Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai provides a Systems Biology analysis of the multi-systems affecting nutrient Turmeric based on 5918 research articles, over 212 clinical trials, over the span of 140 years.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – gives an overview on a CytoSolve computational analysis on how Turmeric affects Immune Health.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 5918 research articles, over 212 clinical trials, over the span of 140 years.
- Turmeric is a rhizome that dates back nearly 4000 years in Indian culture and is traditionally used for disorders of skin, upper respiratory tract, joints, and digestive function.
- Curcumin is a multi-systems herb and it’s biological effects are it is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, anti-proliferative, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, and neuroprotective.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Good evening everyone, this is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. We’re going to be talking today about Turmeric, a very powerful herb and its powers for Immune Health. We will be talking today about Turmeric and its incredible powers for Immune Health. We’re gonna be having a very awesome discussion on Turmeric. It’s an amazing herb, and we will be having a deep discussion, everyone here is going to learn the power of this very, very ancient herb, Turmeric. And it’s really a Multi-Systems herb, it doesn’t just affect any one system. It affects many, many subsystems throughout your whole body. And we’re going to go through it in a very deep way with a focus on Immune Health. Remember, we take a Systems Approach here. I’m going to play our really our anthem video, which is really about the Truth Freedom Health movement. And then we’re gonna dive right into Turmeric. I will talk about the Truth Freedom Health warrior program, as many of you’re interested in. We’re getting a lot of very positive reactions all over the world, or people have been excited about really getting down to the Foundational Science of Systems. And I keep emphasizing this, I almost want to start a new medical school in some sense, because if you teach people systems, they can really understand the body. I’ve seen a lot of medical doctors have gone through the Foundation Systems training, but it’s a Foundational System. We can understand political systems, medical systems, any system on the planet. So people go to vashiva.com/join, you can all watch it at your home, please share this with people because it’s really the foundation of our movement for Truth Freedom Health. And we’ll be back in five minutes to start our program. But this is a great video, which really lays out sort of the philosophy where we’re coming from here we go.
Everyone welcome to our program today, it is on Turmeric. That was our introductory video I always like to play to let everyone know that we are building a movement here for Truth Freedom Health and it’s founded on the Science of Systems. I’m enabling people as a catalyst for all of you to get educated when you go to vashiva.com or vashiva.com/join. You can join and contribute to this movement and whatever way you feel fit and those people who are contributing I don’t feel right taking something as I mentioned over and over again without nothing so we offer people educational programs based on you know whatever contribution they make from $25 to$100 whatever they want to do, then I give you a program but the bottom line is we’re and I’ll come back to we’re creating a very powerful movement that’s based on education, not just random education but Systems Education. To me that’s like the nuclear physics of understanding the universe and you don’t need to go to MIT and other institutions, we can learn it right here. It took me a long time to bring this together and I’ve shared this all over the world of major institutions and I used to teach it at MIT. The problem is not everyone can go there, so my idea is like what Henry Ford did with the car, I want to do Systems Education for the world. Which is once you learn the Systems Education it makes you extremely powerful to really understand the dynamics of your body is a system. So there’s a tool there that you can use that I’ll go over to understand your body is a system, you can use to understand politics is a system. Then we provide a platform for all of you to start engaging, connecting with one another building community and then tools that you can take action at the local level on some of the most pressing issues of our time. Be it the mask issue with medical freedom and vaccines Pro-vax Anti-vax, getting over the issues of election integrity. We’re literally building a revolutionary movement. But in order to do that we need infrastructure and that’s the infrastructure we’ve laid down. To me it’s very exciting and obviously the work I do at CytoSolve is my research work, at all the companies I’ve started, but I would say this is probably one of the most profound things because to me it’s an integration of everything I’ve wanted to do throughout my whole life. Integrating my love of engineering, my love of medicine, and my love of essentially wanting to change the world at a fundamental level. Which is recognizing those in power don’t give a damn about working people. Which is the background that I come from and most of us come from, hard working people, over the last 4 years, you know the unemployment rate is now 25%. If you look at what’s happening on the issues of freedom we have massive censorship, if you look at unleashes of truth most of Academia today practice the oldest profession, most of you know what that is. And health as a result of that is degrading, this generation of Americans for example are expected to live less than their parents. This is not healthcare regardless of what all these people are fighting for. I really don’t know what they’re fighting for but the bottom line is, it’s going to come up to us to build a Bottoms-up movement. And the tools I’ve been fortunate to be able to create and innovate we’re going to integrate right into this movement from CytoSolve to Systems Health education. The content I work very hard to make and our team does and we have an amazing team of people hear people from all walks of life all over the world we just had a very interesting call with six of our Truth Freedom Health warriors from all over the world from france from the west coast east coast etc and what’s interesting is one of the women is a retired Aerospace Engineer. She was saying Shiva you know this engineering Systems Approach your teaching should be taught everywhere. Another gentleman James Richardson he was a Systems Engineer, but you know then we have Heather who from Oregon, she’s a kindergarten teacher. We have all people but the recognition is when you learn the systems knowledge is going to transform the way you look at the world beyond left and right. That was the most highest level talk I can share with you on where all of this is coming from.
Let’s go right into talking about our talk today which I think you’re going to enjoy on Turmeric. We’re going to take a Systems Approach to it and you’re going to learn the incredible value of Turmeric in a multiplicity of approaches, but it’s really a multi-systems herb. I’m going to approach it from using CytoSolve for the Molecular Systems Biology then we’re also going to approach it from the engineering Systems Approach using Eastern medicine. You’re going to get a systems based view of a multi-systems herb. or okay so let’s jump right into it and let me share my screen here looking at Turmeric. Before we start with Turmeric anyone interested please go to vashiva.com if you want to know more let everyone know about our site and get it out there broadly because the more people that know about it the movement, it helps them. If you go to the site you’ll notice there’s many things I’ve done. One of the things I want to let you guys know is, I’m the creator of the Clean Foods Certified label. It’s going all over the world right now but we created a holistic systems based way to basically certify what we consider clean. Everyone always says, and they say, Shiva what food what products do you recommend well we’ve created our own out of our research institute. It’s called Clean Foods Certified, clean raw and you can see the various activities I’m doing but we’ll do a whole series on that. What we want to talk about today is we want to really talk about the Science of Systems we’re going to go talk about Turmeric the golden spice. We’re going to then jump into Systems Biology, then we’re gonna go into the immune system review of CytoSolve. Then we’re gonna talk about the biological effects of Turmeric and the health benefits of Turmeric. Then we are going to look at the effect of Turmeric on the Immune System, we’re going to really review the Synergy Principle in Systems. Then we’re gonna look at dosage and then we’re gonna end with looking at Turmeric from a Eastern Systems Principle. The goal here is that I want to give you, as I always do, to encourage people to take it, you’re going to understand what is a Systems Approach and where does that come from. The science of Systems Approach that I’ve organized where integrates both Eastern and Western medicine. You’re gonna learn a lot today and you can obviously review this video, what you’re going to learn right now is what is in Turmeric. What’s in it, what are the biological functions that Turmeric does and the functions that it affects. What are the health benefits and then we’re gonna look at how Turmeric affects the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system.
Science of Systems
Let’s review the Science of Systems, many of you know that I was basically born into this in some sense. Because System Science forces you to look beyond contradictions to look beyond left and right. I grew up in an environment where I was constantly surrounded by contradictions, my entire life and had to figure out not to look at it one thing one way or the other way. But to find the source of truth of something and to just give you an idea of this, the contradictions I grew up in. As a child I grew up in this city called Bombay, with slums, with skyscrapers, lots of people with varying income levels, different religions, so that was one huge contradiction. I mean from my apartment home in Bombay you know you could experience pretty much everything from the poorest people to the wealthiest people you see walking on the streets we had every religion, Zoroastrianism, Muslims, Christians, Hindus Jews, everyone. You didn’t have the luxury of putting yourself in a box, everyone lived together, there was no real segregation there. Except for the Indian Caste System, but I grew up in this world. I also grew up in another very contrasting world, I mean look at these two pictures in this world of my grandparents village there is no running water. This is an Indian temple with no electricity but it was an amazing place to grow up in. My grandparents were poor village farmers and my Grandmother there in her Sunday best was the village Shaman. She didn’t do this as a full time job in fact just to give you an understanding she felt that it was never right to charge from medical treatment. She said that it was a gift from God, that you’re supposed to give it freely and support people. So when one of my uncle’s many years later wanted to become a doctor and he wanted her blessings she said to my will only give my blessings if you have someone ever comes to you in need, and they really need your help you will never turn them away because of money. Then he promised to do that and then she blessed him. But she was a village healer, you didn’t have doctors in those villages but she had learned from Yogi’s etc how to support this system of medicine and as a part of that she was a local village healer. She was a local village healer and she would observe people’s faces and based on observation of their faces, she could then decide what was the right medicine, for the right person, at the right time. Or different kinds of yoga or massage, it wasn’t just one size fits all medicine. That’s an important distinction to understand that is very much very different from modern medicine today. Which is about giving everyone you know, the same treatment all the time. Okay? It’s not one size fits all medicine. So that was the environment that I grew up in. It was very, in retrospect, an incredibly wealthy environment. They weren’t wealthy in money, but the experience I got was fascinating.
