Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai discusses how we win Truth Freedom Health in an interview with Laura Eisenhower.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – discusses with Laura Eisenhower & her guests the ‘Foundation of Systems’ while explaining the way to Win Truth Freedom Health.
- Dr.SHIVA shares the comprehensive principles of applying Systems Science and how this specific curriculum will provide the foundation for anyone who wants to understand how all things in the world works.
- This was all done because the establishment knew that they needed Trump to placate the American working class, they knew if Hillary Clinton was President the American people would have risen up. So they used Trump to pull the Great Reset.
- The other topics/drama polluting the world are all entertainment to divide and distract the masses, as well as discredit people by trying to call them conspiracy theorists and this is how the establishment wants it.
- The establishment does Not want working people to unite & organize to focus on solutions, so they entertain and distract us so that we continue to outsource our attention to someone on TV will fix the problems of the world.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE How We WIN #TruthFreedomHealth with Laura Eisenhower.
Laura Eisenhower: Send to heal and support local villagers. See, I mean, that’s a very foundational, foundational piece. It combines Eastern medicine with Western, I guess.
Well, it’s definitely a bridge. But I mean, like the traditional indigenous medicine and with his background, and the fact that he was getting really switched on at such a young age, I mean, I feel that gave him the ability to go beyond maybe where his colleagues or fellow classmates and people that he went to school with were willing to go. And with that kind of background, not having that sort of like, cabal sort of, grooming or we’re gonna use you for this or that. I mean, the warrior aspect of what he represents is, is so huge. I mean, this guy is a genius. No doubt. These early experiences inspired him to pursue the study of Modern Systems Science, information technology and Eastern Traditional Systems of Medicine to develop an integrative framework linking Eastern and Western medicine. So, in 1978, as a 14-year-old, he was recruited by the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey as a research fellow, where he developed the first electronic emulation of the entire interoffice mail system – inbox, outbox, folders, address, book, memo, etc, which he named Email to invent the world’s first Email System.
Dr.SHIVA: Hello, everyone. For those of you joining, I am doing a live interview with Laura Eisenhower, and we’re going to talk about how do we actually win. So, hope you guys enjoy this. So, I’m going to be doing this with them. So, hello to everyone. This is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. I’m going to be doing a live with David Rodriguez and Laura Eisenhower. So, let me turn it over to them.
LE: Biological Engineering, where he developed CytoSolve ®, a scalable computational platform for modeling the cell by dynamic integration of molecular pathway models. Today, he is the Chairman and CEO of CytoSolve. CytoSolve provides a revolutionary platform for modeling complex diseases as well as for discovering multi-combination therapeutics. He has started several successful startup companies and Dr.SHIVA continues his passion for entrepreneurialism as managing director of General Interactive, a venture fund, that incubates mentors and funds new startups in various areas, including rural healthcare, media, biotechnology, information technology, to name a few. He has also started innovation corps to fuel innovative, or innovation among teenagers worldwide. He serves as a consultant to CEOs and executive management at fortune 1000 companies, as well as government organizations.
David Rodriguez: That’s the longest bio I’ve ever heard. That’s the longest bio you’ve ever read.
LE: I just couldn’t help myself. So come on, come on. Hey, Dr.SHIVA.
Dr. SHIVA: How you guys doing
LE: Dr.SHIVA? How are you?
Dr. SHIVA: Good. I’m doing good. How’s everyone doing? I’m also streaming this.
3rd Guest: I think your camera’s muted.
Dr.SHIVA: Oh, hold on. I’m also streaming this so people can also see what we’re going to talk about. I think people are gonna enjoy it. What I titled it on here as I was listening to you guys was how do we win Truth Freedom Health. So I hope that’s okay. working title, you know,
3rd Guest: Well, I thought I had an impressive resume. Puts me to shame. Incredible.
LE: I mean, some places just like, I wanted to articulate it perfectly. But, man, I was able to do an interview with him not too long ago. And it was just mind blowing. I’ve joined his Warrior Program and just trying to share the inspiration and the proactiveness of it all. I mean, talk about just saying, Let’s not look to these others outside of ourselves, and let’s do it and train people to be empowered and be leaders. So anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to be with us.
Dr.SHIVA: Yes, and I think that’s really the key. I’m just doing some stuff. So I can share with people that I think I’m getting both our windows up here so we can see it. Good. Okay. I think we’re good. Ah, yeah. So what I wanted to really talk about today, which I thought would be valuable is something very practical. You know, we can get involved in a lot of, you know, conspiracy stuff. I was just listening to you, Dave. You know, you’re, you’re sort of, I guess, dumbfounded when people say one thing and then go do another? And I think one of the things we want to discuss there is that what’s happening is that. and I hope people listen to this really well… is that without a solid political, or let me put it… a scientific understanding, and more specifically, an engineering and a very practical hands on understanding of how the world works, people will always be misled. And this is what’s been going on for far too long. People think that there is no physics to politics, right? They think, well, I just, you know, I go vote, or I just want to take a position and something happens, right. And the reality is just like there’s a physics to figuring out how to fly an airplane, or there’s a physics and engineering science that you have to master, if you want to be an electrician, right, or to be a plumber, or to be a master carpenter, for example. It’s not easy to be a great carpenter or to be a great artist or to be a great musician. There has been a disrespect over the last probably 50 to 60 years of the lack of understanding that there is an educational knowledge that people need, and a practical knowledge, not just book reading, but you have to also go practice it in real life, right? So because of that lack of understanding which the establishment has fostered in people, because over the last 50 years with the advancement of Hollywood and celebrity stuff, and politicians, the idea is, it’s the look that you need to do, it doesn’t matter if you really know your chops, right? Doesn’t matter if you really weren’t willing to put the hard work in. It just happens, because it’s who you know, and that kind of culture, right? So we’ve created this very, very decadent culture, okay, which basically has taught people, there’s always a shortcut to something and that you don’t have to put in your effort. And what that’s resulted in is, people when it comes to politics, thinking that they don’t have to do something, okay. So you’re going to outsource something to someone like Trump, you’re going to outsource something for young kids to Bernie Sanders, all you have to do is just say provocative rhetoric, that all you have to do is focus on certain sloganeering, like, “lock her up”, right?, or build a wall or whatever, whatever the slogan of the day is, and therefore having said that, you’ve done your duty. And the reality is that the educational system, over a long period of time, has basically destroyed people’s understanding of what I call Systems Thinking, or System Science, the interconnections between things. And so what I shared earlier tonight, it’s sort of the important thing that I want to repeat, and I’ll keep repeating it, as Laura mentioned, is, you know, my journey was in two worlds, right? But, you know, in the world of politics, because I grew up as a low caste, you know, India has a caste system, which is like racism on steroids. I was exposed to that, as a kid and, you know, disturbed by it. But that led me into wanting to study every revolutionary movement of the world, I studied as a kid. But the other thing that I was also motivated in was to understand why my grandmother who was a healer was able to do these magnificent things and be a healer and practice a system of medicine that she never got formal education in. So what that journey led me through, in a very interesting way, is that the fight for political freedom, fighting against evil, the warrior in people is no different than the healer. In the Ancient Systems of Medicine, the healer and the warrior, the term was the same, like in ancient India, the term Vivier actually meant that he, or she who goes to fight against death, against evil. So in the Christian tradition, you have the Archangel Michael, if you use it as an archetype, Michael has peacock feathers, but he’s the one who chased Lucifer out of heaven. But he’s also the one that you pray to for healing. So he’s the healing but he’s also the warrior, right? There’s no contradiction. If you look in the Indian Hindu South Indian tradition in the Shaivite tradition, you have this God called our deity, called Mulligan, who is the son of Shiva, who’s the God of medicine, but he’s also the god of war. You see, so the dialectics say, if you’re going to fight for people, you know, you must be an angry aggressive person. So you must be all calm and new age and, and speak, you know in a very cool language and then you’re a cool person, right? That’s sort of the New Age movement. So you have the Yogi’s wearing their turbans, right, talking very slowly, you know, be the Sadhguru type or before that Maharishi or Deepak Chopra’s right. And that movement, basically, is a segregation movement says, If you behave like this, then you’re a spiritual being, right? Yeah. Right, you have to talk a certain way. And you have to be vegan. Whatever that is, right? It is a form of segregation, saying you have to look like this, feel like this, talk like this, in order to be taken seriously. And if you look at many of those movements, they’re all directly connected to economic interests, okay. And every, you know, generation, they have a different guru, right? Western guru or Eastern guru, who manipulate people. And if you follow the money trail that typically leads back to money and money and power, okay. It has nothing to do, frankly, with spirituality, or liberating people.
