Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai provides a CytoSolve systems biology analysis of Cinnamon and its effects on Immune Health based on 8,787 research articles, 99 clinical trials, and over 120 years of research.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – gives an overview on a CytoSolve computational analysis on how Cinnamon affects Immune Health.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distills nearly 8,787 research articles, 99 clinical trials, and over 120 years of medical research.
- 1 ounce of Cinnamon has 281 mg of calcium, 4.9 mg of manganese, 120 mg of potassium, and 18 mg of phosphorus and 82 IUs of vitamin A.
- Bioflavonoids in Cinnamon include Gossypin, Gnaphalin, Hesperdin, Hibifolin, Hypolaetin, Oroxindin, and Quercetin and has 41 essential oils.
- Cinnamon affects neuro-inflammation, increases glucose metabolism, lowers amyloid beta toxicity, and secretase enzymes.
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Hello everyone is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. Welcome. The talk today is going to be about Cinnamon affecting the Immune System. And we have a talk today as a part of our series, we’re going to look at a very cool herb called Cinnamon. I’m sure most of you have seen the Cinnamon powder. I use Cinnamon all the time and it comes like this, I don’t know if you can see it. It’s literally the bark of a tree if you can see it right there. That’s the inside of the bark and that’s the outside. Sometimes it curls up you know, you may get it all curled. But I have it in a very natural source that says organic alright. And this is Cinnamon, and typically what I do, I have a mortar and pestle and I’ll crush the Cinnamon up. You can sprinkle on your morning oatmeal. When I make curry, Cinnamon will be one of the ingredients that I add. I’ll take Cardamom, crush that up, Cinnamon, Cloves. You know those kinds of things. There will be crushed up black pepper, and that’ll be part of the great smells. It’s very nice. You know, obviously, people can add it to cocoa and things like that. But that’s what it actually looks like. So that’s Cinnamon, everyone seeing it there. Someone says I have Cinnamon root in my porridge with turmeric, banana and honey. Wow that sounds great. Sounds awesome. Someone said we never saw that before. Well, if you haven’t seen it before, here we go again. That’s what Cinnamon looks like, it’s amazing what nature provides us.
Journey to Systems
By the way, before I start, I always do a little bit of an introduction. Sometimes there’s new people here, those of you heard it, I apologize. One of our assistants, John is going to make a little video. So I can play this as people are coming in, we’re trying to get a little more, quote unquote, professional here, even though we don’t want to get too professional about stuff like this. But for those of you interested, quick introduction, many of you know, the notion of systems has always been part of my existence. And if you go to VA Shiva, it’s really about Creating the Future. And the core of that platform at vashiva.com, is really about teaching everyone the importance of systems thinking.
And my entire life traverses that, and I think all of our lives do, some of us are more aware of it. But for me, you know, I grew up in an interesting world, I grew up in sort of a contradictory world. I grew up in India up until seven years old, and in this crazy city called Bombay, which is a chaotic city, but highly diverse. It’s like New York on steroids. And then I grew up in the serene surroundings of a deep south Indian village, which are the scenes like this. My Grandparents were poor village farmers, there’s a picture of my Grandmother in her Sunday best. And she was not only a, you know, a farmer, 16 hours a day, but she was a village Shaman, she could observe your face. And using a traditional system of medicine, she would observe what’s going on inside your body. So I observed two things, as a child in my formative years. Here I grew up in these two diverse worlds, you know, a city and another village with no electricity, no running water, none of that, right. So it’s quite different extremes and trying to understand why even those extremes exist. And I also grew up in India, where we were considered low caste Indians, in a caste system. So and I had my, you know, unfortunate experiences with that, which made me wake up at a very young age at the age of four or five, trying to understand why that kind of injustice existed. So I grew up in this world of, you know, deep contradictions, understanding that, you know, we were essentially treated differently, for whatever reason, and then grew up with this Grandmother, who was a village farmer, but on the weekend, she could observe your face, she would go into trances. She would do some pretty wild things. I saw her materially heal a lot of people, she could look at their face, figure out their body constitution, and figure out what was right for them. So this, whether I knew it or not, I mean, I can talk about it now, was really building me an idea of wanting to understand systems, Caste System, you know, different types of, you know, political systems, and medical systems. So that’s what drove me in a very ambitious way. When I was a kid, I came to the United States at 7. By the time I was 14, I had gone to NYU and learned programming, computer science, really, love math, loves sports, all those things. But I started working full time at a medical school. As a full time, as a research fellow, I was given a great opportunity because of my great parents, amazing school teachers who changed the rules. And then a mentor where I was given the opportunity to go into Newark, New Jersey, and start doing research on Sleep systems. Why were babies dying in their sleep? One has to understand that there’s a phenomenon called sleep apnea where a baby will suddenly stop breathing. And it’s part of the disease called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. And our data that we had gotten from a hospital called Montefiore hospital and back in 78, we had the best time series data 24 to 36 hours of time series data, and I had the opportunity to go through that write computer programs to see if I could predict when a baby went through a certain sleep pattern, would that cause when the baby stopped breathing and apnea. So I ended up doing that research. Babies By the way, have six states of sleep not five like adults, and I wrote a paper on it but while I was at that university,
I also learned about it, another system, the interoffice mail system. Again, it was a system, a bunch of parts, the inbox, the outbox, the folders, the secretary, the memo system, and in this medical school. Every doctor always had a secretary and the secretary is really the center of communications. She was the one who took the dictation, she was the one who created a thing called a memo, writing it out, the From, the Subject, she sometimes would have to send copies of it to others in the single memo called a carbon copy. You’d actually have to type up multiple carbon copies using carbon paper, sometimes the thing added attachment where you put an enclosure right and you’ve put it in these envelopes and shot around to the medical school in these inner offices or these pneumatic tubes. It was a very complex system. It wasn’t just simply you know, like exchanging a sticky note. Now because I was good at programming and people were very supportive, Dr Les Michelson was the supervisor there, giving me the opportunity to convert that entire paper based mail system to the electronic system. No one had done it before. On those old computers you could send little like telegrams text messages. We’re talking about taking the inbox, outbox, folders, paper clips. the registered mail. bcc. cc, and converting it to a system, Remember the secretaries, the military industrial complex and there’s reports which we found at that time they didn’t think the secretary could ever use a computer, is ever chauvinist they were elitist, but you know to me, these secretaries, I had great respect for them for all the hard work they did, so I was very respectful and they said look Shiva we’re not going to go to an electronic version of this unless it has all the features. I had to implement hundreds of features and I wrote 50,000 lines of code named that system EMAIL. The only reason I named it Email was because the operating system only allowed five characters. Here’s my teachers and I. It was a big news article written in the local newspaper and then when I came to MIT, it was on the front page of MIT. The president of MIT advised me, you can’t patent software but you know it’s unfortunate because the Supreme Court didn’t even understand what software patents weren’t being supported, but I wrote away for the copyright work and on August 30 1982, I was given the first U.S. Copyright for Email but the key word you’ll see is System.
