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Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai provides a Systems Biology analysis of the multi-systems effects of the nutrient Ginger, with a focus on Immune Health.

  • Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, Educator – gives an overview on a CytoSolve computational analysis on how Ginger affects Immune Health.
  • CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 12,260 research articles, 231 clinical trials, widely researched for 89 years medically.
  • Ginger is a rhizome that has been used medicinally dating back over 5000 years for ancient medicines, and is recognized safe by the FDA.
  • Ginger has 115 different chemical compounds and contains minerals, vitamins, and gingerols.
  • Biological effects of Ginger include anti-obesity, gastro-protective, anti-diabetic, antibacterial, photo-protective, neuro-protective, anti-tumor effects, hepatoprotective and inhibits inflammation.

The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.


Good evening everyone. This is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. I’ve been a little bit remiss, on this weekend, I wanted to do these videos on Ginger and Green Tea. But we got a little bit busy with upgrades we’re doing to our data center. So anyway, it’s good to have everyone here. And this evening, I’ll also be doing our every week, I do our group class, and it’s done in private group class, we do it on our own infrastructure here. So I invite everyone to do that. I run the Truth Freedom Health warrior training program. And any one of you can sign up to it. I will come back to that. I’m going to jump right into our talk today. So today is going to be Ginger and Immune Health, a CytoSolve Molecular Systems Biology Analysis. So that’s we’re going to be talking about today.  So today’s talk is going to be on Ginger and Immune Health, a CytoSolve Molecular Systems Biology Analysis.

And let me give an introduction on this. So all of you who want to go to the website That is literally the home of the Truth Freedom Health Movement. And you can go there, you can find all sorts of background, and many different things that I’ve been involved in, you can also get access to many different blog posts. Every day, our production team does at least one or two blog posts, we do our live videos, right from there. So please go to When you go to, you’ll find out that on that site, there are many different things I’ve done from the invention of Email, by the way, Email was a system. Email is not the simple exchange of text messages. I did that when I was a 14 year old kid.

More recently, one of the other activities I’ve been doing is our Research and Educational Institute. The International Center for Integrative Systems also has created, The first worldwide Clean Food Certified Seal. And that’s a Systems Approach to food. Again, we take a Systems Approach to understanding food:

  • Is it consciously created with safety?
  • Is it living? Which means it is organic.
  • Is it ethical? Which means non GMO.
  • Is it active? Which means that the compounds in the food are bioactive.
  • And is it nourishing?

So we use a five part scale to really determine a holistic way what food is. In addition, another one of the activities I do is another company I run is an Educational Institute called Systems Health. And Systems Health is literally the integration of Eastern and Western medicine. And that is a way that people can actually understand that what’s been done in the East for many 1000s of years, directly relates to Engineering System Theory, We have a Master Certification Program. We have many different Certification Programs in there. It’s really the Science of Systems.

One of the sister things that I do is a tool that I created called ‘Your Body, Your System’, but ‘Your Body, Your System’, as well, but And that technology allows someone to do a self assessment of their own body to understand what kind of system they are, and then understand when their body is off course and understand how foods and supplements and different kinds of exercises can use the forces of transport, conversion, and storage, as well as the forces of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It integrates Eastern and Western medicine, but that’s a self assessment tool for you.

And then you can also find out the various things I’ve done and see what I’ve done with CytoSolve. CytoSolve is really a technology for understanding the scientific source of Truth. With CytoSolve we’re actually able to model at the molecular level, molecular reactions based on the known literature out there, and it’s literally the scientific source of Truth. We’re not claiming it’s perfect, but based on what’s going on at any point in Science, we’re able to bring that literature together and really understand it. So, that’s really, will give all of you a deep understanding of the many different kinds of things I do.

But fundamentally, the interconnection of Truth Freedom Health is one of the things that is probably my latest discovery and innovation and platform. And that’s really embodied in the VA SHIVA Truth Freedom Health Platform. So, by the way, that’s really embodied in the Truth Freedom Health Platform. And as a part of that piece, people are signing in, what I would like to do is to just go back for everyone, and really play the video that I always like to play, which gives everyone a deep understanding of what Truth Freedom Health  means, and why it’s important. So if you look at the sort of the DNA of everything I’ve been doing, it’s always been around Systems, from the Email System, the invention of Email from the creation of CytoSolve, system cells, the Clean Foods Certified movement. But I would say probably the most important thing I’m doing right now, where I integrate all of those things, the medical understanding of systems, Eastern and Western understanding of systems, the political understanding of systems for Truth Freedom Health , into this Truth Freedom Health Platform. So let me just play that, as people are coming in, and we’ll start the Ginger talk shortly. But here is really the talk about what is the essence of the TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH Movement.

All right, everyone. Good evening. We’re going to talk about Ginger today. Anyway, that’s the background introduction about, you know what the VA SHIVA Truth Freedom Health Movement all about. And that’s really that video really encompasses the heart and the soul of what we’re trying to do here. It comes from all different things, but I hope all of you take advantage of it. It’s a class that we’re doing today and I have to do a class this evening on our on Truth Freedom Health, so I hope some of you can join us there but anyway the Truth Freedom Health understanding is the basis of this movement but what you’ll understand is Truth Freedom Health is literally part of a larger systems understanding that all of our Truth Freedom Health Warriors learn.

