TWO KINDS of Indians: #RealIndian & #FakeIndian During Colonialism, British promoted the #FakeIndian w $$ & status to suppress the #RealIndian who fought the EMPIRE Now, the SWARM – global imperialism – promotes #FakeIndian SNAKES w $$ & visibility to mislead YOU. Here’s one:

ViVek the SNAKE slithers, lies, has forked-tongue & thinks YOU are SO dumb, you’ll forget what he says vs what he did. Let’s review: #1 – Vivek the SNAKE tells Americans to BAN business w CHINA, but he PARTNERED DIRECTLY w Chinese government to launch HIS pharmaceutical company
#2 – DURING COVID, this #BigPharma BROWN-NOSER promoted lockdowns eg social distancing, said nothing against Fauci, was all in for mask and vaccine mandates, AND, NOW he says what you want to hear: he’s against mandates. BULLSHIT!
#3. Just 5 months before, he was FULLY SUPPORTIVE of the BULLSHIT “science” of “climate change” and carbon taxes, NOW, at the GOP debate he says “climate change is a hoax.” He slithers to tell you what you want to hear. He is POS D list actor chosen by the SWARM.
#4 – This SNAKE says he is for “meritocracy” & “TRUTH”?! This F**cker, made billions IPO’ng a bogus company to sell a USELESS drug that he KNEW had failed FOUR clinical trials. He sold his stock before the Company crashed and burned when the truth came out! SCAM ARTIST!

#5 – The lying POS writes a book attacking Democrats and being “anti-Woke”; however, he donated $7,000 to ActBlue Democrats, AND, NEVER voted for “anti-Woke” Trump in 2016! This SNAKE #FakeIndian, #FakeAmerican, like Obama, was manufactured by THE SWARM to mislead you.
#6 – The SNAKE spits about “excellence”: cream rising to top, no nepotism, etc. BUT, dirtbag literally had HIS Mama – in his company – “reanalyze” clinical data of failed drug & release a report deeming it successful. Mama’s boy used report to BULLSHIT investors. All here:
.@realMeetKevin exposes VIVEK – the pro-vax-pro-mask-mandating #BigPharma car salesman SCUMBAG, who knowingly BOUGHT a FAILED drug from
@GSK, had his MOTHER “reanalyze” the clinical data to show it “worked,” then IPO’d it, knowing the drug never worked & cashed out! There’s a reason this MUSK-WEF-FuckerCarlson-Kushner supported SWARM creature gets so many eyeballs. Will you be fooled again & again?
Exposing a Multibillion Dollar FRAUD | Ft. Vivek Ramaswamy for President. Retweet to FORCE answers from @VivekGRamaswamy. – We deserve the TRUTH.
#7 – He bullshits MAGA cult by saying he is AGAINST the ESG (climate change, sustainability, etc) UN agenda, BUT, his LATEST VENTURE Strive Asset Management, purchases shares precisely in those companies who are supportive of the UN’s ESG Agenda:
#8 – The liar presents himself as “rags to riches” American story. Total BS. Insulting to those of us who actually suffered. -comes from the elite: Tamil Upper-Caste Brahmins -went to elite PREP SCHOOL costs $16k/yr -funded by SOROS – parents are doctors & engineers
#9 – Here’s #BigPharma’s Brahmin BROWN-NOSER all in for BIDEN’s pro-VAXX mandating rollout to ALL ADULTS: “Biden says all adults will be vaccine eligible by May 1. That’s GOOD NEWS. Give credit where due” -Vivek SNAKE, 3/11/21

Which Republican candidate ENDORSED & GAVE $2700 to RABIDLY ANTI-Trump, pro-Michael Cohen Democrat Dena Grayson
@DrDenaGrayson whose all in for Trump’s impeachment, arrest & indictment? Answer reveals how MAGA cult is being played & how YOUR’RE BEING HOODWINKED by the media!

AND, Dena Grayson is #BigPharma, pro-vaccine mandate, pro-mask mandate.
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