The racist elitist organizations like Wikipedia composed of the liberal elites got so upset when my stuff went into the Smithsonian and so did people like Gawker Media. So many years later, this was in 1978 and many years later, when my Mother in 2011 was dying of a horrible disease pulmonary fibrosis. She saved in a suitcase, she saved all the artefacts of the invention of EMAIL, in a small Samsonite suitcase. She gave this to me before she died. The editor of Time Magazine, the science editor, was the only one who reviewed it and he wrote a great article called “The Man Who Invented Email”. You got to understand; up until then, the narrative was ‘the military did it, Arpanet guys’. This was absolutely not true. Those guys had conflated what they did, at best, they created a caveman version of Reddit. What I created was EMAIL, the system, as we know today. I wrote the code, named it – EMAIL and got the copyright, and so on November 11 this article was written in August on February 16, 2012, it went into the Smithsonian. The important thing to understand here,is that there’s no controversy about who created Email, issues why was a controversy even created in 2012 and eventually 2016, I had to get lawyers to expose and fight Gawker Media. I want a substantial settlement and all the articles, the defamatory articles, saying I didn’t invent Email were taken down. Those of you who are interested in the actual history of it, you may want to go to whoinventedemail.com put it up here whoinventedemail.com and I’ll give you a real deep understanding of what is Email, and you know the actual art and I’ll post it up here, so you got it, in case you guys are interested. In fact I’ll show it to you here, but it’s important to understand this because it’s a story that’s important for every American to understand because Email was truly created in the working class neighborhoods of Newark. And you can see all the facts about the invention of Email, if you go to whoinventedemail.com testimonials, the history of it, so you know this is a truth about the invention of Email. Why is this important when we’re talking about cinnamon okay it’s important because the journey that I went was from interest in medicine then creating the first Email system. But it was a journey that really made me appreciate the Science of Systems and it was a long journey that that’s why I want to share it with all of you because it’s led me to the you know the creation of the movement for Truth Freedom Health. This was really the system that allowed me to create Email, Innovation, Freedom, and Infrastructure was in that triangle where Email was born.
When I went to MIT, I was very interested in medicine, when in and out of MIT four degrees in Engineering, because I didn’t like the way that they were looking at, you know, the way medicine was looking at the body was a bunch of parts, they weren’t looking at the body, as a system. they didn’t have a language. So I went in and out, started a bunch of companies in an Email Management System Company, and then Cytosolve, which I’ll talk about. In 2007, I decided to take a break, go back to India, it was a big adventure. And you have to understand that I had understood the Western System of Medicine, got a PhD in it out of the number one, Science and Technology in the world, MIT, where we understood genes and molecular pathways and functional modules leading up to the whole human. But I had also been studying the Eastern Systems of Medicine, where I understood that you could also look at the body in a completely different way, using completely different words. My Grandmother, and she looked at your body, as you’re looking at the center part of this triangle, she would characterize your body as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These terms that are very foreign to most medical doctors. But fundamentally, what she was doing was looking at your body and figuring out what kind of system you were, what were the right foods for you. And it was the right medicine, for the right person, at the right time. So I wanted to see if I could relate these two systems. Again, the word system, here is the system of biological Systems Approach of Western Medicine. Here’s the Siddha System of Medicine. So I was fortunate to get a Fulbright, and you can see the title of the MIT article in 2007, says East meets West, armed with MIT four degrees, Shiva embarks on a new adventure. And it was on the front page, because MIT was curious, why did I want to go start my next company? Why did I want to go all the way to India and take two years off, but to me, it was an important journey. It was in many ways a promise that I’d made. For all the hard work my Grandparents had done, that I would use my knowledge to help explain to the world why these ancient Systems of Medicine work, and if I can even explain it to the engineering world. So that really resulted in my discovering that this system, and you’ll learn this, if you take the course, by the way, we put that up, every Monday night, I offer a course called the Truth Freedom Health Warrior Course, everyone’s invited to take that as part of, being a supporter of the Truth, Freedom and Health Movement. But what’s important to understand here is that when I unraveled all of this, I discovered that the Indian System of Medicine was based on these words, right, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. And what I teach in the course, is that this terminology to look at the body was directly related to Engineering Systems Theory, Transport, Conversion and Storage. In fact, East met West and I was the first one to really relate both of these and I wrote it up in a recently Engineering Journal called the International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, where I literally discovered the relationship between Eastern Systems of Medicine, this case, Indian Medicine, and Engineering Systems Theory that they were one and the same. And after publishing this, I started teaching a course at MIT because I realized that the Western world didn’t appreciate Eastern Systems of Medicine, and those practising Eastern Systems of Medicine, be they, yoga people are nature paths, or they didn’t know how to explain this. And people thought they were woowoo types, and the woowoo types thought, these traditional, or the conventional medical doctors were arrogant. So this technology, or this science that I discovered, helped unite both these worlds, and that was published. And that became the foundation of an organization I created to educate people called Systems Health. And with Systems Health, we were able to create an Institute where we’ve educated 10s of 1000s of people to our Master Certification Course, at systemshealth.com where they’ve actually learned the integration of Eastern and Western Medicine. And they’ve learned and I wrote a bunch of textbooks and books, so people can get certified. And then out of this, when I started running for US Senate, you know, I wanted to build a framework for people to support our movement, I didn’t want it to be another slogan. And I realized those same concepts of Eastern medicine, the same concept of engineering systems theory, were the same concepts of fundamental universal law that could drive a political movement, Truth Freedom Health. And I embodied that into another course called the Foundations of Systems, which I teach people every week, which is part of the Truth Freedom Health Warrior Training. Why is this important? Look, we’re not going to have a political movement, we’re not going to be able to understand how Cinnamon works at the molecular level, we’re not going to be able to or we don’t understand how any computer systems work without the fundamental understanding of systems, it spans everything. It In fact spans politics, and that fundamental kernel. What I realized is that Truth Freedom Health is directly related to transport, conversion, storage. And you’ll learn more about that. And I encourage everyone to take the course, it’s the foundation of your future. So that’s the Foundations of Systems. By the way, those of you who want to go to vashiva.com, you can get access to vashiva.com/join. And I’ll come back to this. If you want to follow along, you can see that we have literally built at VAShiva, we built the infrastructure for education, like we’re doing right now, for the community. And for activism. It is a technology platform. It’s an educational platform, it’s a community platform. So go to vashiva.com/join, you can contribute everything I do here supported by what you guys do. And we put a lot of effort and put into putting these presentations together. And I’ll come back to that.

