Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai provides a CytoSolve systems biology analysis of Green Tea and its effects on Immune Health based on 35,342 research articles, 1356 clinical trials, with over 211 years of medical research.
- Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD – Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator – gives an overview on a CytoSolve computational analysis on how Green Tea affects Immune Health.
- Green Tea is the most consumed beverage after water, is considered nature’s antibiotic and it’s usage dates back over 4000 years ago.
- CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 35,342 research articles, 1356 clinical trials, with over 211 years of medical research.
- Green Tea contains important amino acids like L-Theanine, Tyrosine, Tryptophan, Threonine, 5-N-ethyl glutamine, Glutamic acid, Serine, Glycine, Valine, Leucine, Aspartic acid, Lysine, and Arginine.
- Chemical compounds in Green Tea include Epicatechin, Epicatechin Gallate (ECG), Epiggallocatechin (EGC), Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)
The original research in this video is made possible by generous contributions from supporters of the Dr.SHIVA Truth Freedom Health® movement. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions.
Good evening, everyone is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, we’re going to have a discussion about Green Tea and Immune Health, it’s going to be part of our immune health series. And I look forward to everyone joining us. One of the things that many of you know that I focus on, whether it’s presenting a Biological System, or whether I’m presenting something in the healthcare system, or any kind of system is to attempt to reinforce the fact that all systems in the universe have a common set of principles. And those principles are embodied in the Science of Systems, which I teach every Monday evening as a part of our Truth Freedom Health warrior training program. And the purpose of that training is to build a movement that is dedicated to Truth Freedom Health. So we’ll talk about that. But you’ll see it’s continually intertwined in a pretty open way throughout any of the discussions that we have. We’ve done a whole research project on black seed oil for one of the largest black seed oil manufacturers who do organic, great black seed oil. And we’ll share that at some point. I’m having a cup of Green Tea right here. Look, make sure the brand is organic. That’s the most important thing. Make sure it’s organic. And it comes from a reputable source. I drink a lot of the Traditional Medicines brand. I like those guys.
Welcome to the discussion we’re going to have today on Green Tea and Immune Health. So it’s Green Tea and Immune Health, Green Tea and immune health, and it’s a CytoSolve Molecular Systems Biology analysis. And everyone understands that this is brought to you by the platform that we’re building, VA Shiva, which is about creating the future for Truth Freedom Health. So, I will give you the back of the full background. But if I encourage everyone to go to the website, vashiva.com. And on that website, you’ll see a range of things that I’ve been doing for a large part of my life but when you look at that website you’ll find out that the single sort of thread the single DNA they ties it all together is a search for systems you know search for unity across all different systems and I’ve worked a lot on many different kinds of systems. Now Green Tea, any type of food is also a system and interacts with another system in this case the molecular system in your body everything in the universe is a system. Every Monday night at 7 to 10pm as a part of our Truth Freedom Health warrior training program, I teach the Foundations of Systems course. It’s a great course because it’s taking about 40-50 years of really really deep engineering knowledge and scientific knowledge and putting into a form that anyone can access, but that’s the core thread that you’ll see throughout the work here.

Journey to Systems
I grew up in many different worlds and I had to always figure out how to integrate systems.
As a young kid in Bombay, India which was a system within a system. You had extremely wealthy people, extremely poor people, you had all different religious systems right Zoroastrians you know you had Hindus you had Christians outside of our apartment in Bombay we could look at you know during the holidays all different holidays taking place. We lived in a very multilingual system but I also was aware of the caste system in India where people are put into their unfortunate little buckets. But I also experienced a different kind of system, I experienced a system of Indian agriculture or without electricity, without any running water in the early mid-60s where my Grandparents lived. There were scenes like this where my Grandparents were poor village farmers. But my Grandmother in addition to being someone who worked 16 hours a day in the village she was also the village Shaman which means a healer. This is her in her Sunday best, she would on Saturdays and Sundays see 30-40 people come to our small village home. She would observe their face so she could diagnose what kind of system they were and then when she would figure out the right medicine, for the right person, at the right time. For their particular imbalances this is what got me excited when I moved to the United States as a 7-year-old kid in 1970 by the time I was 14 I had gone to NYU in their computer science program and I started working full time and it may be hard for people to believe. I started working full time and I got a job as a research fellow at a medical school where I was very interested in applying computers to medicine. I was looking at why babies were dying in their sleep. The sleep system babies have actually six states of sleep and I was trying to figure out if I could use computers to determine when a baby would stop sleeping at a certain sleep cycle. This was to for to understand new ways to stop SIDS where babies are dying their sleep but I also in that medical school understood another system the interoffice mail system which included the secretary who had the inbox, outbox folders and she would write this thing called a memo to, from, subject, carbon paper completely different system and this was put into an envelope and this was then transferred through these pneumatic tubes. Anyone over the age of 40 remembers these but this was also another system and I was asked to convert this entire system into the electronic form I wrote 50,000 lines of Fortran code before I came to MIT named that system Email as you can see here and you know won a number of awards in innovation before again I get came to MIT and in fact when I got to MIT the president of MIT told me that I should copyright it because that was the only way to protect software inventions because the patent system was behind software and so you can see right here I patented copyrighted Email giving me the first U.S. copyright for Email recognizing me of the invalid Email but more importantly I learned about systems sleep systems technology systems as Email.