But most of the movements throughout history that were focused on liberation, always asked a question. So, for example, in India in the eighth century, there’s a movement called the Bhakthi movement, which meant the movement of devotion to God, right. But its fundamental premise was also based on what do you do here? These teachers started asking a question, Well, okay, if the ancient great teacher says there’s equality in heaven, and it’s a blissful state, why isn’t there equality on earth? If everything is a part of the spiritual environment, so why do you separate Earth from that? So starting in the eighth century in India, that led to a movement called the buck the movement, buck the movement meant devotion, but it was very much like the Protestant Reformation movement, it had religious origins, but it fundamentally asked a much deeper question, which is, well, why can’t you have equality here. So that led, starting in the eighth century, and by the 15th century, to the rise of this movement, where people were starting to bust up the caste system in India… quite fascinating. So, by the time the British and the Dutch and the Portuguese come to India and are starting with Vasco de Gama, in 1457, so on, there was already the breaking down of the caste system in India, because these very interesting spiritual leaders are saying, “Well, if there’s equality in Heaven, there should be equality on earth”, and so, you have the rise of merchants and artisans, who were before seen as lower caste. So, when you look at the history, when the British for example, and the Dutch and the East India Company came to India, they came to trade with these emerging very vibrant revolutionary movements of traders and artisans. Well, so that was what was going on and the caste system was breaking down. And so in India, what’s fascinating is, the British in 1757, after being there a couple 100 years, they had gotten rid of the Dutch and the Portuguese, they essentially occupied India. They went from initially a trading force, trading with the emerging merchant class of India, capitalism was coming to India, and they ended up actually occupying India. Now when they occupied India, they had a decision to make, were we going to impose British law on these Indians or were we going to do something else to control them? And you know what they did? There’s a great book called The Rise and Fall of the East India Company, written by this guy called Rama, Krishna Mukherjee, I think there’s only one copy of it on the east coast, at the Harvard Weidner School. I had a chance to read it when I was very young. And what it shows is that the British actually instead of imposing British law, they went and found draconian Indian law pre eighth century. So they called all the Brahmin priests together, and they recodified, and they re-instantiated the Indian caste system of 700 years earlier. So a lot of Indians don’t know this, because the Victorian system was very, frankly, very connected with the old indian caste system. Everyone had a place… you are a barber… your son should be a barber… you are a coconut picker, which is what my family were, you should be a coconut picker. So it was a completely racist, segregation, elitist model. So that’s what the British did, because it was a great way to control people. Now by the 1920s, in India, after 300 years of oppression, you know, the British were fighting on many fronts, you know, they were screwing over the Americans. They were screwing here, they realized that they couldn’t fight on many fronts. Their Empire was crumbling, because they had so many different military outposts. They let go of America, but they were focused on India. Well, the Indian masses in the 1900s also started rising up. They wanted a revolution like America had. Violent or nonviolent, it didn’t matter. And there was a workers movement building in India. And they were inspired by the American Revolution, but by the working class movements that were taking place in the United States. In the mid 1800s, which we talked about in our course, it is the women. American women are the ones that led the world working class movement. A lot of people don’t know this. It was in places like Lowell, Massachusetts, where women struck because if you worked in a factory in the 1800s, it was a horrible place to work, child labor, it was filthy. So women are the ones who led those movements in the early, mid 1800s. Those movements escalated by the early 1900s. Well, in the early 1900s, the amount of people who were dying of measles, for example, was about 14 out of 100,000 people. Okay. But by 1945, you know, as World War II was ending, you know, towards that end of ‘48, the number of people dying of measles had dropped down to about one out of 2 million. We had eliminated measles, it dropped by 99%, 15 years before the measles vaccine came. How? Well what happened between 1900 and 1948? And this is what people need to understand. It happened because the American working class rose up militantly. I mean, there were protests all over this country. And all of them have been removed from history books. Blacks, whites… There were American workers in the 1920s, who went and fought in the Spanish revolution against Franco. I don’t know if you know this. There is a great movie called Seeing Red. And what happened at that time was the American working class movement was growing. And the elites in this country got so afraid that they were going to lose it all, that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was forced and the Democrats and Republicans forced to throw concessions to the masses. Okay, we’ll give you the eight-hour work day. Okay, we’ll give you something called Medicare. Okay, we’ll give nutrition. Okay, we’ll give you public education. Okay, we’ll give you sanitation. Okay, we’ll build you highways. That didn’t come out of the republicans and democrats giving people something. It was because the elites were scared shitless. There was a revolution in this country. In the 1880s is when three American workers got shot in the Haymarket riots in Chicago, because they were against the atrocious conditions, those three workers were hanged…..in America. And in commemoration of those workers, those three workers, it was declared as Mayday International Workers Day. It was not a communist thing. It started in commemoration to those workers. When Reagan came into office and he changed it to Law Day, in every other part of the world, they commemorate those American workers who fought. Okay, so all of this shit has been removed from history books. And so starting between 1900 to 1930s, that movement rose, man, that’s why you know, we had highways built. I mean, you have to go study this.
So what does that teach you? When did real change come when people got their shit together, working people the true proletariat. If you read Marx, when Marx talks about the proletariat, he’s talking about people who work. When Engels died, he said the worst people are Marxists. That modern Marxist refers to the word worker to a term that Marx talked about in denigration called the lumpenproletariat, the people who do not work, who take advantage of other people who are criminals. So when Bernie Sanders talks about working people, the guy’s a complete scumbag. He’s talking about people like him, who wrote erotic novels and who failed, who was a couch surfer who just hung around, was a bum, okay? He’s not talking about the hard working American who gets up, has a skill, goes to work or the hard working mother who’s got to do the two jobs, etc. He’s talking about lumpenproletariat like himself. So what happened was, by the 1950s, the elites realized that they could never allow a workers’ movement like that ever to occur… which is totally bottoms up and decentralized. So what do they do? The McCarthy era starts coming. The right wing starts branding. Anyone who talks about working people uniting, “Oh, you’re a communist”, “you’re a Marxist”. That’s capital C, communism coming from Russia. Surely American people can’t ask for their own rights. That must be you know, from China, capital communism. So the right wing did the Red Scare to make sure that no one would ever rise up, bottoms up. And then they had the left wing, say, okay, fine, you don’t need to do bottoms up come to us. We will do the top down mafia controlled unions. So by the 1970s, all of those vibrant Bottoms-up workers movements were destroyed. What they had was a top down movement. Okay, so the unions of the 1970s very different from the trade unions of the 1930 were all controlled by Democrats, you know, who are the union bosses, who basically struck collective bargaining agreements. And they said, “we will never strike”. They sold out the workers. But if you look between 1940 to 1975, around that period, hundreds of millions, 100 million at least 100 million Americans participated in strikes and between 1975 to 2018, maybe 1 million people, you can go look at the numbers. It’s like a cliff. And why is this important? Well, because between 1945 and 1971, the American wage grew for all people with GDP. I mean, you had an explosive growth of the American Pie. It didn’t happen because the elites wanted to help us. It happened because they were scared shitless. People demanded it, and they were independently organized. But starting in 1970, Republicans and Democrats united. Laura, your great grandfather talked about the military industrial complex, you know, starting the mid 60s and 70s. They said, You know what, we can never let this happen again. So they created institutions like the Kennedy School of Government, like McKinsey, like Bain, like Booz Allen, all these think tanks, where those people studied System Science, they started understanding the interconnections. And you know, if you think about engineering system science, how many people get their PhD from engineering at MIT, a couple of 100 people maximum. So if you take a generation 200 people, times, let’s say 40 years, maybe there’s 8000 people on the planet earth who understand system science. Well, I was one of those fortunate people that not only learned it, but then advanced it to showing that there’s a fundamental Science of Systems that not only you can apply to your body as a system, that’s how I was able to decipher the nature of Indian systems of medicine, you can apply to political theory, truth, freedom and health is not a slogan. It’s not a slogan, it is directly related to general systems theory, transport, conversion storage, we talk about this, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, which is related to traditional Indian medicine. So, we have built a framework and educational model that number one people have to understand. They’re out of their minds in 2021 if you think Trump is a revolutionary, if you think he’s anti-establishment, if you think Bernie Sanders is. These people are part of the WWF. Ok Look, the best analogy to everyone. If you want to do this, draw a bird and draw the head of the bird. That’s the establishment. Now draw those shoulders of the bird. You know what that is? That is the obvious establishment. On the left wing of the bird, you have the Hillary Clinton’s and the Joe Biden’s and the Obamas. Okay. On the other shoulder, which is the obvious establishment, you know, the Mitch Mcconnell’s and the Romney’s and the McCains. Okay, that’s the shoulder. Well, it’s obvious. Okay, those are the obvious wings, the obvious shoulders of the obvious establishment. But this is the hardest thing and this is why people need to understand systems theory. We teach this. The establishment is very clever. They have the wings. The birds have a wing? Right? The wings are the thing. The right wing will sometimes bark at the shoulder of that, you know, Trump will say shit against Romney or stuff against McConnell. He just said McConnell is a dumb son of a bitch, right? This is just bullshit. This is like Junkyard Dog on WWF wrestling. At the back end. Trump is doing that because he’s starting a super PAC. He wants to keep his target audience. At the end of the day, he conceded he didn’t do shit against election fraud. He raised 300 million. He had Jared Kushner there for four years. Who now is getting a nice big fat loan.
3rd Guest: That always raised a red flag.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, nothing happened to Hillary. The entire campaign was lock her up. So anyway, so you have that WWF on this, but it’s the wings of the establishment flap, flap flap against the shoulder. So people say oh, yeah, Trump must be anti-establishment. I gave money to him. You probably did. We all thought he was it. But at the end of the day, look at his actions.
3rd Guest: So let me ask you this. You were a Trump supporter and you’re not anymore?