What You Will Learn
So when we speak about Cinnamon, we don’t take it lightly. We take a Systems Approach to it. So Cinnamon and Immune Health. Okay, so what we’re going to learn today is the following. First, we’re gonna learn what is Cinnamon? What is the molecular composition of Cinnamon? The effects on biological functions, the health benefits, then we’re going to go back and we’re going to talk about Cinnamon’s effect on the Immune System, then we’re going to talk about the clinical evidence on Cinnamon dosage. You know, this is not a medical show. This is not a treatment, you know, not saying everyone should go do cinnamon, this is really to educate you on what the science says, at the broad level. The literature and then at the molecular systems level, using our technology called CytoSolve. So that’s what this is really about. So let’s jump right into this. Well, first of all, it’s an ancient ancient spice. It’s been used, you know, in Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia, places like India, you know, Vietnam, China, right. And its medicinal use dates back again, 4000 years in ancient India and China. And it’s a bark, it’s the tree and the root. And the oil of the Cinnamon has medicinal effects. And those of you came in late, I have a piece of the bark of the root, people make oil out of it, they also use a root, but I’m looking at the bark right here, okay, and it’s dried, obviously. So it’s a, it’s a bark of the root that typically I’m familiar with, but you can also get Cinnamon oil. And we’ve done some research with one of the big nutritional oil manufacturers showing how it has very powerful effects for glucose metabolism, which means, reducing weight, and controlling things like diabetes, we’ll come to that. Now, there are about8,787 research articles written on it, 99 clinical trials, and over 120 years of medical research. That means we go back not to 1920. But we go back to the early 1900s. So quite a bit of research that’s been done on Cinnamon, from a healing aspect. So it’s pretty widely researched. herbs are one of the I would say, it’s not the best research herbs. I mean, we saw one of the herbs that we discussed yesterday, Green Tea, Green Tea, as I think like 40,000 articles over, you know, 220 years, I think, hundreds of clinical trials, but this is pretty good. So that’s the science that’s been done out there.
Now, with all of that research, what we can do with CytoSolve, is we have the ability to take all of that research, because think about you going through all those papers. So what we can do with CytoSolve, is we can take all that analysis, and we can distill it to find the ones that were, well written papers with, you know, scientific validity. And then we can extract out of that the molecular pathways that you’re seeing in this diagram. And then from that we can create an architecture of its effect on immune health. And then give some understanding, by the way, CytoSolve came out of the recognition that the entire drug development industry, it completely is in horrible shape. If you look at something like Cinnamon, Cinnamon is not just one compound, okay. Cinnamon has hundreds of compounds in there, which we’ll go over. Where persons with drug companies just try to get one single pharmaceutical compound in order to get it out to market? What do they do? So, what you can see here is that it takes a great amount of effort for pharmaceutical companies just to take one synthetic compound. Cinnamon has natural ingredients. This is a synthetic compound, and if they want to show this effects cancer, they got to get a test to throw cancer cells in there, test that for a couple years, that if they think they see something there, then they go, hopefully don’t kill too many animals but they do animal testing. After all of this, this takes six years, then they get an allowance by the FDA to go do phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 clinical trials. And by the way, most of the drugs that come out of it for a particular indication are only 10% effective, lots of side effects. So it takes around $5 billion dollars, about 13 years, and the stuff that comes out of it doesn’t really work that well, and they can be sued. And this is why pharmaceutical companies are in a dire situation.
And this is why they need to move to things like inoculations and jabs and pricks and vaccines because this market more and more and more money they spend on R & D less and less New Molecular Entities. That’s what NME’s are, even being approved by the FDA. So this is something we need to understand. And the reason this entire world of Western medicine is in this situation is because Western medicine was never created for understanding the whole Cinnamon bark. It wasn’t created for prevention. Western medicine was created for putting a soldier back on the battlefield. That’s where it came. It’s excellent, that God forbid you got into a major traumatic accident knock on wood, that doesn’t happen to anyone. But if you did, then Western medicines are great, right? Because it came out of the 1800s to put a soldier back on the battlefield. If you look at the origin of it. Eastern medicine was about looking at the whole body. It was about prevention. Okay. Yeah, maybe they didn’t have microsurgery. By the way, back in India, they did, you know, do plastic surgery all the way back, they found in the 12th century, but separate from that the entire system of Western medicine is phenomenal for crisis care, but it knows nothing about preventative aspects, okay. And the reason is, because the entire Western medicine focus is about the opposite of a Systems Approach, reductionism. So in reductionism, it’s like the blind men looking at the elephant. So you don’t look at the whole elephant, you look at the parts of the elephant and you’re blind. So you never see the whole, if anything, if you ever got together, the elephant would look like this, right? So the blind guy who’s touching that tail thinks it’s a rope, the guy touching the tusks thinks it’s a spear, and so on. And this is what happens in western medicine, we, even at the academic level, you are incentivized to look at a small part and you get a Nobel Prize for that. You’re, you’re not incentivized to look at the whole until 2003 took place. So what occurred in 2003, which created a Revolution in Biology, and that was this, the Genome Project ended, we went to map out the entire Human Genome, thinking, we had about 100,000 a million genes, knowing a worm only had about 20,000 genes, thinking that more parts mean more complexity, more genes, more complexity, whoa, this was a big irony. Turns out that we only have 20,000 genes, okay, this revolutionized biology to realize that we have to go to Systems Biology. And this is in 2003, Peter Hunter did this paper which said, if you want to understand the whole human being, you have to understand the genes and the proteins across cells and tissues. And around that time, when I was finishing up one of my companies, my advisor at MIT said, Shiva come back to finish up your PhD, which I’d started and left to start a company. And he said, Look, you’ve always loved medicine, you know, you created the first Email system, you know how to create large scale technologies, and you’ve loved medicine.
So here’s the Grand Challenge. Imagine if you could mathematically model the whole human cell on the computer, imagine that we could see the cell as an interaction of many, many molecular reactions, not just a nucleus. And imagine if we could do that. So that became my focus of innovation for the next four or five years. And out of that I created CytoSolve. So I was a way where you could take these little ball and stick diagrams, by the way, if you go and read any of the science papers, on any aspect of molecular biology, at the end of it, they’ll always have some ball and stick diagram. Most of them do. And, but those are sort of jigsaw puzzles and understanding the whole, let’s say Immune Health, So with CytoSolve we created a way that we could take these molecular pathway diagrams converted to models, and interconnect them together. Because before CytoSolve people weren’t able to model maybe like 50, you know, ball and six, right, but not something as complex as understanding the whole human cell or cancer disease. So CytoSolve was a major breakthrough. And the approach I took was like an orchestra conductor who integrates pieces and computes them without having to mash them all together. So that was CytoSolve. And fundamentally, what scientists have allowed us to do was just like, the way we build airplanes today, we don’t kill test pilots, right? We model different airplane designs on the computer, then we go do wind tunnel testing, and then we go do test flights, right? We don’t kill people. Well, that’s what CytoSolve is. It allows us to take compounds and test it on the computer based on certain molecular functions. And like I said earlier, we can literally take the literature as you see on the bottom right mine it and understand the molecular mechanisms. It’s a very powerful technology, which is revolutionizing medicine. So over the last 16 years, I’ve worked with the largest institutions in the world research, you know, biotech and nutraceutical companies. I really love all the work we did today. Over the last 10 years, CytoSolve is with nutritional companies that want to use us to understand combinations of nutraceutical products. And that’s what we do. So we have used CytoSolve, to really understand how to compute combinations. Because one of the principles you realize when you look at systems, and this is why, you know, a food like Cinnamon is important. It’s not just one ingredient, there’s not one ingredient. It contains many, many ingredients. Because when you consume Cinnamon, you’re getting the Synergistic Effect of many, many different chemicals. And so CytoSolve allows us to do that. And we’ve created a whole ecosystem where we work with the research community, we can mind the literature to really find truth. So when we look at my Grandmother who would combine stuff, you know, when I asked her how did you combine that stuff, you know, she would speak in a language I couldn’t understand but with CytoSolve, scientists, I was like the alchemists in the sky, we can with CytoSolve understand combinations synergy. So you can, for example, look at what happens when you eat turmeric curcumin, here, we’ve looked at 6000 papers, we’ve modeled all the chemical reactions, same with resveratrol, which what’s in red wine, and then we can combine them and we can run on the computer experiments. So here, I’m creating inflammation in the body. That’s what this .15 means. No, curcumin or resveratrol, then I just give curcumin, right, look at it comes down, and I just get resveratrol, it too comes down. But look what I can do. This is quite profound. I can play around with combinations, a little bit of curcumin, a little bit of resveratrol, and watch what happens, a little bit of each lowers inflammation, even more than just giving a lot of one and this is what’s powerful about the Systems Principle. When we do combinations, we get more effect.
