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Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai made a visit to GT Aloha Vidhyamandir, a school in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on Wednesday, July 17, 2013. Dr. Shiva shared his experiences as a student, an inventor and an entrepreneur with students and staff of the school. Addressing students, he said that the entire scope of Email had yet to be explored and that progress in technology and the rise of social networking can never diminish the importance of Email being an effective mode of quick and effective communication. Dr. Shiva truly inspired the students to integrate and innovate saying, “You are the Future of India!”.

Here are a few snapshots of the visit:

Dr. Shiva being welcomed by Mr. K. Bharath, Secretary & Correspondent of the school and Mr. K. Kumaran, CEO – GT Aloha Vidyamandhir Managing Committee.
Introduction to Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai by Mr. K. Bharath, Secretary & Correspondent of the school.
Mr. K. Kumaran, CEO – GT Aloha Vidyhamandir Managing Committee honoring Dr. Shiva in the traditional style of Tamil Nadu by presenting him with a shawl.
Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai addressing staff and students of the school.
Students of GT Aloha Vidhyamandir listen in rapt attention to Dr. Shiva’s speech.

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