Dr.SHIVA: So here’s my analysis. Okay, so my journey was I never voted in my life. Let me give you the analysis here. In 1984, I don’t know how old you guys are. But you may remember that. There’s a guy called Jesse Jackson who ran against Walter Mondale and Ronald Reagan. Okay. But I have always been studying political theory, revolutionary theory. And I said, well, Jesse saying enough, right? He seems like he’s anti-establishment right? So all my friends at MIT, we supported him, using a rainbow movement, bringing together people, he would attack Reagan and Mondale, you know, etc. Right? So, but at the last minute, what does Jesse Jackson do? He’s the wing. He’s a flapping wing. He gives some sorry ass speech on the floor of the Democratic Convention. And he says, well, you know, we can have the lesser of two evils. He takes his vibrant bottoms up movement, and he carels it right into the Democratic Party, if you remember, and by the way, he got a private plane out of that. That was the gig he got. That’s what I learned later. Okay. And he gives all the votes to Mondale, the lesser of two evils. Well, ever since then, David and Laura, that day, my friends and I at MIT, we started a newspaper called The Student, we were railing against Democrats or Republicans, okay. We helped more blacks and white students get into MIT, we organized the food service workers. So I’ve been doing this for a long time. So I never voted in my life, ever, ever, ever, ever. Remember, the left wing has been very clever doing this, the left has always had its fringe things to get the Bernie’s and the now the AOC’s to flap the wings against the DNC establishment, but it’s to sucker people again. When Trump came, Trump was part of the Reform Party which Jesse Jackson was a part of, but what I watched was when he was on stage, he was doing sort of what Jessie was doing, but from the right. If you’ve all heard him, he was attacking the Republicans, and I said, Okay, let me give this guy a shot. All right. He was saying enough, because typically, when people, when Jesse Jackson got on national TV, he was a little more quiet, he quieted down his rhetoric. But Trump wasn’t doing that. I said, Okay, let’s give this guy a shot. Okay. So I supported him, registered as an independent, and voted for him. I was invited to the inauguration, went there, and decided to run for political office against Elizabeth Warren. And our slogan was great, only the real Indian can defeat the fake and it was exposing Elizabeth Warren as a racist. Okay. We never got any support from the Trump campaign. It was sort of odd. And then when I ran in 2020, we ran as Republicans. Okay, this time, and we built an amazing campaign. You know, bottoms up. We had 3000 volunteers, Laura, you know, the story, we had 10,000, lawn signs, 20,000 bumper stickers, we were everywhere, man. $2 million. The Republican establishment finds a fool to run against me who had no lawn signs, no, nothing. And on September 1st, which was the night of the primary, people are saying Shiva, you won a landslide on the Republican primary. We win in the hand counted county called Franklin County, by 10 points in every other county, this pasty faced white guy who has nowhere to be found wins, wins in the black neighborhoods wins 60/40 60/40 60/40 60/40. There’s no way that happened. That’s when I realized election fraud takes place here. We started doing the investigation, I was the one who found out that they destroyed ballot images. In all those counties that I lost, there were 90% electronic voting machines. That’s when I discovered that on those electronic voting machines, they have a feature called the weighted race feature where they can multiply your vote by a fraction, your vote is not even stored as a whole vote. Well, okay. So if Laura got 1000 votes, you got 1000 votes, they can multiply Laura’s votes by point five and yours by point two. Okay, or two. This is a feature that is…. forget China, Mike Lindell is completely wrong on this blaming China. It’s red blooded Americans doing this to other red blooded Americans. And this is how the establishment wants us to do. Sort of these fringe theories versus looking at the reality. So I went to the State of Massachusetts and I said, I want the ballot images, which are the images that are created when you scan a ballot, and that is what the AI looks at to figure out who voted for who Okay, well, for Laura or for you? So I went to file the FOIA. And the response I get back is, “oh, we, we don’t save the Ballot Images”. Now, in 1974 the law was passed for federal elections. All records generated in connection with the federal election must be preserved for 22 months. So I wrote back to the Secretary of State and I said, “you know, you violated federal law”. She writes back and doesn’t answer the question. Those email exchanges, I post on Twitter saying the Secretary of State of Massachusetts has deleted valid images in violation of federal law. Bang! I’m thrown off Twitter for three weeks. In the middle of a federal election campaign, a news story tried to do a hit job on me saying, Oh, Shiva is lying. No ballots were destroyed. I didn’t say ballots, you idiots. I said ballot images. Okay, the idiot who wrote that news story did something very valuable for us. He called the Secretary of State, and he found out that they had contacted Twitter, let me repeat, the government of Massachusetts had contacted Twitter to throw me off Twitter. Because we were exposing the fact that the government is violating federal law. So just let that sit in. I’ve been on Twitter since 2011. I spoke about election fraud on Twitter over and over and over again. But the day I shared those four emails, conclusively showing that the Secretary of State authorized these voting machines which have that feature, and they’re deleting ballot images, that’s when I get thrown off. So I knew I had a big lawsuit. The lawsuit was not at that time on election integrity. It wasn’t about section 230. It was about the fact that the government had contacted big tech. So I filed the lawsuit. No lawyer wanted to take it on. I had to represent myself in federal court. And we got 1.) the judge decided to hear us which is a big victory… all of Trump’s stuff was never heard. Threw it all out. Okay. And 2) the judge gave me all the terms of my restraining order. He reprimanded the Secretary of State. He goes… if you have a problem with Dr.SHIVA, why don’t you go on Twitter and argue it out? Because I may be 75 years old, but I still believe in the First Amendment. This is a federal judge who took on Whitey Bulger, by the way, we got very lucky with a libertarian judge. Then, more recently, he told us that he also wanted us to sue Twitter too. In the hearing, he said more than likely Dr.SHIVA will prevail in this lawsuit in the big $1.2 billion lawsuit, because we will show state action was involved. This is not big tech, it’s not big pharma. It is the government who works with Big Tech. We live under fascism, to use the word socialism and communism. It’s a diversion. We live under fascism. It is a very particular term that involves when the government and big corporations have become one. That is what has occurred in the United States right now. And we have the lawsuit of the century. All of Trump’s lawsuits were thrown out. Rudy Giuliani was getting paid 100 $120,000 a week. I was the one who did the Michigan analysis, and Arizona, and then Trump retweeted me after two years, then Eric Trump called me then Mark Meadows called me not because they wanted to support us, they were saying shit, Shiva is actually doing the real stuff. We were running this fake thing to raise 300 million dollars. This is called wag the dog. And this is this.
3rd Guest: Okay, I understand everything you’re saying. I’m just wow.
Dr. SHIVA: Yeah, I know. I’m hitting you, man.
3rd Guest: This is a gut punch to me right now. So sorry. I’m trying to understand that. So what’s your analysis? They’re all part of the same system. I understand that. What’s your final analysis on Trump?
Dr.SHIVA: Trump is part of the not so obvious establishment WWF wrestling. That’s what he is. Well, let’s look at this. In fact, now, so now we can unpack the whole thing since you asked. Okay. Yeah, let’s go. So the key thing I want to first of all, everyone listening, if you want to get serious about winning, I’m here to educate you. I’m a catalyst. Right. I’ve talked to Laura… every Monday night, you know, it’s a three hour class I host as part of it’s part of the truth freedom, health warrior training program. And people shouldn’t only attend that class once you better probably come to it over and over and over again. This has taken me 15 years to put these concepts together. You can go to vashiva.com/join, and people should join there. And it’s important that I push this because if I don’t push it’s sort of a disservice that I’m doing. But the critical thing here, David is this. One of the important things for people to understand is that you cannot not follow the money. Okay. Well, the establishment wants us to get involved in bots and transhumanism and aliens and…could be happening. I’m not opposed to that. They may be there. Right? But, you know, the great Buddha said something interesting, I don’t know if you know what Buddha said, he was quite enlightened. People would ask him if there’s a God, is this life an illusion, you know, and he said, Look, I’m not going to answer those questions. He was much more practical. Let’s talk about the here and now. Yeah, life may be an illusion. Well, then in that matter, it’s all like, it doesn’t matter. You see what I’m saying? If there’s a God or not, yeah, matters may not matter. But what does matter is the following. That when you follow the money, and you go back to look at 2008. What happened in 2008? a guy called Barack Obama, (by the way, a lot of Trumpers voted for Obama, okay), he was a black guy that was put there because the establishment and their marketers and their people understand Systems Science, You know what they’re watching every day? They’re watching the sentiment of the American working class. That’s what they’re tracking. And they know that the American working class starts getting smarter, but they’re very, you know, they’re most of them are so imbued with work. They can’t, you know, they don’t have time to go to a protest, right? But they watch which way the working class is moving and shit, they’re getting really upset. Okay, let’s shove this black guy in front of them called Barack Obama, okay. And he’ll talk about hope and blah, blah, blah, he’ll give a good speech, which we will write for him. Right. And what did Barack Obama ultimately do in 2008, he sold out the working people, when push came to shove, he implemented quantitative easing. What was quantitative easing? He could have completely let the big banks fail. He didn’t do that. What did Obama do? He literally created this new phenomenon called quantitative easing. It basically said that when the elites go to their bank accounts, suddenly money is just going to show up in their ATM accounts. And you’d literally let them print money. And what that meant was that, that printing, it wasn’t even printing it was just like, suddenly, you had $4 trillion in your account. They just made it up. Okay, so that was called quantitative easing a big word meaning I just fucking gave you money, excuse my language, right? I just frickin stole from the working people. And I just gave it to you. Okay. That’s what Obama did. He didn’t let Goldman Sachs fail. He didn’t let any of those banks fail, because they were his people who he knew at Harvard. Right? They were his buddies. That’s what happened. So what did quantitative easing do? Quantitative easing artificially boosted up the stock market. It basically kept interest rates low. Because interest rates today, David and Laura, should be around six to 8%. What are interest rates? Interest rates are a measure of the demand for capital, right? More demand for capital. That means business. Small businesses are doing well. They need to borrow loans. So they kept interest rates low. Why? Because the elites, the big corporations are running businesses like Jared Kushner, like Trump, who needs loans, low interest rates, loans, that’s how they build. The real estate business is not anything – a genius business. Jared Kushner got into Harvard, his dad gave Harvard $2.5 million. He was running slums here because Papa gave him money. When Papa gives you money, you go buy a couple of homes with Papa’s money, then you put some renters there, then you leverage that money with low interest loans and you go buy more. It’s not like you’re making or creating anything.
