Systems Health™ – Integrating both Eastern and Western Systems of Medicine, a New Convergent Approach Fully Consistent with the Scientific Method.
Read this Article on Systems Health™, a Revolutionary Educational Program that Educates Medical Doctors and Healthcare / Holistic Practitioners in Systems Theory as a Basis for all Systems of Medicine.
March 14–17, 2013
Dr. VA Shiva introduced his Systems Health educational program to 600+ people at the La Costa Resort in San Diego. Journey to Healing is an annual conference sponsored by the Chopra Center that brings together holistic practitioners and medical doctors to understand new trends in medicine and healing. Dr. Shiva, keynote speaker, spoke at the general session on Friday night, to medical doctors at a luncheon, and to the entire group at Saturday’s dinner.
His message was received with incredible enthusiasm. His Saturday night dinner event originally had a capacity of 50 people. However, after his initial Friday night talk, over 500 people wanted to attend the dinner on Saturday. The Chopra Center moved the dinner to a large ballroom to accommodate the increased demand to hear Dr. Shiva.
Dr. Shiva related his story as a scientist and yogi—from his childhood in India where he was brought up on the epic stories of the Ramayanam, to his revolutionary activist efforts in the United States and his struggle and efforts to expose corruption in the Indian government in 2009. Dr. Shiva went on to share how the priesthood of academia works each day to subjugate ordinary citizens with the false narrative that only a few people are qualified to learn science and medicine. He poignantly exposed how academic historians attempted to rewrite history on the invention of email, and he concluded by providing an inspiring message that each one of us is a divine being capable of infinite possibilities. He inspired his listeners to exercise their own responsibility as divine beings to be revolutionaries and liberate themselves by building a movement to change the world. At the end of his talk he received two standing ovations, people were emotionally moved, and some were openly crying. His message was delivered with simplicity based on direct experience. He ended with a motto: Know the Truth, Be the Light, Find your Way.
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