In 1970, my parents moved here, there’s some pictures of them. And I was very motivated to do well in school because I was ambitious. And by the time I was 14, I actually got to a level of expertise where I got to work at a medical school full time as a research fellow because of my interest in medicine. I started doing research on applying computers, the summer before I’d gone to New York University, as a student to learn in their computer science program. I got a full time job. So I was looking at why babies were dying their sleep, trying to understand the system of sleep. Babies have six sleep stages. And the and the reason this was interesting was if you could identify a baby state of sleep, you could predict when the baby was potentially going to have an apnea stop breathing, which is part of SIDS. So I was doing research on that. And while at that, doing medical research because of my skills in programming. I was given an incredible challenge to convert the old fashioned interoffice mail system, the inbox, the outbox, folders, the memo, to, from, subject, cc, to the electronic version. And this was the old fashioned offices, this is back in 1978. The key word this was a system, I wasn’t merely converting, just to be clear. So I’ve never said I’ve created electronic messaging that goes back to Samuel Morse, but I was asked to convert that entire system into the electronic version. No one had ever done that before, because most of the Nerds in the military thought the secretaries I mean, they were very condescending, they didn’t think a system like this could be created because you only with people computer skills, could participate in computing. But to me, those secretaries, I had great respect for them. I could see how hard they work. And I was given this challenge by a guy called Dr. Less Michelson, who is still one of the leading computer guys there. He heads up the high performance computing center, but he saw in me, someone who would work hard. And he gave me this challenge, I converted that entire system, inbox, outbox, folders into an electronic equivalent 50,000 lines of code, and I named that system Email, because the operating system only allowed five characters. And then when I came to MIT, the president of MIT, who was science advisor to Reagan said, Shiva, you should copyright this because U.S. patent law hasn’t caught up to software. And that’s what I did. My parents weren’t lawyers and had to do it on my own. On August 13, 1982, a young American kid was given the first U.S. copyright for Email. Officially recognizing me as the inventor of Email, the facts are black and white on this, by the way, these are those interoffice Mail systems. To those of you who are young, and I named an Email, this is in the Smithsonian now. I won this, this was written up in the newspaper back in 1980. And here’s the official copyright. So bottom line, why am I sharing this? Well, first of all, for two reasons. Email was a system. So I learned about medical research as a young kid, but I also learned about how to build large scale systems. The other piece you should understand was that when this went into the Smithsonian, many years later, many years later, I never tried to get credit for it. When I was a kid, I didn’t know marketing or anything. My Mom in 2011 was dying of a horrible disease. In a suitcase, she had saved all this. And the editor, the science editor of Time Magazine, the technology editor, Doug Aamoth, was the only journalist today to actually go through the materials, wrote this article up, and then subsequently, when it went into the Smithsonian. Then it created this shitstorm, because the elites had written the narrative, that Email, simple text messaging came out of the military, and it’s complete horseshit. And when my stuff went into the Smithsonian, it was like a new skull was found in Africa. And it perturbed, typically, the liberal elites, who wanted to say that all great inventions must come out of the military industrial complex. And remember, I was at MIT, I was on the front page, inventing many things, but when I stood my ground, and I said, No, I did invent email. But it occurred before I came to MIT before I came to your lead institutions. This bothered people and you had a huge
attack on me. And four years later, I found a lawyer, we sued Gawker Media. I had a huge settlement, and I won, and all those three articles were removed but Wikipedia is a scumbag organization, no one should fund them. This is an organization of elites who want to control where innovation can come from. You see, the fact is, all of us do it. As in all of our DNA, and anyone can be an innovator, it’s the essence of being a divine being or creative being. So their attempt to try to manipulate the facts where innovation comes from, is what this is all about. The truth is they want to create a new caste system. And when you really look at it from a systems perspective, we find that this is the environment where innovation takes place, where you have freedom, where you have infrastructure, and you can create. I was given the ability in that environment for freedom. I was given infrastructure, and that’s where innovation takes place, innovation, freedom and infrastructure.
So all of this occurred, by the way before I came to MIT, okay, before I came to hang out with the nerds at MIT, and what’s important about that is. A young 14 year old boy, you can look them up, Philo Farnsworth is the one who invented TV. Okay, TV was not created by RCA was created by a 14 year old boy, RCA stole it from a very similar journey. He had loving parents, he had an environment of good public school teachers and infrastructure. And I say that the system where innovation comes from is not from the Military Industrial Academic Complex. That’s what they want us to think. So we all think we have to go support war, and you get it innovation, not true. So anyway, that occurred before I came to MIT. When I came to MIT, I was deeply, deeply interested in medicine. And I was really upset that a place like MIT was looking at the body as parts, okay? It wasn’t looked at as a system that the Engineering Systems place, but the concept of looking at the body as a system hadn’t come there. So I went in and out of MIT, did my electrical engineering degree, started a company then I did a couple more degrees, and then came back to MIT in 2003. And I’ll get to that, that’s when a new field came called Systems Biology. And I was one of the first graduates out of it. And I did my PhD in it. That was in 2007. And with my PhD, I knew now I had the quote, unquote, external credibility, no one could, I mean they can still attack you, but it’s gonna be hard for them that I could use that Western understanding to go back to India, and try to figure out how was My grandmother able to do what she did? What was the system that she was using? And could I connect the East and the West. So that’s really the Foundations of Systems that you will have the opportunity to learn what the discoveries that I made from the Science of System. So here when I finished my PhD, this is the way the Western world views the body, right? We call genes and proteins and mRNA and metabolites, that’s at this layer, this gives rise to various types of metabolic pathways, this gives rise to what are called functional modules, right? Different subsystems in your body, your cardiovascular system, right? Your urinary tract system or etc. And this is your large scale organization of you. Well, this is a Western world but my Grandmother’s system of medicine was very different. It didn’t have genes and proteins, they use words like Prusha, Prikriti, Sattva, Rajas, Tamas, space, air fire water Earth, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, were used to figure out your body, what kind of system you were, this determined the nature of your organs in your body. So, you see that, I had the fortune to be getting the highest level of education, being exposed to the Western, Molecular Biological Systems of the way looking at the body. But I was also been exposed, fortunately to a very different way. And I wanted to find the unique nature of those two systems.
Someone said, “please have a class on Moringa”. Yes.
By the way, so, what is Moringa, when I was in our village, across from my grandparents home was a hut where the cows and they and the chickens were kept and out of the center of that hut, grew a beautiful tree called the Moringa tree. You call it Moringa. But we call it Moringa in Tamil. It had these beautiful drumsticks, which you would cook up leaves, it’s really called Some people believe it’s a tree of life that grows under any conditions. Amazing level of nutrients. I’ll do a whole class on that. But Moringa was always a food that was always there. It was central to health and well being so yes, I can do that. I definitely will do that.