Now, 33 years later my dear Mom was dying of a horrible disease called pulmonary fibrosis, in a suitcase she had saved all of this and then the senior technology editor of TIME magazine Doug Aamoth by the way one of the few journalists, if not the only reviewed all this material and he wrote an article called the man who invented Email. Any controversy that exists comes from a lack of understanding that Email is a system. It’s not the simple exchange of text messages but one of the things that the invention of email brings us to is a system of innovation, again another system that the innovation of Email did not occur in the military industrial academic complex. It occurred in the system of a loving family public school teachers and a mentor it was in that triangle that I was able to have the freedom the infrastructure innovation to place so I want you to understand that the journey to systems occurred in this very vibrant environment and the same structural understanding of how Ginger works or an herb works can go back to this understanding and all of that occurred before I came to MIT and when I came to mit after many degrees and my PhD I discovered the system of Western medicine and got a PhD in it right Western medicine looks like this we’re in order to understand the whole let’s say the human body the large scale organization you got to understand functional modules but ultimately you’re dealing with genes and proteins etc now the Eastern system of medicine deals in a very different world it deals with Prusha, Pirkriti and all these different interactions which defines the whole human being. But interestingly enough in the Indian system of medicine there are three terms Vata Pitta and Kapha that are directly related to a way that my Grandmother would diagnose your body. She either saw as a Vata, Pitta, Kapha body type alright so this is the way Eastern systems were understood and I wanted to find the intersection of both of these, this led me on a Fulbright research back to MIT in 2007 my goal was to integrate East and West. What I discovered and this was on the front page of MIT by the way MIT was quite intrigued why you know at arm with all these four degrees do I want to go back to India and I did and they did a front page article on this but what I discovered was the Indian system of medicine that uses the word Vata, Pitta and Kapha was directly related to the Engineering Systems concept that I’d learned at MIT, transport conversion storage. By the way in the interest of time all of you will learn this when you sign up for the Truth Freedom Health warrior training program and what I discovered was that this system is the same as this system and in fact I wrote a scientific paper in an engineering journal really documenting this breakthrough which literally helped us interconnect East and West and that ended up becoming a whole institute of setup called System Health where people can take a master certification program and many of you may be interested in this we’ve have doctors healthcare practitioners yoga teachers anyone can take it there’s a whole set of books written around it people can get certified out of that course.
Green Tea
So, let’s talk about Green Tea and Immune Health. First of all, what we’re going to cover is, we’re going to learn today is what is Green Tea? What is Green Tea? And second, we’re gonna learn what biological functions this Green Tea effect? I’m having some right now and what health benefits Green Tea provides? And how Green Tea affects the immune system? You know, I think the immune system is really important to understand, there’s a bunch of videos I’ve done before, but part of this to educate the broad mass in the public. There’s something that we call antibodies. And that’s what the focus of when you get inoculated to bring up those antibodies. But it’s important to understand that there are many other things that are involved in your body to also support your immune system. Unfortunately, the media and the press just focuses on antibodies, and it doesn’t focus on the other so I feel it a duty to educate people. So also you’ll also learn about the immune system. So well, Green Tea. Some people consider it nature’s antibiotic, one of nature’s antibiotics. It’s usage was discovered over 4000 years ago and China is most consumed, you know, beverage after water. It’s pretty incredible. So just think about it’s the most consumed beverage after water. quite amazing. Okay, Green Tea is the most consumed beverage after water and is produced from the fresh leaves of Camellia sinensis. We recently did some very cool research, maybe I’ll share it. And we just, it’s in the midst of publication, where we really looked at the effect of Green Tea. After people got a transplant, what we noticed was, and we did this with some, the NIH supported research with the City of Hope. And what we found was that when people consumed Green Tea, they had less transplant rejection, which means that it had an immuno-modulatory effect. So we were able to just show that in a very wonderful scientific paper. So Green Tea has many, many effects, but one of the things it has, it has an immunomodulatory effect, also. So it’s produced from the fresh leaves. And the major benefits of Green Tea are attributed to catechins. And amino acids, catechins. And amino acids, by the way, you can actually, one is you’re drinking the tea, the others, people are making extracts, Green Tea extracts, and you can look at some of the herbal supplement companies. And when you look at it, the level of, we’ll talk about these catechins that they have, like EGCG, that gives it really the potency of what it is. So people are essentially doing extracts out of it for Green Tea. So it’s pretty well researched. As you can see here, there’s nearly 35,342 research articles. incredible number of clinical trials, I think it’s probably one out of all the things we’ve spoken about, in the last couple of weeks. Green Tea has the most amount of clinical research, you can see it’s got nearly 1356 clinical trials done on it. And that’s over 211 years of medical research, that means we’re in 2020 1920 1820, which means going back to 1820 minus 11. Right, which would be 1809. So since 1809, there’s been 35,342 research articles written, over 1356 clinical trials, quite extraordinary, very well researched supplement.
So let me talk about CytoSolve, So CytoSolve is a powerful technology that came out of my PhD work at MIT during the period of 2003 to 2007 to really address a very powerful grand challenge that was put forward by the National Science Foundation which was how could you given that so much science and research is going on how could you use technology to mathematically model the human cell, how could you use technology to understand literature in a field and organize it and put it in such a way that you could actually use the computer to model diseases, model biochemical, biomolecular functions on the computer so we could understand the science of what’s going on. So that’s really where CytoSolve begins. If you go to the website cytosolve.com you’ll see this very cool picture of this pill, it is almost digitized which is basically saying we’re trying to use computers to understand the power of the combination of ingredients and foods. Food is medicine and it’s really a 23rd century platform for discovery where we could do this faster, cheaper, and safer. So as I mentioned if you look at all those papers that are out They’re on any topic in any indication CytoSolve is the ability to take all that research, bring it down to the relevant research, extract from it the molecular pathways, and then get a systems understanding of that phenomena. Let’s say it’s inflammation or Alzheimer’s or brain health, or cancer, etc. And from that, we can then derive a computational understanding, in addition to the bioinformatics understanding. And so one of the areas that I thought CytoSolve would be very powerful used is in the entire drug development field, which is highly highly takes a lot of time to do it’s highly, highly inefficient, you can see and it’s inefficient, it is broken, the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry is broken. First of all, they can only work with a single compound, they can’t handle food, right? Because food has millions or 1000s of, you know, 10s of many different compounds, they can only handle the synthetic compounds. And then they do in vitro screening, which means in a test tube, and then if that works, quote unquote, works, then they go get funding to test, let’s say, cancer on an animal. So, here, they’re doing cancer cells in a test tube than they do in vivo, which is on an animal. And if all of this doesn’t kill too many of the animals, they try to get funding to try to see if they can take this to human trials, this is called they have to get an FDA allowance to do that. Then they do small sets of humans called Phase 1 larger sets called Phase 2, and many, many humans call Phase 3. This is the process of Pharmaceutical Drug Development. And the interesting thing is 20% of the stuff that goes into phase 1 never makes it which means it fails. So, a lot of the work here is being done very ineffectively.