This is why truth, the pursuit of Truth, the pursuit of Freedom, and the pursuit of Health cannot be separated. Right. What unfortunately happens today is the people fighting for Health are typically people who are considered, you know, the earthy, crunchy granola types. And the people fighting for Freedom are considered conservatives quote, unquote, rednecks. You know, they want the Second Amendment, and the people who want Truth in Science and Innovation, they’re considered nerds. But all of these three movements need to synergistically come together, just like Turmeric and Resveratrol. When you bring groups together, despaired groups, you can have a Synergistic Effect where the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts. This is why Truth Freedom Health is not just a slogan. This is why foods are powerful, because they have many, many molecules in them. Okay, so I wanted to share that with you, because that’s how we do this. And by the way, I’ll come back to this.
Many of you wanted me to put this up earlier in the presentation, you know, for 16 years since 2003, we created CytoSolve, we published many, many papers and major journals, I’ve helped a lot of businesses figure out what’s right separate from snake oil. But in the last couple of years, we pointed to the powerful technology of CytoSolve with all of its mathematics to look at a very powerful area of pain and inflammation or swelling and discomfort. And we computed trillions of combinations of bimolecular reactions. And we discovered a combination of bioflavonoids which have an amazing effect on pain and inflammation, swelling and discomfort. And I’m pleased to share that with you again, that’s called mV25. You can preorder it, on our shop, online. And mV25 stands for momentum, right, mass times velocity and notice it’s coming from me and I’m putting my name on it. Scientists I help create it you know, we help discover it, but mV25 is coming out of a Systems Approach. And if you read the back label of it, it says Dr.SHIVA’s mV25 was formulated using the CytoSolve computational engine formulated by Dr. Shiva MIT, this form the formulation here results from integrating 1000s of peer reviewed papers across 40 years 68 research institutions and computing trillions of Potential combinations to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that down regulate biomarkers of discomfort and normal swelling inside a sub optimize means this formula has been optimized to maximize benefits and bioavailability, while minimizing toxicity based on current research, as the Science Advances, so well the formulation. And there and the reason this is important is if you go to many of these supplement companies, and I used to go to many of the conferences, you know, where 70,000 people show up, and you find, unfortunately, many of the supplements, most of them don’t work. Most of them are like one guy reading some paper called the formulator. And he just throws stuff together. Because they didn’t have CytoSolve. So which CytoSolve. Now, we can literally take a Systems Approach, Engineering Systems Approach, but most importantly, the truth here is new science is going to come. And as new science comes, we’ll incorporate it into the CytoSolve operating system, and we’ll get it better and better and better. Okay, so what we have today will improve. So that’s really the promise. But that’s really the principle of synergy. And by the way, those of you want to go right, by the way, one thing is it’s Clean Certified, made in the USA. And if you go to vashiva.com, right on the top, you’ll see the shop site, the shop symbol right there. If you go to the shop site, you’ll be able to purchase it right there. You go right there and there’s MV25. So enjoy.

So, when I look at Cinnamon, you know, we look at it from a Synergistic Approach. Cinnamon doesn’t just hit one molecular pathway, it has a Synergistic Effect. And that’s we’re gonna find out so synergy is one of the most important principles, just like it applies to curcumin and resveratrol, or what we’ve done with mV25. It also, as I mentioned, applies to Truth Freedom Health. That’s a synergistic combination. That’s why the movements for Freedom of Speech, the Second Amendment, the movements for good health, health of our infrastructure, and the movement for innovation and truth and science must all come together. That’s why Truth Freedom Health is bound in systems theory and universal law.
So Cinnamon, so when you look at Cinnamon, it’s got a lot of these synergistic combinations got minerals, vitamins, flavonoids, and essential oils. Right, so let’s look at them, minerals, look at the amount of calcium it has. One ounce of Cinnamon has 281 milligrams of calcium, 4.9 milligrams of manganese, 120 milligrams of potassium, and 18 milligrams of phosphorus. Now one ounce of Cinnamon has a decent amount of Vitamin A at 82 IUs. I use a little bit of Vitamin C, some Vitamin E, and K, but remember as I shared, the amounts don’t matter when you start understanding the Principle of Synergy, it’s having a combination of things. So when you’re making food you know, a little bit of spices of all different kinds curry powder is a combination of spices because people over 1000s of years learn you don’t need to dump a bunch of turmeric like this, you put a lot of little things because it has a nonlinear Synergistic Effect. Okay, so you can see Cinnamon has a lot of potent things in it. It’s a food, it’s a medicine, It’s amazing, it’s amazing. Now, Cinnamon also has seven flavonoids, are found in Cinnamon now may not be able to pronounce these all perfectly but Gossypin, Gnaphalin, Hesperidin, Hibifolin, Hypolaetin, Oroxindin and Quercetin. I did a whole thing on it. But Quercetin is a zinc ionafor, when you take quercetin with zinc, it has a very similar effect as HCQ hydroxychloroquine. Because it allows zinc to go in and the zinc has the effect of stopping viral replication very powerful. So, you can see Cinnamon has a number of very, very powerful bioflavonoids in it. Okay, so you can see it as a number of very powerful bioflavonoids Now, let’s talk about the essential oil combination. You could use many different processes and get the oil out of Cinnamon and we’re going to look at some of the very powerful ingredients in this.
So when we look at Cinnamon, it has cinnamaldehyde, you see this structure is called an aldehyde structure when you study organic chemistry. When you add the OH you create an acid. So aldehyde to an acid, this is called Cinnamic Acid. So, same structure, but where the H is, you have an OH. So this is called when you see the double bond O C H O OH, this is what’s called an acid in organic chemistry. When you replace this carbon here with an O This is called an acetate. Okay, so you have cinnamyl acetate, and then one of the powerful things we have is Eugenol. Now Eugenol is another compound, and I’ll do, if I haven’t done one, I forget, but Eugenol also is in something called cloves. That’s why you those people like Cinnamon, sort of a sister herb to that is cloves and you know, if you’re making your oatmeal, you may want to put a little pinch of cloves in there. Okay? Also, very powerful effect. But cinnamon has Eugenol and all in it. So these are all, the profoundly amazing. By the way, it has 41 essential oils, and I’m looking at the major components Cinnamaldehyde Cinnamic Acid, Cinnamyl Acetate and Eugenol.