I was exposed to these two worlds of medicine, and I want to interconnect them. So when I decided to apply for a Fulbright, which I got in 2007, and MIT had this front page article talking about you know, me wanting to go back to India with 4 degrees to interconnect east and west. So that’s what I ended up doing. And what I realized the big discovery that I made in was it important discovery is that there is a way in the Western Engineering Sciences, that we look at the world, through the lens of movement of matter, information energy, that’s called the phenomena of transport, by the way, that’s related to freedom, right movement of information, matter and energy, conversion, taking an idea, taking a hypothesis, going through a process and converting it to truth, or converting it to an innovation that’s conversion, storage, or really, should we structure is the thing that gives us a structural element to sustain all of this? Well, that’s your health in your body. It’s the aspect of the world around us like your skeletal structure. Anyway, this is what I learned at MIT for nearly 20 years. And what I found was the entire system of Indian medicine, they use the terminology called Vata, Pitta, Kapha. And that system was directly connected. So here’s Vata, Pitta Kapha, which my grandmother used, and this is where East meets West. I mean, I’m simplifying it for the case of today, but I encourage all of you every Monday evening, because I have discovered that I used to teach us as a class at MIT called traditional medicine, Systems Biology. And we made it accessible to all but it begins with this foundational understanding that the same analysis, the same science that governs everything in the universe governs your body, it also governs political system, that is the Science of Systems. And once you learn that science, you can go beyond contradictions, whether you live in a village, or whether you live in a city, East or West, black or white, etc. And that is a science of the day that is needed. So we can bring people together around it’s not about unity. It’s about bringing people together on what’s actually real. Right. So that’s East meets West. And then I wrote a paper called the Control Systems Engineering foundation of traditional medicine, the Rosetta Stone of Siddha and Ayurveda, which is Indian medicine. All of you get access to this, when you sign up, you can if you take advantage, and you want to pursue the path of being a Truth Freedom Health warrior. All of this knowledge I several years ago, in 2016, I put together a book called ‘System and Revolution”, which is up there, and what is ‘System and Revolution’. First of all, it defines what a system is really the textbook and anyone can read it. It’s about 108 pages. It’s really for anyone, whatever background, you don’t have to go to MIT, but I also teach you what is a revolution, it is the physics, it is the physics of change. That’s what it really is. And in addition to that, I also created another tool, so you wouldn’t have to fly all the way to India. And it’s a tool that helps you understand your body as a system, integrating East and West. And with this tool, what you can do is you can understand who you are, what kind of body system you are answering a set of questions, that’s a red dot in, this framework of transport, conversion storage, then you can find out how you deviated from yourself, that’s a black dot, maybe you didn’t sleep well, etc. And then you can use the tool to identify how foods and supplements can bring you or exercise can bring you back to you. And it figures out a unique program for you. But, you know, obviously, you should consult your doctor and all those things, but this is a way that you can understand systems. And when we look at Turmeric, you’re gonna see that Turmeric affects the functions of transport, conversion and storage, you know, universal way. That’s why it’s a very, very powerful, incredible herb. So you’re going to learn this from multiple angles. But this is included in anyone By the way, those people who have been amazing who have given us $25 or more to support our movement, you get all of this because I always like to give something back, I don’t want to take anything for nothing. And there’s also a whole program for those people who are practitioners. I want to get training and certification called Systems Health, where you can get actually go deep into this program, take tons of courses, I built an institute, you can get the courses you can get certified, etc. Okay, so that is the history of how I came over those 40 years of a journey to the Science of Systems.
Turmeric – The Golden Spice
So when I look at something like Turmeric, that Science of Systems is also the way I look at it using a technology called CytoSolve. CytoSolve was a technology I built for my PhD work, which is a Systems Approach at the molecular level two understanding the body. So that’s what we’re using. We’re using an Eastern approach, a Western approach and a Systems Approach. So you’re going to get a holistic or systems based view of Turmeric so Turmeric is a golden spice okay and look at this nearly 5918 research articles that’s quite a bit but it’s one of the most widely researched dietary supplements in the world. Over 212 clinical trials have been done on it and over 140 years of medical research out of all the stuff I’ve covered so far I would say this is probably relative to a supplement one of the most widely spanning 145 years of research to consider that not going to 1921. Going even before that okay going into the 1800s okay it’s been researched for a long long time clearly because it has some very powerful effects 145 years now it’s a widely used spice and it’s a medicinal plant its use of Turmeric dates back nearly 4000 years in Indian culture it’s traditionally used for disorders of the skin, upper respiratory tract, joints and digestive function and it’s derived from the root of Curcuma longa it’s really not a root to be exact, we use the word root but it’s really a rhizome, it’s a stuff that grows on the sides of roots and it’s derived from the from the from the ginger family. So it’s part of the ginger family, if you look at how ginger grows, it is very similar to that and is generally recognized safe by the FDA. How many here just to take a headcount how many of you have taken Turmeric.
Yes, someone is saying, “reinventing the Indian system’
Yes or resurrecting the Indian system. The problem is many people who practice the Indian system of medicine don’t even know I’m talking about. People in India don’t even know what Vata, Pitta, Kapha are. They just blindly practice it. The discovery here actually will help people in India be able to communicate to the West and people in the West communicate to the East that’s a Systems Approach. Looks like quite a number of people have had Turmeric. Great, it’s a it’s a beautiful color spice by the way there’s some wonderful research done where people are taking Turmeric, in ancient times it was called Ayurvastra clothing where they would essentially embed Turmeric and other spices into pillows or or sheets which had medicinal effects as you can see it went through your skin. It’s a golden spice it’s generally recognized by the FDA to be safe it contains over 100 chemical compounds the active components fall into two sets, Turmerones about 3-5% and Curcuminoids that’s 0.02-2.0%, these are the active components. There’re many types of Turmerones there’re many types of Curcuminoids and here’s some of them, so for example you have ar-turmerones and again I invite you to look at these structures. They’re beautiful chemical structures and nature is produced here’s a benzene ring you have the acetal ring over here and same acetone ring right here that’s called a turmerone and this is organic chemistry, our alpha tumour and beta turmerone and you notice a difference between this and this. If you look at these this says all the double bonds here in the internal structure this has two double bonds here and here the double bonds are switched over here okay, so you can see how the double bonds change the acetone piece right here is the same so you have and this constitutes around three to 5% and it’s a volatile essential oils you have ar-turmerone and up here, alpha turmerone and beta turmerone. Those of you who are chemists will understand why it’s called alpha and beta but these are the three major turmerones the curcuminoids are CUR I, CUR II, CUR III and they constitute 3 to 4% of Turmeric. So, here again you can see the structure is very similar as you go from here to here. In CUR I the difference here you see you don’t have the O group up here, you just have the OH here. Then over here you have you don’t have the O group over here, and you don’t have it here. So this one has the O group here and here, this one has it on one side and this doesn’t have it at all. So this is curcumin so when people talk about Turmeric that you buy in the store, if you buy it as a pill right if you get it as a full herb it’s a yellow spice. Some people just go get the curcumin okay it’s used from a medicine standpoint, but in traditional Indian medicine you typically take the whole you know spice. Typically you put it in milk so at night for example, if I’m feeling something coming on, or if I just want a drink at night that calms you, or you just want something. You can typically get raw milk, it’s great. And if you can get the high fat milk, you boil it, but you don’t let it spill as it’s steaming up, you shut it off. And this is a traditional technique, you can take one teaspoon or how much you want to throw it in there and mix it and what you’re doing is you’re actually creating a natural nanoparticle. That Turmeric can be delivered now better because every particle of Turmeric and curcumin is surrounded by a fat, fatty lipid layer. And this is what they’re doing on nanoparticles. But you know, the ancients had figured this out. So anyway, that’s a thing. And if you want you can add jaggery if you want a little bit of sugar to it, you can put pepper if you want, but that is a great drink at night. And if you ever feel a cold coming on, you can add that among other things. But it’s typically that the powder is a spice and so when you when they sell supplements, they’re selling the curcumin, you’re not going to find typically this in the health food stores, you’re typically going to get their curcumin.