So let’s talk about Ginger and Immune Health, what I did was I brought a piece of Ginger here people haven’t seen it. Here’s a piece of Ginger right if you see I have tons of Ginger at my home I typically boiling Ginger typically in the morning some people will take off the skin of Ginger right which is what I like to do chop it up and I’ll have a big bowl of water and I’ll put it in there and I typically can add it to different teas but and notice this is not a root you’ll find a Ginger is actually a rhizome. Some people think it’s a root, it’s in the term in Turmeric is also in the Ginger family as we talked about. This is a piece of Ginger no one’s seen it I’m sure most people have seen it but the fresh root is great to get you can also take the root I’ll take it off and I’ll mash it in a mortar and pestle and sometimes you can add garlic to it mix it into make it into a pace that you can use in different things but anyway this is what Ginger looks like.

What You Will Learn

  1. What is Ginger?
  2. What Biological Functions Does Ginger Affect?
  3. What Health Benefits does Ginger Provide?
  4. Understanding how Ginger Affects the Immune System

Okay I’m sure most of you have seen it, but you never know. So, let’s jump right here, so what you’re going to learn today is first we’re going to learn what is Ginger? What biological functions does Ginger affect? What health benefits does Ginger provide? And then we’re going to end with really understanding how Ginger affects the immune system. So, that’s a lot to cover here and we have to do it pretty quickly in about 30 minutes because I have a class I got to teach at 7pm EST, again that class is a Truth Freedom Health Warrior Training Class.

What is Ginger well first of all it’s a mighty herb you know it’s one of the most commonly consumed dietary condiments in the world it’s a rhizome it’s not really a root when we say root but it’s the thing that grows off the side of roots and it’s the main portion of Ginger that is consumed. And the medicinal use of Ginger dates all the way back to nearly 5000 years in ancient, both Chinese and Indian medicines and the medicinal effects of Ginger. Attributed to its Gingerol compounds so we’re going to talk about the Gingerol compound that’s one of the active ingredients in Ginger and generally recognized as safe by the FDA. By the way that term, Generally Recognized As Safe, so someone says oh that’s GRAS, GRAS means is generally recognized as safe, that’s where that comes from. So, that’s really at a high level what Ginger is about. Now when you do if you go to PubMed and you do the research you’ll find out that it’s quite a widely researched supplement there’s nearly 12,260 research articles, 231 clinical trials on Ginger, and that’s over you know 89 years of medical research. So, it’s quite a large bit of research that’s been done on it. This is important understand because you know the some of the people try to discount the analysis here because they say oh not that much research has been done on it but I think the important takeaway you want to recognize this quite a bit of research has been done on Ginger over 12,000 papers so the question becomes how do we actually go through all of this and bring it all together.


So let me talk about CytoSolve, So CytoSolve is a powerful technology that came out of my PhD work at MIT during the period of 2003 to 2007 to really address a very powerful grand challenge that was put forward by the National Science Foundation which was how could you given that so much science and research is going on how could you use technology to mathematically model the human cell, how could you use technology to understand literature in a field and organize it and put it in such a way that you could actually use the computer to model diseases, model biochemical, biomolecular functions on the computer so we could understand the science of what’s going on. so that’s really where CytoSolve begins. If you go to the website you’ll see this very cool picture of this pill, it is almost digitized which is basically saying we’re trying to use computers to understand the power of the combination of ingredients and foods. Food is medicine and it’s really a 23rd century platform for discovery where we could do this faster, cheaper, and safer. So as I mentioned if you look at all those papers that are out They’re on any topic in any indication CytoSolve is the ability to take all that research, bring it down to the relevant research, extract from it the molecular pathways, and then get a systems understanding of that phenomena. Let’s say it’s inflammation or Alzheimer’s or brain health, or cancer, etc. And from that, we can then derive a computational understanding, in addition to the bioinformatics understanding. And so one of the areas that I thought CytoSolve would be very powerful used is in the entire drug development field, which is highly highly takes a lot of time to do it’s highly, highly inefficient, you can see and it’s inefficient, it is broken, the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry is broken. First of all, they can only work with a single compound, they can’t handle food, right? Because food has millions or 1000s of, you know, 10s of many different compounds, they can only handle the synthetic compounds. And then they do in vitro screening, which means in a test tube, and then if that works, quote unquote, works, then they go get funding to test, let’s say, cancer on an animal. So, here, they’re doing cancer cells in a test tube than they do in vivo, which is on an animal. And if all of this doesn’t kill too many of the animals, they try to get funding to try to see if they can take this to human trials, this is called they have to get an FDA allowance to do that. Then they do small sets of humans called Phase 1 larger sets called Phase 2, and many, many humans call Phase 3. This is the process of Pharmaceutical Drug Development. And the interesting thing is 20% of the stuff that goes into phase 1 never makes it which means it fails. So, a lot of the work here is being done very ineffectively.