3rd Guest: So the question, yeah, so this is what happened with Obama in 2008. In a sense, the same system is controlling everything, which I agree with you 100%. Everything you said in here, I agree with you. But so what was the purpose of Trump? Here comes Trump. So what was that?
Dr.SHIVA: So first of all, follow the money. In 2008. The Elite system was gone. It should have been blown up. Obama rescued them because they need him. He’s part of the elites, right? So what did he do? He rescued them about 4 trillion bucks at the time, right? They printed for them. They kept the interest rates low. So since 2008, the interest rates have been about one to 2%, right? The US GDP, everyone can write this down on the back of a napkin, is $22 trillion dollars. Now, what is the interest in that? What is the amount that we owe on that 22 trillion now that we owe $22 trillion in debt. The GDP is 22 trillion. What is GDP? The simple definition of GDP is something very simple. Take all the working people in the United States and add up all their salaries. That’s GDP. It’s the gross domestic product. Okay, so 22 trillion is the gross domestic product of the American people. 22 trillion is our debt. Okay, what is the budget every year? It’s about four to 5 trillion. How do you get that? Let’s assume every average American is paying on average 20% in tax, okay. On average 20% of 22 trillion is what? $4 trillion, okay. 80% of that 4 trillion is only contributed by 20% of people. 80% of the taxable is coming from 20%, which means most of it is coming from the middle class working people right now. So what has happened here is that when you look at those numbers, the elites cannot have the interest rate go over one or 2%. Why, let’s say the interest rate is 6%. That means every year you’re going to be paying 6% of 22 trillion, which is the debt, which is what? $1.2 trillion. So they keep the debt at 1%, so you only have to pay 200 billion. So they basically put themselves between a rock and a hard place. They’ve created a fictitious economy of Jared Kushner’s getting loans and building bullshit businesses. slums, for example. Right, by low interest loans. So when Obama did that in 2008, they artificially have kept the interest rates low. So now this is occurring, by the way globally, okay. So now the elites are sitting there saying shit, you know, It’s like the pot is boiling, because you know, who’s actually being productive? People like myself who are starting a business, people like you, people like you Laura, right, small business guys, we’re actually creating real businesses.
3rd Guest: And then Trump comes in?
Dr.SHIVA: Well, well, so 2008 to 2016, they still see production taking place. Small businesses need loans. So the demand for money was increasing. So the interest rates should be going up. So they knew they needed to do a Great Reset. What is a Great Reset? How do you keep the interest rates low?
LE: Not wanting to interrupt but Gesara/Nesara and the Great Reset? Not wanting to interrupt, but I mean, there’s the Great Reset. I mean, is that a conspiracy?
Dr.SHIVA: So the interest rates are going to grow? David, okay. And Laura, they’re about to, because small businesses
3rd Guest: before Trump came in, they weren’t talking about the Great Reset.
Dr.SHIVA: What I’m saying is this…it was actually planned. Because if you look, from 2017 to 2018, suddenly, interest rates shot up 10% and that was called the repo rate. Okay. My point is, the elites knew. My position is, they knew as early as 2012 to 2014, that they needed to slow down the entire world economy. So take that at face value for a second. So, how are you going to do that? You’re basically going to have to come up with a way to basically stop demand for capital, which means slow down the motion of the economy, you follow me? In order to do that, wow, wouldn’t a pandemic be great? Because you have to slow down the world economy. So, given that they knew that they needed to do that… if you follow this through, now, look at the world. When you look at the world, and you’re a systems guy, and that’s what these guys do, they’re saying, Okay, we got to slow down this freakin economy. Who is going to be the most antagonistic towards us? Who is going to stop us? Which group of people in the world if we wanted to do the great reset in 2016, would be the most against us? Forget an individual, which group of people is it going to be… the Chinese working people? No, they don’t have weapons. They’re just slaves, most of them, right? Because of the thumb of the Chinese Communist Party.
3rd Guest: The American worker.
Dr. SHIVA: There you go. It’s not the Indian workers. The Indian workers don’t have weapons, the Australians they disarmed them. The American working class… they calculated as the only group on the face of the planet who would become a force, like in central Mass, there are a lot of people with guns a lot of working class people, quote unquote, conservatives, okay. If you went and told that guy, let’s say Hillary was in office in 2019, okay. 2018, and you went to that guy, and you said, I’m going to shut down your business and your gym and your restaurant. That guy’s got weapons. Do you think if Hillary was in office, that guy he wouldn’t have allowed that. Right. But if Trump was in office, this is what they did. They put Trump in, because, if you believe elections are selections…..follow the logic all the way through. Eliminate your cult like support for one person. When I looked at the data, they have the ability to flip elections anytime. And in fact, during 2016 many people came to Hillary and they said….you know, there was voter fraud. She didn’t care about it. Okay. So let’s follow this logic. They put Trump in also in 2016. Why? Because what was the first thing Trump did when he got into office within 24 hours? He said…..Well, you know, she’s been through a lot, referring to Hillary. Ivanka met with Chelsea So nothing happened to Hillary. Nothing. The entire campaign was lock her up, lock her up, lock her up, right?
The last point I want to make here……And then two weeks after that, you started seeing the Q videos, the Q videos were trust the plan, you know, this is the Messiah. So what did that actually materially do? All of my friends who were the working class people in America who were armed to the teeth, by the way, who thought Trump was their Savior, said okay, he’s going to do something. Okay. Give him another year. Okay. He’s, you know, His hands are tied. He’s gonna do something, trust the plan. So that went on not one month, not six months, not one year, not two years…..all the way until the end? So this was very clever. Okay. The working class in America, who are typically hard working blue collar people……those blue collar people were used by Obama for a while. The black guy didn’t work out for them. Let’s try the white guy. Okay, the guy who will talk about “make America great again” and they’ll present it like, oh, yeah Trump works with the working class. Right? We heard that story, right. He knows construction workers. Yeah, my daddy and I were on the construction site…. bullshit. I’m sorry, you’re not part of the working class Donald Trump. Neither are you, Ivanka. No matter what you say, Don Jr., you go kill animals out in the Safari for fun. Working class people don’t do that. F off. Okay. This was a cult that they brought us into. The day that he didn’t do anything to Hillary……that’s when everyone should have left the cult. But we didn’t. The cleverness of Trump….. look, I’ve lived in Hollywood. Most of those people in Hollywood like to use the word star fucker. You know what they refer to all those people that say? Can I have your autograph? I want to hang out with you. That’s the way Trump thinks about working people. I had a friend of mine, Frank who busted his buns for him. Okay, but when those people leave, they have great disdain for the working people. It’s an act, David. And why should we put all of our energy……
3rd Guest: At what point? And Dr. Shiva, I’m just trying to get inside your mind a little bit. And I have supported Trump, but listen, I’d be lying if I don’t see, you know, certain things that are just flat wrong. And I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. At what point did you say? Basically Fuck this.
Dr.SHIVA: I will tell you the date. It was on January 3rd. Okay. Of this year, when I connected all the dots.
3rd Guest: So you don’t believe there’s anything happening behind the scenes? You don’t believe the white hats?
Dr.SHIVA: bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Bullshit. Okay. Okay, let me tell you what’s going on. You have to go back to political theory. This is why if you go to force equals mass times acceleration, if you go to F equals g times m one times m two over r squared if you go I mean, it doesn’t matter what the hell you think. Right? Bernoulli’s principle exists because it’s natural laws. Okay. If you go but.. .…there is a physics to this and the physics is this….. the establishment has a left and a right that is obvious, it has the not so obvious controlled opposition. This is part of them. The left had it with the Obamas and the Bernies. The right needed it.
What happened was……first of all I saw that we were on in the campaign here. Trump never came and supported us. We were totally, I mean, you can talk to our volunteers like when’s Trump gonna support us? Nothing, nothing, nothing. Okay. All of the people that Trump was bringing into his campaign, everyone’s saying, Well, you know, he brought in John Bolton, he brought in the biggest scumbags of the GOP and Erik saying poor Trump, you know, he can’t find anyone. I’m sorry. Everyone around him was a swamp. Okay. If you’re a so-called ‘Revolutionary’ going against the establishment, you better go all out against them. You don’t bring in Rex Tillerson, you don’t bring in stupid Ivanka and Jared, okay, who were………
LE: Dershowitz?
Dr.SHIVA: Yea, Dershowitz. Months before that, you know, months before that Jared Kushner was doing fundraisers for Cory Booker.
3rd Guest: Let me ask you this. What did, why did they just keep Trump in office? Why did they bring in Biden?
Dr.SHIVA: Let’s talk about that. Okay, good question. Okay. So here’s the deal.
LE: No, that was a great question. Anyway.