Systems Biology
Now, let’s step back and understand what Systems Biology is. Because the approach we take here to understanding curcumin is we want to take a Systems Approach, how does it affect the whole body, and what is Systems Biology. And to understand Systems Biology, we need to understand by the way, Systems, Biology is a relatively new field. And we need to understand the opposite of a Systems Biology, which is what we call reductionism. So all of you, if you’ve listened to this before, you feel free to share this concept here, but reductionism is taken right out of the books of the story of the king. Who calls on six blind men and brings in an elephant and they all touch the pieces of the elephant. Well, you know what, they all have a blinded view of what they’re seeing, none of them sees the whole elephant. And what they actually see is a pale view of reality, the guy who touches a tail, thinks he’s touching things, he’s touching a rope, the guy who touches up, the leg thinks he’s touching an oak tree, a wall and so on. And if they ever got together, they would end up with something that looked nothing like the elephant. Okay, and this is reductionism. And unfortunately, this is what is going on in science today. Yesterday, if you join me, I did a thing on antibodies. So you have the entire immune system. But the scientists for the last 100 years have just been focusing on antibodies, antibodies, antibodies on antibodies, that’s like touching the tail and you forget everything else. You forget the complexity of the immune system that’s called reductionist biology, reductionist biology. And one of the reasons we’re in the condition we’re here today is because of that. Now look, that’s the Western approach to medicine, Western approach is actually a reductionist approach, it is excellent. If you’re in a crisis situation, if you read the paper that I have up there, you will find out that I looked at the history of medicine. And when you look at the history of medicine, we talked about this in our course, the history of medicine comes from war, a soldier got hurt on a battlefield, you have to take a reductionist approach, you know, his guts are spilling out, his liver has been shot, you got to go take care of that. Western medicine is excellent for crises, but it doesn’t understand the whole body. So they’ve taken that reductionist approach to still look at Biological Systems. However, the Eastern systems, the Engineering Systems Approach already has a language beyond just seeing things as organs. And this is a much deeper discussion, which I love talking about, but educating on but this is reductionism. And what and the opposite of reductionism is what we just talked about seeing the body as a system of energy moving transport, conversion storage. In fact, this same energy manifests in Truth Freedom Health, Truth Freedom Health. Freedom is transport. Truth is the conversion aspect. Storage is the health aspect, what sustains you. And that is really the foundation of a course that I built called the ‘Foundations of Systems’, which is really where you will understand all of this, you will really understand this diagram, which you would take a couple years at MIT to understand. And that’s what we talk about our Truth Freedom Health movement. But I want to just emphasize that that approach will teach you a very different way to look at this system of medicine and I’ll come back to that, but I want to really jump into Turmeric for right now.
Immune System
Before I do that, let’s really talk as a part of this about the immune system. So when you look at wanting to understand Turmeric relative to Immune Health, we have to step back a little bit and we have to send what is the immune system? Okay? Well, by the way, the same features that you use to understand your body as a system that we teach is the same way you can understand the immune system. This is the reductionist model of the immune system. This is what is used today. And listen very carefully. This picture is what is still used today to build immunity. This is the science of the vaccine development model, which says, you get hit with a pathogen, your innate immune system kicks in which I talked about all yesterday, guys can go look at that. And the innate immune system is the cells in your body which try to take out that pathogen, a whole bunch of cells. And then if this doesn’t work, then later on, several days later, your adaptive immune system gets kicked in, and then it creates an antibody, and an antibody is like a laser tuned just for that pathogen. So if the pathogen mutates, or it varies, that antibody is no good. And this is what they’re finding, as I shared yesterday, even out of the NIH, the vaccine that they’re giving now, well, 20 days later, it loses efficacy in eight months later, it’s only like 40 to 50% efficacious, because if there’s a variant of that virus, it’s frankly useless.
So the antibodies only for this targeted approach. But the body is much more interesting. It’s not only antibodies it relies on, it relies on a whole host of other things. This is it. This is the old model. At the National Institute at the National Science Foundation, I gave a whole talk on the modern approach to the immune system. It’s not just these two blue boxes, right? It is the interferon system. It is a microbiome, the virus, all those bacteria, the viruses in your gut in your body and the neural system. This is a holistic approach to the immune system, which leads us to recognize it’s about boosting immunity. It’s about supporting a whole other set of systems, the IFN system, which I spoke about yesterday, right when that virus comes to the interferons, by the way, every cell in your body makes interferon one alpha and beta. And that interferon system activates, further activates your NK cells, natural killer cells and your CD4 cells, which gobble up these viruses long before the antibodies. But no one talks about the interferon system. It’s unfortunate, but this is what happens when science becomes pay to play. Okay? It’s not about truth anymore. It’s not taking a Systems Approach. It’s creating the dialectics you have all these people running around Pro-Vax, Anti-Vax. If we spent as much time as we did on that debate, as talking about how to boost the immune system, we have a lot of healthy people already. And that’s what we’re here to do. That’s what the goal of our movement is, we want to get out of the WWF wrestling, the Pro versus Anti, we want to talk about systems because we find the truth. The real issue is not vaccines or non vaccines. What are you doing to boost the immune system? That’s what it’s about. Alright, so the interferon system, so in a typical immune response, right, the innate system kicks in. So if you look right here, the virus attacks you, and it’s trying to replicate DNA, the virus, this is a macrophage who starts eating up the virus and starts spitting out particles right here, I went over this yesterday, these are these particles, this little pink structure right here, that pink structure is the pieces of the surface protein, well, that pink structure, after it gets chewed up and blasted up dismembered. Then the second step is that pink structure is presented as a T-cell, which then creates the antibodies, but this is the first part through these macrophages. And here again, you can see the adaptive immune responses, the macrophages eat the virus, they present the to the CD8 cell, and then the CD4 cells create this and the CD4 cells create B-cells, which creates these little Y things, which are the antibodies. So simply put the antigen from the infected cell coming out of here, right, creates a CD8 cell which takes out this cell and the CD4 cell creates antibodies, but the important thing to recognize is that CD8 cell that purple structure on the bottom is supported by interferons and there are many nutrients which support the upregulation of interferons. Okay?
So again, please go to yesterday’s if you want to review that video. Someone says Dr. SHIVA, I pray Congress invites you to speak on the topic and debate Fauci. Well, you gotta understand is Congress really dedicated to building a healthy immune system? And as we talked about in our course, we have to build a Bottoms-up movement, and most 99% of those people in Congress got in there because of selections not elections. When you go look at the electronic voting machines in this country. The only people who are going to do this is us, not them. Because they’ve had a lot of time to do it. And what they do, is they do theater there. Left and right to make you think they’re going to do something. To the extent we get involved in politics, it should be to use their platform to build a Bottoms-up movement, not to have faith in it. Okay? Until we the people actually get back control. You can know that it’s just the theater, frankly, so sure. Brandon says, if the government cared about our immune system, we’d have the best Clean Food Certified stores. Exactly. Brandon. Okay, we would ensure that citizens had adequate vitamins, etc. So the bottom line is, we’re going to do this, and I’m tired of waiting and waiting for them. You know, I ran for office, I may run again, but only to build a movement, telling people we need clean elections. But the bottom line is we need to build a Bottoms-up movement. We need 50,000 trained Truth Freedom Health warriors. That’s why I do this. That’s why I teach you guys a science because I want you guys to take a Systems Approach. Oh my God, I get it. Now. I want to learn that Systems Approach. Alright.
So the bottom line here is that when you look at the COVID virus, for example, here’s your lung cells. And right when the virus comes, this little structure tries to eat up the cells there. It starts spitting out the pieces of the cells you’re noticing right here, and the CD8 cell gets innervated and tries to take out that cell. But the CD4 cell innervates and creates the B-cells which create the antibodies right here you can see it’s knocking it out, okay. So that’s the typical adaptive immune response. Now, there is also the interferon system, the interferon system is the first line of defense. Interferons create an anti viral environment and type one interferons are present in virtually every cell in your body. So just hear me out carefully, type one interferons are in every cell of your body antibodies may not be but interferons are. And what are interferons? Interfere, there are molecule cytokines that interfere with virus replication. Okay? So that’s why there are people who have gotten whatever virus they don’t even have the antibodies, but they’re strong, because their body created the interferons to activate the NK cells. So what’s happened is this way, you need to go educate your doctors, we need to go tell them Look, do you know about interferons, they’re probably say duh because they probably didn’t even study it. They just studied the innate and the adaptive, but the interferons are everywhere. And when the interferon system gets turned on, guess what 1000s of genes get turned on. And those 1000s of genes prepare your body against other viruses. So your body’s almost waiting to be attacked. And then it creates interferons, which create antiviral activity. So that means you’re supposed to be exposed. Instead, what we’re doing is weakening people systems, weakening people, weakening people, weakening people, and then telling everyone that there’s only one way to build your immune system, antibodies, antibodies, the antibodies, okay. So this is the scientific facts, and this scientific facts. Many of my colleagues I used to know at MIT know this, but they’re keeping their mouth shut, because they want to get their funding from Fauci and the NIH. But we don’t need to do that. We’re doing it right here on our own medium on our own platform. And that’s what we need to continue to do. We need to help everyone understand the scientific basis so they can become scientists. This is really an open science platform. I’m training you guys to be system scientists. This is more than just a video you’re hearing. So type one interferons include alpha and beta.
