatter the swarm. Now all you have to do is easy work for you easy peasy. Go to truth, freedom, health, get this knowledge.

Get on the ground, put a bumper sticker join arms. With others we’re raising their consciousness more powerful than a gun is your ability to raise your consciousness. It is ultimately education that will change the world.

And you’re being educated with the right knowledge. So any one of you go get this bumper sticker. Okay.

And you can text me with a picture of it. 857 No, John, wrong number the other cell John. It’s the one that we put up before John.

So John is looking at that cell number. Let me see if I have it here. We’ll put it up before we’ll put it up on the site.

If you don’t have access to John, did you get it? I’m sorry, I’m still. Okay, it’s crystal here. She’s got it.

Anyway, we’ll put it up on the site. But go get the bumper sticker. Take practical actions.

And so part of what we’ve done is to make this we all work for a living 20 minutes a day, take practical actions, bumper sticker volunteer, and wherever you are in the world. You know, get involved, we made this accessible to everyone become a truth for them in health warrior scholar. Alright, everyone.

So everyone on Zoom, stay, we’re going to finish up our open house. But all I can tell you is they’re all bullshitters and they think you’re stupid. They hate you.

They never wanted to give you any freedom and they want to destroy 2024 It’s gonna be very critical because the two top bullshitters Kennedy and Trump are being put forward to sucker you back into the establishment. And it’s really going to come down to your consciousness whether you’re going to be dumb enough to follow them. Are you going to overcome that hurdle? And when you overcome it, you’re in a very different state of consciousness.

So it’s really about you raising your consciousness anyway be well be the light. Thank you

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health® you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health® in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems™ course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems™ Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health®, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System® tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health® portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health® Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved™.

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