So my theory was, well, if you could do this better, you could solve a lot of the side effects and the stuff that comes out of this end. Furthermore, it takes about $5,000,000,000.13 years to do. And it’s impossible for this methodology to handle combinations that are personalized and precise. It can’t handle food. Right? So, and furthermore, if you look at the pharmaceutical industry, this is why they need to move into the market of vaccines because you’re over a year and a year they’re doing R & D funding in this pharmaceutical model, and Big Pharma is frankly failing big time. In fact, even the FDA is not allowing any of their medicines, are less and less of their medicines that come out because of the side effects and the toxicity. So this is why pharma is moving so fast into vaccines, because vaccines don’t have to go through the same regulatory framework. Alright, because vaccines are considered a biologic. So the other important thing to understand is the entire drug development model is based on like the blind man touching the elephant. So if the elephant here represents Immune Health, if the elephant represents cancer, right, you will find out that the individual way that research is done today in academia is its reductionism. Research is actually what is called reductionist research the way we do do things. So Academia is incentivized not to look at the whole problem. And this is something I’ll keep repeating and keep making clear because a lot of people don’t understand the real source of where the problem in medical research comes from. It goes back to academia, even before Big Pharma is academic research, where if you’re a researcher in academia, you’re incentivized not to look at the whole problem. You’re incentivized to be the blind man, looking at parts of the problem. And God forbid you ever got together and decided to work together, you would end up with something like this, which looked nothing like the elephant, okay? Because the entire research base is not holistic. You know, it looks at pieces. So the guy touching the trunk thinks it’s a snake, the guy touching the test thinks it’s a sword, etc. So you don’t even get anything close to the elephant. It’s fundamentally broken. Moreover, starting in 2003, is when we had a big opportunity for a revolution in biology. And what was that? We found out that the complexity of an organism is not a function of the number of parts. Prior to 2003. Biology kept saying, well, we knew a worm had around 20,000 genes. And the idea was, well, a human being we knew is so much more complex, we thought the hypothesis was that a human being must have at least 100,000 a million genes. Well, the irony was when the Genome Project ended in 2003, remember, the Human Genome Project was all about saying that genes are who we are. But it turns out genes are not who we are. We only have 20,000 genes, the same number of genes as a worm. So this flipped Biology on its head, and it moved to a field called Systems Biology. And by the way, what you’re learning here you’re not going to learn anywhere else because Systems Biology is still relatively a new field and Systems Biology says ‘We don’t just in order to understand the whole human here, we got to understand how the genes interact with proteins across cells and tissues to understand the whole”. So it’s a Systems Approach to biology. We’re spanning many spatial scales, as well as temporal scales.
So this was manifested in one of the grand challenges that the National Science Foundation put forward in 2003. You know, the National Science Foundation makes great challenges, which is trying to incentivize the movement of science forward. And the challenge that they put forward in 2003 is now recognizing Wait a minute, it’s not just about the genes. It’s about the entire human cell. And the question was, could we create a technology to mathematically model the entire cell? So imagine the cell as a reactor having all these mathematical or chemical reactions, all these chemical reactions? Could we create a technology that could mathematically model that. By the way, any one of these chemical reactions looks like this chemical a reacts with a chemical being to give protein x, and these in 2003, some of these little diagrams are becoming mathematical models. My goal of my PhD work was, could we integrate connect many, many mathematical models, so you could scale which means create large scale models in a decentralized way. And that was really the creation of CytoSolve. So this was my PhD work. What I created was a technology that could provide a framework for modelling complexity. And before my PhD was done, people thought this was an impossible problem. And even after I finished my PhD, in 2007, I spent five years publishing a lot of scientific papers in the leading journals, because you always have naysayers. And I proved it out with many different industrial organizations. In fact, used CytoSolve to discover a combination therapy for pancreatic cancer, all done on the computer without killing animals. So CytoSolve is a major breakthrough, because it says that we can use a computer to save a lot of time money, and find out what works even in the nutraceutical field. So that’s what CytoSolve is, a powerful technology. So by the way, if you think Email as the electronic version of the Interoffice Communication System, CytoSolve is the electronic version of the Molecular Communication System. So if you think about an airplane today, we don’t throw a pilot into some new airplanes, we do all of the airplane designs on the computer, we find out what fails, what works. And then we take a finite set of the designs, and then we go test it on the wind tunnel. And then hopefully, we don’t kill too many pilots at all. So CytoSolve is the equivalent of that. CytoSolve allows us to test things in silico, which means on the computer, and not only can we test a single compound, we can test combinations of compounds, which is what the pharma industry cannot do. So as we study any of these herbs or foods, they have many, many different compounds, right? So we’re able to test it on the computer long before we go kill animals long before we go into the wet lab. And this allows us to discover things faster, cheaper, and safer.
Is this true? Is it not true? Are we headed in the right direction, etc. All right. So to me, this is very interesting because I’ve come full circle, because I can do what my grandmother used to do when she used to combine ingredients for the person, she used the Principle of Synergy to really understand combinations of ingredients. And Green Tea is not just one ingredient. Green Tea is many, many different molecules. So when you take Green Tea, your body is being modulated by a whole host of molecules, not just one particular, you know, molecule, which is what the drug companies focus on, a single molecule. So by the way, we’ve created a whole infrastructure here at CytoSolve, we have our own data center, we can take the repositories, we can mine the data, we work with research communities all over the world, and our models are getting better and better and better.