And what we can do with CytoSolve. CytoSolve, it’s our technology that I created out of my PhD work. It’s really a technology that can help us find the scientific source of truth. It helps us go deep. It’s a technology as I’ll talk about right now, it helps us understand what goes on the molecular systems level. And we can use this to really get to the truth. So by the way, this is a way that the pharmaceutical companies do discovery. They don’t use CytoSolve. I worked with a couple of them who got excited, but they moved very slowly. Alright, meaning they used our mathematical models. We don’t make drugs we don’t. We’re not a vaccine manufacturer as a scumbag Kennedy was trying to say about me when I expose the fact that he misleads the movement. CytoSolve was a mathematical modelling company. And my intention, when I looked at this model is when you look at pharmaceutical companies, a litter literally produces synthetic compounds, they do in vitro screening, then they kill animals. This process takes around six years. Let’s say they’re creating a new drug they think, and then they have to get FDA approval before they do phase I, phase II, phase III clinical trials. Well, check this out. Only 20% make it out of phase I. They don’t succeed, which means this process is flawed. And my thought was Wow, before we do all this nonsense, why don’t we use a computer to even figure out if it works. So that was one motivation for CytoSolve. The other motivation was when, when you look at this entire process, it’s dead. Look at they’re spending more and more money on R&D, and they’re finding less and less new compounds, Big Pharma is failing big time. And my interest was really nutraceutical products. In 2003, when the Genome Project ended, right here, we found out we have the same number of genes as a worm, which means that we are not, we don’t have more genes than a worm. Up until the Genome Project ended. The idea that biologists had was like the blind men, the biologists thought, oh, human beings, look how complex a human being is, right? We have all this brain, so we can do all the stuff and a little worm has only 20,000 genes. So they said, Wow, we’re more complex, we must have millions or hundreds of 1000s of genes. And this is where the kibosh was put on this reductionist method. It turns out, we only have 20,000 genes. So if we have the same number of genes as a worm, the question is what makes us more complex. And that comes down to understanding complexity is not the function of the number of parts, but it’s about the interconnections. That is systems theory. Okay. That is systems theory, that System Science. So in 2003, the entire field of biology was shaken up, like an earthquake went off. And people realize we need to move to a Systems Approach to Biology, which is what traditional systems of medicine has been doing for nearly 1000 plus years. And this Systems Approach that if you’re going to create the whole body, you have to go across genes or proteins, this whole process. And the idea was, instead of just focusing on the nucleus over here, let’s try to understand all the chemical reactions, could we use a computer to model this, and these are these little biological pathways, one little pathway. And the idea was, if these are moving to mathematical models, could you create a technology that could do that, and that was my PhD work. And by the way, just to let you know, MIT doesn’t let you get a PhD. And unless you do something really novel, you know, in the engineering program, for example, of the 100 PhDs who get in, let’s say, only 50%, even pass the exams. And then if you want to get your thesis, you have to do something novel, otherwise, you have to be there for a long, long time. So the notion of creating a technology that could use a computer to mathematically model disease was unheard of and people thought it was impossible, like Email, okay. But I’ve been through that once. And that’s what CytoSolve was. CytoSolve was the technology I created to mathematically model molecular systems on the computer to discover new medicines. And over the last 16 years, I’ve created a very successful company, we work with researchers, but we have a whole engine for Truth Freedom Health, it’s decentralized, it’s inclusive, it’s transparent. And this is the movement for Truth Freedom Health manifested in technology. So what can CytoSolve do, we can take a bunch of compounds. So when we look at Turmeric, instead of just looking at one compound, we can look at the range of them or combinations of let’s say curcumin with other things to really understand at a systems level, what it does. Okay, so CytoSolve lets us look at their current research, but systems minded so we can understand on the computer long before we kill cells, just like we build an aeroplane, as I mentioned, many times, we don’t just throw a pilot and that was in the, you know, 1900s now we do everything on the computer.
Biological Effects of Turmeric
So what we want to look at around the biological effects of Turmeric, okay, the first thing that we want to look at is that the biological effects of Turmeric reigns through many, many different aspects. And this is why I call it a multi-systems herb. So just look at this. It’s an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic. That means it protects your body from mutations. Okay. quite powerful. Okay. Remember, you were being bombarded by radiation, all these things all day long. Your body, sometimes the cellular machinery No, every time a cell replicates. It’s like a Xerox machine. It’s got to replicate perfectly the DNA. Sometimes it doesn’t. This is why they say ageing occurs because over time, the carbon copies the Xerox copies of your cells get a little bit worse, okay. They start mutating and they don’t repair their DNA. Well mutagenic you know, we have this property where we’re Turmeric can support that. It’s also anti-proliferative, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective. Very, very important for the brain. Super important for the brain. This is the importance of Turmeric, many different I mean, you could do research on all every one of these, and here are the molecular targets of Turmeric just look at that. So beautiful diagram done, published in Wiley, but you can see here, curcumin has enzymes over here, all the enzymes, it has transcription factors, which is DNA level, it has apoptosis regulators, it has receptors that affects it has adhesion molecules, that affects kinases, inflammatory cytokines, growth factors. So these are all the different kinds of molecular targets. So just to give you an idea of what is a target, if again, you’re going to, if you look at a cell on the surface of the cell, or like catcher’s mitts, which are waiting for different molecules to land on it, the catcher’s mitts are called receptors, but you have targets, which are the things that innervate the effect of those receptors. So what’s this diagram showing us, curcumin can hit many different targets in your body. It’s almost like the body has lived on this all its life, right? It’s waiting for this as a food. This is why traditional medicines, Indian medicine, for example, you always have Turmeric in every meal, it’s almost like it’s a, it’s like air water, right? Your body needs a certain amount of curcumin, okay, or Turmeric in this case. So there we go. But you can see the science right, it affects so many things. Most of the medicinal benefits of Turmeric are from curcumin, and curcumin effects, 100 different molecular targets. And the types of target include transcription factors. We just went through all of these things here, the picture says 1000 words.
Health Benefits of Turmeric
So let’s look at the health benefits of Turmeric, skin health, brain health, joint health, liver health, cardiovascular, digestive health, wound care, immune health, reproductive health, metabolism. Multiple, multiple, multiple aspects of health. And so what does that tell you? If it’s affecting so many different subsystems in health, that means it’s affecting the operating system of your body that’s what I call it a multi-systems are some nutrients in nature, go at the core of the core, just like you know what we’re doing here we’re going at the core of the core by teaching people systems. So Turmeric is like a multi-systems herb so it affects many, many subsystems in your body. I love the color, by the way.