Biological Effects of Cinnamon
Okay, now, what are the biological effects of Cinnamon? What are those effects? Well, first of all, look at all the things that Cinnamon affects. Okay, Cinnamon effects, a bunch of very powerful things, first of all, Cinnamon affects neuroinflammation. And this arrow is a down arrow, which means it brings down neuroinflammation. Things like TNF-a IL-1b, these are cytokines. It increases glucose metabolism in the brain. Okay. It lowers amyloid beta toxicity, and beta secretase enzyme activity, Alzheimer’s over here. It increases and NCAM levels neural growth that supports your brain’s development. It increases anti-diabetic effects of insulin mimetic effect, so it in many ways insulin mimetic means it can mimic insulin, okay. So very powerful in terms of having an insulin, mimetic effect anti-diabetic, it is pro-cognitive effects via the acetylcholine activity, ACHE and antioxidant effects the via NRF-2 modulation right setting sets increases antioxidant, it lowers neuroinflammation, increases glucose, glucose metabolism, you know, does a lot of things which affect, you know, staving off Alzheimer’s increases, supports a brain, anti-diabetic, pro-cognitive, right? Who would want to include Cinnamon? That’s why most again, traditional cultures. You know, when you’re making curry or spices, you always add Cinnamon in there. It’s quite interesting. I think in many of these cultures, they learn that some of these herbs are so profound, you just made them part of food, you didn’t think about it, you didn’t have to go to a doctor. I mean, you have to think about it. The women in most of the traditional households were the doctor. I mean, they knew so many different arts and crafts and sense of how to, they knew food was medicine, they knew how to incorporate this and they passed down this knowledge from you know, a mother to daughter, for example, when a daughter leaves her home and gets married, the mother will give the daughter a spice box. It’s one of the most revered things and that daughter has her daughter and becomes a mother, she does the same thing. So the spice box that is given is extremely important. We’ll cover one day what’s in that spice box, but it’s always a very similar set of spices, but you can see these are the biological effects of Cinnamon. So, those are the biological effects. And remember I distinguish the biological effects which means the chemical effects going on at the cellular level and these are what I just covered here for you.
Health Benefits Of Cinnamon
Now, if we go to the health effects, the health benefits of Cinnamon. What are the health benefits? Well, lowers blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol levels, lowers the onset of chronic illnesses, reduce chronic illnesses, reduces inflammation, treats menstrual cramps, has antibacterial, antifungal effects, boosts Immune System, helps her weight loss, aids digestion boosts functioning of the brain now today, because of all the discussion about immunity and how do I stay healthy? And how do I boost the immune system? You know, what we’ve done with CytoSolve was we focused on two of those aspects, which is the antiviral, the antifungal, and boosting immunity. By the way, we could do a whole talk on Cinnamon on menstrual cramps, Cinnamon on biological effects. And those of you listening, many of you want me to do different talks, please email me, I’m taking your suggestions. And we’re adding it to our list of videos. One of the public services, we do at VA SHIVA to support our movement for Truth Freedom Health to make these videos, but it’s coming from your ideas, but we want to find out what you guys want. We are going to do one on Neem and one on Moringa.
Immune System
Okay, let me go back to this. So we’re going to focus on boosting immunity and the antibacterial effects. Now, one of the things we need to understand is what is the Immune System? Okay, we’re talking about boosting immunity, antifungal, antiviral effects, I want to take a little bit of time to really educate all of you on what is the Immune System. Now, if you were to listen to Fauci, if you were to just listen to the CDC, you would think that the entire Immune System is only about the antibodies, right? That’s what we’re led to believe. And unfortunately, this is not true. The Immune System is far more than just the ‘T cells’ and the ‘B cells’ up regulating antibodies. That’s only one part of the entire amazing system we call the Immune System, the Immune System as a whole bunch of players that play in it. But unfortunately, what’s happened is the immunology that we practice today only looks at two of those instruments of immunity, the Innate Immune System and the Adaptive. Alright, and, but the reality is the Immune System is far more complex. And I want, you know, at every one of these talks, I keep pounding away at educating you guys on the Immune System, because I want you to go educate your doctors, frankly, I want you to go educate your neighbors, and parents and children and everyone, because the Immune System, as you’re going to learn shortly, from an MIT systems biologist, and I spent most of my life studying the Immune System. In fact, I’m considered one of the leading guys on the Immune System. A couple years ago, I was invited to present the prestigious lecture at the National Science Foundation. So you’re getting knowledge that you won’t get anywhere else, because most MDs unfortunately don’t even know how the Immune System works. They don’t study the body’s Immune System, they probably think this is the Immune System, pathogen comes, okay? You it hits you, you know, the pathogen comes, it hits you, zoom in on this for our guys here. Most of these people think the pathogen comes and you know, it goes through your eyes, your nose and your gut, right, your macrophages and we’ll talk about this, your certain cells try to eat up that pathogen. And then after that, then your adaptive system kicks in, and it tries to create antibodies for that system. And then that’s it. Well that is not true, okay, the Immune System is a lot more complex. And the paper that I presented at the National Science Foundation really talked about this, the Immune System involves a microbiome, the microbiome, on the Innate Immune System, the Adaptive Interferon System, the Neural System, and my PhD work was really looking at the interferon system. And I want everyone to really understand it. So when you look at this diagram, you see, it’s not just the blue, two blue boxes. And in fact, in 2018, an important paper came out saying, we need to take a systems immunology approach. And in fact, that the modern approach that is used to develop most of the, you know, quote, unquote, medicines has to do with the 1915 1-9-1-5 model of the Immune System, which is just the white blood cells, okay, get the antibodies and you’re done. Well that’s not what’s true, the Immune System is far more complex. It involves all of these systems. One of the most spectacular systems involved, we’re going to talk about, is the Interferon System. Interferons are chemicals your body creates, and it sticks in between the Innate and Adaptive and the interferons are in every cell of your body you’re going to learn and those interferons are powerful chemicals, which actually activate your natural killer cells to go eat up infected cells. That’s why they’re, you know, everyone’s befuddled, oh, there’s a lot of people who are asymptomatic. And they, you know, they got the virus but nothing happened to them and they don’t have antibodies. You know why? Because the Interferon System kicked in activated the NK cells to go eat this up, okay? This is why it’s really, really important to see this as a huge orchestra and stuff we’re still learning. In fact, the Interferon System, up regulates 1000s of genes, okay, 1000s of genes, not just one gene, but 1000s of genes, which are vital to your Immune System. So, all we’re looking at, unfortunately, all these guys look at as antibodies, antibodies, antibodies, antibodies, you know, it’s like they’re in a cult. But antibodies are only a small piece of the puzzle. So let’s look at the Innate and Adaptive Systems. So what happens is like, I want to take it over here, it’s a little bit better. If you look here, a bar so here are, let’s say in the case of the Coronavirus, here is your lung epithelial cells, and the virus tries to infect the cell. Well, when it tries to infect, the Innate Immune System attempts to eat up this virus, it’s called a macrophage, and it does what’s called Phagocytosis, which you’re seeing right here. It envelops the virus and starts chomping away at it. And these little things are the particles from the virus. And then what it does is, as it chomps away at it, it presents the materials to the CD4+ T-cells, that’s what you’re seeing right here. It presents this to the T-cells. And what the T-cells do is they activate the CD8 T-cells, which go and try to kill the infected cell. In parallel to that the CD4+ T-cells also call upon the B-cell. And these B-cells create these little Y things. called antibodies. This is on the Adaptive Immune System. And over here you’re seeing the antibodies activate inactivate the virus Okay, that’s all well and good. But guess what? That’s only one part of the Immune System. But that’s all we’re focusing on. Everything we focus on is let’s upregulate that antibody let’s get that antibody if you got that antibody, that’s the goal. But the point is the antibody system doesn’t come in much later. If you actually study science. What you find is that there’s a whole another system called Interferon and but by the way, there’re many of them. I could do a, a week long talk on interferons, but interferons constitute the first line of defense. They’re the ones that create the anti viral environment. And type one interferons are present in virtually every cell in your body. So let me repeat that. You don’t have antibodies in every cell, but you have interferons that are just waiting there to fight for you. And in fact, when you get a virus, the body actually upregulates a whole bunch of genes, means it wants you to get infected, so it gets stronger. That’s a principle called resilience, and type one interferons are present in virtually every cell and type one interferenceincludes IFN-a as well as IFN-b. so there you go. So this is a much more holistic systems level understanding of the immune system. So I hope that’s clear. This system’s level understanding is what will would have helped us back in March, because of more doctors knew that I would have I would not have been the lone voice calling Fauci I would not have been the lone voice saying, hey, look, Fine, let’s quarantine the immunosuppressed but let’s boost people’s immunity, right? Because Immune System wants to be boosted, okay. It gets boosted by exposure. And if you have a strong Immune System, you can take a hit and you can come back stronger. That’s called resilience.