So my theory was, well, if you could do this better, you could solve a lot of the side effects and the stuff that comes out of this end. Furthermore, it takes about $5,000,000,000 and 13 years to do. And it’s impossible for this methodology to handle combinations that are personalized and precise. It can’t handle food. Right? So, and furthermore, if you look at the pharmaceutical industry, this is why they need to move into the market of vaccines because you’re over a year and a year they’re doing R & D funding in this pharmaceutical model, and Big Pharma is frankly failing big time. In fact, even the FDA is not allowing any of their medicines, are less and less of their medicines that come out because of the side effects and the toxicity. So this is why pharma is moving so fast into vaccines, because vaccines don’t have to go through the same regulatory framework. Alright, because vaccines are considered a biologic. So the other important thing to understand is the entire drug development model is based on like the blind man touching the elephant. So if the elephant here represents Immune Health, if the elephant represents cancer, right, you will find out that the individual way that research is done today in academia is its reductionism. Research is actually what is called reductionist research the way we do do things. So academia is incentivized not to look at the whole problem. And this is something I’ll keep repeating and keep making clear because a lot of people don’t understand the real source of where the problem in medical research comes from. It goes back to academia, even before Big Pharma is academic research, where if you’re a researcher in academia, you’re incentivized not to look at the whole problem. You’re incentivized to be the blind man, looking at parts of the problem. And God forbid you ever got together and decided to work together, you would end up with something like this, which looked nothing like the elephant, okay? Because the entire research base is not holistic. You know, it looks at pieces. So the guy touching the trunk thinks it’s a snake, the guy touching the test thinks it’s a sword, etc. So you don’t even get anything close to the elephant. It’s fundamentally broken. Moreover, starting in 2003, is when we had a big opportunity for a revolution in biology. And what was that? We found out that the complexity of an organism is not a function of the number of parts. Prior to 2003. Biology kept saying, well, we knew a worm had around 20,000 genes. And the idea was, well, a human being we knew is so much more complex, we thought the hypothesis was that a human being must have at least 100,000 a million genes. Well, the irony was when the Genome Project ended in 2003, remember, the Human Genome Project was all about saying that genes are who we are. But it turns out genes are not who we are. We only have 20,000 genes, the same number of genes as a worm. So this flipped Biology on its head, and it moved to a field called Systems Biology. And by the way, what you’re learning here you’re not going to learn anywhere else because Systems Biology is still relatively a new field and Systems Biology says ‘We don’t just in order to understand the whole human here, we got to understand how the genes interact with proteins across cells and tissues to understand the whole”. So it’s a Systems Approach to biology. We’re spanning many spatial scales, as well as temporal scales.

So this was manifested in one of the grand challenges that the National Science Foundation put forward in 2003. You know, the National Science Foundation makes great challenges, which is trying to incentivize the movement of science forward. And the challenge that they put forward in 2003 is now recognizing Wait a minute, it’s not just about the genes. It’s about the entire human cell. And the question was, could we create a technology to mathematically model the entire cell? So imagine the cell as a reactor having all these mathematical or chemical reactions, all these chemical reactions? Could we create a technology that could mathematically model that. By the way, any one of these chemical reactions looks like this chemical a reacts with a chemical being to give protein x, and these in 2003, some of these little diagrams are becoming mathematical models. My goal of my PhD work was, could we integrate connect many, many mathematical models, so you could scale which means create large scale models in a decentralized way. And that was really the creation of CytoSolve. So this was my PhD work. What I created was a technology that could provide a framework for modelling complexity. And before my PhD was done, people thought this was an impossible problem. And even after I finished my PhD, in 2007, I spent five years publishing a lot of scientific papers in the leading journals, because you always have naysayers. And I proved it out with many different industrial organizations. In fact, used CytoSolve to discover a combination therapy for pancreatic cancer, all done on the computer without killing animals. So CytoSolve is a major breakthrough, because it says that we can use a computer to save a lot of time money, and find out what works even in the nutraceutical field. So that’s what CytoSolve is, a powerful technology. So by the way, if you think Email as the electronic version of the Interoffice Communication System, CytoSolve is the electronic version of the Molecular Communication System. So if you think about an airplane today, we don’t throw a pilot into some new airplanes, we do all of the airplane designs on the computer, we find out what fails, what works. And then we take a finite set of the designs, and then we go test it on the wind tunnel. And then hopefully, we don’t kill too many pilots at all. So CytoSolve is the equivalent of that. CytoSolve allows us to test things in silico, which means on the computer, and not only can we test a single compound, we can test combinations of compounds, which is what the pharma industry cannot do. So as we study any of these herbs or foods, they have many, many different compounds, right? So we’re able to test it on the computer long before we go kill animals long before we go into the wet lab. And this allows us to discover things faster, cheaper, and safer.