Green Tea
So when you look at Green Tea, what is it composed of, because it’s not just one drug. This is why CytoSolve is so valuable because we need to understand it in a holistic way. So Green Tea is composed of many, many things. Well it does contain caffeine 4%. dry weight is caffeine, 6 to 8% lots and lots of minerals. Okay, amino acids, 8 to 12%, polyphenols, 36%, it’s a very powerful food, okay, minerals, and amino acids and polyphenols, 36% dry weight. And those polyphenols are extremely powerful ingredients that affect all types of chemical reactions. So the mineral composition of Green Tea, as you can see, in about nine major minerals all the way from potassium to nickel, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, chromium, selenium, zinc, cobalt, nickel. Now, I have to emphasize this, it’s very, in my view, it’s very, very important. You can do what you want, that you have to try to shoot for, particularly the teas that come from organic sources. Because, you know, green matter sucks up everything in the ground, right? You know, so think about you’re in a polluted environment, right? And everything in the atmosphere drops into the ground and everything leeches into the Green Tea, or the Green Tea leeches everything up. So I would suggest going organic. It would be very valuable, okay. But look at all the amino acids that Green Tea has. Okay. Green Tea has some incredible amino acids. L-Theanine, which tempers the effect of caffeine. So this is why people say well, I’m getting caffeine from Green Tea, but L-Theanine has a modulatory effect very different from drinking coffee. So Theanine is in Green Tea and it really modulates the effects of caffeine. But look at you got Tyrosine, Tryptophan, Threonine, 5-N-ethyl glutamine, Glutamic acid, Serine, Glycine, Valine, Leucine, Aspartic acid, Lysine, Arginine, so it’s got you know, 13 amino acids in there. Arginine, as many of you know, is extremely important for nitric oxide release. If you exercise or if you have Arginine, really basal dilates, the blood vessels leading to nitric oxide release. And nitric oxide, some people consider the molecule one of the most powerful molecules because it’s very important for cardiovascular function. Alright, so we have Arginine in there also. So again, lots of minerals, lots of amino acids in Green Tea, and here are some of the four major what are called catechins. Okay, and I just want you to look at these structures. You know, I love these structures, but you can see that we have Epicatechin, Epicatechin Gallate (ECG), and the Epigallocatechin Gallate catechin (EGCG), so this one on the far right. And you also have Epigallocatechin (EGC), okay. But you can see the structure has changed. So here you have Epicatechin. Right. But the difference is Epicatechin Gallate has this whole other structure over here on the bottom right, okay? The Epigallocatechin has this structure here, but you can notice what’s important to understand, it’s got an extra OH group here, unlike Epicatechin. And this one has the features of essentially all of these, right? It’s got this group over here from the Epicatechin Gallate, plus has got this group here from the Epigallocatechin right, so this is EGCG. If you go look around for supplements, you’ll find out typically you can get EGCG itself. In our research is one of the most important elements, it has very very, it’s probably one of the most well researched too, EGCG. But the key thing is you have all of these different compounds. So you know when we’re considering Green Tea and the effects on the body again, it’s a multi combination. If you think about food as medicine, this medicine has, at least in the catechins, four major compounds that hit different parts of the body; this is why Synergies are extremely important to understand.
Biological Effects & Health Benefits Of Green Tea
So what are the biological effects of Green Tea? Well here’s some of the important biological effects and it’s got many you know six major effects: antioxidant, powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative which means antitumor, antithrombotic which means for thrombosis, from the standpoint of heart issues. Vasorelaxation which means that’s what the Arginine does. Anti-angiogenic again related to cancer, one is it’ll make sure that the cancer if and when a tumor implants itself, it starts putting out its own vasculature. Which means its own pipelines to start you know attacking the rest of your body that’s called angiogenesis that vasculature, so what Green Tea does is also anti-angiogenic. So you have a number of very very powerful uses here so just want to try to look at that you can see the many many aspects of Green Tea biological effects. And over here on the diagram we’re looking at all the different molecules that it interacts with alright and each one of these definitely powerful antioxidant anti-inflammatory. What are the health benefits well great for obesity and weight loss, anti-ageing, immune function, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cold and flu, asthma, depression and periodontal disease. So, if you look at all of these things you will realize that ultimately many of these health benefits are related to inflammation and the immune system which we’re going to talk about but you can see the wide ways in which it affects the body. I have probably a couple of cups of Green Tea every day, you may want to obviously consult with your doctor. I don’t think it’s gonna affect you in a negative way if anything it can protect you in many different ways again. I highly recommend making sure you get it from an organic source.
Immune System
So, let’s talk about the immune system, so we want to look at Green Tea’s effect on the immune system. It’s important to understand the immune system and I have done this a couple of times and I keep incorporating it into this discussion for a very particular reason because it’s important that we understand that the immune system is not just antibodies. I want to share with you the sort of primitive understanding of the immune system and the much more modern theory of the immune system which I’ve put forward which I presented at the National Science Foundation a couple of years ago at an invited lecture. Let me look at that for you so the immune system first of all consists of a two compartment model okay in the old view of the immune system I call it the old view but this is unfortunately the view that’s still in the mainstream that you have the innate immune system which is the immune system that’s in your eyes, your throat, your gut. It’s the thing that’s exposed to the pathogen and this immune system attempts to take out the pathogen using cells like macrophages which attempt to literally eat it up. Sort of starts dismembering it as the pathogen and once this is done in this model the immune system the parts of the components that have been eaten up are called antigens are presented to the adaptive immune system. Which then generates antibodies and in this conventional understanding the immune system if you got antibodies you’re done you’re in great shape. Well the conundrum here is or the problem is there are people who get exposed to a pathogen who never have antibodies but they survive really well, well how is that possible? How did that happen? Well because there are other parts of the immune system which gives you immunity. Those include systems such as these, and this is what I presented about a couple years ago at the National Science Foundation. I said look it’s not just you know this right the two blue boxes it involves your amazing bacteria in your gut it involves viruses. We have about three and a trillion viruses. It involves the interferon system. And the gut brain axis looking at your brain. So if you have stuff going on in your gut, that’s going to affect neuro inflammation. But the interferon system, as you can see, is one system. That’s the missing link across all of these, which is rarely talked about. So going back to the two blue boxes here, this is sort of the left box here, this is the right box here on the bottom. So in phagocytosis, what happens is, when your body gets attacked at the innate system level, you have these macrophages, which go try to eat up that virus. And as they’re eating it up and spitting things out, and I may make it a little more dramatic. The parts of the virus are known as that, sort of crunched up are antigens, which means the pieces of the virus, which are then presented from the adaptive immune system, to