Effect of Cinnamon on the Immune System
Okay. So let’s go back here. Okay, so there we go. So now let’s look at the effect of cinnamon now that we understand the Immune System we understand all those particles let’s jump right into this and talk about how the effect of Cinnamon on immune health is well, first of all, cinnamon modulates immune response via anti inflammatory mechanisms Okay, anti inflammatory mechanisms. And cinnamon is shown to be both antibacterial and antifungal. And micro organisms do not develop resistance to Cinnamon. This is very, very important. You know, micro organisms some skin develop resistance antibodies, right? antibiotics, I mean, okay. And furthermore, if you, if your body creates a particular antibody, if that virus changes, just a little bit of variant, BOOM, that antibodies useless in fact, even the NIH and the as admitting now, even after you get these antibodies for the Coronavirus, right. Within 20 days it declines and within eight months, it’s only maybe 40% active, right? So the antibody system, yeah, it’s good. Yeah, it’s there. But it’s not the only system. Your body has many other mechanisms, which we don’t talk about. But important things to remember is that if your people take antibiotics, right, they develop resistance, but microorganisms do not develop resistance as cinnamon. That’s pretty cool. So how does it work? So let’s follow these very important diagrams now. that I’m throwing up here, I think. Yeah, so I think let me do this for our people here. So they can follow along. So let’s follow this. Okay, modulation of inflammatory enzymes and cytokines. So one of the things it does, it modulates inflammation. So again, if you remember, two of the important cytokines are TNF-a and IL-8 which causes a cytokine storm, right? These create the cytokine storm, and these are created by two transcription factors NF-kB and AP-1, and NF-kB leads to these cytokines. And what cinnamaldehyde does, it blocks NF-kB, but what blocks NF-kB has a dual effect. It also blocks a production of COX-2 which creates PG-2 which causes inflammation andcinnamaldehyde also blocks AP-1 which stops iNOS. Right, which stops NO which stops inflammation so inflammation leads to harmful and disproportionate immune response. Cinnamon active compounds inhibit enzymes that just COX-2 and iNOS that are involved in inflammation signalling andCinnamon all exhibit transcription factor inhibit this transcription factor NF-kB, which is responsible for transcription of inflammatory genes that cause a cytokine storm. So, the bottom line is, cinnamaldehyde does two things. It blocks a cytokine storm and it snuffs out inflammation that’s a cinnamaldehyde in Cinnamon.
So, if you’re looking for Cinnamon oil extracts, right, you can look at the amount of cinnamaldehyde as and as some of them will say what percentage it has, but that’s really the active ingredient from an extraction standpoint. The other thing is look at this Cinnamon as an antifungal activity, okay? So many times when I was growing up in spices, right, like if you’re storing rice, or certain foods people throw Cinnamon in there, okay or cloves to because that kept fungus away, okay, it crept kept, microorganisms away, but it’s a way that and it smells good to when you have it in there. Okay. So cinnamon is effective against several fungi, including aspergillusflavus, which causes rot in grain so you can literally if you’re storing grain, I recommend this it’s an ancient tradition. You know, throw some cloves, like if you have a bag of rice, throw some cloves, throw some Cinnamon in there, okay, it’ll help stop this fungi, which causes rot in grain.This alsoaspergillusfumigatus causes allergic diseases.It’s not set up and trichophyton rubrum I’m sorry. trichophyton rubrum causes athlete’s foot, Candida, okay, causes genital and oral infections. So, you know, in some formulations, people will take the cinnamon, make it into a paste, right and or the oil you know, diluted, you can put it on your feet right? to support you from the athlete’s foot, for example. These fungi do not develop resistance to Cinnamon, look, some people say, oh for this fungus use this antibiotic, right? Well, you develop resistance, right? And it comes back and comes back and back. So the antifungal mechanism of action that’s what MOA means M-O-A of Cinnamon. The way it works is the Cinnamon essential oil destroys the cell membrane, it destroys the cell membrane of the thump of the fungi and all the intracellular content goes up and basically blows up the fungi. It basically fires bullets at the cell membrane, and the fungus gets destroyed. But you can see the range of different funguses it hits, right. The stuff that causes athlete’s foot, Candida, the stuff that causes rot in grain causes allergic diseases.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
Okay, now, the other important thing to remember is So we’ve talked about the anti inflammatory, one piece, the anti cytokine storm, the antifungal, again cinnamon is a Synergistic ingredient in effects not just one but many things. Itself is a system that has a system’s effect. So we’re witnessing that here. But Cinnamon also has antibacterial activity, Cinnamon is effective against several bacteria is, you know, it’s your E- coli causes diarrhoea, staphylococcus causes staph,listeria causes listeriosis, salmonella causes diarrhoea, you know porphyromonas gingivalis for periodontal disease. Bacteria do not develop resistance to Cinnamon, Cinnamon, again, important thing to remember is you know, people take these antibiotics right and the pathogen develops resistance but not to Cinnamon, you know, think about periodontal disease p-gingivalis you know, Cinnamon has a very powerful effect against p-gingivalis, which is the thing that causes periodontal disease, Gingivitis, etc. But if you’re going to use the essential oils, be very careful. They’re very powerful. You have to dilute them and you know, talk to some herbalists, etc. Don’t just use it straight. You got to be careful with this stuff. Okay? these are, these are medicines, okay? So now the antibacterial activities, quite interesting. Look at how cinnamaldehyde works. So first of all, the antibacterial MOA mechanism of action of Cinnamon, first of all, it damages the cell membrane, right, it starts it’s basically cinnamaldehyde fires a bunch of bullets blows up the cell membranes of the bacteria, causing it to leak. The second thing it does, it inhibits the ‘Z-ring’ formation. Now, the ‘Z-ring’ formation is what is important is when bacteria divide. Okay, stop cell division reduces the reliance of the bacteria. Remember, you got one bacteria just like cells and divides, it forms ‘Z-ring’ during the formation. And that’s important for it to dividing. Well guess what cinnamaldehyde stops it from even morphologically creating that ‘Z-ring’. So the bacteria have a harder problem replicating. And then the next thing it does is it blocks ATP production which leads to starvation of bacteria. So the bacteria remember what is ATP, if you remember ATP, the in the human body, in the human cell, we have the mitochondria, that’s the energy centres it creates energy takes ADP makes ATP, and your mitochondria fuel you. So what happens here is cinnamaldehyde stops the ATP process. So basically, you’re starving the bacteria, you’re blowing up its membrane. And then on top of it, what you’re also doing is you’re inhibiting it replicating so quite powerful. Cinnamaldehyde.
