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Shiva Be the Light Podcast Episode #3 - The Truth About Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
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In this podcast, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a pioneer in A.I. research, shares a much more deeper and comprehensive definition of Artificial Intelligence. Since 1981, Shiva has been an active researcher and developer of A.I. technologies. Beyond his invention of email (in 1978), in 1993 he developed EchoMail, following his winning a competition to automatically analyze and categorize email for the White House. His recent invention, CytoSolve is a powerful A.
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I. and intelligent system for modeling molecular pathways towards eliminating animal testing and discovering new medicines faster and cheaper. In this podcast, you will get a richer appreciation for A.
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I. and be asked a much more fundamental question: What does it mean to be human?

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