So by way of example, if you think about, you know, when I grew up in India, you may remember people doing the mortar and pestle combining things. We’re able to do that same effect on the computer where my grandmother, for example, used to come up with combinations of let’s say, mixing this herb and that or if you ask her, Well, how did you do that she would speak in a language, it was hard for people to understand in terms of not only language, but using an ancient system medicine. With CytoSolve, we can break through that. For example, let’s say I wanted to combine Turmeric, which we talked about with resveratrol, which are grapes. Well, how would you combine both those things? And what effect would it have on your body, let’s say relative to a function called inflammation. Using CytoSolve, we’re literally able to use a computer to mathematically model all the molecular pathways of where curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, affects all the inflammatory pathways. So by the way, just to give you a heads up this outer circle is a cell wall. This is a nuclear wall. And what I’ve done here is mapped out all the chemical reactions from nearly 6000 papers. All the places curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric, so you’re seeing all the red lines are all the different places where curcumin has an effect at the cellular level, including at the nuclear level. And then you’re looking at similarly the blue lines are, resveratrol hits, that I’m able to mathematically model that combination of both curcumin and resveratrol. Okay. It interacts, both of them, how am I able to do that. I’m able to create a simulation on the computer. So the right column here represents a cytokine, which is an inflammatory cytokine. So here I have no curcumin, no resveratrol, very tall, I have a high amount of inflammation. Again, we’re not killing any animals, we’re doing this experiment on the computer. Then when I just give curcumin, you notice a drop from .15 to .05, which is a drop in inflammation. And that’s validated by clinical work, then if I just give resveratrol drops from .15 to .06, which is also good, not as good as curcumin. And then if I do a combination, and I want people to listen to this carefully, this is why the Principles of Systems are important. The concept of Synergy. This is why food is medicine. Here, what I’m doing is I’m not just giving a lot of curcumin, a lot of resveratrol, I’m doing a combination therapy, I’m giving a little bit less of curcumin from 5 to 3, 40% less, a little bit less of resveratrol from 5 to 2, okay, which is a 60% reduction, watch what happens, you get it massive, nearly a 200% further decline in the cytokine response, which means the combination of curcumin and resveratrol had upregulated or downregulated to be specific inflammation even further, this is called the Synergistic response. This is the power of CytoSolve, CytoSolve is really the source of scientific Truth. And what we’ve done now or the last 16 years, we’ve built an amazing infrastructure in our data center that many different organizations can use. And that’s, this is essentially what we use to really understand the effects of Ginger on Immune Health or Turmeric on Immune Health or, you know, Molecular Hydrogen on Immune Health or, or Nitric Oxide on the effect of cardiovascular. CytoSolve is an amazing, revolutionary breakthrough, which allows us to look at all the literature over here on the bottom right, mine it, and mathematically model it. We work with the research community, we want as many people to be involved, we want citizen scientists, that’s what CytoSolve is about. CytoSolve is a decentralized, inclusive, transparent, open, personalized system based infrastructure for finding the Scientific Source of Truth. Okay. And what I’ve decided to do is, you know, for the last many, many years, I’ve been helping major companies in business to business understand it, but over the last 15 years, we have created repositories and mathematical models. And what we’re doing now is to use Cytosolve, for the public to also understand how this ingredient affects this. That’s how I’m able to do these educational videos. And that’s part of the Truth Freedom Health Platform. So I appreciate all your guys’ support and the contributions people make. And in return for that we’re starting to offer courses but that’s what CytoSolve is. CytoSolve is an engine to find the Scientific Source of Truth. So we will continue to support your education by doing that. Okay, so that’s really the background on CytoSolve, which I think it’s important for everyone to understand.


So let’s go back to Ginger. Okay, so Ginger, when we look at Ginger, we’re using CytoSolve to understand the complexity of Ginger.

(Dr. Shiva reads messages from participants) Okay. Yes, Robert says a brilliant tool for help. Yes, it’s the tool that’s been needed. It’s a tool that interconnects east and west and it’s really been the journey of my life. So I’m very excited to share this with you. I’m very fortunate to have come to this stage where I can do this,

So let’s go to Ginger. So what is in Ginger? Okay, what is actually in Ginger and we’ll find is in Ginger, there are 115 different chemical compounds, think about that. 115 different chemical compounds have been identified, which doesn’t mean that there’s not any less, it’s got minerals, it’s got vitamins, it’s got Gingerols. Okay, many minerals, vitamins and Gingerols. So these are, by the way, there are a total of 33 gingerol related compounds, 33. Now we’re going to focus on four of them. [6] gingerol, [8] gingerol, [10] gingerol, and [6] shogaol. Up here as I like to normally do, this is the [6] gingerol over here, you see it’s got the OH and the string of carbons with the OH and double O over it [10] gingerol essentially has 1-234-567-8910 up until the OH Okay, this says 123456 this is how they number in organic chemistry. And over here [8] gingerol has 12345678 gingerol. Okay, [6] shogaol. You notice it doesn’t have the OH group. It has 123456. So that’s how you understand the numbering. Okay? So that’s the Gingerols.

Biological Effects of Ginger

All right now, let’s look at the biological effects of Ginger. When we do the analysis here, we’re going to first look at the biological effects, which means at the molecular systems level, and then we’re going to look at how that manifests at the health level. So, from a biological understanding, the deep dive into the literature allows us to understand that Ginger has multiple effects First of all, antiobesity activity, gastro-protective effects, antidiabetic, antibacterial, photo-protective effects, which means against sunburn, okay, inhibition of inflammatory activity, immune system, neuro-protective effects for the brain. Antitumor effects in cancer, hepatoprotective effects. You can see that it has hepatoprotective effects. What does it mean? Hepato means liver, okay, many of these roots, these rhizomes, including turmeric, as we’ve talked about, is a very powerful effect for protecting the liver. And by the way, you support the liver, there’s liver skin access, I was just talking to someone who was concerned with their kids having skin issues. So just think about your liver, by the way, it is a very powerful organ for detoxification. And when the liver is congested, it’ll use your skin. So if you see a lot of skin issues, you know, you want to look at the liver anyway. The value of Ginger is it supports the effects of hepatoprotective activities. Okay. Now, you can see, we’re going to now look at the molecular targets of Ginger. So Ginger affects many different so when we say molecular targets, it’s important to understand we’re talking about Ginger, from the research that we’ve looked at what CytoSolve goes and affects different other molecules. Remember, all your body’s a big chemical factory. And what Ginger does is Ginger can bind with other molecules, that’s called the target. And that binding can have an effect to increase the activity of that molecule or down regulate the activity, okay. So these are called molecular targets, right? So molecular targets. So let’s look at the molecular targets of Ginger. So, what are those molecular targets? Well, it has inflammatory enzymes, it affects so Lipoxygenase, Cycloxygenase, these are what’s called COX-2 enzymes are the Lipoxygenase enzyme. So when Ginger connects with inhibition of Cyclooxygenase enzymes, down regulates inflammation. Gingerol also molecular targets of the interleukins interferon gamma and TNF-a, okay, right here. These are also inflammatory cytokines, then it also affects transcription factors NF-kB. NF-kB is one of those transcription factors, which is at the DNA level that’s involved in cancer. It’s a marker for cancer. So, NF-kB, and Ginger or NF-kB serves as a target for Ginger. And when Ginger binds to that it has a very powerful effect in having anti-carcinogenic anti-tumour effects. Ginger also has a very powerful effect. If we go over here in cell growth phases, GO and G1 phase activators. Very, very important when you’re looking at cell proliferation. That’s what happens in cancer. So it regulates that and it and it and it also is involved in the cell death regulators p53, Bcl2, Survivin and Bax. Why are these important? Because when cancer takes place in your body cells that are supposed to die do not die. Okay. And this is a problem because this is why the tumor cell doesn’t die because it doesn’t go through the normal cycle. And what ginger does is it interacts with these p53, Bcl2, Survivin and Bax to ensure that apoptosis which is cell death, occurs. And then we have angiogenesis regulators, VEGF What is that? Well, when you’re when, God forbid anyone gets cancer, but when the tumor cell places itself in some organ or some area, it then starts proliferating itself, it puts down its own vasculature. And VEGF, which is a molecule, is very, very important for controlling that vasculature. So again, the good news is and that’s called angiogenesis. So we see Ginger also interacts with that so obviously what you’re finding is the research shows that Ginger can have many many anti cancer properties from its interaction okay so that’s the molecular targets of Ginger.