So let’s talk about, remember, as I keep emphasizing in all my talks here are talks, itself over a system talk, we go from CytoSolve to Truth Freedom Health and from Truth Freedom Health and we come back to Truth Freedom Health. For now, we talk about synergy, okay. And what we’ve just talked about here is a synergy. The synergistic power of cinnamon, antibacterial, antifungal, right. It’s multi pronged, and it has the effect of reducing inflammation, reducing the cytokine storm, so you beef up your immune system.
Truth Freedom Health®
So this brings me back to Truth Freedom Health. Why is this important? Because we’ve just talked about the synergistic process here, right. So when you take this synergistic cross when you take Truth Freedom and Health, Truth Freedom and Health, it itself is a process of synergy, okay? Because, as I mentioned earlier, we’re not going to win by taking one approach against the establishment. Okay, we have to bring together a bunch of molecules, we have to bring the molecular force of health, which means fighting for our health, we have to bring the molecular force of the people who want to fight for the First Amendment of the Second Amendment, okay? Because without freedom, we cannot practice science. Okay. And without practising real science, we get we’re not getting to truth, we’re gonna get to lies. So when you can practice the scientific method, which demands freedom, because in order for the scientific method to take place, we have to have an open science environment discourse, debate, argument. And out of that discourse and argument, you say, Oh, that’s right. That’s wrong. You do experiments, you refute things you fight it out. And out of that you get truth. Then from truth, we can fight to find out what’s really good for our health. But right now, Truth Freedom and Health are all separated. Okay, we need to bring all these movements together. And you can learn a lot from this herb cinnamon, okay, or for many of these herbs, they have synergistic influence. And that’s why we need to learn how to combine spices, we need to learn how to use food in very powerful ways, because food is a synergistic experience. And the more we learn how to do that, whether it be in food combining, whether it be in solving problems, whether it be for politics, so the synergy principle applies to politics. So I’m going to take a quick break here. And before I come back, we’re going to talk about the power of cinnamon, and how to understand it from an Eastern and engineering systems perspective. Everything I’ve shared with you is from a molecular systems perspective. But again, before I go to that, I want you guys to reflect on the synergy principle. And think about how we can apply that to politics, Truth Freedom Health.
So let me play the video I like to play by the way to everyone out there, I want you guys to become Truth Freedom and Health warriors, not only for your health, not only for truth, not only for freedom, but for all of those things. And every Monday evening, I do a three hour course, where I educate everyone on the Science of Systems, because that system science is the foundation of how we’re going to learn three of my principles, Dr. Shiva’s principles, the interrelation between Truth Freedom Health, why we need to build a Bottoms-up movement, and why we need to be aware of the not so obvious establishment, the real killers of movements. So let me play my video, which is really our anthem for the Truth Freedom and Health Movement. So I encourage everyone to go to, by the way, go to vashiva.com/join. You can contribute. You can, by the way, you can just become a member at no cost. And for any of you who contribute, I’m very, very grateful. But I don’t want to take it for nothing. When you give us money $100 or more, you get access to the Truth Freedom and Health and hope warrior training program. When you support 25 or more, I want to give you this gift, which is a system revolution book, and the tool, Your body, Your system. And I’ll come back to explaining the whole process here. Let me play the video for you as I normally do, here we go.
Alright, so I want to encourage everyone to support the movement that we’re doing. And, by the way, when you go online to vashiva.com/join, you can just join as a member. And when you join as a member, people get access to certain videos, but they also get access to a Forum where you can interact with people, let me just show you a little bit of that. So everyone understands what we have in store there. And, and that, you know, that’s for people, anyone who just wants to join, it’s open to the public at large. And so let me just show right here. So when you go in there, there’s a thing called the Forum. Let me go over to it right here. Actually, I’ll come back to but what I want to let everyone know is that one of the key parts of this is you go to the dashboard, when you sign in, and those of your members can get access to the feature videos, you get access to take action, and there’s a cool Forum we’ll come back to, but the central education is what I want to give to people, those people who have been so generous, I’m giving you a whole bunch of educational tools. And the goal is to get educated on these principles of Truth Freedom Health. That education begins, where I will teach you in a 3 hour You know, private group class, the Foundations of System Science that took me many, many years to learn at MIT, then you get access to the book, ‘System and Revolution’, you get access to the tool, access ‘Your Body, Your System’ software, then you get access to a whole range of tools here, that will actually help you understand your body as a system, and you get access to scientific reports, you get access to three other books. And these are really building your technical foundation of systems thinking, and also this paper. And then on top of it. And by the way, I want to thank everyone who’s donated an incredible amount of support. And this is a gift that I’m giving to those people. By the way, those people who are supporting, you know, we’ve been very generous and kind to give $25, you guys get this, but please take advantage. This is the Truth Freedom Health Warrior Training Program. But that’s not the that’s not the only thing we also created a forum for all members. Regardless of whether you want to give anything or not or contribute, you get access to the forum where you can start interacting with people right away from all over the world. Open up a topic, you know, in any discussion, and independent of big tech. But we also have created a Social Media value where you can create a page, you can have interactions with people, you can create your own membership list and so on. So please take advantage of that. That’s also there for you. Okay, so you want to get activated also. So not only is it important to get educated to get all the courses, but then you can get activated, right? You can get access to these very nice flyers, business cards, that you can educate people on the real issue, for example, with Masks and Oral Health, the science behind it, the public health, saying what the real issue onBeyond Vax & Anti-Vax, why we must focus on boosting immunity that one size fits all medicine doesn’t work. So it’s a very powerful platform.
And so that’s why, you know, I do about two to three videos a day pounding away at the need to take a Systems Approach, and I try to come at it from all different angles. But that’s why I take time to do that.