Dr.SHIVA: Right. It’s all about political capital, right. They needed Trump, right? They needed Trump to pull off this thing called the Great reset. All right. And part of what the establishment does that’s very clever. It’s about demoralizing people. There’s a mind game here. Okay? If you talk to most Tumpers, where are they right now? They’re demoralized.
3rd Guest: 100%.
Dr.SHIVA: After people supported Bernie, you remember, I had a friend of mine, Laurie here 2016, she goes, Shiva, you should support Bernie. Bernie is going to fight. I said, Bernie’s full of shit. I said Bernie’s never worked. He’s going to do exactly what Jesse Jackson did. And she stormed out of my house, and said Shiva, you’re an asshole. You always are too critical. Bernie’s going to change things. And I said, watch my words, Laurie, and you can tape it. On the floor of the Democratic Convention, Bernie will, you know, bend over for Hillary Clinton, okay. And she said there’s just no way. Bernie will never do that. And if you remember what happened, that’s exactly what he did. Okay. And what happened to the Bernie movement was all these young kids were like, demoralized. Oh, my God, what happened? You had the Bernie movement split. Some people stayed with the establishment, other people just demoralized, they just like gave up. So what one of the things the establishment wants to do is they want to corral people in and then blow up people who are the real fighters. Okay? If you look at what happened on January sixth……and this is when things became absolutely clear. I was watching Linwood speak, you know, and by the way, we were helping all of these guys, we did so much mathematical analysis for these guys. Huh?
LE: Well, you’ve mentioned in the last interview you actually were able to actually work with Lin pretty close. Anyway. Sorry. Yeah.
Dr.SHIVA: What we noticed was the following. Okay. Um, you know, September 1 through October 30. We were the ones who were exposing what was going on mathematically with these machines. No one supported us. We did all that analysis, myself, Phil Evans, Doug. We didn’t get paid a penny for that. Okay. We’re the ones who still have two multiple victory cases in court. Well, when November 3rd occured, we were prepared. I was the one that did that Michigan analysis and showed that beautiful line that should not be a line. And then I did the analysis for Arizona, right. And then Trump retweeted me. It’s after I did Michigan and went viral that I got a call from Mark Meadows. And this was fascinating. It was, I think, early November, on a weekend, I just finished teaching a class, Mark Meadows calls me. Here’s the Chief of Staff of the United States White House, perhaps the second most powerful person in the country, calling me and telling me Shiva, how can we help you? And I said, Mark, give me data. I can show all of the things, how fraudulent they are. So that was on a Saturday. Mark said, Okay, I’ll give you data. Sunday, I said, look, Mark, here’s an analysis I’ve done. And you know, how hard is to get data? We were awake nights and days. So he said, Okay, I’m going to get you data. Monday comes with nothing. Tuesday, we got a call from the RNC, Rona McDaniels office. Oh, how can we help you Dr. Shiva? Give me data. Nothing, nothing. And then I did a tweet because that’s when I started wondering, wow, is Trump part of this? Why is he not fighting this hard enough? Here? I just did this analysis. MIT PhD. I’m a math guy, right?
LE: Three PhDs
Dr.SHIVA: Three degrees, one PhD, right? So on that day, what happened is, I did a tweet, I said, Dear President Trump, Dear Mr. Biden, I have data that will show that we no longer have ‘One Person, One Vote’, and I’m willing to share it with you. And I was putting Trump on notice too. Are you serious about fighting? That was a Thursday, then Eric Trump reached out to me. Never heard from them. Okay. And I said, Eric, I don’t believe anyone is serious about fighting this issue. I said, no one’s giving us data. So then he said, Oh, talk to the Trump campaign’s lawyer.
So here, we’re dealing with the White House, organization, one, Mark Meadows. Over here. We’re dealing with Republican National Committee at the Ronna McDaniel level. And then suddenly, I’m connected with the Trump campaign. And I said, look, you know, no one’s giving us data. I said, Do you have the data? Yeah, we have it. Are you going to give it to us? Silence that went on for two weeks? Nothing, David. They never gave us data. When I did Arizona. We did that on our own. I wasn’t supposed to be the speaker. So, I suddenly show up at the hearing. I think Rudy Giuliani was taken aback then if you saw the cross examination, which we showed that went viral. Then Trump retweets that where I showed this beautiful curve, showing that it was so manipulated, and that’s when Trump retweeted me, because the Trumpers were saying, Wait a minute, Shiva is fighting this real fraud. What are they doing? And after that, nothing happened. Lin Wood gave me some data, which we helped in Georgia, but if you read their lawsuits, David They’re all bullshit.
LE: When you mentioned that Sidney Powell has like all these grammatical errors.
Dr.SHIVA: If you read them all, so it’s like the first line is they spell the United States wrong.
3rd Guest: So let me just get the gist of it here for my audience, and then we’re just gonna break it down in an elementary way to my audience. All right. So basically, in comparing this, they’re all part of this kind of like this, when you compare it to the analogy you gave is like this WWF? Yeah, whatever. I think it’s WWE now. Okay, so. So Trump, basically you’re saying is in on all this, what I’m trying to hold on to, in a sense that, you know, how can he go off and after this for the people, because they’re gonna want to know this, go off and do all these rallies campaign, kill it for all these rallies, expend all this energy and all these rallies, getting closer to the election and then lose to Biden. And then if he’s really part of this, you would have known that Biden was going to win. So if he would have been a part of this in the very beginning, then would you also say is it part of venture out to say that we could expect Trump to re-emerge at some point, like they’re saying that he could, in 2021 day, fix the election, he comes back, and that will still all be part of the grand scheme of things all part of the big
Dr.SHIVA: David you’re asking a good question. Let me just, you know, it’s
3rd Guest: like, it’s all under the same umbrella. Right? So they’re all just players in the game, are pawns in the game, would you venture on to say that when Trump re emerges and ignites a start up with his rallies? Again, he goes for it again, that he’s basically part of the big play again, that it’s all going to be controlled? I don’t know if I’m making sense.
Dr.SHIVA: No you are. But let me help you refine your question, how you answer the question will help you. The real question that we must ask is, this is the real important question, right? Where is our attention going? If we truly want change, right? And if you look at what I just shared with you, the 1920s 30s, right? Do you think Donald Trump will bring about change for the American people? Do you think Joe Biden will bring about change?
3rd Guest: I will answer like this? And here’s what I think I’m a boxer, right? A professional fighter my entire life. And who wins? The promoter. The promoter has both the fighters in the fight? Right? We always know that I’m just fighting for myself, but the promoter is the big winner. Like saying they have two horses in the race? Right? They have two fighters in the fight? Is that what we’re looking at? The big boys up there are controlling both sides. They have Trump, they have Biden. They have all this and is just a play that’s being acted out right now. For the people that feel like they’re making some kind of change. And then let’s say Trump comes back in like six months, and there’s voter fraud and they figure it out. And he re-emerges, it proves that Q is right. Is that what’s desired. Is this all a fucking act? Is that the plan that basis all there is to this all a theater?
Dr.SHIVA: Yes, it is a theater because
LE: We’re getting him. It didn’t make sense right now. We just have to insert that the targeting from the media to make people hate him like this.
Dr.SHIVA: Watch. Okay. Have you guys ever watched WWF wrestling? When you watch it, you have a guy that everyone hates, right? The guy they make look like the villain. So in standard storytelling, you have the protagonist and you have to create an antagonist. Okay. Right. This is a standard story. Joseph Campbell storytelling, okay. You create an antagonist and you create a protagonist, okay. The Democrats need Trump. Why? Because he’s a good protagonist for that. Okay. Romney and McConnell are not good enough. protagonists. Okay. You need……..if it wasn’t Trump, they’d have to create one.
LE: Real quick McConnell used to show up at our house all the time. My mom was like friends with him. I was like, something’s not right with this guy.
Dr.SHIVA: really? Yeah,
LE: yeah. And his daughter. I can’t remember her name, but Oh, my God.
Dr.SHIVA: No, no, no, but look, what I think the point is, you’re bringing up something interesting, Laura. Look, the issue is David, stop thinking about it as a conspiracy. Think about it as an implicit set of people who have a club. Okay,
3rd Guest: I do see it that way. So what’s the final result of this? What is the final desire? Is it civil unrest, a civil war, world depopulation?
Dr.SHIVA: Okay. It’s much simpler than that. Keep it simple, stupid principle. Kiss, occam’s razor, okay. Yeah, it’s very simple. Okay. A rich man wants to be king and a king ain’t satisfied ‘till he rules everything. You have a couple of thugs. Thug who owns this area over here another thug here, maybe thug one dresses a little better. Maybe he says stuff that gets his people riled up King one king two, right? They don’t want the peasants rising up against either of them. This is what they want to do. They want to expand their territories. They may have some internal disagreements from time to time. But when push comes to shove, like they need quantitative easing to keep interest rates low, they will do whatever it takes to do that, okay, because you know, what if interest rates go up, Trump doesn’t win. Jared Kushner got a $250 million loan from Soros. Trump as Trump Towers got a loan about a decade ago from Soros. Okay, I have a place in New York. I’ve lived out on the west coast. You go to Nobu, which is a restaurant in Hollywood. Okay, in Malibu. You’ve been to Nobu, right? You go to Nobu. Over there, you have the VIP section, you see the same old freakin people there. It’s the same old little cult of people, the same old set of people who control Hollywood, okay? And they may have some minor disagreements, but when push comes to shove, they’re one class of people, Jared Kushner, and Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton, and all of them are part of the same circles, and you and I are not part of that club. So maybe one day she wears a polka dot dress and they make fun of her wearing it. I don’t know something else. Okay? They may have some frickin disagreements, and they may appear to us as wow, big disagreements, all right. But at the end of the day, they’re one class of people. They may even not like each other viciously on some issue, David, that’s not the issue.