Health Benefits of Ginger

Now what are the health benefits of Ginger so we walked through the molecular aspects and the biological aspects. What are the health benefits of Ginger has so many profound effects first of all you know it’s oxidative damage it’s anti-ageing okay inflammation amazing for nausea and vomiting. I can’t recommend this enough and you should obviously talk to your doctors. But if you’re ever in a air flight and you feel nausea or carsick you know one of the best things if you can get some good you take ginger but ginger ale it’s very powerful way to deliver it obviously you can get it organic with less sugar but ginger ale is phenomenal for nausea and vomiting it’s a way to really quiet the body down and it’s very powerful for the stomach all. It’s a very simple cure all for that if you want to look into cancer asthma dementia diabetes ulcerative colitis cardiovascular disease platelet aggregation which is coagulation and cholesterol so you can see ginger inhibits all of these things so it’s something that’s why in traditional cultures you know it’s not like you have to think about this Ginger is pretty much involved in most of the diet as a part of the diet you’re always including ginger you’re putting it into your having Ginger tea. I don’t go a day without having some type of ginger tea or including it in some food. It’s basically a powerful mighty herb. You know this way in ancient times people learned certain herbs are so powerful you didn’t have to think about it you just included as a part of your diet it was a very superior food alright alright so those are the very powerful health benefits of the biological benefits of Ginger.

Journey to Systems

What I want to now take a little tour for you on is how did I get involved in this. You know how I get involved in understanding things as a system you see Ginger is itself a system. And your body is a system and so when you take this system it interacts with your body it has some profound effects so this way you have to start thinking everything as systems, system, systems. Food is a system, an herb is a system so Ginger has you can see it has all these systemic effects and I want to share with you which I’ll you know try to repeat in many of these videos because I know some of you are new. My journey to systems because it’ll take you on this long journey I took and that’s why I’ve interconnected the fight for Truth Freedom Health, how I look at transport, conversion, and storage. Why I want all of you to be Truth Freedom Health warriors why the interconnect of engineering, medicine and politics are one in the same once you understand systems you’ll see we don’t need to look at politics in its own little bucket over here or engineering over here science, they are all interconnected. So let me take you through that journey and we’ll come back to Ginger as a system okay so that journey for me begins in India. I grew up as a young kid in Bombay, India which was a system within a system. You had extremely wealthy people, extremely poor people, you had all different religious systems right Zoroastrians you know you had Hindus you had Christians outside of our apartment in Bombay we could look at you know during the holidays all different holidays taking place. We lived in a very multilingual system but I also was aware of the caste system in India where people are put into their unfortunate little buckets. But I also experienced a different kind of system, I experienced a system of Indian agriculture or without electricity, without any running water in the early mid-60s where my Grandparents lived. There were scenes like this where my Grandparents were poor village farmers. But my Grandmother in addition to being someone who worked 16 hours a day in the village she was also the village Shaman which means a healer. This is her in her Sunday best, she would on Saturdays and Sundays see 30-40 people come to our small village home. She would observe their face so she could diagnose what kind of system they were and then when she would figure out the right medicine, for the right person, at the right time. For their particular imbalances this is what got me excited when I moved to the United States as a 7 year old kid in 1970 by the time I was 14 I had gone to NYU in their computer science program and I started working full time and it may be hard for people to believe. I started working full time and I got a job as a research fellow at a medical school where I was very interested in applying computers to medicine. I was looking at why babies were dying in their sleep. The sleep system babies have actually six states of sleep and I was trying to figure out if I could use computers to determine when a baby would stop sleeping at a certain sleep cycle. This was to for to understand new ways to stop SIDS where babies are dying their sleep but I also in that medical school understood another system the interoffice mail system which included the secretary who had the inbox, outbox folders and she would write this thing called a memo to, from, subject, carbon paper completely different system and this was put into an envelope and this was then transferred through these pneumatic tubes. Anyone over the age of 40 remembers these but this was also another system and I was asked to convert this entire system into the electronic form I wrote 50,000 lines of Fortran code before I came to MIT named that system Email as you can see here and you know won a number of awards in innovation before again I get came to MIT and in fact when I got to MIT the president of MIT told me that I should copyright it because that was the only way to protect software inventions because the patent system was behind software and so you can see right here I patented copyrighted Email giving me the first U.S. copyright for Email recognizing me of the invalid Email but more importantly I learned about systems sleep systems technology systems as Email.