the innate immune system, the T-cells. So this, so if you look at this little pink thing here, which gets eaten up, which is part of the virus gets in presented by the macrophage to the T-cell, and when this happens, the T-cells go forward, and they do a set of functions to create antibodies, okay? So that’s pretty much the essentially the whole thing of the old model of the immune system, macrophages attack, right. And then, as they’re beating up the pathogen, the pieces that pathogen are presented to what’s called a CD4 T-cell, that T-cell then you know, calls upon the CD8 cell which may go destroy the actual infected cell, right? Or, and it calls upon a B-cell to create what is known as an antibody. Okay. And the idea is, if you got that you’re done, but that’s not true. We talked about the interferon system, well, the interferon system, and by the way, here’s another way of looking at it. Here’s a typical immune response. Let’s say this is the COVID virus, this is the lung epithelial cell, this is your lungs on this side. And this is a bloodstream on this side. So the virus comes in you inside your lungs, you have macrophages, which attempt to eat it. The virus may also get into the cell, it may infect it. But this macrophage sort of squeezes his way through here, as it’s chomping at this, and it presents the pieces of it to the CD4 cell, which then calls up the CD8 cell to go eat up the infected cell that’s cytotoxicity. And the CD4 cell also calls upon the B-cell to create antibodies, as you can see are the antibodies surrounding the virus? Okay, this is the adaptive immune cell response. But the problem is, that’s not the only game in town. Okay. Now, as I mentioned, they’re finding people with COVID or any type of virus, they’re asymptomatic. They’re healthy, they don’t even have antibodies, and they’re fine. How’s that possible? Well, the thing that’s left out of this bit, this enormous thing called the immune system is the interferon system. The interferon system is a part of your infrastructure body, that is these molecules that are called interferons, they interfere with the virus, that’s what they’re called interferons. And these interferons are, by the way, if you look at the third bullet, they’re in every, virtually every cell in your body and like antibodies, okay? They’re everywhere, okay? And the interferons constitute the first line of defense against infection, and the interferons create an antiviral environment in the cell. In fact, this entire process up regulates many, many genes up regulates many genes, and there are type one interferons, interferon alpha and beta which are in every part of your body. So the interferon system is hugely important, because it says it’s not just about the antibodies, antibodies, antibodies we also have interferons and why are interferons important? Interferons increase antiviral activity of cells like NK cells, NK means natural killer cells, which go eat up your infected cells, so extremely important, independent of antibodies. So there you go. We talked about the immune system.
Synergy – A Systems Principle
Now, it’s really, really important in all of this, we’re looking at Green Tea, to understand the Principle of Synergy. So when you look at Green Tea, you look at all those components. It’s not just hitting one molecular system in your body, it’s hitting many molecular systems. This is why this cup of Green Tea is very valuable because it has multiple types of catechins. Those polyphenols which go affect many different pathways. And when you study systems, it’s important to understand the Principle of Synergy. A simple example of understanding that is When we, you know, if you can take Green Tea, mash it up, you can mash up Green Tea with other things. You can take curcumin, and you can take many different herbs and you combine it, you know, when we make curry, for example, it’s not just one spice, it’s a set of spices, right? Because it’s the ensemble effect that those have. So when you look at this in the Synergistic Effect. I want to give you an example of what we’ve done with CytoSolve, what we can do is we’ve taken all the molecular pathways of inflammation involved with turmeric. And we’ve extracted those 6000 papers, and we’ve extracted the molecular mechanisms. And voila, you see all the places that curcumin, the active ingredient affects those molecular mechanisms. Similarly, we’ve done that with resveratrol. Now what happens if you mix it together? Well with CytoSolve, we can mathematically look at a cytokine on the far left, which causes inflammation. I’m not giving any curcumin and any resveratrol so we have high inflammation. That’s what that .15 represents. If you’re focused on that first row, that I just give curcumin, experiment number two, and the inflammation drops, then I just give resveratrol, the inflammation doesn’t do as good as curcumin, curcumin went to .05, this goes to .06. But look what happens when I apply the Principle of Synergy. I’m not just taking just curcumin or just resveratrol, I’m combining them. And look what happens here. Even though I’m giving less of each one of those, you get even a 200% further drop, this is called the Principle of Synergy, extremely important and understanding systems. The Principle of Synergy is vital to understanding systems because it is what is the art of life, it is what can make the difference between winning and losing between life and death, between healing and non healing. It is these combinations of things. So as a part of that, what I want to let you know is, you know, using CytoSolve, recently. CytoSolve is a very powerful technology, we can literally model complex diseases on the computer, then we can go through and look at all the different ingredients out there. And we can see what combinations do the best. Since 2003, you know, we created CytoSolve, from a Systems Approach, used it to understand all different kinds of ingredients, as we’re sharing with you here today helped a lot of companies. But over the last 15-16 years, we’ve actually built many, many mathematical models. We have repositories of compounds from natural products, and we said hey, why don’t we go through? We’ve helped a lot of companies, why don’t we try to create like the best product for let’s say, inflammation or pain and discomfort. And that was really the evolution of CytoSolve. So what we’ve done here is we’ve created a product called mV25. You can go to vashiva.com. And you can get it at the shop. I’ll show it to you later. But what we’ve done is we’ve optimized it with CytoSolve. It’s a combination, and we’re calling into mV because mV in physics means momentum, mass times velocity. And when you go through the back of the label, you’ll see it says you know this was formulated using the CytoSolve computational Systems Biology platform and technology for precision and personalized health invented by Dr. Shiva during his doctoral research. This formulation results from integrating 1000s of peer reviewed scientific papers across four decades in 68 research institutions computing trillions of potential combination biomolecular interactions to discover an optimal synergy of compounds that downregulate biomarkers have discovered in normal swelling. So CytoSolve optimized means this formula has been optimised to maximize the benefits and availability while minimizing toxicity, as the Science Advances. So will, this formulation. By the way, this is Clean Certified, which means non GMO, organic ingredients. And we’ve and it’s made in the US. So why is this important? Because if you think about the Principle of Synergy, it’s not using any one thing. This is why food is medicine, food doesn’t just have one compound. It’s got many, many different compounds, just like we saw with Green Tea, if there are people who just take pure caffeine, well, that could have some beneficial effects, but it can also offset you. As a food this has enough combinations of things that you’re getting the effect, but you’re also getting it modulated. Okay. So when we created mV25, we were looking at all different combinations. And by the way, most of the supplements out in the market, if you actually look at other developments, it’s just some guy, one guy, it’s called the formulator. He read a couple of papers, very good people, but they did not have the capability of CytoSolve. So mV25 is a manifestation of really using this Synergy Approach. Okay. Now, is the Synergy Approach only good for molecules, right? Or could you apply to other scientific principles?