3rd Guest: The red flag for me has always been Jared Kushner. Really All right. That has always raised a red flag.
LE: Trump is not part of the Cabal kind of child trafficking pedophilia stuff.
Dr.SHIVA: No, what I’m saying is it’s more like this. Okay. The emphasis we put on this one individual…… look by the way, he hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. Okay. We don’t know how much…….
LE: He also tried to take down….I mean, in his administration, that’s when Jeffrey Epstein got busted.
Dr.SHIVA: Maybe, but maybe we don’t know. Maybe Jeffrey Epstein……….
What I’m saying is we don’t know, Laura, the thing is, so it’s like when you’re watching WWF wrestling. If we get involved in these characters too much, we’re never going to be able to solve it. And that’s when they got us. That’s the addiction.
LE: I’ve never voted, that’s why I love talking to you because you’ve never voted either.
Dr.SHIVA: I have a clean voting record. The first time I voted was for Trump, but my point is…..this is theater. Okay. They want the masses to pay them for the popcorn, pay them for the tickets.
3rd Guest: Bread and circus, give them bread and circus
Dr.SHIVA: and give them bread and circus? You nailed it. They do not want us doing…..
3rd Guest: As long as they keep us divided Dr.SHIVA, right, just fighting against each other. It’s this team against that team.
Dr.SHIVA: And they’re very clever. So Trump today will say something against McConnell. Oh, he’s a son of a bitch. You know, he has to say just enough to keep his positioning.
3rd Guest: How does the Q movement intertwine with this? Why would that be created?
Dr.SHIVA: I’m not an expert in psychology, right. But I can tell you,
LE: You’re a prodigy, and like the greatest doctor that……..
Dr.SHIVA: What I’m saying is it’s not a degree or something. But what I can tell you is this. Those in power are extremely clever when Laura’s great grandfather did a talk and he had to wait until he was going to get out of office, right, it was his last talk. He said, you know, we have the military industrial complex, by the way, as I shared with Laura, J. Stratton, who was a science advisor, as a president of MIT, originally said military industrial academic complex, as I understand that took away “academic”, the MIT guy took it away. It was Fulbright, who used the term military industrial academic complex about 10 years later. The point being that here you have someone like the President of the United States. He has to be very careful about even talking about this, right? Let’s say when you look at someone like Kennedy who also was figuring this out. It wasn’t like, in my view, it wasn’t like they planned out his exact execution. It was more an implicit agreement. And that implicit agreement was more like this. Right? The implicit agreement was oops, let me just start this again. The implicit agreement, one second. I’m sorry about this. One second. The implicit agreement here was something a little bit different. It went like this. Okay. This guy’s not in the club, okay? He’s not in the club. He’s not behaving right. Okay, you belong to some society club, right? And you know that guys, you know, you belong to a health club. That guy’s a little bit weird. You belong to some Fight Club? I don’t know, right? We gotta get him out, right? It’s an implicit arrangement where the swarm…you ever see the birds flying in a swarm? Right?
LE: Yeah, like, like today, I was like, whoa.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, so Laura, it’s a swarm effect. Let’s say one thing goes out. They just push it out. It’s the omega wolf, they get rid of it. So my point is you have to understand this is an implicit understanding, okay. They don’t want real people. Because we wondered why Trump did not support us in the campaign against Warren? I’m the one who got her to take the DNA test. We were the ones who exposed her. We met with Donald Trump Jr. because they still contained the movement, okay. Trump brought in all the non Trumpers. Why? Why did he bring John Bolton in and don’t try to even rationalize it. He brought in John Bolton who was a freakin warmonger. He brought in Rex Tillerson. Where were the trumpers? They’re all opportunists who came into that White House. Trump was a little in my view, the pawn of Jared Kushner. You know who we had as president? Jared Kushner. Jared Kushner……..
3rd Guest: Did Trump know that Biden was gonna win, I mean, why would you expend the energy doing the rally after rally after rally after rally in different cities and boosting everyone’s morale? And then all of a sudden, poof…just money?::
Dr.SHIVA: Follow the money. Okay, let’s look at the last eight weeks of the Trump campaign. They raised over $300 million. And if you look at it, starting on November 3rd, they were using the words “voter fraud”. Then they started using the word “election fraud”. They raised 300 million, David, follow the money, it becomes easier to understand
3rd Guest: What about the executive orders he signed against voter fraud? And election interference and all that in 2018? September 2018. Yeah. And then what was this for? Was it just optics?
Dr.SHIVA: What was the last executive order that Trump signed right before he left? He said you could have foreign lobbyists, which is what Jared wanted to do. Okay? Because you could be a foreign lobbyists consultant, go look it up. The thing that he was against, he signed, because it was favorable for him. You have to understand, running for office has become an industry. They raised $1.2 billion. Okay. And I haven’t had a chance to verify it. Half of that money went to a media organization, David, and we should all go explore this, which was run by Jared and the family.
3rd Guest: I’m not saying you’re wrong on any of this stuff. Believe me. I’m just asking questions. And so what are your thoughts on the whole white hat, black hat conspiracy is?
Dr.SHIVA: Look, my position on this is the following, David. I want to build, or be a catalyst to build a movement that goes back to what has worked before. And I look at engineering science. What worked before was when working people organized an independent movement. This is what we need to understand. If you have roads today, if you have nutrition today, if we got any of the gains that working people had, it was because of those bottoms up movements that took place in the 1900s. Period, period, period, period. So if you want to talk about actual change, it wasn’t Trump, it wasn’t Franklin Delano Roosevelt, it wasn’t Jesse Jackson. It was people’s movements. Okay. So now if you follow that…..you just used the word bread and circus. They don’t want the masses doing that ever again. They never want us doing that ever again, ever, ever, ever. Election fraud……you know how you actually solve it? Hand counted paper ballots, votes counted in the local precincts. Well, we’re starting our movement for Truth Freedom Health and doing that. We have hundreds of our Truth, Freedom and Health warriors across the country now going to individual town halls….which anyone can do…… we teach them, asking for two pieces of data. I want to know in the 2020 election, how many people voted, the actual names of people that voted called the participating voters? Let’s say that count is “a” and then how many “b” were the ballots cast? Well, “a” better equal b, but we’re finding “a” doesn’t equal “b”. Okay. We’re going to be filing lawsuits shortly. And I’m teaching people how to do it like I learned. That’s a Bottoms-up movement,
3rd Guest: Can I ask you another question? I know we’re getting pressed for time here. But I want to ask you Dr. Shiva.
LE: Oh, go ahead. I know people are like chomping at the bit wanting to ask you a question Dr. Shiva. Oh, go ahead, David.
3rd Guest: So yeah, well, we’ll take some questions after this. A lot of people want to ask you some, but I want to ask you, let’s say in the grand scheme of things, let’s just say Arizona and New Hampshire and all them solve it and Trump comes back. Let’s say that’s what everyone wants in 2021. Trump re emerges. Are you gonna say that’s exactly what these elitist want?
Dr.SHIVA: I’m just saying we’re wasting our time. Who the fuck cares about Trump? We’re wasting our time. We need to build a bottoms up movement. Wrong strategy. I’m saying this has nothing to do with Trump or Biden.
LE: Sorry. No, seriously, like, you got the formula…..
Dr.SHIVA: Fuck Trump, fuck Biden, excuse my language. The reason I use that f-u-c-k word is to break people’s engrams in their brain.
LE: It’s my favorite word anyway?
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah. The bottom line is people need to be very honest with themselves. And this is the question I ask people. First of all, do you want to change the world or not? If you accept this, great. You can go do your massage and do your yoga, sit under a tree. Do your gardening great. You can have your little supposed oasis, right? But you can’t really because the world is interconnected. Or if you want to change the world, then you have to be very serious. Do you want to be entertained? Which then go watch Tucker Carlson because he’s an entertainer. Go watch Trump talk about Trump all day, talk about white hats, black hats, all that crap. But if you’re serious, then go start learning. I’ve created the infrastructure for you to do that. If you’re serious. If you’re serious about building a bridge, you better learn finite elements, you better learn the theory of elasticity, or all your bridges are going to fall apart. If you want to build an airplane, you better understand some aeronautics and astronautics. If you want to be an electrician, you better put in your 8000 hours of journeyman trade. If you want to change the world and you’re serious, you better understand how movements actually take place. And what has worked. It has always been bottoms up movements. When working people who actually produce value come together. It’s the only way that the slaves have ever gotten what they wanted. Outsourcing that to something called a politician is going to spin your wheels for 20 years and you’re gonna wake up and say shit, I wasted my life. Or maybe 40 years. A lot of people do that. I was a Democrat. I supported them and then I supported Trump. Okay, well, I don’t know what to do. People are all freaking confused right now.
LE: People never voted until Trump sorry. Keep going.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, people didn’t vote until Trump right? The establishment always needs entertainment, to bring people in. Mark Burnett, you know, I had dinner with him, the guy who supported Trump, right? I said, is Trump gonna win? He goes no way, you know, but he had him on his reality show. Okay. The point is, they know how to run a show.