Now, 33 years later my dear Mom was dying of a horrible disease called pulmonary fibrosis, in a suitcase she had saved all of this and then the senior technology editor of TIME magazine Doug Aamoth by the way one of the few journalists, if not the only reviewed all this material and he wrote an article called the man who invented Email. Any controversy that exists comes from a lack of understanding that Email is a system. it’s not the simple exchange of text messages but one of the things that the invention of email brings us to is a system of innovation, again another system that the innovation of Email did not occur in the military industrial academic complex. It occurred in the system of a loving family public school teachers and a mentor it was in that triangle that I was able to have the freedom the infrastructure innovation to place so I want you to understand that the journey to systems occurred in this very vibrant environment and the same structural understanding of how Ginger works or an herb works can go back to this understanding and all of that occurred before I came to MIT and when I came to mit after many degrees and my PhD I discovered the system of Western medicine and got a PhD in it right Western medicine looks like this we’re in order to understand the whole let’s say the human body the large scale organization you got to understand functional modules but ultimately you’re dealing with genes and proteins etc now the Eastern system of medicine deals in a very different world it deals with Prusha, Pirkriti and all these different interactions which defines the whole human being. But interestingly enough in the Indian system of medicine there are three terms Vata Pitta and Kapha that are directly related to a way that my Grandmother would diagnose your body. She either saw as a Vata, Pitta, Kapha body type alright so this is the way Eastern systems were understood and I wanted to find the intersection of both of these, this led me on a Fulbright research back to MIT in 2007 my goal was to integrate East and West. What I discovered and this was on the front page of MIT by the way MIT was quite intrigued why you know at arm with all these four degrees do I want to go back to India and I did and they did a front page article on this but what I discovered was the Indian system of medicine that uses the word Vata, Pitta and Kapha was directly related to the engineering systems concept that I’d learned at MIT, transport conversion storage. By the way in the interest of time all of you will learn this when you sign up for the Truth Freedom Health warrior training program and what I discovered was that this system is the same as this system and in fact I wrote a scientific paper in an engineering journal really documenting this breakthrough which literally helped us interconnect east and west and that ended up becoming a whole institute of setup called system cells where people can take a master certification program and many of you may be interested in this we’ve have doctors healthcare practitioners yoga teachers anyone can take it there’s a whole set of books written around it people can get certified well out of that course.

Truth Freedom Health®

When I began my campaign I realized that I wanted to create a slogan or an understanding for a movement that could be based on science and that led me to create the concept of Truth Freedom Health. Truth Freedom Health is founded in science and there’s of course I created called the Foundation of System which I’m late for today which I got to go teach which is a Foundation of System for Truth Freedom Health, For your training program, and the Truth Freedom Health and the Foundation of Systems says, look, Truth Freedom Health have a scientific foundation. So if you go back to look at engineering, transport, conversion and storage, that is Fulbright Research Center related to Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. While my recent work shows that all these are interconnected engineering meets medicine meets politics. So fundamentally, I’ve created a science of not only political change, not only taken from Engineering Systems Theory, which all interconnects so when you understand System Science of Systems, you’re understanding the science of everything. Okay, that’s where you’re understanding without any hyperbole. So I encourage everyone to take this. And that’s really the Truth Freedom Health Platform Movement, okay. And so, what I want to do is, and all of you, when you go understand this, you can really understand the foundations of Truth Freedom Health. So, and by the way, those of you go into the Warrior Training Program, please go check it out, you get access to a Dashboard, where you get access to all the knowledge I just shared, you get an understanding of Truth Freedom Health, you will understand the science of everything, you will then get access to books and the tool, ‘Your Body, Your System’ and the portal in the there’s a whole scientific report, you’ll get access to all those books and, and the scientific papers. So I encourage all of you to do that. And I’m very grateful for all of you who have who are contributing, and those people who contribute $100 or more will get access to the Truth Freedom Health Warrior Training Program, but then you also get to build community, I want you to go online. Without fear. This is our data center, you could create your own community here, ask questions, there’s a Social Media equivalent that we’ve done to Facebook all underground, so you don’t get thrown off. And you can create your own interaction. And then you can get activated, you can learn how you educate your neighbors about the real systems issue of masks, how you educate them to go Beyond Vax & Anti-vax So this is a Systems Approach. And that System Approach really is what teaches us about the Immune System. So I want you to understand when you take that Systems Approach.