Truth Freedom Health®
And one of the things you’ll find here is that If you look at truth, okay, if you look at, for example, for the last many, many years, the nerds are the innovators in the scientist, we search for truth. And typically those have been called the nerds over here, right? And then you have another set of people, you’re fighting for freedom, right? Typically, and politically, they’re called the people into freedom of speech rights, and the First Amendment and the Second Amendment. And they look and feel a little bit different, right? That’s a different group of people, right. And then you’ve had the set of people we’re into health, right? Typically the earthy, crunchy granola types, right? People are into yoga and eating right, and drinking Green Tea, etc. The problem is that all of these three movements have been separated, no different than if you just had curcumin, or just had resveratrol, you just took one compound out in Green Tea, okay? The issue is that the reason we don’t have a massive movement that has been successful of change. That those in power have, just like keeping curcumin and resveratrol in different bins or not combining, they’ve kept them in all different bins, oh, you must be a redneck. If you support the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, you must be a nerd, if you’re a scientist, you must be a yoga Nazi, if you’re into health, right, etc, these little. But what we want to talk about here is just at the bio molecular level, if you start combining stuff, if you go at the system’s level, you understand that we must combine this. And this is where we can go beyond left and right. So as a part of that, I want to encourage all of you that what you’re seeing in this discussion here, we’re talking about Green Tea, we’re talking about the components of Green Tea, but we’re talking about food as medicine, we’re then taking a journey to talk about CytoSolve and amazing technology, which can help us unravel the system’s nature of Green Tea. But that Systems Approach is what we can use to actually understand anything in the universe, including how to build a political movement. That’s why our movement, the Truth Freedom Health movement, is based on you taking a Systems Approach. That’s why when I’m talking about Green Tea, I’m compelled to be interconnected, I can’t separate, I can’t separate the politics, the Green Tea from the movement or science. So let me play you the video as I always do. To help you guys understand why this is important. And what our movement for Truth Freedom Health is about.
Everyone go to vashiva.com/join and become a Truth Freedom Health warrior, it’s a way that you support your own education you support this amazing movement for Truth Freedom Health. That’s what all your support is what makes this possible we’re also building as you know our own infrastructure. Go on to the website when you join you know we have a whole amazing dashboard for our Truth Freedom Health warriors you get videos there’s it’s really a vehicle for three things first of all for you to get educated you know and we have a whole bunch of educational tools in System Science. You’re going to really when you take the course you’re gonna understand what this diagram is. It’ll take you about two to three years to go to MIT to get this but I teach it to you in about an hour. Then you get access to the book ‘System and Revolution’, then you get access to the tool ‘Your Body, Your System’ where you can understand your body as a system. All of you guys who’ve contributed you know as a gift we make this possible to all those people give $25 or more than people who also can get access to the Systems Health portal where you can educate others your friends and your neighbors you get access to other scientific reports you get access to the entire course that’s online you can actually get certified. Then you get access to three other books plus you get access to the engineering paper and then you get access to all of that and those of you who’ve contributed have been very generous with $100 or more all of you guys have the chance to participate in the warrior program. But most importantly I don’t want you to feel alone because as you learn this material you’re going to feel like your consciousness is raised and you don’t have friends that you want to connect with so there’s a forum where you can go through, independent of Big Tech, you can start your own discussions. Lots and lots of discussions taking place there’s also social media tools. You can create your own page equal or better than Facebook and then you can Also start your own page and interconnect with other people, then you can get activated. We give you lots and lots of tools where you can print out this card on vaccines and in your own neighborhood, you can be an activist, teaching people masks, the science of it, the public health implications, you can educate people from a scientific basis on what the real issue is to go beyond Vax, Anti-Vax, right? And then people can understand the science of that. So that’s, you know, the model here. The knowledge that you learn about Green Tea, you’re going to learn it’s a system, but I don’t want you to just learn about Green Tea, I want you to, you know, generalize it to learn something much, much more deeper. So there you go. That’s it’s all interconnected. So the effect of Green Tea on immune health is when you look at it, you find out that the important thing are these catechins. So again, the catechins from the Green Tea, modulate the immune system through anti inflammatory properties. Now those catechins from Green Tea exhibit antimicrobial effects, this is what’s interesting. So, think about this, catechins like vitamin D3 have an antimicrobial effect. And those catechins also have an anti inflammatory effect. So they have a dual effect. In this case, the L-theanine promotes proliferation of the innate immune system, which means it supports the innate immune system, your macrophages, your NK cells. So that’s that theanine, which also modulates caffeine. And then the Green Tea compound, alleviates asthma symptoms through smooth muscle relaxation. So let’s look at L-theanine. Okay, so this is the effect of Green Tea on the immune system, and particularly on the innate system. So if you look at the L-theanine promotes a proliferation of gamma delta T-cells, okay? See, that that’s these T-cells. So you can see right here, that L-theanine literally supports the proliferation of these T-cells. And what’s important, these are part of your innate immune