Effect of Turmeric on Immune System
So let’s look at the effect of turmeric on immune health. Okay, and by the way, we could do a whole series. I mean, we could do a month long series on Turmeric, given everything that’s going on with the health issues right now. That’s what we want to talk about. So curcumin modulates immune cells. So what we’ve done with the CytoSolve technologies, we’ve looked at all the literature, and we’ve congealed it from a literature standpoint, to understand all those articles, 6000 papers to understand, hey, what is it from the literature and then we’re going to do the molecular analysis studies to Okay, so let’s look at both. So here from the curcumin modulates immune cells and immune cell cytokines from the innate as well as the adaptive system through its two important properties, antioxidant properties, oxidative properties, and anti inflammatory properties. Curcumin also mitigates allergy and asthma, which occur when you’re having an autoimmune reaction. Right. So curcumin mitigates several autoimmune diseases and metabolic diseases through modulation of the immune system. So, how does it work here? So, if you look at the innate immune system, we talked about, which includes your natural killer cells, your macrophages and your M-1 macrophages, just to be clear, you have two types of macrophages, the M-2 macrophages, these activate your anti-inflammatory macrophages Okay. This and then you have your m one macrophages, which actually lower oxidative stress created by inflammatory M-1 macrophages. So, the what So, the M-1 macrophages in your body that you’re producing over here, what’s called ROS reactive oxygen species. So, M-1 macrophages think about it as they’re the ones that are creating waste products. They’re oxidizing your body and macrophages are the ones that create an anti-inflammatory response. And the NK cells are the ones that are the cytotoxic cells. So just to put it a little bit simpler, you want Think about There are three types of cells. The nk natural killer cells are the ones that if you have a cell that’s been infected by a virus, all right, the nk killer cells gobble up that infected cell. It’s like a bunch of terrorists in a household they go bomb that entire house, okay? The M-1 cells, the M-1macrophages, lower inflammation, they’re anti-inflammatory, but the M-2 or the M-1 macrophages actually are creating oxidative products called ROS. So what you’re seeing in this diagram here is that the curcumin does two things. It first of all, activates, augments the killer cells, which is awesome. It also activates M-1 macrophages, which are anti-inflammatory, but it stops that’s what this red thing does that stops the reactive oxygen process. So again, curcumin augmented the cytotoxicity of NK cells, curcumin increases, the anti inflammatory of M-2 and qOc curcumin lowers the oxidative property. So it’s pretty amazing. This is what I mean it’s a multi-systems and this is curcumin that molecule goes does that. So these three things. Okay. And it gets even more interesting. Look what curcumin the adept does in the adaptive immune system. curcumin suppresses the activation of the pro inflammatory cytokine IL-2, which is right here, it’s a little bit hard to see here. These two stop IL-2. Now IL-2 is needed to proliferate inflammatory T-cells such as the one and th 17. These are inflammatory T-cells, and this suppresses proliferation of this and this and then but curcumin supports, it stimulates the production of the B-cells, okay, which produce antibodies. So think about what it’s doing, it’s stopping the T-cells in your body with your proinflammatory by taking out aisle two, and then it supports your B-cells. Okay, so you’re kicking in your antibody system if you need that also faster, okay, in a more powerful way, very, very, again, a multi systems effect, as you can see here, it supports, it knocks out the th one and th 17 or lowers your activation, lowers or proliferation, because it stops IL-2, which is a cytokine. But it supports your B-cells. Okay. The next thing it does is it modulates the inflammatory cytokines, you’ve heard a lot about in the news of what they call the cytokine storm. Okay, these are molecules, signalling molecules, you know, they get raised, but if your body is weak, and you have a weakened immune system, they go out of whack and that’s called a cytokine storm, and your own body’s eating away itself. And that’s what happens. With a virus. It’s not the virus that is eating you up like a Pac Man. It is your body because of a weakened immune system. The cytokine storm attacks itself, it’s your own body is attacking itself. And there are some important cytokines that do that. And here are some of them that curcumin actually suppresses. So on the left side, you see aisle to aisle six aisle one beta and TNF alpha. This is a cytokine storm. And curcumin inhibits that but on the other hand, it also inhibits COx-2, which is a molecule that actually produces pain and inflammation, okay, through PG-2, so it stops COX-2 which is an enzyme, right, but it also inhibits the transcription factor NF-kB, which creates all of these cytokines, which is known as a cytokine. Storm. And by the way, you can see TNF-a IL-1b, IL-6, IL-2, right, so this so it’s doing a couple things, it’s boosting up your antibody production, it’s boosting up supporting the good macrophages, good nk killer cells, but it’s also putting shock absorbers on your cytokines. Right? So you have modulation, that’s what’s called by it modulates your inflammatory cytokines. Right. Then look at what else curcumin does, it modulates allergy and asthma. That’s it, you know, an immune response. And it does it through two ways. First of all, oxidative stress aggravates allergy, so curcumin lowers oxidative stress and mitigates that. And then you have the inflammatory cytokines again, aisle to IL-5 over here, IL-4, and GM CSF and these are associated with bronchial asthma. So these give bronchial asthma curcumin goes knocks it out curcumin alleviates bronchitis asthma by lowering the production of inflammatory cytokines. That’s why in traditional cultures, they would again boil that milk, okay, boil it, and because you’re heating it in an environment, you know, but you don’t want it to overflow, you’ve got to stop it right then. I mean, when I’m making this I boil the muck and I watch as it starts rising and I turn it off. And then I put in one or two teaspoons of turmeric but it’s a very, very powerful medicinal for that and you can go read more about it but here are the health benefits of curcumin feminine from my immune system standpoint goes beyond just the immune health because the immune health affects many things. Multiple Sclerosis research shows that curcumin inhibits IL-12 which is implicated in the pathogenesis of MS. It supports you know or stops psoriasis. It lowers the density of inflammatory CD8 T-cells that are implicated in psoriasis. It supports cardiovascular disease, curcumin, promotes antioxidant and anti-inflammatory environment thereby lowering arteriosclerosis and hypertension. And then curcumin inhibits inflammatory cytokines, TNF-a IL-1b, lowering a beta plaque formation, a hallmark of AD, it’s interesting because there was a study done, I may bring it up several years ago, there was a village in India, you know, there’s a particular gene that the geneticists say cause Alzheimer’s. So there was a group, I believe in Europe or in the United States in town in Pennsylvania, I’ll have to look it up. Don’t hold me to that. And a village in India, where people both had those genes for Alzheimer’s. However, the people in India did not produce any of Alzheimer’s symptoms or any of that, because they were consuming large amounts of turmeric, not so in the other cases. So even though you have a particular gene, it’s not your destiny. Okay? genes can be turned on and off. This is why food, nutrients, all the natural elements are very, very powerful. So that’s a very powerful example. And I’ll probably do a video on that. So what you’ve learned so far is that turmeric has many, many effects, multiple effects. At the core of it, there are the mechanisms that turmeric hits, it’s a multi system herb, it’s not just going doing one thing, like the mRNA vaccine, just give me antibodies. No, it’s supporting anybody’s by supporting B-cells. It’s supporting the NK cells just like and supporting the IFN system through that process. Also, because the IFN system supports the activation of the NK cells. It’s also enabling, you know, in the case of oxidative stress, it’s lowering oxidative stress. So you don’t have the allergic reaction. It’s affecting the cytokine storm. So I can’t say the science can’t say enough of the multiple multi dimensional effects of curcumin.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
And that’s really called the Synergistic Principle. So curcumin affects many things. And that’s also a systems principle. We don’t want to spend our time just doing one thing in the sense of relying on Oh, I’m just going to exercise all day, or I’m just going to, you know, eat well all day, or I’m just going to sleep while you have to do all of it. So from a systems perspective, we need to look at even politics that way. So for far too long. We’ve had over here the quote unquote, people who the left calls rednecks are into the First Amendment and their guns in the Second Amendment. And they say over here on the right, let’s say, and over here, on the left, you have the yoga people think they’re better than everyone and they can do their postures and they meditate and they eat the right foods to help people on the left. And then over here you have the nerds and the innovators who may be political they’re doing science and innovation. Well, typically these three groups have been separated, our movements synergist to want to bring them together, no different than we want to, let’s say take curcumin and resveratrol and eat Rolla, etc. And I’ll show you the example. Because when you have that Synergistic Effect, you get an amplification. This is why when I say we need 50,000, Truth Freedom Health warriors, you’re going to see why the Principle of Synergy. Let me walk you through that. It’s not like we don’t need everyone because we’re going to create a systems level reaction. So if you look at this here, you know, in the traditional systems, people would make this stuff. So here’s curcumin, notice curcumin, we’ve mapped out from a multi dimensional way. It hits the jak pathway, it hits a COX-2 pathway, it hits NF-kB it hits the notch pathway, it hits many. So the outer circle here, by the way, is a cell wall; the inner circle is a nuclear wall. It even crosses a nuclear membrane. Look at that, and it stops the production of different cytokines quite powerful. So it is a multi-systems herb and we can use CytoSolve to mathematically model the curcuminoids effect without killing animals. Then we can look at what resveratrol does follow the blue lines, it affects the nk pathway. It affects PG-2, but what about if we were to combine it? What about if we were to combine curcumin and resveratrol and what we can do is to see that combination we can run a computer simulation of that using CytoSolve. So on the far right, this is a cytokine. Assume let’s say it’s IL-1b .15 and that means we have inflammation in the body. So I’m not giving any curcumin, any resveratrol then I just drop in a little bit of curcumin. Look what happens. It goes from .15 to .05 then I drop in, just referred to it goes from .15, from up here, down to .06 okay, then I drop in. And I mix them this is like mixing truth, freedom and health. Okay. So I mix curcumin and I mix resveratrol, 40% less here 60% less your look what you have, you