3rd Guest: Even you, even you bought into it. You backed Trump for a while until you snapped out of it.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, I believe that you have to go into this as a scientist. So Jesse Jackson, that was on the left, right? I gave him a shot. And then you look at the actual actions. You actually have to look at the actions. Okay. Trump was saying enough things. All right. But the end action was that Trump was not behaving like Trump. At the end of the day. Why did you bring in Jared Kushner? Why did you not do anything to Hillary? She smashed a hard drive. I mean, in 2015, I gave an interview to the New York Times, they said as the inventor of email, what do you have to say about Hillary Clinton? I said when she put that server in her home, she did it for deniability. I said she should be in jail……long before Trump. They didn’t put her in jail, look at the interview.
3rd Guest: I can’t disagree with you on that. I agree, nothing happened..
LE: I would die. I would prefer to die than share a message than supports a facade. I mean, that’s just me. And I know you guys are similar, anyway.
Dr.SHIVA: So what I’m saying is that day, I remember that day, it was like very quietly said, Oh, she has been through enough. It’s like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, timeout. No one said timeout. No, one said timeout. Well, wait a minute. You went to rallies, lock her up, went on for 15 minutes, lock her up. And then in five seconds, because your daughter and Chelsea are like this, that they had a dinner right after and nothing, nothing is gonna happen to her or wait a minute. Not one indictment, you smashed a frickin hard drive. You put a government server in your home. If you did that David or I did that we’d be in freaking jail for 20 to 30 years.
LE: What about like cloning and like secret space programs, and all that, extraterrestrial, sort of like dark, negative Alien Agenda that they’re not even human right? I mean, what are your thoughts about that?
Dr.SHIVA: What’s that…. these people?
LE: Yeah, they’re not fucking human. Yeah, what are your thoughts about that?
Dr.SHIVA: What I’m saying is, at the end of the day, if you want to use the word human being to define everyday working people who work their butts off, right? And they try to make an honest living, they believe in actual values or spiritual values or whatever it is, right, whatever you want to call it. These people don’t have those values. Well, they see you as a commodity to be exploited. And they think they’re smarter than you. Jared Kushner thinks he’s brighter than you. Okay, Bernie Sanders thinks he’s brighter than you. AOC thinks she’s brighter than you……
3rd Guest: She’s a fucking bartender man. I get it. I get it. You want to take a question? You want to take some questions Dr.SHIVA?
LE: Before we do that, I mean, I hope you know. We just love you so much. Thank you for being with us.
Dr.SHIVA: You’re welcome. The most important thing that needs to happen right now is that everyone listening needs to understand. You have to be honest with yourself. You have to look in the mirror and say, Hey, I just want to be entertained. Be honest. I like Trump because he’s entertaining. Okay, I’m just going to do that because I don’t give a fuck, I just want to be entertained. I don’t really care about change. I’m happy with my life and blah, blah, blah. If you get over that, then you need to understand well, how do I change the world? Number one,
3rd Guest: Let me ask you this. If Trump comes back in 2021, I know you’re gonna dismiss this and say, yeah, that’s bullshit. But let’s just say, let’s just say this guy re-emerges. And he gets put back in office and and I’ve said this, we fixed 2020 or bust, there is no 2022. There is no 2024. Would you change your mind if he comes back or would you say that’s part of the grand scheme?
Dr.SHIVA: The question is, how do we get freedom?
3rd Guest: So in other words, it’s bullshit either way, it’s bullshit.
Dr.SHIVA: It’s bullshit. Look at where we are today. David, look what happened under Trump…..warp speed, masks, right? Censorship, right? The great reset.
LE: I agree with a lot of it. But you’re right.
3rd Guest: He was talking about therapies instead of vaccination. I saw that. I think it was just such monstrosity………
Dr.SHIVA: nobody. But David, here’s the deal. You are the President of the United States. You have a bully pulpit. Okay? right. I’m saying Trump had that bully pulpit, right. That’s what you have. You have just said that you’re leading a revolution against the swamp. Right. That was what we all thought, Okay. The day you get into office, you do nothing against Hillary Clinton, who is like the epitome of the swamp. You say, oh, she’s been through enough.
3rd Guest: Can I get you on Nino’s corner.TV, please? So we can further this? Because I have so many questions. And I would love to just try and get you on the ninoscorner.tv. I’m sorry. I want to volly with you on this, you got a masterful mind. I just want to pick it. And I want to just, let’s just go there, we could get into this deeper and deeper, please.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, we should go into it deeper because understanding what took place will get people to the the real position that needs to be done. Look, the distance between two points, if you use Newton’s, there’s infinite ways you could go from here to here, infinite. But there’s a direct way, which is like this. So the question is, if you look at human suffering over the years, do we want to go fast? Or do we want to do this and this and this and just frickin entertain ourselves, right? And every year that goes by people get more and more enslaved. We’re at a very critical point. We are in fascism right now, and that occurred in the last four years. Let me ask you a question. Do you think if Hillary Clinton won? Quote unquote won and I will put double quotes because it’s a selection I believe, right? Right.
LE: I’ve been calling how evil she is for so long anyway, Anyway, I’ll shut up.
Dr.SHIVA: But Laura, let’s follow through, do you think if she had won, do you think that they would have been able to do everything here without the American working class rising up?
3rd Guest: I don’t know. mean I think they could rise up a lot more now. I mean, people are pissed. People are pissed.
Dr.SHIVA: People are pissed, right? There’s two sets of people, the 70 million people who voted for Trump.
3rd Guest: I think Trump woke up a lot of people to be honest with you. I think he ignited a lot of people’s awakening. And I think now they’re aware of what’s happening. I think if anything right now, he’s ignited a patriot movement where people are pissed off. At least that’s what I see. I’m pissed. And I know with Hillary, people would have just went oh, well, and she would have kicked the can down the road, we would have slid into communism, whatever.
Dr.SHIVA: No, no, now let’s follow your logic through and I’ll show you where there’s some flaws. Let’s say Hillary got elected. Okay. And the day Hillary got in, remember, you have Trump losing, so let’s go back……..
3rd Guest: People were still asleep with Hillary.
LE: no none of us to say it was. I was like on it. And I was like, watch out for that crazy.
Dr.SHIVA: But I would argue the following. Okay. I would say that working class people have always been awake. Okay. I’m talking about the average most working people, the plumber, the electrician. Those people don’t need Trump or Hillary, they already know they’re being screwed, man. Okay. They already know. Maybe the college student doesn’t okay. Maybe the vulnerable educated elite doesn’t, but they’re always gonna vote for the liberals anyway. Okay. The quote unquote, liberals. But working people have always been looking for a champion. And the elites know this. They know marketing. You know, make America great again, that slogan wasn’t created in 2016. Go back and look when it was trademarked.
3rd Guest: When was it, under Reagan?
Dr.SHIVA: No no. Trump trademarked that I think in like 2012 or 2010
LE: That’s like been there, done that, right?
Dr.SHIVA: So what I’m saying is this thing is not organized overnight. Let’s say Hillary got elected, so Trump did all the stuff and Hillary gets elected. Now, the first thing Hillary does, is “I’m going to shut down all the businesses” so just put yourself in there, all those people who are quote, unquote, Trumpers, the week, after Hillary gets in office, she says, I’m going to shut down your gym, I’m going to shut down your auto mechanic store. My question to you and you don’t have to answer this right now. Just play that out. Do you think those people by the way, the American working class has more weapons and all the armies of the world. Do you think those people would have said okay to Hillary? I don’t think so.
3rd Guest: Biden’s essentially doing that right now.
Dr.SHIVA: No, forget Biden now, I’m saying when Hillary was there, if they had done that….do you think? Because remember, we have just gone through this shift.
3rd Guest: I think more people are awake now. Wait, hold on, hold on, but they’re waiting for Trump to come back. And that’s the fucking flaw. That’s the problem. People really believe. And me included, I have that hope, you know, for the people that I talked to and this and that, and blah, blah, blah. The discrepancies are gonna get fixed. And he is going to come back, it’s going to be that we fixed 2020 or bust. There is no 2022 or 2024. I’m going to be with you on this 100%.
Dr.SHIVA: David, do you understand what you’re saying? David? Do you understand every day that you wait like this? How much human….
3rd Guest: Yeah, they get away with stuff? Yeah, look what happened. I agree with that.
Dr.SHIVA: January 3rd, is when I saw this kid who was running “Stop the Steal” behind Lin Wood and you can look him up. He looks like Sammy Davis Jr., this kid. Okay. And he was supporting……He was hanging out with Karl Rove. He supported John Mccain against Ron Paul. This guy was the one who was running Stop the Steal. And then when I saw that, and I said, Oh my god, this is the guy that’s running it. And that’s when we were going to take a bus down. And I said something’s completely off. I called off our bus. My intuition was that something is really F’d up because Trump had invited this guy to the White House.
3rd Guest: Seriously, all this was done on purpose, Dr.SHIVA, all of this was manipulated and planned the route……
Dr.SHIVA: On January sixth, were you there in front of the Freedom Plaza?
3rd Guest: No, I was not there.
Dr.SHIVA: Talk to people that were there… 30 to 40% of people were starting to leave. Trump was giving a concession speech. No one tells you what actually was happening on the ground. Trump did tell people to go over there. He did say I will follow and I will walk with you peacefully. Right? He took off. That’s not a leader. If I say I’m a revolutionary leader, I would have locked arms, walked out with people and say we are not leaving here until the vote is counted. Then he said I will never concede. 4:30am Okay, It’s over. Okay. Right. He took people all the way to the end, man, and then still stupid people like… something’s gonna happen on January 20. Nothing happened. Something’s gonna happen on March 4. Nothing happened. Now, they got people feeling something’s gonna happen on August 4. Nothing’s gonna happen.