Immune System

So when you learn about the Immune System, so let’s, we want to talk about the Immune System that we’re going to use to understand all ingredients. Well, when you look at the Immune System, you’ll find out the old 1915 model of the Immune System that is still used by scientists and doctors is based on this very simplistic understanding where a pathogen comes into you. And then your Innate Immune System reacts, which is the aspect of your Immune System in your eyes, your throat, your nose and that Immune System is one part. And the idea is that this Immune System will then trigger your Adaptive Immune System to create antibodies. And the idea is, this is pretty much it, okay? Therefore, the whole goal of this old two compartment model of the Immune System is we need antibodies, antibodies, antibodies, okay. And the reality though, is the research that I presented at the National Science Foundation, just a couple years ago, modernizes, this very rudimentary understanding the Immune System, it’s not just antibodies guess what your Immune System contains the interferon system, right, I spent nearly five years of my work researching as part of my PhD work at MIT, it can train your microbiome and virome 60 trillion bacteria through an 380 trillion viruses in your own body, the Neural System, the gut brain axis, this is really the holistic systems based understanding of the Immune System. And what this teaches us is it’s more than just antibodies. So for example, the typical Innate Immune System is here, and is your immune cell. This little pink structure here is the remnants of a virus that your body tries to eat up, and this remnant is and the second two is the antigen, which presents it to the T-cell and your T-cell creates the antibodies, that’s pretty much what they’re talking about. Again, here’s another way, you’re looking at a series of infected epithelial cells, the macrophage slides through the lining, and after it eats it up and presents this to the CD4 T-cell which causes your B-cell to create antibodies over here, it stops the virus, but also the CD4 cell innervates your CD8 T-cell to go kill the infected cell. So this is pretty much this very rudimentary understanding of the Immune System. But the point is, they ignore the IFN. They’re ignoring many many things, okay. So the Interferon System is much more profound. It comes long before the Immune System, the antibody system even kicks in the interferons, constitute the first line of defence against infection. In fact, interferons create the antiviral in that environment in the cell. 1000s of genes get upregulated with the Interferon System, and type one IFNs are present in virtually all cells in the body in every cell in the body. This is important, antibodies may not be presented in every cell but interferons are. And these are the two type one and type two interferon so it’s very important for us to understand this when we look at ingredients like any of the ingredients we’re going to look at. That Interferon System is everywhere and unfortunately the MDs and the scientists don’t even talk about the Interferon System. So there are people who will get a virus or a flu they won’t they won’t even get antibodies but their body fights and because the interferon system creates IFNs which go and activate NK cells, they activate you know the natural killer cells so your body gets immunity other way so it’s not just the antibodies that’s a reductionist non systems view. There you go you just learned the Immune System. Anyway, that’s a quick synopsis of this there’s greater videos that we’ve done that will educate you on more, alright, so that’s the full nature of the Immune System.

Effect of Ginger on Immune System

Now what are the effects of Ginger on immune health? Well let’s look at it, well first of all the gingerols modulate the Immune System through their anti-inflammatory properties Ginger essential oil exhibits antimicrobial effects gingerols alleviate allergy symptoms through inhibition of the histamine release and gingerols also relieve asthma symptoms by inhibiting airway contraction so gingerols really modulate the immune system. Okay and they and the oil exhibits antimicrobial effects. So how does that work? So let’s look at it in detail so remember here’s gingerol and inflammation leads to harmful disproportionate immune response. So here is inflammation and then you have the cytokine storm which you do not want so what does Gingerol do. Look what Gingerol does, it’s like a left and right punch, okay, on the left side here. It exhibits well gingerols inhibit the transcription factor NF-kB which is responsible for TNF-a, IL-8, an IL-1b these are these are this part of the cytokine storm so Ginger stops it, but Ginger also stops COX-2 and 5-LOX which are the ones that create inflammation through PG-2 here and LTB. So, Ginger has a powerful effect on modulating inflammatory enzymes and cytokines. The second thing is Ginger also has an antimicrobial effect just like vitamin D3 does, it has an antimicrobial effect. And how does it do that ginger literally knocks out okay and the antimicrobial mechanism action or ginger disrupts a cell membrane it’s like a bunch of bullets shooting at the membrane of bacteria and fungi. It starts blowing them up and it also the antifungal nature of Ginger is it also disrupts the cell membrane disruption so it disrupts the cell membrane that’s what the essential oil of Ginger does. Very powerful the next thing is Ginger also modulates allergy the allergic response because your body produces histamines you know so if you look at antihistamines okay so Ginger has an antihistamine effect so as you can notice here what Ginger does the basophils, this purple structure here produces histamines in response to allergens now what histamines are implicated in antigen. Specific things. for example, some people have nuts and shellfish and pollen and what Ginger does is it mitigates the allergic reaction by reducing the production of histamines in the basophils so Ginger works inside the basophils so you don’t have this allergic response and then finally relative to asthma. Ginger does something quite powerful you can see right here are the calcium ion channels so under asthmatic conditions ca two ions enter right so calcium ions enter the airway smooth muscle cells and cause contraction of the airways. That’s why people feel like they can’t breathe so the calcium ions enter there and they start basically you know if you’ve seen people in asthma they start wheezing and they can’t breathe so what occurs here is right here you can see what Ginger does, Ginger prevents the calcium ions from entering the calcium ion entry by inhibiting the calcium change channels on the airway smooth muscles so here are the airway smooth muscles here we have the calcium ion entry channels and Gingerol blocks that. So Gingerol inhibition of calcium channels leads to alleviation of asthma symptoms. Alright there you go, so in closing what you can see here is that Ginger has a Synergistic Effect it not just hits one thing it’s like an orchestra conductor turning on many things, right anti inflammatory effects modulates the cytokine storm supports the calcium channels for asthma In terms of allergies, it’s a multiplicative effect.