system. And these T-cells enable antibacterial activity, antiviral and antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral antifungal, that’s this molecule enables a T-cell to do that’s a very powerful effect. The second thing that happens is the effect of the Green Tea and immune system is it supports the adaptive immune system. So there’s that molecule, EGCG, that’s that molecule with all those OH & H groups around it, right? And what EGCG does, if you look at the Th1 cell, which is one of the cells that’s involved in the transition in the adaptive immune system, the Th1 cell, the NF-kB and AP-1 control the upregulation of inflammatory genes. So in this cell, you have these two molecules NF-kB and AP-1, these actually create TNF-a, IL-2, MCP-1 and IL-1b. Why is this important? Well, these molecules are inflammatory molecules, cytokines, okay. Well, and they are created by NF-kB and AP-1, guess what EGCG does, it blocks these. And so release of the cytokines relates to the cytokine storm. So that’s what you would get. But right up here, we’re blocking NF-kB and AP-1. So EGCG inhibits NF-kB and AP-1, thereby mitigating the cytokine storm. So again, this is why Green Tea has a modulatory effect. Right? So that’s probably what you feel good about when you’re drinking a nice warm cup of tea, right? Because you’re essentially giving your body some shock absorbers, okay? Which means it modulates all the cytokine responses. Now, here’s the other thing. EGCG. You also have to understand the native T-cells, which is part of the adaptive immune system, there’s an enzyme called IMDPH, which is necessarily activation of the proinflammatory Th1 cell. So before this, how does this get activated? What’s activated by the naive T-cell, which activates the Th1 cell and the IMDPH is an enzyme necessary for the activation of the proinflammatory T-cell. Okay? And what EGCG does is it blocks this enzyme, right so you don’t have the Th1 cells or the inflammatory cells, and the inhibition of IMDPH leads to suppression of the Th1 cells and reduction of inflammation. So, the Green Tea has one effect where it goes right into the Th1 cell and it knocks out the NF-kB. Right, which stops the cytokine response but also upstream of that, it also is going and blocking the IMPDH in the naive T-cells. Okay? Now, let’s talk about the antimicrobial effects. What we’ve just talked about is the amazing Power Green Tea to support the effect of the adaptive immune system that’s, the thing, that aspect of the immune system that’s exposed to the outer world, but it also supports your T-cells, okay? By making sure that your T-cells, you know, there’s various types of T-cells, it’s not producing the ones that cause inflammation.
So the other aspect is Green Tea also has an antimicrobial effect, okay. So, look at it antimicrobial means viruses, bacteria, and fungi, viruses, bacteria and fungi. So you can look over here, what EGC does here. EGCG in the upper left here, so here’s a virus coming in, which is binding here, in this case to, let’s say, a receptor right here. What EGCG does is it inhibits the viral binding to the host cell surface, it inhibits viral replication. So, so right here, the Green Tea blocks the virus, it blocks the viral binding, okay, so think about that. And then the other thing it does, it inhibits the viral replication right here. So remember, just to go back to basic immune system, stuff I’ve taught you guys is that the virus first of all as to land on the surface, like a lock and key, then it gets in, right, then it releases its RNA, its its nucleic acid, and then it starts using your machinery to replicate it. And then it really assembles itself and gets that well, Green Tea stops it from getting in, it blocks the receptor action, that’s number one. And if it does get in, it goes and blocks a replication process. That’s very powerful. When you think about it, the very powerful effects Green Tea has on the antiviral effects.
Now in the antibacterial effects. It blows up literally the membrane walls you’re seeing up here, so it basically Green Tea here causes membrane disruption. And it also destroys the DNA of the bacteria and inhibits the bacteria from replicating, very powerful. And then the last thing that it does to fungi, it also disrupts the membrane like it does the bacteria. It also destroys the DNA of the fungi as you’re seeing here. But it also inhibits ergosterol synthesis, which is necessary for building the fungal cell wall. So, basically destroy the fungus’s cell wall, remember, you’re basically taking down the wall, okay? And the fungi that bacteria are essentially destroyed, but with viruses, it goes and stops the virus from getting in, and it stops viral replication, right? Green Tea, amazing, amazing medicine, food is medicine. Now, let’s talk about asthma. You know, when people get asthma, you have constriction of the bronchial airways and get wheezing. And essentially what you have is a muscle in the smooth muscle constricts you have vasoconstriction of the bronchial tubes, increasing severity of asthma symptoms. Well theophylline from Green Tea relaxes the airway, smooth muscle (ASM) in the bronchial tube. So here’s a constricted airway. And here’s a dilated one. So the relaxation of the smooth muscles in the bronchial tubes leads to reduced severity. So that’s theophylline. Right, which is another component which we’ve talked about, many different components but the theophylline, separate from the catechins literally relaxes the smooth muscle which helps in asthma. Alright, so now in closing, what I want to do is everything I’ve shared with you today, we’ve gone through a Systems Approach and pounded away at you guys. My journey into systems we’ve talked about CytoSolve as a Systems Approach. We’ve talked about why all of you need to learn the Science of Systems. Why all of you we put up the banner again should go to vashiva.com and become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. That’s what I minimally expected everyone, okay, I want all of you guys to be Truth Freedom Health warriors. Don’t do it for me. Do it for yourself, because the only way that we’re going to build a worldwide movement is by having nuclear physicists of change, which comes from understanding systems. Science, and that System Science is gonna help you understand Green Tea is going to help you understand how you build political systems. So now, everything I’ve shared with you is taking up a Bottoms-up Systems Approach using CytoSolve, right, which is sort of a Western molecular Systems Approach.