LE: I never pay attention to that kind of shit.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, it’s bullshit.
3rd Guest: Dr.SHIVA, so, okay listen, can we continue? continue this conversation? I need those cornered it because we’re out of time.
Dr.SHIVA: Okay, sure.
3rd Guest: Can I get your information again?
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, Laura, can you give him all my information?
3rd Guest: I would love to, I would love to do this. I have a lot of questions. And let’s let me tell you I do respect you, believe me.
Dr.SHIVA: You’ve got to take the Truth Freedom Health warrior training course. Because you basically have an information gap understanding, David, you do not understand the physics of this.
3rd Guest: No, no, no, I do
Dr.SHIVA: No, no, no, no, you don’t you don’t. I’m telling you. Consider me as a teacher right now. Okay. If you were in my class……
3rd Guest: I agree with you……
Dr.SHIVA: I would say, David, David, you’re asking very good questions. I would say, David, you’re asking good questions. But you haven’t done the problem sets. Okay. You have the intuitive understanding, but you don’t get it fully. And you will get it when you look at the arc of history that’s taken place. This is…….
3rd Guest: I do get it. But here’s the problem I’m having. I have people that are good sources to me, that I trust, that are giving me conflicting information than you are. That’s something I’m battling internally. I do understand you, I’m not a dumb person believe me. I get everything you’re saying. 100%. But I get conflicting information. I get information from all different sources. So what you’re saying conflicts with what I’m getting from other people? That is the dilemma I’m having right now. And I’m trying to get this computed here. And it’s, yeah, it’s hard. You know, it’s hard. It’s it’s, it’s agonizing. But I want to understand more. That’s why I’m inviting you on my channel. To understand more. I want to, I want to talk to you longer, because there’s a lot of bases I have not covered with you that I would want to cover with you on my show.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, sure, David. Sure. Definitely. I think the bottom line is, when there is a physics, there is gravity, there is electricity, there is magnetism, these are phenomena, okay. And the phenomenon here is entertainment. Okay, it’s WWF wrestling. Who were Trump’s guys he used to hang out with? Don King. I’m being serious. Don King. Right. Entertainers. Trump wanted to be a Hollywood producer. Okay. He couldn’t do it. He didn’t put in the effort. Okay. That’s what he wanted to be.
3rd Speaker: Do you know what I think would be an amazing Roundtable. I would love to get you on with Juan O’Savin.
Dr. SHIVA: Who is that?
3rd Guest: With Juan O’Savin. Me and Juan O’Savin. You may not have heard him. He’s one of my sources, Intel sources. Great guy. I would love to get a round table with you and him on there. And I think that would do the people justice.
Dr.SHIVA: All right, let’s do that. My point is this man, the bottom line is this, every day that goes by that people don’t build a bottoms up movement, and they rely on this nonsense, right? is another win for the establishment. Okay, if you take 7.2 billion people and work it out from an energy standpoint, and they spend one hour thinking that the establishment is going to help them from above, right? And multiply that by 7.2 billion times all the brain cycles, that’s how much energy we just lost, okay, versus 7.2 billion people saying Fuck off. We’re gonna build a bottoms up….. I’ll leave you with this. Okay. There are, let’s say, a 5 million truckers in the United States, okay. What percentage of them are controlled by the Teamsters? Only 15 percent. I don’t know if you know this, the other 85% of the truckers in this country are run by small businesses. If those truckers said you know what, I’m going to build a bottoms up movement. Oh, you know what, I don’t believe in the vax passport. We’re all going to strike today. That’s how shit happens. You know what, we don’t want GMOs. That’s it. It’s gonna happen like that. Why the fuck are we talking about Trump? Excuse my language? Why don’t we talk about how we’re going to organize the 85% of the small business owners? Why don’t we talk about how we’re going to organize the 100……..
3rd Guest: Because people are led to believe he’s the leader of this movement. That is what they are believing. The people who voted for him.
Dr.SHIVA: No, I don’t think so. Let me ask you a question right here. Okay. I got about 1000 people here. Okay? How many people believe Trump is a leader of this movement? Ask your people, I don’t see anything. How many people…The problem is, if those people do that, this is what I tell them. Please go join that movement.
3rd Guest: He ignited an awakening in the political realm.
Dr.SHIVA: I would say he ignited at the end of the day, a confusion, that is an opportunity now, for people to start a real movement.
3rd Guest: If that’s going to start a real movement, that’s good with me.
Dr.SHIVA: I would also say that the good thing about what’s taking place is people are going to let go of the Obama the black guy, they’re going to now let go of the white guy Trump, because they both screwed them both misled them.
3rd Guest: and they’re going to get screwed by Biden.
Dr.SHIVA: Well, yeah, but they’ve been always getting screwed by I mean, this is the status quo. This was a way to consolidate power, which just took place. They needed Trump to execute the great reset, David, they needed him.
3rd Guest: So you don’t believe in Nesara/Gesara? None of that. That’s all that’s conspiracy to you?
Dr.SHIVA: Well, all I’m saying is, whatever is going on over here. It’s a distraction. What I can definitely tell you, that when people rise up, Bottoms-up, that’s when change takes place.
3rd Guest: So what’s your thoughts on the Q movement? A complete psyop?
Dr.SHIVA: Total bullshit. I think it was great entertainment, entertainment. Good writing.
3rd Guest: And what if, last question and I’ll let you go Dr. Shiva and then you’re gonna come on in nino’s corner, you promised me?
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, sure.
3rd Guest: Okay, so what if Trump does reemerge in 2021?
Dr.SHIVA: Who cares?
3rd Guest: You don’t care?
Dr.SHIVA: I don’t fucking care at all.
3rd Guest: It’s all part of the whole WWE.
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, I would say WWF.
3rd Guest: WWE
Dr.SHIVA: It doesn’t matter. Same shit.
3rd Guest: Okay. Let’s say that happens. It’s all part of the same chess game.
Dr.SHIVA: It’s all part of the entertainment. They’re making money, man. You just said it. They’re part of that Junkyard Dog.
3rd Guest: Promoter controlling both fighters?
Dr.SHIVA: Yeah, they’re making money man, Jared Kushner and Ivanka made $610 million.
3rd Guest: Dr.SHIVA. I’m not dismissing this. It’s just a scary thing to look at. It sucks. I mean…….
Dr.SHIVA: I know. So what happens is people don’t want to do hard work, dude.
3rd Guest: No,they don’t.
Dr.SHIVA: So they don’t want to build a Bottoms-up movement. I mean, we’ll grow out and you know, our people hand out leaflets, we’re educating people on. That’s how we’re gonna build a movement. And people don’t want to do the hard work. So they think someone else is gonna freakin do it. This is called laziness, political laziness.
3rd Guest: Complacency.
Dr.SHIVA: Laziness. There’s no shortcut.
3rd Guest: Oh, so then, alright, I’m going to get you on Nino’s. Corner TV. Dr.SHIVA, I really appreciate you coming on the show, man. Thank you.
Dr.SHIVA: Great conversation. Great questions. Where did Laura go?
3rd Guest: Well, listen, I’m okay for both of us. I just want to say thank you for coming on.
Dr.SHIVA: Okay. Great.
3rd Guest: It was awesome. You are a wealth of knowledge. So thank you, Dr.SHIVA. God Bless.
Dr.SHIVA: Thanks, David. God bless. Bye. Bye. God bless you. So everyone that was Laura. Laura Eisenhower, set that up for me. Laura is a wonderful person. Laura is the great granddaughter of President Eisenhower. But the conversation we had was to really awaken people that in order to win, we have to build a Bottoms-up movement. So I encourage everyone to go to VASHIVA.COM/JOIN and you can see we’ve updated that area. And everyone should support this movement for Truth Freedom Health. It is your movement, you can become a warrior. You can become a member. You can contribute whatever you want. But I don’t want to take anything without being able to give you educational knowledge, which is to build that movement. We have to do three things: Truth Freedom Health. In order to do that, first you have to get educated, which is to understand System Science, which we teach you. Number two, the second most important thing to do is we have to build community which we do through the platform. And the third thing that we need to do is to take action. So please go to VASHIVA.COM and become part of the movement for Truth Freedom Health. And I always finish up, let me play our video, those of you who go to VASHIVA.COM you can go to VASHIVA.COM/JOIN and go right there. And if you guys can see this here, right on the page here, oops, let me go right here. And I encourage everyone to go here, because we have 1000s of people who are getting this training now. And it’s a way that you can support everything I’m attempting to do here. So you can watch this video, you can then contribute. We’re on this movement, we give people all this training where you can become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. And you get all these gifts that we give, which is training you, which is giving you tools to support your body. There’s a whole course that I do every Monday evening, so please go check that out. And let me just play this video, as we close out this evening. Thank you everyone. Be well. Alright, everyone, I hope that helped.
One of the most important ways that you can support you is to learn the dynamics of how systems work. Become part of this community and build this Bottoms-up movement. And that can only happen when you get weaponized with the right education. So go to VASHIVA.COM every Monday evening. I do a three hour course on it, but we put together a whole assortment of gifts to support your movement and to support you. Thank you very much. Be well. Have a good night.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
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The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.