Synergy – A Systems Principle

So, in closing, I want to end with pounding on the fact as I talked about when I looked at the curcumin and the resveratrol example, which Cytosolve was able to do is were able to understand these synergistic responses, because that’s why we’re able to really discover things. So that synergy response is what’s involved here. So when we look at the Synergistic Principle, we’re able to also discover that, when you look at that, you know, Yogi who, or that medicinal healer is mixing many things together, we’ve been able to use this same approach to develop a new product. You know, for years, I’ve been helping many, many of the largest brands in the world in the nutraceutical space, figure out how their combinations work on the business and business side. And over the last 16 years, we’ve actually built our own models, we’ve really started getting a deep understanding. And about a year ago, a couple years ago, we started looking at the many different types of things that are out there that can lower discomfort and pain in the body. And we went through billions of computations. And we have figured out a powerful product that I’m proud to release. So this is coming out where we’re actually going to the consumer to people like you to support your health, and it’s called mV25. And it’s a product we call ‘momentum to move’. By the way, mass times velocity is momentum and physics. So we’re able to understand the interrelationship of a number of very powerful nutrients. And that has resulted in mV25. And as I say, very clearly, on the back of the bottle, it says Dr. SHIVA, mV25, was formulated using the CytoSolve computational systems biology platform, a technology for precision and personalized health, invented by Dr. SHIVA during his doctoral research at MIT. This formulation results from integrating 1000s 1000s of peer reviewed scientific papers’ like we just did with Ginger, okay, or with any of the nutrients 1000s of peer reviewed scientific papers across four decades, in 68 research institutions and computing trillions of potential combinations, trillions. We just didn’t do what in combination with trillions of combinations of bio molecular reactions to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that down regulate the biomarkers of discomfort and normal swelling. So when we put this on the label, CytoSolve optimized me this formula has been optimised to maximise benefits, and bioavailability, while minimizing toxicity, based on current research, curated by Cytosolve, as the Science Advances, So will this formulation, this is our promise. And by the way, mV25 is, Certified Clean, which means we’re not, we’re using organic sources. We’re not using GMO sources, and it’s made in the United States. But we’re very proud of this because and, by the way, you can go to be and to the ‘shop’ to get it. But what’s powerful about this is a promise that we’re making. The important thing to understand is science is constantly changing. And what many of these nutraceutical companies do is throw formulations that say they throw a lot of marketing. The promise we’re making is as a science improves, this formulation will also improve. And that’s really the scientific method.

Ginger – Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach

So anyway, in closing, what I want to share with you is when we take a Systems Approach, like we’ve done to developing mV25, is that when you take Ginger again, we can also take an Eastern and Engineering Systems Approach. Everything I’ve shared with you now comes from the Bottoms-up molecular Systems Engineering Approach. Well, we can also take a Bottoms-up approach, but from integrating engineering systems theory, as well as Eastern systems of medicine, which is what we’ve done with the approach that I shared with you earlier, where we’re looking at engineering systems theory, which is what I discovered after my Fulbright work. And by the way, if you go to ‘Your Body, Your System’, which is by the way included for anyone who becomes a Truth Freedom Health warrior, you will understand when you look at ‘Your Body, Your System’, we have a exam that you can run on yourselves, which you’ll have to figure out what kind of body system you are than the black dot denote where how you’re imbalanced from you today. And then you can figure out the system will calculate the right foods, supplements, exercises, yoga postures that are right for you. And obviously this is not a medical tool, it’s helping you figure out how the forces of transport conversion stories affect you. And by the way, there’s a book that goes along and the entire ‘Your Body, Your System’ program. And I want to thank many of you who’ve donated $25 or more to building our Truth Freedom Health movement. You guys get that together when you contribute that again, it’s my way of thanking you. But when you look at Ginger, and if you apply this you’ll find out when you look at your body, you’ll find out from the engineering Systems Approach Ginger lowers Vata Okay, so if you’re very jittery and you want to calm down right if you have an upset stomach that’s transport Ginger lowers Vata. Ginger also lowers Pitta. That’s the fresh Ginger big difference between fresh Ginger and dry Ginger. Fresh Ginger lowers Pitta okay which means it calms your digestion. Dry Ginger increases Pitta, the difference between fresh Ginger and dry Ginger lowers like the ginger ale right it’ll stop an upset stomach. If you need more digestion metabolism that’s a dry Ginger and then Ginger also lowers Kapha okay which is which means it lowers fat storage which Kapha is so you can see from an engineering standpoint from an Eastern Approach the effects of Ginger.


How much do you take? Well the research shows a maintenance dosage is around 250 milligrams to 4.8 grams per day for pain you want to take about two grams per day for sugar control diabetes 1.6 grams per day or 1600 milligrams, for migraines 250 milligrams single dose and nausea 250 milligrams to two grams. Again all of this you can see the references here you can look up on PubMed.


In summary, ginger inhibits inflammatory enzymes such as COX-2 and 5-LOX thereby controlling runaway immune response ginger directly kills bacteria and fungi ginger inhibits inflammatory cytokines and ginger mitigates allergic reactions and asthma and symptoms. There you go that is our talk today on Ginger and the immune system I hope this was valuable and I want to encourage all of you to understand that throughout this talk here I’ve integrated many things the Science of Systems talked about Truth Freedom Health talked about transport conversion and storage talked about politics talked about the invention of email why because everything is interconnected when we do these videos on studying ginger to affect the immune system understand that that same methodology can be used to understand political systems that’s why I keep pounding away I want to educate about 50,000 Truth Freedom Health warriors so you can better your health you we can win freedom we can win truth it’s all interconnected anyway everyone I’m late for my class but I hope all of you become Truth Freedom Health warriors and contribute to and support us you can you know just join as a member but I those of you who are supporting us financially I cannot take it without also giving back that’s why we’ve created the supporter program you get the books and the your body or system or you get become a warrior so please support this for yourself we need to build a Bottoms-up movement thank you very much. Be the Light.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.

Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.

The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.

To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.

Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.

This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.

It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.

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