have a, you have a 200% decrease from .06 to .03 that’s significant. So this is why this principle of synergy is so powerful. This is why, you know, no one in India I’ve yet to see simply just takes cricket, you know, curcumin, curcumin, the active ingredients, typically it’s turmeric, and they mix it with something, right? You put it in food, when you make your meals, you add it to the milk, like I said, or you you can put it in some people put it in fatty oils or add pepper, it’s a food, it needs to increase its bioavailability simply giving curcumin alone, you’re not going to get the bioavailability that means it’s not going to enter the cells. But here, what we’re seeing is we have a synergistic effect. And the synergistic effect is the sum of the parts, you know, are the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, okay? It’s not a plus b plus c, it’s a times b times c, okay, it’s a nonlinear effect, as we like to say, in systems theory. And that’s what happens when we’re going to get 50,000 Truth Freedom Health warriors, we’re gonna have a nonlinear effect. Because the people who go through our training, they’re going to be like Jedi Knights, they’re going to be powerful people in their local communities. And when we have enough people interacting with this powerful knowledge of system science, we’re gonna have a wave rise up, just like when you combine Turmeric and research was the best analogy I can give. And that’s why the Truth Freedom Health movement is trying to integrate all these different components. And it’s beyond just doing any one thing we have to bring together. People from across all movements, the health movement needs to recognise health is necessary to strengthen freedom, the people who support the first and second amendment need to recognise they need to get healthy, okay. But the people on the health world who are quote, unquote, left need to recognise the value of the first and second amendment. And then both of these can support the exploration of truth. So I want to take a quick break and just talk about, you know, this concept here. So what I’ve just shared with you here is the synergy principle. And when we talk about Truth Freedom Health, it’s really the medicine of what society needs, just like we need to take a Synergistic Approach is the medicine that we need. And what we’ve done recently, with CytoSolve, you know, during 2003, to seven, I created the site of soft technology during 2007 to 12, I had to validate this, I proved it by writing a lot of papers. And since 2012, for the last 10 years, we’ve been working with large companies, who are the ones who want to create great products. And we’ve been helping them really figure out what’s garbage. What’s snake oil, by the way, 95% of this stuff out there in the supplements world is garbage. It’s a bunch of guys just putting crap together throwing a label on them, if you ask them, why did you put those two together? They can’t explain it. So having helped a lot of these sincere companies, we’ve started to create many, many mathematical models. And over the last couple of years, we said, Hey, why don’t we help the movement by instead of waiting for those companies to do the right thing, you know, trying to sell them where we went through our inventory of mathematical models, we looked at all the potential powerful nutrients out there for anti inflammatories or for pain, beyond just curcumin. And we discovered a combination of bioflavonoids that have an amazing synergistic effect. And I’m pleased to let people know that CytoSolve, which is really a research tool, which is a tool, we’re helping others, we’re bringing it into our movement to really identify our own combinations.
We’ve found a combination of very powerful nutrients that come from natural sources. And we put that together in a new product. First time I’m doing this. So bear with me here, we’ve called it mV25. momentum to move. And notice our branding is done by a scientist, by systems biologist. It’s not done by some marketing guy, okay. And that’s, you know, I used to go to this place called x 70,000 people shop and I was a little I stopped going to because it’s all just marketing, marketing marketing. Here we are if there is any marketing, it’s really the science here that this product is CytoSolve optimized and what does that mean? The back of the bottle our labelling says, It explains that what scientists have optimized means it means that this was formulated using first of all a systems biology platform CytoSolve, a technology for precision personalized health invented by Dr. Shiva during his doctoral research at MIT. So the point is, this isn’t just we’re just making this up yesterday took a lot, a lot of effort to do this, then we’re using this. The formulation is from integrating 1000s of peer reviewed papers across four decades, in 68 research institutions, and combining trillions of potential combinations of bimolecular reactions. So you can’t do this with two people. You can’t do this with one formulator. Most of these companies have come up with formulations, I was shocked to find out they have one guy there. And he’s just reading some papers and putting stuff together. That’s why I knew we should do something. So the formulation here, as as this explains here, is coming from where we’ve used the computer, what you know, you know, 100 human beings can do to compute trillions of combinations of biomolecular interactions to discover a synergy of compound synergy that down regulate biomarkers of discomfort in normal swelling. And side a sub optimise means that this formula has been optimised to maximise benefits and bioavailability while minimising toxicity, based on the current research current research. As the Science Advances, so well, this formulation, this is our promise. So and by the way, this product is Clean Certified, it’s made in the US. And obviously this is a great way to use this, it’s again, everything I’m attempting to do is reciprocal, which means you support our movement, we give you education, you you know you want to get healthy, you’re supporting the movement, so truth, freedom, and you’re getting truth. You’re supporting to get truth, you’re supporting the truth, freedom and health movement, you’re supporting that healthier supporting chooser and health movement. So it’s all in alignment. So which is very cool. So Oh, by the way, where do you get this product, you can get it right off our website. Let me share that with you. Right here you can go to a vashiva.com. I think I took you here. Let me go right here. If you go to the shop here, right on the shop, our shop is evolving, it all works. But you can go right here. It says momentum to move, it’s got it right here. And on this page is where you can order it and pre orders are going in now. You know with the COVID thing. If you know we sourced ingredients from the best places as manufacturing in the United States, but we’re expecting to get deliveries in by 2020 march of 2021. So you want to preorder it now and you can look through the labels here. He’s got the back, the front, etc.
Alright, having said that, let me wrap up by saying that remember everything I’m talking about? I get a lot of friends of mine said Shiva, why don’t you just do scientists all day? Why the hell are you caring so much about this truth, freedom and health stuff, politics, doing these videos, forget all that go make your billions doing side of solving the problem that I have, maybe it’s a good or bad promise, I can’t just do my science. I can’t just do politics with other people. I can’t just, you know, worry about my personal health all day long. I have to integrate it. So this is the Trident that I call it, you know, Shiva, the deity that I’m named after has tried and just like the Navy SEAL, and that Trident pierces darkness, it is not the devil is trying to pierce darkness and lead in the light. And truth, freedom and health is the way we do that. But we’re not going to be able to do this just with me doing courses and teaching you and educating. It’s got to require you to want to get educated and to frankly, support this movement that we built. I mean, it’s taken me 50 years to do this. So this movement is a platform now. I played you the video in the beginning, but we have a platform. And I want to end with sharing the aspects of that platform. So all of you not only gonna take care of your health, but I want you to do with products like mV25. But I also want you to consider seriously becoming, you know, building, helping us build this movement for Truth, Freedom Health. So when you go to the website, you know, online, you know, at vashiva,com and you get involved in this platform, what you want everyone to do. Let me go back here because you are supporting everything. That I stand for, and which I believe that nature wants, nature wants us to be healthy nature wants us to have truth. Nature wants us to have freedom, which are the fundamental principles of existence, truth, freedom and help. So, as I mentioned, this foundations of systems course, it teaches you the science of everything, and you can and that’s the foundations of our movement. And the foundation of a movement is for you to get educated. So if you go and you log in, you become a member, you contribute something, you get access to a whole range of tools. But those of you decide to become truth, freedom and help warriors, you get access to the portal. And you get educated. You not only get the book, but you get this tool, call your body, your system, which took me 20 years to create, which will help you identify what kind of system you are. And if you just want to contribute to this great, but you can also then get access to a portal where you can educate your friends and family, you get access to the courses, you get access to reports. But one of the things is I want you to also get access to all the books. So you can understand how systems theory can be used in your life, your body is a system. And then I want you to read the scientific paper, I’ve made it very, very easy for everyone to read. And then on top of that,and by the way, if we have some amazing people contributing to this for people who contribute $100 or more, they get the entire warrior package. It’s frankly, nothing I used to teach this at MIT elsewhere for a lot, lot more, probably 20 times more than that’s on the education side, you get all these tools. But online, you also get to build community, we’ve built a forum where you can go interconnect with people from all over the world, independent of big tech, you can go into the Health Forum, you can go and see all the topics, you can go start your own topic, you’re not going to get thrown off here, we have the social media, we have the equivalent of Facebook here where you can set up your web page, you can connect with others. And then most importantly, I want you to get activated, you know, the, as I mentioned before the symbol, and I don’t care for MIT’s administration anymore. But the symbol of the MIT logo is the scholar who’s reading a book, like we just went through we are teaching you, but then it is the blacksmith who’s actually doing the work. All this stuff is useless. If we actually don’t go do something on the ground. You know, I’ve been a ground activist since I was 17 years old, raising hell bottoms up, handing out leaflets, handing out flyers interconnecting it, it’s probably the most fun I have going offline. But this vehicle lets us reach a lot of people. So first to go offline, we have created tools for you, those tools that include, you know, content, like we created a whole research package on masks, on vaccines, on election integrity, and so on. And we’re packaging them up. And it’s a lot of effort.