Cinnamon – Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach
But when you take Cinnamon, again, everything I’ve done so far is taking the molecular systems approach. But now I’m going to take an engineering systems approach. And you’ll see something fascinating about this. So when we take that approach, you find out that, by the way, one of the tools that everyone who supports the platform, and as a warrior gets access to the tool called ‘Your Body, Your System’, and ‘Your Body, Your System’, think about your body can be visualized and mapped on this mapping of transport, conversion, and storage. And when you take the course you’ll understand what this is. But this is the Foundations of System Theory. And when you answer a set of questions, it’ll help you figure out where your red dot lands in this matrix here or in this triangle. And then you can figure out how your body is off balance from where you’re supposed to be that red dot, and then you can figure out how foods and supplements bring you back to that. So the bottom line is food itself in the Eastern and engineering system, is itself a force. That’s what I’ve discovered. So this Cinnamon has very particular effects and affects the energies of transport, conversion, and storage. So for example, what you see here is when you take that approach, and by the way, when you take, you know, when you get to Your Body, Your System or you know, you get access to ‘System and Revolution’, and these tools, and I get I want to thank everyone who’s, you know, been very generous and supportive that for your $25 This is the small gift I’m giving back to you, but thank you.
Here, what you can see here is that when you look at Cinnamon, Cinnamon lowers Vata transport, right? So it lowers Pitta, it increases conversion, which is digestive processes, okay. And look what it does, it lowers Kapha, Kapha is typically associated with weight, right? storing stuff, right? And it increases conversion and increases your metabolism, right, this is what Western Science is what the Eastern Approach says. It lowers fat, right? And it lowers transport, okay, which isVata. So these are the things that Cinnamon does in a very profound way. So you can see when we look at it from the molecular Systems Approach, and the end, the Western and the Eastern Systems Approach, you can try integrating that’s why the ‘Your Body, Your System’ tool that all of you get access to is very valuable because it enables you to understand your body as a system and the same forces that act in your body act in your computer act in the Movement of Truth Freedom Health.
So now what should be the dosage and now the clinical evidence what I’m sharing with you obviously if you want to go explore this more you should do but this is not a medical program. You should go talk to your doctor, you know, to get medical advice, but this is what the clinical evidence shows. Huss et al., 2002 says about 120 milligrams a day to six grams a day you can go in as you can go pretty high dosage Okay, for wound healing. Mohammedi et al., says about 2% of the cinnamon ointment Okay, for sugar control. Okay, Mang et al., says one to six grams per day for antimicrobial activity. Wang et al., says you can take three capsules a day, containing 18 milligrams of cinnamon oil, and nine milligrams of pogostemon oil. Okay, so this is what the, the dosage gene says many of you have always said, “Dr. Shiva, what should be the dosage?” and so we started including that by looking at what the clinical evidence all those things come from clinical evidence that we’ve organized together, okay. So in conclusion, when you look at it, here’s the important takeaways. Cinnamon inhibits inflammatory enzymes such as COX-2 and iNOS. By the way, I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again. If you take ibuprofen Advil, if you go look at the back of Advil, or you read up on it’ll say Advil is a COX-2 inhibitor, COX-2 is a enzyme which results in PG-2 which causes inflammation and looking at what cinnamon does cinnamon inhibits inflammatory enzymes like COX-2 the same target that ibuprofen it’s an iNOS, thereby controlling runaway immune response. Cinnamon also kills bacteria and fungi. Second takeaway, remember by blowing up their cell membranes, and cinnamon inhibits inflammatory cytokines and microbes do not develop resistance to Cinnamon. Again, if you have, you know, perishable goods like rice or grains or oatmeal, that’s why throw something on you have it sitting there, throw some cinnamon there, it’s going to keep it from rotting. Okay, so there you go. These are the powerful effects of sentiment and immune health. And the bottom line, what we’ve done here is really focused on recognising that the anti inflammatory, anti cytokine storm, the blowing way of fungi, etc, is very powerful. And by the way, cinnamon is very closely related to cloves too. Cloves have a very similar effect. Okay, by the way, there’s an interesting discussion that’s been going on. I guess, I’m watching that readout here of what people are arguing about, I guess there’s a very interesting discussion about an individual saying, well, cancer doesn’t you know, people saying, you know, use this for cancer, use that for cancer and someone saying there’s no magic bullet.
Let me just tell you, from an Eastern and Western systems perspective, in the eastern system of medicine, every disease goes through six stages. Okay. So listen to me, as I’m closing out here, every disease goes through six stages. It’s aetiology. So it starts in the early stage, maybe I don’t know, you, you know, it feels like a scratch or a sniffle. Right? And then you start coughing, right? And then you start getting lung congestion, and so on, right? So, cancer may start in some very functional way that you don’t even look at because you’re not, you’ve lost your intuition with your body, and then it progresses, and finally get a big tumour or something. Okay, well, that stage of cancer is in the late stages, okay. But there are all the early stages of cancer, early stages of inflammation, early stages of, you know, worms, you know, and fungi and pathogens breeding in your system. That’s why the Western system of medicine doesn’t fully understand this entire aetiology. So we only focus on the Western medicine that we are, they only focus on the late stages, they wait until the disease gets into the fifth or sixth stage. Okay? And that’s where Western medicine comes in. Western medicine comes away at the late stage, and what does it do radiation, chemotherapy, etc. And you know, but it’s coming in at a late stage. It is because remember, it came from wartime medicine, shoot that thing, fire it, destroy it, the war time metaphors, Western medicine doesn’t come in the early stages. This is where food supplements, activities, the eastern systems, the engineering systems approach sees a body as a system, what are the things you can do today, to upkeep that body maintain it? What are the things you can do to identify when your body’s going off course? What are the things we can use to identify what are government’s going off course. Okay, that’s called a systems approach. And that’s what I’ve discovered. And that’s what’s part of the entire VAShiva platform. It’s part of what I’ve done my whole life. And that’s the gift that I want to give all of you. And I want to thank all of you for your support and contributions for building this platform and will continue to grow you know, our goes to 50,000, Truth Freedom Health warriors, all over the world. And you guys are like the light, the Jedi Knights, where we want you to be empowered with this scientific knowledge. We want you to build community and we want you to go local and be activists and, and I’m more like the weapons factory of knowledge that I’m going to keep creating information for you. That’s what the goal is. We have to come together as a community of Truth Freedom and Health Warriors, we have to build this bottoms-up movement. It’s the only way forward. If you want entertainment, go watch Hollywood, go watch Bollywood. If you want entertainment, go vote for a republican or democrat go participate in their elections go vote for Trump or Bernie. That’s what they are guys, their entertainment. The working people throughout the world are being attacked viciously over the last year. The lockdowns, effect, affected small businesses, small restaurants, everyday working people, it didn’t affect Amazon, it didn’t affect Walmart, it affected small people because they needed to slow down the economy, because the elites want to keep the interest rates low. And we can do a whole discussion on that. When you take a systems approach, you will see their true effects of the establishment wants to distract you, right. It’s like what a virus does, right? The virus and all these things want to replicate inside. They want to take away your attention. That’s why you gotta zap them hard. You cannot be compromising to the establishment or you learn in our courses and not so obvious establishment. Okay. So thank you everyone. I hope this is valuable. I’ll do more videos tomorrow. And remember, the most important thing is we must build our Movement, it is your Movement. So again, support the Movement for Truth Freedom Health. Go to vashiva.com/join, support yourself. And thank you for all your support and contributions we’re building up. By the way, we’ve ordered two more very powerful servers, thank you for your contributions. We’re beefing up our data center infrastructure. We have a great data center here in Cambridge, we don’t rely on Amazon. We don’t rely on others. It’s our infrastructure. So thank you, everyone. Be the Light!

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.