Green Tea – Eastern & Engineering Systems Approach
But you can also take another approach, which we also educate you on, you can take an Engineering Systems Approach, which is related to engineering science, related to Eastern medicine that I unraveled as part of my Fulbright. Now using that, I’m also going to analyze Green Tea. So when you take that approach, what you find is, by the way, that approaches, when you go to ‘Your Body, Your System’, all of you get it when you support our movement, and you become a supporter or a warrior, but the ‘Your Body, Your System’ is a very powerful tool. Took me 20 years to build this, where you can ask a set of questions, and you’ll figure out what kind of system you are. That’s that red dot. And then you can figure out how you’re deviated from that. Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep, or you haven’t been eating well, or you’re on jetlag, right. And then the tool actually teaches you how you can manipulate the forces of transport, conversion and storage. And you’ll understand that when you take the course to bring you back to you. Well, in the same vein, if you think about transport, conversion and storage, these are the three forces of the universe. Okay, well guess what Green Tea does, it increases transport movement, it makes sense, the caffeine in it, it also increases Pitta, which is the conversion aspect, digestion. And it lowers storage means lowers weight. So you’ll understand that transport, conversion and storage, what I discovered are the three important phenomena in the universe, believe it or not, they’re related to Truth Freedom Health, freedom being the transport piece, truth being the conversion piece, storage being the health piece, okay. So all of this is deeply interconnected. And that’s why when I keep doing these videos, I’m using Green Tea many ways, you’re getting a lot of benefits of understanding it, but I’m using it to start training you. Green Tea is a system, that system, which is a herb, or leaf affects my system. And that’s what you’re seeing here. Your body can be understood as systems. So this red dot you, you drink Green Tea is going to increase your transport, you’re going to increase digestion and you’re going to lower weight. That’s what this is teaching you.
So, how much did you take? Well, again, all of this comes from the research, you know, 3 to 10 cups, brewed tea, maintenance dose, may seem like a lot, you know, I do about three cups. For cardiovascular benefits, Frank et al., 2009 Nantz et al., and Serban et al., 2015 said, you can take about 160 to 2488 milligrams per day of the Green Tea extract. I also have the extract, which is the Green Tea extract, and you can look at it as a lot of EGCG in it. For neuroprotective benefits Park et al., 2011 found out that about 1 gram, close to 2 grams, 1720 milligrams per day of Green Tea extract. For diabetes 84 to 386 milligrams EGCG extract. For immune boosting Matsumoto et al., 2011 says, that you want to take about 588 milligrams of the Green Tea extract, which gives you about 378 milligrams of the catechins, and the 210 milligrams of the L-Theanine, so you can actually look at these, if you go look at the supplements, they’ll actually tell you the levels that those extracts contain.
But anyway, I want to encourage all of you to really explore Green Tea as a food, if you don’t look at it as a very powerful food. It’s easy to make. It modulates the cells of the innate and adaptive systems, as we’ve seen, it inhibits the cytokine storm. Green Tea is a potent antimicrobial, and it also is a potent bronchodilator. There you go. So Green Tea has many, many effects. I hope this has been helpful. It’s really a multi-systems food, OK, system, system systems go become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. You know, we are building the movement. Globally, we will have about 50,000 Truth Freedom Health warriors on the ground, we have to build a movement beyond left and right. A Systems Approach is how we get there. We’re not going to get it from the republicans or the democrats or left and right and black and white divisions. It’s going to come from a Systems Approach because a Systems Approach will help us unify what’s going on. You know, when you look at Green Tea, it modulates the cytokine storm. This is why you know, I’ll do another article on it this way when people are undergoing transplants, our research has found you know, people get all sorts of reactions, the Green Tea they found modulates that, and we’ve shown why at the molecular systems level, I’ll do a whole talk on that. But you can understand that your body is a system, food every food that you eat, controls the forces of transport, conversion and storage. When you understand your body as a system. You can See, this is why I want to encourage all of you to go to vashiva.com/join, support this movement, let me just share our actual website and walk you through it. And vashiva.com/join is our website. All right, we go right there to it. And on vashiva.com/join, you know, you’ll hit the main page. If you go to the main page, by the way, every day, we have a great team of people all over the world to help us with our website to go to the main page, you’ll find out that, every live I do, we also make it into beautiful articles. And the movement that we’re working on, you can get access to the Truth Freedom Health leadership training program. But more importantly, as I mentioned, you can go into the dashboard, right, you can see all the tools that you get when you become a supporter. And you don’t have to By the way, you can contribute nothing, you can just sign up just as a member, okay, you don’t you can go to vashiva.com/join, let me actually stop this, you can go, I just want to encourage people, you can just sign up as a member and get access to a sections of the dashboard, you don’t get access to everything, but you get access to a good number of things. So you want to go to vashiva.com/join. And by the way, you can go to the shop, I totally forgot to mention this, and everyone, but a bunch of text messages, you can go to the shop here, and you’ll see right here, you can get access to the books, but you can also get access to mV25, which is the first product in the world that’s really been produced from this engineering Systems Approach to understand health and well being, and this is for pain and discomfort. So please go explore that. It’s up there. And please go become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. We need to build this movement, and it is your support. Everything we do is independent of Big Tech. It’s done on our own platform. And it’s your contributions that even make all of our research possible. And we have literally created the infrastructure, where we will have our own videos out of our own data center we have right here, okay, I’ve been doing a data center for many, many years. And we’re, we’ve donated that to the cause. So anyway, become a Truth Freedom Health warrior. Let your friends know what we’re doing. We need to build a Bottoms-up movement. It has to be independent of Republican and Democrat, independent of black and white, independent of left and right. And that’s where we’re at. We have to evolve beyond this adolescent stage of politics to a much more enlightened stage and that’s what our movement is about. And we don’t need everyone, we’re not here to convince everyone. We’re here to get about 50,000 people this year, and we know that will create the wave that’ll create the critical mass. So become a Truth Freedom Health warrior supporting the movement. Be the light. Thank you everyone. Have a good night.

It’s time we move beyond the Left vs. Right, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. Become a Truth Freedom Health® Warrior.
Join the VASHIVA community – an integrated EDUCATIONAL, COMMUNICATIONS – independent of Big Tech -, and LOCAL ACTIVISM platform to empower YOU to actualize Truth Freedom Health in your local communities by employing a SYSTEMS APPROACH.
The platform we are building for Truth Freedom Health® provides the infrastructure to take on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Academia. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can contribute whatever you can. Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution.
To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottom’s Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. In this course, you will also learn fundamental principles of all systems including your body.
Course registration includes access to his LIVE Monday training, access to the Your Body, Your System tool, four (4) eBooks including the bestselling System and Revolution, access to the Systems Health portal and communications tools – independent of Big Tech – including a forum and social media for you to build community with other Truth Freedom Health Warriors.
This course is available online for you to study at your own pace.
It’s time to Get Educated, or Be Enslaved.