We’re looking to bring people on to help us do this. Because as the movement grows, we’re going to need more and more internal support. But what you see here is that as a part of the movement, there’s also where you can take, you can print these cards out, we have over a quarter of a million that have been printed out now where the front of the card, for example, on masks, it’s a three and a half by two inch card, you can go to your local staples, or wherever print this out, right or your local printer, your front of the mat. So without getting into a yelling match with people, we’re gonna educate them. There’s a website called va shiva.com slash mask, which has all the research, the back of it gives them a summary of the important scientific issue with wearing masks for oral health, and then also the political and public policy issues. Okay, how masks can affect your oral health and why we need to have more, you know, focus on research on this. We, maybe we should give employees more dental health insurance because of the issues that we’re finding on the science side with oral health. And then the back issue, we want to take it Beyond this Vax anti-Vax. It’s really about boosting immunity and teaching people look. It’s not all about antibodies, guys. It’s about boosting the immune system. But again, that little card is a way that you can become a Truth Freedom Health warrior in your local neighborhoods, educate people and so get in fights with people, we do want to fight against the establishment, but those people are in the middle who don’t know what the hell is going on. It’s our responsibility to educate our brothers and sisters. So we teach them, for vaccines for all is based on an old science and if they want to know more, they can go to vashiva.com. The research is there. We want to focus on nutrition and friendships and activities. We want to educate people that the vaccine manufacturers have no liability, right? Why don’t we focus on boosting immunity, that’s that little card. Okay. So I wanted to discuss the immune system here. So wanted to educate you all on this. And so two action items I have for all of you is to support this movement for Truth Freedom Health. Go online, join it, you can become a member, you can support it. You can get a basic educational medium as a supporter or warrior okay. So whatever way you want to do it, but anything you do do it for yourself do not do it to for me do it for you because change begins with you raising your consciousness and the system’s knowledge allows you to do that so let’s finish up with this now so what do we got here okay so by the way everything I’ve done now i think you guys have a solid scientific understanding to see from the molecular system science that turmeric clearly from the research it’s a very very powerful herb to support the immune system.
Turmeric Eastern Systems Approach
Now we’re going to also give it to you from the Engineering Systems Approach from the Eastern Approach and what does that show all right as I shared with you the Eastern Systems Approach where once you get access to your body or system if you become a supporter or however way you want to do that you will find out that the Eastern Approach lets you understand the body in a different way not with molecules but using the terminology my grandmother used vata pit the copper transport converged storage you can take this little questionnaire it’ll figure out your body type that’s a red dot the black dot is where you are and then different foods gets with different foods so they can increase transport reduce conversion reduce storage and brings you back to you so given that background i’m giving you a very by the way this is not I’m not doing service to this a very quick background when you take the course you’ll get a much deeper understanding but given that what you’re seeing here is the Eastern some Systems Approach in the Eastern Systems Approach Turmeric stabilizes transport which means it calms you down turmeric stabilizes conversion which means like it supports your digestive processes calms it turmeric stabilizes Kapha which means stabilizes you know if you’re going to gain weight right meaning that the storage process but you notice other herbs will increase transport reducing but Turmeric has is very incredible multi-systems effect where it has a stabilizing effect on all three subsystems transport the movement of information matter and energy the conversion digestive processes as well as the storage processes so this is why I say it’s a multi-systems herb even looking at it from the lens of CytoSolve and looking at it from the lens of Systems Health we find out it’s a it’s a it’s a broad multi systems a nutrient and let’s wrap it up now we’re talking about dosage. Also be sure to go to vashiva.com, someone said the dashboard is amazing yes yes look look I want every all of you listening we got about 581 people listening today and we have another 100 art so we got about 600 people listening remember our goal is to have 50,000 truth freedom health warriors so if all of you listening now went and signed up we have 500 people and you each go tell another 500 people we’re gonna have 25,000 people and i’m done i can go get a little more sleep because you guys know I work very very hard to get up around four go to bed at 12 here but when I set my goal on something I know we need 50,000 troops for doing health warriors all of you can help out do that you know when you support this you’re supporting our ability to get hardware support our data center that we have independent of Big Tech independent of big pharma this is your movement and we have all the right elements and this is what we need historically history needs you to build this movement forget politicians forget these left and right forget them all okay they all suck. Excuse my language they do nothing By the way all of you if you want me to do other videos I’m taking your ideas we’re scheduling and we if you want to say hey Dr. SHIVA how does this nutrient affect this as a public service we can run it through the CytoSolve process.
so let’s go back and let’s look at what is the dosage and what should you take okay and i’m going to um you know turmeric maintenance dose is about a gram per day the turmeric for acute inflammation when you’re under serious inflammation and this comes out of you know 30 grams per day it’s a lot but it’s 30 grams curcumin dose for osteoarthritis belcaro at all is 50 milligrams twice a day and 50 this about two grams by surat cole I can’t pronounce the name 224 and the curcumin dose for cardiovascular disease is 70 to 2000 milligrammes per day 200 milligrams per day sorry so and you know this will be up there and all of this is backed by the latest research one of the things we do is we will constantly be updating this.
this is why one of the things we’re gonna be opening up on the on the truth for now warrior portals we’re gonna be putting all the videos up and as a research changes we’re gonna start figure out a way where people can subscribe to that and get changes but CytoSolve is like an engine it can be run it’s an operating system and all of this we’re doing is being done by your support so let’s build this movement let’s get the Truth Freedom Health we deserve but it’s not going to come from me i’m just a mere catalyst you know I happen to be fortunate to get all this training but it’s going to come from you doing stuff local but with an enlightened perspective which can only come and I can say this emphatically unless someone else can find a better way I’ll follow you you know I’ll drop all of this but it’s only a systems approach that’s going to take us beyond east and west left and right black and white all these scumbag politicians it’s only us who are going to be able to do it and and when I mean us I’m talking about hardworking people who want the same things over the last many years the plight of working people in this country there’s two American pies i did a whole video on this we have the small pie which is 95% of us we have the big pie which is the 600 billionaires and their wealth is growing exponentially this pie is shrinking since 1971 this pie is shrunk dramatically if you’re making $50,000 today you should actually be making 121,000 that 70k over the last 40 years as been sucked over here and it’s happened because not because hardworking people are not contributing they are contributing to the GDP but the elites are working to silence us they’re working to deny freedom the scientists over place like MIT and Harvard you know they watch which way the wind blows wherever their bread is buttered that’s the research narrative that they do and as i mentioned health is going down and down and it’s only us we’re going to be able to do it don’t rely on them it’s never gonna happen so the sooner we build our movement the sooner this is going to occur so please consider becoming a warrior for yourself for your families and I’ve created the education program the platform but we’re just beginning and your support is going to help us dramatically scale so thank you everyone. Please send those to me email. As usual I will always end with our video it’s sort of our habit that we do here to good habit okay on so let me end with that and everyone go to vashiva.com/warrior, join Dr.SHIVA find it and i’ll wrap up with this video.
A SYSTEMS approach provides a comprehensive method to understand connections among the parts of any system to elicit the scientific truth across ALL systems.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.